  * Evaluate an entry to be added to see if it has any "aci" attribute type. If it does, examines
  * each "aci" attribute type value for syntax errors. All of the "aci" attribute type values must
  * pass syntax check for the add operation to proceed. Any entry with an "aci" attribute type must
  * have "modify-acl" privileges.
  * @param entry The entry to be examined.
  * @param operation The operation to to check privileges on.
  * @param clientDN The authorization DN.
  * @return True if the entry has no ACI attributes or if all of the "aci" attributes values pass
  *     ACI syntax checking.
  * @throws DirectoryException If a modified ACI could not be decoded.
 private boolean verifySyntax(Entry entry, Operation operation, DN clientDN)
     throws DirectoryException {
   if (entry.hasOperationalAttribute(aciType)) {
      * Check that the operation has "modify-acl" privileges since the
      * entry to be added has an "aci" attribute type.
     if (!operation.getClientConnection().hasPrivilege(Privilege.MODIFY_ACL, operation)) {
       Message message =
               String.valueOf(entry.getDN()), String.valueOf(clientDN));
       return false;
     List<Attribute> attributeList = entry.getOperationalAttribute(aciType, null);
     for (Attribute attribute : attributeList) {
       for (AttributeValue value : attribute) {
         try {
           DN dn = entry.getDN();
           Aci.decode(value.getValue(), dn);
         } catch (AciException ex) {
           Message message =
               WARN_ACI_ADD_FAILED_DECODE.get(String.valueOf(entry.getDN()), ex.getMessage());
           throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX, message);
   return true;
   * Generates an entry for a backup directory based on the provided DN. The DN must contain an RDN
   * component that specifies the path to the backup directory, and that directory must exist and be
   * a valid backup directory.
   * @param entryDN The DN of the backup directory entry to retrieve.
   * @return The requested backup directory entry.
   * @throws DirectoryException If the specified directory does not exist or is not a valid backup
   *     directory, or if the DN does not specify any backup directory.
  private Entry getBackupDirectoryEntry(DN entryDN) throws DirectoryException {
    // Make sure that the DN specifies a backup directory.
    AttributeType t = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(ATTR_BACKUP_DIRECTORY_PATH, true);
    AttributeValue v = entryDN.getRDN().getAttributeValue(t);
    if (v == null) {
      Message message = ERR_BACKUP_DN_DOES_NOT_SPECIFY_DIRECTORY.get(String.valueOf(entryDN));
      throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, message, backupBaseDN, null);

    // Get a handle to the backup directory and the information that it
    // contains.
    BackupDirectory backupDirectory;
    try {
      backupDirectory = BackupDirectory.readBackupDirectoryDescriptor(v.getValue().toString());
    } catch (ConfigException ce) {
      if (debugEnabled()) {
        TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, ce);

      Message message =
          ERR_BACKUP_INVALID_BACKUP_DIRECTORY.get(String.valueOf(entryDN), ce.getMessage());
      throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, message);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (debugEnabled()) {
        TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e);

      Message message = ERR_BACKUP_ERROR_GETTING_BACKUP_DIRECTORY.get(getExceptionMessage(e));
      throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message);

    // Construct the backup directory entry to return.
    LinkedHashMap<ObjectClass, String> ocMap = new LinkedHashMap<ObjectClass, String>(2);
    ocMap.put(DirectoryServer.getTopObjectClass(), OC_TOP);

    ObjectClass backupDirOC = DirectoryServer.getObjectClass(OC_BACKUP_DIRECTORY, true);
    ocMap.put(backupDirOC, OC_BACKUP_DIRECTORY);

    LinkedHashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> opAttrs =
        new LinkedHashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>>(0);
    LinkedHashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> userAttrs =
        new LinkedHashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>>(3);

    ArrayList<Attribute> attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
    attrList.add(Attributes.create(t, v));
    userAttrs.put(t, attrList);

    t = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(ATTR_BACKUP_BACKEND_DN, true);
    attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
            t, AttributeValues.create(t, backupDirectory.getConfigEntryDN().toString())));
    userAttrs.put(t, attrList);

    Entry e = new Entry(entryDN, ocMap, userAttrs, opAttrs);
    return e;
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public Entry getEntry(DN entryDN) throws DirectoryException {
    // If the requested entry was null, then throw an exception.
    if (entryDN == null) {
      throw new DirectoryException(

    // If the requested entry was the backend base entry, then retrieve it.
    if (entryDN.equals(backupBaseDN)) {
      return backupBaseEntry.duplicate(true);

