Beispiel #1
  private void makeMultidimInner(
      NetcdfDataset ds, TableConfig parentTable, TableConfig childTable) {
    Dimension parentDim = ds.findDimension(parentTable.dimName);
    Dimension childDim = ds.findDimension(childTable.innerName);

    // divide up the variables between the parent and the child
    List<String> obsVars;
    List<Variable> vars = ds.getVariables();
    List<String> parentVars = new ArrayList<>(vars.size());
    obsVars = new ArrayList<>(vars.size());
    for (Variable orgV : vars) {
      if (orgV instanceof Structure) continue;

      Dimension dim0 = orgV.getDimension(0);
      if ((dim0 != null) && dim0.equals(parentDim)) {
        if ((orgV.getRank() == 1)
            || ((orgV.getRank() == 2) && orgV.getDataType() == DataType.CHAR)) {
        } else {
          Dimension dim1 = orgV.getDimension(1);
          if ((dim1 != null) && dim1.equals(childDim)) obsVars.add(orgV.getShortName());
    parentTable.vars = parentVars;
    childTable.vars = obsVars;
  public void testAggCoordVar(NetcdfFile ncfile) {
    Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time");
    assert null != time;

    assert time.getShortName().equals("time");
    assert time.getRank() == 1;
    assert time.getSize() == 3;
    assert time.getShape()[0] == 3;
    assert time.getDataType() == DataType.DOUBLE;

    assert time.getDimension(0) == ncfile.findDimension("time");

    try {
      Array data =;
      assert data.getRank() == 1;
      assert data.getSize() == 3;
      assert data.getShape()[0] == 3;
      assert data.getElementType() == double.class;

      int count = 0;
      IndexIterator dataI = data.getIndexIterator();
      while (dataI.hasNext()) {
        assert Misc.closeEnough(dataI.getDoubleNext(), result[count]);

    } catch (IOException io) {
      assert false;
  public void testAggCoordVar2(NetcdfFile ncfile) {

    Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time");
    assert null != time;
    assert time.getShortName().equals("time");
    assert time.getRank() == 1 : time.getRank();
    assert time.getShape()[0] == 3;
    assert time.getDataType() == DataType.INT;

    assert time.getDimension(0) == ncfile.findDimension("time");

    try {
      Array data =;

      assert (data instanceof ArrayInt);
      IndexIterator dataI = data.getIndexIterator();
      assert dataI.getIntNext() == 0 : dataI.getIntCurrent();
      assert dataI.getIntNext() == 1 : dataI.getIntCurrent();
      assert dataI.getIntNext() == 2 : dataI.getIntCurrent();

    } catch (IOException io) {
      assert false;
  public void testAggCoordVar(NetcdfFile ncfile) {

    Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time");
    assert null != time;
    assert time.getShortName().equals("time");
    assert time.getRank() == 1 : time.getRank();
    assert time.getShape()[0] == 3;
    assert time.getDataType() == DataType.INT;

    assert time.getDimension(0) == ncfile.findDimension("time");

    try {
      Array data =;

      assert (data instanceof ArrayInt.D1) : data.getClass().getName();
      ArrayInt.D1 dataI = (ArrayInt.D1) data;
      assert dataI.get(0) == 0;
      assert dataI.get(1) == 10;
      assert dataI.get(2) == 99;

    } catch (IOException io) {
      assert false;
  /* Structure {
      int LAT[0];
      int LAT[149];
  } IMAGE_LAT_ARRAY(3600);
     type = Layout(8);  type= 2 (chunked) storageSize = (1,600) dataSize=0 dataAddress=2548046
  public void testReadOneAtATime() throws, InvalidRangeException {
    try (NetcdfFile ncfile = TestH5.openH5("IASI/IASI.h5")) {

      Variable dset = ncfile.findVariable("U-MARF/EPS/IASI_xxx_1C/DATA/IMAGE_LAT_ARRAY");
      assert (null != dset);
      assert (dset.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE);
      assert (dset.getRank() == 1);
      assert (dset.getSize() == 3600);

      Dimension d = dset.getDimension(0);
      assert (d.getLength() == 3600);

      Structure s = (Structure) dset;

      // read last one - chunked
      StructureData sd = s.readStructure(3599);
      assert sd.getScalarInt("LAT[0]") == 70862722;
      assert sd.getScalarInt("LAT[149]") == 85302263;

