   * Processes an edge of the CFA and will write code to the output function body.
   * @param childElement the state after the given edge
   * @param edge the edge to process
   * @param functionStack the current callstack
  void processEdge(ARGState childElement, CFAEdge edge, Stack<FunctionBody> functionStack) {
    FunctionBody currentFunction = functionStack.peek();

    if (childElement.isTarget()) {

    // handle the edge

    if (edge instanceof CFunctionCallEdge) {
      // if this is a function call edge we need to create a new state and push
      // it to the topmost stack to represent the function

      // create function and put in onto stack
      String freshFunctionName = startFunction(childElement, functionStack, edge.getPredecessor());

      // write summary edge to the caller site (with the new unique function name)
      currentFunction.write(processFunctionCall(edge, freshFunctionName));

    } else if (edge instanceof CFunctionReturnEdge) {

    } else {
      currentFunction.write(processSimpleEdge(edge, currentFunction.getCurrentBlock()));
  private void handleCoveredEdge(
      final CFAEdge pEdge, final Map<String, FileCoverageInformation> pCollectors) {

    FileLocation loc = pEdge.getFileLocation();
    if (loc.getStartingLineNumber() == 0) {
    if (pEdge instanceof ADeclarationEdge
        && (((ADeclarationEdge) pEdge).getDeclaration() instanceof AFunctionDeclaration)) {

    final FileCoverageInformation collector = getFileInfoTarget(loc, pCollectors);

    if (pEdge instanceof AssumeEdge) {
      collector.addVisitedAssume((AssumeEdge) pEdge);

  private void handleExistedEdge(
      final CFAEdge pEdge, final Map<String, FileCoverageInformation> pCollectors) {

    final FileLocation loc = pEdge.getFileLocation();
    if (loc.getStartingLineNumber() == 0) {
      // dummy location
    if (pEdge instanceof ADeclarationEdge
        && (((ADeclarationEdge) pEdge).getDeclaration() instanceof AFunctionDeclaration)) {
      // Function declarations span the complete body, this is not desired.

    final FileCoverageInformation collector = getFileInfoTarget(loc, pCollectors);

    if (pEdge instanceof AssumeEdge) {
      collector.addExistingAssume((AssumeEdge) pEdge);

  protected String processSimpleEdge(CFAEdge pCFAEdge, BasicBlock currentBlock) {

    switch (pCFAEdge.getEdgeType()) {
      case BlankEdge:
      case StatementEdge:
      case ReturnStatementEdge:
        return pCFAEdge.getCode();

      case AssumeEdge:
          CAssumeEdge lAssumeEdge = (CAssumeEdge) pCFAEdge;
          return ("__CPROVER_assume(" + lAssumeEdge.getCode() + ");");
          //    return ("if(! (" + lAssumptionString + ")) { return (0); }");

      case DeclarationEdge:
          CDeclarationEdge lDeclarationEdge = (CDeclarationEdge) pCFAEdge;

          if (lDeclarationEdge.getDeclaration().isGlobal()) {
            return "";

          // avoid having the same declaration edge twice in one basic block
          if (currentBlock.hasDeclaration(lDeclarationEdge)) {
            return "";
          } else {
            return lDeclarationEdge.getCode();

        throw new AssertionError(
            "Unexpected edge " + pCFAEdge + " of type " + pCFAEdge.getEdgeType());
  public AvoidanceReportingState getAbstractSuccessor(AbstractState pElement, CFAEdge pEdge) {

    UniqueAssignmentsInPathConditionState current =
        (UniqueAssignmentsInPathConditionState) pElement;

    maxNumberOfAssignments = Math.max(maxNumberOfAssignments, current.getMaximum());

    if (scope == Scope.STATE
        || (scope == Scope.PATH && pEdge.getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.AssumeEdge)) {
      return new UniqueAssignmentsInPathConditionState(
          current.maximum, HashMultimap.create(current.mapping));
    } else {
      return current;
  public AvoidanceReportingState getAbstractSuccessor(AbstractState pState, CFAEdge pEdge) {
    RepetitionsInPathConditionState current = (RepetitionsInPathConditionState) pState;

