Beispiel #1
  * Get user detail page.
  * @param user current user
  * @param model mode
  * @param userId user to get
  * @return "user/userDetail"
 @PreAuthorize("hasAnyRole('A') or #user.userId == #userId")
 public String getUserDetail(User user, final ModelMap model, @PathVariable final String userId) {
   model.addAttribute("roleSet", EnumSet.allOf(Role.class));
   User userFromDB = userService.getUserByIdWithoutCache(userId);
   model.addAttribute("user", userFromDB);
   getUserShareList(userFromDB, model);
   return "user/userDetail";
Beispiel #2
   * Get the current user profile.
   * @param user current user
   * @param model model
   * @return "user/userInfo"
  public String userProfile(User user, ModelMap model) {
    checkNotEmpty(user.getUserId(), "UserID should not be NULL!");
    User currentUser = userService.getUserByIdWithoutCache(user.getUserId());
    model.addAttribute("user", currentUser);
    getUserShareList(currentUser, model);
    model.addAttribute("action", "profile");

    return "user/userInfo";
Beispiel #3
  * Get the follower list.
  * @param user current user
  * @param model model
  * @return "user/userOptionGroup"
 public String switchUserList(User user, ModelMap model) {
   if (user.getRole().hasPermission(Permission.SWITCH_TO_ANYONE)) {
     List<User> allUserByRole = userService.getAllUserByRole(Role.USER.getFullName());
     model.addAttribute("shareUserList", allUserByRole);
   } else {
     User currUser = userService.getUserByIdWithoutCache(user.getUserId());
     model.addAttribute("shareUserList", currUser.getOwners());
   return "user/userOptionGroup";