void setConfig(Configuration config) {
   log.debug("config: " + config);
   proxyHost = config.get(PARAM_PROXY_HOST);
   proxyPort = config.getInt(PARAM_PROXY_PORT, DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT);
   if (StringUtil.isNullString(proxyHost) || proxyPort <= 0) {
     String http_proxy = System.getenv("http_proxy");
     if (!StringUtil.isNullString(http_proxy)) {
       try {
         HostPortParser hpp = new HostPortParser(http_proxy);
         proxyHost = hpp.getHost();
         proxyPort = hpp.getPort();
       } catch (HostPortParser.InvalidSpec e) {
         log.warning("Can't parse http_proxy environment var, ignoring: " + http_proxy + ": " + e);
   if (StringUtil.isNullString(proxyHost) || proxyPort <= 0) {
     proxyHost = null;
   } else {
     log.info("Proxying through " + proxyHost + ":" + proxyPort);
   userAgent = config.get(PARAM_USER_AGENT);
   if (StringUtil.isNullString(userAgent)) {
     userAgent = null;
   } else {
     log.debug("Setting User-Agent to " + userAgent);
Beispiel #2
 public void export() {
   log.debug("export(" + au.getName() + ")");
       "dir: "
           + dir
           + ", pref: "
           + prefix
           + ", size: "
           + maxSize
           + ", ver: "
           + maxVersions
           + (compress ? ", (C)" : ""));
   try {
   } catch (IOException e) {
     recordError("Error opening file", e);
   try {
   } catch (IOException e) {
     if (!isDiskFull) {
       // If we already knew (and reported) disk full, also reporting it
       // as a close error is misleading.
       recordError("Error closing file", e);
 // If there is a <title> element on the start page, use that as our AU
 // name.
 String recomputeRegName() {
   if (!isStarted()) {
     // This can get invoked (seveeral times, mostly from logging) before
     // enough mechanism has started to make it possible to resolve the CuUrl
     // below.
     return null;
   try {
     CachedUrl cu = makeCachedUrl(m_registryUrl);
     if (cu == null) return null;
     URL cuUrl = CuUrl.fromCu(cu);
     Parser parser = new Parser(cuUrl.toString());
     NodeList nodelst = parser.extractAllNodesThatMatch(new NodeClassFilter(TitleTag.class));
     Node nodes[] = nodelst.toNodeArray();
     recomputeRegName = false;
     if (nodes.length < 1) return null;
     // Get the first title found
     TitleTag tag = (TitleTag) nodes[0];
     if (tag == null) return null;
     return tag.getTitle();
   } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
     log.warning("recomputeRegName", e);
     return null;
   } catch (ParserException e) {
     if (e.getThrowable() instanceof FileNotFoundException) {
       log.warning("recomputeRegName: " + e.getThrowable().toString());
     } else {
       log.warning("recomputeRegName", e);
     return null;
  /** Create LockssKeystores from config subtree below {@link #PARAM_KEYSTORE} */
  void configureKeyStores(Configuration config) {
    Configuration allKs = config.getConfigTree(PARAM_KEYSTORE);
    for (Iterator iter = allKs.nodeIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      String id = (String) iter.next();
      Configuration oneKs = allKs.getConfigTree(id);
      try {
        LockssKeyStore lk = createLockssKeyStore(oneKs);
        String name = lk.getName();
        if (name == null) {
          log.error("KeyStore definition missing name: " + oneKs);
        LockssKeyStore old = keystoreMap.get(name);
        if (old != null && !lk.equals(old)) {
              "Keystore "
                  + name
                  + " redefined.  "
                  + "New definition may not take effect until daemon restart");

        log.debug("Adding keystore " + name);
        keystoreMap.put(name, lk);

      } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Couldn't create keystore: " + oneKs, e);
 public void emitMetadata(ArticleFiles af, ArticleMetadata md) {
   if (log.isDebug3()) log.debug3("emit(" + af + ", " + md + ")");
   if (md != null) {
     log.debug3("add " + md + " to amlist");
  public void testFunctionalFromTarHierarchy() throws Exception {
    log.debug3("in testFromTarHierarchy");
    // load the tarballs
    InputStream file_input = null;
    try {
      file_input = getResourceAsStream(realTARFile_A);
      // UrlCacher uc = au.makeUrlCacher(TAR_A_BASE);
      // uc.storeContent(file_input, tarHeader);
      UrlCacher uc = tarAu.makeUrlCacher(new UrlData(file_input, tarHeader, TAR_A_BASE));

      file_input = getResourceAsStream(realTARFile_B);
      // uc = au.makeUrlCacher(TAR_B_BASE);
      // uc.storeContent(file_input, tarHeader);
      uc = tarAu.makeUrlCacher(new UrlData(file_input, tarHeader, TAR_B_BASE));

