/* Structure {
      int LAT[0];
      int LAT[149];
  } IMAGE_LAT_ARRAY(3600);
     type = Layout(8);  type= 2 (chunked) storageSize = (1,600) dataSize=0 dataAddress=2548046
  public void testReadOneAtATime() throws java.io.IOException, InvalidRangeException {
    try (NetcdfFile ncfile = TestH5.openH5("IASI/IASI.h5")) {

      Variable dset = ncfile.findVariable("U-MARF/EPS/IASI_xxx_1C/DATA/IMAGE_LAT_ARRAY");
      assert (null != dset);
      assert (dset.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE);
      assert (dset.getRank() == 1);
      assert (dset.getSize() == 3600);

      Dimension d = dset.getDimension(0);
      assert (d.getLength() == 3600);

      Structure s = (Structure) dset;

      // read last one - chunked
      StructureData sd = s.readStructure(3599);
      assert sd.getScalarInt("LAT[0]") == 70862722;
      assert sd.getScalarInt("LAT[149]") == 85302263;

      // read one at a time
      for (int i = 3590; i < d.getLength(); i++) {
        System.out.println(" read structure " + i);
    System.out.println("*** testReadIASI ok");
   * Wrap the given Variable, making it into a VariableDS. Delegate data reading to the original
   * variable. Take all metadata from original variable. Does not share cache, iosp.
   * @param g logical container, if null use orgVar's group
   * @param orgVar the original Variable to wrap. The original Variable is not modified. Must not be
   *     a Structure, use StructureDS instead.
   * @param enhance if true, use NetcdfDataset.defaultEnhanceMode to define what enhancements are
   *     made. Note that this can change DataType and data values. You can also call enhance()
   *     later. If orgVar is VariableDS, then enhance is inherited from there, and this parameter is
   *     ignored.
  public VariableDS(Group g, Variable orgVar, boolean enhance) {
    if (g != null)
      this.group =
          g; // otherwise super() sets group; this affects the long name and the dimensions.
    setDimensions(getDimensionsString()); // reset the dimensions

    if (orgVar instanceof Structure)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "VariableDS must not wrap a Structure; name=" + orgVar.getName());

    // dont share cache, iosp : all IO is delegated
    this.ncfile = null;
    this.spiObject = null;

    this.orgVar = orgVar;
    this.orgDataType = orgVar.getDataType();

    if (orgVar instanceof VariableDS) {
      VariableDS ncVarDS = (VariableDS) orgVar;
      this.enhanceProxy = ncVarDS.enhanceProxy;
      this.scaleMissingProxy = ncVarDS.scaleMissingProxy;
      this.enhanceMode = ncVarDS.enhanceMode;

    } else {
      this.enhanceProxy = new EnhancementsImpl(this);
      if (enhance) {
      } else {
        this.scaleMissingProxy = new EnhanceScaleMissingImpl();
Beispiel #3
  private void copySome(NetcdfFileWriteable ncfile, Variable oldVar, int nelems)
      throws IOException {
    String newName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(oldVar.getShortName());

    int[] shape = oldVar.getShape();
    int[] origin = new int[oldVar.getRank()];
    int size = shape[0];

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i += nelems) {
      origin[0] = i;
      int left = size - i;
      shape[0] = Math.min(nelems, left);

      Array data;
      try {
        data = oldVar.read(origin, shape);
        if (oldVar.getDataType() == DataType.STRING) {
          data = convertToChar(ncfile.findVariable(newName), data);
        if (data.getSize() > 0) { // zero when record dimension = 0
          ncfile.write(newName, origin, data);
          if (debug) System.out.println("write " + data.getSize() + " bytes");

      } catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
        throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
   Structure {
    int a_name;
    byte b_name(3);
    byte c_name(3);
    short d_name(3);
    int e_name(3);
    long f_name(3);
    int g_name(3);
    short h_name(3);
    int i_name(3);
    long j_name(3);
    float k_name(3);
    double l_name(3);
  } CompoundNative(15);
      type = Layout(8);  type= 1 (contiguous) storageSize = (15,144) dataSize=0 dataAddress=2048
  public void testReadH5StructureArrayMembers() throws java.io.IOException {
    try (NetcdfFile ncfile = TestH5.openH5("complex/compound_native.h5")) {

