Ejemplo n.º 1
 void checkTransformation(AffineTransformation trans0, AffineTransformation trans1) {
   double[] m0 = trans0.getMatrixEntries();
   double[] m1 = trans1.getMatrixEntries();
   for (int i = 0; i < m0.length; i++) {
     assertEquals(m0[i], m1[i], 0.000005);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  public void testCompose2() {
    AffineTransformation t0 = AffineTransformation.reflectionInstance(0, 0, 1, 0);
    t0.reflect(0, 0, 0, -1);

    AffineTransformation t1 = AffineTransformation.rotationInstance(Math.PI);

    checkTransformation(t0, t1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  public void testCompose3() {
    AffineTransformation t0 = AffineTransformation.reflectionInstance(0, 10, 10, 0);
    t0.translate(-10, -10);

    AffineTransformation t1 = AffineTransformation.reflectionInstance(0, 0, -1, 1);

    checkTransformation(t0, t1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  public void testComposeRotation1() {
    AffineTransformation t0 = AffineTransformation.rotationInstance(1, 10, 10);

    AffineTransformation t1 = AffineTransformation.translationInstance(-10, -10);
    t1.translate(10, 10);

    checkTransformation(t0, t1);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 void checkTransformation(String geomStr)
     throws IOException, ParseException, NoninvertibleTransformationException {
   Geometry geom = rdr.read(geomStr);
   AffineTransformation trans = AffineTransformation.rotationInstance(Math.PI / 2);
   AffineTransformation inv = trans.getInverse();
   Geometry transGeom = (Geometry) geom.clone();
   // System.out.println(transGeom);
   // check if transformed geometry is equal to original
   boolean isEqual = geom.equalsExact(transGeom, 0.0005);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void testReflectXY2() throws IOException, ParseException {
   AffineTransformation t = AffineTransformation.reflectionInstance(1, -1);
   checkTransformation(10, 0, t, 0, -10);
   checkTransformation(0, 10, t, -10, 0);
   checkTransformation(-10, -10, t, 10, 10);
   checkTransformation(-3, -4, t, 4, 3);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void testRotateAroundPoint1() throws IOException, ParseException {
   AffineTransformation t = AffineTransformation.rotationInstance(Math.PI / 2, 1, 1);
   checkTransformation(1, 1, t, 1, 1);
   checkTransformation(10, 0, t, 2, 10);
   checkTransformation(0, 10, t, -8, 0);
   checkTransformation(-10, -10, t, 12, -10);
   * Creates an AffineTransformation defined by a pair of control vectors. A control vector consists
   * of a source point and a destination point, which is the image of the source point under the
   * desired transformation. The computed transformation is a combination of one or more of a
   * uniform scale, a rotation, and a translation (i.e. there is no shear component and no
   * reflection)
   * @param src0
   * @param src1
   * @param dest0
   * @param dest1
   * @return the computed transformation
   * @return null if the control vectors do not determine a well-defined transformation
  public static AffineTransformation createFromControlVectors(
      Coordinate src0, Coordinate src1, Coordinate dest0, Coordinate dest1) {
    Coordinate rotPt = new Coordinate(dest1.x - dest0.x, dest1.y - dest0.y);

    double ang = Angle.angleBetweenOriented(src1, src0, rotPt);

    double srcDist = src1.distance(src0);
    double destDist = dest1.distance(dest0);

    if (srcDist == 0.0) return null;

    double scale = destDist / srcDist;

    AffineTransformation trans = AffineTransformation.translationInstance(-src0.x, -src0.y);
    trans.scale(scale, scale);
    trans.translate(dest0.x, dest0.y);
    return trans;
   * Creates an AffineTransformation defined by a maping between two baselines. The computed
   * transformation consists of:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>a translation from the start point of the source baseline to the start point of the
   *       destination baseline,
   *   <li>a rotation through the angle between the baselines fragment_about the destination start
   *       point,
   *   <li>and a scaling equal to the ratio of the baseline lengths.
   * </ul>
   * If the source baseline has zero length, an identity transformation is returned.
   * @param src0 the start point of the source baseline
   * @param src1 the end point of the source baseline
   * @param dest0 the start point of the destination baseline
   * @param dest1 the end point of the destination baseline
   * @return the computed transformation
  public static AffineTransformation createFromBaseLines(
      Coordinate src0, Coordinate src1, Coordinate dest0, Coordinate dest1) {
    Coordinate rotPt = new Coordinate(src0.x + dest1.x - dest0.x, src0.y + dest1.y - dest0.y);

    double ang = Angle.angleBetweenOriented(src1, src0, rotPt);

    double srcDist = src1.distance(src0);
    double destDist = dest1.distance(dest0);

