   * Generates a List of unique identifiers for campaigns based on the parameters. The List is based
   * on the 'campaignIds' parameter unless it is null in which case the List is based on all
   * campaigns visible to the user. All parameters except 'request' and 'username' are optional and
   * each will filter the resulting List of campaign identifiers.<br>
   * <br>
   * <br>
   * For example, if 'campaignIds' was null as were 'endDate' and 'privacyState', then what would be
   * returned would be the intersection of the following lists:<br>
   * - All of the campaigns to which the user was associated (because 'campaignIds' was null).<br>
   * - All of the campaigns that are associated with any of the classes whose unique identifier was
   * in the 'classIds' list.<br>
   * - All of the campaigns whose creation timestamp was equal to or after 'startDate'<br>
   * - All of the campaigns whose running state equaled 'runningState'.<br>
   * - All of the campaigns to which the user had the campaign role 'role'. <br>
   * <br>
   * Therefore, if a campaign was associated with a user only through a single class, but that class
   * wasn't in the 'classIds' list, then that campaign ID would not be returned even if all of the
   * other parameters matched.
   * @param request The Request that is performing this service.
   * @param username The username of the user.
   * @param campaignIds An optional Collection of campaign identifiers from which to base the List.
   *     If this is empty, the resulting List will be empty. If this is null, the base List will be
   *     all campaigns to which the user is associated.
   * @param classIds A Collection of unique identifiers for classes where the resulting list will
   *     only contain campaign identifiers for campaigns that are associated with any of these
   *     classes.
   * @param startDate A Calendar where only campaigns whose creation timestamp is equal to or after
   *     this date.
   * @param endDate A Calendar where only campaigns whose creation timestamp is equal to or before
   *     this date.
   * @param privacyState A campaign privacy state that trims the resulting list of campaigns to only
   *     those that have this privacy state.
   * @param runningState A campaign running state that trims the resulting list of campaigns to only
   *     those that have this running state.
   * @param role A campaign role that trims the resulting list of campaigns to only those where the
   *     user has that role in the campaign.
   * @return A List of campaign unique identifiers based on the 'campaignIds' parameter and trimmed
   *     by the rest of the parameters.
   * @throws ServiceException Thrown if there is an error.
  public static List<String> getCampaignsForUser(
      Request request,
      String username,
      Collection<String> campaignIds,
      Collection<String> classIds,
      Calendar startDate,
      Calendar endDate,
      CampaignPrivacyStateCache.PrivacyState privacyState,
      CampaignRunningStateCache.RunningState runningState,
      CampaignRoleCache.Role role)
      throws ServiceException, DataAccessException {

    Set<String> desiredCampaignIds = new HashSet<String>();

    if (campaignIds == null) {
      // Initializes the list with all of the campaign IDs for the
      // requesting user.
    } else {
      // Initializes the list with the campaign IDs in the query.

    if (classIds != null) {
      // Get all of the campaigns associated with all of the classes in
      // the list.
      for (String classId : classIds) {

    if (startDate != null) {
      // Get all of the campaigns whose creation timestamp is greater
      // than or equal to the start date.

    if (endDate != null) {
      // Get all of the campaigns whose creation timestamp is less than
      // or equal to the end date.

    if (privacyState != null) {
      // Get all of the campaigns with a privacy state of 'privacyState'.

    if (runningState != null) {
      // Get all of the campaigns with a running state of 'runningState'.

    if (role != null) {
      // Get all of the campaigns where the user's role is 'role'.
      desiredCampaignIds.retainAll(UserCampaignDaos.getCampaignIdsForUserWithRole(username, role));