      Variable dset = ncfile.findVariable("CompoundNative");
      assert (null != dset);
      assert (dset.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE);
      assert (dset.getRank() == 1);
      assert (dset.getSize() == 15);

      Dimension d = dset.getDimension(0);
      assert (d.getLength() == 15);

      Structure s = (Structure) dset;

      // read all with the iterator
      StructureDataIterator iter = s.getStructureIterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        StructureData sd = iter.next();

        for (StructureMembers.Member m : sd.getMembers()) {
          Array data = sd.getArray(m);
          NCdumpW.printArray(data, m.getName(), out, null);
    System.out.println("*** testReadH5StructureArrayMembers ok");
Beispiel #5
  public void readByte2Short() throws Exception {
    Variable t2 = null;
    assert (null != (t2 = ncfileRead.findVariable("t2")));
    assert (t2.getDataType() == DataType.BYTE);

    Attribute att = t2.findAttribute(CDM.SCALE_FACTOR);
    assert (null != att);
    assert (!att.isArray());
    assert (1 == att.getLength());
    assert (2 == att.getNumericValue().doubleValue());
    assert (DataType.SHORT == att.getDataType());

    assert (null != (t2 = dsRead.findVariable("t2")));
    assert t2 instanceof VariableEnhanced;
    VariableDS vs = (VariableDS) t2;
    assert (vs.getDataType() == DataType.SHORT) : vs.getDataType();
    assert (!vs.hasMissing());

    Array A = vs.read();
    assert (A.getElementType() == short.class) : A.getElementType();
    Index ima = A.getIndex();
    int[] shape = A.getShape();
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < shape[0]; i++) {
      for (j = 0; j < shape[1]; j++) {
        assert (A.getShort(ima.set(i, j)) == (2 * (i * 10 + j) + 77));
    System.out.println("**************TestStandardVar readByte2Short");
  * Make the missing variable
  * @return the missing variable
 protected Variable makeMissingVariable() {
   Variable var = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, MISSING_VAR);
   var.setDimensions((List<Dimension>) null);
   var.addAttribute(new Attribute("description", "missing flag - 1 means all params are missing"));
   var.addAttribute(new Attribute("missing_value", new Byte((byte) 1)));
   return var;
Beispiel #7
  public boolean compareVariables(
      Variable org, Variable copy, boolean compareData, boolean justOne) {
    boolean ok = true;

    if (showCompare)
      f.format("compare Variable %s to %s %n", org.getFullName(), copy.getFullName());
    if (!org.getFullName().equals(copy.getFullName())) {
      f.format(" ** names are different %s != %s %n", org.getFullName(), copy.getFullName());
      ok = false;

    // dimensions
    ok &= checkAll(org.getDimensions(), copy.getDimensions(), null);

    // attributes
    ok &= checkAll(org.getAttributes(), copy.getAttributes(), null);

    // coord sys
    if ((org instanceof VariableEnhanced) && (copy instanceof VariableEnhanced)) {
      VariableEnhanced orge = (VariableEnhanced) org;
      VariableEnhanced copye = (VariableEnhanced) copy;
      ok &= checkAll(orge.getCoordinateSystems(), copye.getCoordinateSystems(), null);

    // data !!
    if (compareData) {
      try {
        compareVariableData(org, copy, showCompare, justOne);

      } catch (IOException e) {
        ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(10000);
        e.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(bos));
        f.format("%s", bos.toString());

    // nested variables
    if (org instanceof Structure) {
      if (!(copy instanceof Structure)) {
        f.format("  ** %s not Structure%n", org);
        ok = false;

      } else {
        Structure orgS = (Structure) org;
        Structure ncmlS = (Structure) copy;

