Beispiel #1
   * Assist with setting the parameter values on a PreparedStatement
   * @param ps the PreparedStatement for which parameters should be set
   * @param recv
   * @param args an array of parameter values
  private static void prepareStatementFromArgs(
      PreparedStatement ps, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) {
    int index = 1;
    try {
      for (IRubyObject arg : args) {

        // Handle multiple valued arguments, i.e. arrays + ranges

        if (arg instanceof RubyArray) {
          // Handle a RubyArray passed into a query
          // NOTE: This should not call ps.setArray(i,v) as this is
          // designed to work with the SQL Array type, and in most cases
          // is not what we want.
          // Instead, this functionality is for breaking down a Ruby
          // array of ["a","b","c"] into SQL "('a','b','c')":
          // So, in this case, we actually want to augment the number of
          // ? params in the PreparedStatement query appropriately.

          RubyArray array_value = arg.convertToArray();

          for (int j = 0; j < array_value.getLength(); j++) {
            setPreparedStatementParam(ps, recv, array_value.eltInternal(j), index++);

        } else if (arg instanceof RubyRange) {
          // Handle a RubyRange passed into a query
          // NOTE: see above - need to augment the number of ? params
          // in the PreparedStatement: (? AND ?)

          RubyRange range_value = (RubyRange) arg;

          setPreparedStatementParam(ps, recv, range_value.first(), index++);
          setPreparedStatementParam(ps, recv, range_value.last(), index++);

        } else {
          // Otherwise, handle each argument
          setPreparedStatementParam(ps, recv, arg, index++);
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
      // TODO: log sqle.printStackTrace();
      // TODO: possibly move this exception string parsing somewhere else
      Pattern pattern =
              "Parameter index out of bounds. (\\d+) is not between valid values of (\\d+) and (\\d+)");
      Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(sqle.getMessage());
      if (matcher.matches()) {
        throw recv.getRuntime()
                    "Binding mismatch: %1$d for %2$d",
                    Integer.parseInt(, Integer.parseInt(;
      } else {
        throw DataObjectsUtils.newDriverError(recv.getRuntime(), errorName, sqle);
Beispiel #2
  @JRubyMethod(rest = true)
  public static IRubyObject set_types(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) {
    Ruby runtime = recv.getRuntime();
    RubyArray types = RubyArray.newArray(runtime, args);
    RubyArray type_strings = RubyArray.newArray(runtime);

    for (IRubyObject arg : args) {
      if (arg instanceof RubyClass) {
      } else if (arg instanceof RubyArray) {
        for (IRubyObject sub_arg : arg.convertToArray().toJavaArray()) {
          if (sub_arg instanceof RubyClass) {
          } else {
            throw runtime.newArgumentError("Invalid type given");
      } else {
        throw runtime.newArgumentError("Invalid type given");

    api.setInstanceVariable(recv, "@field_types", type_strings);
    return types;
Beispiel #3
  /** Compatibility with Tempfile#make_tmpname(basename, n) in MRI */
  @JRubyMethod(visibility = PRIVATE)
  public IRubyObject make_tmpname(
      ThreadContext context, IRubyObject basename, IRubyObject n, Block block) {
    Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
    IRubyObject[] newargs = new IRubyObject[5];

    IRubyObject base, suffix;
    if (basename instanceof RubyArray) {
      RubyArray array = (RubyArray) basename;
      int length = array.getLength();

      base = length > 0 ? array.eltInternal(0) : runtime.getNil();
      suffix = length > 0 ? array.eltInternal(1) : runtime.getNil();
    } else {
      base = basename;
      suffix = runtime.newString("");

    newargs[0] = runtime.newString("%s.%d.%d%s");
    newargs[1] = base;
    newargs[2] = runtime.getGlobalVariables().get("$$"); // PID
    newargs[3] = n;
    newargs[4] = suffix;
    return callMethod(context, "sprintf", newargs);
 protected RubyArray buildRubyArray(Class[] classes) {
   RubyArray result = getRuntime().newArray(classes.length);
   for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
     result.append(JavaClass.get(getRuntime(), classes[i]));
   return result;
Beispiel #5
   * this method uses the appropriate lookup strategy to find a file. It is used by Kernel#require.
   * @mri rb_find_file
   * @param name the file to find, this is a path name
   * @return the correct file
  protected LoadServiceResource findFileInClasspath(String name) {
    // Look in classpath next (we do not use File as a test since UNC names will match)
    // Note: Jar resources must NEVER begin with an '/'. (previous code said "always begin with a
    // /")
    ClassLoader classLoader = runtime.getJRubyClassLoader();