    } catch (IOException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } finally {

    CachedUrlSet cus = tarAu.getAuCachedUrlSet();
    for (CachedUrl cu : cus.getCuIterable()) {
      log.debug3("AU - cu is: " + cu.getUrl());

    // We need to start from the level of the ArticleMetadataExtractor
    MyListEmitter emitter = new MyListEmitter();
    ArticleMetadataExtractor amEx =
        new ElsevierDeferredArticleMetadataExtractor(ArticleFiles.ROLE_ARTICLE_METADATA);

    Iterator<ArticleFiles> it = tarAu.getArticleIterator(MetadataTarget.Any());
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      ArticleFiles af = it.next();
      log.debug3("Metadata test - articlefiles " + af.toString());
      // CachedUrl cu = af.getFullTextCu();
      CachedUrl cu = af.getRoleCu(ArticleFiles.ROLE_ARTICLE_METADATA);
      log.debug3("metadata cu is " + cu.getUrl());
      // List<ArticleMetadata> mdlist = mle.extract(MetadataTarget.Any(), cu);
      amEx.extract(MetadataTarget.Any(), af, emitter);
      List<ArticleMetadata> returnList = emitter.getAmList();

      log.debug3("size of returnList is " + returnList.size());
      Iterator<ArticleMetadata> mdIt = returnList.iterator();
      ArticleMetadata mdRecord = null;
      while (mdIt.hasNext()) {
        mdRecord = (ArticleMetadata) mdIt.next();
  public void testArticleCountAndType() throws Exception {
    int expCount = 28;
    String pat1 = "branch(\\d+)/(\\d+file\\.html)";
    String rep1 = "aps/journal/v123/n$1/full/$2";
    PluginTestUtil.copyAu(sau, nau, ".*[^.][^p][^d][^f]$", pat1, rep1);
    String pat2 = "branch(\\d+)/(\\d+file\\.pdf)";
    String rep2 = "aps/journal/v123/n$1/pdf/$2";
    PluginTestUtil.copyAu(sau, nau, ".*\\.pdf$", pat2, rep2);

    // Remove some URLs
    int deleted = 0;
    for (Iterator it = nau.getAuCachedUrlSet().contentHashIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      CachedUrlSetNode cusn = (CachedUrlSetNode) it.next();
      if (cusn instanceof CachedUrl) {
        CachedUrl cu = (CachedUrl) cusn;
        String url = cu.getUrl();
        if (url.contains("/journal/")
            && (url.endsWith("1file.html") || url.endsWith("2file.pdf"))) {
    assertEquals(8, deleted);

    Iterator<ArticleFiles> it = nau.getArticleIterator();
    int count = 0;
    int countHtmlOnly = 0;
    int countPdfOnly = 0;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      ArticleFiles af = it.next();
      CachedUrl cu = af.getFullTextCu();
      String url = cu.getUrl();
      String contentType = cu.getContentType();
      log.debug("count " + count + " url " + url + " " + contentType);
      if (af.getRoleUrl(ArticleFiles.ROLE_FULL_TEXT_PDF) == null) {
      if (af.getRoleUrl(ArticleFiles.ROLE_FULL_TEXT_PDF) == url) {
    log.debug("Article count is " + count);
    assertEquals(expCount, count);
    assertEquals(4, countHtmlOnly);
    assertEquals(4, countPdfOnly);
   * When testing no-pdf-check basic XML parsing, you will get partial MD records
   * depending on whether the info comes from dataset.xml or from main.xml
  private void validateDatasetMetadataRecord(ArticleMetadata am) {
    String doi_val = am.get(MetadataField.FIELD_DOI);
    assertEquals(common_issn, am.get(MetadataField.FIELD_ISSN));

