protected void generate(String folder, List<String> files, int totalOfFiles, int level)
      throws Exception {
        "Generating Quality Indicators for "
            + folder
            + ". Finding a True Pareto-front file in the path");

    File parent = new File(folder);

    for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) {
      parent = parent.getParentFile();

    String approxTrueParetoFrontPath = parent.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "PFAPPROX";

    if (!new File(approxTrueParetoFrontPath).exists()) {
      throw new Exception("You must to define a true Pareto-front before");

    SolutionSet paretoFront = SolutionSetUtils.getFromFile(approxTrueParetoFrontPath);

    if (paretoFront.size() == 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Approximate Pareto-front cannot be empty");

    int numberOfObjectives = paretoFront.get(0).getNumberOfObjectives();

    Problem p = new FakeProblem(numberOfObjectives);

    QualityIndicator qi = new QualityIndicator(p, approxTrueParetoFrontPath);

    for (String file : files) {
      generateQualityIndicators(qi, folder, file, paretoFront, totalOfFiles);
  protected void generateQualityIndicators(
      QualityIndicator qi, String folder, String file, SolutionSet paretoFront, int totalOfFiles)
      throws IOException {
    updateNote(getCurrentProgress() + " from " + totalOfFiles);"Generating QI for file " + file);

    SolutionSet population = SolutionSetUtils.getFromFile(file);

    Properties values = new Properties();

    List<Indicator> indicators = IndicatorUtils.getIndicatorList();

    for (Indicator ind : indicators) {
      values.put(ind.getKey(), ind.execute(qi, paretoFront, file, population));

    values = convertAllValuesToString(values);

    String filename = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(file);

    String outputFile = folder + File.separator + "QI_" + filename; File(outputFile), values);
