public void onClick$btn_export() throws InterruptedException { try { Listbox listBox = new Listbox(); Listhead listHeader = new Listhead(); for (Object o : lb_user_org_list.getChildren()) { if (o instanceof Listhead) { Listhead head = (Listhead) o; for (Object o1 : head.getChildren()) { if (o1 instanceof Listheader) { Listheader header = (Listheader) o1; Listheader newHeader = new Listheader(header.getLabel()); newHeader.setParent(listHeader); } } listHeader.setParent(listBox); } } listBox.setModel( new ListModelList(userOrgManager.getUserOrgListByID(bb_user_org.getValue()))); ExportUtil.exportToExcel( globalUtils.getGlobalPropValue(Commons.SCREEN_USER_ORG_SEARCH), listBox); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); GlobalUtils.showMessage( globalUtils.getMessagePropValue(Commons.ERR_MSG_EXPORT), globalUtils.getGlobalPropValue(Commons.MSG_HEADER_ERROR), Messagebox.OK, Messagebox.ERROR); } }
// public Listitem agregarDetail(IBeanAbstracto dto, Listbox lista, int // span, // String widthEstado, boolean aplicaEstado, boolean aplicaDetail, // String lblcaption, String... nobreColumnas) { // // Listitem detail = new Listitem(); // Listhead columnas = new Listhead(); // Groupbox gbox = new Groupbox(); // Caption caption = new Caption(lblcaption); // gbox.appendChild(caption); // // Listcell cell1 = new Listcell(); // Listcell cell2 = new Listcell(); // cell2.setSpan(span); // if (aplicaDetail) { // Listheader deta = new Listheader(); // deta.setWidth("20px"); // deta.setAlign("center"); // columnas.appendChild(deta); // } // // for (String nombreColumna : nobreColumnas) { // columnas.appendChild(new Listheader(nombreColumna)); // } // if (aplicaEstado) { // if (widthEstado != "" && widthEstado != null) { // Listheader estado = new Listheader("Estado"); // estado.setAlign(CENTER); // estado.setWidth(widthEstado); // columnas.appendChild(estado); // } else { // Listheader estado = new Listheader("Estado"); // estado.setAlign(CENTER); // estado.setWidth("70px"); // columnas.appendChild(estado); // } // // } // lista.appendChild(columnas); // gbox.appendChild(lista); // gbox.setStyle("overflow:auto"); // cell2.appendChild(gbox); // detail.appendChild(cell1); // detail.appendChild(cell2); // detail.setVisible(false); // // return detail; // } // @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public Listitem agregarDetail( IBeanAbstracto dto, Listbox lista, int span, String widthEstado, String lblCaption, boolean aplicaEstado, boolean aplicaDetail, String... nobreColumnas) { Listitem detail = new Listitem(); Listhead columnas = new Listhead(); Groupbox gbox = new Groupbox(); Caption caption = new Caption(); if (lblCaption != null) caption.setLabel(lblCaption); Listcell cell1 = new Listcell(); Listcell cell2 = new Listcell(); cell2.setSpan(span); if (aplicaDetail) { Listheader deta = new Listheader(); deta.setWidth("30px"); deta.setAlign("center"); columnas.appendChild(deta); } for (String nombreColumna : nobreColumnas) { columnas.appendChild(new Listheader(nombreColumna)); } if (aplicaEstado) { if (widthEstado != "" && widthEstado != null) { Listheader estado = new Listheader("Estado"); estado.setAlign(CENTER); estado.setWidth(widthEstado); columnas.appendChild(estado); } else { Listheader estado = new Listheader("Estado"); estado.setAlign(CENTER); estado.setWidth("70px"); columnas.appendChild(estado); } } lista.setFixedLayout(true); lista.appendChild(columnas); gbox.appendChild(caption); gbox.appendChild(lista); gbox.setHflex("true"); gbox.setContentStyle("overflow-x:auto"); cell2.appendChild(gbox); detail.appendChild(cell1); detail.appendChild(cell2); detail.setVisible(false); return detail; }
/** * Sets the listeners. <br> * <br> * 1. "onPaging" for the paging component. <br> * 2. "onSort" for all listheaders that have a sortDirection declared. <br> * All not used Listheaders must me declared as: listheader.setSortAscending(""); * listheader.setSortDescending(""); <br> */ private void setListeners(Listbox listBox) { // Add 'onPaging' listener to the paging component getPaging().addEventListener("onPaging", new OnPagingEventListener()); final Listhead listhead = listBox.getListhead(); final List<?> list = listhead.getChildren(); final OnSortEventListener onSortEventListener = new OnSortEventListener(); for (final Object object : list) { if (object instanceof Listheader) { final Listheader lheader = (Listheader) object; if (lheader.getSortAscending() != null || lheader.getSortDescending() != null) { lheader.addEventListener("onSort", onSortEventListener); } } } listBox.setModel(this); }
