Beispiel #1
  * Add a type to the slice at a given position, possibly changing the endpoints of some descendant
  * intervals.
  * @param type the type to add to the slice
  * @param position a type already in the slice before which the new type will be placed, <code>
  *     null</code> if the type should be placed at the end of the slice
  * @param ancestors the new type's ancestors
  * @return the event for the endpoint changes, though there might be none
 protected EndpointsChangedEvent add(Constant type, Constant position, Set<Constant> ancestors) {
   EndpointsChangedEvent event = new EndpointsChangedEvent(this, type);
   order.add(type, position);
   int typeLambda = lambdas.get(position), positionLambda = typeLambda;
   Set<Constant> reducedAncestors = new HashSet<Constant>(ancestors);
   for (Map.Entry<Constant, Interval<Constant>> entry : descendentIntervals.entrySet()) {
     Interval<Constant> value = entry.getValue();
     if (reducedAncestors.remove(entry.getKey())) {
       if (value.getMin() == position) {
       if (value.getMax() == position) {
     } else if (value.getMax() == position) {
   descendentIntervals.put(type, new Interval<Constant>(order, type, position));
   for (Constant ancestor : reducedAncestors) {
     descendentIntervals.put(ancestor, new Interval<Constant>(order, type, position));
   lambdas.put(type, typeLambda);
   lambdas.put(position, positionLambda);
   return event;