    log.debug3("doi val is: " + doi_val);
    // The dataset doesn't set this value, it'll fail over the main.xml value
    if (doi_val.equals("10.1016/S0140-1111(14)61865-1")) {
      assertEquals(null, am.get(MetadataField.FIELD_DATE));
    } else {
      assertEquals(dateMap.get(doi_val), am.get(MetadataField.FIELD_DATE));
    assertEquals(pubTitleMap.get(doi_val), am.get(MetadataField.FIELD_PUBLICATION_TITLE));
Beispiel #9
 private void checkSubstance(ArchivalUnit au) {
   SubstanceChecker subChecker = new SubstanceChecker(au);
   if (!subChecker.isEnabled()) {
     errMsg = "No substance patterns defined for plugin.";
   AuState auState = AuUtil.getAuState(au);
   SubstanceChecker.State oldState = auState.getSubstanceState();
   SubstanceChecker.State newState = subChecker.findSubstance();
   String chtxt = (newState == oldState ? "(unchanged)" : "(was " + oldState.toString() + ")");
   switch (newState) {
     case Unknown:
       log.error("Shouldn't happen: SubstanceChecker returned Unknown");
       errMsg = "Error in SubstanceChecker; see log.";
     case Yes:
       statusMsg = "AU has substance " + chtxt + ": " + au.getName();
     case No:
       statusMsg = "AU has no substance " + chtxt + ": " + au.getName();
  /** Create LockssKeystore from a config subtree */
  LockssKeyStore createLockssKeyStore(Configuration config) {
    log.debug2("Creating LockssKeyStore from config: " + config);
    String name = config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_NAME);
    LockssKeyStore lk = new LockssKeyStore(name);

    String file = config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_FILE);
    String resource = config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_RESOURCE);
    String url = config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_URL);

    if (!StringUtil.isNullString(file)) {
      lk.setLocation(file, LocationType.File);
    } else if (!StringUtil.isNullString(resource)) {
      lk.setLocation(resource, LocationType.Resource);
    } else if (!StringUtil.isNullString(url)) {
      lk.setLocation(url, LocationType.Url);

    lk.setType(config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_TYPE, defaultKeyStoreType));
    lk.setProvider(config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_PROVIDER, defaultKeyStoreProvider));
    lk.setMayCreate(config.getBoolean(KEYSTORE_PARAM_CREATE, DEFAULT_CREATE));
    return lk;
 protected void checkLeaf(SimulatedArchivalUnit sau) {
   String parent = sau.getUrlRoot() + "/branch1";
   CachedUrlSetSpec spec = new RangeCachedUrlSetSpec(parent);
   CachedUrlSet set = sau.makeCachedUrlSet(spec);
   Iterator setIt = set.contentHashIterator();
   ArrayList childL = new ArrayList(16);
   while (setIt.hasNext()) {
     childL.add(((CachedUrlSetNode) setIt.next()).getUrl());
   String[] expectedA =
       new String[] {
         parent + "/001file.html",
         parent + "/001file.txt",
         parent + "/002file.html",
         parent + "/002file.txt",
         parent + "/branch1",
         parent + "/branch1/001file.html",
         parent + "/branch1/001file.txt",
         parent + "/branch1/002file.html",
         parent + "/branch1/002file.txt",
         parent + "/branch1/index.html",
         parent + "/branch2",
         parent + "/branch2/001file.html",
         parent + "/branch2/001file.txt",
         parent + "/branch2/002file.html",
         parent + "/branch2/002file.txt",
         parent + "/branch2/index.html",
         parent + "/index.html",
   assertIsomorphic(expectedA, childL);
  protected void checkRoot(SimulatedArchivalUnit sau) {
    CachedUrlSet set = sau.getAuCachedUrlSet();
    Iterator setIt = set.flatSetIterator();
    ArrayList childL = new ArrayList(1);
    CachedUrlSet cus = null;
    while (setIt.hasNext()) {
      cus = (CachedUrlSet) setIt.next();

    String urlRoot = sau.getUrlRoot();

    String[] expectedA = new String[1];
    expectedA[0] = urlRoot;
    assertIsomorphic(expectedA, childL);

    setIt = cus.flatSetIterator();
    childL = new ArrayList(7);
    while (setIt.hasNext()) {
      childL.add(((CachedUrlSetNode) setIt.next()).getUrl());

    expectedA =
        new String[] {
          urlRoot + "/001file.html",
          urlRoot + "/001file.txt",
          urlRoot + "/002file.html",
          urlRoot + "/002file.txt",
          urlRoot + "/branch1",
          urlRoot + "/branch2",
          urlRoot + "/index.html"
    assertIsomorphic(expectedA, childL);
   * Method that creates a simulated Cached URL from the source code provided by the goodContent
   * String. It then asserts that the metadata extracted, by using the
   * MetaPressRisMetadataExtractorFactory, match the metadata in the source code.
   * @throws Exception
  public void testExtractGoodRisContent() throws Exception {
    String goodContent = createGoodRisContent();

