   * Expands the given group with an animation.
   * @param groupPos The position of the group to expand
   * @return Returns true if the group was expanded. False if the group was already expanded.
  public boolean expandGroupWithAnimation(int groupPos) {
    boolean lastGroup = groupPos == adapter.getGroupCount() - 1;
      return expandGroup(groupPos, true);

    int groupFlatPos = getFlatListPosition(getPackedPositionForGroup(groupPos));
    if (groupFlatPos != -1) {
      int childIndex = groupFlatPos - getFirstVisiblePosition();
      if (childIndex < getChildCount()) {
        // Get the view for the group is it is on screen...
        View v = getChildAt(childIndex);
        if (v.getBottom() >= getBottom()) {
          // If the user is not going to be able to see the animation
          // we just expand the group without an animation.
          // This resolves the case where getChildView will not be
          // called if the children of the group is not on screen

          // We need to notify the adapter that the group was expanded
          // without it's knowledge
          return expandGroup(groupPos);

    // Let the adapter know that we are starting the animation...
    adapter.startExpandAnimation(groupPos, 0);
    // Finally call expandGroup (note that expandGroup will call
    // notifyDataSetChanged so we don't need to)
    return expandGroup(groupPos);
   * Collapses the given group with an animation.
   * @param groupPos The position of the group to collapse
   * @return Returns true if the group was collapsed. False if the group was already collapsed.
  public boolean collapseGroupWithAnimation(int groupPos) {
    int groupFlatPos = getFlatListPosition(getPackedPositionForGroup(groupPos));
    if (groupFlatPos != -1) {
      int childIndex = groupFlatPos - getFirstVisiblePosition();
      if (childIndex >= 0 && childIndex < getChildCount()) {
        // Get the view for the group is it is on screen...
        View v = getChildAt(childIndex);
        if (v.getBottom() >= getBottom()) {
          // If the user is not going to be able to see the animation
          // we just collapse the group without an animation.
          // This resolves the case where getChildView will not be
          // called if the children of the group is not on screen
          return collapseGroup(groupPos);
      } else {
        // If the group is offscreen, we can just collapse it without an
        // animation...
        return collapseGroup(groupPos);

    // Get the position of the firstChild visible from the top of the screen
    long packedPos = getExpandableListPosition(getFirstVisiblePosition());
    int firstChildPos = getPackedPositionChild(packedPos);
    int firstGroupPos = getPackedPositionGroup(packedPos);

    // If the first visible view on the screen is a child view AND it's a
    // child of the group we are trying to collapse, then set that
    // as the first child position of the group... see
    // {@link #startCollapseAnimation(int, int)} for why this is necessary
    firstChildPos = firstChildPos == -1 || firstGroupPos != groupPos ? 0 : firstChildPos;

    // Let the adapter know that we are going to start animating the
    // collapse animation.
    adapter.startCollapseAnimation(groupPos, firstChildPos);

    // Force the listview to refresh it's views
    return isGroupExpanded(groupPos);