void setupServerData(LocalDisplay[] dpys) throws RemoteException, VisADException { Unit super_degree = CommonUnit.degree.scale(2.5); RealType lon = RealType.getRealType("lon", super_degree); DataReference ref = loadFile(); if (ref == null) { System.err.println("must specify netCDF file name"); System.exit(1); return; } FieldImpl netcdf_data = (FieldImpl) ref.getData(); // compute ScalarMaps from type components FunctionType ftype = (FunctionType) netcdf_data.getType(); RealTupleType dtype = ftype.getDomain(); MathType rntype = ftype.getRange(); int n = dtype.getDimension(); dpys[0].addMap(new ScalarMap((RealType) dtype.getComponent(0), Display.XAxis)); if (n > 1) { dpys[0].addMap(new ScalarMap((RealType) dtype.getComponent(1), Display.YAxis)); } if (n > 2) { dpys[0].addMap(new ScalarMap((RealType) dtype.getComponent(2), Display.ZAxis)); } if (rntype instanceof RealType) { dpys[0].addMap(new ScalarMap((RealType) rntype, Display.Green)); if (n <= 2) { dpys[0].addMap(new ScalarMap((RealType) rntype, Display.ZAxis)); } } else if (rntype instanceof RealTupleType) { int m = ((RealTupleType) rntype).getDimension(); RealType rr = (RealType) ((RealTupleType) rntype).getComponent(0); dpys[0].addMap(new ScalarMap(rr, Display.Green)); if (n <= 2) { if (m > 1) { rr = (RealType) ((RealTupleType) rntype).getComponent(1); } dpys[0].addMap(new ScalarMap(rr, Display.ZAxis)); } } dpys[0].addMap(new ConstantMap(0.5, Display.Red)); dpys[0].addMap(new ConstantMap(0.0, Display.Blue)); dpys[0].addReference(ref, null); System.out.println("now saving data as 'save.nc' and re-reading"); Plain plain = new Plain(); try { plain.save("save.nc", netcdf_data, true); netcdf_data = (FieldImpl) plain.open("save.nc"); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Couldn't open \"save.nc\": " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); return; } }
static { Unit min; Unit h; Unit d; Unit a; try { min = SECOND.scale(60).clone("min"); h = min.scale(60).clone("h"); d = h.scale(24).clone("d"); a = SECOND.scale(3.15569259747e7).clone("a"); instance = new TimeInterval(); } catch (Exception e) { min = null; // to fool compiler h = null; // to fool compiler d = null; // to fool compiler a = null; // to fool compiler System.err.println("TimeInterval.<clinit>(): Couldn't initialize class: " + e); System.exit(1); } MINUTE = min; HOUR = h; DAY = d; YEAR = a; }
static { try { instance = new YSpeed(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("YSpeed.<clinit>(): Couldn't initialize class: " + e); System.exit(1); } }
/** * Test this out * * @param args filename * @throws Exception problem */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length == 0) { System.err.println("need to supply a filename"); System.exit(1); } ShapefileAdapter sfa = new ShapefileAdapter(args[0]); UnionSet data = sfa.getData(); // System.out.println(data); visad.python.JPythonMethods.dumpTypes(data); }
private DataReferenceImpl loadFile() throws RemoteException, VisADException { FieldImpl data; try { data = (FieldImpl) new Plain().open(fileName); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Couldn't open \"" + fileName + "\": " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); return null; } // System.out.println("data type = " + data.getType()); DataReferenceImpl ref = new DataReferenceImpl("netcdf"); ref.setData(data); return ref; }
static { Real mdp = null; Real mp = null; Real mws = null; try { mdp = (Real) DewPoint.getRealType().missingData(); mp = (Real) AirPressure.getRealType().missingData(); mws = (Real) WaterVaporMixingRatio.getRealType().missingData(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.print("Couldn't initialize class: "); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } missingDewPoint = mdp; missingPres = mp; missingWsat = mws; }
static { CoordinateSystem coordSys; try { coordSys = new PolarCoordinateSystem( CartesianVelocity2D.instance().getRealTupleType(), Speed.DEFAULT_UNIT, PlaneAngle.DEFAULT_UNIT); instance = new PolarVelocity( "Polar_Velocity", (Speed) Speed.instance(), (PlaneAngle) PlaneAngle.instance(), coordSys); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("PolarVelocity.<clinit>(): Couldn't initialize class: " + e); System.exit(1); } }
void setupServerData(LocalDisplay[] dpys) throws RemoteException, VisADException { DefaultFamily df = new DefaultFamily("loader"); DataReference ref1 = loadFile(df, file1, "img1"); if (ref1 == null) { System.err.println("\"" + file1 + "\" is not a valid file"); System.exit(1); return; } DataReference ref2 = loadFile(df, file2, "img2"); if (ref2 == null) { System.err.println("\"" + file2 + "\" is not a valid file"); System.exit(1); return; } FlatField img1 = (FlatField) ref1.getData(); FlatField img2 = (FlatField) ref2.getData(); /* if (!img1.getType().equals(img2.getType())) { System.err.println("Incompatible file types:"); System.err.println(" " + file1 + ": " + img1.getType()); System.err.println(" " + file2 + ": " + img2.getType()); System.exit(1); return; } */ // compute ScalarMaps from type components FunctionType ftype = (FunctionType) img1.getType(); RealTupleType dtype = ftype.getDomain(); RealTupleType rtype = (RealTupleType) ftype.getRange(); /* map domain elements to spatial axes */ final int dLen = dtype.getDimension(); for (int i = 0; i < dLen; i++) { ScalarType scalT; DisplayRealType dpyRT; switch (i) { case 0: dpyRT = Display.XAxis; break; case 1: dpyRT = Display.YAxis; break; case 2: dpyRT = Display.ZAxis; break; default: dpyRT = null; break; } if (dpyRT != null) { dpys[0].addMap(new ScalarMap((RealType) dtype.getComponent(i), dpyRT)); } } /* map range elements to colors */ final int rLen = rtype.getDimension(); for (int i = 0; i < rLen; i++) { ScalarType scalT; DisplayRealType dpyRT; switch (i) { case 0: dpyRT = Display.Red; break; case 1: dpyRT = Display.Green; break; case 2: dpyRT = Display.Blue; break; default: dpyRT = null; break; } if (dpyRT != null) { dpys[0].addMap(new ScalarMap((RealType) rtype.getComponent(i), dpyRT)); } } dpys[0].addReference(ref1, null); dpys[0].addReference(ref2, null); dpys[0].addActivityHandler(new SwitchGIFs(dpys[0])); }