  * Ctor.
  * @param videoChannel The <tt>VideoChannel</tt> associated to this <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt>.
 public SimulcastEngine(VideoChannel videoChannel) {
   this.videoChannel = videoChannel;
   simulcastReceiver =
       new SimulcastReceiver(
           ServiceUtils.getService(videoChannel.getBundleContext(), ConfigurationService.class));
   this.logger =
       Logger.getLogger(classLogger, videoChannel.getContent().getConference().getLogger());
 * The <tt>SimulcastReceiver</tt> of a <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt> receives the simulcast streams from
 * a simulcast enabled participant and manages 1 or more <tt>SimulcastLayer</tt>s. It fires a
 * property change event whenever the simulcast layers that it manages change.
 * <p>This class is thread safe.
 * @author George Politis
 * @author Lyubomir Marinov
public class SimulcastReceiver extends PropertyChangeNotifier {
   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>ReceivingLayers</tt> class and its instances to print debug
   * information.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SimulcastReceiver.class);

   * The name of the property that gets fired when there's a change in the simulcast layers that
   * this receiver manages.
  public static final String SIMULCAST_LAYERS_PNAME =
      SimulcastReceiver.class.getName() + ".simulcastLayers";

   * The number of (video) frames which defines the interval of time (indirectly) during which a
   * {@code SimulcastLayer} needs to receive data from its remote peer or it will be declared
   * paused/stopped/not streaming by its {@code SimulcastReceiver}.
  static final int TIMEOUT_ON_FRAME_COUNT = 5;

  /** The pool of threads utilized by this class. */
  private static final ExecutorService executorService =
      ExecutorUtils.newCachedThreadPool(true, SimulcastReceiver.class.getName());

  /** Helper object that <tt>SwitchingSimulcastSender</tt> instances use to build JSON messages. */
  private static final SimulcastMessagesMapper mapper = new SimulcastMessagesMapper();

  /** The <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt> that owns this receiver. */
  private final SimulcastEngine simulcastEngine;

  /** The simulcast layers of this <tt>VideoChannel</tt>. */
  private SimulcastLayer[] simulcastLayers;

   * Indicates whether we're receiving native or non-native simulcast from the associated endpoint.
   * It determines whether the bridge should send messages over the data channels to manage the
   * non-native simulcast. In the case of native simulcast, there's nothing to do for the bridge.
   * <p>NOTE that at the time of this writing we only support native simulcast. Last time we tried
   * non-native simulcast there was no way to limit the bitrate of lower layer streams and thus
   * there was no point in implementing non-native simulcast.
   * <p>NOTE^2 This has changed recently with the webrtc stack automatically limiting the stream
   * bitrate based on its resolution (see commit 1c7d48d431e098ba42fa6bd9f1cfe69a703edee5 in the
   * webrtc git repository). So it might be something that we will want to implement in the future
   * for browsers that don't support native simulcast (Temasys).
  private boolean nativeSimulcast = true;

   * The history of the order/sequence of receipt of (video) frames by {@link #simulcastLayers}.
   * Used in an attempt to speed up the detection of paused/stopped {@code SimulcastLayer}s by
   * counting (video) frames.
  private final List<SimulcastLayer> simulcastLayerFrameHistory = new LinkedList<SimulcastLayer>();

   * Ctor.
   * @param simulcastEngine the <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt> that owns this receiver.
  public SimulcastReceiver(SimulcastEngine simulcastEngine) {
    this.simulcastEngine = simulcastEngine;

   * Gets the <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt> that owns this receiver.
   * @return the <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt> that owns this receiver.
  public SimulcastEngine getSimulcastEngine() {
    return this.simulcastEngine;

   * Returns true if the endpoint has signaled two or more simulcast layers.
   * @return true if the endpoint has signaled two or more simulcast layers, false otherwise.
  public boolean hasLayers() {
    SimulcastLayer[] sl = simulcastLayers;
    return sl != null && sl.length != 0;

   * Returns a <tt>SimulcastLayer</tt> that is the closest match to the target order, or null if
   * simulcast hasn't been configured for this receiver.
   * @param targetOrder the simulcast layer target order.
   * @return a <tt>SimulcastLayer</tt> that is the closest match to the target order, or null.
  public SimulcastLayer getSimulcastLayer(int targetOrder) {
    SimulcastLayer[] layers = getSimulcastLayers();
    if (layers == null || layers.length == 0) {
      return null;

    // Iterate through the simulcast layers that we own and return the one
    // that matches best the targetOrder parameter.
    SimulcastLayer next = layers[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < Math.min(targetOrder + 1, layers.length); i++) {
      if (!layers[i].isStreaming()) {

      next = layers[i];

    return next;

   * Gets the simulcast layers of this simulcast manager in a new <tt>SortedSet</tt> so that the
   * caller won't have to worry about the structure changing by some other thread.
   * @return the simulcast layers of this receiver in a new sorted set if simulcast is signaled, or
   *     null.
  public SimulcastLayer[] getSimulcastLayers() {
    return simulcastLayers;

   * Sets the simulcast layers for this receiver and fires an event about it.
   * @param simulcastLayers the simulcast layers for this receiver.
  public void setSimulcastLayers(SimulcastLayer[] simulcastLayers) {
    this.simulcastLayers = simulcastLayers;

    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
      if (simulcastLayers == null) {
        logInfo("Simulcast disabled.");
      } else {
        for (SimulcastLayer l : simulcastLayers) {
          logInfo(l.getOrder() + ": " + l.getPrimarySSRC());

        new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
            firePropertyChange(SIMULCAST_LAYERS_PNAME, null, null);

    // TODO If simulcastLayers has changed, then simulcastLayerFrameHistory
    // has very likely become irrelevant. In other words, clear
    // simulcastLayerFrameHistory.

   * Notifies this instance that a <tt>DatagramPacket</tt> packet received on the data
   * <tt>DatagramSocket</tt> of this <tt>Channel</tt> has been accepted for further processing
   * within Jitsi Videobridge.
   * @param pkt the accepted <tt>RawPacket</tt>.
  public void accepted(RawPacket pkt) {
    // With native simulcast we don't have a notification when a stream
    // has started/stopped. The simulcast manager implements a timeout
    // for the high quality stream and it needs to be notified when
    // the channel has accepted a datagram packet for the timeout to
    // function correctly.

    if (!hasLayers() || pkt == null) {

    // Find the layer that corresponds to this packet.
    int acceptedSSRC = pkt.getSSRC();
    SimulcastLayer[] layers = getSimulcastLayers();
    SimulcastLayer acceptedLayer = null;
    for (SimulcastLayer layer : layers) {
      // We only care about the primary SSRC and not the RTX ssrc (or
      // future FEC ssrc).
      if ((int) layer.getPrimarySSRC() == acceptedSSRC) {
        acceptedLayer = layer;

    // If this is not an RTP packet or if we can't find an accepted
    // layer, log and return as it makes no sense to continue in this
    // situation.
    if (acceptedLayer == null) {

    // There are sequences of packets with increasing timestamps but without
    // the marker bit set. Supposedly, they are probes to detect whether the
    // bandwidth may increase. We think that they should cause neither the
    // start nor the stop of any SimulcastLayer.

    // XXX There's RawPacket#getPayloadLength() but the implementation
    // includes pkt.paddingSize at the time of this writing and we do not
    // know whether that's going to stay that way.
    int pktPayloadLength = pkt.getLength() - pkt.getHeaderLength();
    int pktPaddingSize = pkt.getPaddingSize();

    if (pktPayloadLength <= pktPaddingSize) {
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            "pkt.payloadLength= "
                + pktPayloadLength
                + " <= pkt.paddingSize= "
                + pktPaddingSize
                + "("
                + pkt.getSequenceNumber()
                + ")");

    // NOTE(gp) we expect the base layer to be always on, so we never touch
    // it or starve it.

    // XXX Refer to the implementation of
    // SimulcastLayer#touch(boolean, RawPacket) for an explanation of why we
    // chose to use a return value.
    boolean frameStarted = acceptedLayer.touch(pkt);
    if (frameStarted) simulcastLayerFrameStarted(acceptedLayer, pkt, layers);

   * Maybe send a data channel command to the associated <tt>Endpoint</tt> to make it start
   * streaming its hq stream, if it's being watched by some receiver.
  public void maybeSendStartHighQualityStreamCommand() {
    if (nativeSimulcast || !hasLayers()) {
      // In native simulcast the client adjusts its layers autonomously so
      // we don't need (nor we can) to control it with data channel
      // messages.

    Endpoint newEndpoint = getSimulcastEngine().getVideoChannel().getEndpoint();
    SimulcastLayer[] newSimulcastLayers = getSimulcastLayers();

    SctpConnection sctpConnection;
    if (newSimulcastLayers == null
        || newSimulcastLayers.length <= 1
        /* newEndpoint != null is implied */
        || (sctpConnection = newEndpoint.getSctpConnection()) == null
        || !sctpConnection.isReady()
        || sctpConnection.isExpired()) {

    // we have a new endpoint and it has an SCTP connection that is
    // ready and not expired. if somebody else is watching the new
    // endpoint, start its hq stream.

    boolean startHighQualityStream = false;

    for (Endpoint e :
        getSimulcastEngine().getVideoChannel().getContent().getConference().getEndpoints()) {
      // TODO(gp) need some synchronization here. What if the
      // selected endpoint changes while we're in the loop?

      if (e == newEndpoint) continue;

      Endpoint eSelectedEndpoint = e.getEffectivelySelectedEndpoint();

      if (newEndpoint == eSelectedEndpoint) {
        // somebody is watching the new endpoint or somebody has not
        // yet signaled its selected endpoint to the bridge, start
        // the hq stream.

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(3);

          map.put("e", e);
          map.put("newEndpoint", newEndpoint);
          map.put("maybe", eSelectedEndpoint == null ? "(maybe) " : "");

          StringCompiler sc =
              new StringCompiler(map).c("{e.id} is {maybe} watching {newEndpoint.id}.");

          logDebug(sc.toString().replaceAll("\\s+", " "));

        startHighQualityStream = true;

    if (startHighQualityStream) {
      // TODO(gp) this assumes only a single hq stream.

              + " notifies "
              + newEndpoint.getID()
              + " to start its HQ stream.");

      SimulcastLayer hqLayer = newSimulcastLayers[newSimulcastLayers.length - 1];
      StartSimulcastLayerCommand command = new StartSimulcastLayerCommand(hqLayer);
      String json = mapper.toJson(command);

      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
        logError(newEndpoint.getID() + " failed to send message on data channel.", e);

   * Maybe send a data channel command to he associated simulcast sender to make it stop streaming
   * its hq stream, if it's not being watched by any participant.
  public void maybeSendStopHighQualityStreamCommand() {
    if (nativeSimulcast || !hasLayers()) {
      // In native simulcast the client adjusts its layers autonomously so
      // we don't need (nor we can) to control it with data channel
      // messages.

    Endpoint oldEndpoint = getSimulcastEngine().getVideoChannel().getEndpoint();

    SimulcastLayer[] oldSimulcastLayers = getSimulcastLayers();

    SctpConnection sctpConnection;
    if (oldSimulcastLayers != null
        && oldSimulcastLayers.length > 1
        /* oldEndpoint != null is implied*/
        && (sctpConnection = oldEndpoint.getSctpConnection()) != null
        && sctpConnection.isReady()
        && !sctpConnection.isExpired()) {
      // we have an old endpoint and it has an SCTP connection that is
      // ready and not expired. if nobody else is watching the old
      // endpoint, stop its hq stream.

      boolean stopHighQualityStream = true;
      for (Endpoint e :
          getSimulcastEngine().getVideoChannel().getContent().getConference().getEndpoints()) {
        // TODO(gp) need some synchronization here. What if the selected
        // endpoint changes while we're in the loop?

        if (oldEndpoint != e && (oldEndpoint == e.getEffectivelySelectedEndpoint())
            || e.getEffectivelySelectedEndpoint() == null) {
          // somebody is watching the old endpoint or somebody has not
          // yet signaled its selected endpoint to the bridge, don't
          // stop the hq stream.
          stopHighQualityStream = false;

      if (stopHighQualityStream) {
        // TODO(gp) this assumes only a single hq stream.

                + " notifies "
                + oldEndpoint.getID()
                + " to stop "
                + "its HQ stream.");

        SimulcastLayer hqLayer = oldSimulcastLayers[oldSimulcastLayers.length - 1];

        StopSimulcastLayerCommand command = new StopSimulcastLayerCommand(hqLayer);

        String json = mapper.toJson(command);

        try {
        } catch (IOException e1) {
          logError(oldEndpoint.getID() + " failed to send " + "message on data channel.", e1);

  private void logDebug(String msg) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      msg = getSimulcastEngine().getVideoChannel().getEndpoint().getID() + ": " + msg;

  private void logWarn(String msg) {
    if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
      msg = getSimulcastEngine().getVideoChannel().getEndpoint().getID() + ": " + msg;

  private void logError(String msg, Throwable e) {
    msg = getSimulcastEngine().getVideoChannel().getEndpoint().getID() + ": " + msg;
    logger.error(msg, e);

  private void logInfo(String msg) {
    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
      msg = getSimulcastEngine().getVideoChannel().getEndpoint().getID() + ": " + msg;

   * Notifies this {@code SimulcastReceiver} that a specific {@code SimulcastReceiver} has detected
   * the start of a new video frame in the RTP stream that it represents. Determines whether any of
   * {@link #simulcastLayers} other than {@code source} have been paused/stopped by the remote peer.
   * The determination is based on counting (video) frames.
   * @param source the {@code SimulcastLayer} which is the source of the event i.e. which has
   *     detected the start of a new video frame in the RTP stream that it represents
   * @param pkt the {@code RawPacket} which was received by {@code source} and possibly influenced
   *     the decision that a new view frame was started in the RTP stream represented by {@code
   *     source}
   * @param layers the set of {@code SimulcastLayer}s managed by this {@code SimulcastReceiver}.
   *     Explicitly provided to the method in order to avoid invocations of {@link
   *     #getSimulcastLayers()} because the latter makes a copy at the time of this writing.
  private void simulcastLayerFrameStarted(
      SimulcastLayer source, RawPacket pkt, SimulcastLayer[] layers) {
    // Allow the value of the constant TIMEOUT_ON_FRAME_COUNT to disable (at
    // compile time) the frame-based approach to the detection of layer
    // drops.
    if (TIMEOUT_ON_FRAME_COUNT <= 1) return;

    // Timeouts in layers caused by source may occur only based on the span
    // (of time or received frames) during which source has received
    // TIMEOUT_ON_FRAME_COUNT number of frames. The current method
    // invocation signals the receipt of 1 frame by source.
    int indexOfLastSourceOccurrenceInHistory = -1;
    int sourceFrameCount = 0;
    int ix = 0;

    for (Iterator<SimulcastLayer> it = simulcastLayerFrameHistory.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ++ix) {
      if (it.next() == source) {
        if (indexOfLastSourceOccurrenceInHistory != -1) {
          // Prune simulcastLayerFrameHistory so that it does not
          // become unnecessarily long.
        } else if (++sourceFrameCount >= TIMEOUT_ON_FRAME_COUNT - 1) {
          // The span of TIMEOUT_ON_FRAME_COUNT number of frames
          // received by source only is to be examined for the
          // purposes of timeouts. The current method invocations
          // signals the receipt of 1 frame by source so
          // TIMEOUT_ON_FRAME_COUNT - 1 occurrences of source in
          // simulcastLayerFrameHistory is enough.
          indexOfLastSourceOccurrenceInHistory = ix;

    if (indexOfLastSourceOccurrenceInHistory != -1) {
      // Presumably, if a SimulcastLayer is active, all SimulcastLayers
      // before it (according to SimulcastLayer's order) are active as
      // well. Consequently, timeouts may occur in SimulcastLayers which
      // are after source.
      boolean maybeTimeout = false;

      for (SimulcastLayer layer : layers) {
        if (maybeTimeout) {
          // There's no point in timing layer out if it's timed out
          // already.
          if (layer.isStreaming()) {
            maybeTimeout(source, pkt, layer, indexOfLastSourceOccurrenceInHistory);
        } else if (layer == source) {
          maybeTimeout = true;

    // As previously stated, the current method invocation signals the
    // receipt of 1 frame by source.
    simulcastLayerFrameHistory.add(0, source);
    // TODO Prune simulcastLayerFrameHistory by forgetting so that it does
    // not become too long.

   * Determines whether {@code effect} has been paused/stopped by the remote peer. The determination
   * is based on counting frames and is triggered by the receipt of (a piece of) a new (video) frame
   * by {@code cause}.
   * @param cause the {@code SimulcastLayer} which has received (a piece of) a new (video) frame and
   *     has thus triggered a check on {@code effect}
   * @param pkt the {@code RawPacket} which was received by {@code cause} and possibly influenced
   *     the decision to trigger a check on {@code effect}
   * @param effect the {@code SimulcastLayer} which is to be checked whether it looks like it has
   *     been paused/stopped by the remote peer
   * @param endIndexInSimulcastLayerFrameHistory
  private void maybeTimeout(
      SimulcastLayer cause,
      RawPacket pkt,
      SimulcastLayer effect,
      int endIndexInSimulcastLayerFrameHistory) {
    Iterator<SimulcastLayer> it = simulcastLayerFrameHistory.iterator();
    boolean timeout = true;

    for (int ix = 0; it.hasNext() && ix < endIndexInSimulcastLayerFrameHistory; ++ix) {
      if (it.next() == effect) {
        timeout = false;
    if (timeout) {

      if (!effect.isStreaming()) {
        // Since effect has been determined to have been paused/stopped
        // by the remote peer, its possible presence in
        // simulcastLayerFrameHistory is irrelevant now. In other words,
        // remove effect from simulcastLayerFrameHistory.
        while (it.hasNext()) {
          if (it.next() == effect) it.remove();
 * Implements {@link PacketTransformer} for DTLS-SRTP. It's capable of working in pure DTLS mode if
 * appropriate flag was set in <tt>DtlsControlImpl</tt>.
 * @author Lyubomir Marinov
public class DtlsPacketTransformer extends SinglePacketTransformer {
  private static final long CONNECT_RETRY_INTERVAL = 500;

   * The maximum number of times that {@link #runInConnectThread(DTLSProtocol, TlsPeer,
   * DatagramTransport)} is to retry the invocations of {@link DTLSClientProtocol#connect(TlsClient,
   * DatagramTransport)} and {@link DTLSServerProtocol#accept(TlsServer, DatagramTransport)} in
   * anticipation of a successful connection.
  private static final int CONNECT_TRIES = 3;

   * The indicator which determines whether unencrypted packets sent or received through
   * <tt>DtlsPacketTransformer</tt> are to be dropped. The default value is <tt>false</tt>.
  private static final boolean DROP_UNENCRYPTED_PKTS;

   * The name of the <tt>ConfigurationService</tt> and/or <tt>System</tt> property which indicates
   * whether unencrypted packets sent or received through <tt>DtlsPacketTransformer</tt> are to be
   * dropped. The default value is <tt>false</tt>.
  private static final String DROP_UNENCRYPTED_PKTS_PNAME =
      DtlsPacketTransformer.class.getName() + ".dropUnencryptedPkts";

  /** The length of the header of a DTLS record. */
  static final int DTLS_RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH = 13;

   * The number of milliseconds a <tt>DtlsPacketTransform</tt> is to wait on its {@link
   * #dtlsTransport} in order to receive a packet.
  private static final int DTLS_TRANSPORT_RECEIVE_WAITMILLIS = -1;

   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>DtlsPacketTransformer</tt> class and its instances to print
   * debug information.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DtlsPacketTransformer.class);

  static {
    ConfigurationService cfg = LibJitsi.getConfigurationService();
    boolean dropUnencryptedPkts = false;

    if (cfg == null) {
      String s = System.getProperty(DROP_UNENCRYPTED_PKTS_PNAME);

      if (s != null) dropUnencryptedPkts = Boolean.parseBoolean(s);
    } else {
      dropUnencryptedPkts = cfg.getBoolean(DROP_UNENCRYPTED_PKTS_PNAME, dropUnencryptedPkts);
    DROP_UNENCRYPTED_PKTS = dropUnencryptedPkts;

   * Determines whether a specific array of <tt>byte</tt>s appears to contain a DTLS record.
   * @param buf the array of <tt>byte</tt>s to be analyzed
   * @param off the offset within <tt>buf</tt> at which the analysis is to start
   * @param len the number of bytes within <tt>buf</tt> starting at <tt>off</tt> to be analyzed
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the specified <tt>buf</tt> appears to contain a DTLS record
  public static boolean isDtlsRecord(byte[] buf, int off, int len) {
    boolean b = false;

      short type = TlsUtils.readUint8(buf, off);

      switch (type) {
        case ContentType.alert:
        case ContentType.application_data:
        case ContentType.change_cipher_spec:
        case ContentType.handshake:
          int major = buf[off + 1] & 0xff;
          int minor = buf[off + 2] & 0xff;
          ProtocolVersion version = null;

          if ((major == ProtocolVersion.DTLSv10.getMajorVersion())
              && (minor == ProtocolVersion.DTLSv10.getMinorVersion())) {
            version = ProtocolVersion.DTLSv10;
          if ((version == null)
              && (major == ProtocolVersion.DTLSv12.getMajorVersion())
              && (minor == ProtocolVersion.DTLSv12.getMinorVersion())) {
            version = ProtocolVersion.DTLSv12;
          if (version != null) {
            int length = TlsUtils.readUint16(buf, off + 11);

            if (DTLS_RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH + length <= len) b = true;
          // Unless a new ContentType has been defined by the Bouncy
          // Castle Crypto APIs, the specified buf does not represent a
          // DTLS record.
    return b;

  /** The ID of the component which this instance works for/is associated with. */
  private final int componentID;

  /** The <tt>RTPConnector</tt> which uses this <tt>PacketTransformer</tt>. */
  private AbstractRTPConnector connector;

  /** The background <tt>Thread</tt> which initializes {@link #dtlsTransport}. */
  private Thread connectThread;

   * The <tt>DatagramTransport</tt> implementation which adapts {@link #connector} and this
   * <tt>PacketTransformer</tt> to the terms of the Bouncy Castle Crypto APIs.
  private DatagramTransportImpl datagramTransport;

   * The <tt>DTLSTransport</tt> through which the actual packet transformations are being performed
   * by this instance.
  private DTLSTransport dtlsTransport;

  /** The <tt>MediaType</tt> of the stream which this instance works for/is associated with. */
  private MediaType mediaType;

   * Whether rtcp-mux is in use.
   * <p>If enabled, and this is the transformer for RTCP, it will not establish a DTLS session on
   * its own, but rather wait for the RTP transformer to do so, and reuse it to initialize the SRTP
   * transformer.
  private boolean rtcpmux = false;

   * The value of the <tt>setup</tt> SDP attribute defined by RFC 4145 &quot;TCP-Based Media
   * Transport in the Session Description Protocol (SDP)&quot; which determines whether this
   * instance acts as a DTLS client or a DTLS server.
  private DtlsControl.Setup setup;

  /** The {@code SRTPTransformer} (to be) used by this instance. */
  private SinglePacketTransformer _srtpTransformer;

   * The indicator which determines whether the <tt>TlsPeer</tt> employed by this
   * <tt>PacketTransformer</tt> has raised an <tt>AlertDescription.close_notify</tt>
   * <tt>AlertLevel.warning</tt> i.e. the remote DTLS peer has closed the write side of the
   * connection.
  private boolean tlsPeerHasRaisedCloseNotifyWarning;

  /** The <tt>TransformEngine</tt> which has initialized this instance. */
  private final DtlsTransformEngine transformEngine;

   * Initializes a new <tt>DtlsPacketTransformer</tt> instance.
   * @param transformEngine the <tt>TransformEngine</tt> which is initializing the new instance
   * @param componentID the ID of the component for which the new instance is to work
  public DtlsPacketTransformer(DtlsTransformEngine transformEngine, int componentID) {
    this.transformEngine = transformEngine;
    this.componentID = componentID;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public synchronized void close() {
    // SrtpControl.start(MediaType) starts its associated TransformEngine.
    // We will use that mediaType to signal the normal stop then as well
    // i.e. we will call setMediaType(null) first.

