// =================================================================================== // Line Helper // =========== protected String filterAsLine(String text, FileTextLineFilter filter) { final String cr = "\r"; final String lf = "\n"; final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final List<String> lineList = Srl.splitList(text, lf); final int lineCount = lineList.size(); int index = 0; for (String line : lineList) { final String pureLine; final boolean hasCR; if (line.endsWith(cr)) { pureLine = Srl.substringLastFront(line, cr); hasCR = true; } else { pureLine = line; hasCR = false; } final String filteredLine = filter.filter(pureLine); if (filteredLine != null) { sb.append(filteredLine); if (index + 1 < lineCount) { // not last line sb.append(hasCR ? cr : "").append(lf); } } ++index; } return sb.toString(); }
protected String doResolvePackageName(String typeName, boolean exceptUtil) { if (typeName == null) { return typeName; } final String processed = processLanguageType(typeName, exceptUtil); if (processed != null) { return processed; } if (typeName.contains(VAR_CDEF)) { final DfBasicProperties prop = getBasicProperties(); final String pkg = prop.getBaseCommonPackage(); final String prefix = prop.getProjectPrefix(); typeName = DfStringUtil.replace(typeName, VAR_CDEF, pkg + "." + prefix + "CDef"); } if (typeName.contains(VAR_DOMAIN + ".")) { // as domain entity final String pkg = getBasicProperties().getExtendedEntityPackage(); typeName = Srl.replace(typeName, VAR_DOMAIN + ".", pkg + "."); } if (typeName.contains(VAR_CUSTOMIZE + ".")) { // as customize entity final String pkg = getOutsideSqlProperties().getExtendedEntityPackage(); typeName = Srl.replace(typeName, VAR_CUSTOMIZE + ".", pkg + "."); } if (typeName.contains(VAR_PMB + ".")) { // as parameter-bean final String pkg = getOutsideSqlProperties().getExtendedParameterBeanPackage(); typeName = Srl.replace(typeName, VAR_PMB + ".", pkg + "."); } return typeName; }
protected void buildCustomizeEntityColumnInfo( StringBuilder logSb, String columnName, Column column, Table relatedTable, Column relatedColumn, String forcedJavaNatice) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" ").append(column.isPrimaryKey() ? "*" : " "); sb.append(columnName); sb.append(" "); sb.append(column.getDbTypeExpression()); final String columnSize = column.getColumnSize(); if (Srl.is_NotNull_and_NotTrimmedEmpty(columnSize)) { sb.append("(").append(columnSize).append(")"); } if (relatedColumn != null) { sb.append(" related to ").append(relatedTable.getTableDbName()); sb.append(".").append(relatedColumn.getName()); } if (Srl.is_NotNull_and_NotTrimmedEmpty(forcedJavaNatice)) { sb.append(" forced to ").append(forcedJavaNatice); } logSb.append(sb).append(ln()); }
protected String doDerivePropertyTypeFromTestValue(String testValue) { // test point if (testValue == null) { String msg = "The argument 'testValue' should be not null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } final DfLanguageGrammar grammar = getLanguageGrammar(); final String plainTypeName; if (Srl.startsWithIgnoreCase(testValue, "date '", "date'")) { plainTypeName = "Date"; } else if (Srl.startsWithIgnoreCase(testValue, "timestamp '", "timestamp'")) { plainTypeName = "Timestamp"; } else if (Srl.startsWithIgnoreCase(testValue, "time '", "time'")) { plainTypeName = "Time"; } else { if (Srl.isQuotedSingle(testValue)) { final String unquoted = Srl.unquoteSingle(testValue); Timestamp timestamp = null; Time time = null; try { timestamp = DfTypeUtil.toTimestamp(unquoted); } catch (ParseTimestampException ignored) { try { time = DfTypeUtil.toTime(unquoted); } catch (ParseTimeException andIgnored) { } } if (timestamp != null) { final String timeParts = DfTypeUtil.toString(timestamp, "HH:mm:ss.SSS"); if (timeParts.equals("00:00:00.000")) { plainTypeName = "Date"; } else { plainTypeName = "Timestamp"; } } else if (time != null) { plainTypeName = "Time"; } else { plainTypeName = "String"; } } else if (Srl.isQuotedAnything(testValue, "(", ")")) { final String unquoted = Srl.unquoteAnything(testValue, "(", ")"); final List<String> elementList = Srl.splitListTrimmed(unquoted, ","); if (elementList.size() > 0) { final String firstElement = elementList.get(0); // InScope for Date is unsupported at this analyzing if (Srl.isQuotedSingle(firstElement)) { plainTypeName = "List" + grammar.buildGenericOneClassHint("String"); } else { final String elementType = doDeriveNonQuotedLiteralTypeFromTestValue(firstElement); plainTypeName = "List" + grammar.buildGenericOneClassHint(elementType); } } else { plainTypeName = "List" + grammar.buildGenericOneClassHint("String"); } } else { plainTypeName = doDeriveNonQuotedLiteralTypeFromTestValue(testValue); } } return plainTypeName; }
protected void setupColumnComment( Map<String, DfColumnMeta> metaMap, String columnName, Column column) { final DfColumnMeta columnMeta = metaMap.get(columnName); final String sql2EntityRelatedTableName = columnMeta.getSql2EntityRelatedTableName(); final Table relatedTable = getRelatedTable(sql2EntityRelatedTableName); String relatedComment = null; if (relatedTable != null) { final String relatedColumnName = columnMeta.getSql2EntityRelatedColumnName(); final Column relatedColumn = relatedTable.getColumn(relatedColumnName); if (relatedColumn != null) { relatedComment = relatedColumn.getPlainComment(); } } // the meta has its select column comment final String selectColumnComment = columnMeta.getColumnComment(); final String commentMark = "// "; final String delimiter = getAliasDelimiterInDbComment(); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (Srl.is_NotNull_and_NotTrimmedEmpty(relatedComment)) { sb.append(relatedComment); if (Srl.is_NotNull_and_NotTrimmedEmpty(selectColumnComment)) { // both exist if (Srl.is_NotNull_and_NotTrimmedEmpty(delimiter)) { // use alias option if (relatedComment.contains(delimiter)) { // resolved in related comment sb.append(ln()).append(commentMark).append(selectColumnComment); } else { // unresolved yet if (isDbCommentOnAliasBasis()) { // related comment is alias sb.append(delimiter); } else { // related comment is description sb.append(ln()); } sb.append(commentMark).append(selectColumnComment); } } else { // no alias option sb.append(ln()).append(commentMark).append(selectColumnComment); } } } else { // not found related comment if (Srl.is_NotNull_and_NotTrimmedEmpty(selectColumnComment)) { if (Srl.is_NotNull_and_NotTrimmedEmpty(delimiter)) { // use alias option if (isDbCommentOnAliasBasis()) { // select column comment is treated as description sb.append(delimiter); } } sb.append(commentMark).append(selectColumnComment); } } column.setPlainComment(sb.toString()); }
protected String processMapType( String typeName, boolean exceptUtil, String mapPkg, String mapName) { final String mapBegin = mapName + "<"; final String mapEnd = ">"; if (typeName.startsWith(mapBegin) && typeName.endsWith(mapEnd)) { final ScopeInfo scope = Srl.extractScopeWide(typeName, mapBegin, mapEnd); final String content = scope.getContent(); final String keyType = Srl.substringFirstFront(content, ",").trim(); final String valueType = Srl.substringFirstRear(content, ",").trim(); final String resolvedValueType = doResolvePackageName(valueType, exceptUtil); return mapPkg + "." + mapBegin + keyType + ", " + resolvedValueType + mapEnd; } else { return null; } }
protected void resolveSuperClassSimplePagingBean(DfPmbMetaData pmbMetaData) { final String superClassName = pmbMetaData.getSuperClassName(); if (Srl.endsWithIgnoreCase(superClassName, "Paging") // main || Srl.equalsIgnoreCase( superClassName, "SPB")) { // an old style for compatibility before pmbMetaData.setSuperClassName("SimplePagingBean"); if (Srl.equalsIgnoreCase(superClassName, "ManualPaging")) { pmbMetaData.setPagingType(DfPagingType.MANUAL); } else if (Srl.equalsIgnoreCase(superClassName, "AutoPaging")) { pmbMetaData.setPagingType(DfPagingType.AUTO); } else { pmbMetaData.setPagingType(DfPagingType.UNKNOWN); } } }