    // See if the requested entry was one level below the backend base entry.
    // If so, then it must point to a backup directory.  Otherwise, it must be
    // two levels below the backup base entry and must point to a specific
    // backup.
    DN parentDN = entryDN.getParentDNInSuffix();
    if (parentDN == null) {
      Message message = ERR_BACKUP_INVALID_BASE.get(String.valueOf(entryDN));
      throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT, message);
    } else if (parentDN.equals(backupBaseDN)) {
      return getBackupDirectoryEntry(entryDN);
    } else if (backupBaseDN.equals(parentDN.getParentDNInSuffix())) {
      return getBackupEntry(entryDN);
    } else {
      Message message = ERR_BACKUP_INVALID_BASE.get(String.valueOf(entryDN));
      throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT, message, backupBaseDN, null);
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public void replaceEntry(Entry oldEntry, Entry newEntry, ModifyOperation modifyOperation)
     throws DirectoryException {
   throw new DirectoryException(
       ERR_BACKEND_MODIFY_NOT_SUPPORTED.get(String.valueOf(oldEntry.getDN()), getBackendID()));
  * Gathers all of the attribute types in an entry along with the "objectclass" attribute type in a
  * List. The "objectclass" attribute is added to the list first so it is evaluated first.
  * @param e Entry to gather the attributes for.
  * @return List containing the attribute types.
 private List<AttributeType> getAllAttrs(Entry e) {
   Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> attrMap = e.getUserAttributes();
   Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> opAttrMap = e.getOperationalAttributes();
   List<AttributeType> typeList = new LinkedList<AttributeType>();
   Attribute attr = e.getObjectClassAttribute();
    * When a search is not all attributes returned, the "objectclass"
    * attribute type is missing from the entry.
   if (attr != null) {
     AttributeType ocType = attr.getAttributeType();
   return typeList;
   * Validates a number of password policy state constraints for the user. This will be called
   * before the offered credentials are checked.
   * @param userEntry The entry for the user that is authenticating.
   * @param saslHandler The SASL mechanism handler if this is a SASL bind, or {@code null} for a
   *     simple bind.
   * @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs that should cause the bind to fail.
  protected void checkUnverifiedPasswordPolicyState(
      Entry userEntry, SASLMechanismHandler<?> saslHandler) throws DirectoryException {
    PasswordPolicyState pwPolicyState = (PasswordPolicyState) authPolicyState;
    PasswordPolicy policy = pwPolicyState.getAuthenticationPolicy();

    boolean isSASLBind = saslHandler != null;

    // If the password policy is configured to track authentication failures or
    // keep the last login time and the associated backend is disabled, then we
    // may need to reject the bind immediately.
    if ((policy.getStateUpdateFailurePolicy()
            == PasswordPolicyCfgDefn.StateUpdateFailurePolicy.PROACTIVE)
        && ((policy.getLockoutFailureCount() > 0)
            || ((policy.getLastLoginTimeAttribute() != null)
                && (policy.getLastLoginTimeFormat() != null)))
        && ((DirectoryServer.getWritabilityMode() == WritabilityMode.DISABLED)
            || (backend.getWritabilityMode() == WritabilityMode.DISABLED))) {
      // This policy isn't applicable to root users, so if it's a root
      // user then ignore it.
      if (!DirectoryServer.isRootDN(userEntry.getName())) {
        throw new DirectoryException(

    // Check to see if the authentication must be done in a secure
    // manner.  If so, then the client connection must be secure.
    if (policy.isRequireSecureAuthentication() && !clientConnection.isSecure()) {
      if (isSASLBind) {
        if (!saslHandler.isSecure(saslMechanism)) {
          throw new DirectoryException(
              ERR_BIND_OPERATION_INSECURE_SASL_BIND.get(saslMechanism, userEntry.getName()));
      } else {
        throw new DirectoryException(
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public boolean mayProxy(Entry proxyUser, Entry proxiedUser, Operation op) {
   boolean ret;
   if (!(ret = skipAccessCheck(proxyUser))) {
     AuthenticationInfo authInfo =
         new AuthenticationInfo(proxyUser, DirectoryServer.isRootDN(proxyUser.getDN()));
     AciLDAPOperationContainer operationContainer =
         new AciLDAPOperationContainer(op, proxiedUser, authInfo, ACI_PROXY);
     ret = accessAllowedEntry(operationContainer);
   return ret;
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public boolean maySend(DN dn, Operation operation, SearchResultReference reference) {
    boolean ret;
    if (!(ret = skipAccessCheck(operation))) {
      Entry e = new Entry(dn, null, null, null);
      AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder(refAttrType, ATTR_REFERRAL_URL);
      List<String> URLStrings = reference.getReferralURLs();

