protected void removeFromDiagramImpl() {
    Object o = getOwner();
    if (o != null) {

    Iterator it = getPathItemFigs().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      Fig fig = (Fig);

    /* TODO: MVW: Why the next action?
     * Deleting a fig from 1 diagram should not influence others!
     * */
    // GEF does not take into account the multiple diagrams we have
    // therefore we loop through our diagrams and delete each and every
    // occurence on our own
    it = ProjectManager.getManager().getCurrentProject().getDiagrams().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      ArgoDiagram diagram = (ArgoDiagram);

    /* TODO: MVW: Should we not call damage()
     * for diagrams AFTER the next step? */
  private void constructFigs(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    bigPort = new FigRect(x, y, w, h, LINE_COLOR, FILL_COLOR);

   * If the selected Fig is a FigAssociation (an edge) then convert it to a FigNodeAssociation.
   * @param fig the select end Fig
   * @return the fig converted to a FigNode
  private FigNode convertToFigNode(Fig fig) {
    if (fig instanceof FigEdgePort) {
      fig = fig.getGroup();
    if (!(fig instanceof FigAssociation)) {
      return (FigNode) fig;
    final FigAssociation figAssociation = (FigAssociation) fig;
    final int x = figAssociation.getEdgePort().getX();
    final int y = figAssociation.getEdgePort().getY();
    final Object association = fig.getOwner();
    final FigNode originalEdgePort = figAssociation.getEdgePort();

    // Detach any edges (such as comment edges) already attached
    // to the FigAssociation before the FigAssociation is removed.
    // They'll later be re-attached to the new FigNodeAssociation
    final Collection<FigEdge> existingEdges = originalEdgePort.getEdges();
    for (FigEdge edge : existingEdges) {

    // Create the new FigNodeAssociation and locate it.
    final MutableGraphModel gm = (MutableGraphModel) editor.getGraphModel();
    final LayerPerspective lay = (LayerPerspective) editor.getLayerManager().getActiveLayer();
    final List associationFigs = lay.presentationsFor(association);
    final FigNodeAssociation figNode = (FigNodeAssociation) associationFigs.get(0);

    figNode.setLocation(x - figNode.getWidth() / 2, y - figNode.getHeight() / 2);

    // Add the association ends to the graph model
    final Collection<Object> associationEnds = Model.getFacade().getConnections(association);
    for (Object associationEnd : associationEnds) {
    // Add the edges (such as comment edges) that were on the old
    // FigAssociation to our new FigNodeAssociation and make sure they are
    // positioned correctly.
    for (FigEdge edge : existingEdges) {
      if (edge.getDestFigNode() == originalEdgePort) {
      if (edge.getSourceFigNode() == originalEdgePort) {

    return figNode;
 /** @see org.tigris.gef.presentation.Fig#hit(java.awt.Rectangle) */
 public boolean hit(Rectangle r) {
   // Check if labels etc have been hit
   // Apparently GEF does require PathItems to be "annotations"
   // which ours aren't, so until that is resolved...
   Iterator it = getPathItemFigs().iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     Fig f = (Fig);
     if (f.hit(r)) return true;
   return super.hit(r);
 /** Change the line. */
 public void setTargetLine() {
   Fig target = getPanelTarget();
   Object c = lineField.getSelectedItem();
   if (target == null || c == null) {
   if (c instanceof Color) {
     target.setLineColor((Color) c);
   target.setLineWidth((c instanceof Color) ? 1 : 0);
 /** Change the fill. */
 public void setTargetFill() {
   Fig target = getPanelTarget();
   Object c = fillField.getSelectedItem();
   if (target == null || c == null) {
   if (c instanceof Color) {
     target.setFillColor((Color) c);
   target.setFilled(c instanceof Color);
   * Add a classier to the current diagram.
   * @param classifier The new class or interface to add to the editor.
   * @param minimise minimise the class fig by hiding compartments (of attributes and operations)
  private void addClassifier(Object classifier, boolean minimise) {