   * Closes {@link #datagramTransport} if it is non-<tt>null</tt> and logs and swallows any
   * <tt>IOException</tt>.
  private void closeDatagramTransport() {
    if (datagramTransport != null) {
      try {
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        // DatagramTransportImpl has no reason to fail because it is
        // merely an adapter of #connector and this PacketTransformer to
        // the terms of the Bouncy Castle Crypto API.
        logger.error("Failed to (properly) close " + datagramTransport.getClass(), ioe);
      datagramTransport = null;

   * Determines whether {@link #runInConnectThread(DTLSProtocol, TlsPeer, DatagramTransport)} is to
   * try to establish a DTLS connection.
   * @param i the number of tries remaining after the current one
   * @param datagramTransport
   * @return <tt>true</tt> to try to establish a DTLS connection; otherwise, <tt>false</tt>
  private boolean enterRunInConnectThreadLoop(int i, DatagramTransport datagramTransport) {
    if (i < 0 || i > CONNECT_TRIES) {
      return false;
    } else {
      Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();

      synchronized (this) {
        if (i > 0 && i < CONNECT_TRIES - 1) {
          boolean interrupted = false;

          try {
          } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            interrupted = true;
          if (interrupted) currentThread.interrupt();

        return currentThread.equals(this.connectThread)
            && datagramTransport.equals(this.datagramTransport);

   * Gets the <tt>DtlsControl</tt> implementation associated with this instance.
   * @return the <tt>DtlsControl</tt> implementation associated with this instance
  DtlsControlImpl getDtlsControl() {
    return getTransformEngine().getDtlsControl();

   * Gets the <tt>TransformEngine</tt> which has initialized this instance.
   * @return the <tt>TransformEngine</tt> which has initialized this instance
  DtlsTransformEngine getTransformEngine() {
    return transformEngine;

   * Handles a specific <tt>IOException</tt> which was thrown during the execution of {@link
   * #runInConnectThread(DTLSProtocol, TlsPeer, DatagramTransport)} while trying to establish a DTLS
   * connection
   * @param ioe the <tt>IOException</tt> to handle
   * @param msg the human-readable message to log about the specified <tt>ioe</tt>
   * @param i the number of tries remaining after the current one
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the specified <tt>ioe</tt> was successfully handled; <tt>false</tt>,
   *     otherwise
  private boolean handleRunInConnectThreadException(IOException ioe, String msg, int i) {
    // SrtpControl.start(MediaType) starts its associated TransformEngine.
    // We will use that mediaType to signal the normal stop then as well
    // i.e. we will ignore exception after the procedure to stop this
    // PacketTransformer has begun.
    if (mediaType == null) return false;

    if (ioe instanceof TlsFatalAlert) {
      TlsFatalAlert tfa = (TlsFatalAlert) ioe;
      short alertDescription = tfa.getAlertDescription();

      if (alertDescription == AlertDescription.unexpected_message) {
        msg += " Received fatal unexpected message.";
        if (i == 0
            || !Thread.currentThread().equals(connectThread)
            || connector == null
            || mediaType == null) {
          msg += " Giving up after " + (CONNECT_TRIES - i) + " retries.";
        } else {
          msg += " Will retry.";
          logger.error(msg, ioe);

          return true;
      } else {
        msg += " Received fatal alert " + alertDescription + ".";

    logger.error(msg, ioe);
    return false;

   * Tries to initialize {@link #_srtpTransformer} by using the <tt>DtlsPacketTransformer</tt> for
   * RTP.
   * @return the (possibly updated) value of {@link #_srtpTransformer}.
  private SinglePacketTransformer initializeSRTCPTransformerFromRtp() {
    DtlsPacketTransformer rtpTransformer =
        (DtlsPacketTransformer) getTransformEngine().getRTPTransformer();

    // Prevent recursion (that is pretty much impossible to ever happen).
    if (rtpTransformer != this) {
      PacketTransformer srtpTransformer = rtpTransformer.waitInitializeAndGetSRTPTransformer();

      if (srtpTransformer != null && srtpTransformer instanceof SRTPTransformer) {
        synchronized (this) {
          if (_srtpTransformer == null) {
            _srtpTransformer = new SRTCPTransformer((SRTPTransformer) srtpTransformer);
            // For the sake of completeness, we notify whenever we
            // assign to _srtpTransformer.

    return _srtpTransformer;

   * Initializes a new <tt>SRTPTransformer</tt> instance with a specific (negotiated)
   * <tt>SRTPProtectionProfile</tt> and the keying material specified by a specific
   * <tt>TlsContext</tt>.
   * @param srtpProtectionProfile the (negotiated) <tt>SRTPProtectionProfile</tt> to initialize the
   *     new instance with
   * @param tlsContext the <tt>TlsContext</tt> which represents the keying material
   * @return a new <tt>SRTPTransformer</tt> instance initialized with <tt>srtpProtectionProfile</tt>
   *     and <tt>tlsContext</tt>
  private SinglePacketTransformer initializeSRTPTransformer(
      int srtpProtectionProfile, TlsContext tlsContext) {
    boolean rtcp;

    switch (componentID) {
      case Component.RTCP:
        rtcp = true;
      case Component.RTP:
        rtcp = false;
        throw new IllegalStateException("componentID");

    int cipher_key_length;
    int cipher_salt_length;
    int cipher;
    int auth_function;
    int auth_key_length;
    int RTCP_auth_tag_length, RTP_auth_tag_length;

    switch (srtpProtectionProfile) {
      case SRTPProtectionProfile.SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_32:
        cipher_key_length = 128 / 8;
        cipher_salt_length = 112 / 8;
        cipher = SRTPPolicy.AESCM_ENCRYPTION;
        auth_function = SRTPPolicy.HMACSHA1_AUTHENTICATION;
        auth_key_length = 160 / 8;
        RTCP_auth_tag_length = 80 / 8;
        RTP_auth_tag_length = 32 / 8;
      case SRTPProtectionProfile.SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80:
        cipher_key_length = 128 / 8;
        cipher_salt_length = 112 / 8;
        cipher = SRTPPolicy.AESCM_ENCRYPTION;
        auth_function = SRTPPolicy.HMACSHA1_AUTHENTICATION;
        auth_key_length = 160 / 8;
        RTCP_auth_tag_length = RTP_auth_tag_length = 80 / 8;
      case SRTPProtectionProfile.SRTP_NULL_HMAC_SHA1_32:
        cipher_key_length = 0;
        cipher_salt_length = 0;
        cipher = SRTPPolicy.NULL_ENCRYPTION;
        auth_function = SRTPPolicy.HMACSHA1_AUTHENTICATION;
        auth_key_length = 160 / 8;
        RTCP_auth_tag_length = 80 / 8;
        RTP_auth_tag_length = 32 / 8;
      case SRTPProtectionProfile.SRTP_NULL_HMAC_SHA1_80:
        cipher_key_length = 0;
        cipher_salt_length = 0;
        cipher = SRTPPolicy.NULL_ENCRYPTION;
        auth_function = SRTPPolicy.HMACSHA1_AUTHENTICATION;
        auth_key_length = 160 / 8;
        RTCP_auth_tag_length = RTP_auth_tag_length = 80 / 8;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("srtpProtectionProfile");

    byte[] keyingMaterial =
            ExporterLabel.dtls_srtp, null, 2 * (cipher_key_length + cipher_salt_length));
    byte[] client_write_SRTP_master_key = new byte[cipher_key_length];
    byte[] server_write_SRTP_master_key = new byte[cipher_key_length];
    byte[] client_write_SRTP_master_salt = new byte[cipher_salt_length];
    byte[] server_write_SRTP_master_salt = new byte[cipher_salt_length];
    byte[][] keyingMaterialValues = {

    for (int i = 0, keyingMaterialOffset = 0; i < keyingMaterialValues.length; i++) {
      byte[] keyingMaterialValue = keyingMaterialValues[i];

          keyingMaterial, keyingMaterialOffset, keyingMaterialValue, 0, keyingMaterialValue.length);
      keyingMaterialOffset += keyingMaterialValue.length;

    SRTPPolicy srtcpPolicy =
        new SRTPPolicy(
    SRTPPolicy srtpPolicy =
        new SRTPPolicy(
    SRTPContextFactory clientSRTPContextFactory =
        new SRTPContextFactory(
            /* sender */ tlsContext instanceof TlsClientContext,
    SRTPContextFactory serverSRTPContextFactory =
        new SRTPContextFactory(
            /* sender */ tlsContext instanceof TlsServerContext,
    SRTPContextFactory forwardSRTPContextFactory;
    SRTPContextFactory reverseSRTPContextFactory;

    if (tlsContext instanceof TlsClientContext) {
      forwardSRTPContextFactory = clientSRTPContextFactory;
      reverseSRTPContextFactory = serverSRTPContextFactory;
    } else if (tlsContext instanceof TlsServerContext) {
      forwardSRTPContextFactory = serverSRTPContextFactory;
      reverseSRTPContextFactory = clientSRTPContextFactory;
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("tlsContext");

    SinglePacketTransformer srtpTransformer;

    if (rtcp) {
      srtpTransformer = new SRTCPTransformer(forwardSRTPContextFactory, reverseSRTPContextFactory);
    } else {
      srtpTransformer = new SRTPTransformer(forwardSRTPContextFactory, reverseSRTPContextFactory);
    return srtpTransformer;

   * Notifies this instance that the DTLS record layer associated with a specific <tt>TlsPeer</tt>
   * has raised an alert.
   * @param tlsPeer the <tt>TlsPeer</tt> whose associated DTLS record layer has raised an alert
   * @param alertLevel {@link AlertLevel}
   * @param alertDescription {@link AlertDescription}
   * @param message a human-readable message explaining what caused the alert. May be <tt>null</tt>.
   * @param cause the exception that caused the alert to be raised. May be <tt>null</tt>.
  void notifyAlertRaised(
      TlsPeer tlsPeer, short alertLevel, short alertDescription, String message, Exception cause) {
    if (AlertLevel.warning == alertLevel && AlertDescription.close_notify == alertDescription) {
      tlsPeerHasRaisedCloseNotifyWarning = true;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public RawPacket reverseTransform(RawPacket pkt) {
    byte[] buf = pkt.getBuffer();
    int off = pkt.getOffset();
    int len = pkt.getLength();

    if (isDtlsRecord(buf, off, len)) {
      if (rtcpmux && Component.RTCP == componentID) {
        // This should never happen.
            "Dropping a DTLS record, because it was received on the"
                + " RTCP channel while rtcpmux is in use.");
        return null;

      boolean receive;

      synchronized (this) {
        if (datagramTransport == null) {
          receive = false;
        } else {
          datagramTransport.queueReceive(buf, off, len);
          receive = true;
      if (receive) {
        DTLSTransport dtlsTransport = this.dtlsTransport;

        if (dtlsTransport == null) {
          // The specified pkt looks like a DTLS record and it has
          // been consumed for the purposes of the secure channel
          // represented by this PacketTransformer.
          pkt = null;
        } else {
          try {
            int receiveLimit = dtlsTransport.getReceiveLimit();
            int delta = receiveLimit - len;

            if (delta > 0) {
              buf = pkt.getBuffer();
              off = pkt.getOffset();
              len = pkt.getLength();
            } else if (delta < 0) {
              buf = pkt.getBuffer();
              off = pkt.getOffset();
              len = pkt.getLength();

            int received = dtlsTransport.receive(buf, off, len, DTLS_TRANSPORT_RECEIVE_WAITMILLIS);

            if (received <= 0) {
              // No application data was decoded.
              pkt = null;
            } else {
              delta = len - received;
              if (delta > 0) pkt.shrink(delta);
          } catch (IOException ioe) {
            pkt = null;
            // SrtpControl.start(MediaType) starts its associated
            // TransformEngine. We will use that mediaType to signal
            // the normal stop then as well i.e. we will ignore
            // exception after the procedure to stop this
            // PacketTransformer has begun.
            if (mediaType != null && !tlsPeerHasRaisedCloseNotifyWarning) {
              logger.error("Failed to decode a DTLS record!", ioe);
      } else {
        // The specified pkt looks like a DTLS record but it is
        // unexpected in the current state of the secure channel
        // represented by this PacketTransformer. This PacketTransformer
        // has not been started (successfully) or has been closed.
        pkt = null;
    } else if (transformEngine.isSrtpDisabled()) {
      // In pure DTLS mode only DTLS records pass through.
      pkt = null;
    } else {
      // DTLS-SRTP has not been initialized yet or has failed to
      // initialize.
      SinglePacketTransformer srtpTransformer = waitInitializeAndGetSRTPTransformer();

      if (srtpTransformer != null) pkt = srtpTransformer.reverseTransform(pkt);
      else if (DROP_UNENCRYPTED_PKTS) pkt = null;
      // XXX Else, it is our explicit policy to let the received packet
      // pass through and rely on the SrtpListener to notify the user that
      // the session is not secured.
    return pkt;

   * Runs in {@link #connectThread} to initialize {@link #dtlsTransport}.
   * @param dtlsProtocol
   * @param tlsPeer
   * @param datagramTransport
  private void runInConnectThread(
      DTLSProtocol dtlsProtocol, TlsPeer tlsPeer, DatagramTransport datagramTransport) {
    DTLSTransport dtlsTransport = null;
    final boolean srtp = !transformEngine.isSrtpDisabled();
    int srtpProtectionProfile = 0;
    TlsContext tlsContext = null;

    // DTLS client
    if (dtlsProtocol instanceof DTLSClientProtocol) {
      DTLSClientProtocol dtlsClientProtocol = (DTLSClientProtocol) dtlsProtocol;
      TlsClientImpl tlsClient = (TlsClientImpl) tlsPeer;

      for (int i = CONNECT_TRIES - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (!enterRunInConnectThreadLoop(i, datagramTransport)) break;
        try {
          dtlsTransport = dtlsClientProtocol.connect(tlsClient, datagramTransport);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
          if (!handleRunInConnectThreadException(
              ioe, "Failed to connect this DTLS client to a DTLS" + " server!", i)) {
      if (dtlsTransport != null && srtp) {
        srtpProtectionProfile = tlsClient.getChosenProtectionProfile();
        tlsContext = tlsClient.getContext();
    // DTLS server
    else if (dtlsProtocol instanceof DTLSServerProtocol) {
      DTLSServerProtocol dtlsServerProtocol = (DTLSServerProtocol) dtlsProtocol;
      TlsServerImpl tlsServer = (TlsServerImpl) tlsPeer;

      for (int i = CONNECT_TRIES - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (!enterRunInConnectThreadLoop(i, datagramTransport)) break;
        try {
          dtlsTransport = dtlsServerProtocol.accept(tlsServer, datagramTransport);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
          if (!handleRunInConnectThreadException(
              ioe, "Failed to accept a connection from a DTLS client!", i)) {
      if (dtlsTransport != null && srtp) {
        srtpProtectionProfile = tlsServer.getChosenProtectionProfile();
        tlsContext = tlsServer.getContext();
    } else {
      // It MUST be either a DTLS client or a DTLS server.
      throw new IllegalStateException("dtlsProtocol");

    SinglePacketTransformer srtpTransformer =
        (dtlsTransport == null || !srtp)
            ? null
            : initializeSRTPTransformer(srtpProtectionProfile, tlsContext);
    boolean closeSRTPTransformer;

    synchronized (this) {
      if (Thread.currentThread().equals(this.connectThread)
          && datagramTransport.equals(this.datagramTransport)) {
        this.dtlsTransport = dtlsTransport;
        _srtpTransformer = srtpTransformer;
      closeSRTPTransformer = (_srtpTransformer != srtpTransformer);
    if (closeSRTPTransformer && srtpTransformer != null) srtpTransformer.close();

   * Sends the data contained in a specific byte array as application data through the DTLS
   * connection of this <tt>DtlsPacketTransformer</tt>.
   * @param buf the byte array containing data to send.
   * @param off the offset in <tt>buf</tt> where the data begins.
   * @param len the length of data to send.
  public void sendApplicationData(byte[] buf, int off, int len) {
    DTLSTransport dtlsTransport = this.dtlsTransport;
    Throwable throwable = null;

    if (dtlsTransport != null) {
      try {
        dtlsTransport.send(buf, off, len);
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throwable = ioe;
    } else {
      throwable = new NullPointerException("dtlsTransport");
    if (throwable != null) {
      // SrtpControl.start(MediaType) starts its associated
      // TransformEngine. We will use that mediaType to signal the normal
      // stop then as well i.e. we will ignore exception after the
      // procedure to stop this PacketTransformer has begun.
      if (mediaType != null && !tlsPeerHasRaisedCloseNotifyWarning) {
        logger.error("Failed to send application data over DTLS transport: ", throwable);

   * Sets the <tt>RTPConnector</tt> which is to use or uses this <tt>PacketTransformer</tt>.
   * @param connector the <tt>RTPConnector</tt> which is to use or uses this
   *     <tt>PacketTransformer</tt>
  void setConnector(AbstractRTPConnector connector) {
    if (this.connector != connector) {
      this.connector = connector;

      DatagramTransportImpl datagramTransport = this.datagramTransport;

      if (datagramTransport != null) datagramTransport.setConnector(connector);

   * Sets the <tt>MediaType</tt> of the stream which this instance is to work for/be associated
   * with.
   * @param mediaType the <tt>MediaType</tt> of the stream which this instance is to work for/be
   *     associated with
  synchronized void setMediaType(MediaType mediaType) {
    if (this.mediaType != mediaType) {
      MediaType oldValue = this.mediaType;

      this.mediaType = mediaType;

      if (oldValue != null) stop();
      if (this.mediaType != null) start();

   * Enables/disables rtcp-mux.
   * @param rtcpmux whether to enable or disable.
  void setRtcpmux(boolean rtcpmux) {
    this.rtcpmux = rtcpmux;

   * Sets the DTLS protocol according to which this <tt>DtlsPacketTransformer</tt> is to act either
   * as a DTLS server or a DTLS client.
   * @param setup the value of the <tt>setup</tt> SDP attribute to set on this instance in order to
   *     determine whether this instance is to act as a DTLS client or a DTLS server
  void setSetup(DtlsControl.Setup setup) {
    if (this.setup != setup) this.setup = setup;

  /** Starts this <tt>PacketTransformer</tt>. */
  private synchronized void start() {
    if (this.datagramTransport != null) {
      if (this.connectThread == null && dtlsTransport == null) {
                + " has been started but has failed to establish"
                + " the DTLS connection!");

    if (rtcpmux && Component.RTCP == componentID) {
      // In the case of rtcp-mux, the RTCP transformer does not create
      // a DTLS session. The SRTP context (_srtpTransformer) will be
      // initialized on demand using initializeSRTCPTransformerFromRtp().

    AbstractRTPConnector connector = this.connector;

    if (connector == null) throw new NullPointerException("connector");

    DtlsControl.Setup setup = this.setup;
    SecureRandom secureRandom = DtlsControlImpl.createSecureRandom();
    final DTLSProtocol dtlsProtocolObj;
    final TlsPeer tlsPeer;

    if (DtlsControl.Setup.ACTIVE.equals(setup)) {
      dtlsProtocolObj = new DTLSClientProtocol(secureRandom);
      tlsPeer = new TlsClientImpl(this);
    } else {
      dtlsProtocolObj = new DTLSServerProtocol(secureRandom);
      tlsPeer = new TlsServerImpl(this);
    tlsPeerHasRaisedCloseNotifyWarning = false;

    final DatagramTransportImpl datagramTransport = new DatagramTransportImpl(componentID);


    Thread connectThread =
        new Thread() {
          public void run() {
            try {
              runInConnectThread(dtlsProtocolObj, tlsPeer, datagramTransport);
            } finally {
              if (Thread.currentThread().equals(DtlsPacketTransformer.this.connectThread)) {
                DtlsPacketTransformer.this.connectThread = null;

    connectThread.setName(DtlsPacketTransformer.class.getName() + ".connectThread");

    this.connectThread = connectThread;
    this.datagramTransport = datagramTransport;

    boolean started = false;

    try {
      started = true;
    } finally {
      if (!started) {
        if (connectThread.equals(this.connectThread)) this.connectThread = null;
        if (datagramTransport.equals(this.datagramTransport)) this.datagramTransport = null;


  /** Stops this <tt>PacketTransformer</tt>. */
  private synchronized void stop() {
    if (connectThread != null) connectThread = null;
    try {
      // The dtlsTransport and _srtpTransformer SHOULD be closed, of
      // course. The datagramTransport MUST be closed.
      if (dtlsTransport != null) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
          logger.error("Failed to (properly) close " + dtlsTransport.getClass(), ioe);
        dtlsTransport = null;
      if (_srtpTransformer != null) {
        _srtpTransformer = null;
    } finally {
      try {
      } finally {

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public RawPacket transform(RawPacket pkt) {
    byte[] buf = pkt.getBuffer();
    int off = pkt.getOffset();
    int len = pkt.getLength();

    // If the specified pkt represents a DTLS record, then it should pass
    // through this PacketTransformer (e.g. it has been sent through
    // DatagramTransportImpl).
    if (isDtlsRecord(buf, off, len)) return pkt;

    // SRTP
    if (!transformEngine.isSrtpDisabled()) {
      // DTLS-SRTP has not been initialized yet or has failed to
      // initialize.
      SinglePacketTransformer srtpTransformer = waitInitializeAndGetSRTPTransformer();

      if (srtpTransformer != null) pkt = srtpTransformer.transform(pkt);
      else if (DROP_UNENCRYPTED_PKTS) pkt = null;
      // XXX Else, it is our explicit policy to let the received packet
      // pass through and rely on the SrtpListener to notify the user that
      // the session is not secured.
    // Pure/non-SRTP DTLS
    else {
      // The specified pkt will pass through this PacketTransformer only
      // if it gets transformed into a DTLS record.
      pkt = null;

      sendApplicationData(buf, off, len);
    return pkt;

   * Gets the {@code SRTPTransformer} used by this instance. If {@link #_srtpTransformer} does not
   * exist (yet) and the state of this instance indicates that its initialization is in progess,
   * then blocks until {@code _srtpTransformer} is initialized and returns it.
   * @return the {@code SRTPTransformer} used by this instance
  private SinglePacketTransformer waitInitializeAndGetSRTPTransformer() {
    SinglePacketTransformer srtpTransformer = _srtpTransformer;

    if (srtpTransformer != null) return srtpTransformer;

    if (rtcpmux && Component.RTCP == componentID) return initializeSRTCPTransformerFromRtp();

    // XXX It is our explicit policy to rely on the SrtpListener to notify
    // the user that the session is not secure. Unfortunately, (1) the
    // SrtpListener is not supported by this DTLS SrtpControl implementation
    // and (2) encrypted packets may arrive soon enough to be let through
    // while _srtpTransformer is still initializing. Consequently, we will
    // block and wait for _srtpTransformer to initialize.
    boolean interrupted = false;

    try {
      synchronized (this) {
        do {
          srtpTransformer = _srtpTransformer;
          if (srtpTransformer != null) break; // _srtpTransformer is initialized

          if (connectThread == null) {
            // Though _srtpTransformer is NOT initialized, there is
            // no point in waiting because there is no one to
            // initialize it.

          try {
            // It does not really matter (enough) how much we wait
            // here because we wait in a loop.
            long timeout = CONNECT_TRIES * CONNECT_RETRY_INTERVAL;

          } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            interrupted = true;
        } while (true);
    } finally {
      if (interrupted) Thread.currentThread().interrupt();

    return srtpTransformer;
 * Manages the set of <tt>Endpoint</tt>s whose video streams are being forwarded to a specific
 * <tt>VideoChannel</tt> (i.e. the <tt>VideoChannel</tt>'s <tt>LastN</tt> set).
 * @author Lyubomir Marinov
 * @author George Politis
 * @author Boris Grozev
public class LastNController {
   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>VideoChannel</tt> class and its instances to print debug
   * information.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LastNController.class);

  /** An empty list instance. */
  private static final List<String> INITIAL_EMPTY_LIST =
      Collections.unmodifiableList(new LinkedList<String>());

  /** The set of <tt>Endpoints</tt> whose video streams are currently being forwarded. */
  private List<String> forwardedEndpoints = INITIAL_EMPTY_LIST;

   * The list of all <tt>Endpoint</tt>s in the conference, ordered by the last time they were
   * elected dominant speaker.
  private List<String> conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints = INITIAL_EMPTY_LIST;

   * The list of endpoints which have been explicitly marked as 'pinned' and whose video streams
   * should always be forwarded.
  private List<String> pinnedEndpoints = INITIAL_EMPTY_LIST;

   * The maximum number of endpoints whose video streams will be forwarded to the endpoint, as
   * externally configured (by the client, by the focus agent, or by default configuration). A value
   * of {@code -1} means that there is no limit, and all endpoints' video streams will be forwarded.
  private int lastN = -1;

   * The current limit to the number of endpoints whose video streams will be forwarded to the
   * endpoint. This value can be changed by videobridge (i.e. when Adaptive Last N is used), but it
   * must not exceed the value of {@link #lastN}. A value of {@code -1} means that there is no
   * limit, and all endpoints' video streams will be forwarded.
  private int currentLastN = -1;

  /** Whether or not adaptive lastN is in use. */
  private boolean adaptiveLastN = false;

  /** Whether or not adaptive simulcast is in use. */
  private boolean adaptiveSimulcast = false;

   * The instance which implements <tt>Adaptive LastN</tt> or <tt>Adaptive Simulcast</tt> on our
   * behalf.
  private BitrateController bitrateController = null;

  /** The {@link VideoChannel} which owns this {@link LastNController}. */
  private final VideoChannel channel;

  /** The ID of the endpoint of {@link #channel}. */
  private String endpointId;

   * Initializes a new {@link LastNController} instance which is to belong to a particular {@link
   * VideoChannel}.
   * @param channel the owning {@link VideoChannel}.
  public LastNController(VideoChannel channel) {
    this.channel = channel;

   * @return the maximum number of endpoints whose video streams will be forwarded to the endpoint.
   *     A value of {@code -1} means that there is no limit.
  public int getLastN() {
    return lastN;

  /** @return the set of <tt>Endpoints</tt> whose video streams are currently being forwarded. */
  public List<String> getForwardedEndpoints() {
    return forwardedEndpoints;

   * Sets the value of {@code lastN}, that is, the maximum number of endpoints whose video streams
   * will be forwarded to the endpoint. A value of {@code -1} means that there is no limit.
   * @param lastN the value to set.
  public void setLastN(int lastN) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      logger.debug("Setting lastN=" + lastN);

    List<String> endpointsToAskForKeyframe = null;
    synchronized (this) {
      // Since we have the lock anyway, call update() inside, so it
      // doesn't have to obtain it again. But keep the call to
      // askForKeyframes() outside.

      if (this.lastN != lastN) {
        // If we're just now enabling lastN, we don't need to ask for
        // keyframes as all streams were being forwarded already.
        boolean update = this.lastN != -1;

        this.lastN = lastN;

        if (lastN >= 0 && (currentLastN < 0 || currentLastN > lastN)) {
          currentLastN = lastN;

        if (update) {
          endpointsToAskForKeyframe = update();


  /** Closes this {@link LastNController}. */
  public void close() {
    if (bitrateController != null) {
      try {
      } finally {
        bitrateController = null;

   * Sets the list of "pinned" endpoints (i.e. endpoints for which video should always be forwarded,
   * regardless of {@code lastN}).
   * @param newPinnedEndpointIds the list of endpoint IDs to set.
  public void setPinnedEndpointIds(List<String> newPinnedEndpointIds) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      logger.debug("Setting pinned endpoints: " + newPinnedEndpointIds.toString());
    List<String> endpointsToAskForKeyframe = null;
    synchronized (this) {
      // Since we have the lock anyway, call update() inside, so it
      // doesn't have to obtain it again. But keep the call to
      // askForKeyframes() outside.
      if (!pinnedEndpoints.equals(newPinnedEndpointIds)) {
        pinnedEndpoints = Collections.unmodifiableList(newPinnedEndpointIds);

        endpointsToAskForKeyframe = update();


   * Checks whether RTP packets from {@code sourceChannel} should be forwarded to {@link #channel}.
   * @param sourceChannel the channel.
   * @return {@code true} iff RTP packets from {@code sourceChannel} should be forwarded to {@link
   *     #channel}.
  public boolean isForwarded(Channel sourceChannel) {
    if (lastN < 0 && currentLastN < 0) {
      // If Last-N is disabled, we forward everything.
      return true;

    if (sourceChannel == null) {
      logger.warn("Invalid sourceChannel: null.");
      return false;

    Endpoint channelEndpoint = sourceChannel.getEndpoint();
    if (channelEndpoint == null) {
      logger.warn("sourceChannel has no endpoint.");
      return false;

    if (forwardedEndpoints == INITIAL_EMPTY_LIST) {
      // LastN is enabled, but we haven't yet initialized the list of
      // endpoints in the conference.

    // This may look like a place to optimize, because we query an unordered
    // list (in O(n)) and it executes on each video packet if lastN is
    // enabled. However, the size of  forwardedEndpoints is restricted to
    // lastN and so small enough that it is not worth optimizing.
    return forwardedEndpoints.contains(channelEndpoint.getID());

  /** @return the number of streams currently being forwarded. */
  public int getN() {
    return forwardedEndpoints.size();

  /** @return the list of "pinned" endpoints. */
  public List<String> getPinnedEndpoints() {
    return pinnedEndpoints;

   * Notifies this instance that the ordered list of endpoints in the conference has changed.
   * @param endpoints the new ordered list of endpoints in the conference.
   * @return the list of endpoints which were added to the list of forwarded endpoints as a result
   *     of the call, or {@code null} if none were added.
  public List<Endpoint> speechActivityEndpointsChanged(List<Endpoint> endpoints) {
    List<String> newEndpointIdList = getIDs(endpoints);
    List<String> enteringEndpointIds = speechActivityEndpointIdsChanged(newEndpointIdList);

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          "New list of conference endpoints: "
              + newEndpointIdList.toString()
              + "; entering endpoints: "
              + (enteringEndpointIds == null ? "none" : enteringEndpointIds.toString()));

    List<Endpoint> ret = new LinkedList<>();
    if (enteringEndpointIds != null) {
      for (Endpoint endpoint : endpoints) {
        if (enteringEndpointIds.contains(endpoint.getID())) {

    return ret;

   * Notifies this instance that the ordered list of endpoints (specified as a list of endpoint IDs)
   * in the conference has changed.
   * @param endpointIds the new ordered list of endpoints (specified as a list of endpoint IDs) in
   *     the conference.
   * @return the list of IDs of endpoints which were added to the list of forwarded endpoints as a
   *     result of the call.
  private synchronized List<String> speechActivityEndpointIdsChanged(List<String> endpointIds) {
    if (conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints.equals(endpointIds)) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("Conference endpoints have not changed.");
      return null;
    } else {
      List<String> newEndpoints = new LinkedList<>(endpointIds);

      conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints = endpointIds;

      return update(newEndpoints);

   * Enables or disables the "adaptive last-n" mode, depending on the value of {@code
   * adaptiveLastN}.
   * @param adaptiveLastN {@code true} to enable, {@code false} to disable
  public void setAdaptiveLastN(boolean adaptiveLastN) {
    if (this.adaptiveLastN != adaptiveLastN) {
      if (adaptiveLastN && bitrateController == null) {
        bitrateController = new BitrateController(this, channel);

      this.adaptiveLastN = adaptiveLastN;

   * Enables or disables the "adaptive simulcast" mod, depending on the value of {@code
   * adaptiveLastN}.
   * @param adaptiveSimulcast {@code true} to enable, {@code false} to disable.
  public void setAdaptiveSimulcast(boolean adaptiveSimulcast) {
    if (this.adaptiveSimulcast != adaptiveSimulcast) {
      if (adaptiveSimulcast && bitrateController == null) {
        bitrateController = new BitrateController(this, channel);

      this.adaptiveSimulcast = adaptiveSimulcast;

  /** @return {@code true} iff the "adaptive last-n" mode is enabled. */
  public boolean getAdaptiveLastN() {
    return adaptiveLastN;

  /** @return {@code true} iff the "adaptive simulcast" mode is enabled. */
  public boolean getAdaptiveSimulcast() {
    return adaptiveSimulcast;

   * Recalculates the list of forwarded endpoints based on the current values of the various
   * parameters of this instance ({@link #lastN}, {@link #conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints}, {@link
   * #pinnedEndpoints}).
   * @return the list of IDs of endpoints which were added to {@link #forwardedEndpoints} (i.e. of
   *     endpoints * "entering last-n") as a result of this call. Returns {@code null} if no
   *     endpoints were added.
  private synchronized List<String> update() {
    return update(null);

   * Recalculates the list of forwarded endpoints based on the current values of the various
   * parameters of this instance ({@link #lastN}, {@link #conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints}, {@link
   * #pinnedEndpoints}).
   * @param newConferenceEndpoints A list of endpoints which entered the conference since the last
   *     call to this method. They need not be asked for keyframes, because they were never filtered
   *     by this {@link #LastNController(VideoChannel)}.
   * @return the list of IDs of endpoints which were added to {@link #forwardedEndpoints} (i.e. of
   *     endpoints * "entering last-n") as a result of this call. Returns {@code null} if no
   *     endpoints were added.
  private synchronized List<String> update(List<String> newConferenceEndpoints) {
    List<String> newForwardedEndpoints = new LinkedList<>();
    String ourEndpointId = getEndpointId();

    if (conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints == INITIAL_EMPTY_LIST) {
      conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints =
      newConferenceEndpoints = conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints;

    if (lastN < 0 && currentLastN < 0) {
      // Last-N is disabled, we forward everything.
      if (ourEndpointId != null) {
    } else {
      // Here we have lastN >= 0 || currentLastN >= 0 which implies
      // currentLastN >= 0.