        List vars = new ArrayList();
        ok &= checkAll(orgS.getVariables(), ncmlS.getVariables(), vars);
        for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); i += 2) {
          Variable orgV = (Variable) vars.get(i);
          Variable ncmlV = (Variable) vars.get(i + 1);
          ok &= compareVariables(orgV, ncmlV, false, true);

    return ok;
  void CheckS(Variable v) throws IOException {

    // string
    // assert(null != (v = dodsfile.findVariable("types.strings.s")));
    // assert v.getName().equals("types.strings.s");
    assert v.getRank() == 0;
    assert v.getDataType() == DataType.STRING : v.getDataType();
 void CheckInt16(Variable v) throws IOException {
   // int16
   // assert(null != (v = dodsfile.findVariable("types.integers.i16")));
   // assert v.getName().equals("types.integers.i16");
   assert v.getRank() == 0;
   assert v.getSize() == 1;
   assert v.getDataType() == DataType.SHORT;
  void CheckLong32(Variable v) throws IOException {

    // uint32
    // assert(null != (v = dodsfile.findVariable("types.integers.ui32")));
    // assert v.getName().equals("types.integers.ui32");
    assert v.getRank() == 0;
    assert v.getSize() == 1;
    assert v.getDataType() == DataType.LONG : v.getDataType();
  void CheckF(Variable v) throws IOException {

    // float
    // assert(null != (v = dodsfile.findVariable("types.floats.f32")));
    // assert v.getName().equals("types.floats.f32");
    assert v.getRank() == 0;
    assert v.getSize() == 1;
    assert v.getDataType() == DataType.FLOAT : v.getDataType();
  void CheckD(Variable v) throws IOException {

    // double
    // assert(null != (v = dodsfile.findVariable("types.floats.f64")));
    // assert v.getName().equals("types.floats.f64");
    assert v.getRank() == 0;
    assert v.getSize() == 1;
    assert v.getDataType() == DataType.DOUBLE : v.getDataType();
  void CheckUrl(Variable v) throws IOException {

    // url
    // assert(null != (v = dodsfile.findVariable("types.strings.u")));
    // assert v.getName().equals("types.strings.u");
    assert v.getRank() == 0;
    assert v.getDataType() == DataType.STRING : v.getDataType();
    String str = v.readScalarString();
    assert str.equals("http://www.opendap.org") || str.equals("http://www.dods.org") : str;
Beispiel #14
  public void testStride() throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
    System.out.println("ncfile opened = " + location + "\n" + ncfile);
    Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time");

    ArrayInt all = (ArrayInt) time.read();
    for (int i = 0; i < all.getSize(); i++) assert (all.getInt(i) == i + 1);


    for (int i = 1; i < 12; i++) testStride("0:13:" + i);
Beispiel #15
  private void compareVariableData(
      Variable var1, Variable var2, boolean showCompare, boolean justOne) throws IOException {
    Array data1 = var1.read();
    Array data2 = var2.read();

    if (showCompare)
          " compareArrays %s unlimited=%s size=%d%n",
          var1.getNameAndDimensions(), var1.isUnlimited(), data1.getSize());
    compareData(var1.getFullName(), data1, data2, justOne);
    if (showCompare) f.format("   ok%n");
  public void testAggCoordVar(NetcdfFile ncfile) {

    Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time");
    assert null != time;
    assert time.getShortName().equals("time");
    assert time.getRank() == 1 : time.getRank();
    assert time.getShape()[0] == 3;
    assert time.getDataType() == DataType.INT;

    assert time.getDimension(0) == ncfile.findDimension("time");

    try {
      Array data = time.read();

      assert (data instanceof ArrayInt.D1) : data.getClass().getName();
      ArrayInt.D1 dataI = (ArrayInt.D1) data;
      assert dataI.get(0) == 0;
      assert dataI.get(1) == 10;
      assert dataI.get(2) == 99;

    } catch (IOException io) {
      assert false;
  public void testAggCoordVar2(NetcdfFile ncfile) {

    Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time");
    assert null != time;
    assert time.getShortName().equals("time");
    assert time.getRank() == 1 : time.getRank();
    assert time.getShape()[0] == 3;
    assert time.getDataType() == DataType.INT;

    assert time.getDimension(0) == ncfile.findDimension("time");

    try {
      Array data = time.read();

      assert (data instanceof ArrayInt);
      IndexIterator dataI = data.getIndexIterator();
      assert dataI.getIntNext() == 0 : dataI.getIntCurrent();
      assert dataI.getIntNext() == 1 : dataI.getIntCurrent();
      assert dataI.getIntNext() == 2 : dataI.getIntCurrent();

    } catch (IOException io) {
      assert false;
Beispiel #18
  public void readShortMissing() throws Exception {
    Variable v = null;
    assert (null != (v = ncfileRead.findVariable("t4")));
    assert (v.getDataType() == DataType.SHORT);

    // default use of missing_value
    assert (null != (v = dsRead.findVariable("t4")));
    assert v instanceof VariableEnhanced;
    assert v instanceof VariableDS;
    VariableDS vs = (VariableDS) v;
    assert (vs.getDataType() == DataType.SHORT);

    Attribute att = vs.findAttribute(CDM.MISSING_VALUE);
    assert (null != att);
    assert (!att.isArray());
    assert (1 == att.getLength());
    System.out.println("missing_value = " + att.getNumericValue().shortValue());
    assert (((short) -9999) == att.getNumericValue().shortValue());
    assert (DataType.SHORT == att.getDataType());

    assert (vs.hasMissing());
    assert (vs.hasMissingValue());
    assert (vs.isMissing((double) ((short) -9999)));
    assert (vs.isMissingValue((double) ((short) -9999)));

    Array A = vs.read();
    Index ima = A.getIndex();
    int[] shape = A.getShape();
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < shape[0]; i++) {
      for (j = 0; j < shape[1]; j++) {
        assert (A.getFloat(ima.set(i, j)) == (i * 10 + j));

    // turn off missing data
    assert (vs.getDataType() == DataType.SHORT);

    assert (!vs.hasMissing());
    assert (vs.hasMissingValue());
    assert (!vs.isMissing((double) ((short) -9999)));
    assert (vs.isMissingValue((double) ((short) -9999)));

    assert (vs.hasMissing());
    assert (vs.isMissing((double) ((short) -9999)));

    System.out.println("**************TestStandardVar Read readShortMissing");
Beispiel #19
  private void doWrite2(NetcdfFileWriteable ncfile, String varName) throws Exception {
    Variable v = ncfile.findVariable(varName);
    int[] w = getWeights(v);

    int[] shape = v.getShape();
    Array aa = Array.factory(v.getDataType().getPrimitiveClassType(), shape);
    Index ima = aa.getIndex();
    for (int i = 0; i < shape[0]; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < shape[1]; j++) {
        aa.setDouble(ima.set(i, j), (double) (i * w[0] + j * w[1]));

    ncfile.write(varName, aa);
Beispiel #20
  private int[] getWeights(Variable v) {
    int rank = v.getRank();
    int[] w = new int[rank];

    for (int n = 0; n < rank; n++) {
      Dimension dim = v.getDimension(n);
      String dimName = dim.getName();
      if (dimName.equals("time")) w[n] = 1000;
      if (dimName.equals("z")) w[n] = 100;
      if (dimName.equals("y")) w[n] = 10;
      if (dimName.equals("x")) w[n] = 1;

    return w;
Beispiel #21
  private void copyAll(NetcdfFileWriteable ncfile, Variable oldVar) throws IOException {
    String newName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(oldVar.getShortName());

    Array data = oldVar.read();
    try {
      if (oldVar.getDataType() == DataType.STRING) {
        data = convertToChar(ncfile.findVariable(newName), data);
      if (data.getSize() > 0) // zero when record dimension = 0
      ncfile.write(newName, data);

    } catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
      throw new IOException(e.getMessage() + " for Variable " + oldVar.getFullName());
Beispiel #22
  /** Read the value (parameters are ignored). */
  public boolean read(String datasetName, Object specialO) throws IOException {
    ArrayDouble.D0 a = (ArrayDouble.D0) ncVar.read();

    return (false);
  public void testH5StructureDS() throws java.io.IOException {
    int a_name = 0;
    String[] b_name =
        new String[] {
          "A fight is a contract that takes two people to honor.",
          "A combative stance means that you've accepted the contract.",
          "In which case, you deserve what you get.",
          "  --  Professor Cheng Man-ch'ing"
    String c_name = "Hello!";

    // H5header.setDebugFlags(new ucar.nc2.util.DebugFlagsImpl("H5header/header"));
    try (NetcdfDataset ncfile =
        NetcdfDataset.openDataset(TestH5.testDir + "complex/compound_complex.h5")) {

      Variable dset = ncfile.findVariable("CompoundComplex");
      assert (null != dset);
      assert (dset.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE);
      assert (dset.getRank() == 1);
      assert (dset.getSize() == 6);

      Dimension d = dset.getDimension(0);
      assert (d.getLength() == 6);

      Structure s = (Structure) dset;

      // read all with the iterator
      StructureDataIterator iter = s.getStructureIterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        StructureData sd = iter.next();
        assert sd.getScalarInt("a_name") == a_name;
        assert sd.getScalarString("c_name").equals(c_name);
        String[] results = sd.getJavaArrayString(sd.findMember("b_name"));
        assert results.length == b_name.length;
        int count = 0;
        for (String r : results) assert r.equals(b_name[count++]);

        for (StructureMembers.Member m : sd.getMembers()) {
          Array data = sd.getArray(m);
          NCdumpW.printArray(data, m.getName(), out, null);
    System.out.println("*** testH5StructureDS ok");
Beispiel #24
  public static Map<String, Metadata> readFile(String file) throws Exception {
    NetcdfFile n = NetcdfFile.open(file);
    System.out.println("Opened: " + file);

    /* Determine the size of our grid */
    int xLen = n.findDimension("x").getLength();
    int yLen = n.findDimension("y").getLength();
    System.out.println("Grid size: " + xLen + "x" + yLen);

    /* What time is this set of readings for? */
    Variable timeVar = n.findVariable("time");
    String timeStr = timeVar.getUnitsString().toUpperCase();
    timeStr = timeStr.replace("HOURS SINCE ", "");
    timeStr = timeStr.replace("HOUR SINCE ", "");

    /* Find the base date (the day) the reading was taken */
    Date baseDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX").parse(timeStr);

    /* Get the number of hours since the base date this reading was taken */
    int offset = timeVar.read().getInt(0);

    /* Generate the actual date for this reading */
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR) + offset);
    System.out.println("Time of collection: " + calendar.getTime());

    /* We'll keep a mapping of geolocations -> Galileo Metadata */
    Map<String, Metadata> metaMap = new HashMap<>();

    /* Determine the lat, lon coordinates for the grid points, and get each
     * reading at each grid point. */
    NetcdfDataset dataset = new NetcdfDataset(n);
    GridDataset gridData = new GridDataset(dataset);
    for (GridDatatype g : gridData.getGrids()) {
      /* Let's look at 3D variables: these have WxH dimensions, plus a
       * single plane.  A 4D variable would contain elevation
       * and multiple planes as a result */
      if (g.getShape().length == 3) {
        convert3DVariable(g, calendar.getTime(), metaMap);

    return metaMap;
  public Array readData(Variable v2, Section section) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
    Vgroup vgroup = (Vgroup) v2.getSPobject();

    Range scanRange = section.getRange(0);
    Range radialRange = section.getRange(1);
    Range gateRange = section.getRange(2);