    List<ArticleMetadata> mdlist = setupContentForAU(bau1, RIS_URL, goodContent, false);
    ArticleMetadata md = mdlist.get(0);

    assertEquals(goodVolume, md.get(MetadataField.FIELD_VOLUME));
    assertEquals(goodIssue, md.get(MetadataField.FIELD_ISSUE));
    assertEquals(goodStartPage, md.get(MetadataField.FIELD_START_PAGE));
    assertEquals(goodEndPage, md.get(MetadataField.FIELD_END_PAGE));
    assertEquals(goodIssn, md.get(MetadataField.FIELD_ISSN));
    Iterator<String> actAuthIter = md.getList(MetadataField.FIELD_AUTHOR).iterator();
    for (String expAuth : goodAuthors) {
      assertEquals(expAuth, actAuthIter.next());
    assertEquals(goodTitle, md.get(MetadataField.FIELD_ARTICLE_TITLE));
    assertEquals(goodJournal, md.get(MetadataField.FIELD_PUBLICATION_TITLE));
    assertEquals(goodDate, md.get(MetadataField.FIELD_DATE));

    assertEquals(goodPublisher, md.get(MetadataField.FIELD_PUBLISHER));
    assertEquals(goodDOI, md.get(MetadataField.FIELD_DOI));
    // This shouldn't get set. It will default later to fuill_text_cu
    assertNotEquals(doiURL, md.get(MetadataField.FIELD_ACCESS_URL));
 protected void checkContent(SimulatedArchivalUnit sau) throws IOException {
   * You will have to tell it the DOI and the schema because those normally come from dataset
  private void validateSingleMainMetadataRecord(ArticleMetadata am, String doi_val, String schema) {
    if ("simple-article".equals(schema)) {
      assertEquals(common_simple_article_title, am.get(MetadataField.FIELD_ARTICLE_TITLE));
    } else {
      assertEquals(common_article_title, am.get(MetadataField.FIELD_ARTICLE_TITLE));

