/** check for flow mappings; does not allow flow mapping through CoordinateSystem */
 private String findFlow(
     ShadowTupleType shadow,
     DisplayImpl display,
     DisplayTupleType[] tuples,
     int[] flowToComponent) {
   ShadowRealType[] components = shadow.getRealComponents();
   for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
     int num_flow_per_real = 0;
     Enumeration maps = components[i].getSelectedMapVector().elements();
     while (maps.hasMoreElements()) {
       ScalarMap map = (ScalarMap) maps.nextElement();
       DisplayRealType dreal = map.getDisplayScalar();
       DisplayTupleType tuple = dreal.getTuple();
       if (Display.DisplayFlow1Tuple.equals(tuple) || Display.DisplayFlow2Tuple.equals(tuple)) {
         if (tuples[0] != null) {
           if (!tuples[0].equals(tuple)) {
             return multipleFlowTuples;
         } else {
           tuples[0] = tuple;
         if (num_flow_per_real > 1) {
           return multipleFlowMapping;
         int index = dreal.getTupleIndex();
         flowToComponent[index] = i;
         directMap[index] = map;
       } else if (Display.DisplayFlow1SphericalTuple.equals(tuple)
           || Display.DisplayFlow2SphericalTuple.equals(tuple)) {
         if (tuples[0] != null) {
           if (!tuples[0].equals(tuple)) {
             return multipleFlowTuples;
         } else {
           tuples[0] = tuple;
           coord = tuple.getCoordinateSystem();
         if (num_flow_per_real > 1) {
           return multipleFlowMapping;
         int index = dreal.getTupleIndex();
         flowToComponent[index] = i;
         directMap[index] = map;
     } // while (maps.hasMoreElements())
   return null;
Beispiel #2
  * Initialize the lat/lon scalar maps
  * @throws RemoteException On badness
  * @throws VisADException On badness
 public void initLatLonMap() throws VisADException, RemoteException {
   if (latMap != null) {
   if (getDisplayMaster() == null) {
   boolean callScale = (latMap == null);
   DisplayImpl display = (DisplayImpl) getDisplayMaster().getDisplay();
   // find spatial maps for Latitude and Longitude
   latMap = null;
   lonMap = null;
   Vector scalar_map_vector = display.getMapVector();
   Enumeration en = scalar_map_vector.elements();
   while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
     ScalarMap map = (ScalarMap) en.nextElement();
     DisplayRealType real = map.getDisplayScalar();
     DisplayTupleType tuple = real.getTuple();
     if ((tuple != null)
         && (tuple.equals(Display.DisplaySpatialCartesianTuple)
             || ((tuple.getCoordinateSystem() != null)
                 && tuple
                     .equals(Display.DisplaySpatialCartesianTuple)))) { // Spatial
       if (RealType.Latitude.equals(map.getScalar())) {
         latMap = map;
       } else if (RealType.Longitude.equals(map.getScalar())) {
         lonMap = map;
   if (callScale) {
  public static boolean isByRefUsable(DataDisplayLink link, ShadowType shadow)
      throws VisADException, RemoteException {
    ShadowFunctionOrSetType shadowType = (ShadowFunctionOrSetType) shadow.getAdaptedShadowType();
    CoordinateSystem dataCoordinateSystem = null;
    FlatField fltField = null;
    int num_images = 1;
    FieldImpl field = (FieldImpl) link.getData();
    if (!(field instanceof FlatField)) {
      num_images = field.getDomainSet().getLength();
      if (1
          == num_images) { // If there is a single image in the animation dont do anything, simply
                           // return true
        return true;
      shadowType = (ShadowFunctionOrSetType) shadowType.getRange();
      fltField = (FlatField) field.getSample(0);
      dataCoordinateSystem = fltField.getDomainCoordinateSystem();
    } else {
      dataCoordinateSystem = ((FlatField) field).getDomainCoordinateSystem();
      return true;

    // cs might be cached
    if (dataCoordinateSystem instanceof CachingCoordinateSystem) {
      dataCoordinateSystem =
          ((CachingCoordinateSystem) dataCoordinateSystem).getCachedCoordinateSystem();

    ShadowRealType[] DomainComponents = shadowType.getDomainComponents();
    ShadowRealTupleType Domain = shadowType.getDomain();
    ShadowRealTupleType domain_reference = Domain.getReference();
    ShadowRealType[] DC = DomainComponents;

    if (domain_reference != null && domain_reference.getMappedDisplayScalar()) {
      DC = shadowType.getDomainReferenceComponents();

