Beispiel #1
  @JRubyMethod(required = 1, optional = 1)
  public IRubyObject seek(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {
    Ruby runtime = context.runtime;


    int offset = RubyNumeric.num2int(args[0]);
    IRubyObject whence = context.nil;

    if (args.length > 1 && !args[0].isNil()) whence = args[1];


    switch (whence.isNil() ? 0 : RubyNumeric.num2int(whence)) {
      case 0:
      case 1:
        offset += ptr.pos;
      case 2:
        offset += ptr.string.size();
        throw runtime.newErrnoEINVALError("invalid whence");

    if (offset < 0) throw runtime.newErrnoEINVALError("invalid seek value");

    ptr.pos = offset;

Beispiel #2
  public void load(final Ruby ruby, boolean bln) {
    this.ruby = ruby;

    RubyModule nio = ruby.defineModule("NIO");

    RubyClass selector =
            new ObjectAllocator() {
              public IRubyObject allocate(Ruby ruby, RubyClass rc) {
                return new Selector(ruby, rc);


    RubyClass monitor =
            new ObjectAllocator() {
              public IRubyObject allocate(Ruby ruby, RubyClass rc) {
                return new Monitor(ruby, rc);

  public void testUnicodeChars() throws Exception {
    File file = new File("unicodeáéíóú");
    if (file.exists()) {
      if (!file.delete()) {
        fail("Unable to delete file: " + file);
    try {
      if (!file.mkdirs()) {
        fail("Unable to create directory: " + file);
      Ruby runtime;
      RubyInstanceConfig.nativeEnabled = false;
      runtime = Ruby.newInstance();

      JRubyFile rubyFile = RubyFile.file(RubyString.newString(runtime, file.getAbsolutePath()));
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Expecting posix layer to work properly", e);
    } finally {
      if (file.exists()) {
Beispiel #4
 @JRubyMethod(name = {"eof", "eof?"})
 public IRubyObject eof(ThreadContext context) {
   Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
   if (ptr.pos < ptr.string.size()) return runtime.getFalse();
   return runtime.getTrue();
Beispiel #5
  public static IRubyObject interpretCommonEval(
      Ruby runtime,
      String file,
      int lineNumber,
      String backtraceName,
      RootNode rootNode,
      IRubyObject self,
      Block block) {
    // SSS FIXME: Is this required here since the IR version cannot change from eval-to-eval? This
    // is much more of a global setting.
    boolean is_1_9 = runtime.is1_9();
    if (is_1_9) IRBuilder.setRubyVersion("1.9");

    StaticScope ss = rootNode.getStaticScope();
    IRScope containingIRScope = getEvalContainerScope(runtime, ss);
    IREvalScript evalScript =
        IRBuilder.createIRBuilder(runtime, runtime.getIRManager())
            .buildEvalRoot(ss, containingIRScope, file, lineNumber, rootNode);
    //        evalScript.runCompilerPass(new CallSplitter());
    ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext();
        evalScript.getBeginBlocks(), context, self, null); // FIXME: No temp vars yet right?
    IRubyObject rv =
    runBeginEndBlocks(evalScript.getEndBlocks(), context, self, null); // FIXME: No temp vars right?
    return rv;
Beispiel #6
      name = "raise",
      optional = 3,
      frame = true,
      module = true,
      visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE,
      omit = true)
  public static IRubyObject rbRaise(
      ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
    Ruby runtime = context.runtime;

    // Check for a Java exception
    ConcreteJavaProxy exception = null;
    if (args.length == 0 && runtime.getGlobalVariables().get("$!") instanceof ConcreteJavaProxy) {
      exception = (ConcreteJavaProxy) runtime.getGlobalVariables().get("$!");
    } else if (args.length == 1 && args[0] instanceof ConcreteJavaProxy) {
      exception = (ConcreteJavaProxy) args[0];

    if (exception != null) {
      // looks like someone's trying to raise a Java exception. Let them.
      Object maybeThrowable = exception.getObject();

      if (maybeThrowable instanceof Throwable) {
        // yes, we're cheating here.
        Helpers.throwException((Throwable) maybeThrowable);
        return recv; // not reached
      } else {
        throw runtime.newTypeError("can't raise a non-Throwable Java object");
    } else {
      return RubyKernel.raise(context, recv, args, block);
Beispiel #7
   * Evaluate the given string.
   * @param context the current thread's context
   * @param self the self to evaluate under
   * @param src The string containing the text to be evaluated
   * @param file The filename to use when reporting errors during the evaluation
   * @param lineNumber that the eval supposedly starts from
   * @return An IRubyObject result from the evaluation
  public static IRubyObject evalSimple(
      ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, RubyString src, String file, int lineNumber) {
    // this is ensured by the callers
    assert file != null;

