Beispiel #1
 public void setFont(String fontName, int type, int size) {
   setFont(LFont.getFont(fontName, type, size));
Beispiel #2
 * Copyright 2008 - 2011
 * <p>Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * <p>
 * <p>Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
 * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either
 * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * @project loonframework
 * @author chenpeng
 * @email:[email protected]
 * @version 0.1
public interface SRPGType {

  static final String[][] BACK_MENU_1 = {
    {"回合结束", "交战双方", "设定", "重新开始"},
    {"回合結束", "交戰雙方", "設定", "重新開始"},
    {"ターンの终わり", "紛争当事者", "設定", "ゲームを再起动します"},
    {"Turn the End", "Warring parties", "Set", "Restart"}

  static final String[][] BACK_MENU_2 = {
    {"地图棋盘", "敌我标识", "行动完毕标识", "敌方行动显示"},
    {"地圖棋盤", "敵我標識", "行動完畢標識", "敵方行動顯示"},
    {"地図グリッド", "識別敵か味方", "表示の終了のアクション", "表示の敵のアクション"},
    {"Map Grid", "Difference", "Action completed", "Enemy action"}

  static final String[][] BATTLE = {
    {"战斗方式", "道具", "转换方向", "属性", "行动结束"},
    {"戰鬥方式", "道具", "轉換方向", "屬性", "行動結束"},
    {"戦闘の方法", "どうぐ", "方向転換", "ステータスウィンドウ", "ターンの终わり"},
    {"Skills", "Item", "Change direction", "Status", "Action the End"}

  static final String[][] STRING_CARRY = {
    {"目标内魔法对象不存在", "指定移动对象", "请指定传送目标", "确定传送", "取消传送"},
    {"目標內魔法對象不存在", "指定移動對象", "請指定傳送目標", "確定傳送", "取消傳送"},
    {"この魔法の対象となるキャラクターが存在しません", "キャラクターの移動先を指定してください", "転送オブジェクトを指定してください", "指定位置に移動する", "移動しない"},
      "Target object does not exist", "Moving objects specified",
      "Move the character selection", "Agreed to move",
      "Do not agree to move"

  static final String[][] WINNER_LOSER = {
    {"你的战斗胜利了 !", "你的战斗失败了 !"},
    {"你的戰鬥勝利了 !", "你的戰鬥失敗了 !"},
    {"敵を殲滅しました !", "敵に倒されてしまいました !"},
    {"You're a Winner !", "You're a Loser !"}

  static final String[][] YES_NO = {
    {"确定选择", "放弃选择"}, {"確定選擇", "放棄選擇"}, {"選択を確認するには", "選択した項目をあきらめる"}, {"I Agree", "Does not Agree"}

  static final String[][] DISPLAY = {
    {"显示", "不显示"}, {"顯示", "不顯示"}, {"設定する", "設定しない"}, {"Display", "Not on Display"}

  static final String[][] NO_SUPPORT = {
    {"当前选项无法使用"}, {"當前選項無法使用"}, {"現在のオプションは使用できません"}, {"The current option is not available"}

  static final String[][] TOUCH_NO_SUPPORT = {
    {"The target of your choice can not be operated"}

  static final String[][] STOP = {
    {"是否中止回合?", "是否重新开始?"},
    {"是否中止回合?", "是否重新開始?"},
    {"本当にフェイズを終了しますか?", "再起動するかどうか?"},
    {"End of turn ?", "Restart ?"}

  // 默认文字
  public static final LFont DEFAULT_FONT = LFont.getFont("黑体", 0, 20);

  public static final LFont DEFAULT_BIG_FONT = LFont.getFont("黑体", 1, 35);

  // ---- 默认的地形 ----//
  // 平地
  public static final int ELEMENT_FLAT = 0;

  // 山丘
  public static final int ELEMENT_HILL = 1;

  // 耕地
  public static final int ELEMENT_FARMLAND = 2;

  // 荒野
  public static final int ELEMENT_WILDERNESS = 3;

  // 沼泽
  public static final int ELEMENT_SWAMP = 4;

  // 河水
  public static final int ELEMENT_RIVER = 5;

  // 海
  public static final int ELEMENT_SEA = 6;

  // 雪
  public static final int ELEMENT_SNOW = 7;

  // 冰山
  public static final int ELEMENT_ICEBERGW = 8;

  // 沙地
  public static final int ELEMENT_SANDY = 9;

  // 沙丘
  public static final int ELEMENT_DUNE = 10;

  // 墙
  public static final int ELEMENT_WALL = 11;

  // 岩石
  public static final int ELEMENT_ROCK = 12;

  // 宫殿
  public static final int ELEMENT_PALACE = 13;

  // 城墙
  public static final int ELEMENT_CITYWALL = 14;

  // 泥潭
  public static final int ELEMENT_MIRE = 15;

  // 室内
  public static final int ELEMENT_INDOOR = 16;

  // 堤坝
  public static final int ELEMENT_DAM = 17;