    if (pEdge.getEdgeType() != CFAEdgeType.AssumeEdge) {
      return current;

    if (current.thresholdReached) {
      return current;

    int assumeEdgesInPath = current.assumeEdgesInPath + 1;
    boolean thresholdReached = (threshold >= 0) && (assumeEdgesInPath >= threshold);

    maxAssumeEdgesInPath = Math.max(assumeEdgesInPath, maxAssumeEdgesInPath);

    return new RepetitionsInPathConditionState(assumeEdgesInPath, thresholdReached);
    private List<BooleanFormula> computeBlockFormulas(final ARGState pRoot)
        throws CPATransferException, InterruptedException {

      final Map<ARGState, ARGState> callStacks =
          new HashMap<>(); // contains states and their next higher callstate
      final Map<ARGState, PathFormula> finishedFormulas = new HashMap<>();
      final List<BooleanFormula> abstractionFormulas = new ArrayList<>();
      final Deque<ARGState> waitlist = new ArrayDeque<>();

      // initialize
      assert pRoot.getParents().isEmpty() : "rootState must be the first state of the program";
      callStacks.put(pRoot, null); // main-start has no callstack
      finishedFormulas.put(pRoot, pfmgr.makeEmptyPathFormula());

      // iterate over all elements in the ARG with BFS
      while (!waitlist.isEmpty()) {
        final ARGState currentState = waitlist.pollFirst();
        if (finishedFormulas.containsKey(currentState)) {
          continue; // already handled

        if (!finishedFormulas.keySet().containsAll(currentState.getParents())) {
          // parent not handled yet, re-queue current element and wait for all parents

        // collect formulas for current location
        final List<PathFormula> currentFormulas = new ArrayList<>(currentState.getParents().size());
        final List<ARGState> currentStacks = new ArrayList<>(currentState.getParents().size());
        for (ARGState parentElement : currentState.getParents()) {
          PathFormula parentFormula = finishedFormulas.get(parentElement);
          final CFAEdge edge = parentElement.getEdgeToChild(currentState);
          assert edge != null : "ARG is invalid: parent has no edge to child";

          final ARGState prevCallState;
          // we enter a function, so lets add the previous state to the stack
          if (edge.getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.FunctionCallEdge) {
            prevCallState = parentElement;

          } else if (edge.getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.FunctionReturnEdge) {
            // we leave a function, so rebuild return-state before assigning the return-value.
            // rebuild states with info from previous state
            assert callStacks.containsKey(parentElement);
            final ARGState callState = callStacks.get(parentElement);

            assert extractLocation(callState).getLeavingSummaryEdge().getSuccessor()
                    == extractLocation(currentState)
                : "callstack does not match entry of current function-exit.";
            assert callState != null || currentState.getChildren().isEmpty()
                : "returning from empty callstack is only possible at program-exit";

            prevCallState = callStacks.get(callState);
            parentFormula =
                    (FunctionExitNode) extractLocation(parentElement));

          } else {
            assert callStacks.containsKey(parentElement); // check for null is not enough
            prevCallState = callStacks.get(parentElement);

          final PathFormula currentFormula = pfmgr.makeAnd(parentFormula, edge);

        assert currentFormulas.size() >= 1 : "each state except root must have parents";
        assert currentStacks.size() == currentFormulas.size()
            : "number of callstacks must match predecessors";

        // merging after functioncall with different callstates is ugly.
        // this is also guaranteed by the abstraction-locations at function-entries
        // (--> no merge of states with different latest abstractions).
        assert Sets.newHashSet(currentStacks).size() <= 1
            : "function with multiple entry-states not supported";

        callStacks.put(currentState, currentStacks.get(0));

        PathFormula currentFormula;
        final PredicateAbstractState predicateElement =
            extractStateByType(currentState, PredicateAbstractState.class);
        if (predicateElement.isAbstractionState()) {
          // abstraction element is the start of a new part of the ARG

          assert waitlist.isEmpty() : "todo should be empty, because of the special ARG structure";
          assert currentState.getParents().size() == 1
              : "there should be only one parent, because of the special ARG structure";

          // finishedFormulas.clear(); // free some memory
          // TODO disabled, we need to keep callStates for later usage

