public Result create() { Form<Profit> form = Form.form(Profit.class).bindFromRequest(); if (form.hasErrors()) { return badRequest(form.errorsAsJson()); } Profit profit = form.get(); if (Profit.existsProfitWithId(profit.getIdProfit())) { return Results.status(409, "already exists"); } Integer idAdvisedUser = RequestUtils.getIntegerFromBody(request(), "idAdvisedUser"); if (idAdvisedUser == null) { return badRequest("You need to add the id of the adviseduser"); } AdvisedUser advisedUser = AdvisedUser.findAdvisedUserWithId(idAdvisedUser); if (advisedUser == null) { return Results.status(409, "there is no adviseduser with this id"); } profit.setUser(advisedUser);; return created(); }
public Result doResetPassword() {; final Form<ModelAuth.PasswordReset> filledForm = getResetPasswordForm().bindFromRequest(); if (filledForm.hasErrors()) { boolean disableIndexing = false; ContentInner contentInner = renderResetPasswordView(filledForm); return Results.badRequest(this.onRenderListener.onRender(contentInner, disableIndexing)); } else { final String token = filledForm.get().token; final String newPassword = filledForm.get().password; final EntryTokenAction tokenAction = Auth.isTokenValid(token, EntryTokenAction.Type.PASSWORD_RESET); if (tokenAction == null) { ContentInner contentInner = new PageAuthAccount(this.session, this.onRenderListener).renderNoTokenOrInvalidView(); boolean disableIndexing = false; return Results.badRequest(this.onRenderListener.onRender(contentInner, disableIndexing)); } final EntryUser user = tokenAction.targetUser; try { // Pass true for the second parameter if you want to // automatically create a password and the exception never to // happen user.resetPassword(new ProviderUsernamePasswordAuthUser(newPassword), false); } catch (final RuntimeException re) { this.session.flash( Auth.FLASH_MESSAGE_KEY, Messages.get("playauthenticate.reset_password.message.no_password_account")); } final boolean login = ProviderUsernamePasswordAuth.getProvider().isLoginAfterPasswordReset(); if (login) { // automatically log in this.session.flash( Auth.FLASH_MESSAGE_KEY, Messages.get("playauthenticate.reset_password.message.success.auto_login")); return PlayAuthenticate.loginAndRedirect( this.session.ctx(), new ProviderLoginUsernamePasswordAuthUser(; } else { // send the user to the login page this.session.flash( Auth.FLASH_MESSAGE_KEY, Messages.get("playauthenticate.reset_password.message.success.manual_login")); } return this.onRenderListener.redirectToLogin(); } }
public static Result addThirdParty() { AppUtils.setHeaders(response()); try { ThirdParty thirdParty = Form.form(ThirdParty.class).bindFromRequest().get();; return Results.ok(Json.toJson(thirdParty)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return Results.internalServerError(AppUtils.errorJsonResponse(e.getMessage())); } }
@Override public play.mvc.Result onError(final RequestHeader rh, final Throwable t) { Logger.error("onError " + rh + " " + t); JPA.withTransaction( new play.libs.F.Callback0() { @Override public void invoke() throws Throwable { Group group = Group.findByTitle( play.Play.application().configuration().getString("")); if (group != null) { Post p = new Post(); p.content = "Request: " + rh + "\nError: " + t; p.owner = Account.findByEmail( play.Play.application().configuration().getString("htwplus.admin.mail")); = group; p.create(); } } }); // prod mode? return 404 page if (Play.mode(play.api.Play.current()).toString().equals("Prod")) { return play.mvc.Results.redirect(routes.Application.error()); } return super.onError(rh, t); }
public static Result deleteThirdParty(long thirdPartyId) { AppUtils.setHeaders(response()); ThirdParty thirdParty = ThirdParty.getById(thirdPartyId); thirdParty.delete(); return Results.ok(AppUtils.okJsonResponse()); }
@Override public Result onHandlerNotFound(RequestHeader r) { // usually one need to use a customized error reporting in production. // if (Play.application().isProd() || Play.application().isDev()) return Results.notFound(JapidController.renderJapidWith("onHandlerNotFound.html", r)); else return super.onHandlerNotFound(r); }
public Result renderResetPassword(final String token) {; final EntryTokenAction ta = Auth.isTokenValid(token, EntryTokenAction.Type.PASSWORD_RESET); if (ta == null) { ContentInner contentInner = new PageAuthAccount(this.session, this.onRenderListener).renderNoTokenOrInvalidView(); boolean disableIndexing = false; return Results.badRequest(this.onRenderListener.onRender(contentInner, disableIndexing)); } boolean disableIndexing = false; ContentInner contentInner = renderResetPasswordView(getResetPasswordForm().fill(new ModelAuth.PasswordReset(token))); return Results.ok(this.onRenderListener.onRender(contentInner, disableIndexing)); }
public Result doRemindPassword() {; final Form<ModelAuth.Identity> filledForm = getForgotPasswordForm().bindFromRequest(); if (filledForm.hasErrors()) { // User did not fill in his/her email boolean disableIndexing = false; ContentInner contentInner = renderRemindPasswordView(filledForm); return Results.badRequest(this.onRenderListener.onRender(contentInner, disableIndexing)); } else { // The email address given *BY AN UNKNWON PERSON* to the form - we // should find out if we actually have a user with this email // address and whether password login is enabled for him/her. Also // only send if the email address of the user has been verified. final String email = filledForm.get().email; // We don't want to expose whether a given email address is signed // up, so just say an email has been sent, even though it might not // be true - that's protecting our user privacy. this.session.flash( Auth.FLASH_MESSAGE_KEY, Messages.get("playauthenticate.reset_password.message.instructions_sent", email)); final