      // Load the values, a bind rule might want to evaluate them.
      for (String URLString : URLStrings) {
        builder.add(AttributeValues.create(refAttrType, URLString));

      e.addAttribute(builder.toAttribute(), null);
      SearchResultEntry se = new SearchResultEntry(e);
      AciLDAPOperationContainer operationContainer =
          new AciLDAPOperationContainer(operation, (ACI_READ), se);
      ret = accessAllowed(operationContainer);
    return ret;
 private Integer getIntegerUserAttribute(
     Entry userEntry,
     String attributeTypeName,
     Arg1<Object> nonUniqueAttributeMessage,
     Arg2<Object, Object> cannotProcessAttributeMessage) {
   AttributeType attrType = DirectoryServer.getAttributeTypeOrDefault(attributeTypeName);
   List<Attribute> attrList = userEntry.getAttribute(attrType);
   if (attrList != null && attrList.size() == 1) {
     Attribute a = attrList.get(0);
     if (a.size() == 1) {
       ByteString v = a.iterator().next();
       try {
         return Integer.valueOf(v.toString());
       } catch (Exception e) {
         logger.error(cannotProcessAttributeMessage.get(v, userEntry.getName()));
     } else if (a.size() > 1) {
   return null;
  * Performs an access check against all of the attributes of an entry. The attributes that fail
  * access are removed from the entry. This method performs the processing needed for the
  * filterEntry method processing.
  * @param container The search or compare container which has all of the information needed to
  *     filter the attributes for this entry.
  * @param filteredEntry The partially filtered search result entry being returned to the client.
 private void filterEntry(AciLDAPOperationContainer container, Entry filteredEntry) {
   List<AttributeType> typeList = getAllAttrs(filteredEntry);
   for (AttributeType attrType : typeList) {
     if (container.hasAllUserAttributes() && !attrType.isOperational()) {
     if (container.hasAllOpAttributes() && attrType.isOperational()) {
     if (!accessAllowed(container)) {
   * Performs the processing necessary for a simple bind operation.
   * @return {@code true} if processing should continue for the operation, or {@code false} if not.
   * @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs that should cause the bind operation to fail.
  protected boolean processSimpleBind() throws DirectoryException {
    // See if this is an anonymous bind.  If so, then determine whether
    // to allow it.
    ByteString simplePassword = getSimplePassword();
    if (simplePassword == null || simplePassword.length() == 0) {
      return processAnonymousSimpleBind();

    // See if the bind DN is actually one of the alternate root DNs
    // defined in the server.  If so, then replace it with the actual DN
    // for that user.
    DN actualRootDN = DirectoryServer.getActualRootBindDN(bindDN);
    if (actualRootDN != null) {
      bindDN = actualRootDN;

    Entry userEntry;
    try {
      userEntry = backend.getEntry(bindDN);
    } catch (DirectoryException de) {

      userEntry = null;

      if (de.getResultCode() == ResultCode.REFERRAL) {
        // Re-throw referral exceptions - these should be passed back
        // to the client.
        throw de;
      } else {
        // Replace other exceptions in case they expose any sensitive
        // information.
        throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, de.getMessageObject());

    if (userEntry == null) {
      throw new DirectoryException(
    } else {

    // Check to see if the user has a password. If not, then fail.
    // FIXME -- We need to have a way to enable/disable debugging.
    authPolicyState = AuthenticationPolicyState.forUser(userEntry, false);
    if (authPolicyState.isPasswordPolicy()) {
      // Account is managed locally.
      PasswordPolicyState pwPolicyState = (PasswordPolicyState) authPolicyState;
      PasswordPolicy policy = pwPolicyState.getAuthenticationPolicy();

      AttributeType pwType = policy.getPasswordAttribute();
      List<Attribute> pwAttr = userEntry.getAttribute(pwType);
      if (pwAttr == null || pwAttr.isEmpty()) {
        throw new DirectoryException(

      // Perform a number of password policy state checks for the
      // non-authenticated user.
      checkUnverifiedPasswordPolicyState(userEntry, null);

      // Invoke pre-operation plugins.
      if (!invokePreOpPlugins()) {
        return false;

      // Determine whether the provided password matches any of the stored
      // passwords for the user.
      if (pwPolicyState.passwordMatches(simplePassword)) {

        checkVerifiedPasswordPolicyState(userEntry, null);

        if (DirectoryServer.lockdownMode()
            && !ClientConnection.hasPrivilege(userEntry, BYPASS_LOCKDOWN)) {
          throw new DirectoryException(
            new AuthenticationInfo(
                userEntry, getBindDN(), DirectoryServer.isRootDN(userEntry.getName())));

        // Set resource limits for the authenticated user.

