public String saveAsFile(boolean accessingAsFile) throws IOException { File file = new SikuliIDEFileChooser(SikuliIDE.getInstance(), accessingAsFile).save(); if (file == null) { return null; } String bundlePath = FileManager.slashify(file.getAbsolutePath(), false); if (!file.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(".sikuli")) { bundlePath += ".sikuli"; } if (FileManager.exists(bundlePath)) { int res = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, SikuliIDEI18N._I("msgFileExists", bundlePath), SikuliIDEI18N._I("dlgFileExists"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (res != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { return null; } } else { FileManager.mkdir(bundlePath); } try { saveAsBundle(bundlePath, (SikuliIDE.getInstance().getCurrentFileTabTitle())); if (Settings.isMac()) { if (!Settings.handlesMacBundles) { makeBundle(bundlePath, accessingAsFile); } } } catch (IOException iOException) { } return getCurrentShortFilename(); }
protected static boolean addToClasspath(String jar) { Method method; URLClassLoader sysLoader = (URLClassLoader) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); URL[] urls = sysLoader.getURLs(); log0(lvl, "before adding to classpath: " + jar); for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { log0(lvl, "%d: %s", i, urls[i]); } Class sysclass = URLClassLoader.class; try { jar = FileManager.slashify(new File(jar).getAbsolutePath(), false); if (Settings.isWindows()) { jar = "/" + jar; } URL u = (new URI("file", jar, null)).toURL(); method = sysclass.getDeclaredMethod("addURL", new Class[] {URL.class}); method.setAccessible(true); method.invoke(sysLoader, new Object[] {u}); } catch (Exception ex) { log0(-1, ex.getMessage()); return false; } urls = sysLoader.getURLs(); log0(lvl, "after adding to classpath"); for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { log0(lvl, "%d: %s", i, urls[i]); } return true; }
@Override public void typeKey(int key) { Debug.log(3, "Robot: doType: %s ( %d )", KeyEvent.getKeyText(key), key); if (Settings.isMac()) { if (key == Key.toJavaKeyCodeFromText("#N.")) { doType(KeyMode.PRESS_ONLY, Key.toJavaKeyCodeFromText("#C.")); doType(KeyMode.PRESS_RELEASE, key); doType(KeyMode.RELEASE_ONLY, Key.toJavaKeyCodeFromText("#C.")); return; } else if (key == Key.toJavaKeyCodeFromText("#T.")) { doType(KeyMode.PRESS_ONLY, Key.toJavaKeyCodeFromText("#C.")); doType(KeyMode.PRESS_ONLY, Key.toJavaKeyCodeFromText("#A.")); doType(KeyMode.PRESS_RELEASE, key); doType(KeyMode.RELEASE_ONLY, Key.toJavaKeyCodeFromText("#A.")); doType(KeyMode.RELEASE_ONLY, Key.toJavaKeyCodeFromText("#C.")); return; } else if (key == Key.toJavaKeyCodeFromText("#X.")) { key = Key.toJavaKeyCodeFromText("#T."); doType(KeyMode.PRESS_ONLY, Key.toJavaKeyCodeFromText("#A.")); doType(KeyMode.PRESS_RELEASE, key); doType(KeyMode.RELEASE_ONLY, Key.toJavaKeyCodeFromText("#A.")); return; } } doType(KeyMode.PRESS_RELEASE, key); waitForIdle(); }
public App focus(int num) { Debug.history("App.focus " + this.toString() + " #" + num); if (_pid != 0) { if (_osUtil.switchApp(_pid, num) == 0) { Debug.error("App.focus failed: " + _appName + "(" + _pid + ") not found"); return null; } } else { boolean failed = false; if (Settings.isWindows()) { _pid = _osUtil.switchApp(_appName, num); if (_pid == 0) { failed = true; } } else { if (_osUtil.switchApp(_appName, num) < 0) { failed = true; } } if (failed) { Debug.error("App.focus failed: " + _appName + " not found"); return null; } } return this; }
public String saveFile() throws IOException { if (_editingFile == null) { return saveAsFile(Settings.isMac()); } else { ImagePath.remove(_srcBundlePath); writeSrcFile(); return getCurrentShortFilename(); } }
public App open() { if (Settings.isWindows() || Settings.isLinux()) { int pid = _osUtil.openApp(_appName); _pid = pid; Debug.history(" " + this.toString()); if (pid == 0) { Debug.error(" failed: " + _appName + " not found"); return null; } } else { Debug.history(" " + this.toString()); if (_osUtil.openApp(_appName) < 0) { Debug.error(" failed: " + _appName + " not found"); return null; } } return this; }
public static void printArgs() { if (Debug.getDebugLevel() < lvl) { return; } String[] args = Settings.getSikuliArgs(); if (args.length > 0) { Debug.log(lvl, "--- Sikuli parameters ---"); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { Debug.log(lvl, "%d: %s", i + 1, args[i]); } } args = Settings.getArgs(); if (args.length > 0) { Debug.log(lvl, "--- User parameters ---"); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { Debug.log(lvl, "%d: %s", i + 1, args[i]); } } }
