public static List<ComponentDef> getComponentsFromConfig(URL configUrl) throws ComponentException { if (configUrl == null) { throw new ComponentException("Component config file does not exist: " + configUrl); } List<ComponentDef> componentsFromConfig = null; Document document = null; try { document = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(configUrl, true); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new ComponentException("Error reading the component config file: " + configUrl, e); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new ComponentException("Error reading the component config file: " + configUrl, e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ComponentException("Error reading the component config file: " + configUrl, e); } Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); List<? extends Element> toLoad = UtilXml.childElementList(root); if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(toLoad)) { componentsFromConfig = new LinkedList<ComponentDef>(); for (Element element : toLoad) { componentsFromConfig.add(new ComponentDef(element)); } } return componentsFromConfig; }
/** XML Constructor */ public ModelKeyMap(Element keyMapElement) { this.fieldName = UtilXml.checkEmpty(keyMapElement.getAttribute("field-name")).intern(); // if no relFieldName is specified, use the fieldName; this is convenient for when they are // named the same, which is often the case this.relFieldName = UtilXml.checkEmpty(keyMapElement.getAttribute("rel-field-name"), this.fieldName).intern(); this.fullName = this.fieldName.concat(":").concat(this.relFieldName); }
public CombinedCondition(Element element, SimpleMethod simpleMethod) throws MiniLangException { super(element, simpleMethod); List<? extends Element> childElements = UtilXml.childElementList(element); if (MiniLangValidate.validationOn() && childElements.isEmpty()) { MiniLangValidate.handleError("No conditional elements.", simpleMethod, element); } List<Conditional> conditionalList = new ArrayList<Conditional>(childElements.size()); for (Element conditionalElement : UtilXml.childElementList(element)) { conditionalList.add(ConditionalFactory.makeConditional(conditionalElement, simpleMethod)); } this.subConditions = Collections.unmodifiableList(conditionalList); }
public EntityCount(Element element, SimpleMethod simpleMethod) throws MiniLangException { super(element, simpleMethod); if (MiniLangValidate.validationOn()) { MiniLangValidate.attributeNames( simpleMethod, element, "entity-name", "count-field", "delegator-name"); MiniLangValidate.requiredAttributes(simpleMethod, element, "entity-name", "count-field"); MiniLangValidate.expressionAttributes(simpleMethod, element, "count-field", "delegator-name"); MiniLangValidate.childElements( simpleMethod, element, "condition-expr", "condition-list", "condition-object", "having-condition-list"); MiniLangValidate.requireAnyChildElement( simpleMethod, element, "condition-expr", "condition-list", "condition-object"); } this.entityNameFse = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("entity-name")); this.countFma = FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(element.getAttribute("count-field")); int conditionElementCount = 0; Element conditionExprElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(element, "condition-expr"); conditionElementCount = conditionExprElement == null ? conditionElementCount : conditionElementCount++; Element conditionListElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(element, "condition-list"); conditionElementCount = conditionListElement == null ? conditionElementCount : conditionElementCount++; Element conditionObjectElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(element, "condition-object"); conditionElementCount = conditionObjectElement == null ? conditionElementCount : conditionElementCount++; if (conditionElementCount > 1) { MiniLangValidate.handleError( "Element must include only one condition child element", simpleMethod, conditionObjectElement); } if (conditionExprElement != null) { this.whereCondition = new ConditionExpr(conditionExprElement); } else if (conditionListElement != null) { this.whereCondition = new ConditionList(conditionListElement); } else if (conditionObjectElement != null) { this.whereCondition = new ConditionObject(conditionObjectElement); } else { this.whereCondition = null; } Element havingConditionListElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(element, "having-condition-list"); if (havingConditionListElement != null) { this.havingCondition = new ConditionList(havingConditionListElement); } else { this.havingCondition = null; } }