    // handle security-sensitive case
    if (Ruby.isSecurityRestricted() && classLoader == null) {
      classLoader = runtime.getInstanceConfig().getLoader();

    // absolute classpath URI, no need to iterate over loadpaths
    if (name.startsWith("classpath:/")) {
      LoadServiceResource foundResource = getClassPathResource(classLoader, name);
      if (foundResource != null) {
        return foundResource;
    } else if (name.startsWith("classpath:")) {
      // "relative" classpath URI
      name = name.substring("classpath:".length());

    for (int i = 0; i < loadPath.size(); i++) {
      // TODO this is really inefficient, and potentially a problem everytime anyone require's
      // something.
      // we should try to make LoadPath a special array object.
      RubyString entryString = loadPath.eltInternal(i).convertToString();
      String entry = entryString.asJavaString();

      // if entry is an empty string, skip it
      if (entry.length() == 0) continue;

      // if entry starts with a slash, skip it since classloader resources never start with a /
      if (entry.charAt(0) == '/' || (entry.length() > 1 && entry.charAt(1) == ':')) continue;

      if (entry.startsWith("classpath:/")) {
        entry = entry.substring("classpath:/".length());
      } else if (entry.startsWith("classpath:")) {
        entry = entry.substring("classpath:".length());

      // otherwise, try to load from classpath (Note: Jar resources always uses '/')
      LoadServiceResource foundResource = getClassPathResource(classLoader, entry + "/" + name);
      if (foundResource != null) {
        return foundResource;

    // if name starts with a / we're done (classloader resources won't load with an initial /)
    if (name.charAt(0) == '/' || (name.length() > 1 && name.charAt(1) == ':')) return null;

    // Try to load from classpath without prefix. "A/b.rb" will not load as
    // "./A/b.rb" in a jar file.
    LoadServiceResource foundResource = getClassPathResource(classLoader, name);
    if (foundResource != null) {
      return foundResource;

    return null;
 public IRubyObject op_plus(IRubyObject obj) {
   if (!packed()) return super.op_plus(obj);
   RubyArray y = obj.convertToArray();
   if (y.size() == 0) return new RubyArrayOneObject(this);
   return super.op_plus(y);
Beispiel #7
 public RubyArray unpack(RubyString string, RubyString format) {
   final org.jruby.RubyArray jrubyArray =
       Pack.unpack(getContext().getRuntime(), string.getBytes(), format.getBytes());
   return RubyArray.specializedFromObjects(
       getContext().getCoreLibrary().getArrayClass(), jrubyArray.toArray());
     name = {"create_invoker", "createInvoker"},
     required = 5)
 public IRubyObject createInvoker(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {
   RubyArray paramTypes = (RubyArray) args[3];
   NativeParam[] nativeParamTypes = new NativeParam[paramTypes.size()];
   for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.size(); ++i) {
     IRubyObject obj = (IRubyObject) paramTypes.entry(i);
     if (obj instanceof NativeParam) {
       nativeParamTypes[i] = (NativeParam) obj;
     } else if (obj instanceof RubyInteger) {
       nativeParamTypes[i] = NativeType.valueOf(Util.int32Value(obj));
     } else {
       context.getRuntime().newArgumentError("Invalid parameter type");
   try {
     return createInvoker(
         args[0].isNil() ? null : args[0].toString(),
   } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ex) {
     return context.getRuntime().getNil();
 protected RubyArray buildRubyArray(IRubyObject[] constructors) {
   RubyArray result = getRuntime().newArray(constructors.length);
   for (int i = 0; i < constructors.length; i++) {
   return result;
Beispiel #10
  public void testRubyExceptionBacktraceIncludesJavaOrigin() throws Exception {
    String script =
        "require 'java'\n"
            + "hash = { }\n"
            + "begin; hash['missing']; rescue java.lang.Exception => e; $ex_trace = e.backtrace end \n"
            + "$ex_trace";

    RubyArray trace = (RubyArray) runtime.evalScriptlet(script);

