Beispiel #1
   * Clear the directory sub-tree starting with the node represented by the supplied distinguished
   * name.
   * @param ctx The DirContext to use for cleaning the tree.
   * @param name the distinguished name of the root node.
   * @throws NamingException if anything goes wrong removing the sub-tree.
  public static void clearSubContexts(DirContext ctx, Name name) throws NamingException {

    NamingEnumeration enumeration = null;
    try {
      enumeration = ctx.listBindings(name);
      while (enumeration.hasMore()) {
        Binding element = (Binding);
        Name childName = LdapUtils.newLdapName(element.getName());
        childName = LdapUtils.prepend(childName, name);

        try {
        } catch (ContextNotEmptyException e) {
          clearSubContexts(ctx, childName);
    } catch (NamingException e) {
    } finally {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // Never mind this
   * Construct a DirContextAdapter given the supplied paramters. The <code>name</code> is normally a
   * JNDI <code>CompositeName</code>, which needs to be handled with particuclar care. Specifically
   * the escaping of a <code>CompositeName</code> destroys proper escaping of Distinguished Names.
   * Also, the name might contain referral information, in which case we need to separate the server
   * information from the actual Distinguished Name so that we can create a representing
   * DirContextAdapter.
   * @param attrs the attributes
   * @param name the Name, typically a <code>CompositeName</code>, possibly including referral
   *     information.
   * @param nameInNamespace the Name in namespace.
   * @return a {@link DirContextAdapter} representing the specified information.
  DirContextAdapter constructAdapterFromName(Attributes attrs, Name name, String nameInNamespace) {
    String nameString;
    String referralUrl = "";

    if (name instanceof CompositeName) {
      // Which it most certainly will be, and therein lies the
      // problem. CompositeName.toString() completely screws up the
      // formatting
      // in some cases, particularly when backslashes are involved.
      nameString = LdapUtils.convertCompositeNameToString((CompositeName) name);
    } else {
          "Expecting a CompositeName as input to getObjectInstance but received a '"
              + name.getClass().toString()
              + "' - using toString and proceeding with undefined results");
      nameString = name.toString();

    if (nameString.startsWith(LDAP_PROTOCOL_PREFIX)
        || nameString.startsWith(LDAPS_PROTOCOL_PREFIX)) {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            "Received name '"
                + nameString
                + "' contains protocol delimiter; indicating a referral."
                + "Stripping protocol and address info to enable construction of a proper LdapName");
      try {
        URI url = new URI(nameString);
        String pathString = url.getPath();
        referralUrl = nameString.substring(0, nameString.length() - pathString.length());

        if (StringUtils.hasLength(pathString) && pathString.startsWith("/")) {
          // We don't want any slash in the beginning of the
          // Distinguished Name.
          pathString = pathString.substring(1);

        nameString = pathString;
      } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Supplied name starts with protocol prefix indicating a referral,"
                + " but is not possible to parse to an URI",
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Resulting name after removal of referral information: '" + nameString + "'");

    DirContextAdapter dirContextAdapter =
        new DirContextAdapter(
    return dirContextAdapter;
Beispiel #3
        public Person doMapFromContext(DirContextOperations context) {
          Person person = new Person();

          LdapName dn = LdapUtils.newLdapName(context.getDn());
          person.setCountry(LdapUtils.getStringValue(dn, 0));
          person.setCompany(LdapUtils.getStringValue(dn, 1));

          return person;
 public void prepareTestedInstance() throws Exception {
       new ClassPathResource("/setup_data.ldif"));
  public void testRecordOperation() {
    final LdapName expectedTempName = LdapUtils.newLdapName("cn=john doe_temp");
    final LdapName expectedDn = LdapUtils.newLdapName("cn=john doe");
    UnbindOperationRecorder tested =
        new UnbindOperationRecorder(ldapOperationsMock, renamingStrategyMock);


    // Perform test
    CompensatingTransactionOperationExecutor operation =
        tested.recordOperation(new Object[] {expectedDn});

    // Verify result
    assertThat(operation instanceof UnbindOperationExecutor).isTrue();
    UnbindOperationExecutor rollbackOperation = (UnbindOperationExecutor) operation;
   * This method depends on a DirObjectFactory ({@link
   *}) being set in the ContextSource.
  public void testLookup_Plain() {
    String expectedDn = "cn=Some Person2, ou=company1, ou=Sweden," + base;
    DirContextAdapter result = (DirContextAdapter) tested.lookup(expectedDn);

    assertEquals("Some Person2", result.getStringAttribute("cn"));
    assertEquals("Person2", result.getStringAttribute("sn"));
    assertEquals("Sweden, Company1, Some Person2", result.getStringAttribute("description"));

