Beispiel #1
 public IExpr evaluate(final IAST ast) {
   Validate.checkRange(ast, 2, 3);
   IExpr arg = F.evalExpandAll(ast.get(1));
   try {
     if (arg.isTimes() || arg.isPower()) {
       IExpr[] parts = Apart.getFractionalParts(arg);
       if (parts != null) {
         if (parts[0].isPlus() && parts[1].isPlus()) {
           IAST[] numParts = ((IAST) parts[0]).split(new PolynomialPredicate());
           IAST[] denParts = ((IAST) parts[1]).split(new PolynomialPredicate());
           IExpr denParts0 = F.eval(denParts[0]);
           if (!denParts0.equals(F.C1)) {
             IExpr[] result = Cancel.cancelGCD(numParts[0], denParts0);
             if (result != null) {
               return F.Times(
                   result[0], numParts[1], F.Power(F.Times(result[1], denParts[1]), F.CN1));
   } catch (JASConversionException jce) {
     if (Config.DEBUG) {
   return arg;
Beispiel #2
  public IExpr evaluate(final IAST lst) {
    if (lst.size() >= 3) {
      try {
        if (lst.get(1).isVector() < 0) {
          return null;
        if (lst.get(2).isVector() < 0) {
          return null;
        if (lst.size() == 3) {
          IAST vars = (IAST) lst.get(2);
          if (vars.size() <= 1) {
            return null;
          List<ISymbol> varList = new ArrayList<ISymbol>(vars.size() - 1);
          String[] pvars = new String[vars.size() - 1];
          for (int i = 1; i < vars.size(); i++) {
            if (!vars.get(i).isSymbol()) {
              return null;
            varList.add((ISymbol) vars.get(i));
            pvars[i - 1] = ((ISymbol) vars.get(i)).toString();
          GroebnerBasePartial<BigRational> gbp = new GroebnerBasePartial<BigRational>();
          IAST polys = (IAST) lst.get(1);
          List<GenPolynomial<BigRational>> polyList =
              new ArrayList<GenPolynomial<BigRational>>(polys.size() - 1);
          JASConvert<BigRational> jas = new JASConvert<BigRational>(varList, BigRational.ZERO);
          for (int i = 1; i < polys.size(); i++) {
            IExpr expr = F.evalExpandAll(polys.get(i));
            GenPolynomial<BigRational> poly = jas.expr2JAS(expr);

          OptimizedPolynomialList<BigRational> opl = gbp.partialGB(polyList, pvars);
          // System.out.println(opl);

          IAST resultList = F.List();
          for (GenPolynomial<BigRational> p : opl.list) {
            // System.out.println(p);
            resultList.add(jas.poly2Expr(p, null));
          return resultList;
      } catch (JASConversionException e) {
        if (Config.SHOW_STACKTRACE) {
    return null;
Beispiel #3
 public IExpr evaluate(final IAST functionList) {
   if (functionList.size() != 2) {
     throw new WrongNumberOfArguments(functionList, 1, functionList.size() - 1);
   return F.bool(functionList.get(1).isVector() != (-1));
Beispiel #4
 public IExpr evaluate(final IAST ast) {
   if (ast.size() != 2) {
     return null;
   IExpr temp = roots(ast, true);
   if (temp == null || !temp.isList()) {
     return null;
   IAST list = (IAST) temp;
   IAST result = F.List();
   for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {
   return result;
Beispiel #5
 public static boolean polynomialQ(final IExpr polnomialExpr, final IAST variables) {
   try {
     IExpr expr = F.evalExpandAll(polnomialExpr);
     ASTRange r = new ASTRange(variables, 1);
     JASConvert<IExpr> jas = new JASConvert<IExpr>(r.toList(), new ExprRingFactory());
     return jas.expr2IExprJAS(expr) != null;
   } catch (JASConversionException e) {
     // exception will be thrown if the expression is not a JAS polynomial
   return false;
Beispiel #6
  public IExpr evaluate(final IAST ast) {
    Validate.checkSize(ast, 3);

    if (ast.get(1).isSymbol()) {
      if (ast.get(2).isAST("Blank")) {
        IAST blank = (IAST) ast.get(2);
        if (blank.size() == 1) {
          return F.$p((ISymbol) ast.get(1));
        if (blank.size() == 2) {
          return F.$p((ISymbol) ast.get(1), blank.get(1));
      if (ast.get(2).isPattern()) {
        IPattern blank = (IPattern) ast.get(2);
        if (blank.isBlank()) {
          return F.$p((ISymbol) ast.get(1), blank.getCondition());
    return null;
Beispiel #7
  * Returns <code>True</code> if the given expression is a polynoomial object; <code>False</code>
  * otherwise
 public IExpr evaluate(final IAST ast) {
   if (ast.size() != 3) {
     throw new WrongNumberOfArguments(ast, 2, ast.size() - 1);
   IAST list;
   if (ast.get(2).isList()) {
     list = (IAST) ast.get(2);
   } else {
     list = List(ast.get(2));
   return F.bool(polynomialQ(ast.get(1), list));
  public static void generateCoreRules(final String pckgname) {
    String name = pckgname;
    if (!name.startsWith("/")) {
      name = "/" + name;

    name = name.replace('.', '/');