private static List<Map<Object, Object>> getListMapsFromXmlFile(String XmlFilePath) { List<Map<Object, Object>> listMaps = FastList.newInstance(); InputStream ins = null; URL xmlFileUrl = null; Document xmlDocument = null; try { if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(XmlFilePath)) { xmlFileUrl = UtilURL.fromFilename(XmlFilePath); if (xmlFileUrl != null) ins = xmlFileUrl.openStream(); if (ins != null) { xmlDocument = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(ins, xmlFileUrl.toString()); List<? extends Node> nodeList = UtilXml.childNodeList(xmlDocument.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild()); for (Node node : nodeList) { if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Map<Object, Object> fields = FastMap.newInstance(); fields.put(node.getNodeName(), UtilXml.elementValue((Element) node)); Map<Object, Object> attrFields = getAttributeNameValueMap(node); Set<Object> keys = attrFields.keySet(); Iterator<Object> attrFieldsIter = keys.iterator(); while (attrFieldsIter.hasNext()) { Object key =; fields.put(key, attrFields.get(key)); } List<? extends Node> childNodeList = UtilXml.childNodeList(node.getFirstChild()); for (Node childNode : childNodeList) { fields.put(childNode.getNodeName(), UtilXml.elementValue((Element) childNode)); attrFields = getAttributeNameValueMap(childNode); keys = attrFields.keySet(); attrFieldsIter = keys.iterator(); while (attrFieldsIter.hasNext()) { Object key =; fields.put(key, attrFields.get(key)); } } listMaps.add(fields); } } } } } catch (Exception exc) { Debug.logError(exc, "Error reading xml file", module); } finally { try { if (ins != null) ins.close(); } catch (Exception exc) { Debug.logError(exc, "Error reading xml file", module); } } return listMaps; }
public MapProcessor(Element simpleMapProcessorElement) { name = simpleMapProcessorElement.getAttribute("name"); for (Element makeInStringElement : UtilXml.childElementList(simpleMapProcessorElement, "make-in-string")) { MakeInString makeInString = new MakeInString(makeInStringElement); makeInStrings.add(makeInString); } for (Element simpleMapProcessElement : UtilXml.childElementList(simpleMapProcessorElement, "process")) { SimpleMapProcess strProc = new SimpleMapProcess(simpleMapProcessElement); simpleMapProcesses.add(strProc); } }
public static ModelTree getTreeFromLocation( String resourceName, String treeName, Delegator delegator, LocalDispatcher dispatcher) throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException { Map<String, ModelTree> modelTreeMap = treeLocationCache.get(resourceName); if (modelTreeMap == null) { synchronized (TreeFactory.class) { modelTreeMap = treeLocationCache.get(resourceName); if (modelTreeMap == null) { ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (loader == null) { loader = TreeFactory.class.getClassLoader(); } URL treeFileUrl = null; treeFileUrl = FlexibleLocation.resolveLocation(resourceName); // , loader); Document treeFileDoc = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(treeFileUrl, true); modelTreeMap = readTreeDocument(treeFileDoc, delegator, dispatcher, resourceName); treeLocationCache.put(resourceName, modelTreeMap); } } } ModelTree modelTree = (ModelTree) modelTreeMap.get(treeName); if (modelTree == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not find tree with name [" + treeName + "] in class resource [" + resourceName + "]"); } return modelTree; }
private void getLabelsFromOfbizComponents() throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException { List<File> componentsFiles = FileUtil.findXmlFiles( null, null, "ofbiz-component", ""); for (File componentFile : componentsFiles) { String filePath = componentFile.getPath(); Document menuDocument = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(componentFile.toURI().toURL()); Element rootElem = menuDocument.getDocumentElement(); for (Element elem1 : UtilXml.childElementList(rootElem)) { checkOfbizComponentTag(elem1, filePath); for (Element elem2 : UtilXml.childElementList(elem1)) { checkOfbizComponentTag(elem2, filePath); } } } }
public void populateFromAttributes(Element element) { author = element.getAttribute("author").intern(); copyright = element.getAttribute("copyright").intern(); description = StringUtil.internString(UtilXml.childElementValue(element, "description")); title = element.getAttribute("title").intern(); version = element.getAttribute("version").intern(); defaultResourceName = StringUtil.internString(element.getAttribute("default-resource-name")); }
/** XML Constructor */ public ModelIndex(ModelEntity mainEntity, Element indexElement) { super(mainEntity); = UtilXml.checkEmpty(indexElement.getAttribute("name")).intern(); this.unique = "true".equals(UtilXml.checkEmpty(indexElement.getAttribute("unique"))); this.description = StringUtil.internString(UtilXml.childElementValue(indexElement, "description")); NodeList indexFieldList = indexElement.getElementsByTagName("index-field"); for (int i = 0; i < indexFieldList.getLength(); i++) { Element indexFieldElement = (Element) indexFieldList.item(i); if (indexFieldElement.getParentNode() == indexElement) { String fieldName = indexFieldElement.getAttribute("name").intern(); this.fieldNames.add(fieldName); } } }
