private void parseVRule(String word) { String[] tokens1 = new ColonSplitter(word).split(); if (tokens1.length < 2 || tokens1.length > 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid VRULE statement: " + word); } String[] tokens2 = tokens1[1].split("#"); if (tokens2.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid VRULE statement: " + word); } long timestamp = Util.getTimestamp(tokens2[0]); Paint color = Util.parseColor(tokens2[1]); gdef.vrule(timestamp, color, tokens1.length == 3 ? tokens1[2] : null); }
private void writeImage(File imageFile) throws IOException { BufferedImage resultImage = null; if (selectedGraph >= 0 && selectedGraph < graphImageFactories.length) { resultImage = graphImageFactories[selectedGraph].createGraphImage( Util.getTime(), sourceIdentifier, null, showMaxCheckBox.isSelected()); } if (resultImage != null) { final String format = "png"; BufferedOutputStream imageOutput = null; try { imageOutput = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(imageFile)); boolean writerFound = ImageIO.write(resultImage, format, imageOutput); if (!writerFound) { String msg = "Couldn't write image! No writer found for format '" + format + "'!"; if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) logger.error(msg); throw new IOException(msg); } } finally { // close output stream no matter what. shouldn't be necessary... IOUtilities.closeQuietly(imageOutput); resultImage.flush(); } } }
private void updateGraph() { if (sourceIdentifier != null && selectedGraph >= 0 && selectedGraph < graphImageFactories.length) { GraphImageProducer graphImageFactory = graphImageFactories[selectedGraph]; imageToggle[imageIndex] = graphImageFactory.createGraphImage( Util.getTime(), sourceIdentifier, imageToggle[imageIndex], showMaxCheckBox.isSelected()); if (imageToggle[imageIndex] != null) { ImageIcon graphImageIcon = new ImageIcon(); graphImageIcon.setImage(imageToggle[imageIndex]); graphLabel.setIcon(graphImageIcon); graphLabel.setText(""); } else { graphLabel.setIcon(null); graphLabel.setText("Couldn't create graph image!"); } if (imageIndex == 0) { imageIndex = 1; } else { imageIndex = 0; } graphLabel.repaint(); } }
private Map<Long, ArrayList<String>> addRrdData( Map<Long, ArrayList<String>> data, String itemName, ConsolFun consilidationFunction, Date timeBegin, Date timeEnd, long resolution) throws IOException { RrdDb rrdDb = new RrdDb(RRD_FOLDER + File.separator + itemName + ".rrd"); FetchRequest fetchRequest = rrdDb.createFetchRequest( consilidationFunction, Util.getTimestamp(timeBegin), Util.getTimestamp(timeEnd), resolution); FetchData fetchData = fetchRequest.fetchData(); //; long[] timestamps = fetchData.getTimestamps(); double[][] values = fetchData.getValues(); logger.debug( "RRD fetch returned '{}' rows and '{}' columns", fetchData.getRowCount(), fetchData.getColumnCount()); for (int row = 0; row < fetchData.getRowCount(); row++) { // change to microseconds long time = timestamps[row] * 1000; if (!data.containsKey(time)) { data.put(time, new ArrayList<String>()); } ArrayList<String> vals = data.get(time); int indexOffset = vals.size(); for (int dsIndex = 0; dsIndex < fetchData.getColumnCount(); dsIndex++) { vals.add(dsIndex + indexOffset, formatDouble(values[dsIndex][row], "null", true)); } } rrdDb.close(); return data; }
private void parseHRule(String word) { String[] tokens1 = new ColonSplitter(word).split(); if (tokens1.length < 2 || tokens1.length > 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid HRULE statement: " + word); } String[] tokens2 = tokens1[1].split("#"); if (tokens2.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid HRULE statement: " + word); } double value = parseDouble(tokens2[0]); Paint color = Util.parseColor(tokens2[1]); gdef.hrule(value, color, tokens1.length == 3 ? tokens1[2] : null); }
private void parseColors(String[] colorOptions) { if (colorOptions == null) { return; } for (String colorOption : colorOptions) { String[] tokens = colorOption.split("#"); if (tokens.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid COLOR specification: " + colorOption); } String colorName = tokens[0]; Paint paint = Util.parseColor(tokens[1]); gdef.setColor(colorName, paint); } }