        // Perform any remaining processing for a successful simple
        // authentication.

        if (isFirstWarning) {

          int numSeconds = pwPolicyState.getSecondsUntilExpiration();
          LocalizableMessage m = WARN_BIND_PASSWORD_EXPIRING.get(secondsToTimeString(numSeconds));

                  pwPolicyState, false, numSeconds, null, null));

        if (isGraceLogin) {

      } else {

        if (policy.getLockoutFailureCount() > 0) {
          generateAccountStatusNotificationForLockedBindAccount(userEntry, pwPolicyState);
    } else {
      // Check to see if the user is administratively disabled or locked.
      if (authPolicyState.isDisabled()) {
        throw new DirectoryException(

      // Invoke pre-operation plugins.
      if (!invokePreOpPlugins()) {
        return false;

      if (authPolicyState.passwordMatches(simplePassword)) {

        if (DirectoryServer.lockdownMode()
            && !ClientConnection.hasPrivilege(userEntry, BYPASS_LOCKDOWN)) {
          throw new DirectoryException(
            new AuthenticationInfo(
                userEntry, getBindDN(), DirectoryServer.isRootDN(userEntry.getName())));

        // Set resource limits for the authenticated user.
      } else {

    return true;
   * Checks to see if a LDAP modification is allowed access.
   * @param container The structure containing the LDAP modifications
   * @param operation The operation to check modify privileges on. operation to check and the
   *     evaluation context to apply the check against.
   * @param skipAccessCheck True if access checking should be skipped.
   * @return True if access is allowed.
   * @throws DirectoryException If a modified ACI could not be decoded.
  private boolean aciCheckMods(
      AciLDAPOperationContainer container,
      LocalBackendModifyOperation operation,
      boolean skipAccessCheck)
      throws DirectoryException {
    Entry resourceEntry = container.getResourceEntry();
    DN dn = resourceEntry.getDN();
    List<Modification> modifications = operation.getModifications();

    for (Modification m : modifications) {
      Attribute modAttr = m.getAttribute();
      AttributeType modAttrType = modAttr.getAttributeType();

      if (modAttrType.equals(aciType)) {
         * Check that the operation has modify privileges if it contains
         * an "aci" attribute type.
        if (!operation.getClientConnection().hasPrivilege(Privilege.MODIFY_ACL, operation)) {
          Message message =
          return false;
      // This access check handles the case where all attributes of this
      // type are being replaced or deleted. If only a subset is being
      // deleted than this access check is skipped.
      ModificationType modType = m.getModificationType();
      if (((modType == ModificationType.DELETE) && modAttr.isEmpty())
          || ((modType == ModificationType.REPLACE) || (modType == ModificationType.INCREMENT))) {
         * Check if we have rights to delete all values of an attribute
         * type in the resource entry.
        if (resourceEntry.hasAttribute(modAttrType)) {
          List<Attribute> attrList = resourceEntry.getAttribute(modAttrType, modAttr.getOptions());
          if (attrList != null) {
            for (Attribute a : attrList) {
              for (AttributeValue v : a) {
                if (!skipAccessCheck && !accessAllowed(container)) {
                  return false;

      if (!modAttr.isEmpty()) {
        for (AttributeValue v : modAttr) {
          switch (m.getModificationType()) {
            case ADD:
            case REPLACE:
              if (!skipAccessCheck && !accessAllowed(container)) {
                return false;
            case DELETE:
              if (!skipAccessCheck && !accessAllowed(container)) {
                return false;
            case INCREMENT:
              Entry modifiedEntry = operation.getModifiedEntry();
              List<Attribute> modifiedAttrs =
                  modifiedEntry.getAttribute(modAttrType, modAttr.getOptions());
              if (modifiedAttrs != null) {
                for (Attribute attr : modifiedAttrs) {
                  for (AttributeValue val : attr) {
                    if (!skipAccessCheck && !accessAllowed(container)) {
                      return false;
           * Check if the modification type has an "aci" attribute type.
           * If so, check the syntax of that attribute value. Fail the
           * the operation if the syntax check fails.
          if (modAttrType.equals(aciType) || modAttrType.equals(globalAciType)) {
            try {
              // A global ACI needs a NULL DN, not the DN of the
              // modification.
              if (modAttrType.equals(globalAciType)) {
                dn = DN.nullDN();
              Aci.decode(v.getValue(), dn);
            } catch (AciException ex) {
              Message message =
                  WARN_ACI_MODIFY_FAILED_DECODE.get(String.valueOf(dn), ex.getMessage());
              throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX, message);
    return true;
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void processSASLBind(BindOperation bindOperation) {
    ExternalSASLMechanismHandlerCfg config = currentConfig;
    AttributeType certificateAttributeType = this.certificateAttributeType;
    CertificateValidationPolicy validationPolicy = this.validationPolicy;