    // Get a File object for the package
    final URL url = SourceGenerator.class.getResource(name);
    final File directory = new File(url.getFile());

    if (directory.exists()) {
      // Get the list of the files contained in the package
      final String[] files = directory.list();
      for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {

        // we are only interested in .class files
        if (files[i].endsWith(".class")) {
          // removes the .class extension
          final String classname = files[i].substring(0, files[i].length() - 6);
          try {
            // Try to create an instance of the object
            Class.forName(pckgname + "." + classname).newInstance();
            System.out.println("  f.createSymbol(\"" + classname + "\");");
          } catch (final ClassNotFoundException cnfex) {
          } catch (final InstantiationException iex) {
            // We try to instantiate an interface
            // or an object that does not have a
            // default constructor
          } catch (final IllegalAccessException iaex) {
            // The class is not public
  public static void main(final String[] args) {
    // generateTemplates("org.matheclipse.core.reflection.system");
    // return;

    // generateCoreRules("org.matheclipse.core.reflection.system");
    // System.out.println("public static void init() {");
    // System.out.println(" ExpressionFactory f =
    // ExpressionFactory.get();");
    // generateCoreRules("org.matheclipse.core.reflection.system");
    // System.out.println("}");
    // System.out.println("\n--------------------\n");

    // generate list of symbols
    generateJFlexKeywords("org.matheclipse.core.reflection.system", 1);

    // generate javascript:
    System.out.println("private final String[] COMPLETIONS = { ");

    generateJavaScript("org.matheclipse.core.reflection.system", false);






Beispiel #10
 public IExpr evaluate(final IAST ast) {
   if (ast.size() != 2) {
     return null;
   return F.stringx(new StringBuffer(ast.get(1).fullFormString()));
Beispiel #11
  public IExpr evaluate(final IAST ast) {
    Validate.checkRange(ast, 3);

    if (ast.size() == 3 && ast.get(2).isList() && ((IAST) ast.get(2)).size() == 4) {
      IAST list = (IAST) ast.get(2);
      if (ast.get(1).isPlus()) {
        return ((IAST) ast.get(1)).map(Functors.replace1st(F.Sum(F.Null, ast.get(2))));
      if (list.get(1).isSymbol() && list.get(2).isInteger() && list.get(3).isSymbol()) {
        final ISymbol var = (ISymbol) list.get(1);
        final IInteger from = (IInteger) list.get(2);
        final ISymbol to = (ISymbol) list.get(3);
        if (ast.get(1).isFree(var, true) && ast.get(1).isFree(to, true)) {
          if (from.equals(F.C1)) {
            return F.Times(to, ast.get(1));
          if (from.equals(F.C0)) {
            return F.Times(Plus(to, C1), ast.get(1));
        } else {
          if (ast.get(1).isTimes()) {
            // Sum[ Times[a,b,c,...], {var, from, to} ]
            IAST filterCollector = F.Times();
            IAST restCollector = F.Times();
            ((IAST) ast.get(1))
                    new Predicate<IExpr>() {
                      public boolean apply(IExpr input) {
                        return input.isFree(var, true) && input.isFree(to, true);
            if (filterCollector.size() > 1) {
              if (restCollector.size() == 2) {
                filterCollector.add(F.Sum(restCollector.get(1), ast.get(2)));
              } else {
                filterCollector.add(F.Sum(restCollector, ast.get(2)));
              return filterCollector;

          if (from.equals(F.C0)) {
            IExpr repl =
                ast.get(1).replaceAll(F.List(F.Rule(var, F.Slot(F.C1)), F.Rule(to, F.Slot(F.C2))));
            if (repl != null) {
              IExpr temp = MAP_0_N.get(repl);
              if (temp != null) {
                return temp.replaceAll(F.Rule(F.Slot(F.C1), to));
        if (from.isPositive()) {
          return F.Subtract(
              F.Sum(ast.get(1), F.List(var, C0, to)),
              F.Sum(ast.get(1), F.List(var, C0, from.minus(F.C1))));
    IAST resultList = Plus();
    IExpr temp = evaluateTable(ast, resultList, C0);
    if (temp.equals(resultList)) {
      return null;
    return temp;
Beispiel #12
  public void testHashValueVisitor() {
    HashValueVisitor v = new HashValueVisitor(1);
    IExpr expr = F.Power(F.Sin(F.Log(F.C1)), F.C2);
    int hash = expr.accept(v);
    assertEquals(hash, -1895901688);

    expr = F.Power(F.Sin(F.Cos(F.C3)), F.C2);
    hash = expr.accept(v);
    assertEquals(hash, -1895901688);

    expr = F.Power(F.Sin(F.$p("x")), F.C2);
    hash = expr.accept(v);
    assertEquals(hash, -1895901688);

    expr = F.Power(F.Cos(F.Sin(F.C3)), F.C2);
    hash = expr.accept(v);
    assertEquals(hash, -1896372423);
Beispiel #13
 public VisitorTestCase(String name) {
   F.initSymbols(null, null, false);