public static List<ScreenCondition> readSubConditions( ModelScreen modelScreen, Element conditionElement) { List<ScreenCondition> condList = FastList.newInstance(); List<? extends Element> subElementList = UtilXml.childElementList(conditionElement); for (Element subElement : subElementList) { condList.add(readCondition(modelScreen, subElement)); } return condList; }
public HtmlTemplateDecoratorSection( ModelScreen modelScreen, Element htmlTemplateDecoratorSectionElement) { super(modelScreen, htmlTemplateDecoratorSectionElement); = htmlTemplateDecoratorSectionElement.getAttribute("name"); // read sub-widgets List<? extends Element> subElementList = UtilXml.childElementList(htmlTemplateDecoratorSectionElement); this.subWidgets = ModelScreenWidget.readSubWidgets(this.modelScreen, subElementList); }
public void writeResponse(HttpServletResponse response, Writer writer) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { UtilXml.writeXmlDocument(os, this.responseDocument, "UTF-8", true, true); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } response.setContentLength(os.size()); writer.write(os.toString("UTF-8")); }
public Document getDocument() throws GenericConfigException { try { return UtilXml.readXmlDocument(this.getStream(), this.xmlFilename, true); } catch (org.xml.sax.SAXException e) { throw new GenericConfigException("Error reading " + this.toString(), e); } catch (javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new GenericConfigException("Error reading " + this.toString(), e); } catch ( e) { throw new GenericConfigException("Error reading " + this.toString(), e); } }
private void getLabelsFromFormWidgets(String inFile, File file) throws MalformedURLException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException, IOException, GenericServiceException { Set<String> fieldNames = FastSet.newInstance(); findUiLabelMapInFile(inFile, file.getPath()); Document formDocument = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(file.toURI().toURL()); Element rootElem = formDocument.getDocumentElement(); for (Element formElement : UtilXml.childElementList(rootElem, "form")) { for (Element elem : UtilXml.childElementList(formElement, "auto-fields-service")) { getAutoFieldsServiceTag(elem, fieldNames); } for (Element elem : UtilXml.childElementList(formElement, "auto-fields-entity")) { getAutoFieldsEntityTag(elem, fieldNames); } for (String field : fieldNames) { String labelKey = formFieldTitle.concat(field); if (this.labelSet.contains(labelKey)) { setLabelReference(labelKey, file.getPath()); } } } }
public static Map<String, ModelTree> readTreeDocument( Document treeFileDoc, Delegator delegator, LocalDispatcher dispatcher, String treeLocation) { Map<String, ModelTree> modelTreeMap = new HashMap<String, ModelTree>(); if (treeFileDoc != null) { // read document and construct ModelTree for each tree element Element rootElement = treeFileDoc.getDocumentElement(); for (Element treeElement : UtilXml.childElementList(rootElement, "tree")) { ModelTree modelTree = new ModelTree(treeElement, delegator, dispatcher); modelTree.setTreeLocation(treeLocation); modelTreeMap.put(modelTree.getName(), modelTree); } } return modelTreeMap; }
public HtmlTemplateDecorator(ModelScreen modelScreen, Element htmlTemplateDecoratorElement) { super(modelScreen, htmlTemplateDecoratorElement); this.locationExdr = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(htmlTemplateDecoratorElement.getAttribute("location")); List<? extends Element> htmlTemplateDecoratorSectionElementList = UtilXml.childElementList(htmlTemplateDecoratorElement, "html-template-decorator-section"); for (Element htmlTemplateDecoratorSectionElement : htmlTemplateDecoratorSectionElementList) { String name = htmlTemplateDecoratorSectionElement.getAttribute("name"); this.sectionMap.put( name, new HtmlTemplateDecoratorSection(modelScreen, htmlTemplateDecoratorSectionElement)); } }
public void populateFromElements(Element element) { author = StringUtil.internString(UtilXml.childElementValue(element, "author")); copyright = StringUtil.internString(UtilXml.childElementValue(element, "copyright")); description = StringUtil.internString(UtilXml.childElementValue(element, "description")); title = StringUtil.internString(UtilXml.childElementValue(element, "title")); version = StringUtil.internString(UtilXml.childElementValue(element, "version")); defaultResourceName = StringUtil.internString(UtilXml.childElementValue(element, "default-resource-name")); }
public HtmlWidget(ModelScreen modelScreen, Element htmlElement) { super(modelScreen, htmlElement); List<? extends Element> childElementList = UtilXml.childElementList(htmlElement); for (Element childElement : childElementList) { if ("html-template".equals(childElement.getNodeName())) { this.subWidgets.add(new HtmlTemplate(modelScreen, childElement)); } else if ("html-template-decorator".equals(childElement.getNodeName())) { this.subWidgets.add(new HtmlTemplateDecorator(modelScreen, childElement)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Tag not supported under the platform-specific -> html tag with name: " + childElement.getNodeName()); } } }