    return new ArrayList<String>(desiredCampaignIds);
   * Gathers the requested information about a campaign. This will be at least its name, description
   * (possibly null), running state, privacy state, creation timestamp, and all of the requesting
   * user's roles in the campaign.<br>
   * <br>
   * The extras include the campaign's XML, all of the users associated with the campaign and their
   * roles, and all of the classes associated with the campaign.
   * @param request The Request that is performing this service.
   * @param username The username of the user whose roles in the campaign are desired.
   * @param campaignIds The IDs for the campaigns whose information is desired.
   * @param withExtras A flag to indicate if the extra information should be included in each
   *     Campaign object.
   * @return A map of campaigns and their information to the list of roles for this user in the
   *     campaign.
   * @throws ServiceException Thrown if there is an error.
  public static Map<CampaignInformation, List<CampaignRoleCache.Role>>
          Request request, String username, Collection<String> campaignIds, boolean withExtras)
          throws ServiceException {
    try {
      Map<CampaignInformation, List<CampaignRoleCache.Role>> result =
          new HashMap<CampaignInformation, List<CampaignRoleCache.Role>>();

      for (String campaignId : campaignIds) {
        // Create the Campaign object with the campaign's ID.
        CampaignInformation campaign = CampaignDaos.getCampaignInformation(campaignId);

        // Get the user's roles.
        List<CampaignRoleCache.Role> roles =
            UserCampaignDaos.getUserCampaignRoles(username, campaignId);

        // If we are supposed to get the extra information as well.
        if (withExtras) {
          // Add the campaign's XML.

          // Add the classes that are associated with the campaign.

          // Add the list of roles and all of the users with those
          // roles.
          List<String> campaignUsernames = UserCampaignDaos.getUsersInCampaign(campaignId);
          for (String campaignUsername : campaignUsernames) {
            List<CampaignRoleCache.Role> userRoles =
                UserCampaignDaos.getUserCampaignRoles(campaignUsername, campaignId);

            for (CampaignRoleCache.Role userRole : userRoles) {
              if (CampaignRoleCache.Role.SUPERVISOR.equals(userRole)) {
              } else if (CampaignRoleCache.Role.AUTHOR.equals(userRole)) {
              } else if (CampaignRoleCache.Role.ANALYST.equals(userRole)) {
              } else if (CampaignRoleCache.Role.PARTICIPANT.equals(userRole)) {

        // Add the user's roles.
        result.put(campaign, roles);

      return result;
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
      throw new ServiceException(e);
   * Checks that the requesting user can view survey responses for some collection of users. There
   * may not actually be any responses to read or the responses may need to be made public first.
   * This only guarantees that, if the other users have any public responses that the requesting
   * user is allowed to view them. Therefore, this will pass as long as any of the following are
   * true: <br>
   * <br>
   * - If the user is a supervisor or an author.<br>
   * - If the user is an analyst and the campaign is shared.<br>
   * - If the user is the same as all of the requesting users.<br>
   * <br>
   * If you want to check if a user can read survey responses from every user in a campaign, don't
   * pass in any user usernames.
   * @param request The Request that is performing this service.
   * @param campaignId The unique identifier for the campaign.
   * @param requesterUsername The requesting user's username.
   * @param userUsernames The array of usernames of specific users to check if the requesting user
   *     has permission to read their information.
   * @throws ServiceException Thrown if none of the rules are true or there is an error.
  public static void requesterCanViewUsersSurveyResponses(
      Request request, String campaignId, String requesterUsername, String... userUsernames)
      throws ServiceException {
    try {
      // If the requester is the same as all of the users in question.
      boolean otherUsers = false;
      for (String username : userUsernames) {
        if (!requesterUsername.equals(username)) {
          otherUsers = true;
      if (!otherUsers) {

      List<CampaignRoleCache.Role> requesterRoles =
          UserCampaignDaos.getUserCampaignRoles(requesterUsername, campaignId);

      // If the requester's role list contains supervisor, return.
      if (requesterRoles.contains(CampaignRoleCache.Role.SUPERVISOR)) {

      // If the requester's role list contains author, return.
      if (requesterRoles.contains(CampaignRoleCache.Role.AUTHOR)) {

      // If the requester's role list contains analyst,
      if (requesterRoles.contains(CampaignRoleCache.Role.ANALYST)) {
        CampaignPrivacyStateCache.PrivacyState privacyState =

        if ((privacyState != null)
            && (CampaignPrivacyStateCache.PrivacyState.SHARED.equals(privacyState))) {

          "The user does not have sufficient permissions to read information about other users.");
      throw new ServiceException(
          "The user does not have sufficient permissions to read information about other users.");
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
      throw new ServiceException(e);