private void parseStack(String word) { String[] tokens1 = new ColonSplitter(word).split(); if (tokens1.length != 2 && tokens1.length != 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid STACK statement: " + word); } String[] tokens2 = tokens1[1].split("#"); if (tokens2.length != 1 && tokens2.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid STACK statement: " + word); } String name = tokens2[0]; Paint color = tokens2.length == 2 ? Util.parseColor(tokens2[1]) : BLIND_COLOR; String legend = tokens1.length == 3 ? tokens1[2] : null; gdef.stack(name, color, legend); }
private void parseLine(String word) { String[] tokens1 = new ColonSplitter(word).split(); if (tokens1.length != 2 && tokens1.length != 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid LINE statement: " + word); } String[] tokens2 = tokens1[1].split("#"); if (tokens2.length != 1 && tokens2.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid LINE statement: " + word); } float width = Integer.parseInt(tokens1[0].substring(tokens1[0].length() - 1)); String name = tokens2[0]; Paint color = tokens2.length == 2 ? Util.parseColor(tokens2[1]) : BLIND_COLOR; String legend = tokens1.length == 3 ? tokens1[2] : null; gdef.line(name, color, legend, width); }
@Override protected Object doPost(String account, String id, SampleRequest request) throws Exception { File parent = new File(dataDir, account + "/" + id); File file = new File(parent, "database.rrd"); if (!file.exists()) { throw new DatabaseDoesNotExistException(); } RrdDb db = new RrdDb(file.getPath()); Sample sample = db.createSample(Util.normalize(request.getTime(), db.getRrdDef().getStep())); for (Map.Entry<String, Double> entry : request.getValues().entrySet()) { sample.setValue(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } sample.update(); db.close(); return null; }
Object execute() throws IOException { String startStr = getOptionValue("b", "start", DEFAULT_START); long start = Util.getTimestamp(startStr); String stepStr = getOptionValue("s", "step", DEFAULT_STEP); long step = parseLong(stepStr); String[] words = getRemainingWords(); if (words.length < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("RRD file path not specified"); } String path = words[1]; rrdDef = new RrdDef(path, start, step); for (int i = 2; i < words.length; i++) { if (words[i].startsWith("DS:")) { parseDef(words[i]); } else if (words[i].startsWith("RRA:")) { parseRra(words[i]); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid rrdcreate syntax: " + words[i]); } } return createRrdDb(); }
Object execute() throws IOException { gdef = new RrdGraphDef(); // OPTIONS // START, END String t1 = getOptionValue("s", "start", DEFAULT_START), t2 = getOptionValue("e", "end", DEFAULT_END); gdef.setTimeSpan(Util.getTimestamps(t1, t2)); // X-GRID parseXGrid(getOptionValue("x", "x-grid")); // Y-GRID parseYGrid(getOptionValue("y", "y-grid")); // ALT-Y-GRID gdef.setAltYGrid(getBooleanOption("Y", "alt-y-grid")); // NO_MINOR gdef.setNoMinorGrid(getBooleanOption(null, "no-minor")); // ALT-Y-MRTG gdef.setAltYMrtg(getBooleanOption("R", "alt-y-mrtg")); // ALT-AUTOSCALE gdef.setAltAutoscale(getBooleanOption("A", "alt-autoscale")); // ALT-AUTOSCALE-MAX gdef.setAltAutoscaleMax(getBooleanOption("M", "alt-autoscale-max")); // UNITS-EXPONENT String opt = getOptionValue("X", "units-exponent"); if (opt != null) { gdef.setUnitsExponent(parseInt(opt)); } // UNITS-LENGTH opt = getOptionValue("L", "units-length"); if (opt != null) { gdef.setUnitsLength(parseInt(opt)); } // VERTICAL LABEL opt = getOptionValue("v", "vertical-label"); if (opt != null) { gdef.setVerticalLabel(opt); } // WIDTH opt = getOptionValue("w", "width"); if (opt != null) { gdef.setWidth(parseInt(opt)); } // HEIGHT opt = getOptionValue("h", "height"); if (opt != null) { gdef.setHeight(parseInt(opt)); } // INTERLACED gdef.setInterlaced(getBooleanOption("i", "interlaced")); // IMGINFO opt = getOptionValue("f", "imginfo"); if (opt != null) { gdef.setImageInfo(opt); } // IMGFORMAT opt = getOptionValue("a", "imgformat"); if (opt != null) { gdef.setImageFormat(opt); } // BACKGROUND opt = getOptionValue("B", "background"); if (opt != null) { gdef.setBackgroundImage(opt); } // OVERLAY opt = getOptionValue("O", "overlay"); if (opt != null) { gdef.setOverlayImage(opt); } // UNIT opt = getOptionValue("U", "unit"); if (opt != null) { gdef.setUnit(opt); } // LAZY gdef.setLazy(getBooleanOption("z", "lazy")); // UPPER-LIMIT opt = getOptionValue("u", "upper-limit"); if (opt != null) { gdef.setMaxValue(parseDouble(opt)); } // LOWER-LIMIT opt = getOptionValue("l", "lower-limit"); if (opt != null) { gdef.setMinValue(parseDouble(opt)); } // RIGID gdef.setRigid(getBooleanOption("r", "rigid")); // BASE opt = getOptionValue("b", "base"); if (opt != null) { gdef.setBase(parseDouble(opt)); } // LOGARITHMIC gdef.setLogarithmic(getBooleanOption("o", "logarithmic")); // COLORS parseColors(getMultipleOptionValues("c", "color")); // NO-LEGEND gdef.setNoLegend(getBooleanOption("g", "no-legend")); // ONLY_GRAPH gdef.setOnlyGraph(getBooleanOption("j", "only-graph")); // FORCE-RULES-LEGEND gdef.setForceRulesLegend(getBooleanOption("F", "force-rules-legend")); // TITLE opt = getOptionValue("t", "title"); if (opt != null) { gdef.setTitle(opt); } // STEP opt = getOptionValue("S", "step"); if (opt != null) { gdef.setStep(parseLong(opt)); } // NON-OPTIONS String[] words = getRemainingWords(); // the first word must be a filename if (words.length < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Image filename must be specified"); } gdef.setFilename(words[1]); // parse remaining words, in no particular order for (int i = 2; i < words.length; i++) { if (words[i].startsWith("DEF:")) { parseDef(words[i]); } else if (words[i].startsWith("CDEF:")) { parseCDef(words[i]); } else if (words[i].startsWith("PRINT:")) { parsePrint(words[i]); } else if (words[i].startsWith("GPRINT:")) { parseGPrint(words[i]); } else if (words[i].startsWith("COMMENT:")) { parseComment(words[i]); } else if (words[i].startsWith("HRULE:")) { parseHRule(words[i]); } else if (words[i].startsWith("VRULE:")) { parseVRule(words[i]); } else if (words[i].startsWith("LINE1:") || words[i].startsWith("LINE2:") || words[i].startsWith("LINE3:")) { parseLine(words[i]); } else if (words[i].startsWith("AREA:")) { parseArea(words[i]); } else if (words[i].startsWith("STACK:")) { parseStack(words[i]); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected GRAPH token encountered: " + words[i]); } } // create diagram finally RrdGraphInfo info = new RrdGraph(gdef).getRrdGraphInfo(); if (info.getFilename().equals(RrdGraphConstants.IN_MEMORY_IMAGE)) { println(new String(info.getBytes())); } else { println(info.getWidth() + "x" + info.getHeight()); String[] plines = info.getPrintLines(); for (String pline : plines) { println(pline); } if (info.getImgInfo() != null && info.getImgInfo().length() > 0) { println(info.getImgInfo()); } } return info; }
public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 3) { printUsage("Missing command line parameters."); System.exit(-1); } Rrd4jUtilCommand command = new Rrd4jUtilCommand(args); if ("create-graph".equalsIgnoreCase(command.getCommand())) { // rrd4j-util create-graph -t template -d destination -z interval [-o offset|-b startDate -e // endDate] -p key1=value1,key2=value2,key3=value3 Rrd4jUtil util = new Rrd4jUtil(); URL url = util.locateTemplate(command.getTemplate()); File destination = new File(command.getDestination()); long intervalStart; long intervalEnd; if (command.getOffset() != null) { if (command.getOffset().endsWith("!")) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); String offset = command.getOffset(); offset = offset.substring(0, offset.length() - 1); intervalEnd = Util.getTimestamp(calendar.getTime()) - calculate(offset); } else { intervalEnd = Util.getTimestamp() - calculate(command.getOffset()); } intervalStart = intervalEnd - calculate(command.getInterval()); } else if (command.getBeginDate() != null) { String beginDate = command.getBeginDate(); intervalStart = Util.getTimestamp(getCalendar(beginDate).getTime()); if (command.getEndDate() != null) { String endDate = command.getEndDate(); intervalEnd = Util.getTimestamp(getCalendar(endDate).getTime()); } else { if (command.getInterval() != null) { intervalEnd = intervalStart + calculate(command.getInterval()); } else { intervalEnd = Util.getTimestamp(); } } } else { intervalEnd = Util.getTimestamp(); intervalStart = intervalEnd - calculate(command.getInterval()); } if (command.getSource() != null) { File source = new File(command.getSource()); util.createGraph( url, source, destination, intervalStart, intervalEnd, command.getProperties()); } else { util.createGraph(url, destination, intervalStart, intervalEnd, command.getProperties()); } } else if ("create-db".equalsIgnoreCase(command.getCommand())) { // rrd4j-util create-db -t template -d destination -p key1=value1,key2=value2,key3=value3 Rrd4jUtil util = new Rrd4jUtil(); URL url = util.locateTemplate(command.getTemplate()); File destination = new File(command.getDestination()); util.createRrdDb(url, destination, command.getProperties()); } else if ("import".equalsIgnoreCase(command.getCommand())) { OfflineLogParser parser = new OfflineLogParser(); if (command.getFilter() != null) { parser.setPattern(command.getFilter()); } String destinations = command.getDestination(); StringTokenizer tk = new StringTokenizer(destinations, ";"); while (tk.hasMoreTokens()) { String s = tk.nextToken(); int index = s.indexOf('!'); String filename = s.substring(0, index); String pattern = s.substring(index + 1); parser.register(new Rrd4jDestination(pattern, new File(filename))); } try { parser.parse(new File(command.getSource())); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.print("Error importing from '" + command.getSource() + ": "); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } else { printUsage("Unsupported command line parameters."); System.exit(-1); } }
@GET @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) public Response getChartSeries( @Context HttpHeaders headers, @QueryParam("rrd") String itemName, @QueryParam("ds") String consFunction, @QueryParam("start") String start, @QueryParam("end") String end, @QueryParam("res") long resolution) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Received GET request at '{}' for rrd '{}'.", uriInfo.getPath(), itemName); } String responseType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON; // RRD specific: no equivalent in PersistenceService known ConsolFun consilidationFunction = ConsolFun.valueOf(consFunction); // read the start/end time as they are provided in the RRD-way, we use // the RRD4j to read them long[] times = Util.getTimestamps(start, end); Date startTime = new Date(); startTime.setTime(times[0] * 1000L); Date endTime = new Date(); endTime.setTime(times[1] * 1000L); if (itemName.endsWith(".rrd")) { itemName = itemName.substring(0, itemName.length() - 4); } String[] parts = itemName.split(":"); String service = "rrd4j"; if (parts.length == 2) { itemName = parts[1]; service = parts[0]; } Item item; try { item = itemRegistry.getItem(itemName); logger.debug("item '{}' found ", item); // Prefer RRD-Service QueryablePersistenceService persistenceService = getPersistenceServices().get(service); // Fallback to first persistenceService from list if (persistenceService == null) { Iterator<Entry<String, QueryablePersistenceService>> pit = getPersistenceServices().entrySet().iterator(); if (pit.hasNext()) { persistenceService =; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Persistence service found."); } } Object data = null; if (persistenceService.getId().equals("rrd4j")) { data = getRrdSeries( persistenceService, item, consilidationFunction, startTime, endTime, resolution); } else { data = getPersistenceSeries(persistenceService, item, startTime, endTime, resolution); } return Response.ok(data, responseType).build(); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e1) { logger.error("Item '{}' not found error while requesting series data.", itemName); } return Response.serverError().build(); }
