/* Unlike the shared code version, this expects a base file name -
   * not a full path name.
   * The font configuration file has base file names and the FontConfiguration
   * class reports these back to the GraphicsEnvironment, so these
   * are the componentFileNames of CompositeFonts.
  protected void registerFontFile(
      String fontFileName, String[] nativeNames, int fontRank, boolean defer) {

    // REMIND: case compare depends on platform
    if (registeredFontFiles.contains(fontFileName)) {

    int fontFormat;
    if (ttFilter.accept(null, fontFileName)) {
      fontFormat = FontManager.FONTFORMAT_TRUETYPE;
    } else if (t1Filter.accept(null, fontFileName)) {
      fontFormat = FontManager.FONTFORMAT_TYPE1;
    } else {
      /* on windows we don't use/register native fonts */

    if (fontPath == null) {
      fontPath = getPlatformFontPath(noType1Font);

    /* Look in the JRE font directory first.
     * This is playing it safe as we would want to find fonts in the
     * JRE font directory ahead of those in the system directory
    String tmpFontPath = jreFontDirName + File.pathSeparator + fontPath;
    StringTokenizer parser = new StringTokenizer(tmpFontPath, File.pathSeparator);

    boolean found = false;
    try {
      while (!found && parser.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String newPath = parser.nextToken();
        File theFile = new File(newPath, fontFileName);
        if (theFile.canRead()) {
          found = true;
          String path = theFile.getAbsolutePath();
          if (defer) {
                fontFileName, path, nativeNames, fontFormat, true, fontRank);
          } else {
            FontManager.registerFontFile(path, nativeNames, fontFormat, true, fontRank);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
    if (!found) {