      // Pinned endpoints are always forwarded.
      // As long as they are still endpoints in the conference.

      if (newForwardedEndpoints.size() > currentLastN) {
        // What do we want in this case? It looks like a contradictory
        // request from the client, but maybe it makes for a good API
        // on the client to allow the pinned to override last-n.
        // Unfortunately, this will not play well with Adaptive-Last-N
        // or changes to Last-N for other reasons.
      } else if (newForwardedEndpoints.size() < currentLastN) {
        for (String endpointId : conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints) {
          if (newForwardedEndpoints.size() < currentLastN) {
            if (!endpointId.equals(ourEndpointId) && !newForwardedEndpoints.contains(endpointId)) {
          } else {

    List<String> enteringEndpoints;
    if (forwardedEndpoints.equals(newForwardedEndpoints)) {
      // We want forwardedEndpoints != INITIAL_EMPTY_LIST
      forwardedEndpoints = newForwardedEndpoints;

      enteringEndpoints = null;
    } else {
      enteringEndpoints = new ArrayList<>(newForwardedEndpoints);

      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            "Forwarded endpoints changed: "
                + forwardedEndpoints.toString()
                + " -> "
                + newForwardedEndpoints.toString()
                + ". Entering: "
                + enteringEndpoints.toString());

      forwardedEndpoints = Collections.unmodifiableList(newForwardedEndpoints);

      if (lastN >= 0 || currentLastN >= 0) {
        // TODO: we may want to do this asynchronously.
        channel.sendLastNEndpointsChangeEventOnDataChannel(forwardedEndpoints, enteringEndpoints);

    // If lastN is disabled, the endpoints entering forwardedEndpoints were
    // never filtered, so they don't need to be asked for keyframes.
    if (lastN < 0 && currentLastN < 0) {
      enteringEndpoints = null;

    if (enteringEndpoints != null && newConferenceEndpoints != null) {
      // Endpoints just entering the conference need not be asked for
      // keyframes.

    return enteringEndpoints;

   * Sends a keyframe request to the endpoints specified in {@code endpointIds}
   * @param endpointIds the list of IDs of endpoints to which to send a request for a keyframe.
  private void askForKeyframes(List<String> endpointIds) {
    // TODO: Execute asynchronously.
    if (endpointIds != null && !endpointIds.isEmpty()) {

  /** @return the ID of the endpoint of our channel. */
  private String getEndpointId() {
    if (endpointId == null) {
      Endpoint endpoint = channel.getEndpoint();
      if (endpoint != null) {
        endpointId = endpoint.getID();
    return endpointId;

   * Initializes the local list of endpoints ({@link #speechActivityEndpointsChanged(List)}) with
   * the current endpoints from the conference.
  public synchronized void initializeConferenceEndpoints() {

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          "Initialized the list of endpoints: " + conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints.toString());

   * Extracts a list of endpoint IDs from a list of {@link Endpoint}s.
   * @param endpoints the list of {@link Endpoint}s.
   * @return the list of IDs of endpoints in {@code endpoints}.
  private List<String> getIDs(List<Endpoint> endpoints) {
    if (endpoints != null && !endpoints.isEmpty()) {
      List<String> endpointIds = new LinkedList<>();
      for (Endpoint endpoint : endpoints) {
      return endpointIds;

    return null;

  public int getCurrentLastN() {
    return currentLastN;

  public int setCurrentLastN(int currentLastN) {
    List<String> endpointsToAskForKeyframe;

    synchronized (this) {
      // Since we have the lock anyway, call update() inside, so it
      // doesn't have to obtain it again. But keep the call to
      // askForKeyframes() outside.

      if (lastN >= 0 && lastN < currentLastN) {
        currentLastN = lastN;

      this.currentLastN = currentLastN;

      endpointsToAskForKeyframe = update();


    return currentLastN;
 * Implements {@link BundleActivator} for the <tt>msofficecomm</tt> bundle.
 * @author Lyubomir Marinov
public class MsOfficeCommActivator implements BundleActivator {
   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>MsOfficeCommActivator</tt> class and its instances for
   * logging output.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MsOfficeCommActivator.class);

   * Starts the <tt>msofficecomm</tt> bundle in a specific {@link BundleContext}.
   * @param bundleContext the <tt>BundleContext</tt> in which the <tt>msofficecomm</tt> bundle is to
   *     be started
   * @throws Exception if anything goes wrong while starting the <tt>msofficecomm</tt> bundle in the
   *     specified <tt>BundleContext</tt>
  public void start(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception {
    // The msofficecomm bundle is available on Windows only.
    if (!OSUtils.IS_WINDOWS) return;

    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("MsOfficeComm plugin ... [STARTED]");


    boolean stopMessenger = true;

    try {
      int hresult = OutOfProcessServer.start();

      if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
        logger.info("MsOfficeComm started OutOfProcessServer HRESULT:" + hresult);

      if (hresult < 0) throw new RuntimeException("HRESULT " + hresult);
      else stopMessenger = false;
    } finally {
      if (stopMessenger) Messenger.stop(bundleContext);

   * Stops the <tt>msofficecomm</tt> bundle in a specific {@link BundleContext}.
   * @param bundleContext the <tt>BundleContext</tt> in which the <tt>msofficecomm</tt> bundle is to
   *     be stopped
   * @throws Exception if anything goes wrong while stopping the <tt>msofficecomm</tt> bundle in the
   *     specified <tt>BundleContext</tt>
  public void stop(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception {
    // The msofficecomm bundle is available on Windows only.
    if (!OSUtils.IS_WINDOWS) return;

    try {
      int hresult = OutOfProcessServer.stop();

      if (hresult < 0) throw new RuntimeException("HRESULT " + hresult);
    } finally {

    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("MsOfficeComm plugin ... [UNREGISTERED]");
 * Intercepts and handles outgoing RTX (RFC-4588) packets for an <tt>RtpChannel</tt>. Depending on
 * whether the destination supports the RTX format (RFC-4588) either removes the RTX encapsulation
 * (thus effectively retransmitting packets bit-by-bit) or updates the sequence number and SSRC
 * fields taking into account the data sent to the particular <tt>RtpChannel</tt>.
 * @author Boris Grozev
public class RtxTransformer extends SinglePacketTransformerAdapter implements TransformEngine {
   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>RtxTransformer</tt> class and its instances to print debug
   * information.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RtxTransformer.class);

  /** The <tt>RtpChannel</tt> for the transformer. */
  private RtpChannel channel;

  /** Maps an RTX SSRC to the last RTP sequence number sent with that SSRC. */
  private final Map<Long, Integer> rtxSequenceNumbers = new HashMap<>();

   * Initializes a new <tt>RtxTransformer</tt> with a specific <tt>RtpChannel</tt>.
   * @param channel the <tt>RtpChannel</tt> for the transformer.
  RtxTransformer(RtpChannel channel) {
    this.channel = channel;

  /** Implements {@link PacketTransformer#transform(RawPacket[])}. {@inheritDoc} */
  public RawPacket transform(RawPacket pkt) {
    byte rtxPt;
    if (pkt != null
        && (rtxPt = channel.getRtxPayloadType()) != -1
        && pkt.getPayloadType() == rtxPt) {
      pkt = handleRtxPacket(pkt);

    return pkt;

   * Handles an RTX packet and returns it.
   * @param pkt the packet to handle.
   * @return the packet
  private RawPacket handleRtxPacket(RawPacket pkt) {
    boolean destinationSupportsRtx = channel.getRtxPayloadType() != -1;
    RawPacket mediaPacket = createMediaPacket(pkt);

    if (mediaPacket != null) {
      RawPacketCache cache = channel.getStream().getPacketCache();
      if (cache != null) {

    if (destinationSupportsRtx) {
          getNextRtxSequenceNumber(pkt.getSSRC() & 0xffffffffL, pkt.getSequenceNumber()));
    } else {
      // If the media packet was not reconstructed, drop the RTX packet
      // (by returning null).
      return mediaPacket;

    return pkt;

   * Creates a {@code RawPacket} which represents the original packet encapsulated in {@code pkt}
   * using the RTX format.
   * @param pkt the packet from which to extract a media packet.
   * @return the extracted media packet.
  private RawPacket createMediaPacket(RawPacket pkt) {
    RawPacket mediaPacket = null;
    long rtxSsrc = pkt.getSSRC() & 0xffffffffL;

    // We need to know the SSRC paired with rtxSsrc *as seen by the
    // receiver (i.e. this.channel)*. However, we only store SSRCs
    // that endpoints *send* with.
    // We therefore assume that SSRC re-writing has not introduced any
    // new SSRCs and therefor the FID mappings known to the senders
    // also apply to receivers.
    RtpChannel sourceChannel = channel.getContent().findChannelByFidSsrc(rtxSsrc);
    if (sourceChannel != null) {
      long mediaSsrc = sourceChannel.getFidPairedSsrc(rtxSsrc);
      if (mediaSsrc != -1) {
        byte apt = sourceChannel.getRtxAssociatedPayloadType();
        if (apt != -1) {
          mediaPacket = new RawPacket(pkt.getBuffer().clone(), pkt.getOffset(), pkt.getLength());

          // Remove the RTX header by moving the RTP header two bytes
          // right.
          byte[] buf = mediaPacket.getBuffer();
          int off = mediaPacket.getOffset();
          System.arraycopy(buf, off, buf, off + 2, mediaPacket.getHeaderLength());

          mediaPacket.setOffset(off + 2);
          mediaPacket.setLength(pkt.getLength() - 2);

          mediaPacket.setSSRC((int) mediaSsrc);

    return mediaPacket;

  /** Implements {@link TransformEngine#getRTPTransformer()}. */
  public PacketTransformer getRTPTransformer() {
    return this;

  /** Implements {@link TransformEngine#getRTCPTransformer()}. */
  public PacketTransformer getRTCPTransformer() {
    return null;

   * Returns the sequence number to use for a specific RTX packet, which is based on the packet's
   * original sequence number.
   * <p>Because we terminate the RTX format, and with simulcast we might translate RTX packets from
   * multiple SSRCs into the same SSRC, we keep count of the RTX packets (and their sequence
   * numbers) which we sent for each SSRC.
   * @param ssrc the SSRC of the RTX stream for the packet.
   * @param defaultSeq the default sequence number to use in case we don't (yet) have any
   *     information about <tt>ssrc</tt>.
   * @return the sequence number which should be used for the next RTX packet sent using SSRC
   *     <tt>ssrc</tt>.
  private int getNextRtxSequenceNumber(long ssrc, int defaultSeq) {
    Integer seq;
    synchronized (rtxSequenceNumbers) {
      seq = rtxSequenceNumbers.get(ssrc);
      if (seq == null) seq = defaultSeq;
      else seq++;

      rtxSequenceNumbers.put(ssrc, seq);

    return seq;

   * Returns the next RTP sequence number to use for the RTX stream for a particular SSRC.
   * @param ssrc the SSRC.
   * @return the next sequence number to use for SSRC <tt>ssrc</tt>.
  private int getNextRtxSequenceNumber(long ssrc) {
    return getNextRtxSequenceNumber(ssrc, new Random().nextInt(1 << 16));

   * Tries to find an SSRC paired with {@code ssrc} in an FID group in one of the channels from
   * {@link #channel}'s {@code Content}. Returns -1 on failure.
   * @param ssrc the SSRC for which to find a paired SSRC.
   * @return An SSRC paired with {@code ssrc} in an FID group, or -1.
  private long getPairedSsrc(long ssrc) {
    RtpChannel sourceChannel = channel.getContent().findChannelByFidSsrc(ssrc);
    if (sourceChannel != null) {
      return sourceChannel.getFidPairedSsrc(ssrc);
    return -1;
   * Retransmits a packet to {@link #channel}. If the destination supports the RTX format, the
   * packet will be encapsulated in RTX, otherwise, the packet will be retransmitted as-is.
   * @param pkt the packet to retransmit.
   * @param after the {@code TransformEngine} in the chain of {@code TransformEngine}s of the
   *     associated {@code MediaStream} after which the injection of {@code pkt} is to begin
   * @return {@code true} if the packet was successfully retransmitted, {@code false} otherwise.
  public boolean retransmit(RawPacket pkt, TransformEngine after) {
    boolean destinationSupportsRtx = channel.getRtxPayloadType() != -1;
    boolean retransmitPlain;

    if (destinationSupportsRtx) {
      long rtxSsrc = getPairedSsrc(pkt.getSSRC());

      if (rtxSsrc == -1) {
        logger.warn("Cannot find SSRC for RTX, retransmitting plain.");
        retransmitPlain = true;
      } else {
        retransmitPlain = !encapsulateInRtxAndTransmit(pkt, rtxSsrc);
    } else {
      retransmitPlain = true;

    if (retransmitPlain) {
      MediaStream mediaStream = channel.getStream();

      if (mediaStream != null) {
        try {
          mediaStream.injectPacket(pkt, /* data */ true, after);
        } catch (TransmissionFailedException tfe) {
          logger.warn("Failed to retransmit a packet.");
          return false;

    return true;

   * Encapsulates {@code pkt} in the RTX format, using {@code rtxSsrc} as its SSRC, and transmits it
   * to {@link #channel} by injecting it in the {@code MediaStream}.
   * @param pkt the packet to transmit.
   * @param rtxSsrc the SSRC for the RTX stream.
   * @return {@code true} if the packet was successfully retransmitted, {@code false} otherwise.
  private boolean encapsulateInRtxAndTransmit(RawPacket pkt, long rtxSsrc) {
    byte[] buf = pkt.getBuffer();
    int len = pkt.getLength();
    int off = pkt.getOffset();
    byte[] newBuf = buf;
    if (buf.length < len + 2) {
      // FIXME The byte array newly allocated and assigned to newBuf must
      // be made known to pkt eventually.
      newBuf = new byte[len + 2];

    int osn = pkt.getSequenceNumber();
    int headerLength = pkt.getHeaderLength();
    int payloadLength = len - headerLength;
    System.arraycopy(buf, off, newBuf, 0, headerLength);
    // FIXME If newBuf is actually buf, then we will override the first two
    // bytes of the payload bellow.
    newBuf[headerLength] = (byte) ((osn >> 8) & 0xff);
    newBuf[headerLength + 1] = (byte) (osn & 0xff);
    System.arraycopy(buf, off + headerLength, newBuf, headerLength + 2, payloadLength);
    // FIXME We tried to extend the payload of pkt by two bytes above but
    // we never told pkt that its length has increased by these two bytes.

    MediaStream mediaStream = channel.getStream();
    if (mediaStream != null) {
      pkt.setSSRC((int) rtxSsrc);
      // Only call getNextRtxSequenceNumber() when we're sure we're going
      // to transmit a packet, because it consumes a sequence number.
      try {
        mediaStream.injectPacket(pkt, /* data */ true, /* after */ null);
      } catch (TransmissionFailedException tfe) {
        logger.warn("Failed to transmit an RTX packet.");
        return false;

    return true;
 * Class is a transport layer for WebRTC data channels. It consists of SCTP connection running on
 * top of ICE/DTLS layer. Manages WebRTC data channels. See
 * http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-rtcweb-data-channel-08 for more info on WebRTC data
 * channels.
 * <p>Control protocol: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-rtcweb-data-protocol-03 FIXME handle
 * closing of data channels(SCTP stream reset)
 * @author Pawel Domas
 * @author Lyubomir Marinov
 * @author Boris Grozev
public class SctpConnection extends Channel
    implements SctpDataCallback, SctpSocket.NotificationListener {
  /** Generator used to track debug IDs. */
  private static int debugIdGen = -1;

  /** DTLS transport buffer size. Note: randomly chosen. */
  private static final int DTLS_BUFFER_SIZE = 2048;

  /** Switch used for debugging SCTP traffic purposes. FIXME to be removed */
  private static final boolean LOG_SCTP_PACKETS = false;

  /** The logger */
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SctpConnection.class);

   * Message type used to acknowledge WebRTC data channel allocation on SCTP stream ID on which
   * <tt>MSG_OPEN_CHANNEL</tt> message arrives.
  private static final int MSG_CHANNEL_ACK = 0x2;

  private static final byte[] MSG_CHANNEL_ACK_BYTES = new byte[] {MSG_CHANNEL_ACK};

   * Message with this type sent over control PPID in order to open new WebRTC data channel on SCTP
   * stream ID that this message is sent.
  private static final int MSG_OPEN_CHANNEL = 0x3;

  /** SCTP transport buffer size. */
  private static final int SCTP_BUFFER_SIZE = DTLS_BUFFER_SIZE - 13;

  /** The pool of <tt>Thread</tt>s which run <tt>SctpConnection</tt>s. */
  private static final ExecutorService threadPool =
      ExecutorUtils.newCachedThreadPool(true, SctpConnection.class.getName());

  /** Payload protocol id that identifies binary data in WebRTC data channel. */
  static final int WEB_RTC_PPID_BIN = 53;

  /** Payload protocol id for control data. Used for <tt>WebRtcDataStream</tt> allocation. */
  static final int WEB_RTC_PPID_CTRL = 50;

  /** Payload protocol id that identifies text data UTF8 encoded in WebRTC data channels. */
  static final int WEB_RTC_PPID_STRING = 51;

   * The <tt>String</tt> value of the <tt>Protocol</tt> field of the <tt>DATA_CHANNEL_OPEN</tt>
   * message.
  private static final String WEBRTC_DATA_CHANNEL_PROTOCOL = "http://jitsi.org/protocols/colibri";

  private static synchronized int generateDebugId() {
    debugIdGen += 2;
    return debugIdGen;

   * Indicates whether the STCP association is ready and has not been ended by a subsequent state
   * change.
  private boolean assocIsUp;

  /** Indicates if we have accepted incoming connection. */
  private boolean acceptedIncomingConnection;

  /** Data channels mapped by SCTP stream identified(sid). */
  private final Map<Integer, WebRtcDataStream> channels = new HashMap<Integer, WebRtcDataStream>();

  /** Debug ID used to distinguish SCTP sockets in packet logs. */
  private final int debugId;

   * The <tt>AsyncExecutor</tt> which is to asynchronously dispatch the events fired by this
   * instance in order to prevent possible listeners from blocking this <tt>SctpConnection</tt> in
   * general and {@link #sctpSocket} in particular for too long. The timeout of <tt>15</tt> is
   * chosen to be in accord with the time it takes to expire a <tt>Channel</tt>.
  private final AsyncExecutor<Runnable> eventDispatcher =
      new AsyncExecutor<Runnable>(15, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

  /** Datagram socket for ICE/UDP layer. */
  private IceSocketWrapper iceSocket;

   * List of <tt>WebRtcDataStreamListener</tt>s that will be notified whenever new WebRTC data
   * channel is opened.
  private final List<WebRtcDataStreamListener> listeners =
      new ArrayList<WebRtcDataStreamListener>();

  /** Remote SCTP port. */
  private final int remoteSctpPort;

  /** <tt>SctpSocket</tt> used for SCTP transport. */
  private SctpSocket sctpSocket;

   * Flag prevents from starting this connection multiple times from {@link #maybeStartStream()}.
  private boolean started;

   * Initializes a new <tt>SctpConnection</tt> instance.
   * @param id the string identifier of this connection instance
   * @param content the <tt>Content</tt> which is initializing the new instance
   * @param endpoint the <tt>Endpoint</tt> of newly created instance
   * @param remoteSctpPort the SCTP port used by remote peer
   * @param channelBundleId the ID of the channel-bundle this <tt>SctpConnection</tt> is to be a
   *     part of (or <tt>null</tt> if no it is not to be a part of a channel-bundle).
   * @throws Exception if an error occurs while initializing the new instance
  public SctpConnection(
      String id, Content content, Endpoint endpoint, int remoteSctpPort, String channelBundleId)
      throws Exception {
    super(content, id, channelBundleId);


    this.remoteSctpPort = remoteSctpPort;
    this.debugId = generateDebugId();

   * Adds <tt>WebRtcDataStreamListener</tt> to the list of listeners.
   * @param listener the <tt>WebRtcDataStreamListener</tt> to be added to the listeners list.
  public void addChannelListener(WebRtcDataStreamListener listener) {
    if (listener == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("listener");
    } else {
      synchronized (listeners) {
        if (!listeners.contains(listener)) {

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  protected void closeStream() throws IOException {
    try {
      synchronized (this) {
        assocIsUp = false;
        acceptedIncomingConnection = false;
        if (sctpSocket != null) {
          sctpSocket = null;
    } finally {
      if (iceSocket != null) {
        // It is now the responsibility of the transport manager to
        // close the socket.
        // iceUdpSocket.close();

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void expire() {
    try {
    } finally {

   * Gets the <tt>WebRtcDataStreamListener</tt>s added to this instance.
   * @return the <tt>WebRtcDataStreamListener</tt>s added to this instance or <tt>null</tt> if there
   *     are no <tt>WebRtcDataStreamListener</tt>s added to this instance
  private WebRtcDataStreamListener[] getChannelListeners() {
    WebRtcDataStreamListener[] ls;

    synchronized (listeners) {
      if (listeners.isEmpty()) {
        ls = null;
      } else {
        ls = listeners.toArray(new WebRtcDataStreamListener[listeners.size()]);
    return ls;

   * Returns default <tt>WebRtcDataStream</tt> if it's ready or <tt>null</tt> otherwise.
   * @return <tt>WebRtcDataStream</tt> if it's ready or <tt>null</tt> otherwise.
   * @throws IOException
  public WebRtcDataStream getDefaultDataStream() throws IOException {
    WebRtcDataStream def;

    synchronized (this) {
      if (sctpSocket == null) {
        def = null;
      } else {
        // Channel that runs on sid 0
        def = channels.get(0);
        if (def == null) {
          def = openChannel(0, 0, 0, 0, "default");
        // Pawel Domas: Must be acknowledged before use
         * XXX Lyubomir Marinov: We're always sending ordered. According
         * to "WebRTC Data Channel Establishment Protocol", we can start
         * sending messages containing user data after the
         * DATA_CHANNEL_OPEN message has been sent without waiting for
         * the reception of the corresponding DATA_CHANNEL_ACK message.
        //                if (!def.isAcknowledged())
        //                    def = null;
    return def;

   * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this <tt>SctpConnection</tt> is connected to the remote peer and
   * operational.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if this <tt>SctpConnection</tt> is connected to the remote peer and
   *     operational
  public boolean isReady() {
    return assocIsUp && acceptedIncomingConnection;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  protected void maybeStartStream() throws IOException {
    // connector
    final StreamConnector connector = getStreamConnector();

    if (connector == null) return;

    synchronized (this) {
      if (started) return;

          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              try {

              } catch (IOException e) {
                logger.error(e, e);
              } finally {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                  logger.error("Failed to shutdown SCTP stack", e);

      started = true;

   * Submits {@link #notifyChannelOpenedInEventDispatcher(WebRtcDataStream)} to {@link
   * #eventDispatcher} for asynchronous execution.
   * @param dataChannel
  private void notifyChannelOpened(final WebRtcDataStream dataChannel) {
    if (!isExpired()) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

  private void notifyChannelOpenedInEventDispatcher(WebRtcDataStream dataChannel) {
     * When executing asynchronously in eventDispatcher, it is technically
     * possible that this SctpConnection may have expired by now.
    if (!isExpired()) {
      WebRtcDataStreamListener[] ls = getChannelListeners();

      if (ls != null) {
        for (WebRtcDataStreamListener l : ls) {
          l.onChannelOpened(this, dataChannel);

   * Submits {@link #notifySctpConnectionReadyInEventDispatcher()} to {@link #eventDispatcher} for
   * asynchronous execution.
  private void notifySctpConnectionReady() {
    if (!isExpired()) {
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

   * Notifies the <tt>WebRtcDataStreamListener</tt>s added to this instance that this
   * <tt>SctpConnection</tt> is ready i.e. it is connected to the remote peer and operational.
  private void notifySctpConnectionReadyInEventDispatcher() {
     * When executing asynchronously in eventDispatcher, it is technically
     * possible that this SctpConnection may have expired by now.
    if (!isExpired() && isReady()) {
      WebRtcDataStreamListener[] ls = getChannelListeners();

      if (ls != null) {
        for (WebRtcDataStreamListener l : ls) {

   * Handles control packet.
   * @param data raw packet data that arrived on control PPID.
   * @param sid SCTP stream id on which the data has arrived.
  private synchronized void onCtrlPacket(byte[] data, int sid) throws IOException {
    ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
    int messageType = /* 1 byte unsigned integer */ 0xFF & buffer.get();

    if (messageType == MSG_CHANNEL_ACK) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug(getEndpoint().getID() + " ACK received SID: " + sid);
      // Open channel ACK
      WebRtcDataStream channel = channels.get(sid);
      if (channel != null) {
        // Ack check prevents from firing multiple notifications
        // if we get more than one ACKs (by mistake/bug).
        if (!channel.isAcknowledged()) {
        } else {
          logger.warn("Redundant ACK received for SID: " + sid);
      } else {
        logger.error("No channel exists on sid: " + sid);
    } else if (messageType == MSG_OPEN_CHANNEL) {
      int channelType = /* 1 byte unsigned integer */ 0xFF & buffer.get();
      int priority = /* 2 bytes unsigned integer */ 0xFFFF & buffer.getShort();
      long reliability = /* 4 bytes unsigned integer */ 0xFFFFFFFFL & buffer.getInt();
      int labelLength = /* 2 bytes unsigned integer */ 0xFFFF & buffer.getShort();
      int protocolLength = /* 2 bytes unsigned integer */ 0xFFFF & buffer.getShort();
      String label;
      String protocol;

      if (labelLength == 0) {
        label = "";
      } else {
        byte[] labelBytes = new byte[labelLength];

        label = new String(labelBytes, "UTF-8");
      if (protocolLength == 0) {
        protocol = "";
      } else {
        byte[] protocolBytes = new byte[protocolLength];

        protocol = new String(protocolBytes, "UTF-8");

      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            "!!! "
                + getEndpoint().getID()
                + " data channel open request on SID: "
                + sid
                + " type: "
                + channelType
                + " prio: "
                + priority
                + " reliab: "
                + reliability
                + " label: "
                + label
                + " proto: "
                + protocol);

      if (channels.containsKey(sid)) {
        logger.error("Channel on sid: " + sid + " already exists");

      WebRtcDataStream newChannel = new WebRtcDataStream(sctpSocket, sid, label, true);
      channels.put(sid, newChannel);