    Ruby runtime = src.getRuntime();

    // no binding, just eval in "current" frame (caller's frame)
    RubyString source = src.convertToString();

    DynamicScope evalScope = context.getCurrentScope().getEvalScope(runtime);

    try {
      Node node = runtime.parseEval(source.getByteList(), file, evalScope, lineNumber);

      if (runtime.getInstanceConfig().getCompileMode() == CompileMode.OFFIR) {
        // SSS FIXME: AST interpreter passed both a runtime (which comes from the source string)
        // and the thread-context rather than fetch one from the other.  Why is that?
        return Interpreter.interpretSimpleEval(runtime, file, lineNumber, "(eval)", node, self);
      } else {
        return INTERPRET_EVAL(
            runtime, context, file, lineNumber, node, "(eval)", self, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
    } catch (JumpException.BreakJump bj) {
      throw runtime.newLocalJumpError(
          RubyLocalJumpError.Reason.BREAK, (IRubyObject) bj.getValue(), "unexpected break");
    } catch (StackOverflowError soe) {
      throw runtime.newSystemStackError("stack level too deep", soe);
Beispiel #8
  private IRubyObject uclassUnmarshall() throws IOException {
    RubySymbol className = (RubySymbol) unmarshalObject(false);

    RubyClass type = (RubyClass) runtime.getClassFromPath(className.asJavaString());

    // singleton, raise error
    if (type.isSingleton()) throw runtime.newTypeError("singleton can't be loaded");

    // All "C" marshalled objects descend from core classes, which are all at least RubyObject
    RubyObject result = (RubyObject) unmarshalObject();

    // if result is a module or type doesn't extend result's class...
    if (result.getMetaClass() == runtime.getModule()
        || !type.isKindOfModule(result.getMetaClass())) {
      // if allocators do not match, error
      // Note: MRI is a bit different here, and tests TYPE(type.allocate()) != TYPE(result)
      if (type.getAllocator() != result.getMetaClass().getRealClass().getAllocator()) {
        throw runtime.newArgumentError("dump format error (user class)");


    return result;
  public IRubyObject execute(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] oargs, Block block) {
    if (arityValue >= 0) {
      if (oargs.length != arityValue) {
        throw recv.getRuntime()
                "wrong number of arguments (" + oargs.length + " for " + arityValue + ")");
    } else {
      if (oargs.length < -(1 + arityValue)) {
        throw recv.getRuntime()
                "wrong number of arguments (" + oargs.length + " for " + -(1 + arityValue) + ")");

    try {
      return call(recv, oargs, block);
    } catch (RaiseException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (JumpException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (ThreadKill e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (MainExitException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Ruby runtime = recv.getRuntime();
      runtime.getJavaSupport().handleNativeException(e, getTarget());
      return runtime.getNil();
 private Object cache(
     ThreadContext context,
     DynamicScope currDynScope,
     IRubyObject self,
     Object[] temp,
     Ruby runtime,
     Object constant) {
   StaticScope staticScope =
       (StaticScope) definingScope.retrieve(context, self, currDynScope, temp);
   RubyModule object = runtime.getObject();
   // SSS FIXME: IRManager objects dont have a static-scope yet, so this hack of looking up the
   // module right away
   // This IR needs fixing!
   constant =
       (staticScope == null)
           ? object.getConstant(constName)
           : staticScope.getConstantInner(runtime, constName, object);
   if (constant == null) {
     constant = UndefinedValue.UNDEFINED;
   } else {
     // recache
     generation = runtime.getConstantInvalidator().getData();
     cachedConstant = constant;
   return constant;
Beispiel #11
  @JRubyMethod(required = 1, optional = 1)
  public RubyObject new_instance(IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
    final Ruby runtime = getRuntime();

    final int last = Arity.checkArgumentCount(runtime, args, 1, 2) - 1;

    final RubyProc proc;
    // Is there a supplied proc arg or do we assume a block was supplied
    if (args[last] instanceof RubyProc) {
      proc = (RubyProc) args[last];
    } else {
      proc = runtime.newProc(Block.Type.PROC, block);

    final Object[] convertedArgs = convertArguments((RubyArray) args[0]);