public class VariableTest { private static final String backend = "MEMORY"; private static final String fileName = "variabletest.rrd"; static final double[] vals = { 39.0, 94.0, 95.0, 101.0, 155.0, 262.0, 274.0, 302.0, 319.0, 402.0, 466.0, 468.0, 494.0, 549.0, 550.0, 575.0, 600.0, 615.0, 625.0, 703.0, 729.0, 824.0, 976.0, 1018.0, 1036.0, 1138.0, 1195.0, 1265.0, 1287.0, 1323.0, 1410.0, 1443.0, 1516.0, 1538.0, 1664.0, 1686.0, 1801.0, 1912.0, 1921.0, 1929.0, 1936.0, 1941.0, 1985.0, 2003.0, 2010.0, 2013.0, 2082.0, 2106.0, 2213.0, 2358.0, 2394.0, 2572.0, 2616.0, 2627.0, 2676.0, 2694.0, 2736.0, 2740.0, 2966.0, 3005.0, 3037.0, 3041.0, 3146.0, 3194.0, 3228.0, 3235.0, 3243.0, 3339.0, 3365.0, 3414.0, 3440.0, 3454.0, 3567.0, 3570.0, 3615.0, 3619.0, 3802.0, 3831.0, 3864.0, 4061.0, 4084.0, 4106.0, 4233.0, 4328.0, 4362.0, 4372.0, 4376.0, 4388.0, 4413.0, 4527.0, 4612.0, 4643.0, 4684.0, 4750.0, 4799.0, 4810.0, 4824.0, 4825.0, 4871.0, 4932.0, 5028.0, 5112.0, 5118.0, 5163.0, 5198.0, 5256.0, 5296.0, 5413.0, 5471.0, 5568.0, 5628.0, 5645.0, 5733.0, 5790.0, 5851.0, 5886.0, 5927.0, 5937.0, 6018.0, 6027.0, 6046.0, 6145.0, 6147.0, 6289.0, 6371.0, 6384.0, 6393.0, 6431.0, 6469.0, 6543.0, 6649.0, 6772.0, 6864.0, 6943.0, 7009.0, 7014.0, 7037.0, 7258.0, 7356.0, 7364.0, 7386.0, 7387.0, 7399.0, 7450.0, 7519.0, 7527.0, 7578.0, 7632.0, 7709.0, 7849.0, 7896.0, 7952.0, 7980.0, 8050.0, 8126.0, 8152.0, 8165.0, 8332.0, 8347.0, 8520.0, 8522.0, 8542.0, 8587.0, 8621.0, 8678.0, 8721.0, 8739.0, 8765.0, 8889.0, 8951.0, 8962.0, 9082.0, 9149.0, 9199.0, 9278.0, 9334.0, 9339.0, 9345.0, 9365.0, 9383.0, 9402.0, 9471.0, 9483.0, 9492.0, 9496.0, 9532.0, 9553.0, 9563.0, 9571.0, 9574.0, 100000.0, 120000.0, 150000.0, 200000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 4000000.0, 8000000.0, 16000000.0 }; private static final long start = Util.getTimestamp(2010, 4, 1); private static final long step = 300; private static long startTime; private static long endTime; private static final boolean dorrdtool = false; @BeforeClass public static void createRrd() throws IOException { startTime = start - start % step; endTime = startTime + 200 * step; RrdDef def = new RrdDef(fileName, startTime - 3 * step, step); def.addArchive(ConsolFun.AVERAGE, 0.5, 1, 215); def.addDatasource("bar", DsType.GAUGE, 3000, Double.NaN, Double.NaN); RrdDb db = new RrdDb(def, RrdBackendFactory.getFactory(backend)); db.createSample((startTime - step)).setValue(0, 0.0).update(); long sampleTime = startTime; for (double val : vals) { db.createSample(sampleTime).setValue(0, val).update(); sampleTime += step; } if (dorrdtool) { String xmlfile = System.getProperty("") + File.separator + "variabletest.xml"; String rrdfile = System.getProperty("") + File.separator + "variabletest.rrd"; db.dumpXml(xmlfile); System.out.println("rrdtool restore " + xmlfile + " " + rrdfile); String cmd = "rrdtool graph /dev/null " + String.format("--start=%d ", startTime) + String.format("--end=%d ", endTime) + String.format("DEF:baz=%s:bar:AVERAGE ", rrdfile) + "VDEF:min=baz,MINIMUM " + "PRINT:min:\"mininum %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:max=baz,MAXIMUM " + "PRINT:max:\"maximum %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:avg=baz,AVERAGE " + "PRINT:avg:\"average %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:stdev=baz,STDEV " + "PRINT:stdev:\"stdev %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:first=baz,FIRST " + "PRINT:first:\"first %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:last=baz,LAST " + "PRINT:last:\"last %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:total=baz,TOTAL " + "PRINT:total:\"total %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:percent=baz,95,PERCENT " + "PRINT:percent:\"95-th percent %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:percentnan=baz,95,PERCENTNAN " + "PRINT:percentnan:\"95-th percentnan %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:lslope=baz,LSLSLOPE " + "PRINT:lslope:\"lslope %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:lslint=baz,LSLINT " + "PRINT:lslint:\"lslintn %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:lslcorrel=baz,LSLCORREL " + "PRINT:lslcorrel:\"lslcorrel %1.15le\" "; System.out.println(cmd); long interval = (endTime - startTime) / 3; String cmd2 = "rrdtool graph /dev/null " + String.format("--start=%d ", startTime + interval) + String.format("--end=%d ", endTime - interval) + String.format("DEF:baz=%s:bar:AVERAGE ", rrdfile) + "VDEF:min=baz,MINIMUM " + "PRINT:min:\"mininum %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:max=baz,MAXIMUM " + "PRINT:max:\"maximum %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:avg=baz,AVERAGE " + "PRINT:avg:\"average %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:stdev=baz,STDEV " + "PRINT:stdev:\"stdev %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:first=baz,FIRST " + "PRINT:first:\"first %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:last=baz,LAST " + "PRINT:last:\"last %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:total=baz,TOTAL " + "PRINT:total:\"total %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:percent=baz,95,PERCENT " + "PRINT:percent:\"95-th percent %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:percentnan=baz,95,PERCENTNAN " + "PRINT:percentnan:\"95-th percentnan %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:lslope=baz,LSLSLOPE " + "PRINT:lslope:\"lslope %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:lslint=baz,LSLINT " + "PRINT:lslint:\"lslintn %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:lslcorrel=baz,LSLCORREL " + "PRINT:lslcorrel:\"lslcorrel %1.15le\" "; System.out.println(cmd2); String cmd3 = "rrdtool graph /dev/null " + String.format("--start=%d ", startTime - 10 * step) + String.format("--end=%d ", endTime + 2 * step) + String.format("DEF:baz=%s:bar:AVERAGE ", rrdfile) + "VDEF:min=baz,MINIMUM " + "PRINT:min:\"mininum %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:max=baz,MAXIMUM " + "PRINT:max:\"maximum %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:avg=baz,AVERAGE " + "PRINT:avg:\"average %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:stdev=baz,STDEV " + "PRINT:stdev:\"stdev %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:first=baz,FIRST " + "PRINT:first:\"first %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:last=baz,LAST " + "PRINT:last:\"last %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:total=baz,TOTAL " + "PRINT:total:\"total %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:percent=baz,95,PERCENT " + "PRINT:percent:\"95-th percent %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:percentnan=baz,95,PERCENTNAN " + "PRINT:percentnan:\"95-th percentnan %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:lslope=baz,LSLSLOPE " + "PRINT:lslope:\"lslope %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:lslint=baz,LSLINT " + "PRINT:lslint:\"lslintn %1.15le\" " + "VDEF:lslcorrel=baz,LSLCORREL " + "PRINT:lslcorrel:\"lslcorrel %1.15le\" "; System.out.println(cmd3); } } private DataProcessor getDp(Variable v) throws IOException { DataProcessor dp = new DataProcessor(startTime, endTime); dp.addDatasource("baz", fileName, "bar", ConsolFun.AVERAGE, backend); dp.addDatasource("value", "baz", v); dp.processData(); return dp; } // A range that does not fit steps private DataProcessor getDp2(Variable v) throws IOException { long interval = (endTime - startTime) / 3; DataProcessor dp = new DataProcessor(startTime + interval, endTime - interval); dp.addDatasource("baz", fileName, "bar", ConsolFun.AVERAGE, backend); dp.addDatasource("value", "baz", v); dp.processData(); return dp; } // A range that includes NaN private DataProcessor getDp3(Variable v) throws IOException { DataProcessor dp = new DataProcessor(startTime - 10 * step, endTime + 2 * step); dp.addDatasource("baz", fileName, "bar", ConsolFun.AVERAGE, backend); dp.addDatasource("value", "baz", v); dp.processData(); return dp; } @Test public void test95Percentile() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp(new Variable.PERCENTILE(95)); // rrdtools says 9.574000e+03 Assert.assertEquals("Wrong percentile", 9.574000e+03, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void test95Percentile2() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp2(new Variable.PERCENTILE(95)); // rrdtools says 6.772000000000000e+03 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong percentile", 6.772000000000000e+03, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void test95Percentile3() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp3(new Variable.PERCENTILE(95)); // rrdtools says 9.571000000000000e+03 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong percentile", 9.571000000000000e+03, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void test95PercentileNaN() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp(new Variable.PERCENTILENAN(95)); // rrdtools says 9.574000e+03 Assert.assertEquals("Wrong percentile", 