protected void computeEdgeAndThreadNo() { Iterator it = iterator(); int numberOfEdge = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { List succList = (List) getSuccsOf(; numberOfEdge = numberOfEdge + succList.size(); } numberOfEdge = numberOfEdge + startToThread.size(); System.err.println("**number of edges: " + numberOfEdge); System.err.println("**number of threads: " + (startToThread.size() + 1)); /* Set keySet = startToThread.keySet(); Iterator keyIt = keySet.iterator(); while (keyIt.hasNext()){ List list = (List)startToThread.get(; System.out.println("********start thread:"); Iterator itit = list.iterator(); while (itit.hasNext()){ System.out.println(; } } */ }
private void insertAfter(JPegStmt node, JPegStmt after) { // System.out.println("node: "+node); // System.out.println("after: "+after); // System.out.println("succs of node: "+getSuccsOf(node)); // this must be done first because the succs of node will be chanaged lately List succOfAfter = new ArrayList(); succOfAfter.addAll(getSuccsOf(node)); unitToSuccs.put(after, succOfAfter); Iterator succsIt = getSuccsOf(node).iterator(); while (succsIt.hasNext()) { Object succ =; List pred = getPredsOf(succ); pred.remove(node); pred.add(after); } List succOfNode = new ArrayList(); succOfNode.add(after); unitToSuccs.put(node, succOfNode); List predOfAfter = new ArrayList(); predOfAfter.add(node); unitToPreds.put(after, predOfAfter); // buildPredecessor(Chain pegChain); }
protected void buildPreds() { buildPredecessor(mainPegChain); Set maps = getStartToThread().entrySet(); for (Iterator iter = maps.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); List runMethodChainList = (List) entry.getValue(); Iterator it = runMethodChainList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Chain chain = (Chain); // System.out.println("chain is null: "+(chain == null)); buildPredecessor(chain); } } }
protected void testList(List list) { // System.out.println("test list"); Iterator listIt = list.iterator(); while (listIt.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } }
private boolean removeBeginNode() { List heads = getHeads(); if (heads.size() != 1) { // System.out.println("heads: "+heads); // System.out.println("Error: the size of heads is not equal to 1!"); return false; // System.exit(1); } else { JPegStmt head = (JPegStmt) heads.get(0); // System.out.println("test head: "+head); if (!head.getName().equals("begin")) { System.err.println("Error: the head is not begin node!"); System.exit(1); } // remove begin node from heads list heads.remove(0); // set the preds list of the succs of head to a new list and put succs of head into heads Iterator succOfHeadIt = getSuccsOf(head).iterator(); while (succOfHeadIt.hasNext()) { JPegStmt succOfHead = (JPegStmt); unitToPreds.put(succOfHead, new ArrayList()); // put succs of head into heads heads.add(succOfHead); } // remove begin node from inlinee Peg if (!mainPegChain.remove(head)) { System.err.println("fail to remove begin node in from mainPegChain!"); System.exit(1); } if (!allNodes.contains(head)) { System.err.println("fail to find begin node in FlowSet allNodes!"); System.exit(1); } else { allNodes.remove(head); } // remove begin node from unitToSuccs if (unitToSuccs.containsKey(head)) { unitToSuccs.remove(head); } } return true; }
public String toString() { Iterator it = iterator(); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); while (it.hasNext()) { JPegStmt u = (JPegStmt); buf.append("u is: " + u + "\n"); List l = new ArrayList(); l.addAll(getPredsOf(u)); buf.append("preds: " + l + "\n"); // buf.append(u.toString() + '\n'); l = new ArrayList(); l.addAll(getSuccsOf(u)); buf.append("succs: " + l + "\n"); } return buf.toString(); }