      // read one at a time
      for (int i = 3590; i < d.getLength(); i++) {
        System.out.println(" read structure " + i);
    System.out.println("*** testReadIASI ok");
   Structure {
    int a_name;
    byte b_name(3);
    byte c_name(3);
    short d_name(3);
    int e_name(3);
    long f_name(3);
    int g_name(3);
    short h_name(3);
    int i_name(3);
    long j_name(3);
    float k_name(3);
    double l_name(3);
  } CompoundNative(15);
      type = Layout(8);  type= 1 (contiguous) storageSize = (15,144) dataSize=0 dataAddress=2048
  public void testReadH5StructureArrayMembers() throws {
    try (NetcdfFile ncfile = TestH5.openH5("complex/compound_native.h5")) {

      Variable dset = ncfile.findVariable("CompoundNative");
      assert (null != dset);
      assert (dset.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE);
      assert (dset.getRank() == 1);
      assert (dset.getSize() == 15);

      Dimension d = dset.getDimension(0);
      assert (d.getLength() == 15);

      Structure s = (Structure) dset;

      // read all with the iterator
      StructureDataIterator iter = s.getStructureIterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        StructureData sd =;

        for (StructureMembers.Member m : sd.getMembers()) {
          Array data = sd.getArray(m);
          NCdumpW.printArray(data, m.getName(), out, null);
    System.out.println("*** testReadH5StructureArrayMembers ok");
Beispiel #7
  private void testReadData(Variable v) throws IOException {
    if (show) System.out.printf(" read %s%n", v.getNameAndDimensions());
    assert (null != v);

    assert (null != v.getDimension(0));
    Array a =;
    assert (null != a);
    assert (v.getSize() == a.getSize());
 public void testAlias() throws IOException {
   String filename = TestAll.cdmUnitTestDir + "fmrc/ensemble/demeter/MM_cnrm_129_red.ncml";
   NetcdfDataset ncd = ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.openDataset(filename);
   Variable v = ncd.findCoordinateAxis("number");
   assert v != null;
   // assert v.isCoordinateVariable();
   assert v instanceof CoordinateAxis1D;
   assert null != ncd.findDimension("ensemble");
   assert v.getDimension(0) == ncd.findDimension("ensemble");
Beispiel #9
  private int addAttributes(opendap.dap.AttributeTable table, Variable v, Iterator iter) {
    int count = 0;

    // add attribute table for this variable
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      Attribute att = (Attribute);
      int dods_type = DODSNetcdfFile.convertToDODSType(att.getDataType(), false);

      try {
        String attName = NcDDS.escapeName(att.getName());
        if (att.isString()) {
          /* FIX String value = escapeAttributeStringValues(att.getStringValue());
          table.appendAttribute(attName, dods_type, "\""+value+"\"");
          table.appendAttribute(attName, dods_type, att.getStringValue());
        } else {
          // cant send signed bytes
          if (att.getDataType() == DataType.BYTE) {
            boolean signed = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < att.getLength(); i++) {
              if (att.getNumericValue(i).byteValue() < 0) signed = true;
            if (signed) // promote to signed short
            dods_type = opendap.dap.Attribute.INT16;

          for (int i = 0; i < att.getLength(); i++)
            table.appendAttribute(attName, dods_type, att.getNumericValue(i).toString());

      } catch (Exception e) {
            "Error appending attribute " + att.getName() + " = " + att.getStringValue() + "\n" + e);
    } // loop over variable attributes

    // kludgy thing to map char arrays to DODS Strings
    if ((v != null) && (v.getDataType().getPrimitiveClassType() == char.class)) {
      int rank = v.getRank();
      int strlen = (rank == 0) ? 0 : v.getShape(rank - 1);
      Dimension dim = (rank == 0) ? null : v.getDimension(rank - 1);
      try {
        opendap.dap.AttributeTable dodsTable = table.appendContainer("DODS");
        dodsTable.appendAttribute("strlen", opendap.dap.Attribute.INT32, Integer.toString(strlen));
        if ((dim != null) && dim.isShared())
          dodsTable.appendAttribute("dimName", opendap.dap.Attribute.STRING, dim.getName());
      } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Error appending attribute strlen\n" + e);

    return count;
   * Constructor.
   * @param ncfile the netccdf file
   * @param typedDataVariables list of data variables; all record variables will be added to this
   *     list, except . You can remove extra
   * @param obsTimeVName observation time variable name (required)
   * @param nomTimeVName nominal time variable name (may be null)
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if ncfile has no unlimited dimension and recDimName is null.
  public RecordDatasetHelper(
      NetcdfDataset ncfile,
      String obsTimeVName,
      String nomTimeVName,
      List<VariableSimpleIF> typedDataVariables,
      String recDimName,
      Formatter errBuffer) {
    this.ncfile = ncfile;
    this.obsTimeVName = obsTimeVName;
    this.nomTimeVName = nomTimeVName;
    this.errs = errBuffer;

