public void executeNow() { Object[] triggers = getSelection(); if (triggers == null) { Roma.flow() .popup(new MessageOk("1", "$Message.Warning", null, "$CRUDMain.selectAtLeastOne.error")); return; } for (Object trigger : triggers) { Roma.aspect(SchedulerAspect.class) .executeNow(((QuartzSchedulerEventListable) trigger).getEntity()); } }
public void pause() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { Object[] triggers = getSelection(); for (Object trigger : triggers) Roma.aspect(SchedulerAspect.class) .pauseJob(((QuartzSchedulerEventListable) trigger).getEntity()); }
/** * Refresh a property feature and/or value of iUserSession session. * * @param iUserSession The User Session * @param iUserObject The User Object of changed property * @param iFieldNames Optional field names to signal the change */ public static void fieldChanged( SessionInfo iUserSession, Object iUserObject, String... iFieldNames) { if (iUserObject == null) return; if (iUserSession == null) iUserSession = component(SessionAspect.class).getActiveSessionInfo(); List<FieldRefreshListener> listeners = Controller.getInstance().getListeners(FieldRefreshListener.class); synchronized (listeners) { SchemaObject sObj = Roma.session().getSchemaObject(iUserObject); if (sObj == null) return; if (iFieldNames == null || iFieldNames.length == 0) { // REFRESH ALL FIELDS for (Iterator<SchemaField> it = sObj.getFieldIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) signalFieldChanged(iUserSession, iUserObject, listeners, sObj,; } else { // REFRESH PASSED FIELDS for (String fieldName : iFieldNames) { signalFieldChanged(iUserSession, iUserObject, listeners, sObj, fieldName); } } } }
private static <T> SchemaFeatures getSchemaFeature( Object iUserObject, String elementName, Feature<T> feature) { SchemaObject schema = Roma.session().getSchemaObject(iUserObject); if (schema == null) return null; SchemaFeatures features = null; if (FeatureType.ACTION.equals(feature.getType())) { if (elementName == null) return null; features = schema.getAction(elementName); if (features == null) { if (schema.getSchemaClass().getAction(elementName) == null) throw new ConfigurationException( "Action '" + elementName + "' not found in class '" + schema + "'"); } } else if (FeatureType.FIELD.equals(feature.getType())) { if (elementName == null) return null; features = schema.getField(elementName); if (features == null) { if (schema.getSchemaClass().getField(elementName) == null) throw new ConfigurationException( "Field '" + elementName + "' not found in class '" + schema + "'"); } } else if (FeatureType.CLASS.equals(feature.getType())) features = schema; else if (FeatureType.EVENT.equals(feature.getType())) { if (elementName == null) return null; features = schema.getEvent(elementName); } return features; }
/** * Retrieve the repository (if defined) for a particular domain class. * * @param <T> the type of the object that will be returned * @param <Z> the type of domain class. * @param entityClass the {@link SchemaClass} of domain class. * @return the repository instance. */ public static <T extends GenericRepository<?>> T repository(SchemaClass entityClass) { if (entityClass != null) { String repositoryName = entityClass.getName() + "Repository"; return Roma.autoComponent(repositoryName); } return null; }
private static void checkForAspectManager() { if (aspectManager == null) { synchronized (Roma.class) { if (aspectManager == null) { aspectManager = Roma.component(AspectManager.class); } } } }
public static ReportingAspect reporting() { if (reportingAspect == null) { synchronized (Roma.class) { if (reportingAspect == null) { reportingAspect = Roma.aspect(ReportingAspect.class); } } } return reportingAspect; }
public static ViewAspect view() { if (viewAspect == null) { synchronized (Roma.class) { if (viewAspect == null) { viewAspect = Roma.aspect(ViewAspect.class); } } } return viewAspect; }
public static SchemaManager schema() { if (schemaManager == null) { synchronized (Roma.class) { if (schemaManager == null) { schemaManager = Roma.component(SchemaManager.class); } } } return schemaManager; }
public static LoggingAspect logging() { if (loggingAspect == null) { synchronized (Roma.class) { if (loggingAspect == null) { loggingAspect = Roma.aspect(LoggingAspect.ASPECT_NAME); } } } return loggingAspect; }
public static ScriptingAspect scripting() { if (scriptingAspect == null) { synchronized (Roma.class) { if (scriptingAspect == null) { scriptingAspect = Roma.aspect(ScriptingAspect.ASPECT_NAME); } } } return scriptingAspect; }
public static I18NAspect i18n() { if (i18nAspect == null) { synchronized (Roma.class) { if (i18nAspect == null) { i18nAspect = Roma.aspect(I18NAspect.ASPECT_NAME); } } } return i18nAspect; }
public static ValidationAspect validation() { if (validationAspect == null) { synchronized (Roma.class) { if (validationAspect == null) { validationAspect = Roma.aspect(ValidationAspect.ASPECT_NAME); } } } return validationAspect; }
public static SessionAspect session() { if (sessionAspect == null) { synchronized (Roma.class) { if (sessionAspect == null) { sessionAspect = Roma.aspect(SessionAspect.ASPECT_NAME); } } } return sessionAspect; }
public static FlowAspect flow() { if (flowAspect == null) { synchronized (Roma.class) { if (flowAspect == null) { flowAspect = Roma.aspect(FlowAspect.class); } } } return flowAspect; }
@Override public void delete() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { Object[] triggers = getSelection(); for (Object trigger : triggers) Roma.aspect(SchedulerAspect.class) .unSchedule(((QuartzSchedulerEventListable) trigger).getEntity()); super.delete(); }
/** * Refresh an object. * * @see ObjectContext#objectChanged(SessionInfo, Object) * @param iUserSession The User Session * @param iUserObject The User Object of changed property */ public static void objectChanged(SessionInfo iUserSession, Object iUserObject) { if (iUserObject == null) return; if (iUserSession == null) iUserSession = Roma.session().getActiveSessionInfo(); List<ObjectRefreshListener> listeners = Controller.getInstance().getListeners(ObjectRefreshListener.class); for (ObjectRefreshListener objectRefreshListener : listeners) { objectRefreshListener.onObjectRefresh(iUserSession, iUserObject); } }
/** * returns a domain factory (if defined) for a particular domain class * * @param <T> the type of the object that will be returned * @param entityClass the class (simple) name of the domain class * @return a domain factory (if defined) for a particular domain class */ public static <T extends GenericFactory<?>> T factory(String entityClass) { return (T) factory(Roma.schema().getSchemaClass(entityClass)); }
/** * Retrieve the repository (if defined) for a particular domain class. * * @param <T> the type of the object that will be returned * @param <Z> the type of domain class. * @param entityClass the {@link Class<Z>} of domain class. * @return the repository instance. */ public static <Z, T extends GenericRepository<Z>> T repository(Class<Z> entityClass) { return entityClass != null ? (T) repository(Roma.schema().getSchemaClass(entityClass)) : null; }
/** * Retrieve the repository (if defined) for a particular domain class. * * @param <T> the type of the object that will be returned * @param <Z> the type of domain class. * @param entityClass the simple name of domain class. * @return the repository instance. */ public static <T extends GenericRepository<?>> T repository(String entityClass) { return (T) repository(Roma.schema().getSchemaClass(entityClass)); }
/** * @param <T> * @param entityClass * @return */ public static <T extends GenericFactory<Z>, Z> T factory(Class<Z> entityClass) { return (T) factory(Roma.schema().getSchemaClass(entityClass)); }