private ResName getResName(int id) {
   ResName resName = resourceLoader.getResourceIndex().getResName(id);
   if (resName == null) {
     throw new Resources.NotFoundException("couldn't find a name for resource id " + id);
   return resName;
 public float getDimension(int id) throws Resources.NotFoundException {
   String dimenValue = resourceLoader.getDimenValue(getResName(id), getQualifiers());
   if (dimenValue == null) throw new Resources.NotFoundException(notFound(id));
   //        DimensionConverter.stringToDimension(dimenValue, displayMetrics);
   return temporaryDimenConverter(dimenValue);
 public boolean getBoolean(int id) throws Resources.NotFoundException {
   try {
     return resourceLoader.getBooleanValue(getResName(id), getQualifiers());
   } catch (NullPointerException e) {
     throw new Resources.NotFoundException(notFound(id));
 public String[] getStringArray(int id) throws Resources.NotFoundException {
   String[] arrayValue = resourceLoader.getStringArrayValue(getResName(id), getQualifiers());
   if (arrayValue == null) {
     throw new Resources.NotFoundException();
   return arrayValue;
 public Drawable getDrawable(int drawableResourceId) throws Resources.NotFoundException {
   ResName resName = getResName(drawableResourceId);
   String qualifiers = getQualifiers();
   DrawableNode drawableNode = resourceLoader.getDrawableNode(resName, qualifiers);
   final DrawableBuilder drawableBuilder =
       new DrawableBuilder(getResourceLoader().getResourceIndex());
   return drawableBuilder.getDrawable(resName, realResources, drawableNode);
 public XmlResourceParser getXml(int id) throws Resources.NotFoundException {
   Document document = resourceLoader.getXml(getResName(id), getQualifiers());
   if (document == null) {
     throw new Resources.NotFoundException();
   XmlFileBuilder xmlFileBuilder = new XmlFileBuilder();
   XmlResourceParser parser = xmlFileBuilder.getXml(document);
   return parser;
  public int getIdentifier(String name, String defType, String defPackage) {
    ResourceIndex resourceIndex = resourceLoader.getResourceIndex();

    // Probably ResName should be refactored to accept partial names.
    // ResName should act as a qualifiedName parser in this case.
    if (!name.contains("/") && defType != null) {
      name = defType + "/" + name;

    Integer index = ResName.getResourceId(resourceIndex, name, defPackage);
    if (index == null) {
      return 0;
    return index;
Beispiel #8
  public static void convertAndFill(
      Attribute attribute,
      TypedValue outValue,
      ResourceLoader resourceLoader,
      String qualifiers,
      boolean resolveRefs) {
    if (attribute == null || attribute.isNull() || attribute.isEmpty()) {
      outValue.type = TypedValue.TYPE_NULL;
      if (attribute != null && attribute.isEmpty()) { = TypedValue.DATA_NULL_EMPTY;
      } else { = TypedValue.DATA_NULL_UNDEFINED;

    TypedResource attrTypeData = resourceLoader.getValue(attribute.resName, qualifiers);
    if (attrTypeData == null) {

    AttrData attrData = (AttrData) attrTypeData.getData();
    convertAndFill(attribute, outValue, resourceLoader, qualifiers, attrData, resolveRefs);
Beispiel #9
  public static void convertAndFill(
      Attribute attribute,
      TypedValue outValue,
      ResourceLoader resourceLoader,
      String qualifiers,
      AttrData attrData,
      boolean resolveRefs) {
    // short-circuit Android caching of loaded resources cuz our string positions don't remain
    // stable...
    outValue.assetCookie = getNextStringCookie();

    // TODO: Handle resource and style references
    if (attribute.isStyleReference()) {

    ResourceIndex resourceIndex = resourceLoader.getResourceIndex();
    while (attribute.isResourceReference()) {
      ResName resName = attribute.getResourceReference();
      Integer resourceId = resourceIndex.getResourceId(resName);
      if (resourceId == null) {
        throw new Resources.NotFoundException("unknown resource " + resName);
      outValue.type = TypedValue.TYPE_REFERENCE;
      outValue.resourceId = resourceId;
      TypedResource dereferencedRef = resourceLoader.getValue(resName, qualifiers);

      if (dereferencedRef == null) {
        if (resName.type.equals("id")) {
        } else if (resName.type.equals("layout")) {
          return; // resourceId is good enough, right?
        } else if (resName.type.equals("dimen")) {
        } else if (resName.type.equals("transition")) {
        } else if (resName.type.equals("interpolator")) {
        } else if (resName.type.equals("menu")) {
        } else if (resName.type.equals("raw")) {
        } else if (DrawableResourceLoader.isStillHandledHere(resName)) {
          // wtf. color and drawable references reference are all kinds of stupid.
          DrawableNode drawableNode = resourceLoader.getDrawableNode(resName, qualifiers);
          if (drawableNode == null) {
            throw new Resources.NotFoundException("can't find file for " + resName);
          } else {
            outValue.type = TypedValue.TYPE_STRING;
   = 0;
            outValue.assetCookie = getNextStringCookie();
            outValue.string = drawableNode.getFsFile().getPath();
        } else {
          throw new RuntimeException("huh? " + resName);
      } else {
        if (dereferencedRef.isFile()) {
          outValue.type = TypedValue.TYPE_STRING;
 = 0;
          outValue.assetCookie = getNextStringCookie();
          outValue.string = dereferencedRef.asString();
        } else if (dereferencedRef.getData() instanceof String) {
          attribute =
              new Attribute(attribute.resName, dereferencedRef.asString(), resName.packageName);
          if (attribute.isResourceReference()) {
          if (resolveRefs) {
            getConverter(dereferencedRef.getResType()).fillTypedValue(attribute.value, outValue);

    if (attribute.isNull()) {
      outValue.type = TypedValue.TYPE_NULL;