    String fullTrace = trace.join(runtime.getCurrentContext(), runtime.newString("\n")).toString();
    // System.out.println(fullTrace);

    // NOTE: 'unknown' JRuby packages e.g. "org.jruby.test" should not be filtered
    //  ... if they are that hurts stack-traces from extensions such as jruby-rack and jruby-openssl

    boolean hash_default = false;
    for (Object element : trace) {
      if (element.toString().contains("org.jruby.RubyHash.default")) {
        if (hash_default) fail("duplicate " + element + " in : \n" + fullTrace);
        hash_default = true;
    assertTrue("missing org.jruby.RubyHash.default ... in : \n" + fullTrace, hash_default);
Beispiel #11
  * Gets a ruby array of the names of all members of this struct.
  * @return a <tt>RubyArray</tt> containing the names of all members.
 @JRubyMethod(name = "members")
 public IRubyObject members(ThreadContext context) {
   RubyArray mbrs = RubyArray.newArray(context.getRuntime(), fieldNames.size());
   for (IRubyObject name : fieldNames) {
   return mbrs;
Beispiel #12
 public static RubyArray safeArrayToRubyArray(ThreadContext context, SafeArray sa) {
   Variant[] variants = sa.toVariantArray();
   RubyArray ary = RubyArray.newArray(context.getRuntime(), variants.length);
   for (int i = 0; i < variants.length; i++) {
     ary.add(jacobToRuby(context, variants[i]));
   return ary;
Beispiel #13
  @JRubyMethod(backtrace = true)
  public IRubyObject java_method(
      ThreadContext context, IRubyObject rubyName, IRubyObject argTypes) {
    String name = rubyName.asJavaString();
    RubyArray argTypesAry = argTypes.convertToArray();
    Class[] argTypesClasses = (Class[]) argTypesAry.toArray(new Class[argTypesAry.size()]);

    return getRubyMethod(name, argTypesClasses);
Beispiel #14
  public Label interpret(InterpreterContext interp) {
    // ENEBO: Can I assume since IR figured this is an internal array it will be RubyArray like
    // this?
    RubyArray array = (RubyArray) getArg().retrieve(interp);

    getResult().store(interp, array.entry(index));
    return null;
 public void postInvoke(IRubyObject rbValue, long[] arr, ToNativeContext context) {
   if (rbValue instanceof RubyArray && arr != null) {
     RubyArray rbArray = (RubyArray) rbValue;
     Ruby runtime = rbArray.getRuntime();
     for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {, Util.newSigned64(runtime, arr[i]));
Beispiel #16
   * This name may be a bit misleading, since this also attempts to coerce array behavior using
   * to_ary.
   * @param runtime The JRuby runtime
   * @param value The value to convert
   * @param coerce Whether to coerce using to_ary or just wrap with an array
  public static RubyArray convertToRubyArray(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject value, boolean coerce) {
    if (value == null) {
      return RubyArray.newEmptyArray(runtime);

    if (coerce) return convertToRubyArrayWithCoerce(runtime, value);

    // don't attempt to coerce to array, just wrap and return
    return RubyArray.newArrayLight(runtime, value);
Beispiel #17
  private Object[] convertArguments(final RubyArray arguments) {
    final int argsSize = arguments.size();

    final Object[] args = new Object[argsSize];
    final Class<?>[] parameterTypes = getParameterTypes();

    for (int i = 0; i < argsSize; i++) {
      args[i] = arguments.eltInternal(i).toJava(parameterTypes[i]);
    return args;
Beispiel #18
    @JRubyMethod(name = "to_a")
    public static IRubyObject s_hist_to_a(IRubyObject recv) throws Exception {
      Ruby runtime = recv.getRuntime();
      ConsoleHolder holder = getHolder(runtime);
      RubyArray histList = runtime.newArray();

      for (Iterator i = holder.history.getHistoryList().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {

      return histList;
  public long[] toNative(IRubyObject value, ToNativeContext context) {
    RubyArray rbArray = value.convertToArray();
    long[] arr = new long[rbArray.getLength()];

    if (ArrayFlags.isIn(arrayFlags)) {
      for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        arr[i] = Util.longValue(rbArray.entry(i));

    return arr;
Beispiel #20
  public void init(List additionalDirectories) {
    loadPath = RubyArray.newArray(runtime);
    loadedFeatures = RubyArray.newArray(runtime);
    loadedFeaturesInternal = Collections.synchronizedList(loadedFeatures);