    JavaProxyInvocationHandler handler = new ProcInvocationHandler(runtime, proc);
    try {
      return JavaObject.wrap(runtime, newInstance(convertedArgs, handler));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      RaiseException ex =
          runtime.newArgumentError("Constructor invocation failed: " + e.getMessage());
      throw ex;
Beispiel #12
 @JRubyMethod(name = "completion_case_fold", module = true, visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE)
 public static IRubyObject s_get_completion_case_fold(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv)
     throws Exception {
   Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();;
Beispiel #13
     name = {
     frame = true,
     module = true,
     visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE,
     compat = CompatVersion.RUBY1_9)
 public static IRubyObject unimplemented19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv)
     throws Exception {
   Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();;
   String err = context.getFrameName() + "() function is unimplemented on this machine";
   throw runtime.newNotImplementedError(err);
Beispiel #14
  public static void createX509CRL(Ruby runtime, RubyModule mX509) {
    RubyClass cX509CRL = mX509.defineClassUnder("CRL", runtime.getObject(), X509CRL_ALLOCATOR);
    RubyClass openSSLError = runtime.getModule("OpenSSL").getClass("OpenSSLError");
    mX509.defineClassUnder("CRLError", openSSLError, openSSLError.getAllocator());

 private IRubyObject callEachType(
     MethodType type, IRubyObject rubyReceiver, String methodName, Block block, Object... args) {
   Ruby runtime = rubyReceiver.getRuntime();
   IRubyObject[] rubyArgs = null;
   if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
     rubyArgs = JavaUtil.convertJavaArrayToRuby(runtime, args);
     for (int i = 0; i < rubyArgs.length; i++) {
       IRubyObject obj = rubyArgs[i];
       if (obj instanceof JavaObject) {
         rubyArgs[i] = Java.wrap(runtime, obj);
   ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext();
   switch (type) {
       return RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, rubyReceiver, methodName);
     case CALLMETHOD:
       return RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, rubyReceiver, methodName, rubyArgs);
       return RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, rubyReceiver, methodName, rubyArgs, block);
     case CALLSUPER:
       return RuntimeHelpers.invokeSuper(context, rubyReceiver, rubyArgs, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
       return RuntimeHelpers.invokeSuper(context, rubyReceiver, rubyArgs, block);
   return null;
  public ByteList doReceiveNonblock(ThreadContext context, int length) {
    Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
    Channel channel = getChannel();

    if (!(channel instanceof SelectableChannel)) {
      if (runtime.is1_9()) {
        throw runtime.newErrnoEAGAINReadableError(
            channel.getClass().getName() + " does not support nonblocking");
      } else {
        throw runtime.newErrnoEAGAINError(
            channel.getClass().getName() + " does not support nonblocking");

    SelectableChannel selectable = (SelectableChannel) channel;

    synchronized (selectable.blockingLock()) {
      boolean oldBlocking = selectable.isBlocking();

      try {

        try {
          return doReceive(context, length);
        } finally {

      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw runtime.newIOErrorFromException(e);
Beispiel #17
  @JRubyMethod(rest = true)
  public static IRubyObject set_types(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) {
    Ruby runtime = recv.getRuntime();
    RubyArray types = RubyArray.newArray(runtime, args);
    RubyArray type_strings = RubyArray.newArray(runtime);

    for (IRubyObject arg : args) {
      if (arg instanceof RubyClass) {
      } else if (arg instanceof RubyArray) {
        for (IRubyObject sub_arg : arg.convertToArray().toJavaArray()) {
          if (sub_arg instanceof RubyClass) {
          } else {
            throw runtime.newArgumentError("Invalid type given");
      } else {
        throw runtime.newArgumentError("Invalid type given");

    api.setInstanceVariable(recv, "@field_types", type_strings);
    return types;
  public IRubyObject close_write(ThreadContext context) {
    Ruby runtime = context.runtime;

    if (!openFile.isWritable()) {
      return runtime.getNil();

    if (openFile.getPipeStream() == null && openFile.isReadable()) {
      throw runtime.newIOError("closing non-duplex IO for writing");

    if (!openFile.isReadable()) {

    } else {
      // shutdown write
      try {
        shutdownInternal(context, 1);

