Beispiel #1
   * Returns the coordinate of intersection of segment sp1-sp2 and an altitude to it starting at
   * point ap. If the line defined with sp1-sp2 intersects its altitude out of sp1-sp2, null is
   * returned.
   * @param sp1
   * @param sp2
   * @param ap
   * @return Intersection coordinate or null
  public static EastNorth getSegmentAltituteIntersection(
      EastNorth sp1, EastNorth sp2, EastNorth ap) {
    Double segmentLenght = sp1.distance(sp2);
    Double altitudeAngle = getSegmentAngle(sp1, sp2) + Math.PI / 2;

    // Taking a random point on the altitude line (angle is known).
    EastNorth ap2 =
        new EastNorth(
            ap.east() + 1000 * Math.cos(altitudeAngle),
            ap.north() + 1000 * Math.sin(altitudeAngle));

    // Finding the intersection of two lines
    EastNorth resultCandidate = Geometry.getLineLineIntersection(sp1, sp2, ap, ap2);

    // Filtering result
    if (resultCandidate != null
        && resultCandidate.distance(sp1) * .999 < segmentLenght
        && resultCandidate.distance(sp2) * .999 < segmentLenght) {
      return resultCandidate;
    } else {
      return null;