public void prompt(String msg) { captureScreen(scrOCP); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(scrOCP.getBounds()); this.setBounds(rect); promptMsg = msg; Debug.log( 4, "CapturePrompt: [%d,%d (%d, %d)] %s", rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, promptMsg); this.setVisible(true); if (!Settings.isJava7()) { if (Settings.isMac()) { SysUtil.getOSUtil().bringWindowToFront(this, false); } } this.requestFocus(); }
public File getCurrentFile(boolean shouldSave) { if (shouldSave && _editingFile == null && isDirty()) { try { saveAsFile(Settings.isMac()); } catch (IOException e) { Debug.error( me + "getCurrentFile: Problem while trying to save %s\n%s", _editingFile.getAbsolutePath(), e.getMessage()); } } return _editingFile; }
@Override public void releaseModifiers(int modifiers) { if ((modifiers & KeyModifier.SHIFT) != 0) { keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); } if ((modifiers & KeyModifier.CTRL) != 0) { keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); } if ((modifiers & KeyModifier.ALT) != 0) { keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ALT); } if ((modifiers & KeyModifier.META) != 0) { if (Settings.isWindows()) { keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_WINDOWS); } else { keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_META); } } }
private void checkMousePosition(Location p) { PointerInfo mp = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo(); Point pc; if (mp == null) { Debug.error( "RobotDesktop: checkMousePosition: MouseInfo.getPointerInfo invalid\nafter move to %s", p); } else { pc = mp.getLocation(); if (pc.x != p.x || pc.y != p.y) { Debug.error( "RobotDesktop: checkMousePosition: should be %s\nbut after move is %s" + "\nPossible cause: Mouse actions are blocked generally or by the frontmost application." + (Settings.isWindows() ? "\nYou might try to run the SikuliX stuff as admin." : ""), p, new Location(pc)); } } }
protected void showTarget(Location loc, double secs) { if (Settings.isShowActions()) { ScreenHighlighter overlay = new ScreenHighlighter(this, null); overlay.showTarget(loc, (float) secs); } }
public void initBeforeLoad(String scriptType, boolean reInit) { String scrType = null; boolean paneIsEmpty = false; if (scriptType == null) { scriptType = Settings.EDEFAULT; paneIsEmpty = true; } if (Settings.EPYTHON.equals(scriptType)) { scrType = Settings.CPYTHON; _indentationLogic = SikuliIDE.getIDESupport(scriptType).getIndentationLogic(); _indentationLogic.setTabWidth(pref.getTabWidth()); } else if (Settings.ERUBY.equals(scriptType)) { scrType = Settings.CRUBY; _indentationLogic = null; } if (scrType != null) { sikuliContentType = scrType; editorKit = new SikuliEditorKit(); editorViewFactory = (EditorViewFactory) editorKit.getViewFactory(); setEditorKit(editorKit); setContentType(scrType); if (_indentationLogic != null) { pref.addPreferenceChangeListener( new PreferenceChangeListener() { @Override public void preferenceChange(PreferenceChangeEvent event) { if (event.getKey().equals("TAB_WIDTH")) { _indentationLogic.setTabWidth(Integer.parseInt(event.getNewValue())); } } }); } } initKeyMap(); if (transferHandler == null) { transferHandler = new MyTransferHandler(); } setTransferHandler(transferHandler); _highlighter = new EditorCurrentLineHighlighter(this); addCaretListener(_highlighter); setFont(new Font(pref.getFontName(), Font.PLAIN, pref.getFontSize())); setMargin(new Insets(3, 3, 3, 3)); setBackground(Color.WHITE); if (!Settings.isMac()) { setSelectionColor(new Color(170, 200, 255)); } updateDocumentListeners(); addKeyListener(this); addCaretListener(this); popMenuImage = new SikuliIDEPopUpMenu("POP_IMAGE", this); if (!popMenuImage.isValidMenu()) { popMenuImage = null; } if (paneIsEmpty || reInit) { // this.setText(String.format(Settings.TypeCommentDefault, getSikuliContentType())); this.setText(""); } SikuliIDE.getStatusbar().setCurrentContentType(getSikuliContentType()); Debug.log(3, "InitTab: (%s)", getSikuliContentType()); if (!Settings.hasTypeRunner(getSikuliContentType())) { SikuliX.popup( "No installed runner supports (" + getSikuliContentType() + ")\n" + "Trying to run the script will crash IDE!", "... serious problem detected!"); } }