          // start new block with empty formula
          currentFormula = getOnlyElement(currentFormulas);
          currentFormula = pfmgr.makeEmptyPathFormula(currentFormula);

        } else {
          // merge the formulas
          Iterator<PathFormula> it = currentFormulas.iterator();
          currentFormula = it.next();
          while (it.hasNext()) {
            currentFormula = pfmgr.makeOr(currentFormula, it.next());

        assert !finishedFormulas.containsKey(currentState) : "a state should only be finished once";
        finishedFormulas.put(currentState, currentFormula);
      return abstractionFormulas;
   * Returns the <code>AutomatonStates</code> that follow this State in the ControlAutomatonCPA. If
   * the passed <code>AutomatonExpressionArguments</code> are not sufficient to determine the
   * following state this method returns a <code>AutomatonUnknownState</code> that contains this as
   * previous State. The strengthen method of the <code>AutomatonUnknownState</code> should be used
   * once enough Information is available to determine the correct following State.
   * <p>If the state is a NonDet-State multiple following states may be returned. If the only
   * following state is BOTTOM an empty set is returned.
   * @throws CPATransferException
  private Collection<AutomatonState> getFollowStates(
      AutomatonState state,
      List<AbstractState> otherElements,
      CFAEdge edge,
      boolean failOnUnknownMatch)
      throws CPATransferException {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(!(state instanceof AutomatonUnknownState));
    if (state == cpa.getBottomState()) {
      return Collections.emptySet();

    if (collectTokenInformation) {

    if (state.getInternalState().getTransitions().isEmpty()) {
      // shortcut
      return Collections.singleton(state);

    Collection<AutomatonState> lSuccessors = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(2);
    AutomatonExpressionArguments exprArgs =
        new AutomatonExpressionArguments(state, state.getVars(), otherElements, edge, logger);
    boolean edgeMatched = false;
    int failedMatches = 0;
    boolean nonDetState = state.getInternalState().isNonDetState();

    // these transitions cannot be evaluated until last, because they might have sideeffects on
    // other CPAs (dont want to execute them twice)
    // the transitionVariables have to be cached (produced during the match operation)
    // the list holds a Transition and the TransitionVariables generated during its match
    List<Pair<AutomatonTransition, Map<Integer, String>>> transitionsToBeTaken = new ArrayList<>(2);

    for (AutomatonTransition t : state.getInternalState().getTransitions()) {

      ResultValue<Boolean> match = t.match(exprArgs);

      //      System.out.println("----------------------");
      //      System.out.println(t.getTrigger());
      //      System.out.println(t.getFollowState().getName());
      //      System.out.println(edge.getPredecessor().getNodeNumber());
      //      System.out.println(edge.getCode());
      //      System.out.println(match.getValue());

      if (match.canNotEvaluate()) {
        if (failOnUnknownMatch) {
          throw new CPATransferException(
              "Automaton transition condition could not be evaluated: "
                  + match.getFailureMessage());
        // if one transition cannot be evaluated the evaluation must be postponed until enough
        // information is available
        return Collections.<AutomatonState>singleton(new AutomatonUnknownState(state));
      } else {
        if (match.getValue()) {
          edgeMatched = true;
          ResultValue<Boolean> assertionsHold = t.assertionsHold(exprArgs);

          if (assertionsHold.canNotEvaluate()) {
            if (failOnUnknownMatch) {
              throw new CPATransferException(
                  "Automaton transition assertions could not be evaluated: "
                      + assertionsHold.getFailureMessage());
            // cannot yet be evaluated
            return Collections.<AutomatonState>singleton(new AutomatonUnknownState(state));

          } else if (assertionsHold.getValue()) {
            if (!t.canExecuteActionsOn(exprArgs)) {
              if (failOnUnknownMatch) {
                throw new CPATransferException("Automaton transition action could not be executed");
              // cannot yet execute, goto UnknownState
              return Collections.<AutomatonState>singleton(new AutomatonUnknownState(state));

            // delay execution as described above
            Map<Integer, String> transitionVariables =
            transitionsToBeTaken.add(Pair.of(t, transitionVariables));