EntryUser user = EntryUser.findByEmail(email); if (user != null) { // yep, we have a user with this email that is active - we do // not know if the user owning that account has requested this // reset, though. final ProviderUsernamePasswordAuth provider = ProviderUsernamePasswordAuth.getProvider(); // User exists if (user.emailValidated) { provider.sendPasswordResetMailing(user, this.session.ctx()); // In case you actually want to let (the unknown person) // know whether a user was found/an email was sent, use, // change the flash message } else { // We need to change the message here, otherwise the user // does not understand whats going on - we should not verify // with the password reset, as a "bad" user could then sign // up with a fake email via OAuth and get it verified by an // a unsuspecting user that clicks the link. this.session.flash( Auth.FLASH_MESSAGE_KEY, Messages.get("playauthenticate.reset_password.message.email_not_verified")); // You might want to re-send the verification email here... provider.sendVerifyEmailMailingAfterSignup(user, this.session.ctx()); } } return this.onRenderListener.redirectToMain(); } }
public static Result toResult(RuntimeException re) { Logger.error("ERROR: ", re); String msg = re.getMessage(); if (msg == null) { // api doesn't allow null strings msg = ""; } re.printStackTrace(); if (re instanceof NotFoundException) { return Results.notFound(msg); } else if (re instanceof ForbiddenException) { return Results.forbidden(msg); } else if (re instanceof IllegalStateException || re instanceof IllegalArgumentException || re instanceof UnsupportedOperationException || re instanceof PersistenceException) { return Results.badRequest(re.getMessage()); } return Results.internalServerError(msg); }
@Override public Result onError(RequestHeader request, Throwable t) { AccessLogger.log(request, null, Http.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); if (Play.isProd()) { return Results.internalServerError( views.html.error.internalServerError_default.render("error.internalServerError")); } else { return super.onError(request, t); } }
public Result authUser() { Http.Cookie cookie = request().cookie(Constants.AuthTokenCookieKey); if (cookie != null) { User user = new User(3L, "*****@*****.**", "123456", "TestUser"); return ok(Json.toJson(user)); } else { ObjectNode node = Json.newObject(); node.put("code", "UNAUTHORIZED"); node.put("message", "Unauthorized"); return Results.unauthorized(node); } }
public Result render() { boolean disableIndexing = true; String title = Messages.get("playauthenticate.index.intro"); String description = Messages.get("playauthenticate.index.intro.description"); String keywords = Messages.get("playauthenticate.index.intro.keywords"); Content content = ViewIndex.render(); ContentInner contentInner = new ContentInner(title, description, keywords, content); return Results.ok(this.onRenderListener.onRender(contentInner, disableIndexing)); }
public Result renderRemindPassword(final String email) {; Form<ModelAuth.Identity> form = getForgotPasswordForm(); if (email != null && !email.trim().isEmpty()) { form = form.fill(new ModelAuth.Identity(email)); } boolean disableIndexing = false; ContentInner contentInner = renderRemindPasswordView(form); return Results.ok(this.onRenderListener.onRender(contentInner, disableIndexing)); }
public static Promise<Result> get(String symbol) { ActorRef stockSentimentActor = ActorManagerExtension.ActorManagerExtensionProvider.get(Akka.system()) .getStockSentimentProxy(); Future<Object> futureStockSentiments = Patterns.ask(stockSentimentActor, new StockSentimentActor.GetSentiment(symbol), timeout); Promise<Object> promiseSentiments = Promise.wrap(futureStockSentiments); return promiseSentiments .<Result>map( obj -> { StockSentimentActor.SendSentiment sendSentiment = (StockSentimentActor.SendSentiment) obj; return Results.ok(sendSentiment.getSentiment()); }) .recover(StockSentiment::errorResponse); }
@SecuredAction public WebSocket<String> getSocket() { // User player = (User) ctx().args.get(SecureSocial.USER_KEY); User player = (User) SecureSocial.currentUser(env).get(100); logger.debug("[LobbyController:getSocket] getSocket called from User: "******"[LobbyController:getSocket] ...player found! Returning WebSocket for this player"); return lobbys.get(lobbyName).getSocketForPlayer(player); } } } logger.debug( "[LobbyController:getSocket] ...player not found. Player didn't joined a lobby. Rejecting WebSocket."); return WebSocket.reject(Results.badRequest("Player didn't joined a game.")); }
@Override public Result onBadRequest(RequestHeader r, String s) { if (Play.application().isProd()) return Results.badRequest(JapidController.renderJapidWith("onBadRequest.html", r, s)); else return super.onBadRequest(r, s); }
public static Result getThirdParties() { AppUtils.setHeaders(response()); List<ThirdParty> thirdParties = ThirdParty.getAll(); return Results.ok(Json.toJson(thirdParties)); }
public static Result getThirdParty(long thirdPartyId) { AppUtils.setHeaders(response()); ThirdParty thirdParty = ThirdParty.getById(thirdPartyId); return Results.ok(Json.toJson(thirdParty)); }
public static Result badRequestWrapper(String s) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("error", s); String error = new Gson().toJson(map); return Results.ok(error); }
@Override public Result onError(RequestHeader h, Throwable t) { if (Play.application().isProd()) return Results.internalServerError(JapidController.renderJapidWith("onError.html", h, t)); else return super.onError(h, t); }
@Override public Result onHandlerNotFound(RequestHeader request) { AccessLogger.log(request, null, Http.Status.NOT_FOUND); return Results.notFound(ErrorViews.NotFound.render()); }