  * Formats paragraphs that were generated as a result of rendering an annotation value with global
  * formatting such as tab count and margins. This ensures that all paragraphs representing
  * annotation values have the correct indentation etc.
  * @param valueRenderingParagraphs The paragraphs to be formatted.
 private void applyGlobalFormattingToAnnotationValueParagraphs(
     List<Paragraph> valueRenderingParagraphs) {
   for (Paragraph paragraph : valueRenderingParagraphs) {
  * Renderes a set of entities as an annotation value. The idea is that the annotation value is an
  * IRI that corresponds to the IRI of entities in the imports closure of the active ontology.
  * @param page The page that the entities will be rendered into.
  * @param entities The entities.
  * @return A list of paragraphs that represents the rendering of the entities.
 private List<Paragraph> renderEntities(Page page, Set<OWLEntity> entities) {
   List<Paragraph> paragraphs = new ArrayList<Paragraph>();
   for (OWLEntity entity : entities) {
     Icon icon = getIcon(entity);
     OWLModelManager modelManager = editorKit.getOWLModelManager();
     Paragraph paragraph =
         new Paragraph(modelManager.getRendering(entity), new OWLEntityLink(editorKit, entity));
   return paragraphs;
  * Renders the annotation property into a paragraph in the page.
  * @param page The page to insert the paragraph into.
  * @param annotation The annotation containing the property to be rendered.
  * @param defaultForeground The default foreground color.
  * @param defaultBackground The default background color.
  * @param isSelected Specifies whether the associated cell is selected or not.
 private Paragraph renderAnnotationProperty(
     Page page,
     OWLAnnotation annotation,
     Color defaultForeground,
     Color defaultBackground,
     boolean isSelected) {
   OWLAnnotationProperty property = annotation.getProperty();
   String rendering = editorKit.getOWLModelManager().getRendering(property);
   Paragraph paragraph = page.addParagraph(rendering);
   Color foreground = getAnnotationPropertyForeground(defaultForeground, isSelected);
   //        if (isReferenceOntologyActive()) {
   //            paragraph.setBold(true);
   //        }
   if (annotation.getValue() instanceof OWLLiteral) {
     OWLLiteral literalValue = (OWLLiteral) annotation.getValue();
     paragraph.append("    ", foreground);
     appendTag(paragraph, literalValue, foreground, isSelected);
   switch (annotationRenderingStyle) {
     case COMFORTABLE:
     case COSY:
     case COMPACT:
   return paragraph;
  * Renders an annotation value that is an OWLLiteral.
  * @param page The page that the value will be rendered into.
  * @param literal The literal to be rendered.
  * @param foreground The default foreground.
  * @param background The default background.
  * @param isSelected Whether or not the cell containing the annotation value is selected.
  * @return A list of paragraphs that represent the rendering of the literal.
 private List<Paragraph> renderLiteral(
     Page page, OWLLiteral literal, Color foreground, Color background, boolean isSelected) {
   String rendering = EscapeUtils.unescapeString(literal.getLiteral()).trim();
   List<Paragraph> result = new ArrayList<Paragraph>();
   if (rendering.length() > 0) {
     List<LinkSpan> linkSpans = extractLinks(rendering);
     Paragraph literalParagraph = new Paragraph(rendering, linkSpans);
     Paragraph tagParagraph = literalParagraph; // new Paragraph("");
     tagParagraph.append("    ", foreground);
     //            appendTag(tagParagraph, literal, foreground, isSelected);
   return result;
 private void appendTag(
     Paragraph tagParagraph, OWLLiteral literal, Color foreground, boolean isSelected) {
   Color tagColor = isSelected ? foreground : Color.GRAY;
   Color tagValueColor = isSelected ? foreground : Color.GRAY;
   if (literal.hasLang()) {
     tagParagraph.append("[language: ", tagColor);
     tagParagraph.append(literal.getLang(), tagValueColor);
     tagParagraph.append("]", tagColor);
   } else if (datatypeRendering == RENDER_DATATYPE_INLINE && !literal.isRDFPlainLiteral()) {
     tagParagraph.append("[type: ", tagColor);
         editorKit.getOWLModelManager().getRendering(literal.getDatatype()), tagValueColor);
     tagParagraph.append("]", tagColor);
   //        if (ontology != null) {
   //            tagParagraph.append("    ", foreground);
   //            tagParagraph.append("[in: ", tagColor);
   //            String ontologyRendering = editorKit.getOWLModelManager().getRendering(ontology);
   //            tagParagraph.append(ontologyRendering, tagColor);
   //            tagParagraph.append("]", tagColor);
   //        }
  * Renders an annotation value that is an anonymous individual.
  * @param page The page that the individual should be rendered into.
  * @param individual The individual.
  * @return A list of paragraphs that represent the rendering of the individual.
 private List<Paragraph> renderAnonymousIndividual(Page page, OWLAnonymousIndividual individual) {
   String rendering = editorKit.getOWLModelManager().getRendering(individual);
   Paragraph paragraph = page.addParagraph(rendering);
   return Arrays.asList(paragraph);