    String name = Model.getFacade().getName(classifier);

    // if the classifier is not in the current diagram, add it:
    if (currentGM.canAddNode(classifier)) {
      FigClassifierBox newFig;
      if (Model.getFacade().isAClass(classifier)) {
        newFig = new FigClass(currentGM, classifier);
      } else if (Model.getFacade().isAInterface(classifier)) {
        newFig = new FigInterface(currentGM, classifier);
      } else {

       * The following calls are ORDER DEPENDENT. Not sure why, but the
       * layer add must come before the model add or we'll end up with
       * duplicate figures in the diagram. - tfm

      if (Model.getFacade().isAClass(classifier)) {
        ((FigClass) newFig).setAttributesVisible(!minimise);

    } else {
      // the class is in the diagram
      // so we are on a second pass,
      // find the fig for this class can update its visible state.
      FigClassifierBox existingFig = null;
      List figs = currentLayer.getContentsNoEdges();
      for (int i = 0; i < figs.size(); i++) {
        Fig fig = (Fig) figs.get(i);
        if (classifier == fig.getOwner()) {
          existingFig = (FigClassifierBox) fig;

    // add edges
    // for a 2-pass r.e. process we might have already added the
    // class but not its edges
Beispiel #8
   * Main constructor for a {@link FigClass}.
   * <p>Parent {@link FigNodeModelElement} will have created the main box {@link #getBigPort()} and
   * its name {@link #getNameFig()} and stereotype (@link #getStereotypeFig()}. This constructor
   * creates a box for the attributes and operations.
   * <p>The properties of all these graphic elements are adjusted appropriately. The main boxes are
   * all filled and have outlines.
   * <p>For reasons I don't understand the stereotype is created in a box with lines. So we have to
   * created a blanking rectangle to overlay the bottom line, and avoid four compartments showing.
   * <p>There is some complex logic to allow for the possibility that stereotypes may not be
   * displayed (unlike operations and attributes this is not a standard thing for UML). Some care is
   * needed to ensure that additional space is not added, each time a stereotyped class is loaded.
   * <p>There is a particular problem when loading diagrams with stereotyped classes. Because we
   * create a FigClass indicating the stereotype is not displayed, we then add extra space for such
   * classes when they are first rendered. This ought to be fixed by correctly saving the class
   * dimensions, but that needs more work. The solution here is to use a simple flag to indicate the
   * FigClass has just been created.
   * <p><em>Warning</em>. Much of the graphics positioning is hard coded. The overall figure is
   * placed at location (10,10). The name compartment (in the parent {@link FigNodeModelElement} is
   * 21 pixels high. The stereotype compartment is created 15 pixels high in the parent, but we
   * change it to 19 pixels, 1 more than ({@link #STEREOHEIGHT} here. The attribute and operations
   * boxes are created at 19 pixels, 2 more than {@link #ROWHEIGHT}.
   * <p>CAUTION: This constructor (with no arguments) is the only one that does
   * enableSizeChecking(false), all others must set it true. This is because this constructor is the
   * only one called when loading a project. In this case, the parsed size must be maintained.
   * <p>
  public FigClass() {


    // Attributes inside. First one is the attribute box itself.
    attributesFigCompartment = new FigAttributesCompartment(10, 30, 60, ROWHEIGHT + 2);

    // The operations compartment is built in the ancestor FigClassifierBox

    // Set properties of the stereotype box. Make it 1 pixel higher than
    // before, so it overlaps the name box, and the blanking takes out both
    // lines. Initially not set to be displayed, but this will be changed
    // when we try to render it, if we find we have a stereotype.
    getStereotypeFig().setHeight(STEREOHEIGHT + 1);
    // +1 to have 1 pixel overlap with getNameFig()

    borderFig = new FigEmptyRect(10, 10, 0, 0);


    // Mark this as newly created. This is to get round the problem with
    // creating figs for loaded classes that had stereotypes. They are
    // saved with their dimensions INCLUDING the stereotype, but since we
    // pretend the stereotype is not visible, we add height the first time
    // we render such a class. This is a complete fudge, and really we
    // ought to address how class objects with stereotypes are saved. But
    // that will be hard work.
    newlyCreated = true;

    // Put all the bits together, suppressing bounds calculations until
    // we're all done for efficiency.