      } catch (BadDescriptorException e) {
        throw runtime.newErrnoEBADFError();

    return context.nil;
  private ByteList doReceive(ThreadContext context, int length) {
    Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
    ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(length);

    try {

      int read = openFile.getMainStreamSafe().getDescriptor().read(buf);

      if (read == 0) return null;

      return new ByteList(buf.array(), 0, buf.position());

    } catch (BadDescriptorException e) {
      throw runtime.newIOError("bad descriptor");

    } catch (IOException e) {
      // All errors to sysread should be SystemCallErrors, but on a closed stream
      // Ruby returns an IOError.  Java throws same exception for all errors so
      // we resort to this hack...
      if ("Socket not open".equals(e.getMessage())) {
        throw runtime.newIOError(e.getMessage());

      throw runtime.newSystemCallError(e.getMessage());

    } finally {
Beispiel #20
 public static String getNormalizedHome(Ruby runtime) {
   normalizedHome = runtime.getJRubyHome();
   if ((normalizedHome == null) && Ruby.isSecurityRestricted()) {
     normalizedHome = "SECURITY RESTRICTED";
   return normalizedHome;
Beispiel #21
 public int call(Object a1, Object a2) throws Exception {
   StoreContext ctx = (StoreContext) a2;
   int ok = ((Integer) a1).intValue();
   IRubyObject proc = (IRubyObject) ctx.getExtraData(1);
   if (null == proc) {
     proc = (IRubyObject) ctx.ctx.getExtraData(0);
   if (null == proc) {
     return ok;
   if (!proc.isNil()) {
     Ruby rt = proc.getRuntime();
     RubyClass cStoreContext = Utils.getClassFromPath(rt, "OpenSSL::X509::StoreContext");
     X509StoreCtx rctx = new X509StoreCtx(rt, cStoreContext, ctx);
     RubyBoolean rok = rt.newBoolean(ok != 0);
     IRubyObject ret =
         proc.callMethod(rt.getCurrentContext(), "call", new IRubyObject[] {rok, rctx});
     if (ret.isTrue()) {
       ok = 1;
     } else {
       if (ctx.getError() == X509Utils.V_OK) {
       ok = 0;
   return ok;
Beispiel #22
  public static IRubyObject lexicalSearchConst(
      ThreadContext context,
      StaticScope scope,
      MutableCallSite site,
      String constName,
      boolean noPrivateConsts)
      throws Throwable {
    Ruby runtime = context.runtime;

    IRubyObject constant = scope.getConstantInner(constName);

    if (constant == null) {
      constant = UndefinedValue.UNDEFINED;

    SwitchPoint switchPoint = (SwitchPoint) runtime.getConstantInvalidator(constName).getData();

    // bind constant until invalidated
    MethodHandle target = Binder.from(site.type()).drop(0, 2).constant(constant);
    MethodHandle fallback =
            .append(site, constName)
            .invokeStatic(LOOKUP, Bootstrap.class, "lexicalSearchConst");

    site.setTarget(switchPoint.guardWithTest(target, fallback));

    return constant;
Beispiel #23
  public static RubyClass createPointerClass(Ruby runtime, RubyModule module) {
    RubyClass pointerClass =
                ? new ReifyingAllocator(Pointer.class)
                : PointerAllocator.INSTANCE);

    pointerClass.kindOf =
        new RubyModule.KindOf() {
          public boolean isKindOf(IRubyObject obj, RubyModule type) {
            return obj instanceof Pointer && super.isKindOf(obj, type);

        "NullPointerError", runtime.getRuntimeError(), runtime.getRuntimeError().getAllocator());

    // Add Pointer::NULL as a constant
    Pointer nullPointer = new Pointer(runtime, pointerClass, new NullMemoryIO(runtime));
    pointerClass.setConstant("NULL", nullPointer);