  // 道路
  public static final int ELEMENT_ROAD = 18;

  // 湿地
  public static final int ELEMENT_WETLAND = 19;

  // 烈火
  public static final int ELEMENT_AGNI = 20;

  // 核污染
  public static final int ELEMENT_NUCLEAR = 21;

  // ---- 地形结束 ----//

  // ---- 默认的AI ----//
  // 普通的AI运算
  public static final int TYPE_NORMAL = 0;

  // 什么也不做,等待下一个处理
  public static final int TYPE_WAIT = 1;

  // 牧师类职业AI运算
  public static final int TYPE_PRIEST = 2;

  // 法师类职业AI运算
  public static final int TYPE_WIZARD = 3;

  // 不进行移动
  public static final int TYPE_NOMOVE = 4;

  // 采取逃避策略
  public static final int TYPE_ESCAPE = 5;

  // 牧师类职业AI运算(选择较低生命值的对象进行技能释放)
  public static final int TYPE_PRIEST_LOWER = 6;

  // 通常
  public static final int NORMAL[] = {TYPE_NORMAL};

  // 待机
  public static final int WAIT[] = {TYPE_WAIT};

  // 牧师模式
  public static final int PRIEST[] = {TYPE_PRIEST};

  // 巫师模式
  public static final int WIZARD[] = {TYPE_WIZARD};

  // 不动明王模式(原地不动,但依旧有攻击等行为)
  public static final int NOMOVE[] = {TYPE_NOMOVE};

  // 逃往模式(回避战斗,疯狂的往边缘移动)
  public static final int ESCAPE[] = {TYPE_ESCAPE};

  // 牧师模式(以救死为要务)
  public static final int PRIESTLOWER[] = {TYPE_PRIEST_LOWER};

  // 魔战士模式(一回合魔法为主,一回合攻击为主)
  public static final int WIZARD_NORMAL[] = {TYPE_WIZARD, TYPE_NORMAL};

  // 魔法专精模式(一回合治疗魔法,一回合攻击魔法)
  public static final int PRIEST_WIZARD[] = {TYPE_PRIEST_LOWER, TYPE_WIZARD};

  // 僧侣战士模式(一回合攻击,一回合治疗)
  public static final int NORMAL_PRIEST[] = {TYPE_PRIEST, TYPE_NORMAL};

  // 混合模式(一回合攻击,一回合治疗,一回合魔法)

  // 顽抗模式(不动,物理攻击,魔法攻击,补血,逃跑……)
  public static final int STUBBORNLYRESIST[] = {

  // 女祭司模式(传统SRPG游戏中很常见的,一边补血一边逃跑那种……)
  public static final int[] PRIESTESS = {TYPE_PRIEST, TYPE_ESCAPE};

  // ---- AI结束 ----//

  // ---- 默认的地图显示方式 ----//
  public static final int FIELD_NORMAL = 0;

  public static final int FIELD_BIGMAP = 1;

  public static final int FIELD_BLEND = 2;

  // ---- 地图结束 ----//

  // ---- 角色重要度 ----//

  public static final int LEADER_NO = 0;

  public static final int LEADER_NORMAL = 1;

  public static final int LEADER_MAIN = 2;

  // ---- 移动方向 ----//

  public static final int MOVE_DOWN = 0;

  public static final int MOVE_LEFT = 1;

  public static final int MOVE_RIGHT = 2;

  public static final int MOVE_UP = 3;

  // ---- 战斗进程处理 ----//

  public static final int PROC_ENEMY = -1;

  public static final int PROC_NORMAL = 0;

  public static final int PROC_MOVEVIEW = 1;

  public static final int PROC_MOVING = 2;

  public static final int PROC_COMMAND = 3;

  public static final int PROC_CHANGEVECTOR = 4;

  public static final int PROC_ABILITYSELECT = 5;

  public static final int PROC_ABILITYTARGET = 6;

  public static final int PROC_TARGETSURE = 7;

  public static final int PROC_ATTACK = 8;

  public static final int PROC_COUNTER = 9;

  // ---- 允许攻击的目标类型 ----//

  public static final int TARGET_ENEMY = 0;

  public static final int TARGET_FRIEND = 1;

  public static final int TARGET_ALL = 2;

  // ---- 技能类型 ----//

  public static final int GENRE_ATTACK = 0;

  public static final int GENRE_RECOVERY = 1;

  public static final int GENRE_HELPER = 2;

  public static final int GENRE_CURE = 3;

  public static final int GENRE_MPDAMAGE = 4;

  public static final int GENRE_MPRECOVERY = 5;

  public static final int GENRE_ALLDAMAGE = 6;

  public static final int GENRE_ALLRECOVERY = 7;

  // ---- 是否允许反击 ----//

  public static final int SELECTNEED_YES = 0;

  public static final int SELECTNEED_NO = 1;
Beispiel #3
 public Label(String label, String font, int type, int size, int x, int y) {
   this(LFont.getFont(font, type, size), label, x, y);