    log.debug3("doi val is: " + doi_val);
    assertEquals(authorMap.get(doi_val), am.getList(MetadataField.FIELD_AUTHOR));
    assertEquals(volMap.get(doi_val), am.get(MetadataField.FIELD_VOLUME));
    assertEquals(issueMap.get(doi_val), am.get(MetadataField.FIELD_ISSUE));
    assertEquals("Comment", am.getRaw(ElsevierMainDTD5XmlSchemaHelper.common_dochead));
    assertEquals(doi_val, am.getRaw(ElsevierMainDTD5XmlSchemaHelper.common_doi));
    assertEquals("2014", am.getRaw(ElsevierMainDTD5XmlSchemaHelper.common_copyright));
Beispiel #16
  * Returns the base url of the provided CachedUrl, checking to see if it's the result of a
  * redirect.
 public static String getBaseUrl(CachedUrl cu) {
   // See the comments in LockssResourceHandler.handleLockssRedirect();
   // this is the same logic.
   CIProperties props = cu.getProperties();
   if (props != null) {
     String redir = props.getProperty(CachedUrl.PROPERTY_CONTENT_URL);
     if (redir != null) {
       return redir;
     } else {
       String url = cu.getUrl();
       String nodeUrl = props.getProperty(CachedUrl.PROPERTY_NODE_URL);
       if (nodeUrl != null && !nodeUrl.equals(url)) {
         log.debug("getBaseUrl(" + url + "), nodeUrl: " + nodeUrl);
         if (dirNodeCheckSlash) {
           URI uri = new URI(url);
           if (!uri.getPath().endsWith("/")) {
             URI nodeUri = new URI(nodeUrl);
             if (nodeUri.getPath().endsWith("/")) {
               return nodeUrl;
         } else {
           return nodeUrl;
   return cu.getUrl();
 void stopThread() {
   if (sizeCalcThread != null) {
     log.debug2("Stopping thread");
     sizeCalcThread = null;
 protected void logParams() {
   Enumeration en = req.getParameterNames();
   while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
     String name = (String) en.nextElement();
     String vals[];
     String dispval;
     if (StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(name, "passw") >= 0) {
       dispval = req.getParameter(name).length() == 0 ? "" : "********";
     } else if (log.isDebug2() && (vals = req.getParameterValues(name)).length > 1) {
       dispval = StringUtil.separatedString(vals, ", ");
     } else {
       dispval = req.getParameter(name);
     log.debug(name + " = " + dispval);
 private void deleteBlock(CachedUrl cu) throws IOException {
   log.info("deleting " + cu.getUrl());
   CachedUrlSetSpec cuss = new SingleNodeCachedUrlSetSpec(cu.getUrl());
   ArchivalUnit au = cu.getArchivalUnit();
   CachedUrlSet cus = au.makeCachedUrlSet(cuss);
   NodeManager nm = au.getPlugin().getDaemon().getNodeManager(au);
 public void testSimpleMainXML() throws Exception {
   String xml_url = TAR_A_BASE + SUBDIR + "01420615/v64sC/S0142061514004608/main.xml";
   List<ArticleMetadata> mdList =
       extractFromContent(xml_url, "text/xml", simpleMain, nocheck_mle, null);
   assertEquals(1, mdList.size());
   validateSingleMainMetadataRecord(mdList.get(0), "10.1016/j.jidx.2014.07.028", "article");
 /** engqueue a size calculation for the node */
 public void queueSizeCalc(RepositoryNode node) {
   synchronized (sizeCalcQueue) {
     if (sizeCalcQueue.add(node)) {
       log.debug2("Queue size calc: " + node);
Beispiel #22
 protected String getHostIp() {
   try {
     IPAddr localHost = IPAddr.getLocalHost();
     return localHost.getHostAddress();
   } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
     log.error("getHostIp()", e);
     return "";
 void startOrKickThread() {
   if (sizeCalcThread == null) {
     log.debug2("Starting thread");
     sizeCalcThread = new SizeCalcThread();
 public PlatformUtil.DF getRepositoryDF(String repoName) {
   String path = LockssRepositoryImpl.getLocalRepositoryPath(repoName);
   log.debug("path: " + path);
   //    try {
   return platInfo.getJavaDF(path);
   //    } catch (PlatformUtil.UnsupportedException e) {
   //      return null;
   //    }
  * Checks the consistency of the node, and continues with its children if it's consistent.
  * @param node RepositoryNodeImpl the node to check
 private void recurseConsistencyCheck(RepositoryNodeImpl node) {
   logger.debug2("Checking node '" + node.getNodeUrl() + "'...");
   // check consistency at each node
   // correct/deactivate as necessary
   // 'checkNodeConsistency()' will repair if possible
   if (node.checkNodeConsistency()) {
     logger.debug3("Node consistent; recursing on children...");
     List children = node.getNodeList(null, false);
     Iterator iter = children.iterator();
     while (iter.hasNext()) {
       RepositoryNodeImpl child = (RepositoryNodeImpl) iter.next();
   } else {
     logger.debug3("Node inconsistent; deactivating...");
Beispiel #26
 private void forceV3Poll() {
   ArchivalUnit au = getAu();
   if (au == null) return;
   try {
   } catch (Exception e) {
     log.error("Can't start poll", e);
     errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString();
 protected void checkDepth(SimulatedArchivalUnit sau) {
   String URL_ROOT = sau.getUrlRoot();
   assertEquals(0, sau.getLinkDepth(URL_ROOT + "/index.html"));
   assertEquals(0, sau.getLinkDepth(URL_ROOT + "/"));
   assertEquals(1, sau.getLinkDepth(URL_ROOT + "/001file.html"));
   assertEquals(1, sau.getLinkDepth(URL_ROOT + "/branch1/index.html"));
   assertEquals(1, sau.getLinkDepth(URL_ROOT + "/branch1/"));
   assertEquals(2, sau.getLinkDepth(URL_ROOT + "/branch1/001file.html"));
Beispiel #28
 private void doDisableMetadataIndexing() {
   ArchivalUnit au = getAu();
   if (au == null) return;
   try {
     disableMetadataIndexing(au, false);
   } catch (RuntimeException e) {
     log.error("Can't disable metadata indexing", e);
     errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString();
Beispiel #29
 private void forceReindexMetadata() {
   ArchivalUnit au = getAu();
   if (au == null) return;
   try {
     startReindexingMetadata(au, true);
   } catch (RuntimeException e) {
     log.error("Can't reindex metadata", e);
     errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString();
Beispiel #30
 private void doCheckSubstance() {
   ArchivalUnit au = getAu();
   if (au == null) return;
   try {
   } catch (RuntimeException e) {
     log.error("Error in SubstanceChecker", e);
     errMsg = "Error in SubstanceChecker; see log.";