/** Attempt to give each existing template a type, if possible */
  public void setTemplateType() {

    for (int i = 0; i < listItemData.size(); i++) {
      TiListViewTemplate temp = listItemData.get(i).getTemplate();
      TiListView listView = getListView();
      if (temp.getType() == -1) {
  private TiListViewTemplate processDefaultTemplate(KrollDict data, int index) {

    if (builtInTemplate == null) {

      // Create template and generate default properties
      builtInTemplate =
          new TiDefaultListViewTemplate(UIModule.LIST_ITEM_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT, null, getActivity());
      // Each template is treated as an item type, so we can reuse views efficiently.
      // Section templates are given a type in TiListView.processSections(). Here we
      // give default template a type if possible.
      TiListView listView = getListView();
      if (listView != null) {

    return builtInTemplate;
  private TiListViewTemplate processTemplate(KrollDict itemData, int index) {

    TiListView listView = getListView();
    String defaultTemplateBinding = null;
    if (listView != null) {
      defaultTemplateBinding = listView.getDefaultTemplateBinding();
    // if template is specified in data, we look it up and if one exists, we use it.
    // Otherwise we check if a default template is specified in ListView. If not, we use
    // builtInTemplate.
    String binding = TiConvert.toString(itemData.get(TiC.PROPERTY_TEMPLATE));
    if (binding != null) {
      // check if template is default
      if (binding.equals(UIModule.LIST_ITEM_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT)) {
        return processDefaultTemplate(itemData, index);

      TiListViewTemplate template = listView.getTemplateByBinding(binding);
      // if template is successfully retrieved, bind it to the index. This is b/c
      // each row can have a different template.
      if (template == null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Template undefined");

      return template;

    } else {
      // if a valid default template is specify, use that one
      if (defaultTemplateBinding != null
          && !defaultTemplateBinding.equals(UIModule.LIST_ITEM_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT)) {
        TiListViewTemplate defTemplate = listView.getTemplateByBinding(defaultTemplateBinding);
        if (defTemplate != null) {
          return defTemplate;
      return processDefaultTemplate(itemData, index);