    } else {
      logger.error("Unexpected ctrl msg type: " + messageType);

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  protected void onEndpointChanged(Endpoint oldValue, Endpoint newValue) {
    if (oldValue != null) oldValue.setSctpConnection(null);
    if (newValue != null) newValue.setSctpConnection(this);

  /** Implements notification in order to track socket state. */
  public synchronized void onSctpNotification(SctpSocket socket, SctpNotification notification) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      logger.debug("socket=" + socket + "; notification=" + notification);
    switch (notification.sn_type) {
      case SctpNotification.SCTP_ASSOC_CHANGE:
        SctpNotification.AssociationChange assocChange =
            (SctpNotification.AssociationChange) notification;

        switch (assocChange.state) {
          case SctpNotification.AssociationChange.SCTP_COMM_UP:
            if (!assocIsUp) {
              boolean wasReady = isReady();

              assocIsUp = true;
              if (isReady() && !wasReady) notifySctpConnectionReady();

          case SctpNotification.AssociationChange.SCTP_COMM_LOST:
          case SctpNotification.AssociationChange.SCTP_SHUTDOWN_COMP:
          case SctpNotification.AssociationChange.SCTP_CANT_STR_ASSOC:
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
              logger.error("Error closing SCTP socket", e);

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * <p>SCTP input data callback.
  public void onSctpPacket(
      byte[] data, int sid, int ssn, int tsn, long ppid, int context, int flags) {
    if (ppid == WEB_RTC_PPID_CTRL) {
      // Channel control PPID
      try {
        onCtrlPacket(data, sid);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("IOException when processing ctrl packet", e);
    } else if (ppid == WEB_RTC_PPID_STRING || ppid == WEB_RTC_PPID_BIN) {
      WebRtcDataStream channel;

      synchronized (this) {
        channel = channels.get(sid);

      if (channel == null) {
        logger.error("No channel found for sid: " + sid);
      if (ppid == WEB_RTC_PPID_STRING) {
        // WebRTC String
        String str;
        String charsetName = "UTF-8";

        try {
          str = new String(data, charsetName);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
          logger.error("Unsupported charset encoding/name " + charsetName, uee);
          str = null;
      } else {
        // WebRTC Binary
    } else {
      logger.warn("Got message on unsupported PPID: " + ppid);

   * Opens new WebRTC data channel using specified parameters.
   * @param type channel type as defined in control protocol description. Use 0 for "reliable".
   * @param prio channel priority. The higher the number, the lower the priority.
   * @param reliab Reliability Parameter<br>
   *     This field is ignored if a reliable channel is used. If a partial reliable channel with
   *     limited number of retransmissions is used, this field specifies the number of
   *     retransmissions. If a partial reliable channel with limited lifetime is used, this field
   *     specifies the maximum lifetime in milliseconds. The following table summarizes this:<br>
   *     </br>
   *     <p>+------------------------------------------------+------------------+ | Channel Type |
   *     Reliability | | | Parameter |
   *     +------------------------------------------------+------------------+ |
   *     DATA_CHANNEL_PARTIAL_RELIABLE_TIMED | Lifetime in ms | |
   *     +------------------------------------------------+------------------+
   * @param sid SCTP stream id that will be used by new channel (it must not be already used).
   * @param label text label for the channel.
   * @return new instance of <tt>WebRtcDataStream</tt> that represents opened WebRTC data channel.
   * @throws IOException if IO error occurs.
  public synchronized WebRtcDataStream openChannel(
      int type, int prio, long reliab, int sid, String label) throws IOException {
    if (channels.containsKey(sid)) {
      throw new IOException("Channel on sid: " + sid + " already exists");

    // Label Length & Label
    byte[] labelBytes;
    int labelByteLength;

    if (label == null) {
      labelBytes = null;
      labelByteLength = 0;
    } else {
      labelBytes = label.getBytes("UTF-8");
      labelByteLength = labelBytes.length;
      if (labelByteLength > 0xFFFF) labelByteLength = 0xFFFF;

    // Protocol Length & Protocol
    byte[] protocolBytes;
    int protocolByteLength;

    if (protocol == null) {
      protocolBytes = null;
      protocolByteLength = 0;
    } else {
      protocolBytes = protocol.getBytes("UTF-8");
      protocolByteLength = protocolBytes.length;
      if (protocolByteLength > 0xFFFF) protocolByteLength = 0xFFFF;

    ByteBuffer packet = ByteBuffer.allocate(12 + labelByteLength + protocolByteLength);

    // Message open new channel on current sid
    // Message Type
    packet.put((byte) MSG_OPEN_CHANNEL);
    // Channel Type
    packet.put((byte) type);
    // Priority
    packet.putShort((short) prio);
    // Reliability Parameter
    packet.putInt((int) reliab);
    // Label Length
    packet.putShort((short) labelByteLength);
    // Protocol Length
    packet.putShort((short) protocolByteLength);
    // Label
    if (labelByteLength != 0) {
      packet.put(labelBytes, 0, labelByteLength);
    // Protocol
    if (protocolByteLength != 0) {
      packet.put(protocolBytes, 0, protocolByteLength);

    int sentCount = sctpSocket.send(packet.array(), true, sid, WEB_RTC_PPID_CTRL);

    if (sentCount != packet.capacity()) {
      throw new IOException("Failed to open new chanel on sid: " + sid);

    WebRtcDataStream channel = new WebRtcDataStream(sctpSocket, sid, label, false);

    channels.put(sid, channel);

    return channel;

   * Removes <tt>WebRtcDataStreamListener</tt> from the list of listeners.
   * @param listener the <tt>WebRtcDataStreamListener</tt> to be removed from the listeners list.
  public void removeChannelListener(WebRtcDataStreamListener listener) {
    if (listener != null) {
      synchronized (listeners) {

  private void runOnDtlsTransport(StreamConnector connector) throws IOException {
    DtlsControlImpl dtlsControl = (DtlsControlImpl) getTransportManager().getDtlsControl(this);
    DtlsTransformEngine engine = dtlsControl.getTransformEngine();
    final DtlsPacketTransformer transformer = (DtlsPacketTransformer) engine.getRTPTransformer();

    byte[] receiveBuffer = new byte[SCTP_BUFFER_SIZE];

          ConfigurationService.PNAME_SC_HOME_DIR_LOCATION, System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"));
          ConfigurationService.PNAME_SC_HOME_DIR_NAME, SctpConnection.class.getName());

    synchronized (this) {
      // FIXME local SCTP port is hardcoded in bridge offer SDP (Jitsi
      // Meet)
      sctpSocket = Sctp.createSocket(5000);
      assocIsUp = false;
      acceptedIncomingConnection = false;

    // Implement output network link for SCTP stack on DTLS transport
        new NetworkLink() {
          public void onConnOut(SctpSocket s, byte[] packet) throws IOException {
            if (LOG_SCTP_PACKETS) {
                      new byte[] {0, 0, 0, (byte) debugId},
                      new byte[] {0, 0, 0, (byte) (debugId + 1)},

            // Send through DTLS transport
            transformer.sendApplicationData(packet, 0, packet.length);

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      logger.debug("Connecting SCTP to port: " + remoteSctpPort + " to " + getEndpoint().getID());


    // FIXME manage threads
        new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
            SctpSocket sctpSocket = null;
            try {
              // sctpSocket is set to null on close
              sctpSocket = SctpConnection.this.sctpSocket;
              while (sctpSocket != null) {
                if (sctpSocket.accept()) {
                  acceptedIncomingConnection = true;
                sctpSocket = SctpConnection.this.sctpSocket;
              if (isReady()) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
              logger.error("Error accepting SCTP connection", e);

            if (sctpSocket == null && logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                  "SctpConnection " + getID() + " closed" + " before SctpSocket accept()-ed.");

    // Notify that from now on SCTP connection is considered functional

    // Setup iceSocket
    DatagramSocket datagramSocket = connector.getDataSocket();
    if (datagramSocket != null) {
      this.iceSocket = new IceUdpSocketWrapper(datagramSocket);
    } else {
      this.iceSocket = new IceTcpSocketWrapper(connector.getDataTCPSocket());

    DatagramPacket rcvPacket = new DatagramPacket(receiveBuffer, 0, receiveBuffer.length);

    // Receive loop, breaks when SCTP socket is closed
    try {
      do {

        RawPacket raw =
            new RawPacket(rcvPacket.getData(), rcvPacket.getOffset(), rcvPacket.getLength());

        raw = transformer.reverseTransform(raw);
        // Check for app data
        if (raw == null) continue;

        if (LOG_SCTP_PACKETS) {
                  new byte[] {0, 0, 0, (byte) (debugId + 1)},
                  new byte[] {0, 0, 0, (byte) debugId},

        // Pass network packet to SCTP stack
        sctpSocket.onConnIn(raw.getBuffer(), raw.getOffset(), raw.getLength());
      } while (true);
    } finally {
      // Eventually, close the socket although it should happen from
      // expire().
      synchronized (this) {
        assocIsUp = false;
        acceptedIncomingConnection = false;
        if (sctpSocket != null) {
          sctpSocket = null;

   * Sends acknowledgment for open channel request on given SCTP stream ID.
   * @param sid SCTP stream identifier to be used for sending ack.
  private void sendOpenChannelAck(int sid) throws IOException {
    // Send ACK
    byte[] ack = MSG_CHANNEL_ACK_BYTES;
    int sendAck = sctpSocket.send(ack, true, sid, WEB_RTC_PPID_CTRL);

    if (sendAck != ack.length) {
      logger.error("Failed to send open channel confirmation");

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * <p>Creates a <tt>TransportManager</tt> instance suitable for an <tt>SctpConnection</tt> (e.g.
   * with 1 component only).
  protected TransportManager createTransportManager(String xmlNamespace) throws IOException {
    if (IceUdpTransportPacketExtension.NAMESPACE.equals(xmlNamespace)) {
      Content content = getContent();
      return new IceUdpTransportManager(
          content.getConference(), isInitiator(), 1 /* num components */, content.getName());
    } else if (RawUdpTransportPacketExtension.NAMESPACE.equals(xmlNamespace)) {
      // TODO: support RawUdp once RawUdpTransportManager is updated
      // return new RawUdpTransportManager(this);
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported Jingle transport " + xmlNamespace);
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported Jingle transport " + xmlNamespace);
 * Discovers and registers DirectShow video capture devices with JMF.
 * @author Sebastien Vincent
public class DirectShowSystem extends DeviceSystem {
   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>DirectShowSystem</tt> class and its instances for logging
   * output.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DirectShowSystem.class);

  /** The protocol of the <tt>MediaLocator</tt>s identifying QuickTime/QTKit capture devices. */

   * Constructor. Discover and register DirectShow capture devices with JMF.
   * @throws Exception if anything goes wrong while discovering and registering DirectShow capture
   *     defines with JMF
  public DirectShowSystem() throws Exception {
    super(MediaType.VIDEO, LOCATOR_PROTOCOL);

  protected void doInitialize() throws Exception {
    DSCaptureDevice devices[] = DSManager.getInstance().getCaptureDevices();
    boolean captureDeviceInfoIsAdded = false;

    for (int i = 0, count = (devices == null) ? 0 : devices.length; i < count; i++) {
      long pixelFormat = devices[i].getFormat().getPixelFormat();
      int ffmpegPixFmt = (int) DataSource.getFFmpegPixFmt(pixelFormat);
      Format format = null;

      if (ffmpegPixFmt != FFmpeg.PIX_FMT_NONE) {
        format = new AVFrameFormat(ffmpegPixFmt, (int) pixelFormat);
      } else {
            "No support for this webcam: "
                + devices[i].getName()
                + "(format "
                + pixelFormat
                + " not supported)");

      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
        for (DSFormat f : devices[i].getSupportedFormats()) {
          if (f.getWidth() != 0 && f.getHeight() != 0)
                "Webcam available resolution for "
                    + devices[i].getName()
                    + ":"
                    + f.getWidth()
                    + "x"
                    + f.getHeight());

      CaptureDeviceInfo device =
          new CaptureDeviceInfo(
              new MediaLocator(LOCATOR_PROTOCOL + ':' + devices[i].getName()),
              new Format[] {format});

      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Found[" + i + "]: " + device.getName());

      captureDeviceInfoIsAdded = true;

    if (captureDeviceInfoIsAdded && !MediaServiceImpl.isJmfRegistryDisableLoad())

   * Initializes a new <tt>RtxTransformer</tt> with a specific <tt>RtpChannel</tt>.
   * @param channel the <tt>RtpChannel</tt> for the transformer.
  RtxTransformer(RtpChannel channel) {

    this.channel = channel;
    this.logger = Logger.getLogger(classLogger, channel.getContent().getConference().getLogger());
 * Intercepts RTX (RFC-4588) packets coming from an {@link RtpChannel}, and removes their RTX
 * encapsulation. Allows packets to be retransmitted to a channel (using the RTX format if the
 * destination supports it).
 * @author Boris Grozev
 * @author George Politis
public class RtxTransformer extends SinglePacketTransformerAdapter implements TransformEngine {
   * The {@link Logger} used by the {@link RtxTransformer} class to print debug information. Note
   * that {@link Conference} instances should use {@link #logger} instead.
  private static final Logger classLogger = Logger.getLogger(RtxTransformer.class);

  /** The <tt>RtpChannel</tt> for the transformer. */
  private RtpChannel channel;

  /** Maps an RTX SSRC to the last RTP sequence number sent with that SSRC. */
  private final Map<Long, Integer> rtxSequenceNumbers = new HashMap<>();

  /** The {@link Logger} to be used by this instance to print debug information. */
  private final Logger logger;

   * The payload type number configured for RTX (RFC-4588), or -1 if none is configured (the other
   * end does not support rtx).
  private byte rtxPayloadType = -1;

  /** The "associated payload type" number for RTX. */
  private byte rtxAssociatedPayloadType = -1;

   * Initializes a new <tt>RtxTransformer</tt> with a specific <tt>RtpChannel</tt>.
   * @param channel the <tt>RtpChannel</tt> for the transformer.
  RtxTransformer(RtpChannel channel) {

    this.channel = channel;
    this.logger = Logger.getLogger(classLogger, channel.getContent().getConference().getLogger());

  /** Implements {@link PacketTransformer#transform(RawPacket[])}. {@inheritDoc} */
  public RawPacket reverseTransform(RawPacket pkt) {
    if (isRtx(pkt)) {
      pkt = deRtx(pkt);

    return pkt;

   * Determines whether {@code pkt} is an RTX packet.
   * @param pkt the packet to check.
   * @return {@code true} iff {@code pkt} is an RTX packet.
  private boolean isRtx(RawPacket pkt) {
    byte rtxPt = rtxPayloadType;
    return rtxPt != -1 && rtxPt == pkt.getPayloadType();

   * Removes the RTX encapsulation from a packet.
   * @param pkt the packet to remove the RTX encapsulation from.
   * @return the original media packet represented by {@code pkt}, or null if we couldn't
   *     reconstruct the original packet.
  private RawPacket deRtx(RawPacket pkt) {
    boolean success = false;

    if (pkt.getPayloadLength() - pkt.getPaddingSize() < 2) {
      // We need at least 2 bytes to read the OSN field.
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("Dropping an incoming RTX packet with padding only: " + pkt);
      return null;

    long mediaSsrc = getPrimarySsrc(pkt);
    if (mediaSsrc != -1) {
      if (rtxAssociatedPayloadType != -1) {
        int osn = pkt.getOriginalSequenceNumber();
        // Remove the RTX header by moving the RTP header two bytes
        // right.
        byte[] buf = pkt.getBuffer();
        int off = pkt.getOffset();
        System.arraycopy(buf, off, buf, off + 2, pkt.getHeaderLength());

        pkt.setOffset(off + 2);
        pkt.setLength(pkt.getLength() - 2);

        pkt.setSSRC((int) mediaSsrc);
        success = true;
      } else {
            "RTX packet received, but no APT is defined. Packet "
                + "SSRC "
                + pkt.getSSRCAsLong()
                + ", associated media"
                + " SSRC "
                + mediaSsrc);

    // If we failed to handle the RTX packet, drop it.
    return success ? pkt : null;

  /** Implements {@link TransformEngine#getRTPTransformer()}. */
  public PacketTransformer getRTPTransformer() {
    return this;

  /** Implements {@link TransformEngine#getRTCPTransformer()}. */
  public PacketTransformer getRTCPTransformer() {
    return null;

   * Returns the sequence number to use for a specific RTX packet, which is based on the packet's
   * original sequence number.
   * <p>Because we terminate the RTX format, and with simulcast we might translate RTX packets from
   * multiple SSRCs into the same SSRC, we keep count of the RTX packets (and their sequence
   * numbers) which we sent for each SSRC.
   * @param ssrc the SSRC of the RTX stream for the packet.
   * @return the sequence number which should be used for the next RTX packet sent using SSRC
   *     <tt>ssrc</tt>.
  private int getNextRtxSequenceNumber(long ssrc) {
    Integer seq;
    synchronized (rtxSequenceNumbers) {
      seq = rtxSequenceNumbers.get(ssrc);
      if (seq == null) seq = new Random().nextInt(0xffff);
      else seq++;

      rtxSequenceNumbers.put(ssrc, seq);

    return seq;

   * Tries to find an SSRC paired with {@code ssrc} in an FID group in one of the channels from
   * {@link #channel}'s {@code Content}. Returns -1 on failure.
   * @param pkt the {@code RawPacket} that holds the RTP packet for which to find a paired SSRC.
   * @return An SSRC paired with {@code ssrc} in an FID group, or -1.
  private long getRtxSsrc(RawPacket pkt) {
    StreamRTPManager receiveRTPManager =

    MediaStreamTrackReceiver receiver = null;
    if (receiveRTPManager != null) {
      MediaStream receiveStream = receiveRTPManager.getMediaStream();
      if (receiveStream != null) {
        receiver = receiveStream.getMediaStreamTrackReceiver();

    if (receiver == null) {
      return -1;

    RTPEncoding encoding = receiver.resolveRTPEncoding(pkt);
    if (encoding == null) {
              + ",stream_hash="
              + channel.getStream().hashCode()
              + " ssrc="
              + pkt.getSSRCAsLong());
      return -1;

    return encoding.getRTXSSRC();
   * Retransmits a packet to {@link #channel}. If the destination supports the RTX format, the
   * packet will be encapsulated in RTX, otherwise, the packet will be retransmitted as-is.
   * @param pkt the packet to retransmit.
   * @param after the {@code TransformEngine} in the chain of {@code TransformEngine}s of the
   *     associated {@code MediaStream} after which the injection of {@code pkt} is to begin
   * @return {@code true} if the packet was successfully retransmitted, {@code false} otherwise.
  public boolean retransmit(RawPacket pkt, TransformEngine after) {
    boolean destinationSupportsRtx = rtxPayloadType != -1;
    boolean retransmitPlain;

    if (destinationSupportsRtx) {
      long rtxSsrc = getRtxSsrc(pkt);

      if (rtxSsrc == -1) {
            "Cannot find SSRC for RTX, retransmitting plain. " + "SSRC=" + pkt.getSSRCAsLong());
        retransmitPlain = true;
      } else {
        retransmitPlain = !encapsulateInRtxAndTransmit(pkt, rtxSsrc, after);
    } else {
      retransmitPlain = true;

    if (retransmitPlain) {
      MediaStream mediaStream = channel.getStream();

      if (mediaStream != null) {
        try {
          mediaStream.injectPacket(pkt, /* data */ true, after);
        } catch (TransmissionFailedException tfe) {
          logger.warn("Failed to retransmit a packet.");
          return false;

    return true;

   * Notifies this instance that the dynamic payload types of the associated {@link MediaStream}
   * have changed.
  public void onDynamicPayloadTypesChanged() {
    rtxPayloadType = -1;
    rtxAssociatedPayloadType = -1;

    MediaStream mediaStream = channel.getStream();

    Map<Byte, MediaFormat> mediaFormatMap = mediaStream.getDynamicRTPPayloadTypes();

    Iterator<Map.Entry<Byte, MediaFormat>> it = mediaFormatMap.entrySet().iterator();

    while (it.hasNext() && rtxPayloadType == -1) {
      Map.Entry<Byte, MediaFormat> entry = it.next();
      MediaFormat format = entry.getValue();
      if (!Constants.RTX.equalsIgnoreCase(format.getEncoding())) {

      // XXX(gp) we freak out if multiple codecs with RTX support are
      // present.
      rtxPayloadType = entry.getKey();
      rtxAssociatedPayloadType = Byte.parseByte(format.getFormatParameters().get("apt"));

   * Encapsulates {@code pkt} in the RTX format, using {@code rtxSsrc} as its SSRC, and transmits it
   * to {@link #channel} by injecting it in the {@code MediaStream}.
   * @param pkt the packet to transmit.
   * @param rtxSsrc the SSRC for the RTX stream.
   * @param after the {@code TransformEngine} in the chain of {@code TransformEngine}s of the
   *     associated {@code MediaStream} after which the injection of {@code pkt} is to begin
   * @return {@code true} if the packet was successfully retransmitted, {@code false} otherwise.
  private boolean encapsulateInRtxAndTransmit(RawPacket pkt, long rtxSsrc, TransformEngine after) {
    byte[] buf = pkt.getBuffer();
    int len = pkt.getLength();
    int off = pkt.getOffset();

    byte[] newBuf = new byte[len + 2];
    RawPacket rtxPkt = new RawPacket(newBuf, 0, len + 2);

    int osn = pkt.getSequenceNumber();
    int headerLength = pkt.getHeaderLength();
    int payloadLength = pkt.getPayloadLength();

    // Copy the header.
    System.arraycopy(buf, off, newBuf, 0, headerLength);

    // Set the OSN field.
    newBuf[headerLength] = (byte) ((osn >> 8) & 0xff);
    newBuf[headerLength + 1] = (byte) (osn & 0xff);

    // Copy the payload.
    System.arraycopy(buf, off + headerLength, newBuf, headerLength + 2, payloadLength);

    MediaStream mediaStream = channel.getStream();
    if (mediaStream != null) {
      rtxPkt.setSSRC((int) rtxSsrc);
      // Only call getNextRtxSequenceNumber() when we're sure we're going
      // to transmit a packet, because it consumes a sequence number.
      try {
        mediaStream.injectPacket(rtxPkt, /* data */ true, after);
      } catch (TransmissionFailedException tfe) {
        logger.warn("Failed to transmit an RTX packet.");
        return false;

    return true;

   * Returns the SSRC paired with <tt>ssrc</tt> in an FID source-group, if any. If none is found,
   * returns -1.
   * @return the SSRC paired with <tt>ssrc</tt> in an FID source-group, if any. If none is found,
   *     returns -1.
  private long getPrimarySsrc(RawPacket pkt) {
    MediaStreamTrackReceiver receiver = channel.getStream().getMediaStreamTrackReceiver();

    if (receiver == null) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("Dropping an incoming RTX packet from an unknown source.");
      return -1;

    RTPEncoding encoding = receiver.resolveRTPEncoding(pkt);
    if (encoding == null) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("Dropping an incoming RTX packet from an unknown source.");
      return -1;

    return encoding.getPrimarySSRC();
 * Implements <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt> for the JMF <tt>Format</tt> types.
 * @author Lyubomir Marinov
public class MediaFormatFactoryImpl implements MediaFormatFactory {
   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>MediaFormatFactoryImpl</tt> class and its instances for
   * logging output.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MediaFormatFactoryImpl.class);

   * Creates an unknown <tt>MediaFormat</tt>.
   * @param type <tt>MediaType</tt>
   * @return unknown <tt>MediaFormat</tt>
  public MediaFormat createUnknownMediaFormat(MediaType type) {
    Format unknown = null;

     * FIXME Why is a VideoFormat instance created for MediaType.AUDIO and
     * an AudioFormat instance for MediaType.VIDEO?
    if (type.equals(MediaType.AUDIO)) unknown = new VideoFormat("unknown");
    else if (type.equals(MediaType.VIDEO)) unknown = new AudioFormat("unknown");
    return MediaFormatImpl.createInstance(unknown);

   * Creates a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> for the specified <tt>encoding</tt> with default clock rate and
   * set of format parameters. If <tt>encoding</tt> is known to this <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt>,
   * returns a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> which is either an <tt>AudioMediaFormat</tt> or a
   * <tt>VideoMediaFormat</tt> instance. Otherwise, returns <tt>null</tt>.
   * @param encoding the well-known encoding (name) to create a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> for
   * @return a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> with the specified <tt>encoding</tt> which is either an
   *     <tt>AudioMediaFormat</tt> or a <tt>VideoMediaFormat</tt> instance if <tt>encoding</tt> is
   *     known to this <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt>; otherwise, <tt>null</tt>
   * @see MediaFormatFactory#createMediaFormat(String)
  public MediaFormat createMediaFormat(String encoding) {
    return createMediaFormat(encoding, CLOCK_RATE_NOT_SPECIFIED);

   * Creates a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> for the specified RTP payload type with default clock rate and
   * set of format parameters. If <tt>rtpPayloadType</tt> is known to this
   * <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt>, returns a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> which is either an
   * <tt>AudioMediaFormat</tt> or a <tt>VideoMediaFormat</tt> instance. Otherwise, returns
   * <tt>null</tt>.
   * @param rtpPayloadType the RTP payload type of the <tt>MediaFormat</tt> to create
   * @return a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> with the specified <tt>rtpPayloadType</tt> which is either an
   *     <tt>AudioMediaFormat</tt> or a <tt>VideoMediaFormat</tt> instance if
   *     <tt>rtpPayloadType</tt> is known to this <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt>; otherwise,
   *     <tt>null</tt>
   * @see MediaFormatFactory#createMediaFormat(byte)
  public MediaFormat createMediaFormat(byte rtpPayloadType) {
     * We know which are the MediaFormat instances with the specified
     * rtpPayloadType but we cannot directly return them because they do not
     * reflect the user's configuration with respect to being enabled and
     * disabled.
    for (MediaFormat rtpPayloadTypeMediaFormat : MediaUtils.getMediaFormats(rtpPayloadType)) {
      MediaFormat mediaFormat =
              rtpPayloadTypeMediaFormat.getEncoding(), rtpPayloadTypeMediaFormat.getClockRate());
      if (mediaFormat != null) return mediaFormat;
    return null;

   * Creates a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> for the specified <tt>encoding</tt> with the specified
   * <tt>clockRate</tt> and a default set of format parameters. If <tt>encoding</tt> is known to
   * this <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt>, returns a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> which is either an
   * <tt>AudioMediaFormat</tt> or a <tt>VideoMediaFormat</tt> instance. Otherwise, returns
   * <tt>null</tt>.
   * @param encoding the well-known encoding (name) to create a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> for
   * @param clockRate the clock rate in Hz to create a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> for
   * @return a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> with the specified <tt>encoding</tt> and <tt>clockRate</tt>
   *     which is either an <tt>AudioMediaFormat</tt> or a <tt>VideoMediaFormat</tt> instance if
   *     <tt>encoding</tt> is known to this <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt>; otherwise, <tt>null</tt>
   * @see MediaFormatFactory#createMediaFormat(String, double)
  public MediaFormat createMediaFormat(String encoding, double clockRate) {
    return createMediaFormat(encoding, clockRate, 1);