// ----------------------------------------------------- // Common Helper // ------------- protected boolean isRevervedProperty(String propertyName) { // properties for TypedParameterBean and SimplePagingBean and so on... return Srl.equalsIgnoreCase( propertyName, "OutsideSqlPath" // TypedParameterBean , "EntityType" // TypedSelectPmb , "ProcedureName", "EscapeStatement", "CalledBySelect" // ProcedurePmb , "IsEscapeStatement", "IsCalledBySelect" // ProcedurePmb (C#) , "FetchStartIndex", "FetchSize", "FetchPageNumber" // PagingBean , "PageStartIndex", "PageEndIndex" // PagingBean , "IsPaging" // PagingBean (C#) , "OrderByClause", "OrderByComponent" // OrderByBean , "SafetyMaxResultSize" // FetchBean , "ParameterMap" // MapParameterBean ); }
protected Table setupSql2EntityRelatedTable( String entityName, DfCustomizeEntityInfo entityInfo, Map<String, DfColumnMeta> metaMap, String columnName, Column column, String pkRelatedTableName) { final DfColumnMeta columnMeta = metaMap.get(columnName); final String sql2EntityRelatedTableName = columnMeta.getSql2EntityRelatedTableName(); Table relatedTable = getRelatedTable(sql2EntityRelatedTableName); // first attack if (relatedTable == null) { if (pkRelatedTableName != null) { // second attack using PK-related relatedTable = getRelatedTable(pkRelatedTableName); if (relatedTable == null) { throwTableRelatedPrimaryKeyNotFoundException( entityName, entityInfo, pkRelatedTableName, columnName); } } else { return null; } } else { if (pkRelatedTableName != null) { if (!Srl.equalsFlexible(sql2EntityRelatedTableName, pkRelatedTableName)) { throwTableRelatedPrimaryKeyDifferentException( entityName, entityInfo, sql2EntityRelatedTableName, pkRelatedTableName, columnName); } } } column.setSql2EntityRelatedTable(relatedTable); return relatedTable; }
// ----------------------------------------------------- // For Comment // ----------- protected void doProcessAutoDetectForNode( String sql, Map<String, String> propertyNameTypeMap, Map<String, String> propertyNameOptionMap, ForNode forNode) { final String expression = forNode.getExpression(); if (!isPmCommentStartsWithPmb(expression)) { return; } final String propertyName = substringPmCommentPmbRear(expression); if (propertyNameTypeMap.containsKey(propertyName)) { // because of priority low (bind variable is given priority over for-comment) return; } if (isRevervedProperty(propertyName)) { return; } final DetectedPropertyInfo detected = analyzeForNodeElementType(forNode, propertyName); if (detected != null) { final String propertyType = switchPlainTypeName(detected.getPropertyType()); propertyNameTypeMap.put(propertyName, propertyType); final String propertyOption = detected.getPropertyOption(); if (Srl.is_NotNull_and_NotTrimmedEmpty(propertyOption)) { propertyNameOptionMap.put(propertyName, propertyOption); } } }
protected String doDeriveNonQuotedLiteralTypeFromTestValue(String testValue) { final String plainTypeName; if (Srl.contains(testValue, ".")) { BigDecimal decimalValue = null; try { decimalValue = DfTypeUtil.toBigDecimal(testValue); } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { } if (decimalValue != null) { plainTypeName = "BigDecimal"; } else { // means unknown type plainTypeName = "String"; } } else { Long longValue = null; try { longValue = DfTypeUtil.toLong(testValue); } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { } if (longValue != null) { if (longValue > Long.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) { plainTypeName = "Long"; } else { plainTypeName = "Integer"; } } else { if (testValue.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || testValue.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { plainTypeName = "Boolean"; } else { // means unknown type plainTypeName = "String"; } } } return plainTypeName; }
