Beispiel #1
 public void onSurfacesCreated(AWindow vout) {
   Log.d(TAG, "mWindow's onSurfacesCreated");
   boolean play = false;
   boolean enableVideo = false;
   synchronized (MediaPlayer.this) {
     if (!mPlaying && mPlayRequested) play = true;
     else if (mVoutCount == 0) enableVideo = true;
   if (play) play();
   else if (enableVideo) setVideoTrackEnabled(true);
Beispiel #2
 public void onSurfacesDestroyed(AWindow vout) {
   boolean disableVideo = false;
   synchronized (MediaPlayer.this) {
     if (mVoutCount > 0) disableVideo = true;
   if (disableVideo) setVideoTrackEnabled(false);
   synchronized (MediaPlayer.this) {
     /* Wait for Vout destruction (mVoutCount = 0) in order to be sure that the surface is not
      * used after leaving this callback. This shouldn't be needed when using MediaCodec or
      * AndroidWindow (i.e. after Android 2.3) since the surface is ref-counted */
     while (mVoutCount > 0) {
       try {
       } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {