// Append all of 'nc' onto the current NewChunk. Kill nc. public void add(NewChunk nc) { assert _cidx >= 0; assert sparseLen() <= _len; assert nc.sparseLen() <= nc._len : "_len = " + nc.sparseLen() + ", _len2 = " + nc._len; if (nc._len == 0) return; if (_len == 0) { _ls = nc._ls; nc._ls = null; _xs = nc._xs; nc._xs = null; _id = nc._id; nc._id = null; _ds = nc._ds; nc._ds = null; _is = nc._is; nc._is = null; _ss = nc._ss; nc._ss = null; set_sparseLen(nc.sparseLen()); set_len(nc._len); return; } if (nc.sparse() != sparse()) { // for now, just make it dense cancel_sparse(); nc.cancel_sparse(); } if (_ds != null) throw H2O.fail(); while (sparseLen() + nc.sparseLen() >= _xs.length) _xs = MemoryManager.arrayCopyOf(_xs, _xs.length << 1); _ls = MemoryManager.arrayCopyOf(_ls, _xs.length); System.arraycopy(nc._ls, 0, _ls, sparseLen(), nc.sparseLen()); System.arraycopy(nc._xs, 0, _xs, sparseLen(), nc.sparseLen()); if (_id != null) { assert nc._id != null; _id = MemoryManager.arrayCopyOf(_id, _xs.length); System.arraycopy(nc._id, 0, _id, sparseLen(), nc.sparseLen()); for (int i = sparseLen(); i < sparseLen() + nc.sparseLen(); ++i) _id[i] += _len; } else assert nc._id == null; set_sparseLen(sparseLen() + nc.sparseLen()); set_len(_len + nc._len); nc._ls = null; nc._xs = null; nc._id = null; nc.set_sparseLen(nc.set_len(0)); assert sparseLen() <= _len; }
@Override NewChunk inflate_impl(NewChunk nc) { double dx = Math.log10(_scale); assert DParseTask.fitsIntoInt(dx); Arrays.fill(nc._xs = MemoryManager.malloc4(_len), (int) dx); nc._ls = MemoryManager.malloc8(_len); for (int i = 0; i < _len; i++) { int res = UDP.get2(_mem, (i << 1) + OFF); if (res == C2Chunk._NA) nc.setNA_impl2(i); else nc._ls[i] = res + _bias; } return nc; }
// PREpend all of 'nc' onto the current NewChunk. Kill nc. public void addr(NewChunk nc) { long[] tmpl = _ls; _ls = nc._ls; nc._ls = tmpl; int[] tmpi = _xs; _xs = nc._xs; nc._xs = tmpi; tmpi = _id; _id = nc._id; nc._id = tmpi; double[] tmpd = _ds; _ds = nc._ds; nc._ds = tmpd; int tmp = _sparseLen; _sparseLen = nc._sparseLen; nc._sparseLen = tmp; tmp = _len; _len = nc._len; nc._len = tmp; add(nc); }