    // Set the bounds of the figure to the total of the above (hardcoded)
    setBounds(10, 10, 60, 22 + 2 * ROWHEIGHT);
  * A version of GEF's presentationFor() method which
  * @param element ModelElement to return presentation for
  * @return the Fig representing the presentation
 private Fig getNoEdgePresentationFor(Object element) {
   if (element == null) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't search for a null owner");
   List contents = getLayer().getContentsNoEdges();
   int figCount = contents.size();
   for (int figIndex = 0; figIndex < figCount; ++figIndex) {
     Fig fig = (Fig) contents.get(figIndex);
     if (fig.getOwner() == element) {
       return fig;
   throw new IllegalStateException(
       "Can't find a FigNode representing " + Model.getFacade().getName(element));
Beispiel #10
 public Object getOwner() {
   if (super.getOwner() != null) {
     return super.getOwner();
   Fig group = this;
   while (group != null && !(group instanceof FigEdge)) {
     group = group.getGroup();
   if (group == null) {
     return null;
   } else {
     return group.getOwner();
  * @see org.tigris.gef.presentation.Fig#setLineWidth(int)
 public void setLineWidth(int width) {
   // Miss out the text fix, this should have no line
   for (int i = HEAD_POSN; i < RIGHT_LEG_POSN; i++) {
     Fig f = getFigAt(i);
     if (f != null) {
Beispiel #12
 /** @see org.tigris.gef.presentation.Fig#setEnclosingFig(org.tigris.gef.presentation.Fig) */
 public void setEnclosingFig(Fig encloser) {
   if (encloser == null
       || (encloser != null && !Model.getFacade().isAInstance(encloser.getOwner()))) {
   if (!(Model.getFacade().isAModelElement(getOwner()))) return;
   if (encloser != null && (Model.getFacade().isAComponent(encloser.getOwner()))) {
     Object component = /*(MComponent)*/ encloser.getOwner();
     Object in = /*(MInterface)*/ getOwner();
     Model.getCoreHelper().setContainer(resident, component);
     Model.getCoreHelper().setResident(resident, in);
   } else {
     Model.getCoreHelper().setContainer(resident, null);
     Model.getCoreHelper().setResident(resident, null);
Beispiel #13
  private void addFig(
      final Fig f, final DefaultMutableTreeNode rootNode, final boolean includeEncloser) {
    // Build the selected Fig first and then iterate up through
    // its enclosers building those also.
    for (Fig fig = f; fig != null; fig = includeEncloser ? fig.getEnclosingFig() : null) {
      DefaultMutableTreeNode figNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(getDescr(fig));
      buildTree(fig, figNode);

      // For a classifier role on a sequence diagram
      // show its message nodes
      if (fig instanceof FigClassifierRole) {
        MessageNodeBuilder.addNodeTree(rootNode, (FigClassifierRole) fig);
  protected void applyOffsetAmount(Point p1, Point p2, int offset, Point res) {
    // slope of the line we're finding the normal to
    // is slope, and the normal is the negative reciprocal
    // slope is (p1.y - p2.y) / (p1.x - p2.x)
    // so recip is - (p1.x - p2.x) / (p1.y - p2.y)
    int recipnumerator = (p1.x - p2.x) * -1;
    int recipdenominator = (p1.y - p2.y);

    if (recipdenominator == 0 && recipnumerator == 0) return;