    // check if we already have a structure vs if we have to add it.

    if (this.ncfile.hasUnlimitedDimension()) {
      this.recordVar = (StructureDS) this.ncfile.getRootGroup().findVariable("record");
      this.obsDim = ncfile.getUnlimitedDimension();

    } else {
      if (recDimName == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "File <"
                + this.ncfile.getLocation()
                + "> has no unlimited dimension, specify psuedo record dimension with observationDimension global attribute.");
      this.obsDim = this.ncfile.getRootGroup().findDimension(recDimName);
      this.recordVar = new StructurePseudoDS(this.ncfile, null, "record", null, obsDim);

    // create member variables
    List<Variable> recordMembers = ncfile.getVariables();
    for (Variable v : recordMembers) {
      if (v == recordVar) continue;
      if (v.isScalar()) continue;
      if (v.getDimension(0) == this.obsDim) typedDataVariables.add(v);

    // need the time units
    Variable timeVar = ncfile.findVariable(obsTimeVName);
    String timeUnitString =
        ncfile.findAttValueIgnoreCase(timeVar, CDM.UNITS, "seconds since 1970-01-01");
    try {
      timeUnit = new DateUnit(timeUnitString);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (null != errs) errs.format("Error on string = %s == %s%n", timeUnitString, e.getMessage());
      try {
        timeUnit = new DateUnit("seconds since 1970-01-01");
      } catch (Exception e1) {
        // cant happen
  public void testReadData(NetcdfFile ncfile, String name) throws IOException {

    Variable v = ncfile.findVariable(name);
    assert null != v;
    assert v.getShortName().equals(name);
    assert v.getRank() == 3;
    assert v.getSize() == 36 : v.getSize();
    assert v.getShape()[0] == 3;
    assert v.getShape()[1] == 3;
    assert v.getShape()[2] == 4;
    assert v.getDataType() == DataType.DOUBLE;

    assert !v.isCoordinateVariable();

    assert v.getDimension(0) == ncfile.findDimension("time");
    assert v.getDimension(1) == ncfile.findDimension("lat");
    assert v.getDimension(2) == ncfile.findDimension("lon");

    Array data =;
    assert data.getRank() == 3;
    assert data.getSize() == 36;
    assert data.getShape()[0] == 3;
    assert data.getShape()[1] == 3;
    assert data.getShape()[2] == 4;
    assert data.getElementType() == double.class;

    int[] shape = data.getShape();
    Index tIndex = data.getIndex();
    for (int i = 0; i < shape[0]; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < shape[1]; j++)
        for (int k = 0; k < shape[2]; k++) {
          double val = data.getDouble(tIndex.set(i, j, k));
          // System.out.println(" "+val);
          assert TestUtils.close(val, 100 * i + 10 * j + k) : val;
Beispiel #12
  private int[] getWeights(Variable v) {
    int rank = v.getRank();
    int[] w = new int[rank];

    for (int n = 0; n < rank; n++) {
      Dimension dim = v.getDimension(n);
      String dimName = dim.getName();
      if (dimName.equals("time")) w[n] = 1000;
      if (dimName.equals("z")) w[n] = 100;
      if (dimName.equals("y")) w[n] = 10;
      if (dimName.equals("x")) w[n] = 1;

    return w;
  public void testH5StructureDS() throws {
    int a_name = 0;
    String[] b_name =
        new String[] {
          "A fight is a contract that takes two people to honor.",
          "A combative stance means that you've accepted the contract.",
          "In which case, you deserve what you get.",
          "  --  Professor Cheng Man-ch'ing"
    String c_name = "Hello!";

    // H5header.setDebugFlags(new ucar.nc2.util.DebugFlagsImpl("H5header/header"));
    try (NetcdfDataset ncfile =
        NetcdfDataset.openDataset(TestH5.testDir + "complex/compound_complex.h5")) {