    // add all startup load paths to the list first
    for (Iterator iter = additionalDirectories.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {

    // add $RUBYLIB paths
    RubyHash env = (RubyHash) runtime.getObject().fastGetConstant("ENV");
    RubyString env_rubylib = runtime.newString("RUBYLIB");
    if (env.has_key_p(env_rubylib).isTrue()) {
      String rubylib = env.op_aref(runtime.getCurrentContext(), env_rubylib).toString();
      String[] paths = rubylib.split(File.pathSeparator);
      for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {

    // wrap in try/catch for security exceptions in an applet
    if (!Ruby.isSecurityRestricted()) {
      try {
        String jrubyHome = runtime.getJRubyHome();
        if (jrubyHome != null) {
          char sep = '/';
          String rubyDir = jrubyHome + sep + "lib" + sep + "ruby" + sep;

          // If we're running in 1.9 compat mode, add Ruby 1.9 libs to path before 1.8 libs
          if (runtime.is1_9()) {
            addPath(rubyDir + "site_ruby" + sep + Constants.RUBY1_9_MAJOR_VERSION);
            addPath(rubyDir + "site_ruby" + sep + "shared");
            addPath(rubyDir + "site_ruby" + sep + Constants.RUBY_MAJOR_VERSION);
            addPath(rubyDir + Constants.RUBY1_9_MAJOR_VERSION);
          } else {
            // Add 1.8 libs
            addPath(rubyDir + "site_ruby" + sep + Constants.RUBY_MAJOR_VERSION);
            addPath(rubyDir + "site_ruby" + sep + "shared");
            addPath(rubyDir + Constants.RUBY_MAJOR_VERSION);
      } catch (SecurityException e) {

    // "." dir is used for relative path loads from a given file, as in require '../foo/bar'
    if (runtime.getSafeLevel() == 0) {
Beispiel #21
  @JRubyMethod(backtrace = true)
  public IRubyObject java_send(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject rubyName, IRubyObject argTypes) {
    String name = rubyName.asJavaString();
    RubyArray argTypesAry = argTypes.convertToArray();
    Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();

    if (argTypesAry.size() != 0) {
      Class[] argTypesClasses = (Class[]) argTypesAry.toArray(new Class[argTypesAry.size()]);
      throw JavaMethod.newArgSizeMismatchError(runtime, argTypesClasses);

    JavaMethod method = new JavaMethod(runtime, getMethod(name));
    return method.invokeDirect(getObject());
Beispiel #22
  private static void addBackTraceElement(
      Ruby runtime,
      RubyArray backtrace,
      RubyStackTraceElement frame,
      RubyStackTraceElement previousFrame) {
    if (frame != previousFrame
        && // happens with native exceptions, should not filter those out
        frame.getLineNumber() == previousFrame.getLineNumber()
        && frame.getMethodName() != null
        && frame.getMethodName().equals(previousFrame.getMethodName())
        && frame.getFileName() != null
        && frame.getFileName().equals(previousFrame.getFileName())) {

    RubyString traceLine;
    String fileName = frame.getFileName();
    if (fileName == null) fileName = "";
    if (previousFrame.getMethodName() == UNKNOWN_NAME) {
      traceLine = RubyString.newString(runtime, fileName + ':' + (frame.getLineNumber()));
    } else {
      traceLine =
                  + ':'
                  + (frame.getLineNumber())
                  + ":in `"
                  + previousFrame.getMethodName()
                  + '\'');

Beispiel #23
  private static void addBackTraceElement(
      Ruby runtime, RubyArray backtrace, Frame frame, Frame previousFrame) {
    if (frame != previousFrame
        && // happens with native exceptions, should not filter those out
        frame.getLine() == previousFrame.getLine()
        && frame.getName() != null
        && frame.getName().equals(previousFrame.getName())
        && frame.getFile().equals(previousFrame.getFile())) {

    RubyString traceLine;
    if (previousFrame.getName() != null) {
      traceLine =
                  + ':'
                  + (frame.getLine() + 1)
                  + ":in `"
                  + previousFrame.getName()
                  + '\'');
    } else if (runtime.is1_9()) {
      // TODO: This probably isn't the best hack, but it works until we can have different
      // root frame setup for 1.9 easily.
      traceLine =
              runtime, frame.getFile() + ':' + (frame.getLine() + 1) + ":in `<main>'");
    } else {
      traceLine = RubyString.newString(runtime, frame.getFile() + ':' + (frame.getLine() + 1));