    // Get the client connection used for the bind request, and get the
    // security manager for that connection.  If either are null, then fail.
    ClientConnection clientConnection = bindOperation.getClientConnection();
    if (clientConnection == null) {
      LocalizableMessage message = ERR_SASLEXTERNAL_NO_CLIENT_CONNECTION.get();

    if (!(clientConnection instanceof LDAPClientConnection)) {
      LocalizableMessage message = ERR_SASLEXTERNAL_NOT_LDAP_CLIENT_INSTANCE.get();
    LDAPClientConnection lc = (LDAPClientConnection) clientConnection;
    Certificate[] clientCertChain = lc.getClientCertificateChain();
    if ((clientCertChain == null) || (clientCertChain.length == 0)) {
      LocalizableMessage message = ERR_SASLEXTERNAL_NO_CLIENT_CERT.get();

    // Get the certificate mapper to use to map the certificate to a user entry.
    DN certificateMapperDN = config.getCertificateMapperDN();
    CertificateMapper<?> certificateMapper =

    // Use the Directory Server certificate mapper to map the client certificate
    // chain to a single user DN.
    Entry userEntry;
    try {
      userEntry = certificateMapper.mapCertificateToUser(clientCertChain);
    } catch (DirectoryException de) {


    // If the user DN is null, then we couldn't establish a mapping and
    // therefore the authentication failed.
    if (userEntry == null) {

      LocalizableMessage message = ERR_SASLEXTERNAL_NO_MAPPING.get();
    } else {

    // Get the userCertificate attribute from the user's entry for use in the
    // validation process.
    List<Attribute> certAttrList = userEntry.getAttribute(certificateAttributeType);
    switch (validationPolicy) {
      case ALWAYS:
        if (certAttrList == null) {
          if (validationPolicy == CertificateValidationPolicy.ALWAYS) {

            LocalizableMessage message = ERR_SASLEXTERNAL_NO_CERT_IN_ENTRY.get(userEntry.getName());
        } else {
          try {
            ByteString certBytes = ByteString.wrap(clientCertChain[0].getEncoded());
            if (!find(certAttrList, certBytes)) {

              LocalizableMessage message =
          } catch (Exception e) {


            LocalizableMessage message =
                    userEntry.getName(), getExceptionMessage(e));

      case IFPRESENT:
        if (certAttrList != null) {
          try {
            ByteString certBytes = ByteString.wrap(clientCertChain[0].getEncoded());
            if (!find(certAttrList, certBytes)) {

              LocalizableMessage message =
          } catch (Exception e) {


            LocalizableMessage message =
                    userEntry.getName(), getExceptionMessage(e));

    AuthenticationInfo authInfo =
        new AuthenticationInfo(
            userEntry, SASL_MECHANISM_EXTERNAL, DirectoryServer.isRootDN(userEntry.getName()));
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void search(SearchOperation searchOperation) throws DirectoryException {
    // Get the base entry for the search, if possible.  If it doesn't exist,
    // then this will throw an exception.
    DN baseDN = searchOperation.getBaseDN();
    Entry baseEntry = getEntry(baseDN);

    // Look at the base DN and see if it's the backup base DN, a backup
    // directory entry DN, or a backup entry DN.
    DN parentDN;
    SearchScope scope = searchOperation.getScope();
    SearchFilter filter = searchOperation.getFilter();
    if (backupBaseDN.equals(baseDN)) {
      if ((scope == SearchScope.BASE_OBJECT || scope == SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE)
          && filter.matchesEntry(baseEntry)) {
        searchOperation.returnEntry(baseEntry, null);

      if (scope != SearchScope.BASE_OBJECT && !backupDirectories.isEmpty()) {
        AttributeType backupPathType =
            DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(ATTR_BACKUP_DIRECTORY_PATH, true);
        for (File f : backupDirectories) {
          // Check to see if the descriptor file exists.  If not, then skip this
          // backup directory.
          File descriptorFile = new File(f, BACKUP_DIRECTORY_DESCRIPTOR_FILE);
          if (!descriptorFile.exists()) {

          DN backupDirDN = makeChildDN(backupBaseDN, backupPathType, f.getAbsolutePath());