      Variable dset = ncfile.findVariable("CompoundComplex");
      assert (null != dset);
      assert (dset.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE);
      assert (dset.getRank() == 1);
      assert (dset.getSize() == 6);

      Dimension d = dset.getDimension(0);
      assert (d.getLength() == 6);

      Structure s = (Structure) dset;

      // read all with the iterator
      StructureDataIterator iter = s.getStructureIterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        StructureData sd =;
        assert sd.getScalarInt("a_name") == a_name;
        assert sd.getScalarString("c_name").equals(c_name);
        String[] results = sd.getJavaArrayString(sd.findMember("b_name"));
        assert results.length == b_name.length;
        int count = 0;
        for (String r : results) assert r.equals(b_name[count++]);

        for (StructureMembers.Member m : sd.getMembers()) {
          Array data = sd.getArray(m);
          NCdumpW.printArray(data, m.getName(), out, null);
    System.out.println("*** testH5StructureDS ok");
  public void testAggCoordVar3(NetcdfFile ncfile) throws IOException {
    Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time");
    assert null != time;
    assert time.getShortName().equals("time");
    assert time.getRank() == 1 : time.getRank();
    assert time.getShape()[0] == 3;
    assert time.getDataType() == DataType.DOUBLE : time.getDataType();

    assert time.getDimension(0) == ncfile.findDimension("time");

    Array data =;

    assert (data instanceof ArrayDouble);
    IndexIterator dataI = data.getIndexIterator();
    double val = dataI.getDoubleNext();
    assert Misc.closeEnough(val, 0.0) : val;
    assert Misc.closeEnough(dataI.getDoubleNext(), 10.0) : dataI.getDoubleCurrent();
    assert Misc.closeEnough(dataI.getDoubleNext(), 99.0) : dataI.getDoubleCurrent();
  public void testAggCoordVarScan(NetcdfFile ncfile) throws IOException {
    Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time");
    assert null != time;
    assert time.getShortName().equals("time");
    assert time.getRank() == 1 : time.getRank();
    assert time.getShape()[0] == 3;
    assert time.getDataType() == DataType.INT : time.getDataType();

    assert time.getDimension(0) == ncfile.findDimension("time");

    int count = 0;
    Array data =;
    assert (data instanceof ArrayInt);
    while (data.hasNext()) {
      int val = data.nextInt();
      assert val == count * 10 : val + "!=" + count * 10;
  public void testAggCoordVarSubsetDefeatLocalCache(NetcdfFile ncfile)
      throws InvalidRangeException, IOException {
    Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time");
    assert null != time;

    assert time.getShortName().equals("time");
    assert time.getRank() == 1;
    assert time.getSize() == 3;
    assert time.getShape()[0] == 3;
    assert time.getDataType() == DataType.DOUBLE;

    assert time.getDimension(0) == ncfile.findDimension("time");

    time.setCachedData(null, false);
    Array data ="1:2");
    assert data.getRank() == 1;
    assert data.getSize() == 2;
    assert data.getShape()[0] == 2;
    assert data.getElementType() == double.class;

    int count = 0;
    IndexIterator dataI = data.getIndexIterator();
    while (dataI.hasNext()) {
      assert Misc.closeEnough(dataI.getDoubleNext(), result[count + 1]);

    time.setCachedData(null, false);
    data ="0:2:2");
    assert data.getRank() == 1;
    assert data.getSize() == 2;
    assert data.getShape()[0] == 2;
    assert data.getElementType() == double.class;

    count = 0;
    dataI = data.getIndexIterator();
    while (dataI.hasNext()) {
      assert Misc.closeEnough(dataI.getDoubleNext(), result[count * 2]);
  public void testAggCoordVarNoCoordsDir(NetcdfFile ncfile) throws IOException {
    Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time");
    assert null != time;
    assert time.getShortName().equals("time");
    assert time.getRank() == 1 : time.getRank();
    assert time.getShape()[0] == 3;
    assert time.getDataType() == DataType.STRING : time.getDataType();

    assert time.getDimension(0) == ncfile.findDimension("time");

