   * Create an authorization request applying various UAA rules to the authorizationParameters and
   * the registered client details.
   * <ul>
   *   <li>For client_credentials grants, the default scopes are the client's granted authorities
   *   <li>For other grant types the default scopes are the registered scopes in the client details
   *   <li>Only scopes in those lists are valid, otherwise there is an exception
   *   <li>If the scopes contain separators then resource ids are extracted as the scope value up to
   *       the last index of the separator
   *   <li>Some scopes can be hard-wired to resource ids (like the open id connect values), in which
   *       case the separator is ignored
   * </ul>
   * @see
   *     org.springframework.security.oauth2.provider.AuthorizationRequestFactory#createAuthorizationRequest(java.util.Map,
   *     java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Set)
  public AuthorizationRequest createAuthorizationRequest(
      Map<String, String> authorizationParameters) {

    String clientId = authorizationParameters.get("client_id");
    BaseClientDetails clientDetails =
        new BaseClientDetails(clientDetailsService.loadClientByClientId(clientId));

    Set<String> scopes = OAuth2Utils.parseParameterList(authorizationParameters.get("scope"));
    String grantType = authorizationParameters.get("grant_type");
    if ((scopes == null || scopes.isEmpty())) {
      if ("client_credentials".equals(grantType)) {
        // The client authorities should be a list of scopes
        scopes = AuthorityUtils.authorityListToSet(clientDetails.getAuthorities());
      } else {
        // The default for a user token is the scopes registered with
        // the client
        scopes = clientDetails.getScope();

    Set<String> scopesFromExternalAuthorities = null;
    if (!"client_credentials".equals(grantType) && securityContextAccessor.isUser()) {
      scopes = checkUserScopes(scopes, securityContextAccessor.getAuthorities(), clientDetails);

      // TODO: will the grantType ever contain client_credentials or
      // authorization_code
      // External Authorities are things like LDAP groups that will be
      // mapped to Oauth scopes
      // Add those scopes to the request. These scopes will not be
      // validated against the scopes
      // registered to a client.
      // These scopes also do not need approval. The fact that they are
      // already in an external
      // group communicates user approval. Denying approval does not mean
      // much
      scopesFromExternalAuthorities =

    Set<String> resourceIds = getResourceIds(clientDetails, scopes);
    DefaultAuthorizationRequest request = new DefaultAuthorizationRequest(authorizationParameters);
    if (!scopes.isEmpty()) {
    if (scopesFromExternalAuthorities != null) {
      Map<String, String> existingAuthorizationParameters = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
          "external_scopes", OAuth2Utils.formatParameterList(scopesFromExternalAuthorities));


    return request;