    LdapName expectedName = LdapUtils.newLdapName(expectedDn);
    assertEquals(expectedName, result.getDn());
    assertEquals(expectedDn, result.getNameInNamespace());
Beispiel #7
  private static void loadLdif(DirContext context, Resource ldifFile) throws IOException {
    try {
      LdapName baseDn =
          (LdapName) context.getEnvironment().get(DefaultDirObjectFactory.JNDI_ENV_BASE_PATH_KEY);

      LdifParser parser = new LdifParser(ldifFile);;
      while (parser.hasMoreRecords()) {
        LdapAttributes record = parser.getRecord();

        LdapName dn = record.getName();

        if (baseDn != null) {
          dn = LdapUtils.removeFirst(dn, baseDn);
        context.bind(dn, null, record);
    } catch (NamingException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Failed to populate LDIF", e);
  public void testBindAndUnbind_Plain() {
    DirContextAdapter adapter = new DirContextAdapter();
    adapter.setAttributeValues("objectclass", new String[] {"top", "person"});
    adapter.setAttributeValue("cn", "Some Person4");
    adapter.setAttributeValue("sn", "Person4");
    tested.bind("cn=Some Person4, ou=company1, ou=Sweden," + base, adapter, null);

    DirContextAdapter result =
        (DirContextAdapter) tested.lookup("cn=Some Person4, ou=company1, ou=Sweden," + base);

    assertThat(result.getStringAttribute("cn")).isEqualTo("Some Person4");
        .isEqualTo(LdapUtils.newLdapName("cn=Some Person4,ou=company1,ou=Sweden," + base));

    tested.unbind("cn=Some Person4,ou=company1,ou=Sweden," + base);
    try {
      tested.lookup("cn=Some Person4, ou=company1, ou=Sweden," + base);
      fail("NameNotFoundException expected");
    } catch (NameNotFoundException expected) {
 protected Name getRoot() {
   return LdapUtils.newLdapName(base);
 public void cleanup() throws Exception {
   LdapTestUtils.clearSubContexts(contextSource, LdapUtils.newLdapName("ou=People"));
  * Lookup all values for the specified attribute, looping through the results incrementally if
  * necessary.
  * @param ldapOperations The instance to use for performing the actual lookup.
  * @param dn The distinguished name of the object to find.
  * @param attribute name of the attribute to request.
  * @return a list with all attribute values found for the requested attribute. Never <code>null
  *     </code>, an empty list indicates that the attribute was not set or empty.
 public static List<Object> lookupAttributeValues(
     LdapOperations ldapOperations, String dn, String attribute) {
   return lookupAttributeValues(ldapOperations, LdapUtils.newLdapName(dn), attribute);
  * Lookup all values for the specified attributes, looping through the results incrementally if
  * necessary.
  * @param ldapOperations The instance to use for performing the actual lookup.
  * @param dn The distinguished name of the object to find.
  * @param attributes names of the attributes to request.
  * @return an Attributes instance, populated with all found values for the requested attributes.
  *     Never <code>null</code>, though the actual attributes may not be set if they was not set on
  *     the requested object.
 public static Attributes lookupAttributes(
     LdapOperations ldapOperations, String dn, String[] attributes) {
   return lookupAttributes(ldapOperations, LdapUtils.newLdapName(dn), attributes);
public class TestSearchForPeople {
  // Base DN for test data
  private static final LdapName baseName = LdapUtils.newLdapName("o=Whoniverse");

  private static final String PRINCIPAL = "uid=admin,ou=system";
  private static final String CREDENTIALS = "secret";

  // This port MUST be free on local host for these unit tests to function.
  private static int PORT = 10389;

  public static void setUpClass() throws Exception {
    // Start an LDAP server and import test data
    LdapTestUtils.startEmbeddedServer(PORT, baseName.toString(), "odm-test");

  public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception {

  public void setUp() throws Exception {
    // Bind to the directory
    LdapContextSource contextSource = new LdapContextSource();
    contextSource.setUrl("ldap://" + PORT);

    // Create the Sprint LDAP template
    LdapTemplate template = new LdapTemplate(contextSource);

    // Clear out any old data - and load the test data
        template.getContextSource(), baseName, new ClassPathResource("testdata.ldif"));

  public void tearDown() {}

  // Very simple test - mainly just to exercise the code and to
  // ensure we get representative test coverage
  public void runSample() throws Exception {
    PrintStream originalOut = System.out;
    try {
      ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      System.setOut(new PrintStream(output));


          "dn=cn=Bramble Harvey,ou=Doctors,o=Whoniverse | objectClass=[person, top] | cn=[Bramble Harvey] | sn=[Harvey] | description=[Really not a Doctor] | userPassword=[] | telephoneNumber=[22] | seeAlso=[]",
    } finally {