public CallBsh(Element element, SimpleMethod simpleMethod) throws MiniLangException { super(element, simpleMethod); if (MiniLangValidate.validationOn()) { MiniLangValidate.handleError( "<call-bsh> element is deprecated (use <script>)", simpleMethod, element); MiniLangValidate.attributeNames(simpleMethod, element, "resource"); MiniLangValidate.constantAttributes(simpleMethod, element, "resource"); MiniLangValidate.noChildElements(simpleMethod, element); } boolean elementModified = autoCorrect(element); if (elementModified && MiniLangUtil.autoCorrectOn()) { MiniLangUtil.flagDocumentAsCorrected(element); } this.inline = StringUtil.convertOperatorSubstitutions(UtilXml.elementValue(element)); this.resource = element.getAttribute("resource"); }
public CallSimpleMethod(Element element, SimpleMethod simpleMethod) throws MiniLangException { super(element, simpleMethod); if (MiniLangValidate.validationOn()) { MiniLangValidate.attributeNames( simpleMethod, element, "method-name", "xml-resource", "scope"); MiniLangValidate.requiredAttributes(simpleMethod, element, "method-name"); MiniLangValidate.constantAttributes( simpleMethod, element, "method-name", "xml-resource", "scope"); MiniLangValidate.childElements(simpleMethod, element, "result-to-field"); } this.methodName = element.getAttribute("method-name"); String xmlResourceAttribute = element.getAttribute("xml-resource"); if (xmlResourceAttribute.isEmpty()) { xmlResourceAttribute = simpleMethod.getFromLocation(); } this.xmlResource = xmlResourceAttribute; URL xmlURL = null; try { xmlURL = FlexibleLocation.resolveLocation(this.xmlResource); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { MiniLangValidate.handleError( "Could not find SimpleMethod XML document in resource: " + this.xmlResource + "; error was: " + e.toString(), simpleMethod, element); } this.xmlURL = xmlURL; this.scope = element.getAttribute("scope"); List<? extends Element> resultToFieldElements = UtilXml.childElementList(element, "result-to-field"); if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(resultToFieldElements)) { if (!"function".equals(this.scope)) { MiniLangValidate.handleError( "Inline scope cannot include <result-to-field> elements.", simpleMethod, element); } List<ResultToField> resultToFieldList = new ArrayList<ResultToField>(resultToFieldElements.size()); for (Element resultToFieldElement : resultToFieldElements) { resultToFieldList.add(new ResultToField(resultToFieldElement, simpleMethod)); } this.resultToFieldList = resultToFieldList; } else { this.resultToFieldList = null; } }
protected static void addEcaDefinitions( ResourceHandler handler, Map<String, Map<String, List<EntityEcaRule>>> ecaCache) { Element rootElement = null; try { rootElement = handler.getDocument().getDocumentElement(); } catch (GenericConfigException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); return; } int numDefs = 0; for (Element e : UtilXml.childElementList(rootElement, "eca")) { String entityName = e.getAttribute("entity"); String eventName = e.getAttribute("event"); Map<String, List<EntityEcaRule>> eventMap = ecaCache.get(entityName); List<EntityEcaRule> rules = null; if (eventMap == null) { eventMap = FastMap.newInstance(); rules = FastList.newInstance(); ecaCache.put(entityName, eventMap); eventMap.put(eventName, rules); } else { rules = eventMap.get(eventName); if (rules == null) { rules = FastList.newInstance(); eventMap.put(eventName, rules); } } rules.add(new EntityEcaRule(e)); numDefs++; } try { Debug.logImportant( "Loaded [" + numDefs + "] Entity ECA definitions from " + handler.getFullLocation() + " in loader " + handler.getLoaderName(), module); } catch (GenericConfigException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); return; } }
// Load the JMS listeners private void loadListeners() { try { Element rootElement = ServiceConfigUtil.getXmlRootElement(); NodeList nodeList = rootElement.getElementsByTagName("jms-service"); if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("[ServiceDispatcher] : Loading JMS Listeners.", module); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { Element element = (Element) nodeList.item(i); StringBuilder serverKey = new StringBuilder(); for (Element server : UtilXml.childElementList(element, "server")) { try { String listenerEnabled = server.getAttribute("listen"); if (listenerEnabled.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { // create a server key serverKey.append(server.getAttribute("jndi-server-name") + ":"); serverKey.append(server.getAttribute("jndi-name") + ":"); serverKey.append(server.getAttribute("topic-queue")); // store the server element servers.put(serverKey.toString(), server); // load the listener GenericMessageListener listener = loadListener(serverKey.toString(), server); // store the listener w/ the key if (serverKey.length() > 0 && listener != null) listeners.put(serverKey.toString(), listener); } } catch (GenericServiceException gse) { Debug.logInfo( "Cannot load message listener " + serverKey + " error: (" + gse.toString() + ").", module); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.logError(e, "Uncaught exception.", module); } } } } catch (org.ofbiz.base.config.GenericConfigException gce) { Debug.logError(gce, "Cannot get serviceengine.xml root element.", module); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.logError(e, "Uncaught exception.", module); } }
