Beispiel #1
     name = {"new_out", "alloc_out", "__alloc_out"},
     meta = true)
 public static Buffer allocateOutput(
     ThreadContext context,
     IRubyObject recv,
     IRubyObject sizeArg,
     IRubyObject countArg,
     IRubyObject clearArg) {
   return allocate(context, recv, sizeArg, RubyFixnum.fix2int(countArg), OUT);
Beispiel #2
  @JRubyMethod(name = "truncate", required = 1)
  public IRubyObject truncate(IRubyObject len) {

    int l = RubyFixnum.fix2int(len);
    int plen = ptr.string.size();
    if (l < 0) {
      throw getRuntime().newErrnoEINVALError("negative legnth");
    ByteList buf = ptr.string.getByteList();
    if (plen < l) {
      // zero the gap
      Arrays.fill(buf.getUnsafeBytes(), buf.getBegin() + plen, buf.getBegin() + l, (byte) 0);
    return len;
  public IRubyObject bind(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject addr, IRubyObject backlog) {
    final InetSocketAddress iaddr;

    if (addr instanceof Addrinfo) {
      Addrinfo addrInfo = (Addrinfo) addr;
      if (!addrInfo.ip_p(context).isTrue()) {
        throw context.runtime.newTypeError("not an INET or INET6 address: " + addrInfo);
      iaddr = new InetSocketAddress(addrInfo.getInetAddress().getHostAddress(), addrInfo.getPort());
    } else {
      iaddr = Sockaddr.addressFromSockaddr_in(context, addr);
    doBind(context, getChannel(), iaddr, RubyFixnum.fix2int(backlog));

  @JRubyMethod(name = "truncate", required = 1)
  public IRubyObject truncate(IRubyObject arg) {

    int len = RubyFixnum.fix2int(arg);
    if (len < 0) {
      throw getRuntime().newErrnoEINVALError("negative legnth");

    ByteList buf = data.internal.getByteList();
    if (len < buf.length()) {
      Arrays.fill(buf.getUnsafeBytes(), len, buf.length(), (byte) 0);
    return arg;
Beispiel #5
  private void strioInit(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {
    Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
    RubyString string;
    IRubyObject mode;
    boolean trunc = false;

    switch (args.length) {
      case 2:
        mode = args[1];
        if (mode instanceof RubyFixnum) {
          int flags = RubyFixnum.fix2int(mode);
          ptr.flags = ModeFlags.getOpenFileFlagsFor(flags);
          trunc = (flags & ModeFlags.TRUNC) != 0;
        } else {
          String m = args[1].convertToString().toString();
          ptr.flags = OpenFile.ioModestrFmode(runtime, m);
          trunc = m.charAt(0) == 'w';
        string = args[0].convertToString();
        if ((ptr.flags & OpenFile.WRITABLE) != 0 && string.isFrozen()) {
          throw runtime.newErrnoEACCESError("Permission denied");
        if (trunc) {
      case 1:
        string = args[0].convertToString();
        ptr.flags = string.isFrozen() ? OpenFile.READABLE : OpenFile.READWRITE;
      case 0:
        string = RubyString.newEmptyString(runtime, runtime.getDefaultExternalEncoding());
        ptr.flags = OpenFile.READWRITE;
        throw runtime.newArgumentError(args.length, 2);

    ptr.string = string;
    ptr.pos = 0;
    ptr.lineno = 0;
    // funky way of shifting readwrite flags into object flags
    flags |= (ptr.flags & OpenFile.READWRITE) * (STRIO_READABLE / OpenFile.READABLE);
Beispiel #6
 public static Integer integerOrNull(IRubyObject obj) {
     return (!obj.isNil()) ? RubyFixnum.fix2int(obj) : null;
Beispiel #7
 public static int intOrMinusOne(IRubyObject obj) {
     return (!obj.isNil()) ? RubyFixnum.fix2int(obj) : -1;
Beispiel #8
 private static final int getCount(IRubyObject countArg) {
   return countArg instanceof RubyFixnum ? RubyFixnum.fix2int(countArg) : 1;
Beispiel #9
  public static void buildAddrinfoList(
      ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, AddrinfoCallback callback) {
    Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
    IRubyObject host = args[0];
    IRubyObject port = args[1];
    boolean emptyHost = host.isNil() || host.convertToString().isEmpty();

    try {
      if (port instanceof RubyString) {
        port = getservbyname(context, new IRubyObject[] {port});

      IRubyObject family = args.length > 2 ? args[2] : context.nil;
      IRubyObject socktype = args.length > 3 ? args[3] : context.nil;
      // IRubyObject protocol = args[4];
      IRubyObject flags = args.length > 5 ? args[5] : context.nil;
      IRubyObject reverseArg = args.length > 6 ? args[6] : context.nil;

      // The Ruby Socket.getaddrinfo function supports boolean/nil/Symbol values for the
      // reverse_lookup parameter. We need to massage all valid inputs to true/false/null.
      Boolean reverseLookup = null;
      if (reverseArg instanceof RubyBoolean) {
        reverseLookup = reverseArg.isTrue();
      } else if (reverseArg instanceof RubySymbol) {
        String reverseString = reverseArg.toString();
        if ("hostname".equals(reverseString)) {
          reverseLookup = true;
        } else if ("numeric".equals(reverseString)) {
          reverseLookup = false;
        } else {
          throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid reverse_lookup flag: :" + reverseString);

      AddressFamily addressFamily = AF_INET;
      if (!family.isNil()) {
        addressFamily = addressFamilyFromArg(family);
      boolean is_ipv6 = addressFamily == AddressFamily.AF_INET6;
      boolean sock_stream = true;
      boolean sock_dgram = true;

      Sock sock = SOCK_STREAM;
      if (!socktype.isNil()) {

        if (sock == SOCK_STREAM) {
          sock_dgram = false;

        } else if (sock == SOCK_DGRAM) {
          sock_stream = false;

      // When Socket::AI_PASSIVE and host is nil, return 'any' address.
      InetAddress[] addrs = null;

      if (!flags.isNil() && RubyFixnum.fix2int(flags) > 0) {
        // The value of 1 is for Socket::AI_PASSIVE.
        int flag = RubyNumeric.fix2int(flags);

        if ((flag == 1) && emptyHost) {
          // use RFC 2732 style string to ensure that we get Inet6Address
          addrs = InetAddress.getAllByName(is_ipv6 ? "[::]" : "");

      if (addrs == null) {
        addrs =
                emptyHost ? (is_ipv6 ? "[::1]" : null) : host.convertToString().toString());

      for (int i = 0; i < addrs.length; i++) {
        int p = port.isNil() ? 0 : (int) port.convertToInteger().getLongValue();
        callback.addrinfo(addrs[i], p, sock, reverseLookup);

    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
      throw sockerr(runtime, "getaddrinfo: name or service not known");