Beispiel #24
  private static void addBackTraceElement(
      RubyArray backtrace,
      RubyStackTraceElement frame,
      RubyStackTraceElement previousFrame,
      FrameType frameType) {
    if (frame != previousFrame
        && // happens with native exceptions, should not filter those out
        frame.getMethodName() != null
        && frame.getMethodName().equals(previousFrame.getMethodName())
        && frame.getFileName().equals(previousFrame.getFileName())
        && frame.getLineNumber() == previousFrame.getLineNumber()) {

    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(60);

    if (previousFrame.getMethodName() != null) {
      switch (frameType) {
        case METHOD:
          buf.append(":in `");
        case BLOCK:
          buf.append(":in `");
          buf.append("block in " + previousFrame.getMethodName());
        case EVAL:
          buf.append(":in `");
          buf.append("eval in " + previousFrame.getMethodName());
        case CLASS:
          buf.append(":in `");
          buf.append("class in " + previousFrame.getMethodName());
        case ROOT:
          buf.append(":in `<toplevel>'");

Beispiel #25
  public static RubyArray convertWithArgs(
      ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args, String function) {
    assert args.length >= 2;

    RubyArray array = context.getRuntime().newArray(args.length - 2);
    RubyIconv iconv = newIconv(context, recv, args[0], args[1]);

    try {
      for (int i = 2; i < args.length; i++) {
    } finally {

    return array;
Beispiel #26
  protected void addPath(String path) {
    // Empty paths do not need to be added
    if (path == null || path.length() == 0) return;

    synchronized (loadPath) {
      loadPath.append(runtime.newString(path.replace('\\', '/')));
 private IRubyObject inspectPuts(ThreadContext context, RubyArray array) {
   try {
     return puts(context, array.toJavaArray());
   } finally {
Beispiel #28
  public void eventHandler(
      ThreadContext context, String event, String file, int line, String name, IRubyObject type) {
    // Line numbers are 1s based.  Arrays are zero based.  We need to compensate for that.
    line -= 1;

    // Make sure that we have SCRIPT_LINES__ and it's a hash
    RubyHash scriptLines = getScriptLines(context.getRuntime());
    if (scriptLines == null || !scriptLines.containsKey(file)) {

    // make sure the file's source lines are in SCRIPT_LINES__
    cover = getCover(context.getRuntime());
    RubyArray lines = (RubyArray) scriptLines.get(file);
    if (lines == null || cover == null) {

    // make sure file's counts are in COVER and set to zero
    RubyArray counts = (RubyArray) cover.get(file);
    if (counts == null) {
      counts = context.getRuntime().newArray();
      for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
      cover.put(file, counts);

    // in the case of code generation (one example is instance_eval for routes optimization)
    // We could get here and see that we are not matched up with what we expect
    if (counts.size() <= line) {
      for (int i = counts.size(); i <= line; i++) {

    if (!context.isWithinTrace()) {
      try {
        // update counts in COVER
        Long count = (Long) counts.get(line);
        if (count == null) {
          count = Long.valueOf(0);
        count = Long.valueOf(count.longValue() + 1);
        counts.set(line, count);
      } finally {
Beispiel #29
 public final IRubyObject invoke(
     ThreadContext context, Function function, HeapInvocationBuffer args) {
   final long address = invoker.invokeAddress(function, args);
   return RubyArray.newArray(
       FFIUtil.getString(context.getRuntime(), address),
       new Pointer(context.getRuntime(), NativeMemoryIO.wrap(context.getRuntime(), address)));
Beispiel #30
  public static IRubyObject createRawBacktrace(
      Ruby runtime, StackTraceElement[] stackTrace, boolean filter) {
    RubyArray traceArray = RubyArray.newArray(runtime);
    for (int i = 0; i < stackTrace.length; i++) {
      StackTraceElement element = stackTrace[i];

      if (filter) {
        if (element.getClassName().startsWith("org.jruby") || element.getLineNumber() < 0) {
      RubyString str = RubyString.newString(runtime, createRubyBacktraceString(element));

    return traceArray;