protected void doProcessAlternateBooleanMethodIfNode(String sql, IfNode ifNode) { final String expression = ifNode.getExpression().trim(); // trim it just in case if (Srl.containsAny(expression, getIfCommentConnectors()) || Srl.containsAny(expression, getIfCommentOperands())) { return; // unknown (type) } if (isPmCommentNestedProperty(expression) || !isPmCommentMethodCall(expression)) { return; // e.g. pmb.foo.bar } if (!isPmCommentStartsWithPmb(substringBooleanNotRear(expression))) { return; // e.g. #current.isFoo() } // pmb.foo() or !pmb.foo() here String methodName = substringPmCommentPmbRear(expression); // -> foo() methodName = Srl.substringLastFront(methodName, "()"); // -> foo _alternateBooleanMethodNameSet.add(methodName); // filter later }
// ----------------------------------------------------- // Setup Element // ------------- protected void setupColumnName(String columnName, final Column col) { if (needsConvertToJavaName(columnName)) { col.setName(columnName); } else { col.setupNeedsJavaNameConvertFalse(); col.setName(Srl.initCap(columnName)); } }
protected void setupDbType(Map<String, DfColumnMeta> metaMap, String columnName, Column column) { final DfColumnMeta columnMeta = metaMap.get(columnName); final String dbTypeName; final String plainName = columnMeta.getDbTypeName(); if (Srl.contains(plainName, ".")) { // basically for ARRAY and STRUCT type final String catalogSchema = Srl.substringLastFront(plainName, "."); final UnifiedSchema unifiedSchema = UnifiedSchema.createAsDynamicSchema(catalogSchema); if (unifiedSchema.isMainSchema()) { dbTypeName = Srl.substringLastRear(plainName, "."); } else { dbTypeName = plainName; } } else { dbTypeName = plainName; } column.setDbType(dbTypeName); }
// ----------------------------------------------------- // Logging // ------- protected void buildCustomizeEntityTitle( StringBuilder logSb, String entityName, DfCustomizeEntityInfo entityInfo) { logSb.append(entityName); final String handlingDisp = entityInfo.buildHandlingDisp(); if (Srl.is_NotNull_and_NotTrimmedEmpty(handlingDisp)) { logSb.append(" ").append(handlingDisp); } logSb.append(ln()); }
protected StringKeyMap<String> getPrimaryKeyMap(DfCustomizeEntityInfo entityInfo) { final StringKeyMap<String> pkMap = StringKeyMap.createAsFlexibleOrdered(); final List<String> pkList = entityInfo.getPrimaryKeyList(); if (pkList == null || pkList.isEmpty()) { return pkMap; } for (String pk : pkList) { if (Srl.contains(pk, ".")) { final IndexOfInfo info = Srl.indexOfFirst(pk, "."); String tableName = info.substringFrontTrimmed(); String pkName = info.substringRearTrimmed(); pkMap.put(pkName, tableName); } else { pkMap.put(pk, null); // no specified related table } } return pkMap; }
// ----------------------------------------------------- // Bind Variable // ------------- protected void processAutoDetectBindNode( String sql, Map<String, String> propertyNameTypeMap, Map<String, String> propertyNameOptionMap, Set<String> autoDetectedPropertyNameSet, BindVariableNode variableNode) { final String expression = variableNode.getExpression(); final String testValue = variableNode.getTestValue(); if (testValue == null) { return; } if (!isPmCommentStartsWithPmb(expression)) { return; } if (isPmCommentNestedProperty(expression) || isPmCommentMethodCall(expression)) { return; } final String propertyName = substringPmCommentPmbRear(expression); if (isRevervedProperty(propertyName)) { return; } final String typeName = derivePropertyTypeFromTestValue(testValue); propertyNameTypeMap.put(propertyName, typeName); // override if same one exists autoDetectedPropertyNameSet.add(propertyName); final String option = variableNode.getOptionDef(); // add option if it exists // so it is enough to set an option to only one bind variable comment // if several bind variable comments for the same property exist final String derivedOption = derivePropertyOptionFromTestValue(testValue); if (Srl.is_NotNull_and_NotTrimmedEmpty(option)) { final String resolvedOption; if (Srl.is_NotNull_and_NotTrimmedEmpty(derivedOption)) { resolvedOption = option + "|" + derivedOption; // merged } else { resolvedOption = option; } propertyNameOptionMap.put(propertyName, resolvedOption); } else { if (Srl.is_NotNull_and_NotTrimmedEmpty(derivedOption)) { propertyNameOptionMap.put(propertyName, derivedOption); } } }