9.574000e+03, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void test95PercentileNaN2() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp2(new Variable.PERCENTILENAN(95)); // rrdtools says 6.772000000000000e+03 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong percentile", 6.772000000000000e+03, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void test95PercentileNan3() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp3(new Variable.PERCENTILENAN(95)); // rrdtools says 9.574000000000000e+03 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong percentile", 9.574000000000000e+03, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testFirst() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp(new Variable.FIRST()); // rrdtools says 9.400000e+01 Assert.assertEquals("Wrong first", 9.400000e+01, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testFirst2() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp2(new Variable.FIRST()); // rrdtools says 3.339000000000000e+03 Assert.assertEquals("Wrong first", 3.339000000000000e+03, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testFirst3() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp3(new Variable.FIRST()); // rrdtools says 0.000000000000000e+00 Assert.assertEquals("Wrong first", 0.000000000000000e+00, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testLast() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp(new Variable.LAST()); // rrdtools says 1.600000e+07 Assert.assertEquals("Wrong last", 1.600000e+07, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testLast2() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp2(new Variable.LAST()); // rrdtools says 7.009000000000000e+03 Assert.assertEquals("Wrong last", 7.009000000000000e+03, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testLast3() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp3(new Variable.LAST()); // rrdtools says 1.600000000000000e+07 Assert.assertEquals("Wrong last", 1.600000000000000e+07, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testMin() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp(new Variable.MIN()); // rrdtools says 9.400000e+01 Assert.assertEquals("Wrong minimum", 9.400000e+01, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testMin2() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp2(new Variable.MIN()); // rrdtools says 3.339000000000000e+03 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong minimum", 3.339000000000000e+03, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testMin3() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp3(new Variable.MIN()); // rrdtools says 0.000000000000000e+00 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong minimum", 0.000000000000000e+00, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testMax() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp(new Variable.MAX()); // rrdtools says 1.600000e+07 Assert.assertEquals("Wrong maximum", 1.600000e+07, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testMax2() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp2(new Variable.MAX()); // rrdtools says 7.009000000000000e+03 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong maximum", 7.009000000000000e+03, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testMax3() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp3(new Variable.MAX()); // rrdtools says 1.600000000000000e+07 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong maximum", 1.600000000000000e+07, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testTotal() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp(new Variable.TOTAL()); // rrdtools says 9.896709e+09 Assert.assertEquals("Wrong total", 9.896709e+09, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testTotal2() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp2(new Variable.TOTAL()); // rrdtools says 1.039200000000000e+08 Assert.assertEquals("Wrong total", 1.039200000000000e+08, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testTotal3() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp3(new Variable.TOTAL()); // rrdtools says 9.896720700000000e+09 Assert.assertEquals("Wrong total", 9.896720700000000e+09, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testAverage() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp(new