    // find the point offset on the line that gives a
    // correct offset

    double len = Math.sqrt(recipnumerator * recipnumerator + recipdenominator * recipdenominator);
    int dx = (int) ((recipdenominator * offset) / len);
    int dy = (int) ((recipnumerator * offset) / len);

    res.x += Math.abs(dx);
    res.y -= Math.abs(dy);

    int width = itemFig.getWidth() / 2;

    if (recipnumerator != 0) {
      double slope = (double) recipdenominator / (double) recipnumerator;

      double factor = tanh(slope);
      res.x += (Math.abs(factor) * width);
    } else {
      res.x += width;
Beispiel #15
 public void setEnclosingFig(Fig encloser) {
   if (encloser == getEncloser()) {
   if (encloser == null
       || (encloser != null && !Model.getFacade().isAInstance(encloser.getOwner()))) {
   if (!(Model.getFacade().isAUMLElement(getOwner()))) {
   if (encloser != null && (Model.getFacade().isAComponent(encloser.getOwner()))) {
 private void fixModel() {
   Fig sourceFig = getSourceFigNode();
   Fig destFig = getDestFigNode();
   Object source = sourceFig.getOwner();
   Object dest = destFig.getOwner();
       "Missing Generalization for figure in PGML -"
           + " attempting to recreate between "
           + source
           + " and "
           + dest);
   if (Model.getFacade().isAGeneralizableElement(source)
       && Model.getFacade().isAGeneralizableElement(dest)) {
     setOwner(Model.getCoreFactory().buildGeneralization(source, dest));
  * @see java.awt.event.ItemListener#itemStateChanged(java.awt.event.ItemEvent)
 public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
   Object src = e.getSource();
   Fig target = getPanelTarget();
   if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED && target != null) {
     if (src == fillField) {
       if (e.getItem() == CUSTOM_ITEM) {
         handleCustomColor(fillField, "Custom Fill Color", target.getFillColor());
     } else if (src == lineField) {
       if (e.getItem() == CUSTOM_ITEM) {
         handleCustomColor(lineField, "Custom Line Color", target.getLineColor());
   * The minimum width is the minimum width of the child with the widest miniumum width. The minimum
   * height is the total minimum height of all child figs plus a 2 pixel padding.
   * @return the minimum width
  public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
    int minWidth = 0;
    int minHeight = 0;
    for (Fig fig : (Collection<Fig>) getFigs()) {
      if (fig.isVisible() && fig != getBigPort()) {
        int fw = fig.getMinimumSize().width;
        if (fw > minWidth) {
          minWidth = fw;
        minHeight += fig.getMinimumSize().height;

    minHeight += 2; // 2 Pixel padding after compartment
    return new Dimension(minWidth, minHeight);
 /** generate the notation for the stereotype and stuff it into the text Fig */
 protected void updateStereotypeText() {
   if (getOwner() == null) {
   Object modelElement = getOwner();
   ((FigStereotypesCompartment) stereotypeFig).populate();
   * Updates the classifiers the edge is attached to.
   * <p>Calls a helper method (layoutThisToSelf) to avoid this edge disappearing if the new source
   * and dest are the same node.
   * @return boolean whether or not the update was sucessful
  protected boolean updateClassifiers() {
    Object owner = getOwner();
    if (owner == null || getLayer() == null) {
      LOG.error("The FigEdge has no owner or its layer is null");
      return false;

    Object newSource = getSource();
    Object newDest = getDestination();

    Fig currentSourceFig = getSourceFigNode();
    Fig currentDestFig = getDestFigNode();
    Object currentSource = null;
    Object currentDestination = null;
    if (currentSourceFig != null && currentDestFig != null) {
      currentSource = currentSourceFig.getOwner();
      currentDestination = currentDestFig.getOwner();
    if (newSource != currentSource || newDest != currentDestination) {
      Fig newSourceFig = getNoEdgePresentationFor(newSource);
      Fig newDestFig = getNoEdgePresentationFor(newDest);
      if (newSourceFig != currentSourceFig) {
        setSourceFigNode((FigNode) newSourceFig);
      if (newDestFig != currentDestFig) {
        setDestFigNode((FigNode) newDestFig);
      ((FigNode) newSourceFig).updateEdges();
      ((FigNode) newDestFig).updateEdges();