   * Creates a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> for the specified <tt>encoding</tt>, <tt>clockRate</tt> and
   * <tt>channels</tt> and a default set of format parameters. If <tt>encoding</tt> is known to this
   * <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt>, returns a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> which is either an
   * <tt>AudioMediaFormat</tt> or a <tt>VideoMediaFormat</tt> instance. Otherwise, returns
   * <tt>null</tt>.
   * @param encoding the well-known encoding (name) to create a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> for
   * @param clockRate the clock rate in Hz to create a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> for
   * @param channels the number of available channels (1 for mono, 2 for stereo) if it makes sense
   *     for the <tt>MediaFormat</tt> with the specified <tt>encoding</tt>; otherwise, ignored
   * @return a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> with the specified <tt>encoding</tt>, <tt>clockRate</tt> and
   *     <tt>channels</tt> and a default set of format parameters which is either an
   *     <tt>AudioMediaFormat</tt> or a <tt>VideoMediaFormat</tt> instance if <tt>encoding</tt> is
   *     known to this <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt>; otherwise, <tt>null</tt>
   * @see MediaFormatFactory#createMediaFormat(String, double, int)
  public MediaFormat createMediaFormat(String encoding, double clockRate, int channels) {
    return createMediaFormat(encoding, clockRate, channels, null);

  private MediaFormat createMediaFormat(
      String encoding, double clockRate, int channels, Map<String, String> fmtps) {
    for (MediaFormat format : getSupportedMediaFormats(encoding, clockRate)) {
       * The mediaType, encoding and clockRate properties are sure to
       * match because format is the result of the search for encoding and
       * clockRate. We just want to make sure that the channels and the
       * format parameters match.
      if (format.matches(
          format.getMediaType(), format.getEncoding(), format.getClockRate(), channels, fmtps))
        return format;
    return null;

   * Creates a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> for the specified <tt>encoding</tt>, <tt>clockRate</tt> and set
   * of format parameters. If <tt>encoding</tt> is known to this <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt>,
   * returns a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> which is either an <tt>AudioMediaFormat</tt> or a
   * <tt>VideoMediaFormat</tt> instance. Otherwise, returns <tt>null</tt>.
   * @param encoding the well-known encoding (name) to create a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> for
   * @param clockRate the clock rate in Hz to create a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> for
   * @param formatParams any codec specific parameters which have been received via SIP/SDP or
   *     XMPP/Jingle
   * @return a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> with the specified <tt>encoding</tt>, <tt>clockRate</tt> and set
   *     of format parameters which is either an <tt>AudioMediaFormat</tt> or a
   *     <tt>VideoMediaFormat</tt> instance if <tt>encoding</tt> is known to this
   *     <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt>; otherwise, <tt>null</tt>
   * @see MediaFormatFactory#createMediaFormat(String, double, Map, Map)
  public MediaFormat createMediaFormat(
      String encoding,
      double clockRate,
      Map<String, String> formatParams,
      Map<String, String> advancedParams) {
    return createMediaFormat(encoding, clockRate, 1, -1, formatParams, advancedParams);

   * Creates a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> for the specified <tt>encoding</tt>, <tt>clockRate</tt>,
   * <tt>channels</tt> and set of format parameters. If <tt>encoding</tt> is known to this
   * <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt>, returns a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> which is either an
   * <tt>AudioMediaFormat</tt> or a <tt>VideoMediaFormat</tt> instance. Otherwise, returns
   * <tt>null</tt>.
   * @param encoding the well-known encoding (name) to create a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> for
   * @param clockRate the clock rate in Hz to create a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> for
   * @param frameRate the frame rate in number of frames per second to create a <tt>MediaFormat</tt>
   *     for
   * @param channels the number of available channels (1 for mono, 2 for stereo) if it makes sense
   *     for the <tt>MediaFormat</tt> with the specified <tt>encoding</tt>; otherwise, ignored
   * @param formatParams any codec specific parameters which have been received via SIP/SDP or
   *     XMPP/Jingle
   * @param advancedParams any parameters which have been received via SIP/SDP or XMPP/Jingle
   * @return a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> with the specified <tt>encoding</tt>, <tt>clockRate</tt>,
   *     <tt>channels</tt> and set of format parameters which is either an <tt>AudioMediaFormat</tt>
   *     or a <tt>VideoMediaFormat</tt> instance if <tt>encoding</tt> is known to this
   *     <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt>; otherwise, <tt>null</tt>
   * @see MediaFormatFactory#createMediaFormat(String, double, int, float, Map, Map)
  public MediaFormat createMediaFormat(
      String encoding,
      double clockRate,
      int channels,
      float frameRate,
      Map<String, String> formatParams,
      Map<String, String> advancedParams) {
    MediaFormat mediaFormat = createMediaFormat(encoding, clockRate, channels, formatParams);

    if (mediaFormat == null) return null;

     * MediaFormatImpl is immutable so if the caller wants to change the
     * format parameters and/or the advanced attributes, we'll have to
     * create a new MediaFormatImpl.
    Map<String, String> formatParameters = null;
    Map<String, String> advancedParameters = null;

    if ((formatParams != null) && !formatParams.isEmpty()) formatParameters = formatParams;
    if ((advancedParams != null) && !advancedParams.isEmpty()) advancedParameters = advancedParams;

    if ((formatParameters != null) || (advancedParameters != null)) {
      switch (mediaFormat.getMediaType()) {
        case AUDIO:
          mediaFormat =
              new AudioMediaFormatImpl(
                  ((AudioMediaFormatImpl) mediaFormat).getFormat(),
        case VIDEO:
          VideoMediaFormatImpl videoMediaFormatImpl = (VideoMediaFormatImpl) mediaFormat;

           * If the format of VideoMediaFormatImpl is
           * a ParameterizedVideoFormat, it's possible for the format
           * parameters of that ParameterizedVideoFormat and of the new
           * VideoMediaFormatImpl (to be created) to be out of sync. While
           * it's not technically perfect, it should be practically safe
           * for the format parameters which distinguish VideoFormats with
           * the same encoding and clock rate because mediaFormat has
           * already been created in sync with formatParams (with respect
           * to the format parameters which distinguish VideoFormats with
           * the same encoding and clock rate).
          mediaFormat =
              new VideoMediaFormatImpl(
          mediaFormat = null;
    return mediaFormat;

   * Creates a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> either for the specified <tt>rtpPayloadType</tt> or for the
   * specified <tt>encoding</tt>, <tt>clockRate</tt>, <tt>channels</tt> and set of format
   * parameters. If <tt>encoding</tt> is known to this <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt>, ignores
   * <tt>rtpPayloadType</tt> and returns a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> which is either an
   * <tt>AudioMediaFormat</tt> or a <tt>VideoMediaFormat</tt> instance. If <tt>rtpPayloadType</tt>
   * is not {@link MediaFormat#RTP_PAYLOAD_TYPE_UNKNOWN} and <tt>encoding</tt> is <tt>null</tt>,
   * uses the encoding associated with <tt>rtpPayloadType</tt>.
   * @param rtpPayloadType the RTP payload type to create a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> for; {@link
   *     MediaFormat#RTP_PAYLOAD_TYPE_UNKNOWN} if <tt>encoding</tt> is not <tt>null</tt>. If
   *     <tt>rtpPayloadType</tt> is not <tt>MediaFormat#RTP_PAYLOAD_TYPE_UNKNOWN</tt> and
   *     <tt>encoding</tt> is not <tt>null</tt>, <tt>rtpPayloadType</tt> is ignored
   * @param encoding the well-known encoding (name) to create a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> for;
   *     <tt>null</tt>
   * @param clockRate the clock rate in Hz to create a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> for
   * @param frameRate the frame rate in number of frames per second to create a <tt>MediaFormat</tt>
   *     for
   * @param channels the number of available channels (1 for mono, 2 for stereo) if it makes sense
   *     for the <tt>MediaFormat</tt> with the specified <tt>encoding</tt>; otherwise, ignored
   * @param formatParams any codec specific parameters which have been received via SIP/SDP or
   *     XMPP/Jingle
   * @param advancedParams any parameters which have been received via SIP/SDP or XMPP/Jingle
   * @return a <tt>MediaFormat</tt> with the specified <tt>encoding</tt>, <tt>clockRate</tt>,
   *     <tt>channels</tt> and set of format parameters which is either an <tt>AudioMediaFormat</tt>
   *     or a <tt>VideoMediaFormat</tt> instance if <tt>encoding</tt> is known to this
   *     <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt>; otherwise, <tt>null</tt>
  public MediaFormat createMediaFormat(
      byte rtpPayloadType,
      String encoding,
      double clockRate,
      int channels,
      float frameRate,
      Map<String, String> formatParams,
      Map<String, String> advancedParams) {

     * If rtpPayloadType is specified, use it only to figure out encoding
     * and/or clockRate in case either one of them is unknown.
    if ((MediaFormat.RTP_PAYLOAD_TYPE_UNKNOWN != rtpPayloadType)
        && ((encoding == null) || (CLOCK_RATE_NOT_SPECIFIED == clockRate))) {
      MediaFormat[] rtpPayloadTypeMediaFormats = MediaUtils.getMediaFormats(rtpPayloadType);

      if (rtpPayloadTypeMediaFormats.length > 0) {
        if (encoding == null) encoding = rtpPayloadTypeMediaFormats[0].getEncoding();

        // Assign or check the clock rate.
        if (CLOCK_RATE_NOT_SPECIFIED == clockRate)
          clockRate = rtpPayloadTypeMediaFormats[0].getClockRate();
        else {
          boolean clockRateIsValid = false;

          for (MediaFormat rtpPayloadTypeMediaFormat : rtpPayloadTypeMediaFormats)
            if (rtpPayloadTypeMediaFormat.getEncoding().equals(encoding)
                && (rtpPayloadTypeMediaFormat.getClockRate() == clockRate)) {
              clockRateIsValid = true;

          if (!clockRateIsValid) return null;

    return createMediaFormat(
        encoding, clockRate, channels, frameRate, formatParams, advancedParams);

   * Gets the <tt>MediaFormat</tt>s among the specified <tt>mediaFormats</tt> which have the
   * specified <tt>encoding</tt> and, optionally, <tt>clockRate</tt>.
   * @param mediaFormats the <tt>MediaFormat</tt>s from which to filter out only the ones which have
   *     the specified <tt>encoding</tt> and, optionally, <tt>clockRate</tt>
   * @param encoding the well-known encoding (name) of the <tt>MediaFormat</tt>s to be retrieved
   * @param clockRate the clock rate of the <tt>MediaFormat</tt>s to be retrieved; {@link
   *     #CLOCK_RATE_NOT_SPECIFIED} if any clock rate is acceptable
   * @return a <tt>List</tt> of the <tt>MediaFormat</tt>s among <tt>mediaFormats</tt> which have the
   *     specified <tt>encoding</tt> and, optionally, <tt>clockRate</tt>
  private List<MediaFormat> getMatchingMediaFormats(
      MediaFormat[] mediaFormats, String encoding, double clockRate) {
     * XXX Use String#equalsIgnoreCase(String) because some clients transmit
     * some of the codecs starting with capital letters.

     * As per RFC 3551.4.5.2, because of a mistake in RFC 1890 and for
     * backward compatibility, G.722 should always be announced as 8000 even
     * though it is wideband. So, if someone is looking for G722/16000,
     * then: Forgive them, for they know not what they do!
    if ("G722".equalsIgnoreCase(encoding) && (16000 == clockRate)) {
      clockRate = 8000;
      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Suppressing erroneous 16000 announcement for G.722");

    List<MediaFormat> supportedMediaFormats = new ArrayList<MediaFormat>();

    for (MediaFormat mediaFormat : mediaFormats) {
      if (mediaFormat.getEncoding().equalsIgnoreCase(encoding)
          && ((CLOCK_RATE_NOT_SPECIFIED == clockRate)
              || (mediaFormat.getClockRate() == clockRate))) {
    return supportedMediaFormats;

   * Gets the <tt>MediaFormat</tt>s supported by this <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt> and the
   * <tt>MediaService</tt> associated with it and having the specified <tt>encoding</tt> and,
   * optionally, <tt>clockRate</tt>.
   * @param encoding the well-known encoding (name) of the <tt>MediaFormat</tt>s to be retrieved
   * @param clockRate the clock rate of the <tt>MediaFormat</tt>s to be retrieved; {@link
   *     #CLOCK_RATE_NOT_SPECIFIED} if any clock rate is acceptable
   * @return a <tt>List</tt> of the <tt>MediaFormat</tt>s supported by the <tt>MediaService</tt>
   *     associated with this <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt> and having the specified encoding and,
   *     optionally, clock rate
  private List<MediaFormat> getSupportedMediaFormats(String encoding, double clockRate) {
    EncodingConfiguration encodingConfiguration =
    List<MediaFormat> supportedMediaFormats =
            encodingConfiguration.getAllEncodings(MediaType.AUDIO), encoding, clockRate);

    if (supportedMediaFormats.isEmpty())
      supportedMediaFormats =
              encodingConfiguration.getAllEncodings(MediaType.VIDEO), encoding, clockRate);
    return supportedMediaFormats;
Beispiel #12
 * An <tt>Iterator</tt> that iterates RED blocks (primary and non-primary).
 * @author George Politis
public class REDBlockIterator implements Iterator<REDBlock> {
   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>REDBlockIterator</tt> class and its instances to print
   * debug information.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(REDBlockIterator.class);

  /** The byte buffer that holds the RED payload that this instance is dissecting. */
  private final byte[] buffer;

  /** The offset in the buffer where the RED payload begin. */
  private final int offset;

  /** The length of the RED payload in the buffer. */
  private final int length;

  /** The number of RED blocks inside the RED payload. */
  private int cntRemainingBlocks = -1;

  /** The offset of the next RED block header inside the RED payload. */
  private int offNextBlockHeader = -1;

  /** The offset of the next RED block payload inside the RED payload. */
  private int offNextBlockPayload = -1;

   * Matches a RED block in the RED payload.
   * @param predicate the predicate that is used to match the RED block.
   * @param buffer the byte buffer that contains the RED payload.
   * @param offset the offset in the buffer where the RED payload begins.
   * @param length the length of the RED payload.
   * @return the first RED block that matches the given predicate, null otherwise.
  public static REDBlock matchFirst(
      Predicate<REDBlock> predicate, byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) {
    if (isMultiBlock(buffer, offset, length)) {
      REDBlockIterator it = new REDBlockIterator(buffer, offset, length);
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        REDBlock b = it.next();
        if (b != null && predicate.test(b)) {
          return b;

      return null;
    } else {
      REDBlock b = getPrimaryBlock(buffer, offset, length);
      if (b != null && predicate.test(b)) {
        return b;
      } else {
        return null;

   * Gets the first RED block in the RED payload.
   * @param buffer the byte buffer that contains the RED payload.
   * @param offset the offset in the buffer where the RED payload begins.
   * @param length the length of the RED payload.
   * @return the primary RED block if it exists, null otherwise.
  public static REDBlock getPrimaryBlock(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) {
    // Chrome is typically sending RED packets with a single block carrying
    // either VP8 or FEC. This is unusual, and probably wrong as it messes
    // up the sequence numbers and packet loss computations but it's just
    // the way it is. Here we detect this situation and avoid looping
    // through the blocks if there is a single block.
    if (isMultiBlock(buffer, offset, length)) {
      REDBlock block = null;
      REDBlockIterator redBlockIterator = new REDBlockIterator(buffer, offset, length);
      while (redBlockIterator.hasNext()) {
        block = redBlockIterator.next();

      if (block == null) {
        logger.warn("No primary block found.");

      return block;
    } else {
      if (buffer == null || offset < 0 || length < 0 || buffer.length < offset + length) {
            "Prevented an array out of bounds exception: "
                + "buffer length: "
                + buffer.length
                + ", offset: "
                + offset
                + ", len: "
                + length);
        return null;

      byte blockPT = (byte) (buffer[offset] & 0x7f);
      int blockOff = offset + 1; // + 1 for the primary block header.
      int blockLen = length - blockOff;

      if (buffer.length < blockOff + blockLen) {
        logger.warn("Primary block doesn't fit in RED packet.");
        return null;

      return new REDBlock(buffer, blockOff, blockLen, blockPT);

   * Returns {@code true} if a specific RED packet contains multiple blocks;
   * {@code false}, otherwise.
   * @param buffer the byte buffer that contains the RED payload.
   * @param offset the offset in the buffer where the RED payload begins.
   * @param length the length of the RED payload.
   * @return {@code true if {@pkt} contains multiple RED blocks; otherwise,
   * {@code false}
  public static boolean isMultiBlock(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) {
    if (buffer == null || buffer.length == 0) {
      logger.warn("The buffer appears to be empty.");
      return false;

    if (offset < 0 || buffer.length <= offset) {
      logger.warn("Prevented array out of bounds exception.");
      return false;

    return (buffer[offset] & 0x80) != 0;

   * Ctor.
   * @param buffer the byte buffer that contains the RED payload.
   * @param offset the offset in the buffer where the RED payload begins.
   * @param length the length of the RED payload.
  public REDBlockIterator(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) {
    this.buffer = buffer;
    this.offset = offset;
    this.length = length;

  public boolean hasNext() {
    return cntRemainingBlocks > 0;

  public REDBlock next() {
    if (!hasNext()) {
      throw new NoSuchElementException();


    if (buffer == null || buffer.length <= offNextBlockHeader) {
      logger.warn("Prevented an array out of bounds exception.");
      return null;

    byte blockPT = (byte) (buffer[offNextBlockHeader] & 0x7f);

    int blockLen;
    if (hasNext()) {
      if (buffer.length < offNextBlockHeader + 4) {
        logger.warn("Prevented an array out of bounds exception.");
        return null;

      // 0                   1                   2                   3
      // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      // +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
      // |F|   block PT  |  timestamp offset         |   block length    |
      // +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
      blockLen =
          (buffer[offNextBlockHeader + 2] & 0x03) << 8 | (buffer[offNextBlockHeader + 3] & 0xFF);
      offNextBlockHeader += 4; // next RED header
      offNextBlockPayload += blockLen;
    } else {
      // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
      // +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
      // |0|   Block PT  |
      // +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
      blockLen = length - (offNextBlockPayload + 1);
      offNextBlockHeader = -1;
      offNextBlockPayload = -1;

    return new REDBlock(buffer, offNextBlockPayload, blockLen, blockPT);

  public void remove() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  /** Initializes this instance. */
  private void initialize() {
    if (buffer == null || buffer.length == 0) {

    // beginning of RTP payload
    offNextBlockHeader = offset;

    // Number of packets inside RED.
    cntRemainingBlocks = 0;

    // 0                   1                   2                   3
    // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    // +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    // |F|   block PT  |  timestamp offset         |   block length    |
    // +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    while ((buffer[offNextBlockHeader] & 0x80) != 0) {
      offNextBlockHeader += 4;

    // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    // +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    // |0|   Block PT  |
    // +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    if (buffer.length >= offNextBlockHeader + 8) {

    // back to beginning of RTP payload
    offNextBlockHeader = offset;

    if (cntRemainingBlocks > 0) {
      offNextBlockPayload = offNextBlockHeader + (cntRemainingBlocks - 1) * 4 + 1;
 * Capture desktop screen either via native code (JNI) if available or by using
 * <tt>java.awt.Robot</tt>.
 * @see java.awt.Robot
 * @author Sebastien Vincent
public class DesktopInteractImpl implements DesktopInteract {
   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>DesktopInteractImpl</tt> class and its instances for
   * logging output.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DesktopInteractImpl.class);

  /** Screen capture robot. */
  private Robot robot = null;

   * Constructor.
   * @throws AWTException if platform configuration does not allow low-level input control
   * @throws SecurityException if Robot creation is not permitted
  public DesktopInteractImpl() throws AWTException, SecurityException {
    robot = new Robot();

   * Capture the full desktop screen using native grabber.
   * <p>Contrary to other captureScreen method, it only returns raw bytes and not
   * <tt>BufferedImage</tt>. It is done in order to limit slow operation such as converting ARGB
   * images (uint32_t) to bytes especially for big big screen. For example a 1920x1200 desktop
   * consumes 9 MB of memory for grabbing and another 9 MB array for conversion operation.
   * @param display index of display
   * @param output output buffer to store bytes in. Be sure that output length is sufficient
   * @return true if success, false if JNI error or output length too short
  public boolean captureScreen(int display, byte output[]) {
    Dimension dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();

    return captureScreen(display, 0, 0, dim.width, dim.height, output);

   * Capture the full desktop screen using native grabber.
   * <p>Contrary to other captureScreen method, it only returns raw bytes and not
   * <tt>BufferedImage</tt>. It is done in order to limit slow operation such as converting ARGB
   * images (uint32_t) to bytes especially for big big screen. For example a 1920x1200 desktop
   * consumes 9 MB of memory for grabbing and another 9 MB array for conversion operation.
   * @param display index of display
   * @param buffer native output buffer to store bytes in. Be sure that output length is sufficient
   * @param bufferLength length of native buffer
   * @return true if success, false if JNI error or output length too short
  public boolean captureScreen(int display, long buffer, int bufferLength) {
    Dimension dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();

    return captureScreen(display, 0, 0, dim.width, dim.height, buffer, bufferLength);

   * Capture a part of the desktop screen using native grabber.
   * <p>Contrary to other captureScreen method, it only returns raw bytes and not
   * <tt>BufferedImage</tt>. It is done in order to limit slow operation such as converting ARGB
   * images (uint32_t) to bytes especially for big big screen. For example a 1920x1200 desktop
   * consumes 9 MB of memory for grabbing and another 9 MB array for conversion operation.
   * @param display index of display
   * @param x x position to start capture
   * @param y y position to start capture
   * @param width capture width
   * @param height capture height
   * @param output output buffer to store bytes in. Be sure that output length is sufficient
   * @return true if success, false if JNI error or output length too short
  public boolean captureScreen(int display, int x, int y, int width, int height, byte[] output) {
    return (OSUtils.IS_LINUX || OSUtils.IS_MAC || OSUtils.IS_WINDOWS)
        && ScreenCapture.grabScreen(display, x, y, width, height, output);

   * Capture a part of the desktop screen using native grabber.
   * <p>Contrary to other captureScreen method, it only returns raw bytes and not
   * <tt>BufferedImage</tt>. It is done in order to limit slow operation such as converting ARGB
   * images (uint32_t) to bytes especially for big big screen. For example a 1920x1200 desktop
   * consumes 9 MB of memory for grabbing and another 9 MB array for conversion operation.
   * @param display index of display
   * @param x x position to start capture
   * @param y y position to start capture
   * @param width capture width
   * @param height capture height
   * @param buffer native output buffer to store bytes in. Be sure that output length is sufficient
   * @param bufferLength length of native buffer
   * @return true if success, false if JNI error or output length too short
  public boolean captureScreen(
      int display, int x, int y, int width, int height, long buffer, int bufferLength) {
    return (OSUtils.IS_LINUX || OSUtils.IS_MAC || OSUtils.IS_WINDOWS)
        && ScreenCapture.grabScreen(display, x, y, width, height, buffer, bufferLength);

   * Capture the full desktop screen using <tt>java.awt.Robot</tt>.
   * @return <tt>BufferedImage</tt> of the desktop screen
  public BufferedImage captureScreen() {
    Dimension dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();

    return captureScreen(0, 0, dim.width, dim.height);

   * Capture a part of the desktop screen using <tt>java.awt.Robot</tt>.
   * @param x x position to start capture
   * @param y y position to start capture
   * @param width capture width
   * @param height capture height
   * @return <tt>BufferedImage</tt> of a part of the desktop screen or null if Robot problem
  public BufferedImage captureScreen(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
    BufferedImage img = null;
    Rectangle rect = null;

    if (robot == null) {
      /* Robot has not been created so abort */
      return null;

    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Begin capture: " + System.nanoTime());
    rect = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
    img = robot.createScreenCapture(rect);
    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("End capture: " + System.nanoTime());

    return img;
 * The <tt>BasicRTCPTerminationStrategy</tt> "gateways" PLIs, FIRs, NACKs, etc, in the sense that it
 * replaces the packet sender information in the PLIs, FIRs, NACKs, etc and it generates its own
 * SRs/RRs/REMBs based on information that it collects and from information found in FMJ.
 * @author George Politis
public class BasicRTCPTerminationStrategy extends MediaStreamRTCPTerminationStrategy {
   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>BasicRTCPTerminationStrategy</tt> class and its instances
   * to print debug information.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BasicRTCPTerminationStrategy.class);

  /** The maximum number of RTCP report blocks that an RR or an SR can contain. */
  private static final int MAX_RTCP_REPORT_BLOCKS = 31;

  /** The minimum number of RTCP report blocks that an RR or an SR can contain. */
  private static final int MIN_RTCP_REPORT_BLOCKS = 0;

   * A reusable array that can be used to hold up to <tt>MAX_RTCP_REPORT_BLOCKS</tt>
   * <tt>RTCPReportBlock</tt>s. It is assumed that a single thread is accessing this field at a
   * given time.
  private final RTCPReportBlock[] MAX_RTCP_REPORT_BLOCKS_ARRAY =
      new RTCPReportBlock[MAX_RTCP_REPORT_BLOCKS];

  /** A reusable array that holds 0 <tt>RTCPReportBlock</tt>s. */
  private static final RTCPReportBlock[] MIN_RTCP_REPORTS_BLOCKS_ARRAY =
      new RTCPReportBlock[MIN_RTCP_REPORT_BLOCKS];

   * The RTP stats map that holds RTP statistics about all the streams that this
   * <tt>BasicRTCPTerminationStrategy</tt> (as a <tt>TransformEngine</tt>) has observed.
  private final RTPStatsMap rtpStatsMap = new RTPStatsMap();

   * The RTCP stats map that holds RTCP statistics about all the streams that this
   * <tt>BasicRTCPTerminationStrategy</tt> (as a <tt>TransformEngine</tt>) has observed.
  private final RemoteClockEstimator remoteClockEstimator = new RemoteClockEstimator();

   * The <tt>CNameRegistry</tt> holds the CNAMEs that this RTCP termination, seen as a
   * TransformEngine, has seen.
  private final CNAMERegistry cnameRegistry = new CNAMERegistry();

  /** The parser that parses <tt>RawPacket</tt>s to <tt>RTCPCompoundPacket</tt>s. */
  private final RTCPPacketParserEx parser = new RTCPPacketParserEx();

  /** The generator that generates <tt>RawPacket</tt>s from <tt>RTCPCompoundPacket</tt>s. */
  private final RTCPGenerator generator = new RTCPGenerator();

   * The RTCP feedback gateway responsible for dropping all the stuff that we support in this RTCP
   * termination strategy.
  private final FeedbackGateway feedbackGateway = new FeedbackGateway();

  /** The garbage collector that cleans-up the state of this RTCP termination strategy. */
  private final GarbageCollector garbageCollector = new GarbageCollector();

  /** The RTP <tt>PacketTransformer</tt> of this <tt>BasicRTCPTerminationStrategy</tt>. */
  private final PacketTransformer rtpTransformer =
      new SinglePacketTransformer() {
        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public RawPacket transform(RawPacket pkt) {
          // Update our RTP stats map (packets/octet sent).

          return pkt;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public RawPacket reverseTransform(RawPacket pkt) {
          // Let everything pass through.
          return pkt;

  /** The RTCP <tt>PacketTransformer</tt> of this <tt>BasicRTCPTerminationStrategy</tt>. */
  private final PacketTransformer rtcpTransformer =
      new SinglePacketTransformer() {
        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public RawPacket transform(RawPacket pkt) {
          if (pkt == null) {
            return pkt;

          RTCPCompoundPacket inPacket;
          try {
            inPacket =
                    parser.parse(pkt.getBuffer(), pkt.getOffset(), pkt.getLength());
          } catch (BadFormatException e) {
            logger.warn("Failed to terminate an RTCP packet. " + "Dropping packet.");
            return null;

          // Update our RTCP stats map (timestamps). This operation is
          // read-only.