    Array data =;

    assert (data instanceof ArrayObject);
    IndexIterator dataI = data.getIndexIterator();
    String coordName = (String) dataI.getObjectNext();
    assert coordName.equals("") : coordName;
    coordName = (String) dataI.getObjectNext();
    assert coordName.equals("") : coordName;
    coordName = (String) dataI.getObjectNext();
    assert coordName.equals("") : coordName;
  /*  Structure {
    char EntryName(64);
    char Definition(1024);
    char Unit(1024);
    char Scale Factor(1024);
  } TIME_DESCR(60);
     type = Layout(8);  type= 2 (chunked) storageSize = (1,3136) dataSize=0 dataAddress=684294
  public void testReadManyAtATime() throws, InvalidRangeException {
    try (NetcdfFile ncfile = TestH5.openH5("IASI/IASI.h5")) {

      Variable dset = ncfile.findVariable("U-MARF/EPS/IASI_xxx_1C/DATA/TIME_DESCR");
      assert (null != dset);
      assert (dset.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE);
      assert (dset.getRank() == 1);
      assert (dset.getSize() == 60);

      Dimension d = dset.getDimension(0);
      assert (d.getLength() == 60);

      ArrayStructure data = (ArrayStructure);
      StructureMembers.Member m = data.getStructureMembers().findMember("EntryName");
      assert m != null;
      for (int i = 0; i < dset.getSize(); i++) {
        String r = data.getScalarString(i, m);
        if (i % 2 == 0) assert r.equals("TIME[" + i / 2 + "]-days") : r + " at " + i;
        else assert r.equals("TIME[" + i / 2 + "]-milliseconds") : r + " at " + i;
    System.out.println("*** testReadManyAtATime ok");
  public void testCoordVar(NetcdfFile ncfile) {

    Variable lat = ncfile.findVariable("lat");
    assert null != lat;
    assert lat.getShortName().equals("lat");
    assert lat.getRank() == 1;
    assert lat.getSize() == 3;
    assert lat.getShape()[0] == 3;
    assert lat.getDataType() == DataType.FLOAT;

    assert !lat.isUnlimited();
    assert lat.getDimension(0).equals(ncfile.findDimension("lat"));

    Attribute att = lat.findAttribute("units");
    assert null != att;
    assert !att.isArray();
    assert att.isString();
    assert att.getDataType() == DataType.STRING;
    assert att.getStringValue().equals("degrees_north");
    assert att.getNumericValue() == null;
    assert att.getNumericValue(3) == null;

    try {
      Array data =;
      assert data.getRank() == 1;
      assert data.getSize() == 3;
      assert data.getShape()[0] == 3;
      assert data.getElementType() == float.class;