@Listen("onClick=#btn_atualiza, #btn_aberto, #btn_fechado") public void criaLista(Event event) { String itemId = event.getTarget().getId(); ArrayList<Edital> editais = new ArrayList<>(); if (itemId.equals("btn_atualiza")) { editais.addAll(new EditalDAO().getAll()); } else if (itemId.equals("btn_aberto")) { editais.addAll(new EditalDAO().getOpened()); } else { editais.addAll(new EditalDAO().getClosed()); } // remove filhos da listbox listar_edital.getItems().clear(); ListModelList<Edital> editalModel = new ListModelList<Edital>(editais); // cria model listar_edital.setModel(editalModel); // recria listbox try { Listhead lh = new Listhead(); lh.appendChild(new Listheader("código edital")); lh.appendChild(new Listheader("projeto")); lh.appendChild(new Listheader("número de vagas")); lh.appendChild(new Listheader("data inicio")); lh.appendChild(new Listheader("data final")); listar_edital.appendChild(lh); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception } listar_edital.setItemRenderer( new ListitemRenderer() { @Override public void render(Listitem listitem, Object data, int arg2) throws Exception { final Edital edital = (Edital) data; final Projeto projeto = new ProjetoDAO().getOneByCod(edital.getProjeto_cod()); new Listcell(String.valueOf(edital.getCod())).setParent(listitem); new Listcell(projeto.getCod() + "-" + projeto.getDescricao()).setParent(listitem); new Listcell(String.valueOf(edital.getN_vagas())).setParent(listitem); new Listcell(edital.getData_inicio().toString()).setParent(listitem); new Listcell(edital.getData_fim().toString()).setParent(listitem); } }); }
/** Creates the components..<br> */ private void createComponents() { /** * !! Windows as NameSpaceContainer to prevent not unique id's error from other dashboard module * buttons or other used components. */ Window win = new Window(); win.setBorder("none"); win.setParent(this); Groupbox gb = new Groupbox(); gb.setMold("3d"); gb.setClosable(false); gb.setParent(win); Caption cap = new Caption(); cap.setImage("/images/icons/new_icons_10.gif"); cap.setLabel(Labels.getLabel("common.Application.History")); cap.setStyle("padding: 0px;"); cap.setParent(gb); // Buttons Toolbar/Timer Div div = new Div(); div.setSclass("z-toolbar"); div.setStyle("padding: 0px"); div.setParent(cap); Hbox hbox = new Hbox(); hbox.setPack("stretch"); hbox.setSclass("hboxRemoveWhiteStrips"); hbox.setWidth("100%"); hbox.setParent(div); Toolbar toolbarRight = new Toolbar(); toolbarRight.setAlign("end"); toolbarRight.setStyle("float:right; border-style: none;"); toolbarRight.setParent(hbox); Hbox hboxBtn = new Hbox(); hboxBtn.setSclass("hboxRemoveWhiteStrips"); hboxBtn.setWidth("100%"); hboxBtn.setParent(toolbarRight); // Paging paging = new Paging(); // paging.setParent(hboxBtn); // paging.setDetailed(true); if (isTimerControl()) { Button btnTimer = new Button(); btnTimer.setId("btnTimer"); btnTimer.setHeight("22px"); btnTimer.setImage("/images/icons/clock1_16x16.gif"); // convert to seconds int seconds = (int) Math.round(getDelay() / 1000); if (seconds > 60) { // convert to minutes and set localization to minutes int minutes = (int) Math.round((getDelay() / 1000) / 60); btnTimer.setTooltiptext( Labels.getLabel("btnTimer.tooltiptext") + " " + minutes + " " + Labels.getLabel("common.Minutes")); } else // set localization to seconds btnTimer.setTooltiptext( Labels.getLabel("btnTimer.tooltiptext") + " " + seconds + " " + Labels.getLabel("common.Seconds")); btnTimer.addEventListener("onClick", new BtnClickListener()); btnTimer.setParent(hboxBtn); } Button btnRefresh = new Button(); btnRefresh.setId("btnRefresh"); btnRefresh.setHeight("22px"); btnRefresh.setLabel("!"); btnRefresh.setTooltiptext(Labels.getLabel("btnRefresh.tooltiptext")); btnRefresh.addEventListener("onClick", new BtnClickListener()); btnRefresh.setParent(hboxBtn); // END Buttons Toolbar/Timer // body Borderlayout bl = new Borderlayout(); bl.setHeight(getModulHeight() + "px"); bl.setParent(gb); Center ct = new Center(); ct.setSclass("FDCenterNoBorder"); ct.setStyle("background-color: white"); ct.setFlex(true); ct.setParent(bl); // Listbox listbox = new Listbox(); listbox.setStyle("border: none;"); listbox.setHeight("100%"); listbox.setVisible(true); listbox.setParent(ct); listbox.setItemRenderer(new ItemRenderer()); Listhead listhead = new Listhead(); listhead.setParent(listbox); Listheader listheader1 = new Listheader(); listheader1.setWidth("100px"); listheader1.setHeight("0px"); listheader1.setParent(listhead); Listheader listheader2 = new Listheader(); listheader2.setWidth("100%"); listheader1.setHeight("0px"); listheader2.setParent(listhead); doReadData(); }