          // Remove SRs and RRs from the RTCP packet.
          pkt = feedbackGateway.gateway(inPacket);

          return pkt;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public RawPacket reverseTransform(RawPacket pkt) {
          // Let everything pass through.
          return pkt;

  /** A counter that counts the number of times we've sent "full-blown" SDES. */
  private int sdesCounter = 0;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public PacketTransformer getRTPTransformer() {
    return rtpTransformer;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public PacketTransformer getRTCPTransformer() {
    return rtcpTransformer;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public RawPacket report() {

    // TODO Compound RTCP packets should not exceed the MTU of the network
    // path.
    // An individual RTP participant should send only one compound RTCP
    // packet per report interval in order for the RTCP bandwidth per
    // participant to be estimated correctly, except when the compound
    // RTCP packet is split for partial encryption.
    // If there are too many sources to fit all the necessary RR packets
    // into one compound RTCP packet without exceeding the maximum
    // transmission unit (MTU) of the network path, then only the subset
    // that will fit into one MTU should be included in each interval. The
    // subsets should be selected round-robin across multiple intervals so
    // that all sources are reported.
    // It is impossible to know in advance what the MTU of path will be.
    // There are various algorithms for experimenting to find out, but many
    // devices do not properly implement (or deliberately ignore) the
    // necessary standards so it all comes down to trial and error. For that
    // reason, we can just guess 1200 or 1500 bytes per message.
    long time = System.currentTimeMillis();

    Collection<RTCPPacket> packets = new ArrayList<RTCPPacket>();

    // First, we build the RRs.
    Collection<RTCPRRPacket> rrPackets = makeRTCPRRPackets(time);
    if (rrPackets != null && rrPackets.size() != 0) {

    // Next, we build the SRs.
    Collection<RTCPSRPacket> srPackets = makeRTCPSRPackets(time);
    if (srPackets != null && srPackets.size() != 0) {

    // Bail out if we have nothing to report.
    if (packets.size() == 0) {
      return null;

    // Next, we build the REMB.
    RTCPREMBPacket rembPacket = makeRTCPREMBPacket();
    if (rembPacket != null) {

    // Finally, we add an SDES packet.
    RTCPSDESPacket sdesPacket = makeSDESPacket();
    if (sdesPacket != null) {

    // Prepare the <tt>RTCPCompoundPacket</tt> to return.
    RTCPPacket rtcpPackets[] = packets.toArray(new RTCPPacket[packets.size()]);

    RTCPCompoundPacket cp = new RTCPCompoundPacket(rtcpPackets);

    // Build the <tt>RTCPCompoundPacket</tt> and return the
    // <tt>RawPacket</tt> to inject to the <tt>MediaStream</tt>.
    return generator.apply(cp);

   * (attempts) to get the local SSRC that will be used in the media sender SSRC field of the RTCP
   * reports. TAG(cat4-local-ssrc-hurricane)
   * @return
  private long getLocalSSRC() {
    return getStream().getStreamRTPManager().getLocalSSRC();

   * Makes <tt>RTCPRRPacket</tt>s using information in FMJ.
   * @param time
   * @return A <tt>Collection</tt> of <tt>RTCPRRPacket</tt>s to inject to the <tt>MediaStream</tt>.
  private Collection<RTCPRRPacket> makeRTCPRRPackets(long time) {
    RTCPReportBlock[] reportBlocks = makeRTCPReportBlocks(time);
    if (reportBlocks == null || reportBlocks.length == 0) {
      return null;

    Collection<RTCPRRPacket> rrPackets = new ArrayList<RTCPRRPacket>();

    // We use the stream's local source ID (SSRC) as the SSRC of packet
    // sender.
    long streamSSRC = getLocalSSRC();

    // Since a maximum of 31 reception report blocks will fit in an SR
    // or RR packet, additional RR packets SHOULD be stacked after the
    // initial SR or RR packet as needed to contain the reception
    // reports for all sources heard during the interval since the last
    // report.
    if (reportBlocks.length > MAX_RTCP_REPORT_BLOCKS) {
      for (int offset = 0; offset < reportBlocks.length; offset += MAX_RTCP_REPORT_BLOCKS) {
        RTCPReportBlock[] blocks =
            (reportBlocks.length - offset < MAX_RTCP_REPORT_BLOCKS)
                ? new RTCPReportBlock[reportBlocks.length - offset]

        System.arraycopy(reportBlocks, offset, blocks, 0, blocks.length);

        RTCPRRPacket rr = new RTCPRRPacket((int) streamSSRC, blocks);
    } else {
      RTCPRRPacket rr = new RTCPRRPacket((int) streamSSRC, reportBlocks);

    return rrPackets;

   * Iterate through all the <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s that this <tt>MediaStream</tt> has and make
   * <tt>RTCPReportBlock</tt>s for all of them.
   * @param time
   * @return
  private RTCPReportBlock[] makeRTCPReportBlocks(long time) {
    MediaStream stream = getStream();
    // State validation.
    if (stream == null) {
      logger.warn("stream is null.");

    StreamRTPManager streamRTPManager = stream.getStreamRTPManager();
    if (streamRTPManager == null) {
      logger.warn("streamRTPManager is null.");

    Collection<ReceiveStream> receiveStreams = streamRTPManager.getReceiveStreams();

    if (receiveStreams == null || receiveStreams.size() == 0) {
      logger.info("There are no receive streams to build report " + "blocks for.");

    SSRCCache cache = streamRTPManager.getSSRCCache();
    if (cache == null) {
      logger.info("cache is null.");

    // Create the return object.
    Collection<RTCPReportBlock> rtcpReportBlocks = new ArrayList<RTCPReportBlock>();

    // Populate the return object.
    for (ReceiveStream receiveStream : receiveStreams) {
      // Dig into the guts of FMJ and get the stats for the current
      // receiveStream.
      SSRCInfo info = cache.cache.get((int) receiveStream.getSSRC());

      if (!info.ours && info.sender) {
        RTCPReportBlock rtcpReportBlock = info.makeReceiverReport(time);

    return rtcpReportBlocks.toArray(new RTCPReportBlock[rtcpReportBlocks.size()]);

   * Makes an <tt>RTCPREMBPacket</tt> that provides receiver feedback to the endpoint from which we
   * receive.
   * @return an <tt>RTCPREMBPacket</tt> that provides receiver feedback to the endpoint from which
   *     we receive.
  private RTCPREMBPacket makeRTCPREMBPacket() {
    // TODO we should only make REMBs if REMB support has been advertised.
    // Destination
    RemoteBitrateEstimator remoteBitrateEstimator =
        ((VideoMediaStream) getStream()).getRemoteBitrateEstimator();

    Collection<Integer> ssrcs = remoteBitrateEstimator.getSsrcs();

    // TODO(gp) intersect with SSRCs from signaled simulcast layers
    // NOTE(gp) The Google Congestion Control algorithm (sender side)
    // doesn't seem to care about the SSRCs in the dest field.
    long[] dest = new long[ssrcs.size()];
    int i = 0;

    for (Integer ssrc : ssrcs) dest[i++] = ssrc & 0xFFFFFFFFL;

    // Exp & mantissa
    long bitrate = remoteBitrateEstimator.getLatestEstimate();

    if (bitrate == -1) return null;

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Estimated bitrate: " + bitrate);

    // Create and return the packet.
    // We use the stream's local source ID (SSRC) as the SSRC of packet
    // sender.
    long streamSSRC = getLocalSSRC();

    return new RTCPREMBPacket(streamSSRC, /* mediaSSRC */ 0L, bitrate, dest);

   * Makes <tt>RTCPSRPacket</tt>s for all the RTP streams that we're sending.
   * @return a <tt>List</tt> of <tt>RTCPSRPacket</tt> for all the RTP streams that we're sending.
  private Collection<RTCPSRPacket> makeRTCPSRPackets(long time) {
    Collection<RTCPSRPacket> srPackets = new ArrayList<RTCPSRPacket>();

    for (RTPStatsEntry rtpStatsEntry : rtpStatsMap.values()) {
      int ssrc = rtpStatsEntry.getSsrc();
      RemoteClock estimate = remoteClockEstimator.estimate(ssrc, time);
      if (estimate == null) {
        // We're not going to go far without an estimate..

      RTCPSRPacket srPacket = new RTCPSRPacket(ssrc, MIN_RTCP_REPORTS_BLOCKS_ARRAY);

      // Set the NTP timestamp for this SR.
      long estimatedRemoteTime = estimate.getRemoteTime();
      long secs = estimatedRemoteTime / 1000L;
      double fraction = (estimatedRemoteTime - secs * 1000L) / 1000D;
      srPacket.ntptimestamplsw = (int) (fraction * 4294967296D);
      srPacket.ntptimestampmsw = secs;

      // Set the RTP timestamp.
      srPacket.rtptimestamp = estimate.getRtpTimestamp();

      // Fill-in packet and octet send count.
      srPacket.packetcount = rtpStatsEntry.getPacketsSent();
      srPacket.octetcount = rtpStatsEntry.getBytesSent();


    return srPackets;

   * Makes <tt>RTCPSDES</tt> packets for all the RTP streams that we're sending.
   * @return a <tt>List</tt> of <tt>RTCPSDES</tt> packets for all the RTP streams that we're
   *     sending.
  private RTCPSDESPacket makeSDESPacket() {
    Collection<RTCPSDES> sdesChunks = new ArrayList<RTCPSDES>();

    // Create an SDES for our own SSRC.

    SSRCInfo ourinfo = getStream().getStreamRTPManager().getSSRCCache().ourssrc;
    ownSDES.ssrc = (int) getLocalSSRC();
    Collection<RTCPSDESItem> ownItems = new ArrayList<RTCPSDESItem>();
    ownItems.add(new RTCPSDESItem(RTCPSDESItem.CNAME, ourinfo.sourceInfo.getCNAME()));

    // Throttle the source description bandwidth. See RFC3550#6.3.9
    // Allocation of Source Description Bandwidth.

    if (sdesCounter % 3 == 0) {
      if (ourinfo.name != null && ourinfo.name.getDescription() != null)
        ownItems.add(new RTCPSDESItem(RTCPSDESItem.NAME, ourinfo.name.getDescription()));
      if (ourinfo.email != null && ourinfo.email.getDescription() != null)
        ownItems.add(new RTCPSDESItem(RTCPSDESItem.EMAIL, ourinfo.email.getDescription()));
      if (ourinfo.phone != null && ourinfo.phone.getDescription() != null)
        ownItems.add(new RTCPSDESItem(RTCPSDESItem.PHONE, ourinfo.phone.getDescription()));
      if (ourinfo.loc != null && ourinfo.loc.getDescription() != null)
        ownItems.add(new RTCPSDESItem(RTCPSDESItem.LOC, ourinfo.loc.getDescription()));
      if (ourinfo.tool != null && ourinfo.tool.getDescription() != null)
        ownItems.add(new RTCPSDESItem(RTCPSDESItem.TOOL, ourinfo.tool.getDescription()));
      if (ourinfo.note != null && ourinfo.note.getDescription() != null)
        ownItems.add(new RTCPSDESItem(RTCPSDESItem.NOTE, ourinfo.note.getDescription()));


    ownSDES.items = ownItems.toArray(new RTCPSDESItem[ownItems.size()]);


    for (Map.Entry<Integer, byte[]> entry : cnameRegistry.entrySet()) {
      RTCPSDES sdes = new RTCPSDES();
      sdes.ssrc = entry.getKey();
      sdes.items = new RTCPSDESItem[] {new RTCPSDESItem(RTCPSDESItem.CNAME, entry.getValue())};

    RTCPSDES[] sps = sdesChunks.toArray(new RTCPSDES[sdesChunks.size()]);
    RTCPSDESPacket sp = new RTCPSDESPacket(sps);

    return sp;

   * The garbage collector runs at each reporting interval and cleans up the data structures of this
   * RTCP termination strategy based on the SSRCs that the owner <tt>MediaStream</tt> is still
   * sending.
  class GarbageCollector {
    public void cleanup() {
      // TODO We need to fix TAG(cat4-local-ssrc-hurricane) and
      // TAG(cat4-remote-ssrc-hurricane) first. The idea is to remove
      // from our data structures everything that is not listed in as
      // a remote SSRC.

   * Removes receiver and sender feedback from RTCP packets. Typically this means dropping SRs, RR
   * report blocks and REMBs. It needs to pass through PLIs, FIRs, NACKs, etc.
  class FeedbackGateway {
     * Removes receiver and sender feedback from RTCP packets.
     * @param inPacket the <tt>RTCPCompoundPacket</tt> to filter.
     * @return the filtered <tt>RawPacket</tt>.
    public RawPacket gateway(RTCPCompoundPacket inPacket) {
      if (inPacket == null || inPacket.packets == null || inPacket.packets.length == 0) {
        logger.info("Ignoring empty RTCP packet.");
        return null;

      ArrayList<RTCPPacket> outPackets = new ArrayList<RTCPPacket>(inPacket.packets.length);

      for (RTCPPacket p : inPacket.packets) {
        switch (p.type) {
          case RTCPPacket.RR:
          case RTCPPacket.SR:
          case RTCPPacket.SDES:
            // We generate our own RR/SR/SDES packets. We only want
            // to forward NACKs/PLIs/etc.
          case RTCPFBPacket.PSFB:
            RTCPFBPacket psfb = (RTCPFBPacket) p;
            switch (psfb.fmt) {
              case RTCPREMBPacket.FMT:
                // We generate its own REMB packets.
                // We let through everything else, like NACK
                // packets.
            // We let through everything else, like BYE and APP
            // packets.

      if (outPackets.size() == 0) {
        return null;

      // We have feedback messages to send. Pack them in a compound
      // RR and send them. TODO Use RFC5506 Reduced-Size RTCP, if the
      // receiver supports it.
      Collection<RTCPRRPacket> rrPackets = makeRTCPRRPackets(System.currentTimeMillis());

      if (rrPackets != null && rrPackets.size() != 0) {
        outPackets.addAll(0, rrPackets);
      } else {
        logger.warn("We might be sending invalid RTCPs.");

      RTCPPacket[] pkts = outPackets.toArray(new RTCPPacket[outPackets.size()]);
      RTCPCompoundPacket outPacket = new RTCPCompoundPacket(pkts);

      return generator.apply(outPacket);

  /** Holds the NTP timestamp and the associated RTP timestamp for a given RTP stream. */
  class RemoteClock {
     * Ctor.
     * @param remoteTime
     * @param rtpTimestamp
    public RemoteClock(long remoteTime, int rtpTimestamp) {
      this.remoteTime = remoteTime;
      this.rtpTimestamp = rtpTimestamp;

     * The last NTP timestamp that we received for {@link this.ssrc} expressed in millis. Should be
     * treated a signed long.
    private final long remoteTime;

     * The RTP timestamp associated to {@link this.ntpTimestamp}. The RTP timestamp is an unsigned
     * int.
    private final int rtpTimestamp;

    /** @return */
    public int getRtpTimestamp() {
      return rtpTimestamp;

    /** @return */
    public long getRemoteTime() {
      return remoteTime;

  /** */
  class ReceivedRemoteClock {
    /** The SSRC. */
    private final int ssrc;

     * The <tt>RemoteClock</tt> which was received at {@link this.receivedTime} for this RTP stream.
    private final RemoteClock remoteClock;

     * The local time in millis when we received the RTCP report with the RTP/NTP timestamps. It's a
     * signed long.
    private final long receivedTime;

     * The clock rate for {@link.ssrc}. We need to have received at least two SRs in order to be
     * able to calculate this. Unsigned short.
    private final int frequencyHz;

     * Ctor.
     * @param ssrc
     * @param remoteTime
     * @param rtpTimestamp
     * @param frequencyHz
    ReceivedRemoteClock(int ssrc, long remoteTime, int rtpTimestamp, int frequencyHz) {
      this.ssrc = ssrc;
      this.remoteClock = new RemoteClock(remoteTime, rtpTimestamp);
      this.frequencyHz = frequencyHz;
      this.receivedTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    /** @return */
    public RemoteClock getRemoteClock() {
      return remoteClock;

    /** @return */
    public long getReceivedTime() {
      return receivedTime;

    /** @return */
    public int getSsrc() {
      return ssrc;

    /** @return */
    public int getFrequencyHz() {
      return frequencyHz;

  /** The <tt>RTPStatsEntry</tt> class contains information about an outgoing SSRC. */
  class RTPStatsEntry {
    /** The SSRC of the stream that this instance tracks. */
    private final int ssrc;

     * The total number of _payload_ octets (i.e., not including header or padding) transmitted in
     * RTP data packets by the sender since starting transmission up until the time this SR packet
     * was generated. This should be treated as an unsigned int.
    private final int bytesSent;

     * The total number of RTP data packets transmitted by the sender (including re-transmissions)
     * since starting transmission up until the time this SR packet was generated. Re-transmissions
     * using an RTX stream are tracked in the RTX SSRC. This should be treated as an unsigned int.
    private final int packetsSent;

    /** @return */
    public int getSsrc() {
      return ssrc;

    /** @return */
    public int getBytesSent() {
      return bytesSent;

    /** @return */
    public int getPacketsSent() {
      return packetsSent;

     * Ctor.
     * @param ssrc
     * @param bytesSent
    RTPStatsEntry(int ssrc, int bytesSent, int packetsSent) {
      this.ssrc = ssrc;
      this.bytesSent = bytesSent;
      this.packetsSent = packetsSent;

   * The <tt>RtpStatsMap</tt> gathers stats from RTP packets that the <tt>RTCPReportBuilder</tt>
   * uses to build its reports.
  class RTPStatsMap extends ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, RTPStatsEntry> {
     * Updates this <tt>RTPStatsMap</tt> with information it gets from the <tt>RawPacket</tt>.
     * @param pkt the <tt>RawPacket</tt> that is being transmitted.
    public void apply(RawPacket pkt) {
      int ssrc = pkt.getSSRC();
      if (this.containsKey(ssrc)) {
        RTPStatsEntry oldRtpStatsEntry = this.get(ssrc);

        // Replace whatever was in there before. A feature of the two's
        // complement encoding (which is used by Java integers) is that
        // the bitwise results for add, subtract, and multiply are the
        // same if both inputs are interpreted as signed values or both
        // inputs are interpreted as unsigned values. (Other encodings
        // like one's complement and signed magnitude don't have this
        // properly.)
            new RTPStatsEntry(
                    + pkt.getLength()
                    - pkt.getHeaderLength()
                    - pkt.getPaddingSize(),
                oldRtpStatsEntry.getPacketsSent() + 1));
      } else {
        // Add a new <tt>RTPStatsEntry</tt> in this map.
            new RTPStatsEntry(
                ssrc, pkt.getLength() - pkt.getHeaderLength() - pkt.getPaddingSize(), 1));

  /** A class that can be used to estimate the remote time at a given local time. */
  class RemoteClockEstimator {
    /** base: 7-Feb-2036 @ 06:28:16 UTC */
    private static final long msb0baseTime = 2085978496000L;

    /** base: 1-Jan-1900 @ 01:00:00 UTC */
    private static final long msb1baseTime = -2208988800000L;

    /** A map holding the received remote clocks. */
    private Map<Integer, ReceivedRemoteClock> receivedClocks =
        new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, ReceivedRemoteClock>();

     * Inspect an <tt>RTCPCompoundPacket</tt> and build-up the state for future estimations.
     * @param pkt
    public void apply(RTCPCompoundPacket pkt) {
      if (pkt == null || pkt.packets == null || pkt.packets.length == 0) {

      for (RTCPPacket rtcpPacket : pkt.packets) {
        switch (rtcpPacket.type) {
          case RTCPPacket.SR:
            RTCPSRPacket srPacket = (RTCPSRPacket) rtcpPacket;

            // The media sender SSRC.
            int ssrc = srPacket.ssrc;

            // Convert 64-bit NTP timestamp to Java standard time.
            // Note that java time (milliseconds) by definition has
            // less precision then NTP time (picoseconds) so
            // converting NTP timestamp to java time and back to NTP
            // timestamp loses precision. For example, Tue, Dec 17
            // 2002 09:07:24.810 EST is represented by a single
            // Java-based time value of f22cd1fc8a, but its NTP
            // equivalent are all values ranging from
            // c1a9ae1c.cf5c28f5 to c1a9ae1c.cf9db22c.

            // Use round-off on fractional part to preserve going to
            // lower precision
            long fraction = Math.round(1000D * srPacket.ntptimestamplsw / 0x100000000L);
             * If the most significant bit (MSB) on the seconds
             * field is set we use a different time base. The
             * following text is a quote from RFC-2030 (SNTP v4):
             * If bit 0 is set, the UTC time is in the range
             * 1968-2036 and UTC time is reckoned from 0h 0m 0s UTC
             * on 1 January 1900. If bit 0 is not set, the time is
             * in the range 2036-2104 and UTC time is reckoned from
             * 6h 28m 16s UTC on 7 February 2036.
            long msb = srPacket.ntptimestampmsw & 0x80000000L;
            long remoteTime =
                (msb == 0)
                    // use base: 7-Feb-2036 @ 06:28:16 UTC
                    ? msb0baseTime + (srPacket.ntptimestampmsw * 1000) + fraction
                    // use base: 1-Jan-1900 @ 01:00:00 UTC
                    : msb1baseTime + (srPacket.ntptimestampmsw * 1000) + fraction;

            // Estimate the clock rate of the sender.
            int frequencyHz = -1;
            if (receivedClocks.containsKey(ssrc)) {
              // Calculate the clock rate.
              ReceivedRemoteClock oldStats = receivedClocks.get(ssrc);
              RemoteClock oldRemoteClock = oldStats.getRemoteClock();
              frequencyHz =
                              (((int) srPacket.rtptimestamp - oldRemoteClock.getRtpTimestamp())
                                  & 0xffffffffl)
                          / (remoteTime - oldRemoteClock.getRemoteTime()));

            // Replace whatever was in there before.
                new ReceivedRemoteClock(
                    ssrc, remoteTime, (int) srPacket.rtptimestamp, frequencyHz));
          case RTCPPacket.SDES:

     * Estimate the <tt>RemoteClock</tt> of a given RTP stream (identified by its SSRC) at a given
     * time.
     * @param ssrc the SSRC of the RTP stream whose <tt>RemoteClock</tt> we want to estimate.
     * @param time the local time that will be mapped to a remote time.
     * @return An estimation of the <tt>RemoteClock</tt> at time "time".
    public RemoteClock estimate(int ssrc, long time) {
      ReceivedRemoteClock receivedRemoteClock = receivedClocks.get(ssrc);
      if (receivedRemoteClock == null || receivedRemoteClock.getFrequencyHz() == -1) {
        // We can't continue if we don't have NTP and RTP timestamps
        // and/or the original sender frequency, so move to the next
        // one.
        return null;

      long delayMillis = time - receivedRemoteClock.getReceivedTime();

      // Estimate the remote wall clock.
      long remoteTime = receivedRemoteClock.getRemoteClock().getRemoteTime();
      long estimatedRemoteTime = remoteTime + delayMillis;

      // Drift the RTP timestamp.
      int rtpTimestamp =
              + ((int) delayMillis) * (receivedRemoteClock.getFrequencyHz() / 1000);
      return new RemoteClock(estimatedRemoteTime, rtpTimestamp);

  /** Keeps track of the CNAMEs of the RTP streams that we've seen. */
  class CNAMERegistry extends ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, byte[]> {
    /** @param inPacket */
    public void update(RTCPCompoundPacket inPacket) {
      // Update CNAMEs.
      if (inPacket == null || inPacket.packets == null || inPacket.packets.length == 0) {

      for (RTCPPacket p : inPacket.packets) {
        switch (p.type) {
          case RTCPPacket.SDES:
            RTCPSDESPacket sdesPacket = (RTCPSDESPacket) p;
            if (sdesPacket.sdes == null || sdesPacket.sdes.length == 0) {

            for (RTCPSDES chunk : sdesPacket.sdes) {
              if (chunk.items == null || chunk.items.length == 0) {

              for (RTCPSDESItem sdesItm : chunk.items) {
                if (sdesItm.type != RTCPSDESItem.CNAME) {

                this.put(chunk.ssrc, sdesItm.data);
 * The <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt> of a <tt>VideoChannel</tt> makes sure to only forward one simulcast
 * stream at any given point in time to the owner endpoint, viewed as a receiver.
 * <p>This class also takes care of "gatewaying" the RTCP SRs that sending endpoints are sending. In
 * this context "gatewaying" means updating the octet and packet count information in the SRs. Such
 * a change is necessary because of the pausing/resuming of the simulcast streams that this class
 * performs.
 * @author George Politis
public class SimulcastEngine implements TransformEngine {
   * The {@link Logger} used by the {@link SimulcastEngine} class to print debug information. Note
   * that {@link Conference} instances should use {@link #logger} instead.
  private static final Logger classLogger = Logger.getLogger(SimulcastEngine.class);

  /** The owner of this <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt>. */
  private final VideoChannel videoChannel;

   * If the owning endpoint (viewed as a sender) has signaled simulcast, this object receives it.
  private final SimulcastReceiver simulcastReceiver;

   * For each <tt>SimulcastReceiver</tt> we have a <tt>SimulcastSender</tt>. This object manages
   * those <tt>SimulcastSender</tt>s.
  private final SimulcastSenderManager simulcastSenderManager = new SimulcastSenderManager(this);

   * The RTP stats map that holds RTP statistics about all the simulcast streams that this
   * <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt> is sending. It allows to modify the packets sent count and packets
   * octet count in the RTCP SRs, taking into account the pausing of the simulcast streams. The
   * stats are updated in the RTP transform direction and they are used by the
   * <tt>SenderReportGateway</tt> that is defined bellow.
  private final RTPStatsMap rtpStatsMap = new RTPStatsMap();

   * The <tt>SenderReportGateway</tt> responsible for gatewaying sender reports i.e. modifying their
   * octet count and packet count to reflect the pausing/resuming of the simulcast streams due to
   * simulcast.
   * <p>RTCP termination, which needs to be activated for simulcast, nullifies the effects of the
   * SenderReportGateway because it generates SRs from scratch.
   * <p>The original idea behind having the SenderReportGateway inside the SimulcastEngine was so
   * that they can be (dis-)activated independently. This is not currently possible.
  private final SenderReportGateway srGateway = new SenderReportGateway();

  /** The RTP <tt>PacketTransformer</tt> of this <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt>. */
  private final PacketTransformer rtpTransformer = new MyRTPTransformer();

  /** The RTCP <tt>PacketTransformer</tt> of this <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt>. */
  private final PacketTransformer rtcpTransformer = new MyRTCPTransformer();

  /** The {@link Logger} to be used by this instance to print debug information. */
  private final Logger logger;

   * Ctor.
   * @param videoChannel The <tt>VideoChannel</tt> associated to this <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt>.
  public SimulcastEngine(VideoChannel videoChannel) {
    this.videoChannel = videoChannel;
    simulcastReceiver =
        new SimulcastReceiver(
            ServiceUtils.getService(videoChannel.getBundleContext(), ConfigurationService.class));
    this.logger =
        Logger.getLogger(classLogger, videoChannel.getContent().getConference().getLogger());

   * Gets the <tt>SimulcastReceiver</tt> of this <tt>SimulcastReceiver</tt>.
   * @return
  public SimulcastReceiver getSimulcastReceiver() {
    return simulcastReceiver;

   * Gets the <tt>SimulcastSenderManager</tt> of this <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt>.
   * @return the <tt>SimulcastSenderManager</tt> of this <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt>.
  public SimulcastSenderManager getSimulcastSenderManager() {
    return simulcastSenderManager;

   * Gets the <tt>VideoChannel</tt> that owns this <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt>.
   * @return the <tt>VideoChannel</tt> that owns this <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt>.
  public VideoChannel getVideoChannel() {
    return videoChannel;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public PacketTransformer getRTPTransformer() {
    return rtpTransformer;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public PacketTransformer getRTCPTransformer() {
    return rtcpTransformer;

  /** Updates octet count and packet count in sender reports. */
  private class SenderReportGateway {
     * Updates octet count and packet count in sender reports found in the
     * <tt>RTCPCompoundPacket</tt>.
     * @param pkt
     * @return {@code true} if the specified {@code pkt} was modified; otherwise, {@code false}
    public boolean gateway(RTCPCompoundPacket pkt) {
      RTCPPacket[] pkts;
      boolean modified = false;

      if (pkt != null && (pkts = pkt.packets) != null && pkts.length != 0) {
        for (RTCPPacket p : pkts) {
          switch (p.type) {
            case RTCPPacket.SR:
              RTCPSRPacket sr = (RTCPSRPacket) p;
              int ssrc = sr.ssrc;
              RTPStatsEntry rtpStats = rtpStatsMap.get(ssrc);

              if (rtpStats != null) {
                // Mark the packet as modified and update the octet
                // and packet count using the information gathered
                // by rtpStatsMap.
                sr.octetcount = rtpStats.getBytesSent();
                sr.packetcount = rtpStats.getPacketsSent();
                modified = true;
      return modified;