        .addMethod("to_ptr", new NilToPointerMethod(runtime.getNilClass(), nullPointer));

    return pointerClass;
   * Create a new JRuby-scripted object from the given script source.
   * @param scriptSource the script source text
   * @param interfaces the interfaces that the scripted Java object is to implement
   * @param classLoader the {@link ClassLoader} to create the script proxy with
   * @return the scripted Java object
   * @throws JumpException in case of JRuby parsing failure
  public static Object createJRubyObject(
      String scriptSource, Class[] interfaces, ClassLoader classLoader) {
    Ruby ruby = initializeRuntime();

    Node scriptRootNode =
        (oldParseMethod != null
            ? (Node)
                    oldParseMethod, ruby, new Object[] {scriptSource, "", null})
            : ruby.parse(scriptSource, "", null, 0));
    IRubyObject rubyObject = ruby.eval(scriptRootNode);

    if (rubyObject instanceof RubyNil) {
      String className = findClassName(scriptRootNode);
      rubyObject = ruby.evalScript("\n" + className + ".new");
    // still null?
    if (rubyObject instanceof RubyNil) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Compilation of JRuby script returned RubyNil: " + rubyObject);

    return Proxy.newProxyInstance(
        classLoader, interfaces, new RubyObjectInvocationHandler(rubyObject, ruby));
Beispiel #25
  protected LoadServiceResource tryResourceFromCWD(
      SearchState state, String baseName, SuffixType suffixType) throws RaiseException {
    LoadServiceResource foundResource = null;

    for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) {
      String namePlusSuffix = baseName + suffix;
      // check current directory; if file exists, retrieve URL and return resource
      try {
        JRubyFile file =
                RubyFile.expandUserPath(runtime.getCurrentContext(), namePlusSuffix));
        debugLogTry("resourceFromCWD", file.toString());
        if (file.isFile() && file.isAbsolute() && file.canRead()) {
          boolean absolute = true;
          String s = namePlusSuffix;
          if (!namePlusSuffix.startsWith("./")) {
            s = "./" + s;
          foundResource = new LoadServiceResource(file, s, absolute);
          state.loadName = resolveLoadName(foundResource, namePlusSuffix);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException illArgEx) {
      } catch (SecurityException secEx) {

    return foundResource;
Beispiel #26
  protected boolean tryLoadingLibraryOrScript(Ruby runtime, SearchState state) {
    // attempt to load the found library
    RubyString loadNameRubyString = RubyString.newString(runtime, state.loadName);
    try {
      synchronized (loadedFeaturesInternal) {
        if (loadedFeaturesInternal.contains(loadNameRubyString)) {
          return false;
        } else {

      // otherwise load the library we've found
      state.library.load(runtime, false);
      return true;
    } catch (MainExitException mee) {
      // allow MainExitException to propagate out for exec and friends
      throw mee;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      if (isJarfileLibrary(state, state.searchFile)) {
        return true;


      if (runtime.getDebug().isTrue()) e.printStackTrace(runtime.getErr());

      RaiseException re = newLoadErrorFromThrowable(runtime, state.searchFile, e);
      throw re;
Beispiel #27
   * this method uses the appropriate lookup strategy to find a file. It is used by Kernel#require.
   * @mri rb_find_file
   * @param name the file to find, this is a path name
   * @return the correct file
  protected LoadServiceResource findFileInClasspath(String name) {
    // Look in classpath next (we do not use File as a test since UNC names will match)
    // Note: Jar resources must NEVER begin with an '/'. (previous code said "always begin with a
    // /")
    ClassLoader classLoader = runtime.getJRubyClassLoader();

    // handle security-sensitive case
    if (Ruby.isSecurityRestricted() && classLoader == null) {
      classLoader = runtime.getInstanceConfig().getLoader();

    // absolute classpath URI, no need to iterate over loadpaths
    if (name.startsWith("classpath:/")) {
      LoadServiceResource foundResource = getClassPathResource(classLoader, name);
      if (foundResource != null) {
        return foundResource;
    } else if (name.startsWith("classpath:")) {
      // "relative" classpath URI
      name = name.substring("classpath:".length());

    for (int i = 0; i < loadPath.size(); i++) {
      // TODO this is really inefficient, and potentially a problem everytime anyone require's
      // something.
      // we should try to make LoadPath a special array object.
      RubyString entryString = loadPath.eltInternal(i).convertToString();
      String entry = entryString.asJavaString();

      // if entry is an empty string, skip it
      if (entry.length() == 0) continue;

