public void validateResponseErrorXml(String xml) {

    ErrorResponse errorResponse = (ErrorResponse) xstream.fromXML(xml, new ErrorResponse());

    Assert.assertTrue("Error response is empty.", errorResponse.getErrors().size() > 0);

    for (Iterator<ErrorMessage> iter = errorResponse.getErrors().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      ErrorMessage error =;
      Assert.assertFalse("Response Error message is empty.", StringUtils.isEmpty(error.getMsg()));
Beispiel #2
  private static <E> PlexusResourceException validationError(String name, Class<E> enumClass) {
    ErrorMessage err = new ErrorMessage();
    err.setMsg("No enum const " + enumClass + "." + name);

    ErrorResponse ner = new ErrorResponse();

    return new PlexusResourceException(
        Status.CLIENT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST, "Configuration error.", ner);
Beispiel #3
  public Object sendMessage(Method method, String url, Representation representation)
      throws NexusConnectionException {

    // get the response
    Response response = this.sendRequest(method, url, representation);

    // always expect a success
    if (!response.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
      String errorMessage = "Error in response from server: " + response.getStatus() + ".";
      List<ErrorMessage> errors = new ArrayList<ErrorMessage>();
      try {
        if (response.getEntity() != null) {

          String responseText = response.getEntity().getText();

          // this is kinda hackish, but this class is already tied to xstream
          if (responseText.contains("<error")) // quick check before we parse the string
            // try to parse the response
            ErrorResponse errorResponse =
                (ErrorResponse) this.xstream.fromXML(responseText, new ErrorResponse());
            // if we made it this far we can stick the ErrorMessages in the Exception
            errors = errorResponse.getErrors();
          } else {
            // the response text might be helpful in debugging, so we will add it
            errorMessage +=
                "\nResponse: "
                    + (!StringUtils.isEmpty(responseText) ? "\n" + responseText : "<empty>");
        } else {
          errorMessage = response.getStatus().getName();
      } catch (Exception e) // we really don't want our fancy exception to cause another problem.
        logger.warn("Error getting the response text: " + e.getMessage(), e);

      // now finally throw it...
      throw new NexusConnectionException(errorMessage, errors);

    Object result = null;
    try {
      String responseText = response.getEntity().getText();
      if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(responseText)) {
        result = this.xstream.fromXML(responseText);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new NexusConnectionException("Error getting response text: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    return result;
  private void test(String query, String expected) throws IOException {

    String serviceURIpart = "service/local/lucene/search?q=" + URLEncoder.encode(query, "UTF-8");"Testing query {}: {}", query, serviceURIpart);
    String errorPayload = RequestFacade.doGetForText(serviceURIpart, respondsWithStatusCode(400));"Received 'Bad Request' error: " + errorPayload);
    MediaType type = MediaType.APPLICATION_XML;
    XStreamRepresentation representation =
        new XStreamRepresentation(getXMLXStream(), errorPayload, type);

    ErrorResponse payload = (ErrorResponse) representation.getPayload(new ErrorResponse());

    List errors = payload.getErrors();
    assertThat((Collection<?>) errors, hasSize(1));
    ErrorMessage error = (ErrorMessage) errors.get(0);
    String msg = error.getMsg();

    msg = msg.replaceAll("Cannot parse '([^']*)':.*", "$1");"msg: " + msg);

    assertThat(msg, equalTo(expected));