  /** The RTP <tt>PacketTransformer</tt> of this <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt>. */
  private class MyRTPTransformer extends SinglePacketTransformer {
    /** Initializes a new {@code MyRTPTransformer} instance. */
    public MyRTPTransformer() {

    public RawPacket transform(RawPacket p) {
      // Accepts or drops RTP packets (to be sent from the local peer to
      // the remote peer) depending on which SimulcastStream is currently
      // being sent, which SendMode is in use, etc.
      if (simulcastSenderManager.accept(p)) {
        // Update rtpStatsMap with the information that we've accepted
        // to send.

        return p;
      } else {
        return null;

    public RawPacket reverseTransform(RawPacket p) {
      // Forward the received RawPacket (from the remote peer to the local
      // peer) to the SimulcastReceiver. The latter will, for example,
      // update the received SimulcastStreams.

      return p;

  /** The RTCP <tt>PacketTransformer</tt> of this <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt>. */
  private class MyRTCPTransformer extends SinglePacketTransformerAdapter {
    /** The RTCP packet parser that parses RTCP packets from <tt>RawPacket</tt>s. */
    private final RTCPPacketParserEx parser = new RTCPPacketParserEx();

    /** The RTCP generator that generates <tt>RTCPCompoundPacket</tt>s from <tt>RawPacket</tt>s. */
    private final RTCPGenerator generator = new RTCPGenerator();

    /** Initializes a new {@code MyRTCPTransformer} instance. */
    public MyRTCPTransformer() {

    public RawPacket transform(RawPacket p) {
      // Update octets and packets sent in SRs.
      RTCPCompoundPacket compound;

      try {
        compound = (RTCPCompoundPacket) parser.parse(p.getBuffer(), p.getOffset(), p.getLength());
      } catch (BadFormatException e) {
        logger.warn("Failed to terminate an RTCP packet. Dropping it.");
        return null;

      if (srGateway.gateway(compound)) {
        return generator.apply(compound);
      } else {
        // If the RTCP packet hasn't been modified, send the input
        // without regenerating it (i.e. optimize).
        return p;

  /** @return the {@link Logger} used by this instance. */
  public Logger getLogger() {
    return logger;
 * The source contact service. The will show most recent messages.
 * @author Damian Minkov
public class MessageSourceService extends MetaContactListAdapter
    implements ContactSourceService,
        AdHocChatRoomMessageListener {
  /** The logger for this class. */
  private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MessageSourceService.class);

  /** The display name of this contact source. */
  private final String MESSAGE_HISTORY_NAME;

  /** The type of the source service, the place to be shown in the ui. */
  private int sourceServiceType = CONTACT_LIST_TYPE;

   * Whether to show recent messages in history or in contactlist. By default we show it in
   * contactlist.
  private static final String IN_HISTORY_PROPERTY =

  /** Property to control number of recent messages. */
  private static final String NUMBER_OF_RECENT_MSGS_PROP =

  /** Property to control version of recent messages. */
  private static final String VER_OF_RECENT_MSGS_PROP =

  /** Property to control messages type. Can query for message sub type. */
  private static final String IS_MESSAGE_SUBTYPE_SMS_PROP =

   * The number of recent messages to store in the history, but will retrieve just
   * <tt>numberOfMessages</tt>
  private static final int NUMBER_OF_MSGS_IN_HISTORY = 100;

  /** Number of messages to show. */
  private int numberOfMessages = 10;

  /** The structure to save recent messages list. */
  private static final String[] STRUCTURE_NAMES =
      new String[] {"provider", "contact", "timestamp", "ver"};

  /** The current version of recent messages. When changed the recent messages are recreated. */
  private static String RECENT_MSGS_VER = "2";

  /** The structure. */
  private static final HistoryRecordStructure recordStructure =
      new HistoryRecordStructure(STRUCTURE_NAMES);

  /** Recent messages history ID. */
  private static final HistoryID historyID =
      HistoryID.createFromRawID(new String[] {"recent_messages"});

  /** The cache for recent messages. */
  private History history = null;

  /** List of recent messages. */
  private final List<ComparableEvtObj> recentMessages = new LinkedList<ComparableEvtObj>();

  /** Date of the oldest shown message. */
  private Date oldestRecentMessage = null;

  /** The last query created. */
  private MessageSourceContactQuery recentQuery = null;

  /** The message subtype if any. */
  private boolean isSMSEnabled = false;

  /** Message history service that has created us. */
  private MessageHistoryServiceImpl messageHistoryService;

  /** Constructs MessageSourceService. */
  MessageSourceService(MessageHistoryServiceImpl messageHistoryService) {
    this.messageHistoryService = messageHistoryService;

    ConfigurationService conf = MessageHistoryActivator.getConfigurationService();

    if (conf.getBoolean(IN_HISTORY_PROPERTY, false)) {
      sourceServiceType = HISTORY_TYPE;


    numberOfMessages = conf.getInt(NUMBER_OF_RECENT_MSGS_PROP, numberOfMessages);

    isSMSEnabled = conf.getBoolean(IS_MESSAGE_SUBTYPE_SMS_PROP, isSMSEnabled);



   * Returns the display name of this contact source.
   * @return the display name of this contact source
  public String getDisplayName() {

   * Returns default type to indicate that this contact source can be queried by default filters.
   * @return the type of this contact source
  public int getType() {
    return sourceServiceType;

   * Returns the index of the contact source in the result list.
   * @return the index of the contact source in the result list
  public int getIndex() {
    return 0;

   * Creates query for the given <tt>searchString</tt>.
   * @param queryString the string to search for
   * @return the created query
  public ContactQuery createContactQuery(String queryString) {
    recentQuery = (MessageSourceContactQuery) createContactQuery(queryString, numberOfMessages);

    return recentQuery;

   * Updates the contact sources in the recent query if any. Done here in order to sync with
   * recentMessages instance, and to check for already existing instances of contact sources.
   * Normally called from the query.
  public void updateRecentMessages() {
    if (recentQuery == null) return;

    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      List<SourceContact> currentContactsInQuery = recentQuery.getQueryResults();

      for (ComparableEvtObj evtObj : recentMessages) {
        // the contains will use the correct equals method of
        // the object evtObj
        if (!currentContactsInQuery.contains(evtObj)) {
          MessageSourceContact newSourceContact =
              new MessageSourceContact(evtObj.getEventObject(), MessageSourceService.this);


   * Searches for entries in cached recent messages in history.
   * @param provider the provider which contact messages we will search
   * @param isStatusChanged is the search because of status changed
   * @return entries in cached recent messages in history.
  private List<ComparableEvtObj> getCachedRecentMessages(
      ProtocolProviderService provider, boolean isStatusChanged) {
    String providerID = provider.getAccountID().getAccountUniqueID();
    List<String> recentMessagesContactIDs =
            providerID, recentMessages.size() < numberOfMessages ? null : oldestRecentMessage);

    List<ComparableEvtObj> cachedRecentMessages = new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>();

    for (String contactID : recentMessagesContactIDs) {
      Collection<EventObject> res =
              numberOfMessages, providerID, contactID, isSMSEnabled);

      processEventObjects(res, cachedRecentMessages, isStatusChanged);

    return cachedRecentMessages;

   * Process list of event objects. Checks whether message source contact already exist for this
   * event object, if yes just update it with the new values (not sure whether we should do this, as
   * it may bring old messages) and if status of provider is changed, init its details, updates its
   * capabilities. It still adds the found messages source contact to the list of the new contacts,
   * as later we will detect this and fire update event. If nothing found a new contact is created.
   * @param res list of event
   * @param cachedRecentMessages list of newly created source contacts or already existed but
   *     updated with corresponding event object
   * @param isStatusChanged whether provider status changed and we are processing
  private void processEventObjects(
      Collection<EventObject> res,
      List<ComparableEvtObj> cachedRecentMessages,
      boolean isStatusChanged) {
    for (EventObject obj : res) {
      ComparableEvtObj oldMsg = findRecentMessage(obj, recentMessages);

      if (oldMsg != null) {
        oldMsg.update(obj); // update

        if (isStatusChanged && recentQuery != null) recentQuery.updateCapabilities(oldMsg, obj);

        // we still add it to cachedRecentMessages
        // later we will find it is duplicate and will fire
        // update event
        if (!cachedRecentMessages.contains(oldMsg)) cachedRecentMessages.add(oldMsg);


      oldMsg = findRecentMessage(obj, cachedRecentMessages);

      if (oldMsg == null) {
        oldMsg = new ComparableEvtObj(obj);

        if (isStatusChanged && recentQuery != null) recentQuery.updateCapabilities(oldMsg, obj);


   * Access for source contacts impl.
   * @return
  boolean isSMSEnabled() {
    return isSMSEnabled;

   * Add the ComparableEvtObj, newly added will fire new, for existing fire update and when trimming
   * the list to desired length fire remove for those that were removed
   * @param contactsToAdd
  private void addNewRecentMessages(List<ComparableEvtObj> contactsToAdd) {
    // now find object to fire new, and object to fire remove
    // let us find duplicates and fire update
    List<ComparableEvtObj> duplicates = new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>();
    for (ComparableEvtObj msgToAdd : contactsToAdd) {
      if (recentMessages.contains(msgToAdd)) {

        // save update

    // now contacts to add has no duplicates, add them all
    boolean changed = recentMessages.addAll(contactsToAdd);

    if (changed) {

      if (recentQuery != null) {
        for (ComparableEvtObj obj : duplicates)
          recentQuery.updateContact(obj, obj.getEventObject());

    if (!recentMessages.isEmpty())
      oldestRecentMessage = recentMessages.get(recentMessages.size() - 1).getTimestamp();

    // trim
    List<ComparableEvtObj> removedItems = null;
    if (recentMessages.size() > numberOfMessages) {
      removedItems =
          new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>(
              recentMessages.subList(numberOfMessages, recentMessages.size()));


    if (recentQuery != null) {
      // now fire, removed for all that were in the list
      // and now are removed after trim
      if (removedItems != null) {
        for (ComparableEvtObj msc : removedItems) {
          if (!contactsToAdd.contains(msc)) recentQuery.fireContactRemoved(msc);

      // fire new for all that were added, and not removed after trim
      for (ComparableEvtObj msc : contactsToAdd) {
        if ((removedItems == null || !removedItems.contains(msc)) && !duplicates.contains(msc)) {
          MessageSourceContact newSourceContact =
              new MessageSourceContact(msc.getEventObject(), MessageSourceService.this);


      // if recent messages were changed, indexes have change lets
      // fire event for the last element which will reorder the whole
      // group if needed.
      if (changed) recentQuery.fireContactChanged(recentMessages.get(recentMessages.size() - 1));

   * When a provider is added, do not block and start executing in new thread.
   * @param provider ProtocolProviderService
  void handleProviderAdded(final ProtocolProviderService provider, final boolean isStatusChanged) {
    new Thread(
            new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
                handleProviderAddedInSeparateThread(provider, isStatusChanged);

   * When a provider is added. As searching can be slow especially when handling special type of
   * messages (with subType) this need to be run in new Thread.
   * @param provider ProtocolProviderService
  private void handleProviderAddedInSeparateThread(
      ProtocolProviderService provider, boolean isStatusChanged) {
    // lets check if we have cached recent messages for this provider, and
    // fire events if found and are newer

    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      List<ComparableEvtObj> cachedRecentMessages =
          getCachedRecentMessages(provider, isStatusChanged);

      if (cachedRecentMessages.isEmpty()) {
        // maybe there is no cached history for this
        // let's check
        // load it not from cache, but do a local search
        Collection<EventObject> res =
                numberOfMessages, provider.getAccountID().getAccountUniqueID(), null, isSMSEnabled);

        List<ComparableEvtObj> newMsc = new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>();

        processEventObjects(res, newMsc, isStatusChanged);


        for (ComparableEvtObj msc : newMsc) {
      } else addNewRecentMessages(cachedRecentMessages);

   * Tries to match the event object to already existing ComparableEvtObj in the supplied list.
   * @param obj the object that we will try to match.
   * @param list the list we will search in.
   * @return the found ComparableEvtObj
  private static ComparableEvtObj findRecentMessage(EventObject obj, List<ComparableEvtObj> list) {
    Contact contact = null;
    ChatRoom chatRoom = null;

    if (obj instanceof MessageDeliveredEvent) {
      contact = ((MessageDeliveredEvent) obj).getDestinationContact();
    } else if (obj instanceof MessageReceivedEvent) {
      contact = ((MessageReceivedEvent) obj).getSourceContact();
    } else if (obj instanceof ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent) {
      chatRoom = ((ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent) obj).getSourceChatRoom();
    } else if (obj instanceof ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent) {
      chatRoom = ((ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent) obj).getSourceChatRoom();

    for (ComparableEvtObj evt : list) {
      if ((contact != null && contact.equals(evt.getContact()))
          || (chatRoom != null && chatRoom.equals(evt.getRoom()))) return evt;

    return null;

   * A provider has been removed.
   * @param provider the ProtocolProviderService that has been unregistered.
  void handleProviderRemoved(ProtocolProviderService provider) {
    // lets remove the recent messages for this provider, and update
    // with recent messages for the available providers
    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      if (provider != null) {
        List<ComparableEvtObj> removedItems = new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>();
        for (ComparableEvtObj msc : recentMessages) {
          if (msc.getProtocolProviderService().equals(provider)) removedItems.add(msc);

        if (!recentMessages.isEmpty())
          oldestRecentMessage = recentMessages.get(recentMessages.size() - 1).getTimestamp();
        else oldestRecentMessage = null;

        if (recentQuery != null) {
          for (ComparableEvtObj msc : removedItems) {

      // handleProviderRemoved can be invoked due to stopped
      // history service, if this is the case we do not want to
      // update messages
      if (!this.messageHistoryService.isHistoryLoggingEnabled()) return;

      // lets do the same as we enable provider
      // for all registered providers and finally fire events
      List<ComparableEvtObj> contactsToAdd = new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>();
      for (ProtocolProviderService pps : messageHistoryService.getCurrentlyAvailableProviders()) {
        contactsToAdd.addAll(getCachedRecentMessages(pps, true));


   * Searches for contact ids in history of recent messages.
   * @param provider
   * @param after
   * @return
  List<String> getRecentContactIDs(String provider, Date after) {
    List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>();

    try {
      History history = getHistory();

      if (history != null) {
        Iterator<HistoryRecord> recs = history.getReader().findLast(NUMBER_OF_MSGS_IN_HISTORY);
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(HistoryService.DATE_FORMAT);

        while (recs.hasNext()) {
          HistoryRecord hr = recs.next();

          String contact = null;
          String recordProvider = null;
          Date timestamp = null;

          for (int i = 0; i < hr.getPropertyNames().length; i++) {
            String propName = hr.getPropertyNames()[i];

            if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[0])) recordProvider = hr.getPropertyValues()[i];
            else if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[1])) contact = hr.getPropertyValues()[i];
            else if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[2])) {
              try {
                timestamp = sdf.parse(hr.getPropertyValues()[i]);
              } catch (ParseException e) {
                timestamp = new Date(Long.parseLong(hr.getPropertyValues()[i]));

          if (recordProvider == null || contact == null) continue;

          if (after != null && timestamp != null && timestamp.before(after)) continue;

          if (recordProvider.equals(provider)) res.add(contact);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
      logger.error("cannot create recent_messages history", ex);

    return res;

   * Returns the cached recent messages history.
   * @return
   * @throws IOException
  private History getHistory() throws IOException {
    synchronized (historyID) {
      HistoryService historyService =

      if (history == null) {
        history = historyService.createHistory(historyID, recordStructure);

        // lets check the version if not our version, re-create
        // history (delete it)
        HistoryReader reader = history.getReader();
        boolean delete = false;
        QueryResultSet<HistoryRecord> res = reader.findLast(1);
        if (res != null && res.hasNext()) {
          HistoryRecord hr = res.next();
          if (hr.getPropertyValues().length >= 4) {
            if (!hr.getPropertyValues()[3].equals(RECENT_MSGS_VER)) delete = true;
          } else delete = true;

        if (delete) {
          // delete it
          try {

            history = historyService.createHistory(historyID, recordStructure);
          } catch (IOException ex) {
            logger.error("Cannot delete recent_messages history", ex);

      return history;

   * Returns the index of the source contact, in the list of recent messages.
   * @param messageSourceContact
   * @return
  int getIndex(MessageSourceContact messageSourceContact) {
    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      for (int i = 0; i < recentMessages.size(); i++)
        if (recentMessages.get(i).equals(messageSourceContact)) return i;

      return -1;

   * Creates query for the given <tt>searchString</tt>.
   * @param queryString the string to search for
   * @param contactCount the maximum count of result contacts
   * @return the created query
  public ContactQuery createContactQuery(String queryString, int contactCount) {
    if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(queryString)) return null;

    recentQuery = new MessageSourceContactQuery(MessageSourceService.this);

    return recentQuery;

   * Updates contact source contacts with status.
   * @param evt the ContactPresenceStatusChangeEvent describing the status
  public void contactPresenceStatusChanged(ContactPresenceStatusChangeEvent evt) {
    if (recentQuery == null) return;

    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      for (ComparableEvtObj msg : recentMessages) {
        if (msg.getContact() != null && msg.getContact().equals(evt.getSourceContact())) {
          recentQuery.updateContactStatus(msg, evt.getNewStatus());

  public void providerStatusChanged(ProviderPresenceStatusChangeEvent evt) {
    if (!evt.getNewStatus().isOnline() || evt.getOldStatus().isOnline()) return;

    handleProviderAdded(evt.getProvider(), true);

  public void providerStatusMessageChanged(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {}

  public void localUserPresenceChanged(LocalUserChatRoomPresenceChangeEvent evt) {
    if (recentQuery == null) return;

    ComparableEvtObj srcContact = null;

    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      for (ComparableEvtObj msg : recentMessages) {
        if (msg.getRoom() != null && msg.getRoom().equals(evt.getChatRoom())) {
          srcContact = msg;

    if (srcContact == null) return;

    String eventType = evt.getEventType();

    if (LocalUserChatRoomPresenceChangeEvent.LOCAL_USER_JOINED.equals(eventType)) {
      recentQuery.updateContactStatus(srcContact, ChatRoomPresenceStatus.CHAT_ROOM_ONLINE);
    } else if ((LocalUserChatRoomPresenceChangeEvent.LOCAL_USER_LEFT.equals(eventType)
        || LocalUserChatRoomPresenceChangeEvent.LOCAL_USER_KICKED.equals(eventType)
        || LocalUserChatRoomPresenceChangeEvent.LOCAL_USER_DROPPED.equals(eventType))) {
      recentQuery.updateContactStatus(srcContact, ChatRoomPresenceStatus.CHAT_ROOM_OFFLINE);

   * Handles new events.
   * @param obj the event object
   * @param provider the provider
   * @param id the id of the source of the event
  private void handle(EventObject obj, ProtocolProviderService provider, String id) {
    // check if provider - contact exist update message content
    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      ComparableEvtObj existingMsc = null;
      for (ComparableEvtObj msc : recentMessages) {
        if (msc.getProtocolProviderService().equals(provider)
            && msc.getContactAddress().equals(id)) {
          // update

          existingMsc = msc;

      if (existingMsc != null) {
        oldestRecentMessage = recentMessages.get(recentMessages.size() - 1).getTimestamp();

        if (recentQuery != null) {
          recentQuery.updateContact(existingMsc, existingMsc.getEventObject());


      // if missing create source contact
      // and update recent messages, trim and sort
      MessageSourceContact newSourceContact =
          new MessageSourceContact(obj, MessageSourceService.this);
      // we have already checked for duplicate
      ComparableEvtObj newMsg = new ComparableEvtObj(obj);

      oldestRecentMessage = recentMessages.get(recentMessages.size() - 1).getTimestamp();

      // trim
      List<ComparableEvtObj> removedItems = null;
      if (recentMessages.size() > numberOfMessages) {
        removedItems =
            new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>(
                recentMessages.subList(numberOfMessages, recentMessages.size()));


      // save

      // no query nothing to fire
      if (recentQuery == null) return;

      // now fire
      if (removedItems != null) {
        for (ComparableEvtObj msc : removedItems) {


  /** Adds recent message in history. */
  private void saveRecentMessageToHistory(ComparableEvtObj msc) {
    synchronized (historyID) {
      // and create it
      try {
        History history = getHistory();
        HistoryWriter writer = history.getWriter();

        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(HistoryService.DATE_FORMAT);

            new String[] {
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        logger.error("cannot create recent_messages history", ex);

  /** Updates recent message in history. */
  private void updateRecentMessageToHistory(final ComparableEvtObj msg) {
    synchronized (historyID) {
      // and create it
      try {
        History history = getHistory();

        HistoryWriter writer = history.getWriter();

            new HistoryWriter.HistoryRecordUpdater() {
              HistoryRecord hr;

              public void setHistoryRecord(HistoryRecord historyRecord) {
                this.hr = historyRecord;

              public boolean isMatching() {
                boolean providerFound = false;
                boolean contactFound = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < hr.getPropertyNames().length; i++) {
                  String propName = hr.getPropertyNames()[i];

                  if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[0])) {
                    if (msg.getProtocolProviderService()
                        .equals(hr.getPropertyValues()[i])) {
                      providerFound = true;
                  } else if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[1])) {
                    if (msg.getContactAddress().equals(hr.getPropertyValues()[i])) {
                      contactFound = true;

                return contactFound && providerFound;

              public Map<String, String> getUpdateChanges() {
                HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
                SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(HistoryService.DATE_FORMAT);

                for (int i = 0; i < hr.getPropertyNames().length; i++) {
                  String propName = hr.getPropertyNames()[i];

                  if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[0])) {
                  } else if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[1])) {
                    map.put(propName, msg.getContactAddress());
                  } else if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[2])) {
                    map.put(propName, sdf.format(msg.getTimestamp()));
                  } else if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[3]))
                    map.put(propName, RECENT_MSGS_VER);

                return map;
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        logger.error("cannot create recent_messages history", ex);

  public void messageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent evt) {
    if (isSMSEnabled && evt.getEventType() != MessageReceivedEvent.SMS_MESSAGE_RECEIVED) {

    handle(evt, evt.getSourceContact().getProtocolProvider(), evt.getSourceContact().getAddress());

  public void messageDelivered(MessageDeliveredEvent evt) {
    if (isSMSEnabled && !evt.isSmsMessage()) return;


   * Not used.
   * @param evt the <tt>MessageFailedEvent</tt> containing the ID of the
  public void messageDeliveryFailed(MessageDeliveryFailedEvent evt) {}

  public void messageReceived(ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent evt) {
    if (isSMSEnabled) return;

    // ignore non conversation messages
    if (evt.getEventType() != ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent.CONVERSATION_MESSAGE_RECEIVED) return;

        evt, evt.getSourceChatRoom().getParentProvider(), evt.getSourceChatRoom().getIdentifier());

  public void messageDelivered(ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent evt) {
    if (isSMSEnabled) return;

        evt, evt.getSourceChatRoom().getParentProvider(), evt.getSourceChatRoom().getIdentifier());

   * Not used.
   * @param evt the <tt>ChatroomMessageDeliveryFailedEvent</tt> containing
  public void messageDeliveryFailed(ChatRoomMessageDeliveryFailedEvent evt) {}

  public void messageReceived(AdHocChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent evt) {
    // TODO

  public void messageDelivered(AdHocChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent evt) {
    // TODO

   * Not used.
   * @param evt the <tt>AdHocChatroomMessageDeliveryFailedEvent</tt>
  public void messageDeliveryFailed(AdHocChatRoomMessageDeliveryFailedEvent evt) {}

  public void subscriptionCreated(SubscriptionEvent evt) {}

  public void subscriptionFailed(SubscriptionEvent evt) {}

  public void subscriptionRemoved(SubscriptionEvent evt) {}

  public void subscriptionMoved(SubscriptionMovedEvent evt) {}

  public void subscriptionResolved(SubscriptionEvent evt) {}

   * If a contact is renamed update the locally stored message if any.
   * @param evt the <tt>ContactPropertyChangeEvent</tt> containing the source
  public void contactModified(ContactPropertyChangeEvent evt) {
    if (!evt.getPropertyName().equals(ContactPropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME)) return;

    Contact contact = evt.getSourceContact();

    if (contact == null) return;

    for (ComparableEvtObj msc : recentMessages) {
      if (contact.equals(msc.getContact())) {
        if (recentQuery != null)
          recentQuery.updateContactDisplayName(msc, contact.getDisplayName());


   * Indicates that a MetaContact has been modified.
   * @param evt the MetaContactListEvent containing the corresponding contact
  public void metaContactRenamed(MetaContactRenamedEvent evt) {
    for (ComparableEvtObj msc : recentMessages) {
      if (evt.getSourceMetaContact().containsContact(msc.getContact())) {
        if (recentQuery != null) recentQuery.updateContactDisplayName(msc, evt.getNewDisplayName());

  public void supportedOperationSetsChanged(ContactCapabilitiesEvent event) {
    Contact contact = event.getSourceContact();

    if (contact == null) return;

    for (ComparableEvtObj msc : recentMessages) {
      if (contact.equals(msc.getContact())) {
        if (recentQuery != null) recentQuery.updateCapabilities(msc, contact);


  /** Permanently removes all locally stored message history, remove recent contacts. */
  public void eraseLocallyStoredHistory() throws IOException {
    List<ComparableEvtObj> toRemove = null;
    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      toRemove = new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>(recentMessages);


    if (recentQuery != null) {
      for (ComparableEvtObj msc : toRemove) {

   * Permanently removes locally stored message history for the metacontact, remove any recent
   * contacts if any.
  public void eraseLocallyStoredHistory(MetaContact contact) throws IOException {
    List<ComparableEvtObj> toRemove = null;
    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      toRemove = new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>();
      Iterator<Contact> iter = contact.getContacts();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Contact item = iter.next();
        String id = item.getAddress();
        ProtocolProviderService provider = item.getProtocolProvider();

        for (ComparableEvtObj msc : recentMessages) {
          if (msc.getProtocolProviderService().equals(provider)
              && msc.getContactAddress().equals(id)) {

    if (recentQuery != null) {
      for (ComparableEvtObj msc : toRemove) {

   * Permanently removes locally stored message history for the chatroom, remove any recent contacts
   * if any.
  public void eraseLocallyStoredHistory(ChatRoom room) {
    ComparableEvtObj toRemove = null;
    synchronized (recentMessages) {
      for (ComparableEvtObj msg : recentMessages) {
        if (msg.getRoom() != null && msg.getRoom().equals(room)) {
          toRemove = msg;

      if (toRemove == null) return;


    if (recentQuery != null) recentQuery.fireContactRemoved(toRemove);

  /** Object used to cache recent messages. */
  private class ComparableEvtObj implements Comparable<ComparableEvtObj> {
    private EventObject eventObject;

    /** The protocol provider. */
    private ProtocolProviderService ppService = null;

    /** The address. */
    private String address = null;

    /** The timestamp. */
    private Date timestamp = null;

    /** The contact instance. */
    private Contact contact = null;

    /** The room instance. */
    private ChatRoom room = null;

     * Constructs.
     * @param source used to extract initial values.
    ComparableEvtObj(EventObject source) {

     * Extract values from <tt>EventObject</tt>.
     * @param source
    public void update(EventObject source) {
      this.eventObject = source;

      if (source instanceof MessageDeliveredEvent) {
        MessageDeliveredEvent e = (MessageDeliveredEvent) source;

        this.contact = e.getDestinationContact();

        this.address = contact.getAddress();
        this.ppService = contact.getProtocolProvider();
        this.timestamp = e.getTimestamp();
      } else if (source instanceof MessageReceivedEvent) {
        MessageReceivedEvent e = (MessageReceivedEvent) source;

        this.contact = e.getSourceContact();

        this.address = contact.getAddress();
        this.ppService = contact.getProtocolProvider();
        this.timestamp = e.getTimestamp();
      } else if (source instanceof ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent) {
        ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent e = (ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent) source;

        this.room = e.getSourceChatRoom();

        this.address = room.getIdentifier();
        this.ppService = room.getParentProvider();
        this.timestamp = e.getTimestamp();
      } else if (source instanceof ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent) {
        ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent e = (ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent) source;

        this.room = e.getSourceChatRoom();

        this.address = room.getIdentifier();
        this.ppService = room.getParentProvider();
        this.timestamp = e.getTimestamp();

    public String toString() {
      return "ComparableEvtObj{" + "address='" + address + '\'' + ", ppService=" + ppService + '}';