      // if entry starts with a slash, skip it since classloader resources never start with a /
      if (entry.charAt(0) == '/' || (entry.length() > 1 && entry.charAt(1) == ':')) continue;

      if (entry.startsWith("classpath:/")) {
        entry = entry.substring("classpath:/".length());
      } else if (entry.startsWith("classpath:")) {
        entry = entry.substring("classpath:".length());

      // otherwise, try to load from classpath (Note: Jar resources always uses '/')
      LoadServiceResource foundResource = getClassPathResource(classLoader, entry + "/" + name);
      if (foundResource != null) {
        return foundResource;

    // if name starts with a / we're done (classloader resources won't load with an initial /)
    if (name.charAt(0) == '/' || (name.length() > 1 && name.charAt(1) == ':')) return null;

    // Try to load from classpath without prefix. "A/b.rb" will not load as
    // "./A/b.rb" in a jar file.
    LoadServiceResource foundResource = getClassPathResource(classLoader, name);
    if (foundResource != null) {
      return foundResource;

    return null;
Beispiel #28
  protected LoadServiceResource tryResourceAsIs(String namePlusSuffix) throws RaiseException {
    LoadServiceResource foundResource = null;

    try {
      if (!Ruby.isSecurityRestricted()) {
        String reportedPath = namePlusSuffix;
        File actualPath;
        // we check length == 0 for 'load', which does not use load path
        if (new File(reportedPath).isAbsolute()) {
          // it's an absolute path, use it as-is
          actualPath =
              new File(RubyFile.expandUserPath(runtime.getCurrentContext(), namePlusSuffix));
        } else {
          // prepend ./ if . is not already there, since we're loading based on CWD
          if (reportedPath.charAt(0) == '.' && reportedPath.charAt(1) == '/') {
            reportedPath = reportedPath.replaceFirst("\\./", runtime.getCurrentDirectory());

          actualPath =
                  RubyFile.expandUserPath(runtime.getCurrentContext(), namePlusSuffix));
        debugLogTry("resourceAsIs", actualPath.toString());
        if (actualPath.isFile() && actualPath.canRead()) {
          foundResource = new LoadServiceResource(actualPath, reportedPath);
    } catch (SecurityException secEx) {

    return foundResource;
  public IRubyObject setsockopt(
      ThreadContext context, IRubyObject _level, IRubyObject _opt, IRubyObject val) {
    Ruby runtime = context.runtime;

    SocketLevel level = levelFromArg(_level);
    SocketOption opt = optionFromArg(_opt);

    try {
      Channel channel = getOpenChannel();
      SocketType socketType = SocketType.forChannel(channel);

      switch (level) {
        case SOL_IP:
        case SOL_SOCKET:
        case SOL_TCP:
        case SOL_UDP:
          if (opt == SocketOption.SO_LINGER) {
            if (val instanceof RubyBoolean && !val.isTrue()) {
              socketType.setSoLinger(channel, false, 0);
            } else {
              int num = asNumber(val);
              if (num == -1) {
                socketType.setSoLinger(channel, false, 0);
              } else {
                socketType.setSoLinger(channel, true, num);

          } else {
            socketType.setSocketOption(channel, opt, asNumber(val));


          int intLevel = (int) _level.convertToInteger().getLongValue();
          int intOpt = (int) _opt.convertToInteger().getLongValue();
          if (IPPROTO_TCP.intValue() == intLevel && TCP_NODELAY.intValue() == intOpt) {
            socketType.setTcpNoDelay(channel, asBoolean(val));

          } else if (IPPROTO_IP.intValue() == intLevel) {
            if (MulticastStateManager.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP == intOpt) {

          } else {
            throw runtime.newErrnoENOPROTOOPTError();

    } catch (BadDescriptorException e) {
      throw runtime.newErrnoEBADFError();

    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw runtime.newErrnoENOPROTOOPTError();
    return runtime.newFixnum(0);
  * Take the boolean value and convert it to its bytes.
  * @param bool The Ruby boolean value.
  * @return The byte array.
  * @since 2.0.0
 private static RubyString toBsonBoolean(final IRubyObject bool) {
   final Ruby runtime = bool.getRuntime();
   if (bool == runtime.getTrue()) {
     return RubyString.newString(runtime, TRUE_BYTES);
   } else {
     return RubyString.newString(runtime, FALSE_BYTES);