/** XML Constructor */ public ModelScreen( Element screenElement, Map<String, ModelScreen> modelScreenMap, String sourceLocation) { super(screenElement); this.sourceLocation = sourceLocation; this.transactionTimeoutExdr = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(screenElement.getAttribute("transaction-timeout")); this.modelScreenMap = modelScreenMap; this.useTransaction = "true".equals(screenElement.getAttribute("use-transaction")); this.useCache = "true".equals(screenElement.getAttribute("use-cache")); // read in the section, which will read all sub-widgets too Element sectionElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(screenElement, "section"); if (sectionElement == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No section found for the screen definition with name: " +; } this.section = new ModelScreenWidget.Section(this, sectionElement); this.section.isMainSection = true; }
public static ModelTree getTreeFromWebappContext( String resourceName, String treeName, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException { String webappName = UtilHttp.getApplicationName(request); String cacheKey = webappName + "::" + resourceName; Map<String, ModelTree> modelTreeMap = treeWebappCache.get(cacheKey); if (modelTreeMap == null) { synchronized (TreeFactory.class) { modelTreeMap = treeWebappCache.get(cacheKey); if (modelTreeMap == null) { ServletContext servletContext = (ServletContext) request.getAttribute("servletContext"); Delegator delegator = (Delegator) request.getAttribute("delegator"); LocalDispatcher dispatcher = (LocalDispatcher) request.getAttribute("dispatcher"); URL treeFileUrl = servletContext.getResource(resourceName); Document treeFileDoc = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(treeFileUrl, true); modelTreeMap = readTreeDocument(treeFileDoc, delegator, dispatcher, cacheKey); treeWebappCache.put(cacheKey, modelTreeMap); } } } ModelTree modelTree = (ModelTree) modelTreeMap.get(treeName); if (modelTree == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not find tree with name [" + treeName + "] in webapp resource [" + resourceName + "] in the webapp [" + webappName + "]"); } return modelTree; }
public IterateSectionWidget(ModelScreen modelScreen, Element iterateSectionElement) { super(modelScreen, iterateSectionElement); listNameExdr = FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(iterateSectionElement.getAttribute("list")); if (listNameExdr.isEmpty()) listNameExdr = FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(iterateSectionElement.getAttribute("list-name")); entryNameExdr = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(iterateSectionElement.getAttribute("entry")); if (entryNameExdr.isEmpty()) entryNameExdr = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(iterateSectionElement.getAttribute("entry-name")); keyNameExdr = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(iterateSectionElement.getAttribute("key")); if (keyNameExdr.isEmpty()) keyNameExdr = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(iterateSectionElement.getAttribute("key-name")); if (this.paginateTarget == null || iterateSectionElement.hasAttribute("paginate-target")) { this.paginateTarget = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(iterateSectionElement.getAttribute("paginate-target")); } if (this.paginate == null || iterateSectionElement.hasAttribute("paginate")) { this.paginate = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(iterateSectionElement.getAttribute("paginate")); } if (iterateSectionElement.hasAttribute("view-size")) { setViewSize(iterateSectionElement.getAttribute("view-size")); } sectionList = new ArrayList<ModelScreenWidget.Section>(); List<? extends Element> childElementList = UtilXml.childElementList(iterateSectionElement); for (Element sectionElement : childElementList) { ModelScreenWidget.Section section = new ModelScreenWidget.Section(modelScreen, sectionElement); sectionList.add(section); } }
public Map<String, ModelEntity> getEntityCache() throws GenericEntityException { if (entityCache == null) { // don't want to block here synchronized (ModelReader.class) { // must check if null again as one of the blocked threads can still enter if (entityCache == null) { // now it's safe numEntities = 0; numViewEntities = 0; numFields = 0; numRelations = 0; numAutoRelations = 0; entityCache = new HashMap<String, ModelEntity>(); List<ModelViewEntity> tempViewEntityList = FastList.newInstance(); List<Element> tempExtendEntityElementList = FastList.newInstance(); UtilTimer utilTimer = new UtilTimer(); for (ResourceHandler entityResourceHandler : entityResourceHandlers) { // utilTimer.timerString("Before getDocument in file " + entityFileName); Document