Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Solves for times by processing samples in the active list in parallel.
 private void solveParallel(
     final ActiveList al,
     final float[][][] t,
     final int m,
     final float[][][] times,
     final int[][][] marks) {
   int mbmin = 64; // target minimum number of samples per block
   int nbmax = 256; // maximum number of blocks
   final float[][] dtask = new float[nbmax][];
   final ActiveList[] bltask = new ActiveList[nbmax];
   while (!al.isEmpty()) {
     final int n = al.size(); // number of samples in active (A) list
     final int mbmax = max(mbmin, 1 + (n - 1) / nbmax); // max samples per block
     final int nb = 1 + (n - 1) / mbmax; // number of blocks <= nbmax
     final int mb = 1 + (n - 1) / nb; // evenly distribute samples per block
         new Parallel.LoopInt() { // for all blocks, ...
           public void compute(int ib) {
             if (bltask[ib] == null) { // if necessary for this block, make ...
               dtask[ib] = new float[6]; // work array for tensor coefficients
               bltask[ib] = new ActiveList(); // and an empty active list
             int i = ib * mb; // beginning of block
             int j = min(i + mb, n); // beginning of next block (or end)
             for (int k = i; k < j; ++k) { // for each sample in block, ...
               Sample s = al.get(k); // get k'th sample from A list
               solveOne(t, m, times, marks, s, bltask[ib], dtask[ib]); // do sample
             bltask[ib].setAllAbsent(); // needed when merging B lists below
     // Merge samples from all B lists to a new A list. All samples
     // in B lists are currently marked as absent in the A list. As
     // samples in B lists are appended to the A list, their absent
     // flags are set to false, so that no sample is appended more
     // than once to the new A list.
     for (int ib = 0; ib < nb; ++ib) {
       if (bltask[ib] != null) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Solves for times by sequentially processing each sample in active list.
 private void solveSerial(
     ActiveList al, float[][][] t, int m, float[][][] times, int[][][] marks) {
   float[] d = new float[6];
   ActiveList bl = new ActiveList();
   int ntotal = 0;
   while (!al.isEmpty()) {
     // al.shuffle(); // demonstrate that solution depends on order
     int n = al.size();
     ntotal += n;
     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
       Sample s = al.get(i);
       solveOne(t, m, times, marks, s, bl, d);
   trace("solveSerial: ntotal=" + ntotal);
   trace("             nratio=" + (float) ntotal / (float) (_n1 * _n2 * _n3));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  public boolean isHittingSelected(Point2D a_point) {
    ActiveList oldActiveObjects = new ActiveList();

    hit(a_point, false, false);

    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < m_actives.size(); i++) {
      GlyphObject selected = m_actives.get(i);
      for (j = 0; j < oldActiveObjects.size(); j++) {
        GlyphObject old = oldActiveObjects.get(j);

        if (selected == old) {
          return true;
        } // if
      } // for j
    } // for i


    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
   * Solves for times by processing samples in the active list in parallel.
  private void solveParallelX(
      final ActiveList al,
      final float[][][] t,
      final int m,
      final float[][][] times,
      final int[][][] marks) {
    int nthread = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
    ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nthread);
    CompletionService<Void> cs = new ExecutorCompletionService<Void>(es);
    ActiveList[] bl = new ActiveList[nthread];
    float[][] d = new float[nthread][];
    for (int ithread = 0; ithread < nthread; ++ithread) {
      bl[ithread] = new ActiveList();
      d[ithread] = new float[6];
    final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger();
    int ntotal = 0;
    // int niter = 0;
    while (!al.isEmpty()) {
      ai.set(0); // initialize the shared block index to zero
      final int n = al.size(); // number of samples in active (A) list
      ntotal += n;
      final int mb = 32; // size of blocks of samples
      final int nb = 1 + (n - 1) / mb; // number of blocks of samples
      int ntask = min(nb, nthread); // number of tasks (threads to be used)
      for (int itask = 0; itask < ntask; ++itask) { // for each task, ...
        final ActiveList bltask = bl[itask]; // task-specific B list
        final float[] dtask = d[itask]; // task-specific work array
            new Callable<Void>() { // submit new task
              public Void call() {
                for (int ib = ai.getAndIncrement(); ib < nb; ib = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
                  int i = ib * mb; // beginning of block
                  int j = min(i + mb, n); // beginning of next block (or end)
                  for (int k = i; k < j; ++k) { // for each sample in block, ...
                    Sample s = al.get(k); // get k'th sample from A list
                    solveOne(t, m, times, marks, s, bltask, dtask); // process sample
                bltask.setAllAbsent(); // needed when merging B lists below
                return null;
      try {
        for (int itask = 0; itask < ntask; ++itask) cs.take();
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

      // Merge samples from all B lists to a new A list. As samples
      // are appended, their absent flags are set to false, so that
      // each sample is appended no more than once to the new A list.
      for (int itask = 0; itask < ntask; ++itask) {
      // ++niter;
    // trace("solveParallel: ntotal="+ntotal);
    // trace("               nratio="+(float)ntotal/(float)(_n1*_n2*_n3));