public DiscardInfo isObviousDynamically(VarInfo[] vis) {
    DiscardInfo super_result = super.isObviousDynamically(vis);
    if (super_result != null) {
      return super_result;

    if (!hasSeenNonTrivialSample()) {
      return new DiscardInfo(
          this, DiscardCode.obvious, "No samples sequences of size >=2 were seen. Vacuously true.");

    EltOneOf eoo = EltOneOf.find(ppt);
    if ((eoo != null) && eoo.enoughSamples() && (eoo.num_elts() == 1)) {
      return new DiscardInfo(this, DiscardCode.obvious, "The sequence contains all equal values.");

      // some relations imply others as follows: < -> <=, > -> >=
      // == -> <=, >=

      // This code lets through some implied invariants, here is how:
      // In the ESC, JML, Java modes of output, the invariants are guarded
      // before printing.  This guarding makes some of the invariants that
      // are searched for (example, NoDuplicates) unable to be found since it
      // won't find something of the form (a -> NoDuplicates).  This can
      // cause cases to exist, for example, the invariants (a -> b[] sorted
      // by !=), (a -> b[] has no duplicates) existing in the same ppt where
      // one is obviously implied by the other. I am not sure currently of
      // the best way with dealing with this, but I am going to allow these
      // other invariants to exist for now because they are not wrong, just
      // obvious.

      for (Invariant inv : ppt.invs) {}

    // sorted by (any operation) for an entire sequence -> sorted by that same
    // operation for a subsequence

    // also, sorted by < for entire -> sorted by <= for subsequence
    //       sorted by > for entire -> sorted by >= for subsequence

    Derivation deriv = vis[0].derived;

    if (deriv != null
        && ((deriv instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence)
            || (deriv instanceof SequenceFloatSubsequence))) {
      // Find the slice with the full sequence, check for an invariant of this type
      PptSlice sliceToCheck;

      if (deriv instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence)
        sliceToCheck = ppt.parent.findSlice(((SequenceScalarSubsequence) deriv).seqvar());
      else sliceToCheck = ppt.parent.findSlice(((SequenceFloatSubsequence) deriv).seqvar());

      if (sliceToCheck != null) {
        for (Invariant inv : sliceToCheck.invs) {

          if (inv.getClass().equals(getClass())) {
            String discardString =
                "This is a subsequence of a sequence for which the same invariant holds.";
            return new DiscardInfo(this, DiscardCode.obvious, discardString);

    return null;
   * Returns true if the two original variables are related in a way that makes subsequence or
   * subset detection not informative.
  public static boolean isObviousSubSequenceDynamically(
      Invariant inv, VarInfo subvar, VarInfo supervar) {

    VarInfo[] vis = {subvar, supervar};

    ProglangType rep1 = subvar.rep_type;
    ProglangType rep2 = supervar.rep_type;
    if (!(((rep1 == ProglangType.INT_ARRAY) && (rep2 == ProglangType.INT_ARRAY))
        || ((rep1 == ProglangType.DOUBLE_ARRAY) && (rep2 == ProglangType.DOUBLE_ARRAY))
        || ((rep1 == ProglangType.STRING_ARRAY) && (rep2 == ProglangType.STRING_ARRAY))))
      return false;

    if (debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
          "Checking isObviousSubSequenceDynamically " + + " in " +;

    Object[] di = isObviousSubSequence(subvar, supervar);
    if (di[1] != null) {
      inv.log("ObvSubSeq- true from isObviousSubSequence: " + di[1]);
      return true;
    debug.fine("  not isObviousSubSequence(statically)");

    PptTopLevel ppt_parent = subvar.ppt;

    // If the elements of supervar are always the same (EltOneOf),
    // we aren't going to learn anything new from this invariant,
    // since each sequence should have an EltOneOf over it.
    if (false) {
      PptSlice1 slice = ppt_parent.findSlice(supervar);
      if (slice == null) {
        System.out.println("No slice: parent =" + ppt_parent);
      } else {
        System.out.println("Slice var =" + slice.var_infos[0]);
        for (Invariant superinv : slice.invs) {
          System.out.println("Inv = " + superinv);
          if (superinv instanceof EltOneOf) {
            EltOneOf eltinv = (EltOneOf) superinv;
            if (eltinv.num_elts() > 0) {
              inv.log(" obvious because of " + eltinv.format());
              return true;

    // Obvious if subvar is always just []
    if (true) {
      PptSlice1 slice = ppt_parent.findSlice(subvar);
      if (slice != null) {
        for (Invariant subinv : slice.invs) {
          if (subinv instanceof OneOfSequence) {
            OneOfSequence seqinv = (OneOfSequence) subinv;
            if (seqinv.num_elts() == 1) {
              Object elt = seqinv.elt();
              if (elt instanceof long[] && ((long[]) elt).length == 0) {
                    debug, inv.getClass(), inv.ppt, vis, "ObvSubSeq- True from subvar being []");
                return true;
              if (elt instanceof double[] && ((double[]) elt).length == 0) {
                inv.log("ObvSubSeq- True from subvar being []");
                return true;

