  * Performs an access check against all of the attributes of an entry. The attributes that fail
  * access are removed from the entry. This method performs the processing needed for the
  * filterEntry method processing.
  * @param container The search or compare container which has all of the information needed to
  *     filter the attributes for this entry.
  * @param filteredEntry The partially filtered search result entry being returned to the client.
 private void filterEntry(AciLDAPOperationContainer container, Entry filteredEntry) {
   List<AttributeType> typeList = getAllAttrs(filteredEntry);
   for (AttributeType attrType : typeList) {
     if (container.hasAllUserAttributes() && !attrType.isOperational()) {
     if (container.hasAllOpAttributes() && attrType.isOperational()) {
     if (!accessAllowed(container)) {
  * Check if the specified attribute type is a DN by checking if its syntax OID is equal to the DN
  * syntax OID.
  * @param attribute The attribute type to check.
  * @return True if the attribute type syntax OID is equal to a DN syntax OID.
 private boolean isAttributeDN(AttributeType attribute) {
   return (attribute.getSyntaxOID().equals(SYNTAX_DN_OID));
   * Checks to see if a LDAP modification is allowed access.
   * @param container The structure containing the LDAP modifications
   * @param operation The operation to check modify privileges on. operation to check and the
   *     evaluation context to apply the check against.
   * @param skipAccessCheck True if access checking should be skipped.
   * @return True if access is allowed.
   * @throws DirectoryException If a modified ACI could not be decoded.
  private boolean aciCheckMods(
      AciLDAPOperationContainer container,
      LocalBackendModifyOperation operation,
      boolean skipAccessCheck)
      throws DirectoryException {
    Entry resourceEntry = container.getResourceEntry();
    DN dn = resourceEntry.getDN();
    List<Modification> modifications = operation.getModifications();

    for (Modification m : modifications) {
      Attribute modAttr = m.getAttribute();
      AttributeType modAttrType = modAttr.getAttributeType();

      if (modAttrType.equals(aciType)) {
         * Check that the operation has modify privileges if it contains
         * an "aci" attribute type.
        if (!operation.getClientConnection().hasPrivilege(Privilege.MODIFY_ACL, operation)) {
          Message message =
          return false;
      // This access check handles the case where all attributes of this
      // type are being replaced or deleted. If only a subset is being
      // deleted than this access check is skipped.
      ModificationType modType = m.getModificationType();
      if (((modType == ModificationType.DELETE) && modAttr.isEmpty())
          || ((modType == ModificationType.REPLACE) || (modType == ModificationType.INCREMENT))) {
         * Check if we have rights to delete all values of an attribute
         * type in the resource entry.
        if (resourceEntry.hasAttribute(modAttrType)) {
          List<Attribute> attrList = resourceEntry.getAttribute(modAttrType, modAttr.getOptions());
          if (attrList != null) {
            for (Attribute a : attrList) {
              for (AttributeValue v : a) {
                if (!skipAccessCheck && !accessAllowed(container)) {
                  return false;

      if (!modAttr.isEmpty()) {
        for (AttributeValue v : modAttr) {
          switch (m.getModificationType()) {
            case ADD:
            case REPLACE:
              if (!skipAccessCheck && !accessAllowed(container)) {
                return false;
            case DELETE:
              if (!skipAccessCheck && !accessAllowed(container)) {
                return false;
            case INCREMENT:
              Entry modifiedEntry = operation.getModifiedEntry();
              List<Attribute> modifiedAttrs =
                  modifiedEntry.getAttribute(modAttrType, modAttr.getOptions());
              if (modifiedAttrs != null) {
                for (Attribute attr : modifiedAttrs) {
                  for (AttributeValue val : attr) {
                    if (!skipAccessCheck && !accessAllowed(container)) {
                      return false;
           * Check if the modification type has an "aci" attribute type.
           * If so, check the syntax of that attribute value. Fail the
           * the operation if the syntax check fails.
          if (modAttrType.equals(aciType) || modAttrType.equals(globalAciType)) {
            try {
              // A global ACI needs a NULL DN, not the DN of the
              // modification.
              if (modAttrType.equals(globalAciType)) {
                dn = DN.nullDN();
              Aci.decode(v.getValue(), dn);
            } catch (AciException ex) {
              Message message =
                  WARN_ACI_MODIFY_FAILED_DECODE.get(String.valueOf(dn), ex.getMessage());
              throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX, message);
    return true;