          } else {
            // matching transitions, but unfulfilled assertions: goto error state
            AutomatonState errorState =
                    Collections.<String, AutomatonVariable>emptyMap(),
                "Automaton going to ErrorState on edge \"" + edge.getDescription() + "\"");

          if (!nonDetState) {
            // not a nondet State, break on the first matching edge
        } else {
          // do nothing if the edge did not match

    if (edgeMatched) {
      // execute Transitions
      for (Pair<AutomatonTransition, Map<Integer, String>> pair : transitionsToBeTaken) {
        // this transition will be taken. copy the variables
        AutomatonTransition t = pair.getFirst();
        Map<Integer, String> transitionVariables = pair.getSecond();
        Map<String, AutomatonVariable> newVars = deepCloneVars(state.getVars());
        String violatedPropertyDescription = null;
        if (t.getFollowState().isTarget()) {
          violatedPropertyDescription = t.getViolatedPropertyDescription(exprArgs);
        AutomatonState lSuccessor =
                state.getMatches() + 1,
        if (!(lSuccessor instanceof AutomatonState.BOTTOM)) {
        } else {
          // add nothing
      return lSuccessors;
    } else {
      // stay in same state, no transitions to be executed here (no transition matched)
      AutomatonState stateNewCounters =
              state.getFailedMatches() + failedMatches,
      if (collectTokenInformation) {
        if (edge.getEdgeType() != CFAEdgeType.DeclarationEdge) {
              SourceLocationMapper.getAbsoluteTokensFromCFAEdge(edge, true));
      return Collections.singleton(stateNewCounters);
  public void writeCoverageReport(
      final PrintStream pStatisticsOutput, final ReachedSet pReached, final CFA pCfa) {

    if (!enabled) {

    Multiset<FunctionEntryNode> reachedLocations = getFunctionEntriesFromReached(pReached);

    Map<String, FileCoverageInformation> infosPerFile = new HashMap<>();

    // Add information about existing functions
    for (FunctionEntryNode entryNode : pCfa.getAllFunctionHeads()) {
      final FileLocation loc = entryNode.getFileLocation();
      if (loc.getStartingLineNumber() == 0) {
        // dummy location
      final String functionName = entryNode.getFunctionName();
      final FileCoverageInformation infos = getFileInfoTarget(loc, infosPerFile);

      final int startingLine = loc.getStartingLineInOrigin();
      final int endingLine = loc.getEndingLineInOrigin();

      infos.addExistingFunction(functionName, startingLine, endingLine);

      if (reachedLocations.contains(entryNode)) {
        infos.addVisitedFunction(entryNode.getFunctionName(), reachedLocations.count(entryNode));

    // Add information about existing locations
    for (CFANode node : pCfa.getAllNodes()) {
      for (int i = 0; i < node.getNumLeavingEdges(); i++) {
        handleExistedEdge(node.getLeavingEdge(i), infosPerFile);

    Set<CFANode> reachedNodes =
    // Add information about visited locations
    for (AbstractState state : pReached) {
      ARGState argState = AbstractStates.extractStateByType(state, ARGState.class);
      if (argState != null) {
        for (ARGState child : argState.getChildren()) {
          if (!child.isCovered()) {
            List<CFAEdge> edges = argState.getEdgesToChild(child);
            if (edges.size() > 1) {
              for (CFAEdge innerEdge : edges) {
                handleCoveredEdge(innerEdge, infosPerFile);

              // BAM produces paths with no edge connection thus the list will be empty
            } else if (!edges.isEmpty()) {
              handleCoveredEdge(Iterables.getOnlyElement(edges), infosPerFile);
      } else {
        // Simple kind of analysis
        // Cover all edges from reached nodes
        // It is less precise, but without ARG it is impossible to know what path we chose
        CFANode node = AbstractStates.extractLocation(state);
        for (int i = 0; i < node.getNumLeavingEdges(); i++) {
          CFAEdge edge = node.getLeavingEdge(i);
          if (reachedNodes.contains(edge.getSuccessor())) {
            handleCoveredEdge(edge, infosPerFile);

    for (CoverageWriter w : reportWriters) {
      w.write(infosPerFile, pStatisticsOutput);