public OnFlyCallGraph(PAG pag) { this.pag = pag; CGOptions options = new CGOptions(PhaseOptions.v().getPhaseOptions("cg")); if (options.all_reachable()) { List entryPoints = new ArrayList(); entryPoints.addAll(EntryPoints.v().all()); entryPoints.addAll(EntryPoints.v().methodsOfApplicationClasses()); Scene.v().setEntryPoints(entryPoints); } callGraph = new CallGraph(); Scene.v().setCallGraph(callGraph); ContextManager cm = CallGraphBuilder.makeContextManager(callGraph); reachableMethods = Scene.v().getReachableMethods(); ofcgb = new OnFlyCallGraphBuilder(cm, reachableMethods); reachablesReader = reachableMethods.listener(); callEdges = cm.callGraph().listener(); }
protected void testUnitToSucc() { System.out.println("=====test unitToSucc "); Set maps = unitToSuccs.entrySet(); for (Iterator iter = maps.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); JPegStmt key = (JPegStmt) entry.getKey(); Tag tag = (Tag) key.getTags().get(0); System.out.println("---key= " + tag + " " + key); List list = (List) entry.getValue(); if (list.size() > 0) { System.out.println("**succ set: size: " + list.size()); Iterator it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { JPegStmt stmt = (JPegStmt); Tag tag1 = (Tag) stmt.getTags().get(0); System.out.println(tag1 + " " + stmt); } } } System.out.println("=========unitToSucc--ends--------"); }
private void buildHeadsAndTails() { List tailList = new ArrayList(); List headList = new ArrayList(); // Build the sets { Iterator unitIt = mainPegChain.iterator(); while (unitIt.hasNext()) { JPegStmt s = (JPegStmt); List succs = unitToSuccs.get(s); if (succs.size() == 0) tailList.add(s); if (!unitToPreds.containsKey(s)) { System.err.println("unitToPreds does not contain key: " + s); System.exit(1); } List preds = unitToPreds.get(s); if (preds.size() == 0) headList.add(s); // System.out.println("head is:"); } } tails = (List) tailList; heads = (List) headList; // tails = Collections.unmodifiableList(tailList); // heads = Collections.unmodifiableList(headList); Iterator tmpIt = heads.iterator(); while (tmpIt.hasNext()) { Object temp =; // System.out.println(temp); } buildPredecessor(mainPegChain); }
private void insertBefore(JPegStmt node, JPegStmt enter) { // build preds of before List predOfBefore = new ArrayList(); predOfBefore.addAll(getPredsOf(node)); unitToPreds.put(enter, predOfBefore); // System.out.println("put into unitToPreds enter: "+enter); // System.out.println("put into unitToPreds value: "+predOfBefore); Iterator predsIt = getPredsOf(node).iterator(); // build succs of former preds of node while (predsIt.hasNext()) { Object pred =; List succ = getSuccsOf(pred); succ.remove(node); succ.add(enter); // System.out.println("in unitToPred pred: "+pred); // System.out.println("in unitToPred value is: "+succ); } List succOfBefore = new ArrayList(); succOfBefore.add(node); unitToSuccs.put(enter, succOfBefore); // System.out.println("put into unitToSuccs enter: "+enter); // System.out.println("put into unitToSuccs value: "+succOfBefore); List predOfNode = new ArrayList(); predOfNode.add(enter); unitToPreds.put(node, predOfNode); // System.out.println("put into unitToPreds enter: "+node); // System.out.println("put into unitToPreds value: "+predOfNode); // buildPreds(); }
protected void buildSuccsForInlining(JPegStmt stmt, Chain chain, PegGraph inlinee) { // System.out.println("entering buildSuccsForInlining..."); Tag tag = (Tag) stmt.getTags().get(0); // System.out.println("stmt is: "+tag+" "+stmt); /*connect heads of inlinee with the preds of invokeStmt and * delete stmt from the succs list from the preds */ Iterator predIt = getPredsOf(stmt).iterator(); // System.out.println("preds list: "+getPredsOf(stmt)); // System.out.println("preds size: "+getPredsOf(stmt).size()); Iterator headsIt = inlinee.getHeads().iterator(); { // System.out.println("heads: "+inlinee.getHeads()); while (predIt.hasNext()) { JPegStmt pred = (JPegStmt); // System.out.println("pred: "+pred); List succList = (List) getSuccsOf(pred); // System.out.println("succList of pred: "+succList); int pos = succList.indexOf(stmt); // System.out.println("remove : "+stmt + " from succList: \n"+succList+ "\n of pred" ); // remove invokeStmt succList.remove(pos); while (headsIt.hasNext()) { succList.add(; } unitToSuccs.put(pred, succList); } { while (headsIt.hasNext()) { Object head =; List predsOfHeads = new ArrayList(); predsOfHeads.addAll(getPredsOf(head)); unitToPreds.put(head, predsOfHeads); } } /* { predIt = getPredsOf(stmt).iterator(); while (predIt.hasNext()){ JPegStmt s = (JPegStmt); if (unitToSuccs.containsKey(s)){ Iterator succIt = ((List) unitToSuccs.get(s)).iterator(); while(succIt.hasNext()){ //Object successor =; JPegStmt successor = (JPegStmt); List predList = (List) unitToPreds.get(successor); if (predList != null) { try { predList.add(s); } catch(NullPointerException e) { System.out.println(s + "successor: " + successor); throw e; } } } } } }*/ } /*connect tails of inlinee with the succ of invokeStmt and * delete stmt from the */ Iterator tailsIt = inlinee.getTails().iterator(); { // System.out.println("tails: "+inlinee.getTails()); while (tailsIt.hasNext()) { Iterator succIt = getSuccsOf(stmt).iterator(); JPegStmt tail = (JPegStmt); List succList = null; if (unitToSuccs.containsKey(tail)) { // System.out.println("error: unitToSucc containsKey: "+tail); succList = (List) getSuccsOf(tail); // System.out.println("succList: "+succList); } else { succList = new ArrayList(); } while (succIt.hasNext()) { JPegStmt succ = (JPegStmt); succList.add(succ); // System.out.println("succ: "+succ); // remove stmt from the preds list of the succs of itself. List predListOfSucc = getPredsOf(succ); if (predListOfSucc == null) { System.err.println("Error: predListOfSucc is null!"); System.exit(1); } else { if (predListOfSucc.size() != 0) { int pos = predListOfSucc.indexOf(stmt); if (pos > 0 || pos == 0) { // System.out.println("remove stmt: "+stmt+" from the preds list"+predListOfSucc+" // of the succ"); predListOfSucc.remove(pos); } // System.out.println("remove(from PRED): "); } } unitToPreds.put(succ, predListOfSucc); } unitToSuccs.put(tail, succList); // System.out.println("put: "+tail); // System.out.println("succList: "+succList+ "into unitToSucc"); } } // add Nov 1 { tailsIt = inlinee.getTails().iterator(); while (tailsIt.hasNext()) { JPegStmt s = (JPegStmt); if (unitToSuccs.containsKey(s)) { Iterator succIt = unitToSuccs.get(s).iterator(); while (succIt.hasNext()) { // Object successor =; JPegStmt successor = (JPegStmt); List<JPegStmt> predList = unitToPreds.get(successor); if (predList != null && !predList.contains(s)) { try { predList.add(s); /* Tag tag = (Tag)successor.getTags().get(0); System.out.println("add "+s+" to predlist of "+tag+" "+successor); */ } catch (NullPointerException e) { System.out.println(s + "successor: " + successor); throw e; } } } } } } // end add Nov 1 // System.out.println("stmt: "+stmt); // remove stmt from allNodes and mainPegChain // System.out.println("mainPegChain contains stmt: "+mainPegChain.contains(stmt)); // testPegChain(); if (!allNodes.contains(stmt)) { System.err.println("fail to find begin node in allNodes!"); System.exit(1); } else { allNodes.remove(stmt); // System.out.println("remove from allNode: "+stmt); } if (!chain.contains(stmt)) { System.err.println("Error! Chain does not contains stmt (extending point)!"); System.exit(1); } else { if (!chain.remove(stmt)) { System.err.println("fail to remove invoke stmt in from Chain!"); System.exit(1); } } /* if (!mainPegChain.contains(stmt)){ boolean find = false; //System.out.println("main chain does not contain AFTER"); Set maps = startToThread.entrySet(); for(Iterator iter=maps.iterator(); iter.hasNext();){ Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); Object startNode = entry.getKey(); Iterator runIt = ((List)entry.getValue()).iterator(); while (runIt.hasNext()){ Chain chain=(Chain); if (chain.contains(stmt)) { find = true; if (!chain.remove(stmt)){ System.err.println("fail to remove begin node in from mainPegChain!"); System.exit(1); } break; } } if (find == false){ System.err.println("fail to find stmt: "+stmt+" in chains!"); System.exit(1); } } //this.toString(); } else{ if (!mainPegChain.remove(stmt)) { System.err.println("fail to remove begin node in from mainPegChain!"); System.exit(1); } else{ // System.out.println("remove(from mainchain): "+stmt); } } */ // remove stmt from unitToSuccs and unitToPreds if (unitToSuccs.containsKey(stmt)) { unitToSuccs.remove(stmt); } if (unitToPreds.containsKey(stmt)) { unitToPreds.remove(stmt); } }
/* private void deleteExitToException(){ Iterator it = iterator(); while (it.hasNext()){ JPegStmt stmt = (JPegStmt); Unit unit = stmt.getUnit(); UnitGraph unitGraph = stmt.getUnitGraph(); if (unit instanceof ExitMonitorStmt){ Iterator succIt = unitGraph.getSuccsOf(unit).iterator(); while( && exceHandlers.contains(un) ){ System.out.println("====find it! unit: "+unit+"\n un: "+un); continue; } } } */ private void buildPredecessor(Chain pegChain) { // System.out.println("==building predcessor==="); // initialize the pred sets to empty { JPegStmt s = null; Iterator unitIt = pegChain.iterator(); while (unitIt.hasNext()) { s = (JPegStmt); unitToPreds.put(s, new ArrayList()); } } // System.out.println("==finish init of unitToPred==="); { Iterator unitIt = pegChain.iterator(); while (unitIt.hasNext()) { Object s =; // System.out.println("s is: "+s); // Modify preds set for each successor for this statement if (unitToSuccs.containsKey(s)) { List succList = unitToSuccs.get(s); Iterator succIt = succList.iterator(); // System.out.println("unitToSuccs contains "+s); // System.out.println("succList is: "+succList); while (succIt.hasNext()) { // Object successor =; JPegStmt successor = (JPegStmt); // System.out.println("successor is: "+successor); List<Object> predList = unitToPreds.get(successor); // System.out.println("predList is: "+predList); if (predList != null && !predList.contains(s)) { try { predList.add(s); /* Tag tag1 = (Tag)((JPegStmt)s).getTags().get(0); System.out.println("add "+tag1+" "+s+" to predListof"); Tag tag2 = (Tag)((JPegStmt)successor).getTags().get(0); System.out.println(tag2+" "+successor); */ } catch (NullPointerException e) { System.out.println(s + "successor: " + successor); throw e; } // if (((JPegStmt)successor).getName().equals("start")){ if (successor instanceof StartStmt) { List runMethodChainList = startToThread.get(successor); if (runMethodChainList == null) { throw new RuntimeException("null runmehtodchain: \n" + successor.getUnit()); } Iterator possibleMethodIt = runMethodChainList.iterator(); while (possibleMethodIt.hasNext()) { Chain subChain = (Chain); buildPredecessor(subChain); } } } else { System.err.println("predlist of " + s + " is null"); // System.exit(1); } // unitToPreds.put(successor, predList); } } else { System.err.println("unitToSuccs does not contains key" + s); System.exit(1); } } } }
private void buildSuccessor(Chain pegChain) { // Add regular successors { HashMap unitToPeg = (HashMap) unitToPegMap.get(pegChain); Iterator pegIt = pegChain.iterator(); JPegStmt currentNode, nextNode; currentNode = pegIt.hasNext() ? (JPegStmt) : null; // June 19 add for begin node if (currentNode != null) { // System.out.println("currentNode: "+currentNode); // if the unit is "begin" node nextNode = pegIt.hasNext() ? (JPegStmt) : null; if (currentNode.getName().equals("begin")) { List<JPegStmt> successors = new ArrayList<JPegStmt>(); successors.add(nextNode); unitToSuccs.put(currentNode, successors); currentNode = nextNode; } // end June 19 add for begin node while (currentNode != null) { // System.out.println("currentNode: "+currentNode); /* If unitToSuccs contains currentNode, it is the point to inline methods, * we need not compute its successors again */ if (unitToSuccs.containsKey(currentNode) && !currentNode.getName().equals("wait")) { currentNode = pegIt.hasNext() ? (JPegStmt) : null; continue; } List<JPegStmt> successors = new ArrayList<JPegStmt>(); Unit unit = currentNode.getUnit(); UnitGraph unitGraph = currentNode.getUnitGraph(); List unitSucc = unitGraph.getSuccsOf(unit); Iterator succIt = unitSucc.iterator(); while (succIt.hasNext()) { Unit un = (Unit); // Don't build the edge from "monitor exit" to exception handler if (unit instanceof ExitMonitorStmt && exceHandlers.contains(un)) { // System.out.println("====find it! unit: "+unit+"\n un: "+un); continue; } else if (unitToPeg.containsKey(un)) { JPegStmt pp = (JPegStmt) (unitToPeg.get(un)); if (pp != null && !successors.contains(pp)) successors.add(pp); } } // end while if (currentNode.getName().equals("wait")) { while (!(currentNode.getName().equals("notified-entry"))) { currentNode = pegIt.hasNext() ? (JPegStmt) : null; } unitToSuccs.put(currentNode, successors); // System.out.println("put key: "+currentNode+" into unitToSucc"); } else { unitToSuccs.put(currentNode, successors); } if (currentNode.getName().equals("start")) { // System.out.println("-----build succ for start----"); if (startToThread.containsKey(currentNode)) { List runMethodChainList = startToThread.get(currentNode); Iterator possibleMethodIt = runMethodChainList.iterator(); while (possibleMethodIt.hasNext()) { Chain subChain = (Chain); if (subChain != null) { // System.out.println("build succ for subChain"); // buildSuccessor(subGraph, subChain, addExceptionEdges); buildSuccessor(subChain); } else System.out.println("*********subgraph is null!!!"); } } } currentNode = pegIt.hasNext() ? (JPegStmt) : null; } // while // June 19 add for begin node } // end June 19 add for begin node } }
// This method adds the monitorenter/exit statements into whichever pegChain contains the // corresponding node statement protected void addMonitorStmt() { // System.out.println("====entering addMonitorStmt"); if (synch.size() > 0) { // System.out.println("synch: "+synch); Iterator<List> it = synch.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { List list =; JPegStmt node = (JPegStmt) list.get(0); JPegStmt enter = (JPegStmt) list.get(1); JPegStmt exit = (JPegStmt) list.get(2); // System.out.println("monitor node: "+node); // System.out.println("monitor enter: "+enter); // System.out.println("monitor exit: "+exit); // add for test // System.out.println("allNodes contains node: "+allNodes.contains(node)); // end add for test { if (!mainPegChain.contains(node)) { boolean find = false; // System.out.println("main chain does not contain node"); Set maps = startToThread.entrySet(); // System.out.println("size of startToThread: "+startToThread.size()); for (Iterator iter = maps.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); Object startNode = entry.getKey(); Iterator runIt = ((List) entry.getValue()).iterator(); while (runIt.hasNext()) { Chain chain = (Chain); // testPegChain(chain); if (chain.contains(node)) { find = true; // System.out.println("---find it---"); chain.add(enter); chain.add(exit); break; } } } if (find == false) { System.err.println("fail to find stmt: " + node + " in chains!"); System.exit(1); } // this.toString(); } else { mainPegChain.add(enter); mainPegChain.add(exit); } } allNodes.add(enter); allNodes.add(exit); insertBefore(node, enter); insertAfter(node, exit); } } // add for test /* { // System.out.println("===main peg chain==="); //testPegChain(mainPegChain); //System.out.println("===end main peg chain==="); Set maps = startToThread.entrySet(); for(Iterator iter=maps.iterator(); iter.hasNext();){ Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); Object startNode = entry.getKey(); Iterator runIt = ((List)entry.getValue()).iterator(); while (runIt.hasNext()){ Chain chain=(Chain); testPegChain(chain); } } } */ // System.out.println(this.toString()); // end add for test }