    DisplayTupleType spatial_tuple = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < DC.length; i++) {
      java.util.Enumeration maps = DC[i].getSelectedMapVector().elements();
      ScalarMap map = (ScalarMap) maps.nextElement();
      DisplayRealType real = map.getDisplayScalar();
      spatial_tuple = real.getTuple();

    CoordinateSystem coord = spatial_tuple.getCoordinateSystem();

    if (coord instanceof CachingCoordinateSystem) {
      coord = ((CachingCoordinateSystem) coord).getCachedCoordinateSystem();

    boolean useLinearTexture = false;
    if (coord instanceof InverseLinearScaledCS) {
      InverseLinearScaledCS invCS = (InverseLinearScaledCS) coord;
      useLinearTexture = (invCS.getInvertedCoordinateSystem()).equals(dataCoordinateSystem);

     * if useLinearTexture is true at this point, it's true for the first image of a sequence with
     * numimages > 1. We'll have to assume that byRef will apply until below is resolved.

     * more consideration/work needed here. CoordinateSystems might be equal even if they aren't the
     * same transform (i,j) -> (lon,lat) if (!useLinearTexture) { //If DisplayCoordinateSystem !=
     * DataCoordinateSystem if (num_images > 1) { //Its an animation int lengths[] =
     * ((visad.GriddedSet) fltField.getDomainSet()).getLengths(); int data_width = lengths[0]; int
     * data_height = lengths[1]; for (int i = 1; i < num_images; i++) {//Playing safe: go down the
     * full sequence to find if the full set is Geostaionary or NOT FlatField ff = (FlatField)
     * field.getSample(i); //Quicker Approach would be to just compare only the first two images in
     * the sequence. But that may not be safe. CoordinateSystem dcs =
     * ff.getDomainCoordinateSystem(); // dcs might be cached if (dcs instanceof
     * CachingCoordinateSystem) { dcs = ((CachingCoordinateSystem) dcs).getCachedCoordinateSystem();
     * } int[] lens = ((visad.GriddedSet) ff.getDomainSet()).getLengths(); if (lens[0] != data_width
     * || lens[1] != data_height || ( (dcs != null) && (dataCoordinateSystem != null) &&
     * !dcs.equals(dataCoordinateSystem))) { useLinearTexture = false; break; } } } }
    return useLinearTexture;
   * determine whether the given MathType and collection of ScalarMaps meets the criteria to use
   * ImageRendererJ3D. Throw a VisADException if ImageRenderer cannot be used, otherwise return
   * true.
  public static boolean isRendererUsable(MathType type, ScalarMap[] maps) throws VisADException {
    RealType time = null;
    RealTupleType domain = null;
    RealTupleType range = null;
    RealType x = null, y = null;
    RealType rx = null, ry = null; // WLH 19 July 2000
    RealType r = null, g = null, b = null;
    RealType rgb = null;

    // must be a function
    if (!(type instanceof FunctionType)) {
      throw new VisADException("Not a FunctionType");
    FunctionType function = (FunctionType) type;
    RealTupleType functionD = function.getDomain();
    MathType functionR = function.getRange();

    // time function
    if (function.equalsExceptName(image_sequence_type)
        || function.equalsExceptName(image_sequence_type2)
        || function.equalsExceptName(image_sequence_type3)) {
      // strip off time RealType
      time = (RealType) functionD.getComponent(0);
      function = (FunctionType) functionR;
      functionD = function.getDomain();
      functionR = function.getRange();

    // ((ImageLine, ImageElement) -> ImageValue)
    // ((ImageLine, ImageElement) -> (ImageValue))
    // ((ImageLine, ImageElement) -> (Red, Green, Blue))
    if (function.equalsExceptName(image_type)
        || function.equalsExceptName(image_type2)
        || function.equalsExceptName(image_type3)) {
      domain = function.getDomain();
      MathType rt = function.getRange();
      if (rt instanceof RealType) {
        range = new RealTupleType((RealType) rt);
      } else if (rt instanceof RealTupleType) {
        range = (RealTupleType) rt;
      } else {
        // illegal MathType
        throw new VisADException("Illegal RangeType");
    } else {
      // illegal MathType
      throw new VisADException("Illegal MathType");

    // extract x and y from domain
    x = (RealType) domain.getComponent(0);
    y = (RealType) domain.getComponent(1);

