public String write(String spaceURI, Graph triples, User authorized)
     throws SpaceNotExistsException, UnsupportedSemanticFormatException, PersistenceException {
   final String graphuri = write(spaceURI, triples);
   authz.add(graphuri, authorized); // TODO remove graphs when they are taken
   return graphuri;
 public Graph read(String spaceURI, String graphURI, SemanticFormat outputFormat, User user)
     throws SpaceNotExistsException, AuthorizationException {
   if (authz.isUserAuthorized(graphURI, user))
     return concreteRead(spaceURI, graphURI, outputFormat);
   throw new AuthorizationException("Unable to access to" + graphURI);
 public Graph take(String spaceURI, String graphURI, SemanticFormat outputFormat, User authorized)
     throws SpaceNotExistsException, AuthorizationException, PersistenceException {
   if (authz.isUserAuthorized(graphURI, authorized))
     return concreteTake(spaceURI, graphURI, outputFormat);
   throw new AuthorizationException("Unable to access to" + graphURI);