    String format = attrData.getFormat();
    String[] types = format.split("\\|");
    for (String type : types) {
      if ("reference".equals(type)) continue; // already handled above
      Converter converter = getConverterFor(attrData, type);

      if (converter != null) {
        if (converter.fillTypedValue(attribute.value, outValue)) {
 public int[] getIntArray(int id) throws Resources.NotFoundException {
   int[] arrayValue = resourceLoader.getIntegerArrayValue(getResName(id), getQualifiers());
   if (arrayValue == null) throw new Resources.NotFoundException(notFound(id));
   return arrayValue;
 public int getInteger(int id) throws Resources.NotFoundException {
   return resourceLoader.getIntegerValue(getResName(id), getQualifiers());
 public InputStream openRawResource(int id) throws Resources.NotFoundException {
   return resourceLoader.getRawValue(getResName(id));
 public String getQuantityString(int id, int quantity) throws Resources.NotFoundException {
   return resourceLoader.getPluralStringValue(getResName(id), quantity, getQualifiers());
 public String getString(int id) throws Resources.NotFoundException {
   return resourceLoader.getStringValue(getResName(id), getQualifiers());
 public int getColor(int id) throws Resources.NotFoundException {
   String colorValue = resourceLoader.getColorValue(getResName(id), getQualifiers());
   if (isEmpty(colorValue)) throw new Resources.NotFoundException(notFound(id));
   return Color.parseColor(colorValue);
  public void addManifest(AndroidManifest androidManifest, ResourceLoader loader) {
    androidManifests.put(androidManifest.getPackageName(), androidManifest);
    ResourceIndex resourceIndex = loader.getResourceIndex();

    // first opportunity to access a resource index for this manifest, use it to init the references

    PackageInfo packageInfo = new PackageInfo();
    packageInfo.packageName = androidManifest.getPackageName();
    packageInfo.versionName = androidManifest.getVersionName();
    packageInfo.versionCode = androidManifest.getVersionCode();

    ContentProviderData[] cpdata =
        androidManifest.getContentProviders().toArray(new ContentProviderData[] {});
    if (cpdata.length == 0) {
      packageInfo.providers = null;
    } else {
      packageInfo.providers = new ProviderInfo[cpdata.length];
      for (int i = 0; i < cpdata.length; i++) {
        ProviderInfo info = new ProviderInfo();
        info.authority = cpdata[i].getAuthority(); = cpdata[i].getClassName();
        info.packageName = androidManifest.getPackageName();
        packageInfo.providers[i] = info;

    // Populate information related to BroadcastReceivers. Broadcast receivers can be queried in two
    // possible ways,
    // 1. PackageManager#getPackageInfo(...),
    // 2. PackageManager#queryBroadcastReceivers(...)
    // The following piece of code will let you enable querying receivers through both the methods.
    List<ActivityInfo> receiverActivityInfos = new ArrayList<ActivityInfo>();
    for (int i = 0; i < androidManifest.getBroadcastReceivers().size(); ++i) {
      ActivityInfo activityInfo = new ActivityInfo(); = androidManifest.getBroadcastReceivers().get(i).getClassName();
      activityInfo.permission = androidManifest.getBroadcastReceivers().get(i).getPermission();

      ResolveInfo resolveInfo = new ResolveInfo();
      resolveInfo.activityInfo = activityInfo;
      IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
      for (String action : androidManifest.getBroadcastReceivers().get(i).getActions()) {
      resolveInfo.filter = filter;

      for (String action : androidManifest.getBroadcastReceivers().get(i).getActions()) {
        Intent intent = new Intent(action);
        addResolveInfoForIntent(intent, resolveInfo);
    packageInfo.receivers = receiverActivityInfos.toArray(new ActivityInfo[0]);

    String[] usedPermissions = androidManifest.getUsedPermissions().toArray(new String[] {});
    if (usedPermissions.length == 0) {
      packageInfo.requestedPermissions = null;
    } else {
      packageInfo.requestedPermissions = usedPermissions;

    ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = new ApplicationInfo();
    applicationInfo.flags = androidManifest.getApplicationFlags();
    applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion = androidManifest.getTargetSdkVersion();
    applicationInfo.packageName = androidManifest.getPackageName();
    applicationInfo.processName = androidManifest.getProcessName(); = androidManifest.getApplicationName();
    applicationInfo.metaData = metaDataToBundle(androidManifest.getApplicationMetaData());
    applicationInfo.sourceDir = new File(".").getAbsolutePath();
    applicationInfo.dataDir = createTempDir("android-tmp").getAbsolutePath();

    if (androidManifest.getLabelRef() != null && resourceIndex != null) {
      Integer id =
              resourceIndex, androidManifest.getLabelRef(), androidManifest.getPackageName());
      applicationInfo.labelRes = id != null ? id : 0;

    packageInfo.applicationInfo = applicationInfo;