      // adapted from SelectionWButtons from line 280
      // calls a helper method to avoid this edge disappearing
      // if the new source and dest are the same node.
      if (newSourceFig == newDestFig) {


    return true;
  * Grabs label to begin movement. Turns cursor into a hand.
  * @param me The mouse event to process.
  * @override
  * @see org.tigris.gef.base.ModeImpl#mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
 public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) {
   Point clickPoint = me.getPoint();
   Fig underMouse = editor.hit(clickPoint);
   if (underMouse instanceof FigEdge) {
     List<Fig> figList = ((FigEdge) underMouse).getPathItemFigs();
     for (Fig fig : figList) {
       if (fig.contains(clickPoint)) {
         // Consume to stop other modes from trying to take over
         dragFig = fig;
         dragBasePoint = fig.getCenter();
         deltax = clickPoint.x - dragBasePoint.x;
         deltay = clickPoint.y - dragBasePoint.y;
         figEdge = (FigEdge) underMouse;
  * If there are interfaces that are not inside a component the returned ListSet is not null. Then
  * in the ListSet are the UMLDeploymentDiagram and all FigInterfaces with no enclosing
  * FigComponent
  * @param dd the diagram to check
  * @return the set of offenders
 public ListSet computeOffenders(UMLDeploymentDiagram dd) {
   Collection figs = dd.getLayer().getContents();
   ListSet offs = null;
   Iterator figIter = figs.iterator();
   while (figIter.hasNext()) {
     Object obj =;
     if (!(obj instanceof FigInterface)) continue;
     FigInterface fi = (FigInterface) obj;
     Fig enclosing = fi.getEnclosingFig();
     if (enclosing == null || (!(Model.getFacade().isAComponent(enclosing.getOwner())))) {
       if (offs == null) {
         offs = new ListSet();
   return offs;
   * Create an edge of the given type and connect it to the given nodes.
   * @param graphModel the graph model in which to create the connection element
   * @param edgeType the UML object type of the connection
   * @param sourceFig the FigNode for the source element
   * @param destFig the FigNode for the destination element
   * @return The FigEdge representing the newly created model element
  protected FigEdge buildConnection(
      MutableGraphModel graphModel, Object edgeType, Fig sourceFig, Fig destFig) {
    try {
      Object associationEnd =
                  edgeType, sourceFig.getOwner(), null, destFig.getOwner(), null, null, null);

      final FigNode sourceFigNode = convertToFigNode(sourceFig);
      final FigNode destFigNode = convertToFigNode(destFig);



      // Calling connect() will add the edge to the GraphModel and
      // any LayerPersectives on that GraphModel will get a
      // edgeAdded event and will add an appropriate FigEdge
      // (determined by the GraphEdgeRenderer).

      if (getNewEdge() != null) {
        Layer lay = editor.getLayerManager().getActiveLayer();
        FigEdge fe = (FigEdge) lay.presentationFor(getNewEdge());
        return fe;
      } else {
        return null;
    } catch (IllegalModelElementConnectionException e) {
      // We have already confirmed the connection is valid
      return null;
Beispiel #24
   * Sets the bounds, but the size will be at least the one returned by {@link #getMinimumSize()},
   * unless checking of size is disabled.
   * <p>If the required height is bigger, then the additional height is equally distributed among
   * all figs (i.e. compartments), such that the cumulated height of all visible figs equals the
   * demanded height
   * <p>.
   * <p>Some of this has "magic numbers" hardcoded in. In particular there is a knowledge that the
   * minimum height of a name compartment is 21 pixels.
   * <p>
   * @param x Desired X coordinate of upper left corner
   * @param y Desired Y coordinate of upper left corner
   * @param w Desired width of the FigClass
   * @param h Desired height of the FigClass
  protected void setBoundsImpl(final int x, final int y, final int w, final int h) {
    Rectangle oldBounds = getBounds();