      IndexIterator dataI = data.getIndexIterator();
      assert TestUtils.close(dataI.getDoubleNext(), 41.0);
      assert TestUtils.close(dataI.getDoubleNext(), 40.0);
      assert TestUtils.close(dataI.getDoubleNext(), 39.0);
    } catch (IOException io) {
   * Opens the NetCDF dataset at the given location, using the dataset cache if {@code location}
   * represents an NcML aggregation. We cannot use the cache for OPeNDAP or single NetCDF files
   * because the underlying data may have changed and the NetcdfDataset cache may cache a dataset
   * forever. In the case of NcML we rely on the fact that server administrators ought to have set a
   * "recheckEvery" parameter for NcML aggregations that may change with time. It is desirable to
   * use the dataset cache for NcML aggregations because they can be time-consuming to assemble and
   * we don't want to do this every time a map is drawn.
   * @param location The location of the data: a local NetCDF file, an NcML aggregation file or an
   *     OPeNDAP location, {@literal i.e.} anything that can be passed to
   *     NetcdfDataset.openDataset(location).
   * @return a {@link NetcdfDataset} object for accessing the data at the given location.
   * @throws IOException if there was an error reading from the data source.
  private NetcdfDataset openAndAggregateDataset(String location) throws IOException, EdalException {
    NetcdfDataset nc;
    if (location.startsWith("dods://") || location.startsWith("http://")) {
       * We have a remote dataset
      nc = CdmUtils.openDataset(location);
    } else {
       * We have a local dataset
      List<File> files = null;
      try {
        files = CdmUtils.expandGlobExpression(location);
      } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        System.out.println("NPE processing location: " + location);
        throw e;
      if (files.size() == 0) {
        throw new EdalException(
            "The location " + location + " doesn't refer to any existing files.");
      if (files.size() == 1) {
        location = files.get(0).getAbsolutePath();
        nc = CdmUtils.openDataset(location);
      } else {
         * We have multiple files in a glob expression. We write some
         * NcML and use the NetCDF aggregation libs to parse this into
         * an aggregated dataset.
         * If we have already generated the ncML on a previous call,
         * just use that.
        if (ncmlString == null) {
           * Find the name of the time dimension
          NetcdfDataset first = openAndAggregateDataset(files.get(0).getAbsolutePath());
          String timeDimName = null;
          for (Variable var : first.getVariables()) {
            if (var.isCoordinateVariable()) {
              for (Attribute attr : var.getAttributes()) {
                if (attr.getFullName().equalsIgnoreCase("units")
                    && attr.getStringValue().contains(" since ")) {
                   * This is the time dimension. Since this is
                   * a co-ordinate variable, there is only 1
                   * dimension
                  Dimension timeDimension = var.getDimension(0);
                  timeDimName = timeDimension.getFullName();
          if (timeDimName == null) {
            throw new EdalException("Cannot join multiple files without time dimensions");
           * We can't assume that the glob expression will have
           * returned the files in time order.
           * We could assume that alphabetical == time ordered (and
           * for properly named files it will - but let's not rely on
           * our users having sensible naming conventions...
           * Sort the list using a comparator which opens the file and
           * gets the first value of the time dimension
          final String aggDimName = timeDimName;
              new Comparator<File>() {
                public int compare(File ncFile1, File ncFile2) {
                  NetcdfFile nc1 = null;
                  NetcdfFile nc2 = null;
                  try {
                    nc1 =;
                    nc2 =;
                    Variable timeVar1 = nc1.findVariable(aggDimName);
                    Variable timeVar2 = nc2.findVariable(aggDimName);
                    long time1 =;
                    long time2 =;
                    return, time2);
                  } catch (Exception e) {
                     * There was a problem reading the data. Sort
                     * alphanumerically by filename and hope for the
                     * best...
                     * This catches all exceptions because however
                     * it fails this is still our best option.
                     * If the error is a genuine problem, it'll show
                     * up as soon as we try and aggregate.
                    return ncFile1.getAbsolutePath().compareTo(ncFile2.getAbsolutePath());
                  } finally {
                    if (nc1 != null) {
                      try {
                      } catch (IOException e) {
                        log.error("Problem closing netcdf file", e);
                    if (nc2 != null) {
                      try {
                      } catch (IOException e) {
                        log.error("Problem closing netcdf file", e);

           * Now create the NcML string and use it to create an
           * aggregated dataset
          StringBuffer ncmlStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
              "<netcdf xmlns=\"\">");
              "<aggregation dimName=\"" + timeDimName + "\" type=\"joinExisting\">");
          for (File file : files) {
            ncmlStringBuffer.append("<netcdf location=\"" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "\"/>");

          ncmlString = ncmlStringBuffer.toString();
        nc = NcMLReader.readNcML(new StringReader(ncmlString), null);

    return nc;
  public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Map<String, ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station> staHash =
        new HashMap<String, ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station>();

    String location = "R:/testdata/sounding/netcdf/";
    NetcdfDataset ncfile = NetcdfDataset.openDataset(location);

    // look through record varibles, for those that have "manLevel" dimension
    // make a StructureData object for those
    StructureMembers sm = new StructureMembers("manLevel");
    Dimension manDim = ncfile.findDimension("manLevel");
    Structure record = (Structure) ncfile.findVariable("record");
    List<Variable> allList = record.getVariables();
    List<VariableSimpleIF> varList = new ArrayList<VariableSimpleIF>();
    for (Variable v : allList) {
      if ((v.getRank() == 1) && v.getDimension(0).equals(manDim)) {
        // public VariableDS(NetcdfDataset ds, Group group, Structure parentStructure, String
        // shortName, DataType dataType,
        // String dims, String units, String desc) {
            new VariableDS(
        // (String name, String desc, String units, DataType dtype, int []shape)
            new int[0]); // scalar

    ArrayStructureMA manAS = new ArrayStructureMA(sm, new int[] {manDim.getLength()});

    // need the date units
    Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("synTime");
    String timeUnits = ncfile.findAttValueIgnoreCase(time, "units", null);
    timeUnits = StringUtil.remove(timeUnits, '('); // crappy fsl'ism
    timeUnits = StringUtil.remove(timeUnits, ')');
    DateUnit timeUnit = new DateUnit(timeUnits);

    // extract stations
    int nrecs = 0;
    StructureDataIterator iter = record.getStructureIterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      StructureData sdata =;
      String name = sdata.getScalarString("staName");
      ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station s = staHash.get(name);
      if (s == null) {
        float lat = sdata.convertScalarFloat("staLat");
        float lon = sdata.convertScalarFloat("staLon");
        float elev = sdata.convertScalarFloat("staElev");
        s = new StationImpl(name, "", lat, lon, elev);
        staHash.put(name, s);
    List<ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station> stnList =
        Arrays.asList(staHash.values().toArray(new ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station[staHash.size()]));

    // create the writer
    WriterProfileObsDataset writer =
        new WriterProfileObsDataset(location + ".out", "rewrite " + location);
    writer.writeHeader(stnList, varList, nrecs, "prMan");

    // extract records
    iter = record.getStructureIterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      StructureData sdata =;
      String name = sdata.getScalarString("staName");
      double timeValue = sdata.convertScalarDouble("synTime");
      Date date = timeUnit.makeDate(timeValue);

      // transfer to the ArrayStructure
      List<String> names = sm.getMemberNames();
      for (String mname : names) {
        manAS.setMemberArray(mname, sdata.getArray(mname));

      // each level is weritten as a seperate structure
      int numMand = sdata.getScalarInt("numMand");
      if (numMand >= manDim.getLength()) continue;

      for (int i = 0; i < numMand; i++) {
        StructureData useData = manAS.getStructureData(i);
        writer.writeRecord(name, date, useData);


    long took = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
    System.out.println("That took = " + took);
   * Generates an empty template for a block
   * @param files
   * @param outputFile
   * @return
  private NetcdfFileWriteable makeTemplate(TreeMap<Long, NetcdfFile> files, String outputFile) {

    NetcdfFileWriteable ncf_out = null;
    if (!(new File(outputDir).exists())) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Directory " + outputDir + " does not exist.");

    try {
      ncf_in = files.get((new ArrayList<Long>(files.keySet())).get(0));

      Variable time = ncf_in.findVariable(inTimeName);
      if (time == null) {
        List<Variable> var = ncf_in.getVariables();
            "WARNING: Variable "
                + inTimeName
                + " was not found.  File variables are:\n"
                + Arrays.toString(var.toArray()));

      Variable depth = ncf_in.findVariable(inDepthName);

      if (depth == null && ncf_in.getDimensions().size() > 3) {
        List<Variable> var = ncf_in.getVariables();
            "WARNING: Depth variable "
                + inDepthName
                + " not found, and the number of dimensions is greater than 3."
                + "  File variables are:\n"
                + Arrays.toString(var.toArray()));

      Variable lat = ncf_in.findVariable(inLatName);
      if (lat == null) {
        List<Variable> var = ncf_in.getVariables();
            "WARNING: Variable "
                + inLatName
                + " was not found.  File variables are:\n"
                + Arrays.toString(var.toArray()));

      Variable lon = ncf_in.findVariable(inLonName);
      if (lon == null) {
        List<Variable> var = ncf_in.getVariables();
            "WARNING: Variable "
                + inLonName
                + " was not found.  File variables are:\n"
                + Arrays.toString(var.toArray()));

      int latidx = lat.findDimensionIndex(inVerticalDim);
      int lonidx = lon.findDimensionIndex(inHorizontalDim);
      int latlen = lat.getDimension(latidx).getLength();
      int lonlen = lon.getDimension(lonidx).getLength();

      Long[] la = files.keySet().toArray(new Long[files.size()]);
      timeArr = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE, new int[] {files.size()});

      for (int i = 0; i < la.length; i++) {
        timeArr.setDouble(i, TimeConvert.millisToHYCOM(la[i]));

      if (depth != null) {
        depthArr =;
        if (reverseDepth) {
          for (int i = 0; i < depthArr.getShape()[0]; i++) {
            if (i != 0) {
              depthArr.setDouble(i, -depthArr.getDouble(i));
            } else {
              depthArr.setDouble(i, 0);

      int[] latshape = ones(lat.getRank());
      latshape[latidx] = latlen;
      latArr = ( int[lat.getRank()], latshape)).reduce();

      int[] lonshape = ones(lon.getRank());
      lonshape[lonidx] = lonlen;
      lonArr = ( int[lon.getRank()], lonshape)).reduce();

      ncf_out = NetcdfFileWriteable.createNew(outputFile, false);