document = null; try { document = entityResourceHandler.getDocument(); } catch (GenericConfigException e) { throw new GenericEntityConfException( "Error getting document from resource handler", e); } if (document == null) { throw new GenericEntityConfException( "Could not get document for " + entityResourceHandler.toString()); } // utilTimer.timerString("Before getDocumentElement in " + // entityResourceHandler.toString()); Element docElement = document.getDocumentElement(); if (docElement == null) { return null; } docElement.normalize(); Node curChild = docElement.getFirstChild(); ModelInfo def = new ModelInfo(); def.populateFromElements(docElement); int i = 0; if (curChild != null) { utilTimer.timerString( "Before start of entity loop in " + entityResourceHandler.toString()); do { boolean isEntity = "entity".equals(curChild.getNodeName()); boolean isViewEntity = "view-entity".equals(curChild.getNodeName()); boolean isExtendEntity = "extend-entity".equals(curChild.getNodeName()); if ((isEntity || isViewEntity) && curChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { i++; ModelEntity modelEntity = buildEntity(entityResourceHandler, (Element) curChild, i, def); // put the view entity in a list to get ready for the second pass to populate // fields... if (isViewEntity) { tempViewEntityList.add((ModelViewEntity) modelEntity); } else { entityCache.put(modelEntity.getEntityName(), modelEntity); } } else if (isExtendEntity && curChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { tempExtendEntityElementList.add((Element) curChild); } } while ((curChild = curChild.getNextSibling()) != null); } else { Debug.logWarning("No child nodes found.", module); } utilTimer.timerString( "Finished " + entityResourceHandler.toString() + " - Total Entities: " + i + " FINISHED"); } // all entity elements in, now go through extend-entity elements and add their stuff for (Element extendEntityElement : tempExtendEntityElementList) { String entityName = UtilXml.checkEmpty(extendEntityElement.getAttribute("entity-name")); ModelEntity modelEntity = entityCache.get(entityName); if (modelEntity == null) throw new GenericEntityConfException( "Entity to extend does not exist: " + entityName); modelEntity.addExtendEntity(this, extendEntityElement); } // do a pass on all of the view entities now that all of the entities have // loaded and populate the fields while (!tempViewEntityList.isEmpty()) { int startSize = tempViewEntityList.size(); Iterator<ModelViewEntity> mveIt = tempViewEntityList.iterator(); TEMP_VIEW_LOOP: while (mveIt.hasNext()) { ModelViewEntity curViewEntity =; for (ModelViewEntity.ModelMemberEntity mve : curViewEntity.getAllModelMemberEntities()) { if (!entityCache.containsKey(mve.getEntityName())) { continue TEMP_VIEW_LOOP; } } mveIt.remove(); curViewEntity.populateFields(this); for (ModelViewEntity.ModelMemberEntity mve : curViewEntity.getAllModelMemberEntities()) { ModelEntity me = (ModelEntity) entityCache.get(mve.getEntityName()); me.addViewEntity(curViewEntity); } entityCache.put(curViewEntity.getEntityName(), curViewEntity); } if (tempViewEntityList.size() == startSize) { // Oops, the remaining views reference other entities // that can't be found, or they reference other views // that have some reference problem. break; } } if (!tempViewEntityList.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("View entities reference non-existant members:\n"); Set<String> allViews = FastSet.newInstance(); for (ModelViewEntity curViewEntity : tempViewEntityList) { allViews.add(curViewEntity.getEntityName()); } for (ModelViewEntity curViewEntity : tempViewEntityList) { Set<String> perViewMissingEntities = FastSet.newInstance(); Iterator<ModelViewEntity.ModelMemberEntity> mmeIt = curViewEntity.getAllModelMemberEntities().iterator(); while (mmeIt.hasNext()) { ModelViewEntity.ModelMemberEntity mme =; String memberEntityName = mme.getEntityName(); if (!entityCache.containsKey(memberEntityName)) { // this member is not a real entity // check to see if it is a view if (!allViews.contains(memberEntityName)) { // not a view, it's a real missing entity perViewMissingEntities.add(memberEntityName); } } } for (String perViewMissingEntity : perViewMissingEntities) { sb.append("\t[") .append(curViewEntity.getEntityName()) .append("] missing member entity [") .append(perViewMissingEntity) .append("]\n"); } } throw new GenericEntityConfException(sb.toString()); } // auto-create relationships TreeSet<String> orderedMessages = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String curEntityName : new TreeSet<String>(this.getEntityNames())) { ModelEntity curModelEntity = this.getModelEntity(curEntityName); if (curModelEntity instanceof ModelViewEntity) { // for view-entities auto-create relationships for all member-entity relationships // that have all corresponding fields in the view-entity } else { // for entities auto-create many relationships for all type one relationships // just in case we add a new relation to the same entity, keep in a separate list and // add them at the end List<ModelRelation> newSameEntityRelations = FastList.newInstance(); Iterator<ModelRelation> relationsIter = curModelEntity.getRelationsIterator(); while (relationsIter.hasNext()) { ModelRelation modelRelation =; if (("one".equals(modelRelation.getType()) || "one-nofk".equals(modelRelation.getType())) && !modelRelation.isAutoRelation()) { ModelEntity relatedEnt = null; try { relatedEnt = this.getModelEntity(modelRelation.getRelEntityName()); } catch (GenericModelException e) { throw new GenericModelException( "Error getting related entity [" + modelRelation.getRelEntityName() + "] definition from entity [" + curEntityName + "]", e); } if (relatedEnt != null) { // don't do relationship to the same entity, unless title is "Parent", then do a // "Child" automatically String targetTitle = modelRelation.getTitle(); if (curModelEntity.getEntityName().equals(relatedEnt.getEntityName()) && "Parent".equals(targetTitle)) { targetTitle = "Child"; } // create the new relationship even if one exists so we can show what we are // looking for in the info message ModelRelation newRel = new ModelRelation(); newRel.setModelEntity(relatedEnt); newRel.setRelEntityName(curModelEntity.getEntityName()); newRel.setTitle(targetTitle); newRel.setAutoRelation(true); Set<String> curEntityKeyFields = FastSet.newInstance(); for (int kmn = 0; kmn < modelRelation.getKeyMapsSize(); kmn++) { ModelKeyMap curkm = modelRelation.getKeyMap(kmn); ModelKeyMap newkm = new ModelKeyMap(); newRel.addKeyMap(newkm); newkm.setFieldName(curkm.getRelFieldName()); newkm.setRelFieldName(curkm.getFieldName()); curEntityKeyFields.add(curkm.getFieldName()); } // decide whether it should be one or many by seeing if the key map represents // the complete pk of the relEntity if (curModelEntity.containsAllPkFieldNames(curEntityKeyFields)) { // always use one-nofk, we don't want auto-fks getting in for these automatic // ones newRel.setType("one-nofk"); // to keep it clean, remove any additional keys that aren't part of the PK List<String> curPkFieldNames = curModelEntity.getPkFieldNames(); Iterator<ModelKeyMap> nrkmIter = newRel.getKeyMapsIterator(); while (nrkmIter.hasNext()) { ModelKeyMap nrkm =; String checkField = nrkm.getRelFieldName(); if (!curPkFieldNames.contains(checkField)) { nrkmIter.remove(); } } } else { newRel.setType("many"); } ModelRelation existingRelation = relatedEnt.getRelation(targetTitle + curModelEntity.getEntityName()); if (existingRelation == null) { numAutoRelations++; if (curModelEntity.getEntityName().equals(relatedEnt.getEntityName())) { newSameEntityRelations.add(newRel); } else { relatedEnt.addRelation(newRel); } } else { if (newRel.equals(existingRelation)) { // don't warn if the target title+entity = current title+entity if (!(targetTitle + curModelEntity.getEntityName()) .equals(modelRelation.getTitle() + modelRelation.getRelEntityName())) { // String errorMsg = "Relation already exists to entity [] with title [" + // targetTitle + "],from entity []"; String message = "Entity [" + relatedEnt.getPackageName() + ":" + relatedEnt.getEntityName() + "] already has identical relationship to entity [" + curModelEntity.getEntityName() + "] title [" + targetTitle + "]; would auto-create: type [" + newRel.getType() + "] and fields [" + newRel.keyMapString(",", "") + "]"; orderedMessages.add(message); } } else { String message = "Existing relationship with the same name, but different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [" + relatedEnt.getEntityName() + "] and relationship to entity [" + curModelEntity.getEntityName() + "] title [" + targetTitle + "]; would auto-create: type [" + newRel.getType() + "] and fields [" + newRel.keyMapString(",", "") + "]"; Debug.logVerbose(message, module); } } } else { String errorMsg = "Could not find related entity [" + modelRelation.getRelEntityName() + "], no reverse relation added."; Debug.logWarning(errorMsg, module); } } } if (newSameEntityRelations.size() > 0) { for (ModelRelation newRel : newSameEntityRelations) { curModelEntity.addRelation(newRel); } } } } for (String message : orderedMessages) { Debug.logInfo(message, module); } Debug.log( "FINISHED LOADING ENTITIES - ALL FILES; #Entities=" + numEntities + " #ViewEntities=" + numViewEntities + " #Fields=" + numFields + " #Relationships=" + numRelations + " #AutoRelationships=" + numAutoRelations, module); } } } return entityCache; }