protected DetectedPropertyInfo analyzeForNodeElementType(Node node, String propertyName) { if (isPmCommentNestedProperty(propertyName) || isPmCommentMethodCall(propertyName)) { return null; } final DfLanguageGrammar grammar = getLanguageGrammar(); DetectedPropertyInfo detected = null; for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildSize(); i++) { final Node childNode = node.getChild(i); if (childNode instanceof BindVariableNode) { final BindVariableNode bindNode = (BindVariableNode) childNode; final String expression = bindNode.getExpression(); if (!isPmCommentEqualsCurrent(expression)) { continue; } if (isPmCommentNestedProperty(expression) || isPmCommentMethodCall(expression)) { continue; } // /*#current*/ here final String testValue = bindNode.getTestValue(); if (testValue == null) { continue; } final String propertyType = derivePropertyTypeFromTestValue(testValue); final String propertyOption = derivePropertyOptionFromTestValue(testValue); if (Srl.is_NotNull_and_NotTrimmedEmpty(propertyType)) { detected = new DetectedPropertyInfo(); final String generic = grammar.buildGenericOneClassHint(propertyType); detected.setPropertyType("List" + generic); detected.setPropertyOption(propertyOption); } } else if (childNode instanceof ForNode) { final ForNode nestedNode = (ForNode) childNode; final String expression = nestedNode.getExpression(); if (!isPmCommentStartsWithCurrent(expression)) { continue; } // /*FOR #current.xxx*/ here final String nestedForPropName = substringPmCommentCurrentRear(expression); detected = analyzeForNodeElementType(nestedNode, nestedForPropName); // recursive call if (detected != null) { final String generic = grammar.buildGenericOneClassHint(detected.getPropertyType()); detected.setPropertyType("List" + generic); } } else if (childNode instanceof ScopeNode) { // IF, Begin, First, ... detected = analyzeForNodeElementType(childNode, propertyName); // recursive call } if (detected != null) { break; } } if (detected == null) { return null; } return detected; }
// ----------------------------------------------------- // If Comment // ---------- protected void doProcessAutoDetectIfNode( String sql, Map<String, String> propertyNameTypeMap, Map<String, String> propertyNameOptionMap, IfNode ifNode) { final String ifCommentBooleanType = switchPlainTypeName("boolean"); final String expression = ifNode.getExpression().trim(); // trim it just in case final List<String> elementList = Srl.splitList(expression, " "); for (int i = 0; i < elementList.size(); i++) { // boolean-not mark unused here so remove it at first final String element = substringBooleanNotRear(elementList.get(i)); if (!isPmCommentStartsWithPmb(element)) { continue; } if (isPmCommentNestedProperty(element) || isPmCommentMethodCall(element)) { continue; } final String propertyName = substringPmCommentPmbRear(element); if (propertyNameTypeMap.containsKey(propertyName)) { // because of priority low (bind variable is given priority over if-comment) continue; } if (isRevervedProperty(propertyName)) { continue; } final int nextIndex = i + 1; if (elementList.size() <= nextIndex) { // last now propertyNameTypeMap.put(propertyName, ifCommentBooleanType); continue; } // next exists here final String nextElement = elementList.get(nextIndex); if (isIfCommentStatementConnector(nextElement)) { // e.g. '&&' or '||' propertyNameTypeMap.put(propertyName, ifCommentBooleanType); continue; } if (!isIfCommentStatementOperand(nextElement)) { // no way (wrong syntax) continue; } final int nextNextIndex = i + 2; if (elementList.size() <= nextNextIndex) { // no way (wrong syntax) continue; } // next next exists final String nextNextElement = elementList.get(nextNextIndex); if (isPmCommentStartsWithPmb(nextNextElement)) { // e.g. pmb.foo == pmb.bar continue; } // using-value statement here e.g. pmb.foo == 'foo' // condition value is treated as testValue to derive final String propertyType = derivePropertyTypeFromTestValue(nextNextElement); propertyNameTypeMap.put(propertyName, propertyType); } }
protected void filterAlternateBooleanMethod(DfPmbMetaData pmbMetaData) { if (_alternateBooleanMethodNameSet.isEmpty()) { return; } for (String reservBooleanMethod : _reservBooleanMethodList) { if (_alternateBooleanMethodNameSet.contains(reservBooleanMethod)) { _alternateBooleanMethodNameSet.remove(reservBooleanMethod); } } final Map<String, String> propertyNameTypeMap = pmbMetaData.getPropertyNameTypeMap(); for (String propertyName : propertyNameTypeMap.keySet()) { final String getterName = "get" + Srl.initCap(propertyName); if (_alternateBooleanMethodNameSet.contains(getterName)) { _alternateBooleanMethodNameSet.remove(getterName); } final String isName = "is" + Srl.initCap(propertyName); if (_alternateBooleanMethodNameSet.contains(isName)) { _alternateBooleanMethodNameSet.remove(isName); } } }
protected String processListType( String typeName, boolean exceptUtil, String listPkg, String listName) { final String listBegin = listName + "<"; final String listEnd = ">"; if (typeName.startsWith(listBegin) && typeName.endsWith(listEnd)) { final ScopeInfo scope = Srl.extractScopeWide(typeName, listBegin, listEnd); final String content = scope.getContent(); final String resolvedContent = doResolvePackageName(content, exceptUtil); return listPkg + "." + listBegin + resolvedContent + listEnd; } else { return null; } }
public void test_buildDisplaySql_beforeComment_quotationOverComment() { // ## Arrange ## String sql = "' ?/*foo's bar*/select * from where FOO_NAME like ? escape '|'"; String fooName = "fooName%"; String barCode = "barCode"; // ## Act ## String actual = createTarget().buildDisplaySql(sql, new Object[] {fooName, barCode}); // ## Assert ## log(actual); assertTrue(Srl.containsAll(actual, fooName, barCode, "/*foo's bar*/", "escape '|'")); }
protected void showParameterBean() { _log.info("* * * * * * * * *"); _log.info("* ParameterBean *"); _log.info("* * * * * * * * *"); final StringBuilder logSb = new StringBuilder(); final Map<String, DfPmbMetaData> pmbMetaDataMap = _sql2entityMeta.getPmbMetaDataMap(); for (Entry<String, DfPmbMetaData> pmbEntry : pmbMetaDataMap.entrySet()) { final DfPmbMetaData pmbMetaData = pmbEntry.getValue(); logSb.append(pmbMetaData.getClassName()); if (pmbMetaData.hasSuperClassDefinition()) { logSb.append(" extends ").append(pmbMetaData.getSuperClassName()); } if (pmbMetaData.isRelatedToProcedure()) { logSb.append(" (procedure"); if (pmbMetaData.isProcedureRefCustomizeEntity()) { logSb.append(" with customize-entity"); } logSb.append(")").append(ln()); final Map<String, DfProcedureColumnMeta> propertyNameColumnInfoMap = pmbMetaData.getPropertyNameColumnInfoMap(); for (Entry<String, DfProcedureColumnMeta> columnEntry : propertyNameColumnInfoMap.entrySet()) { final DfProcedureColumnMeta columnInfo = columnEntry.getValue(); logSb.append(" ").append(columnInfo.getColumnNameDisp()); logSb.append(ln()); } } else { if (pmbMetaData.isTypedParameterBean()) { logSb.append(" ").append(pmbMetaData.buildTypedDisp()); } logSb.append(ln()); final Map<String, String> propertyNameTypeMap = pmbMetaData.getPropertyNameTypeMap(); final Map<String, String> propertyOptionMap = pmbMetaData.getPropertyNameOptionMap(); for (Entry<String, String> propEntry : propertyNameTypeMap.entrySet()) { final String propertyName = propEntry.getKey(); final String propertyType = propEntry.getValue(); logSb.append(" ").append(propertyType).append(" ").append(propertyName); final String optionDef = propertyOptionMap.get(propertyName); if (Srl.is_NotNull_and_NotTrimmedEmpty(optionDef)) { logSb.append(":").append(optionDef); } logSb.append(ln()); } } logSb.append(ln()); } if (logSb.length() > 0) { _log.info(ln() + logSb.toString().trim()); } }
