Beispiel #1
 public static String makeLinkHiddenFormName(
     Map<String, Object> context, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
   ModelForm modelForm = modelFormField.getModelForm();
   Integer itemIndex = (Integer) context.get("itemIndex");
   String iterateId = "";
   String formUniqueId = "";
   String formName = (String) context.get("formName");
   if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(formName)) {
     formName = modelForm.getName();
   if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(context.get("iterateId"))) {
     iterateId = (String) context.get("iterateId");
   if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(context.get("formUniqueId"))) {
     formUniqueId = (String) context.get("formUniqueId");
   if (itemIndex != null) {
     return formName
         + modelForm.getItemIndexSeparator()
         + itemIndex.intValue()
         + iterateId
         + formUniqueId
         + modelForm.getItemIndexSeparator()
         + modelFormField.getName();
   } else {
     return formName + modelForm.getItemIndexSeparator() + modelFormField.getName();
  protected void renderScreenletPaginateMenu(
      Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, ModelScreenWidget.Form form)
      throws IOException {
    HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) context.get("response");
    HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) context.get("request");
    ModelForm modelForm = form.getModelForm(context);
    String targetService = modelForm.getPaginateTarget(context);
    if (targetService == null) {
      targetService = "${targetService}";

    // get the parametrized pagination index and size fields
    int paginatorNumber = WidgetWorker.getPaginatorNumber(context);
    String viewIndexParam = modelForm.getMultiPaginateIndexField(context);
    String viewSizeParam = modelForm.getMultiPaginateSizeField(context);

    int viewIndex = modelForm.getViewIndex(context);
    int viewSize = modelForm.getViewSize(context);
    int listSize = modelForm.getListSize(context);

    int highIndex = modelForm.getHighIndex(context);
    int actualPageSize = modelForm.getActualPageSize(context);

    // if this is all there seems to be (if listSize < 0, then size is unknown)
    if (actualPageSize >= listSize && listSize >= 0) return;

    // needed for the "Page" and "rows" labels
    Map<String, String> uiLabelMap = UtilGenerics.cast(context.get("uiLabelMap"));
    String ofLabel = "";
    if (uiLabelMap == null) {
      Debug.logWarning("Could not find uiLabelMap in context", module);
    } else {
      ofLabel = uiLabelMap.get("CommonOf");
      ofLabel = ofLabel.toLowerCase();

    // for legacy support, the viewSizeParam is VIEW_SIZE and viewIndexParam is VIEW_INDEX when the
    // fields are "viewSize" and "viewIndex"
    if (viewIndexParam.equals("viewIndex" + "_" + paginatorNumber))
      viewIndexParam = "VIEW_INDEX" + "_" + paginatorNumber;
    if (viewSizeParam.equals("viewSize" + "_" + paginatorNumber))
      viewSizeParam = "VIEW_SIZE" + "_" + paginatorNumber;

    ServletContext ctx = (ServletContext) request.getAttribute("servletContext");
    RequestHandler rh = (RequestHandler) ctx.getAttribute("_REQUEST_HANDLER_");

    Map<String, Object> inputFields = UtilGenerics.toMap(context.get("requestParameters"));
    // strip out any multi form fields if the form is of type multi
    if (modelForm.getType().equals("multi")) {
      inputFields = UtilHttp.removeMultiFormParameters(inputFields);
    String queryString = UtilHttp.urlEncodeArgs(inputFields);
    // strip legacy viewIndex/viewSize params from the query string
    queryString = UtilHttp.stripViewParamsFromQueryString(queryString, "" + paginatorNumber);
    // strip parametrized index/size params from the query string
    HashSet<String> paramNames = new HashSet<String>();
    queryString = UtilHttp.stripNamedParamsFromQueryString(queryString, paramNames);

    String anchor = "";
    String paginateAnchor = modelForm.getPaginateTargetAnchor();
    if (paginateAnchor != null) anchor = "#" + paginateAnchor;

    // preparing the link text, so that later in the code we can reuse this and just add the
    // viewIndex
    String prepLinkText = "";
    prepLinkText = targetService;
    if (prepLinkText.indexOf("?") < 0) {
      prepLinkText += "?";
    } else if (!prepLinkText.endsWith("?")) {
      prepLinkText += "&amp;";
    if (!UtilValidate.isEmpty(queryString) && !queryString.equals("null")) {
      prepLinkText += queryString + "&amp;";
    prepLinkText += viewSizeParam + "=" + viewSize + "&amp;" + viewIndexParam + "=";

    String linkText;

    // The current screenlet title bar navigation syling requires rendering
    // these links in reverse order
    // Last button
    String lastLinkUrl = "";
    if (highIndex < listSize) {
      int page = (listSize / viewSize);
      linkText = prepLinkText + page + anchor;
      lastLinkUrl = rh.makeLink(request, response, linkText);
    String nextLinkUrl = "";
    if (highIndex < listSize) {
      linkText = prepLinkText + (viewIndex + 1) + anchor;
      // - make the link
      nextLinkUrl = rh.makeLink(request, response, linkText);
    String previousLinkUrl = "";
    if (viewIndex > 0) {
      linkText = prepLinkText + (viewIndex - 1) + anchor;
      previousLinkUrl = rh.makeLink(request, response, linkText);
    String firstLinkUrl = "";
    if (viewIndex > 0) {
      linkText = prepLinkText + 0 + anchor;
      firstLinkUrl = rh.makeLink(request, response, linkText);

    Map<String, Object> parameters = FastMap.newInstance();
    parameters.put("lowIndex", modelForm.getLowIndex(context));
    parameters.put("actualPageSize", actualPageSize);
    parameters.put("ofLabel", ofLabel);
    parameters.put("listSize", listSize);
    parameters.put("paginateLastStyle", modelForm.getPaginateLastStyle());
    parameters.put("lastLinkUrl", lastLinkUrl);
    parameters.put("paginateLastLabel", modelForm.getPaginateLastLabel(context));
    parameters.put("paginateNextStyle", modelForm.getPaginateNextStyle());
    parameters.put("nextLinkUrl", nextLinkUrl);
    parameters.put("paginateNextLabel", modelForm.getPaginateNextLabel(context));
    parameters.put("paginatePreviousStyle", modelForm.getPaginatePreviousStyle());
    parameters.put("paginatePreviousLabel", modelForm.getPaginatePreviousLabel(context));
    parameters.put("previousLinkUrl", previousLinkUrl);
    parameters.put("paginateFirstStyle", modelForm.getPaginateFirstStyle());
    parameters.put("paginateFirstLabel", modelForm.getPaginateFirstLabel(context));
    parameters.put("firstLinkUrl", firstLinkUrl);
    executeMacro(writer, "renderScreenletPaginateMenu", parameters);