Variable.AVERAGE()); // rrdtools says 1.657740201e+05 Assert.assertEquals("Wrong average", 1.657740201e+05, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testAverage2() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp2(new Variable.AVERAGE()); // rrdtools says 5.094117647058823e+03 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong average", 5.094117647058823e+03, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testAverage3() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp3(new Variable.AVERAGE()); // rrdtools says 3.295591240875912e+03 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong average", 1.633122227722772e+05, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testStdDev() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp(new Variable.STDDEV()); // rrdtools says 1.299157546152125e+06, but it might be wrong Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong standard deviation", 1302434.1151546114, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testStdDev2() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp2(new Variable.STDDEV()); // rrdtools says 1.040348817767271e+03, but it might be wrong Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong standard deviation", 1048.0838597160848, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testStdDev3() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp3(new Variable.STDDEV()); // rrdtools says 1.289630121109904e+06, but it might be wrong Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong standard deviation", 1292834.1760384508, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testLslSlope() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp(new Variable.LSLSLOPE()); // rrdtools says 4.823830423328765e+03 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong LSL slope", 4.823830423328765e+03, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testLslSlope2() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp2(new Variable.LSLSLOPE()); // rrdtools says 5.289899606825209e+01 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong LSL slope", 5.289899606825209e+01, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testLslSlope3() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp3(new Variable.LSLSLOPE()); // rrdtools says 4.684118512689442e+03 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong LSL slope", 4.684118512689442e+03, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testLslInt() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp(new Variable.LSLINT()); // rrdtools says -3.117851918090452e+05 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong LSL y-intercept", -3.117851918090452e+05, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testLslInt2() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp2(new Variable.LSLINT()); // rrdtools says 3.322001278772379e+03 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong LSL y-intercept", 3.322001278772379e+03, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testLslInt3() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp3(new Variable.LSLINT()); // rrdtools says -3.121258062657012e+05 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong LSL y-intercept", -3.402305173418378e+05, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testlslCorrel() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp(new Variable.LSLCORREL()); // rrdtools says 2.132982e-01 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong LSL Correlation Coefficient", 2.132982e-01, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testlslCorrel2() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp2(new Variable.LSLCORREL()); // rrdtools says 9.980212206387034e-01 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong LSL Correlation Coefficient", 9.980212206387034e-01, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } @Test public void testlslCorrel3() throws Exception { DataProcessor dp = getDp3(new Variable.LSLCORREL()); // rrdtools says 2.117961840477416e-01 Assert.assertEquals( "Wrong LSL Correlation Coefficient", 2.117961840477416e-01, dp.getVariable("value").value, 1e-6); } }