private ModelEntity buildEntity( ResourceHandler entityResourceHandler, Element curEntityElement, int i, ModelInfo def) throws GenericEntityException { boolean isEntity = "entity".equals(curEntityElement.getNodeName()); String entityName = UtilXml.checkEmpty(curEntityElement.getAttribute("entity-name")).intern(); // add entityName to appropriate resourceHandlerEntities collection Collection<String> resourceHandlerEntityNames = resourceHandlerEntities.get(entityResourceHandler); if (resourceHandlerEntityNames == null) { resourceHandlerEntityNames = FastList.newInstance(); resourceHandlerEntities.put(entityResourceHandler, resourceHandlerEntityNames); } resourceHandlerEntityNames.add(entityName); // check to see if entity with same name has already been read if (entityCache.containsKey(entityName)) { Debug.logWarning( "WARNING: Entity " + entityName + " is defined more than once, most recent will over-write " + "previous definition(s)", module); Debug.logWarning( "WARNING: Entity " + entityName + " was found in " + entityResourceHandler + ", but was already defined in " + entityResourceHandlerMap.get(entityName).toString(), module); } // add entityName, entityFileName pair to entityResourceHandlerMap map entityResourceHandlerMap.put(entityName, entityResourceHandler); // utilTimer.timerString(" After entityEntityName -- " + i + " --"); // ModelEntity entity = createModelEntity(curEntity, utilTimer); ModelEntity modelEntity = null; if (isEntity) { modelEntity = createModelEntity(curEntityElement, null, def); } else { modelEntity = createModelViewEntity(curEntityElement, null, def); } String resourceLocation = entityResourceHandler.getLocation(); try { resourceLocation = entityResourceHandler.getURL().toExternalForm(); } catch (GenericConfigException e) { Debug.logError(e, "Could not get resource URL", module); } // utilTimer.timerString(" After createModelEntity -- " + i + " --"); if (modelEntity != null) { modelEntity.setLocation(resourceLocation); // utilTimer.timerString(" After entityCache.put -- " + i + " --"); if (isEntity) { if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("-- [Entity]: #" + i + ": " + entityName, module); } else { if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("-- [ViewEntity]: #" + i + ": " + entityName, module); } } else { Debug.logWarning( "-- -- ENTITYGEN ERROR:getModelEntity: Could not create " + "entity for entityName: " + entityName, module); } return modelEntity; }
@Override public SearchResult getLdapSearchResult( String username, String password, Element rootElement, boolean bindRequired) throws NamingException { DirContext ctx = null; SearchResult result = null; String ldapURL = UtilXml.childElementValue(rootElement, "URL", "ldap://localhost:389"); String authenType = UtilXml.childElementValue(rootElement, "AuthenType", "simple"); String searchType = UtilXml.childElementValue(rootElement, "SearchType", ""); String baseDN = UtilXml.childElementValue(rootElement, "BaseDN"); Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<String, String>(); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"); env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, ldapURL); if (searchType == null || searchType.trim().equals("")) { env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "none"); } else if (searchType.trim().equals("login")) { env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, authenType); // specify the username for search String userDNForSearch = UtilXml.childElementValue(rootElement, "UserDNForSearch"); env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, userDNForSearch); // specify the password for search String passwordForSearch = UtilXml.childElementValue(rootElement, "PasswordForSearch"); env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, passwordForSearch); } try { ctx = new InitialDirContext(env); SearchControls controls = new SearchControls(); // ldap search timeout controls.setTimeLimit(1000); // ldap search count controls.setCountLimit(2); // ldap search scope String sub = UtilXml.childElementValue(rootElement, "Scope", "sub").toLowerCase().trim(); if (sub.equals("sub")) { controls.setSearchScope(SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE); } else if (sub.equals("one")) { controls.setSearchScope(SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE); } else { controls.setSearchScope(SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE); } String filter = UtilXml.childElementValue(rootElement, "Filter", "(objectclass=*)"); String attribute = UtilXml.childElementValue(rootElement, "Attribute", "uid=%u"); attribute = LdapUtils.getFilterWithValues(attribute, username); NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> answer = baseDN, // Filter expression "(&(" + filter + ") (" + attribute + "))", controls); if (answer.hasMoreElements()) { result =; if (bindRequired) { env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, authenType); // specify the username String userDN = result.getName() + "," + baseDN; env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, userDN); // specify the password env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password); ctx = new InitialDirContext(env); } } } catch (NamingException e) { // No ldap service found, or cannot login. throw new NamingException(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return result; }
public ModelScreenCondition(ModelScreen modelScreen, Element conditionElement) { this.modelScreen = modelScreen; Element firstChildElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(conditionElement); this.rootCondition = readCondition(modelScreen, firstChildElement); }