    // return identity if transformation would be degenerate
    if (srcDist == 0.0) return new AffineTransformation();

    double scale = destDist / srcDist;

    AffineTransformation trans = AffineTransformation.translationInstance(-src0.x, -src0.y);
    trans.scale(scale, scale);
    trans.translate(dest0.x, dest0.y);
    return trans;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  public void testCompose1() {
    AffineTransformation t0 = AffineTransformation.translationInstance(10, 0);
    t0.rotate(Math.PI / 2);
    t0.translate(0, -10);

    AffineTransformation t1 = AffineTransformation.translationInstance(0, 0);
    t1.rotate(Math.PI / 2);

    checkTransformation(t0, t1);
Ejemplo n.º 11
   * Checks that a transformation produces the expected result
   * @param x the input pt x
   * @param y the input pt y
   * @param trans the transformation
   * @param xp the expected output x
   * @param yp the expected output y
  void checkTransformation(double x, double y, AffineTransformation trans, double xp, double yp) {
    Coordinate p = new Coordinate(x, y);
    Coordinate p2 = new Coordinate();
    trans.transform(p, p2);
    assertEquals(xp, p2.x, .00005);
    assertEquals(yp, p2.y, .00005);

    // if the transformation is invertible, test the inverse
    try {
      AffineTransformation invTrans = trans.getInverse();
      Coordinate pInv = new Coordinate();
      invTrans.transform(p2, pInv);
      assertEquals(x, pInv.x, .00005);
      assertEquals(y, pInv.y, .00005);

      double det = trans.getDeterminant();
      double detInv = invTrans.getDeterminant();
      assertEquals(det, 1.0 / detInv, .00005);

    } catch (NoninvertibleTransformationException ex) {
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void testTranslateRotate1() throws IOException, ParseException {
   AffineTransformation t = AffineTransformation.translationInstance(3, 3).rotate(Math.PI / 2);
   checkTransformation(10, 0, t, -3, 13);
   checkTransformation(-10, -10, t, 7, -7);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void testTranslate1() throws IOException, ParseException {
   AffineTransformation t = AffineTransformation.translationInstance(2, 3);
   checkTransformation(1, 0, t, 3, 3);
   checkTransformation(0, 0, t, 2, 3);
   checkTransformation(-10, -5, t, -8, -2);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void testScale1() throws IOException, ParseException {
   AffineTransformation t = AffineTransformation.scaleInstance(2, 3);
   checkTransformation(10, 0, t, 20, 0);
   checkTransformation(0, 10, t, 0, 30);
   checkTransformation(-10, -10, t, -20, -30);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void testReflectXYXY1() throws IOException, ParseException {
   AffineTransformation t = AffineTransformation.reflectionInstance(0, 5, 5, 0);
   checkTransformation(5, 0, t, 5, 0);
   checkTransformation(0, 0, t, 5, 5);
   checkTransformation(-10, -10, t, 15, 15);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public void testShear1() throws IOException, ParseException {
   AffineTransformation t = AffineTransformation.shearInstance(2, 3);
   checkTransformation(10, 0, t, 10, 30);
  * Creates an AffineTransformation defined by a single control vector. A control vector consists
  * of a source point and a destination point, which is the image of the source point under the
  * desired transformation. This produces a translation.
  * @param src0 the start point of the control vector
  * @param dest0 the end point of the control vector
  * @return the computed transformation
 public static AffineTransformation createFromControlVectors(Coordinate src0, Coordinate dest0) {
   double dx = dest0.x - src0.x;
   double dy = dest0.y - src0.y;
   return AffineTransformation.translationInstance(dx, dy);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public void testRotate1() throws IOException, ParseException {
   AffineTransformation t = AffineTransformation.rotationInstance(Math.PI / 2);
   checkTransformation(10, 0, t, 0, 10);
   checkTransformation(0, 10, t, -10, 0);
   checkTransformation(-10, -10, t, 10, -10);