      // Add Dimensions
      Dimension timeDim = new Dimension(outTimeName, timeArr.getShape()[0]);
      Dimension depthDim = null;

      if (depthArr != null) {
        depthDim = new Dimension(outDepthName, depthArr.getShape()[0]);

      Dimension latDim = new Dimension(outLatName, latArr.getShape()[0]);
      Dimension lonDim = new Dimension(outLonName, lonArr.getShape()[0]);

      ncf_out.addDimension(null, timeDim);
      if (depthDim != null) {
        ncf_out.addDimension(null, depthDim);
      ncf_out.addDimension(null, latDim);
      ncf_out.addDimension(null, lonDim);

      // Add Variables
      ncf_out.addVariable(outTimeName, DataType.DOUBLE, new Dimension[] {timeDim});

      if (depthDim != null) {
        ncf_out.addVariable(outDepthName, DataType.DOUBLE, new Dimension[] {depthDim});

      ncf_out.addVariable(outLatName, DataType.DOUBLE, new Dimension[] {latDim});
      ncf_out.addVariable(outLonName, DataType.DOUBLE, new Dimension[] {lonDim});

      Dimension[] dims = null;

      if (depthDim == null) {
        dims = new Dimension[] {timeDim, latDim, lonDim};
      } else {
        dims = new Dimension[] {timeDim, depthDim, latDim, lonDim};

      ncf_out.addVariable(outVarName, DataType.FLOAT, dims);

      // Add attribute information (cloned from source)

      cloneAttributes(ncf_in, inTimeName, ncf_out, outTimeName);
      cloneAttributes(ncf_in, inDepthName, ncf_out, outDepthName);
      cloneAttributes(ncf_in, inLatName, ncf_out, outLatName);
      cloneAttributes(ncf_in, inLonName, ncf_out, outLonName);
      cloneAttributes(ncf_in, inVarName, ncf_out, outVarName);

    } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (InvalidRangeException e) {

    return ncf_out;
Beispiel #23
  public void testDoradeAir() throws IOException {
    System.out.println("**** Open " + airDoradeFile);
    try (NetcdfFile ncfile = {

      for (Variable v : ncfile.getVariables()) {

      Dimension gateDim = ncfile.getRootGroup().findDimension("gate_1");
      assert (gateDim.getLength() == 320);
      Dimension radialDim = ncfile.getRootGroup().findDimension("radial");
      assert (radialDim.getLength() == 274);

      Variable var;
      var = ncfile.findVariable("elevation");
      var = ncfile.findVariable("azimuth");
      var = ncfile.findVariable("distance_1");
      var = ncfile.findVariable("latitudes_1");
      var = ncfile.findVariable("longitudes_1");
      var = ncfile.findVariable("altitudes_1");
      var = ncfile.findVariable("rays_time");

      var = ncfile.findVariable("Range_to_First_Cell");
      float t = testReadScalar(var);
      assert (t == (float) -2.0);
      var = ncfile.findVariable("Cell_Spacing");
      t = testReadScalar(var);
      assert (t == (float) 150.0);
      var = ncfile.findVariable("Fixed_Angle");
      t = testReadScalar(var);
      assert (t == (float) -16.53);
      var = ncfile.findVariable("Nyquist_Velocity");
      t = testReadScalar(var);
      assert (t == (float) 78.03032);
      var = ncfile.findVariable("Unambiguous_Range");
      t = testReadScalar(var);
      assert (t == (float) 60.0);
      var = ncfile.findVariable("Radar_Constant");
      t = testReadScalar(var);
      assert (t == (float) -81.17389);
      var = ncfile.findVariable("rcvr_gain");
      t = testReadScalar(var);
      assert (t == (float) 32.64);
      var = ncfile.findVariable("ant_gain");
      t = testReadScalar(var);
      assert (t == (float) 39.35);
      var = ncfile.findVariable("sys_gain");
      t = testReadScalar(var);
      assert (t == (float) 52.34);
      var = ncfile.findVariable("bm_width");
      t = testReadScalar(var);
      assert (t == (float) 1.79);

      var = ncfile.findVariable("VS");
      var = ncfile.findVariable("VL");
      var = ncfile.findVariable("SW");
      var = ncfile.findVariable("VR");
      var = ncfile.findVariable("NCP");
      var = ncfile.findVariable("DBZ");
      var = ncfile.findVariable("VG");
      var = ncfile.findVariable("VT");
      assert (null != var.getDimension(0));
      assert (null != var.getDimension(1));