    // WLH 19 July 2000
    CoordinateSystem cs = domain.getCoordinateSystem();
    if (cs != null) {
      RealTupleType rxy = cs.getReference();
      rx = (RealType) rxy.getComponent(0);
      ry = (RealType) rxy.getComponent(1);

    // extract colors from range
    int dim = range.getDimension();
    if (dim == 1) rgb = (RealType) range.getComponent(0);
    else { // dim == 3
      r = (RealType) range.getComponent(0);
      g = (RealType) range.getComponent(1);
      b = (RealType) range.getComponent(2);

    // verify that collection of ScalarMaps is legal
    boolean btime = (time == null);
    boolean bx = false, by = false;
    boolean brx = false, bry = false; // WLH 19 July 2000
    boolean br = false, bg = false, bb = false;
    boolean dbr = false, dbg = false, dbb = false;
    Boolean latlon = null;
    DisplayRealType spatial = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < maps.length; i++) {
      ScalarMap m = maps[i];
      ScalarType md = m.getScalar();
      DisplayRealType mr = m.getDisplayScalar();
      boolean ddt = md.equals(time);
      boolean ddx = md.equals(x);
      boolean ddy = md.equals(y);
      boolean ddrx = md.equals(rx);
      boolean ddry = md.equals(ry);
      boolean ddr = md.equals(r);
      boolean ddg = md.equals(g);
      boolean ddb = md.equals(b);
      boolean ddrgb = md.equals(rgb);

      // animation mapping
      if (ddt) {
        if (btime) throw new VisADException("Multiple Time mappings");
        if (!mr.equals(Display.Animation)) {
          throw new VisADException("Time mapped to something other than Animation");
        btime = true;

      // spatial mapping
      else if (ddx || ddy || ddrx || ddry) {
        if (ddx && bx || ddy && by || ddrx && brx || ddry && bry) {
          throw new VisADException("Duplicate spatial mappings");
        if (((ddx || ddy) && (brx || bry)) || ((ddrx || ddry) && (bx || by))) {
          throw new VisADException("reference and non-reference spatial mappings");
        RealType q = (ddx ? x : null);
        if (ddy) q = y;
        if (ddrx) q = rx;
        if (ddry) q = ry;

        boolean ll;
        if (mr.equals(Display.XAxis) || mr.equals(Display.YAxis) || mr.equals(Display.ZAxis)) {
          ll = false;
        } else if (mr.equals(Display.Latitude)
            || mr.equals(Display.Longitude)
            || mr.equals(Display.Radius)) {
          ll = true;
        } else throw new VisADException("Illegal domain mapping");

        if (latlon == null) {
          latlon = new Boolean(ll);
          spatial = mr;
        } else if (latlon.booleanValue() != ll) {
          throw new VisADException("Multiple spatial coordinate systems");
        // two mappings to the same spatial DisplayRealType are not allowed
        else if (spatial == mr) {
          throw new VisADException("Multiple mappings to the same spatial DisplayRealType");

        if (ddx) bx = true;
        else if (ddy) by = true;
        else if (ddrx) brx = true;
        else if (ddry) bry = true;

      // rgb mapping
      else if (ddrgb) {
        if (br || bg || bb) {
          throw new VisADException("Duplicate color mappings");
        if (rgb == null || !(mr.equals(Display.RGB) || mr.equals(Display.RGBA))) {
          throw new VisADException("Illegal RGB/RGBA mapping");
        dbr = dbg = dbb = true;
        br = bg = bb = true;

      // color mapping
      else if (ddr || ddg || ddb) {
        if (rgb != null) throw new VisADException("Illegal RGB mapping");
        RealType q = (ddr ? r : (ddg ? g : b));
        if (mr.equals(Display.Red)) dbr = true;
        else if (mr.equals(Display.Green)) dbg = true;
        else if (mr.equals(Display.Blue)) dbb = true;
        else throw new VisADException("Illegal color mapping");

        if (ddr) br = true;
        else if (ddg) bg = true;
        else bb = true;

      // illegal ScalarMap involving this MathType
      else if (ddt || ddx || ddy || ddrx || ddry || ddr || ddg || ddb || ddrgb) {
        throw new VisADException("Illegal mapping: " + m);

    // return true if all conditions for ImageRendererJ3D are met
    if (!(btime && ((bx && by) || (brx && bry)) && br && bg && bb && dbr && dbg && dbb)) {
      throw new VisADException("Insufficient mappings");
    return true;