public void read(JMEImporter e) throws IOException {;
   float[] vals = e.getCapsule(this).readFloatArray("vals", null);
   if (unsavedKeys == null) throw new IOException("Keys not stored");
   if (vals == null) throw new IOException("Vals not stored");
   if (unsavedKeys.length != vals.length)
     throw new IOException("Key/Val size mismatch: " + unsavedKeys.length + " vs. " + vals.length);
   for (int i = 0; i < unsavedKeys.length; i++) put(unsavedKeys[i], vals[i]);
 /** Subclasses must super.write(e)! */
 public void write(JMEExporter e) throws IOException {
   // TODO:  Verify that Map.keySet() and Map.values() guarantee parallel
   // entrySet ordering.
   float[] nativeArray = new float[size()];
   int i = -1;
   for (float f : values()) nativeArray[++i] = f;
   e.getCapsule(this).write(nativeArray, "vals", null);