protected String extractSql2EntityHintedClassification( String entityName, DfCustomizeEntityInfo entityInfo, Column column) { final String comment = column.getComment(); final ScopeInfo scopeInfo = Srl.extractScopeFirst(comment, "cls(", ")"); if (scopeInfo != null) { final String classification = scopeInfo.getContent().trim(); if (!getProperties().getClassificationProperties().hasClassificationTop(classification)) { throwUnknownClassificationSpecifiedInHintException( entityName, entityInfo, column, classification); } return classification; } return null; }
protected DataSource prepareTargetDataSource() { final DfDataSourceHandler handler = new DfDataSourceHandler(); handler.setDriver(getDatabaseProperties().getDatabaseDriver()); // inherit final String url = getDocumentProperties().getSchemaSyncCheckDatabaseUrl(); handler.setUrl(url); // may inherit final String user = getDocumentProperties().getSchemaSyncCheckDatabaseUser(); if (Srl.is_Null_or_TrimmedEmpty(user)) { // just in case String msg = "The user for sync target schema was not found: " + user; throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } handler.setUser(user); handler.setPassword(getDocumentProperties().getSchemaSyncCheckDatabasePassword()); handler.setConnectionProperties(getDatabaseProperties().getConnectionProperties()); // inherit handler.setAutoCommit(true); _log.info("...Preparing data source for SchemaSyncCheck target:"); _log.info(" url = " + url); _log.info(" user = " + user); return new DfFittingDataSource(handler); }
protected void handleException() { final Map<String, String> exceptionInfoMap = _sql2entityMeta.getExceptionInfoMap(); if (exceptionInfoMap.isEmpty()) { return; } final Set<String> nameSet = exceptionInfoMap.keySet(); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String name : nameSet) { final String exceptionInfo = exceptionInfoMap.get(name); sb.append("[" + name + "]"); final boolean containsLn = Srl.contains(exceptionInfo, ln()); sb.append(containsLn ? ln() : " "); sb.append(exceptionInfo); sb.append(containsLn ? ln() : "").append(ln()); } _log.warn("/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {Warning Exception}"); _log.warn(ln() + sb.toString().trim()); _log.warn("* * * * * * * * * */"); _log.warn(" "); }
protected String derivePropertyOptionFromTestValue(String testValue) { // test point if (Srl.isQuotedSingle(testValue)) { final String unquoted = Srl.unquoteSingle(testValue); final int count = Srl.count(unquoted, "%"); if (Srl.endsWith(unquoted, "%") && count == 1) { return "likePrefix"; } else if (Srl.startsWith(unquoted, "%") && count == 1) { return "likeSuffix"; } else if (Srl.isQuotedAnything(unquoted, "%") && count == 2) { return "likeContain"; } else if (count > 0) { return "like"; } } return null; }
public void test_buildDisplaySql_questionInComment_quotationInComment() { // ## Arrange ## String sql = "/*foo's bar*/select * from where FOO_NAME/*qux?*/ like ? escape '|' and ? /*quux'?*/and ?"; String fooName = "fooName%"; String barCode = "barCode"; Integer bazId = 3; // ## Act ## String actual = createTarget().buildDisplaySql(sql, new Object[] {fooName, barCode, bazId}); // ## Assert ## log(actual); assertTrue( Srl.containsAll( actual, fooName, barCode, String.valueOf(bazId), "/*foo's bar*/", "escape '|'", "/*qux?*/", "/*quux'?*/and")); }
protected final String initUncap(String str) { return Srl.initUncap(str); }
protected final List<String> splitListTrimmed(String str, String delimiter) { return Srl.splitListTrimmed(str, delimiter); }