          Entry backupDirEntry;
          try {
            backupDirEntry = getBackupDirectoryEntry(backupDirDN);
          } catch (Exception e) {
            if (debugEnabled()) {
              TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e);


          if (filter.matchesEntry(backupDirEntry)) {
            searchOperation.returnEntry(backupDirEntry, null);

          if (scope != SearchScope.SINGLE_LEVEL) {
            List<Attribute> attrList = backupDirEntry.getAttribute(backupPathType);
            if (attrList != null && !attrList.isEmpty()) {
              for (AttributeValue v : attrList.get(0)) {
                try {
                  BackupDirectory backupDirectory =
                  AttributeType idType = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(ATTR_BACKUP_ID, true);
                  for (String backupID : backupDirectory.getBackups().keySet()) {
                    DN backupEntryDN = makeChildDN(backupDirDN, idType, backupID);
                    Entry backupEntry = getBackupEntry(backupEntryDN);
                    if (filter.matchesEntry(backupEntry)) {
                      searchOperation.returnEntry(backupEntry, null);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                  if (debugEnabled()) {
                    TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e);

    } else if (backupBaseDN.equals(parentDN = baseDN.getParentDNInSuffix())) {
      Entry backupDirEntry = getBackupDirectoryEntry(baseDN);

      if ((scope == SearchScope.BASE_OBJECT || scope == SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE)
          && filter.matchesEntry(backupDirEntry)) {
        searchOperation.returnEntry(backupDirEntry, null);

      if (scope != SearchScope.BASE_OBJECT) {
        AttributeType t = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(ATTR_BACKUP_DIRECTORY_PATH, true);
        List<Attribute> attrList = backupDirEntry.getAttribute(t);
        if (attrList != null && !attrList.isEmpty()) {
          for (AttributeValue v : attrList.get(0)) {
            try {
              BackupDirectory backupDirectory =
              AttributeType idType = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(ATTR_BACKUP_ID, true);
              for (String backupID : backupDirectory.getBackups().keySet()) {
                DN backupEntryDN = makeChildDN(baseDN, idType, backupID);
                Entry backupEntry = getBackupEntry(backupEntryDN);
                if (filter.matchesEntry(backupEntry)) {
                  searchOperation.returnEntry(backupEntry, null);
            } catch (Exception e) {
              if (debugEnabled()) {
                TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e);

    } else {
      if (parentDN == null || !backupBaseDN.equals(parentDN.getParentDNInSuffix())) {
        Message message = ERR_BACKUP_NO_SUCH_ENTRY.get(String.valueOf(backupBaseDN));
        throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT, message);

      if (scope == SearchScope.BASE_OBJECT || scope == SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE) {
        Entry backupEntry = getBackupEntry(baseDN);
        if (backupEntry == null) {
          Message message = ERR_BACKUP_NO_SUCH_ENTRY.get(String.valueOf(backupBaseDN));
          throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT, message);

        if (filter.matchesEntry(backupEntry)) {
          searchOperation.returnEntry(backupEntry, null);
   * Performs the processing necessary for a SASL bind operation.
   * @return {@code true} if processing should continue for the operation, or {@code false} if not.
   * @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs that should cause the bind operation to fail.
  private boolean processSASLBind() throws DirectoryException {
    // Get the appropriate authentication handler for this request based
    // on the SASL mechanism.  If there is none, then fail.
    SASLMechanismHandler<?> saslHandler = DirectoryServer.getSASLMechanismHandler(saslMechanism);
    if (saslHandler == null) {
      throw new DirectoryException(

    // Check to see if the client has sufficient permission to perform the bind.
    // NYI

    // Invoke pre-operation plugins.
    if (!invokePreOpPlugins()) {
      return false;

    // Actually process the SASL bind.

    // If the server is operating in lockdown mode, then we will need to
    // ensure that the authentication was successful and performed as a
    // root user to continue.
    Entry saslAuthUserEntry = getSASLAuthUserEntry();
    if (DirectoryServer.lockdownMode()) {
      ResultCode resultCode = getResultCode();
      if (resultCode != ResultCode.SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS
          && (resultCode != ResultCode.SUCCESS
              || saslAuthUserEntry == null
              || !ClientConnection.hasPrivilege(saslAuthUserEntry, BYPASS_LOCKDOWN))) {
        throw new DirectoryException(

    // Create the password policy state object.
    if (saslAuthUserEntry != null) {

      // FIXME -- Need to have a way to enable debugging.
      authPolicyState = AuthenticationPolicyState.forUser(saslAuthUserEntry, false);
      if (authPolicyState.isPasswordPolicy()) {
        // Account is managed locally: perform password policy checks that can
        // be completed before we have checked authentication was successful.
        checkUnverifiedPasswordPolicyState(saslAuthUserEntry, saslHandler);

    // Determine whether the authentication was successful and perform
    // any remaining password policy processing accordingly.
    ResultCode resultCode = getResultCode();
    if (resultCode == ResultCode.SUCCESS) {
      if (authPolicyState != null && authPolicyState.isPasswordPolicy()) {
        checkVerifiedPasswordPolicyState(saslAuthUserEntry, saslHandler);