    // Check for a[0..i] subseq a[0..j] but i < j.
    VarInfo subvar_super = subvar.isDerivedSubSequenceOf();
    VarInfo supervar_super = supervar.isDerivedSubSequenceOf();

    if (subvar_super != null && subvar_super == supervar_super) {
      // both sequences are derived from the same supersequence
      if ((subvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence
              || subvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence)
          && (supervar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence
              || supervar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence)) {
        VarInfo sub_left_var = null,
            sub_right_var = null,
            super_left_var = null,
            super_right_var = null;
        // I'm careful not to access foo_shift unless foo_var has been set
        // to a non-null value, but Java is too stupid to recognize that.
        int sub_left_shift = 42,
            sub_right_shift = 69,
            super_left_shift = 1492,
            super_right_shift = 1776;
        if (subvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence) {
          SequenceScalarSubsequence sub = (SequenceScalarSubsequence) subvar.derived;
          if (sub.from_start) {
            sub_right_var = sub.sclvar();
            sub_right_shift = sub.index_shift;
          } else {
            sub_left_var = sub.sclvar();
            sub_left_shift = sub.index_shift;
        } else if (subvar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence) {
          SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence sub =
              (SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence) subvar.derived;
          sub_left_var = sub.startvar();
          sub_left_shift = (sub.left_closed ? 0 : 1);
          sub_right_var = sub.endvar();
          sub_right_shift = (sub.right_closed ? 0 : -1);
        } else {
        if (supervar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence) {
          SequenceScalarSubsequence super_ = (SequenceScalarSubsequence) supervar.derived;
          if (super_.from_start) {
            super_right_var = super_.sclvar();
            super_right_shift = super_.index_shift;
          } else {
            super_left_var = super_.sclvar();
            super_left_shift = super_.index_shift;
        } else if (supervar.derived instanceof SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence) {
          SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence super_ =
              (SequenceScalarArbitrarySubsequence) supervar.derived;
          super_left_var = super_.startvar();
          super_left_shift = (super_.left_closed ? 0 : 1);
          super_right_var = super_.endvar();
          super_right_shift = (super_.right_closed ? 0 : -1);
        } else {
        boolean left_included, right_included;
        if (super_left_var == null) left_included = true;
        else if (sub_left_var == null) // we know super_left_var != null here
        left_included = false;
          left_included =
                  super_left_var, super_left_shift, sub_left_var, sub_left_shift, true /* <= */);
        if (super_right_var == null) right_included = true;
        else if (sub_right_var == null) // we know super_right_var != null here
        right_included = false;
          right_included =
                  false /* >= */);
        //         System.out.println("Is " + + " contained in "
        //                            +
        //                            + "? left: " + left_included + ", right: "
        //                            + right_included);
        if (left_included && right_included) {
          inv.log("ObvSubSeq- True a[0..i] subseq a[0..j] and i < j");
          return true;
      } else if ((subvar.derived instanceof SequenceStringSubsequence)
          && (supervar.derived instanceof SequenceStringSubsequence)) {
        // Copied from just above
        SequenceStringSubsequence sss1 = (SequenceStringSubsequence) subvar.derived;
        SequenceStringSubsequence sss2 = (SequenceStringSubsequence) supervar.derived;
        VarInfo index1 = sss1.sclvar();
        int shift1 = sss1.index_shift;
        boolean start1 = sss1.from_start;
        VarInfo index2 = sss2.sclvar();
        int shift2 = sss2.index_shift;
        boolean start2 = sss2.from_start;
        if (start1 == start2)
          if (VarInfo.compare_vars(index1, shift1, index2, shift2, start1)) {
            inv.log("True from comparing indices");
            return true;
      } else {
            "how can this happen? "
                + " "
                + subvar.derived.getClass()
                + " "
                + " "
                + supervar.derived.getClass());

    // Also need to check A[0..i] subseq A[0..j] via compare_vars.

    // A subseq B[0..n] => A subseq B

    List<Derivation> derivees = supervar.derivees();
    // For each variable derived from supervar ("B")
    for (Derivation der : derivees) {
      // System.out.println("  ... der = " + der.getVarInfo().name() + " " + der);
      if (der instanceof SequenceScalarSubsequence) {
        // If that variable is "B[0..n]"
        VarInfo supervar_part = der.getVarInfo();
        // Get the canonical version; being equal to it is good enough.
        if (supervar_part.get_equalitySet_leader() == subvar) {
          Debug.log(debug, inv.getClass(), inv.ppt, vis, "ObvSubSeq- True from canonical leader");
          return true;

        if (supervar_part.isCanonical()) {
          if (subvar == supervar_part) {
                "Error: variables "
                    + " and "
                    + " are identical.  Canonical");
            throw new Error();

          // Check to see if there is a subsequence over the supervar
          if (ppt_parent.is_subsequence(subvar, supervar_part)) {
            if (Debug.logOn())
                  "ObvSubSeq- true from A subseq B[0..n] "
                      + "/"
            return (true);
    return false;
 private static String invariant2str(PptTopLevel ppt, Invariant inv) {
   return + " == " + inv.repr() + inv.getClass() + inv.varNames() + ": " + inv.format();