    Array data = Array.factory(v2.getDataType().getPrimitiveClassType(), section.getShape());
    IndexIterator ii = data.getIndexIterator();

    for (int i = scanRange.first(); i <= scanRange.last(); i += scanRange.stride()) {
      Cinrad2Record[] mapScan = vgroup.map[i];
      readOneScan(mapScan, radialRange, gateRange, vgroup.datatype, ii);

    return data;
 public Array getData(Range range, String parameterName)
     throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
   Variable variable = ncfile.getRootGroup().findVariable(parameterName);
   int varRank = variable.getRank();
   int[] varShape = variable.getShape();
   List section = new ArrayList(varRank);
   for (int i = 1; i < varRank; i++) {
     section.add(new Range(0, varShape[i] - 1));
   Array array = variable.read(section);
   if (array.getShape()[0] == 1) {
     return (array.reduce(0));
   } else {
     return (array);
   // return( array.getShape()[0] == 1 ? array.reduce( 0 ) : array);
 private String showMissing(Variable v) {
   if (!(v instanceof VariableDS)) return "";
   VariableDS ve = (VariableDS) v;
   Formatter buff = new Formatter();
   buff.format("%s:", v.getFullName());
   EnumSet<NetcdfDataset.Enhance> enhanceMode = ve.getEnhanceMode();
   buff.format("enhanceMode= %s%n", enhanceMode);
   return buff.toString();
   * Make a new VariableDS, delegate data reading to the original variable, but otherwise dont take
   * any info from it. This is used by NcML explicit mode.
   * @param group the containing group; may not be null
   * @param parent parent Structure, may be null
   * @param shortName variable shortName, must be unique within the Group
   * @param orgVar the original Variable to wrap. The original Variable is not modified. Must not be
   *     a Structure, use StructureDS instead.
  public VariableDS(Group group, Structure parent, String shortName, Variable orgVar) {
    super(null, group, parent, shortName);
    setDimensions(getDimensionsString()); // reset the dimensions

    if (orgVar instanceof Structure)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "VariableDS must not wrap a Structure; name=" + orgVar.getName());

    // dont share cache, iosp : all IO is delegated
    this.ncfile = null;
    this.spiObject = null;

    this.orgVar = orgVar;
    this.orgDataType = orgVar.getDataType();

    this.enhanceProxy = new EnhancementsImpl(this);
    this.scaleMissingProxy = new EnhanceScaleMissingImpl();
Beispiel #29
  public void testStride(String stride) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
    Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("time");
    ArrayInt all = (ArrayInt) time.read();

    ArrayInt correct = (ArrayInt) all.section(new Section(stride).getRanges());
    System.out.printf("correct(%s) %s", stride, NCdumpW.toString(correct));
    ArrayInt data = (ArrayInt) time.read(stride);
    System.out.printf("data(%s) %s%n", stride, NCdumpW.toString(data));
    Index ci = correct.getIndex();
    Index di = data.getIndex();
    for (int i = 0; i < data.getSize(); i++)
      assert (data.getInt(di.set(i)) == correct.getInt(ci.set(i)))
          : stride
              + " index "
              + i
              + " = "
              + data.getInt(di.set(i))
              + " != "
              + correct.getInt(ci.set(i));
Beispiel #30
   * Get the 1D vertical coordinate array for this time step and the specified X,Y index for Lat-Lon
   * point.
   * @param timeIndex the time index. Ignored if !isTimeDependent().
   * @param xIndex the x index
   * @param yIndex the y index
   * @return vertical coordinate array
   * @throws java.io.IOException problem reading data
   * @throws ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException _more_
  public ArrayDouble.D1 getCoordinateArray1D(int timeIndex, int xIndex, int yIndex)
      throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
    Array etaArray = readArray(etaVar, timeIndex);
    Array sArray = readArray(sVar, timeIndex);
    Array depthArray = readArray(depthVar, timeIndex);
    Array cArray = readArray(cVar, timeIndex);

    depth_c = depthCVar.readScalarDouble();

    return makeHeight1D(etaArray, sArray, depthArray, cArray, depth_c, xIndex, yIndex);