        PasswordPolicyState pwPolicyState = (PasswordPolicyState) authPolicyState;

        if (saslHandler.isPasswordBased(saslMechanism) && pwPolicyState.mustChangePassword()) {
          mustChangePassword = true;

        if (isFirstWarning) {

          int numSeconds = pwPolicyState.getSecondsUntilExpiration();
          LocalizableMessage m = WARN_BIND_PASSWORD_EXPIRING.get(secondsToTimeString(numSeconds));

                  pwPolicyState, false, numSeconds, null, null));

        if (isGraceLogin) {


      // Set appropriate resource limits for the user (note that SASL ANONYMOUS
      // does not have a user).
      if (saslAuthUserEntry != null) {
    } else if (resultCode == ResultCode.SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS) {
      // FIXME -- Is any special processing needed here?
      return false;
    } else {
      if (authPolicyState != null && authPolicyState.isPasswordPolicy()) {
        PasswordPolicyState pwPolicyState = (PasswordPolicyState) authPolicyState;

        if (saslHandler.isPasswordBased(saslMechanism)
            && pwPolicyState.getAuthenticationPolicy().getLockoutFailureCount() > 0) {
          generateAccountStatusNotificationForLockedBindAccount(saslAuthUserEntry, pwPolicyState);

    return true;
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public void addEntry(Entry entry, AddOperation addOperation) throws DirectoryException {
   throw new DirectoryException(
       ERR_BACKEND_ADD_NOT_SUPPORTED.get(String.valueOf(entry.getDN()), getBackendID()));
   * Generates an entry for a backup based on the provided DN. The DN must have an RDN component
   * that specifies the backup ID, and the parent DN must have an RDN component that specifies the
   * backup directory.
   * @param entryDN The DN of the backup entry to retrieve.
   * @return The requested backup entry.
   * @throws DirectoryException If the specified backup does not exist or is invalid.
  private Entry getBackupEntry(DN entryDN) throws DirectoryException {
    // First, get the backup ID from the entry DN.
    AttributeType idType = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(ATTR_BACKUP_ID, true);
    AttributeValue idValue = entryDN.getRDN().getAttributeValue(idType);
    if (idValue == null) {
      Message message = ERR_BACKUP_NO_BACKUP_ID_IN_DN.get(String.valueOf(entryDN));
      throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, message);
    String backupID = idValue.getValue().toString();

    // Next, get the backup directory from the parent DN.
    DN parentDN = entryDN.getParentDNInSuffix();
    if (parentDN == null) {
      Message message = ERR_BACKUP_NO_BACKUP_PARENT_DN.get(String.valueOf(entryDN));
      throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, message);

    AttributeType t = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(ATTR_BACKUP_DIRECTORY_PATH, true);
    AttributeValue v = parentDN.getRDN().getAttributeValue(t);
    if (v == null) {
      Message message = ERR_BACKUP_NO_BACKUP_DIR_IN_DN.get(String.valueOf(entryDN));
      throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, message);

    BackupDirectory backupDirectory;
    try {
      backupDirectory = BackupDirectory.readBackupDirectoryDescriptor(v.getValue().toString());
    } catch (ConfigException ce) {
      if (debugEnabled()) {
        TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, ce);

      Message message =
          ERR_BACKUP_INVALID_BACKUP_DIRECTORY.get(String.valueOf(entryDN), ce.getMessageObject());
      throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, message);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (debugEnabled()) {
        TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e);

      Message message = ERR_BACKUP_ERROR_GETTING_BACKUP_DIRECTORY.get(getExceptionMessage(e));
      throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message);

    BackupInfo backupInfo = backupDirectory.getBackupInfo(backupID);
    if (backupInfo == null) {
      Message message = ERR_BACKUP_NO_SUCH_BACKUP.get(backupID, backupDirectory.getPath());
      throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT, message, parentDN, null);

    // Construct the backup entry to return.
    LinkedHashMap<ObjectClass, String> ocMap = new LinkedHashMap<ObjectClass, String>(3);
    ocMap.put(DirectoryServer.getTopObjectClass(), OC_TOP);

    ObjectClass oc = DirectoryServer.getObjectClass(OC_BACKUP_INFO, true);
    ocMap.put(oc, OC_BACKUP_INFO);

    oc = DirectoryServer.getObjectClass(OC_EXTENSIBLE_OBJECT_LC, true);
    ocMap.put(oc, OC_EXTENSIBLE_OBJECT);

    LinkedHashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> opAttrs =
        new LinkedHashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>>(0);
    LinkedHashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> userAttrs =
        new LinkedHashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>>();

    ArrayList<Attribute> attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
    attrList.add(Attributes.create(idType, idValue));
    userAttrs.put(idType, attrList);

    attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
    attrList.add(Attributes.create(t, v));
    userAttrs.put(t, attrList);

    Date backupDate = backupInfo.getBackupDate();
    if (backupDate != null) {
      t = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(ATTR_BACKUP_DATE, true);
      attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
              t, AttributeValues.create(t, GeneralizedTimeSyntax.format(backupDate))));
      userAttrs.put(t, attrList);

    t = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(ATTR_BACKUP_COMPRESSED, true);
    attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
    attrList.add(Attributes.create(t, BooleanSyntax.createBooleanValue(backupInfo.isCompressed())));
    userAttrs.put(t, attrList);

    t = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(ATTR_BACKUP_ENCRYPTED, true);
    attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
    attrList.add(Attributes.create(t, BooleanSyntax.createBooleanValue(backupInfo.isEncrypted())));
    userAttrs.put(t, attrList);

    t = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(ATTR_BACKUP_INCREMENTAL, true);
    attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
        Attributes.create(t, BooleanSyntax.createBooleanValue(backupInfo.isIncremental())));
    userAttrs.put(t, attrList);

    HashSet<String> dependencies = backupInfo.getDependencies();
    if (dependencies != null && !dependencies.isEmpty()) {
      t = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(ATTR_BACKUP_DEPENDENCY, true);
      AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder(t);
      for (String s : dependencies) {
        builder.add(AttributeValues.create(t, s));
      attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
      userAttrs.put(t, attrList);

    byte[] signedHash = backupInfo.getSignedHash();
    if (signedHash != null) {
      t = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(ATTR_BACKUP_SIGNED_HASH, true);
      attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
      attrList.add(Attributes.create(t, AttributeValues.create(t, ByteString.wrap(signedHash))));
      userAttrs.put(t, attrList);

    byte[] unsignedHash = backupInfo.getUnsignedHash();
    if (unsignedHash != null) {
      t = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(ATTR_BACKUP_UNSIGNED_HASH, true);
      attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
      attrList.add(Attributes.create(t, AttributeValues.create(t, ByteString.wrap(unsignedHash))));
      userAttrs.put(t, attrList);

    HashMap<String, String> properties = backupInfo.getBackupProperties();
    if (properties != null && !properties.isEmpty()) {
      for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : properties.entrySet()) {
        t = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(toLowerCase(e.getKey()), true);
        attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
        attrList.add(Attributes.create(t, AttributeValues.create(t, e.getValue())));
        userAttrs.put(t, attrList);

    Entry e = new Entry(entryDN, ocMap, userAttrs, opAttrs);
    return e;
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public long numSubordinates(DN entryDN, boolean subtree) throws DirectoryException {
    // If the requested entry was null, then return undefined.
    if (entryDN == null) {
      return -1;

    // If the requested entry was the backend base entry, then return
    // the number of backup directories.
    if (backupBaseDN.equals(entryDN)) {
      long count = 0;
      for (File f : backupDirectories) {
        // Check to see if the descriptor file exists.  If not, then skip this
        // backup directory.
        File descriptorFile = new File(f, BACKUP_DIRECTORY_DESCRIPTOR_FILE);
        if (!descriptorFile.exists()) {

        // If subtree is included, count the number of entries for each
        // backup directory.
        if (subtree) {
          try {
            BackupDirectory backupDirectory =
            count += backupDirectory.getBackups().keySet().size();
          } catch (Exception e) {
            return -1;

      return count;

    // See if the requested entry was one level below the backend base entry.
    // If so, then it must point to a backup directory.  Otherwise, it must be
    // two levels below the backup base entry and must point to a specific
    // backup.
    DN parentDN = entryDN.getParentDNInSuffix();
    if (parentDN == null) {
      return -1;
    } else if (backupBaseDN.equals(parentDN)) {
      long count = 0;
      Entry backupDirEntry = getBackupDirectoryEntry(entryDN);

      AttributeType t = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(ATTR_BACKUP_DIRECTORY_PATH, true);
      List<Attribute> attrList = backupDirEntry.getAttribute(t);
      if (attrList != null && !attrList.isEmpty()) {
        for (AttributeValue v : attrList.get(0)) {
          try {
            BackupDirectory backupDirectory =
            count += backupDirectory.getBackups().keySet().size();
          } catch (Exception e) {
            return -1;
      return count;
    } else if (backupBaseDN.equals(parentDN.getParentDNInSuffix())) {
      return 0;
    } else {
      return -1;