    // set bounds of big box
    getBigPort().setBounds(x, y, w, h);
    borderFig.setBounds(x, y, w, h);

    // Save our old boundaries (needed later), and get minimum size
    // info. "whitespace" will be used to maintain a running calculation of our
    // size at various points.

    final int whitespace = h - getMinimumSize().height;

    int currentHeight = 0;

    if (getStereotypeFig().isVisible()) {
      int stereotypeHeight = getStereotypeFig().getMinimumSize().height;
      getStereotypeFig().setBounds(x, y, w, stereotypeHeight);
      currentHeight = stereotypeHeight;

    int nameHeight = getNameFig().getMinimumSize().height;
    getNameFig().setBounds(x, y + currentHeight, w, nameHeight);
    currentHeight += nameHeight;

    if (isAttributesVisible()) {
      int attributesHeight = getAttributesFig().getMinimumSize().height;
      if (isOperationsVisible()) {
        attributesHeight += whitespace / 2;
      getAttributesFig().setBounds(x, y + currentHeight, w, attributesHeight);
      currentHeight += attributesHeight;

    if (isOperationsVisible()) {
      int operationsY = y + currentHeight;
      int operationsHeight = (h + y) - operationsY - 1;
      if (operationsHeight < getOperationsFig().getMinimumSize().height) {
        operationsHeight = getOperationsFig().getMinimumSize().height;
      getOperationsFig().setBounds(x, operationsY, w, operationsHeight);

    // Now force calculation of the bounds of the figure, update the edges
    // and trigger anyone who's listening to see if the "bounds" property
    // has changed.

    firePropChange("bounds", oldBounds, getBounds());
   * Change the bounds of the target fig. Called whenever the bounds box is edited.
   * <p>Format of the bounds is four integers representing x, y, width and height separated by
   * spaces or commas. An empty field is treated as no change and leading and trailing spaces are
   * ignored.
   * <p><em>Note</em>. There is a note in the old code that more work might be needed, because this
   * could change the graph model. I don't see how that could ever be.
  protected void setTargetBBox() {
    Fig target = getPanelTarget();
    // Can't do anything if we don't have a fig.
    if (target == null) {
    // Parse the boundary box text. Null is
    // returned if it is empty or
    // invalid, which causes no change. Otherwise we tell
    // GEF we are making
    // a change, make the change and tell GEF we've
    // finished.
    Rectangle bounds = parseBBox();
    if (bounds == null) {

    if (!target.getBounds().equals(bounds)) {
      target.setBounds(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
   * Handle a refresh of the style panel after the fig has moved.
   * <p><em>Warning</em>. There is a circular trap here. Editing the boundary box will also trigger
   * a refresh, and so we reset the boundary box, which causes funny behaviour (the cursor keeps
   * jumping to the end of the text).
   * <p>The solution is to not reset the boundary box field if the boundaries have not changed.
   * <p>
  public void refresh() {
    Fig target = getPanelTarget();
    if (target instanceof FigEdgeModelElement) {
    } else {
    if (target == null) return;

    // The boundary box as held in the target fig, and as listed in
    // the
    // boundary box style field (null if we don't have anything
    // valid)

    Rectangle figBounds = target.getBounds();
    Rectangle styleBounds = parseBBox();

    // Only reset the text if the two are not the same (i.e the fig
    // has
    // moved, rather than we've just edited the text, when
    // setTargetBBox()
    // will have made them the same). Note that styleBounds could
    // be null,
    // so we do the test this way round.

    if (!(figBounds.equals(styleBounds))) {
          figBounds.x + "," + figBounds.y + "," + figBounds.width + "," + figBounds.height);

    // Change the fill colour

    if (target.getFilled()) {
      Color c = target.getFillColor();
      if (c != null && !fillField.getSelectedItem().equals(c)) {
        fillField.insertItemAt(c, fillField.getItemCount() - 1);
    } else {

