  public void run() {
    try {
      File file = find_test_file("bigdata/laptop/mnist/train.csv.gz");
      File valid = find_test_file("bigdata/laptop/mnist/test.csv.gz");
      if (file != null) {
        NFSFileVec trainfv = NFSFileVec.make(file);
        Frame frame = ParseDataset.parse(Key.make(), trainfv._key);
        NFSFileVec validfv = NFSFileVec.make(valid);
        Frame vframe = ParseDataset.parse(Key.make(), validfv._key);
        DeepLearningParameters p = new DeepLearningParameters();

        // populate model parameters
        p._model_id = Key.make("dl_mnist_model");
        p._train = frame._key;
        //        p._valid = vframe._key;
        p._response_column = "C785"; // last column is the response
        p._activation = DeepLearningParameters.Activation.RectifierWithDropout;
        //        p._activation = DeepLearningParameters.Activation.MaxoutWithDropout;
        p._hidden = new int[] {800, 800};
        p._input_dropout_ratio = 0.2;
        p._mini_batch_size = 1;
        p._train_samples_per_iteration = 50000;
        p._score_duty_cycle = 0;
        //        p._shuffle_training_data = true;
        //        p._l1= 1e-5;
        //        p._max_w2= 10;
        p._epochs = 10 * 5. / 6;

        // Convert response 'C785' to categorical (digits 1 to 10)
        int ci = frame.find("C785");
        Scope.track(frame.replace(ci, frame.vecs()[ci].toEnum())._key);
        Scope.track(vframe.replace(ci, vframe.vecs()[ci].toEnum())._key);

        // speed up training
        p._adaptive_rate =
            true; // disable adaptive per-weight learning rate -> default settings for learning rate
                  // and momentum are probably not ideal (slow convergence)
        p._replicate_training_data =
            true; // avoid extra communication cost upfront, got enough data on each node for load
                  // balancing
        p._overwrite_with_best_model = true; // no need to keep the best model around
        p._classification_stop = -1;
        p._score_interval = 60; // score and print progress report (only) every 20 seconds
        p._score_training_samples =
            10000; // only score on a small sample of the training set -> don't want to spend too
                   // much time scoring (note: there will be at least 1 row per chunk)

        DeepLearning dl = new DeepLearning(p);
        DeepLearningModel model = null;
        try {
          model = dl.trainModel().get();
        } catch (Throwable t) {
          throw new RuntimeException(t);
        } finally {
          if (model != null) {
      } else {
        Log.info("Please run ./gradlew syncBigDataLaptop in the top-level directory of h2o-3.");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw new RuntimeException(t);
    } finally {