    // Change the line colour

    if (target.getLineWidth() > 0) {
      Color c = target.getLineColor();
      if (c != null && !lineField.getSelectedItem().equals(c)) {
        lineField.insertItemAt(c, lineField.getItemCount() - 1);
    } else {
  * Handle mouseDragged events.
  * @param me The mouse event to process.
  * @see org.tigris.gef.base.ModeImpl#mouseDragged(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
 public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) {
   if (dragFig != null) {
     me = editor.translateMouseEvent(me);
     Point newPoint = me.getPoint();
     // Subtract the the offset of the click, to take account of user
     // having not initially clicked in the centre.
     newPoint.translate(-deltax, -deltay);
     PathItemPlacementStrategy pips = figEdge.getPathItemPlacementStrategy(dragFig);
     newPoint = pips.getPoint();
     int dx = newPoint.x - dragBasePoint.x;
     int dy = newPoint.y - dragBasePoint.y;
     dragFig.translate(dx, dy);
   * @see org.tigris.gef.presentation.Fig#setBoundsImpl(int, int, int, int)
  protected void setBoundsImpl(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    int newW = w;
    int newH = h;

    int fw;
    int yy = y;
    for (Fig fig : (Collection<Fig>) getFigs()) {
      if (fig.isVisible() && fig != getBigPort()) {
        fw = fig.getMinimumSize().width;
        // set new bounds for all included figs
        fig.setBounds(x + 1, yy + 1, fw, fig.getMinimumSize().height);
        if (newW < fw + 2) {
          newW = fw + 2;
        yy += fig.getMinimumSize().height;
    getBigPort().setBounds(x, y, newW, newH);
Beispiel #29
   * On mouse release add the elements to the diagram
   * @param me the mouse event
  public void mouseReleased(final MouseEvent me) {
    if (me.isConsumed()) {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("MouseReleased but rejected as already consumed");
    // TODO: Use per-project undo manager, not global
    MutableGraphModel gm = (MutableGraphModel) editor.getGraphModel();

    final int x = me.getX();
    final int y = me.getY();
    final Point snapPt = new Point(x, y);
    int count = 0;

    Layer lay = editor.getLayerManager().getActiveLayer();
    GraphNodeRenderer renderer = editor.getGraphNodeRenderer();

    final List<FigNode> placedFigs = new ArrayList<FigNode>(modelElements.size());

    ArgoDiagram diag = DiagramUtils.getActiveDiagram();
    if (diag instanceof UMLDiagram) {
      for (final Object node : modelElements) {
        if (((UMLDiagram) diag).doesAccept(node)) {
          final FigNode pers = renderer.getFigNodeFor(gm, lay, node, null);
          pers.setLocation(snapPt.x + (count++ * 100), snapPt.y);
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("mouseMoved: Location set (" + pers.getX() + "," + pers.getY() + ")");
          // TODO: Use per-project undo manager, not global
          if (addRelatedEdges) {

          Fig encloser = null;
          final Rectangle bbox = pers.getBounds();
          final List<Fig> otherFigs = lay.getContents();
          for (final Fig otherFig : otherFigs) {
            if (!(otherFig.getUseTrapRect())) {
            if (!(otherFig instanceof FigNode)) {
            if (!otherFig.isVisible()) {
            if (otherFig.equals(pers)) {
            final Rectangle trap = otherFig.getTrapRect();
            if (trap != null
                && trap.contains(bbox.x, bbox.y)
                && trap.contains(bbox.x + bbox.width, bbox.y + bbox.height)) {
              encloser = otherFig;


    // TODO: Use per-project undo manager, not global
    if (UndoManager.getInstance().isGenerateMementos()) {
      AddToDiagramMemento memento = new AddToDiagramMemento(editor, placedFigs);

  * Makes sure that the edges stick to the outline of the fig.
  * @see org.tigris.gef.presentation.Fig#getGravityPoints()
 public List getGravityPoints() {
   return parent.getGravityPoints();