     * The timestamp of the message.
     * @return the timestamp of the message.
    public Date getTimestamp() {
      return timestamp;

     * The contact.
     * @return the contact.
    public Contact getContact() {
      return contact;

     * The room.
     * @return the room.
    public ChatRoom getRoom() {
      return room;

     * The protocol provider.
     * @return the protocol provider.
    public ProtocolProviderService getProtocolProviderService() {
      return ppService;

     * The address.
     * @return the address.
    public String getContactAddress() {
      if (this.address != null) return this.address;

      return null;

     * The event object.
     * @return the event object.
    public EventObject getEventObject() {
      return eventObject;

     * Compares two ComparableEvtObj.
     * @param o the object to compare with
     * @return 0, less than zero, greater than zero, if equals, less or greater.
    public int compareTo(ComparableEvtObj o) {
      if (o == null || o.getTimestamp() == null) return 1;

      return o.getTimestamp().compareTo(getTimestamp());

     * Checks if equals, and if this event object is used to create a MessageSourceContact, if the
     * supplied <tt>Object</tt> is instance of MessageSourceContact.
     * @param o the object to check.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if equals.
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
      if (this == o) return true;
      if (o == null || (!(o instanceof MessageSourceContact) && getClass() != o.getClass()))
        return false;

      if (o instanceof ComparableEvtObj) {
        ComparableEvtObj that = (ComparableEvtObj) o;

        if (!address.equals(that.address)) return false;
        if (!ppService.equals(that.ppService)) return false;
      } else if (o instanceof MessageSourceContact) {
        MessageSourceContact that = (MessageSourceContact) o;

        if (!address.equals(that.getContactAddress())) return false;
        if (!ppService.equals(that.getProtocolProviderService())) return false;
      } else return false;

      return true;

    public int hashCode() {
      int result = address.hashCode();
      result = 31 * result + ppService.hashCode();
      return result;
Beispiel #17
 * A <tt>Recorder</tt> implementation which attaches to an <tt>RTPTranslator</tt>.
 * @author Vladimir Marinov
 * @author Boris Grozev
public class RecorderRtpImpl
    implements Recorder, ReceiveStreamListener, ActiveSpeakerChangedListener, ControllerListener {
   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>RecorderRtpImpl</tt> class and its instances for logging
   * output.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RecorderRtpImpl.class);

  // values hard-coded to match chrome
  // TODO: allow to set them dynamically
  private static final byte redPayloadType = 116;
  private static final byte ulpfecPayloadType = 117;
  private static final byte vp8PayloadType = 100;
  private static final byte opusPayloadType = 111;
  private static final Format redFormat = new VideoFormat(Constants.RED);
  private static final Format ulpfecFormat = new VideoFormat(Constants.ULPFEC);
  private static final Format vp8RtpFormat = new VideoFormat(Constants.VP8_RTP);
  private static final Format vp8Format = new VideoFormat(Constants.VP8);
  private static final Format opusFormat =
      new AudioFormat(Constants.OPUS_RTP, 48000, Format.NOT_SPECIFIED, Format.NOT_SPECIFIED);

  private static final int FMJ_VIDEO_JITTER_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE = 300;

  /** The <tt>ContentDescriptor</tt> to use when saving audio. */
  private static final ContentDescriptor AUDIO_CONTENT_DESCRIPTOR =
      new ContentDescriptor(FileTypeDescriptor.MPEG_AUDIO);

  /** The suffix for audio file names. */
  private static final String AUDIO_FILENAME_SUFFIX = ".mp3";

  /** The suffix for video file names. */
  private static final String VIDEO_FILENAME_SUFFIX = ".webm";

  static {
    Registry.set("video_jitter_buffer_MIN_SIZE", FMJ_VIDEO_JITTER_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE);

  /** The <tt>RTPTranslator</tt> that this recorder is/will be attached to. */
  private RTPTranslatorImpl translator;

   * The custom <tt>RTPConnector</tt> that this instance uses to read from {@link #translator} and
   * write to {@link #rtpManager}.
  private RTPConnectorImpl rtpConnector;

  /** Path to the directory where the output files will be stored. */
  private String path;

  /** The <tt>RTCPFeedbackMessageSender</tt> that we use to send RTCP FIR messages. */
  private RTCPFeedbackMessageSender rtcpFeedbackSender;

   * The {@link RTPManager} instance we use to handle the packets coming from
   * <tt>RTPTranslator</tt>.
  private RTPManager rtpManager;

   * The instance which should be notified when events related to recordings (such as the start or
   * end of a recording) occur.
  private RecorderEventHandlerImpl eventHandler;

   * Holds the <tt>ReceiveStreams</tt> added to this instance by {@link #rtpManager} and additional
   * information associated with each one (e.g. the <tt>Processor</tt>, if any, used for it).
  private final HashSet<ReceiveStreamDesc> receiveStreams = new HashSet<ReceiveStreamDesc>();

  private final Set<Long> activeVideoSsrcs = new HashSet<Long>();

   * The <tt>ActiveSpeakerDetector</tt> which will listen to the audio receive streams of this
   * <tt>RecorderRtpImpl</tt> and notify it about changes to the active speaker via calls to {@link
   * #activeSpeakerChanged(long)}
  private ActiveSpeakerDetector activeSpeakerDetector = null;

  StreamRTPManager streamRTPManager;

  private SynchronizerImpl synchronizer;
  private boolean started = false;

   * Constructor.
   * @param translator the <tt>RTPTranslator</tt> to which this instance will attach in order to
   *     record media.
  public RecorderRtpImpl(RTPTranslator translator) {
    this.translator = (RTPTranslatorImpl) translator;
    activeSpeakerDetector = new ActiveSpeakerDetectorImpl();

  /** Implements {@link Recorder#addListener(Recorder.Listener)}. */
  public void addListener(Listener listener) {}

  /** Implements {@link Recorder#removeListener(Recorder.Listener)}. */
  public void removeListener(Listener listener) {}

  /** Implements {@link Recorder#getSupportedFormats()}. */
  public List<String> getSupportedFormats() {
    return null;

  /** Implements {@link Recorder#setMute(boolean)}. */
  public void setMute(boolean mute) {}

   * Implements {@link Recorder#getFilename()}. Returns null, since we don't have a (single)
   * associated filename.
  public String getFilename() {
    return null;

   * Sets the instance which should be notified when events related to recordings (such as the start
   * or end of a recording) occur.
  public void setEventHandler(RecorderEventHandler eventHandler) {
    if (this.eventHandler == null
        || (this.eventHandler != eventHandler && this.eventHandler.handler != eventHandler)) {
      if (this.eventHandler == null) this.eventHandler = new RecorderEventHandlerImpl(eventHandler);
      else this.eventHandler.handler = eventHandler;

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @param format unused, since this implementation records multiple streams using potentially
   *     different formats.
   * @param dirname the path to the directory into which this <tt>Recorder</tt> will store the
   *     recorded media files.
  public void start(String format, String dirname) throws IOException, MediaException {
    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Starting, format=" + format + " " + hashCode());
    path = dirname;

    MediaService mediaService = LibJitsi.getMediaService();

     * Note that we use only one RTPConnector for both the RTPTranslator
     * and the RTPManager instances. The this.translator will write to its
     * output streams, and this.rtpManager will read from its input streams.
    rtpConnector = new RTPConnectorImpl(redPayloadType, ulpfecPayloadType);

    rtpManager = RTPManager.newInstance();

     * Add the formats that we know about.
    rtpManager.addFormat(vp8RtpFormat, vp8PayloadType);
    rtpManager.addFormat(opusFormat, opusPayloadType);

     * Note: When this.rtpManager sends RTCP sender/receiver reports, they
     * will end up being written to its own input stream. This is not
     * expected to cause problems, but might be something to keep an eye on.

     * Register a fake call participant.
     * TODO: can we use a more generic MediaStream here?
    streamRTPManager =
        new StreamRTPManager(
                new MediaDeviceImpl(new CaptureDeviceInfo(), MediaType.VIDEO)),


    rtcpFeedbackSender = translator.getRtcpFeedbackMessageSender();

    translator.addFormat(streamRTPManager, opusFormat, opusPayloadType);

    // ((RTPTranslatorImpl)videoRTPTranslator).addFormat(streamRTPManager, redFormat,
    // redPayloadType);
    // ((RTPTranslatorImpl)videoRTPTranslator).addFormat(streamRTPManager, ulpfecFormat,
    // ulpfecPayloadType);
    // ((RTPTranslatorImpl)videoRTPTranslator).addFormat(streamRTPManager,
    // mediaFormatImpl.getFormat(), vp8PayloadType);

    started = true;

  public void stop() {
    if (started) {
      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Stopping " + hashCode());

      // remove the recorder from the translator (e.g. stop new packets from
      // being written to rtpConnector
      if (streamRTPManager != null) streamRTPManager.dispose();

      HashSet<ReceiveStreamDesc> streamsToRemove = new HashSet<ReceiveStreamDesc>();
      synchronized (receiveStreams) {

      for (ReceiveStreamDesc r : streamsToRemove) removeReceiveStream(r, false);


      started = false;

   * Implements {@link ReceiveStreamListener#update(ReceiveStreamEvent)}.
   * <p>{@link #rtpManager} will use this to notify us of <tt>ReceiveStreamEvent</tt>s.
  public void update(ReceiveStreamEvent event) {
    if (event == null) return;
    ReceiveStream receiveStream = event.getReceiveStream();

    if (event instanceof NewReceiveStreamEvent) {
      if (receiveStream == null) {
        logger.warn("NewReceiveStreamEvent: null");

      final long ssrc = getReceiveStreamSSRC(receiveStream);

      ReceiveStreamDesc receiveStreamDesc = findReceiveStream(ssrc);

      if (receiveStreamDesc != null) {
        String s = "NewReceiveStreamEvent for an existing SSRC. ";
        if (receiveStream != receiveStreamDesc.receiveStream)
          s += "(but different ReceiveStream object)";
      } else receiveStreamDesc = new ReceiveStreamDesc(receiveStream);

      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("New ReceiveStream, ssrc=" + ssrc);

      // Find the format of the ReceiveStream
      DataSource dataSource = receiveStream.getDataSource();
      if (dataSource instanceof PushBufferDataSource) {
        Format format = null;
        PushBufferDataSource pbds = (PushBufferDataSource) dataSource;
        for (PushBufferStream pbs : pbds.getStreams()) {
          if ((format = pbs.getFormat()) != null) break;

        if (format == null) {
          logger.error("Failed to handle new ReceiveStream: " + "Failed to determine format");

        receiveStreamDesc.format = format;
      } else {
        logger.error("Failed to handle new ReceiveStream: " + "Unsupported DataSource");

      int rtpClockRate = -1;
      if (receiveStreamDesc.format instanceof AudioFormat)
        rtpClockRate = (int) ((AudioFormat) receiveStreamDesc.format).getSampleRate();
      else if (receiveStreamDesc.format instanceof VideoFormat) rtpClockRate = 90000;
      getSynchronizer().setRtpClockRate(ssrc, rtpClockRate);

      // create a Processor and configure it
      Processor processor = null;
      try {
        processor = Manager.createProcessor(receiveStream.getDataSource());
      } catch (NoProcessorException npe) {
        logger.error("Failed to create Processor: ", npe);
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        logger.error("Failed to create Processor: ", ioe);

      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Created processor for SSRC=" + ssrc);

      receiveStreamDesc.processor = processor;

      final int streamCount;
      synchronized (receiveStreams) {
        streamCount = receiveStreams.size();

       * This is a terrible hack which works around a failure to realize()
       * some of the Processor-s for audio streams, when multiple streams
       * start nearly simultaneously. The cause of the problem is currently
       * unknown (and synchronizing all FMJ calls in RecorderRtpImpl
       * does not help).
      if (receiveStreamDesc.format instanceof AudioFormat) {
        final Processor p = processor;
        new Thread() {
          public void run() {
            // delay configuring the processors for the different
            // audio streams to decrease the probability that they
            // run together.
            try {
              int ms = 450 * (streamCount - 1);
                  "Sleeping for "
                      + ms
                      + "ms before"
                      + " configuring processor for SSRC="
                      + ssrc
                      + " "
                      + System.currentTimeMillis());
            } catch (Exception e) {

      } else {
    } else if (event instanceof TimeoutEvent) {
      if (receiveStream == null) {
        // TODO: we might want to get the list of ReceiveStream-s from
        // rtpManager and compare it to our list, to see if we should
        // remove a stream.
        logger.warn("TimeoutEvent: null.");

      // FMJ silently creates new ReceiveStream instances, so we have to
      // recognize them by the SSRC.
      ReceiveStreamDesc receiveStreamDesc = findReceiveStream(getReceiveStreamSSRC(receiveStream));
      if (receiveStreamDesc != null) {
        if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
          logger.info("ReceiveStream timeout, ssrc=" + receiveStreamDesc.ssrc);

        removeReceiveStream(receiveStreamDesc, true);
    } else if (event != null && logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
      logger.info("Unhandled ReceiveStreamEvent (" + event.getClass().getName() + "): " + event);

  private void removeReceiveStream(ReceiveStreamDesc receiveStream, boolean emptyJB) {
    if (receiveStream.format instanceof VideoFormat) {

    if (receiveStream.dataSink != null) {
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Failed to stop DataSink " + e);


    if (receiveStream.processor != null) {

    DataSource dataSource = receiveStream.receiveStream.getDataSource();
    if (dataSource != null) {
      try {
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        logger.warn("Failed to stop DataSource");

    synchronized (receiveStreams) {

   * Implements {@link ControllerListener#controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent)}. Handles events from
   * the <tt>Processor</tt>s that this instance uses to transcode media.
   * @param ev the event to handle.
  public void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent ev) {
    if (ev == null || ev.getSourceController() == null) {

    Processor processor = (Processor) ev.getSourceController();
    ReceiveStreamDesc desc = findReceiveStream(processor);

    if (desc == null) {
      logger.warn("Event from an orphaned processor, ignoring: " + ev);

    if (ev instanceof ConfigureCompleteEvent) {
      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
            "Configured processor for ReceiveStream ssrc="
                + desc.ssrc
                + " ("
                + desc.format
                + ")"
                + " "
                + System.currentTimeMillis());

      boolean audio = desc.format instanceof AudioFormat;

      if (audio) {
        ContentDescriptor cd = processor.setContentDescriptor(AUDIO_CONTENT_DESCRIPTOR);
        if (!AUDIO_CONTENT_DESCRIPTOR.equals(cd)) {
              "Failed to set the Processor content "
                  + "descriptor to "
                  + AUDIO_CONTENT_DESCRIPTOR
                  + ". Actual result: "
                  + cd);
          removeReceiveStream(desc, false);

      for (TrackControl track : processor.getTrackControls()) {
        Format trackFormat = track.getFormat();

        if (audio) {
          final long ssrc = desc.ssrc;
          SilenceEffect silenceEffect;
          if (Constants.OPUS_RTP.equals(desc.format.getEncoding())) {
            silenceEffect = new SilenceEffect(48000);
          } else {
            // We haven't tested that the RTP timestamps survive
            // the journey through the chain when codecs other than
            // opus are in use, so for the moment we rely on FMJ's
            // timestamps for non-opus formats.
            silenceEffect = new SilenceEffect();

              new SilenceEffect.Listener() {
                boolean first = true;

                public void onSilenceNotInserted(long timestamp) {
                  if (first) {
                    first = false;
                    // send event only
                    audioRecordingStarted(ssrc, timestamp);
                  } else {
                    // change file and send event
                    resetRecording(ssrc, timestamp);
          desc.silenceEffect = silenceEffect;
          AudioLevelEffect audioLevelEffect = new AudioLevelEffect();
              new SimpleAudioLevelListener() {
                public void audioLevelChanged(int level) {
                  activeSpeakerDetector.levelChanged(ssrc, level);

          try {
            // We add an effect, which will insert "silence" in
            // place of lost packets.
            track.setCodecChain(new Codec[] {silenceEffect, audioLevelEffect});
          } catch (UnsupportedPlugInException upie) {
            logger.warn("Failed to insert silence effect: " + upie);
            // But do go on, a recording without extra silence is
            // better than nothing ;)
        } else {
          // transcode vp8/rtp to vp8 (i.e. depacketize vp8)
          if (trackFormat.matches(vp8RtpFormat)) track.setFormat(vp8Format);
          else {
            logger.error("Unsupported track format: " + trackFormat + " for ssrc=" + desc.ssrc);
            // we currently only support vp8
            removeReceiveStream(desc, false);

    } else if (ev instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent) {
      desc.dataSource = processor.getDataOutput();

      long ssrc = desc.ssrc;
      boolean audio = desc.format instanceof AudioFormat;

      // XXX '\' on windows?
      String filename = getNextFilename(path + "/" + ssrc, suffix);
      desc.filename = filename;

      DataSink dataSink;
      if (audio) {
        try {
          dataSink = Manager.createDataSink(desc.dataSource, new MediaLocator("file:" + filename));
        } catch (NoDataSinkException ndse) {
          logger.error("Could not create DataSink: " + ndse);
          removeReceiveStream(desc, false);

      } else {
        dataSink = new WebmDataSink(filename, desc.dataSource);

      if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
            "Created DataSink ("
                + dataSink
                + ") for SSRC="
                + ssrc
                + ". Output filename: "
                + filename);
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Failed to open DataSink (" + dataSink + ") for" + " SSRC=" + ssrc + ": " + e);
        removeReceiveStream(desc, false);

      if (!audio) {
        final WebmDataSink webmDataSink = (WebmDataSink) dataSink;
            new KeyFrameControlAdapter() {
              public boolean requestKeyFrame(boolean urgent) {
                return requestFIR(webmDataSink);

      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
            "Failed to start DataSink (" + dataSink + ") for" + " SSRC=" + ssrc + ". " + e);
        removeReceiveStream(desc, false);

      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Started DataSink for SSRC=" + ssrc);

      desc.dataSink = dataSink;

    } else if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          "Unhandled ControllerEvent from the Processor for ssrc=" + desc.ssrc + ": " + ev);

   * Restarts the recording for a specific SSRC.
   * @param ssrc the SSRC for which to restart recording. RTP packet of the new recording).
  private void resetRecording(long ssrc, long timestamp) {
    ReceiveStreamDesc receiveStream = findReceiveStream(ssrc);

    // we only restart audio recordings
    if (receiveStream != null && receiveStream.format instanceof AudioFormat) {
      String newFilename = getNextFilename(path + "/" + ssrc, AUDIO_FILENAME_SUFFIX);

      // flush the buffer contained in the MP3 encoder
      String s = "trying to flush ssrc=" + ssrc;
      Processor p = receiveStream.processor;
      if (p != null) {
        s += " p!=null";
        for (TrackControl tc : p.getTrackControls()) {
          Object o = tc.getControl(FlushableControl.class.getName());
          if (o != null) ((FlushableControl) o).flush();

      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
        logger.info("Restarting recording for SSRC=" + ssrc + ". New filename: " + newFilename);

      receiveStream.dataSink = null;

      // flush the FMJ jitter buffer
      // DataSource ds = receiveStream.receiveStream.getDataSource();
      // if (ds instanceof net.sf.fmj.media.protocol.rtp.DataSource)
      //    ((net.sf.fmj.media.protocol.rtp.DataSource)ds).flush();

      receiveStream.filename = newFilename;
      try {
        receiveStream.dataSink =
                receiveStream.dataSource, new MediaLocator("file:" + newFilename));
      } catch (NoDataSinkException ndse) {
        logger.warn("Could not reset recording for SSRC=" + ssrc + ": " + ndse);
        removeReceiveStream(receiveStream, false);

      try {
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        logger.warn("Could not reset recording for SSRC=" + ssrc + ": " + ioe);
        removeReceiveStream(receiveStream, false);

      audioRecordingStarted(ssrc, timestamp);

  private void audioRecordingStarted(long ssrc, long timestamp) {
    ReceiveStreamDesc desc = findReceiveStream(ssrc);
    if (desc == null) return;

    RecorderEvent event = new RecorderEvent();

    if (eventHandler != null) eventHandler.handleEvent(event);

   * Handles a request from a specific <tt>DataSink</tt> to request a keyframe by sending an RTCP
   * feedback FIR message to the media source.
   * @param dataSink the <tt>DataSink</tt> which requests that a keyframe be requested with a FIR
   *     message.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if a keyframe was successfully requested, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
  private boolean requestFIR(WebmDataSink dataSink) {
    ReceiveStreamDesc desc = findReceiveStream(dataSink);
    if (desc != null && rtcpFeedbackSender != null) {
      return rtcpFeedbackSender.sendFIR((int) desc.ssrc);

    return false;

   * Returns "prefix"+"suffix" if the file with this name does not exist. Otherwise, returns the
   * first inexistant filename of the form "prefix-"+i+"suffix", for an integer i. i is bounded by
   * 100 to prevent hanging, and on failure to find an inexistant filename the method will return
   * null.
   * @param prefix
   * @param suffix
   * @return
  private String getNextFilename(String prefix, String suffix) {
    if (!new File(prefix + suffix).exists()) return prefix + suffix;

    int i = 1;
    String s;
    do {
      s = prefix + "-" + i + suffix;
      if (!new File(s).exists()) return s;
    } while (i < 1000); // don't hang indefinitely...

    return null;

   * Finds the <tt>ReceiveStreamDesc</tt> with a particular <tt>Processor</tt>
   * @param processor The <tt>Processor</tt> to match.
   * @return the <tt>ReceiveStreamDesc</tt> with a particular <tt>Processor</tt>, or <tt>null</tt>.
  private ReceiveStreamDesc findReceiveStream(Processor processor) {
    if (processor == null) return null;

    synchronized (receiveStreams) {
      for (ReceiveStreamDesc r : receiveStreams) if (processor.equals(r.processor)) return r;

    return null;

   * Finds the <tt>ReceiveStreamDesc</tt> with a particular <tt>DataSink</tt>
   * @param dataSink The <tt>DataSink</tt> to match.
   * @return the <tt>ReceiveStreamDesc</tt> with a particular <tt>DataSink</tt>, or <tt>null</tt>.
  private ReceiveStreamDesc findReceiveStream(DataSink dataSink) {
    if (dataSink == null) return null;

    synchronized (receiveStreams) {
      for (ReceiveStreamDesc r : receiveStreams) if (dataSink.equals(r.dataSink)) return r;

    return null;

   * Finds the <tt>ReceiveStreamDesc</tt> with a particular SSRC.
   * @param ssrc The SSRC to match.
   * @return the <tt>ReceiveStreamDesc</tt> with a particular SSRC, or <tt>null</tt>.
  private ReceiveStreamDesc findReceiveStream(long ssrc) {
    synchronized (receiveStreams) {
      for (ReceiveStreamDesc r : receiveStreams) if (ssrc == r.ssrc) return r;

    return null;

   * Gets the SSRC of a <tt>ReceiveStream</tt> as a (non-negative) <tt>long</tt>.
   * <p>FMJ stores the 32-bit SSRC values in <tt>int</tt>s, and the <tt>ReceiveStream.getSSRC()</tt>
   * implementation(s) don't take care of converting the negative <tt>int</tt> values sometimes
   * resulting from reading of a 32-bit field into the correct unsigned <tt>long</tt> value. So do
   * the conversion here.
   * @param receiveStream the <tt>ReceiveStream</tt> for which to get the SSRC.
   * @return the SSRC of <tt>receiveStream</tt> an a (non-negative) <tt>long</tt>.
  private long getReceiveStreamSSRC(ReceiveStream receiveStream) {
    return 0xffffffffL & receiveStream.getSSRC();

   * Implements {@link ActiveSpeakerChangedListener#activeSpeakerChanged(long)}. Notifies this
   * <tt>RecorderRtpImpl</tt> that the audio <tt>ReceiveStream</tt> considered active has changed,
   * and that the new active stream has SSRC <tt>ssrc</tt>.
   * @param ssrc the SSRC of the new active stream.
  public void activeSpeakerChanged(long ssrc) {
    if (eventHandler != null) {
      RecorderEvent e = new RecorderEvent();
      // TODO: how do we time this?

  private void handleRtpPacket(RawPacket pkt) {
    if (pkt != null && pkt.getPayloadType() == vp8PayloadType) {
      int ssrc = pkt.getSSRC();
      if (!activeVideoSsrcs.contains(ssrc & 0xffffffffL)) {
        synchronized (activeVideoSsrcs) {
          if (!activeVideoSsrcs.contains(ssrc & 0xffffffffL)) {
            activeVideoSsrcs.add(ssrc & 0xffffffffL);

  private void handleRtcpPacket(RawPacket pkt) {

  public SynchronizerImpl getSynchronizer() {
    if (synchronizer == null) synchronizer = new SynchronizerImpl();
    return synchronizer;

  public void setSynchronizer(Synchronizer synchronizer) {
    if (synchronizer instanceof SynchronizerImpl) {
      this.synchronizer = (SynchronizerImpl) synchronizer;

  public void connect(Recorder recorder) {
    if (!(recorder instanceof RecorderRtpImpl)) return;

    ((RecorderRtpImpl) recorder).setSynchronizer(getSynchronizer());

  private void emptyPacketBuffer(long ssrc) {
    RawPacket[] pkts = rtpConnector.packetBuffer.emptyBuffer(ssrc);
    RTPConnectorImpl.OutputDataStreamImpl dataStream;

    try {
      dataStream = rtpConnector.getDataOutputStream();
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      logger.error("Failed to empty packet buffer for SSRC=" + ssrc + ": " + ioe);
    for (RawPacket pkt : pkts)
          pkt.getBuffer(), pkt.getOffset(), pkt.getLength(), false /* already transformed */);
  /** The <tt>RTPConnector</tt> implementation used by this <tt>RecorderRtpImpl</tt>. */
  private class RTPConnectorImpl implements RTPConnector {
    private PushSourceStreamImpl controlInputStream;
    private OutputDataStreamImpl controlOutputStream;

    private PushSourceStreamImpl dataInputStream;
    private OutputDataStreamImpl dataOutputStream;

    private SourceTransferHandler dataTransferHandler;
    private SourceTransferHandler controlTransferHandler;

    private RawPacket pendingDataPacket = new RawPacket();
    private RawPacket pendingControlPacket = new RawPacket();

    private PacketTransformer rtpPacketTransformer = null;
    private PacketTransformer rtcpPacketTransformer = null;

    /** The PacketBuffer instance which we use as a jitter buffer. */
    private PacketBuffer packetBuffer;

    private RTPConnectorImpl(byte redPT, byte ulpfecPT) {
      packetBuffer = new PacketBuffer();
      // The chain of transformers will be applied in reverse order for
      // incoming packets.
      TransformEngine transformEngine =
          new TransformEngineChain(
              new TransformEngine[] {
                new TransformEngineImpl(),
                new CompoundPacketEngine(),
                new FECTransformEngine(ulpfecPT, (byte) -1),
                new REDTransformEngine(redPT, (byte) -1)

      rtpPacketTransformer = transformEngine.getRTPTransformer();
      rtcpPacketTransformer = transformEngine.getRTCPTransformer();

    private RTPConnectorImpl() {}

    public void close() {
      try {
        if (dataOutputStream != null) dataOutputStream.close();
        if (controlOutputStream != null) controlOutputStream.close();
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(ioe);

    public PushSourceStream getControlInputStream() throws IOException {
      if (controlInputStream == null) {
        controlInputStream = new PushSourceStreamImpl(true);

      return controlInputStream;

    public OutputDataStream getControlOutputStream() throws IOException {
      if (controlOutputStream == null) {
        controlOutputStream = new OutputDataStreamImpl(true);

      return controlOutputStream;

    public PushSourceStream getDataInputStream() throws IOException {
      if (dataInputStream == null) {
        dataInputStream = new PushSourceStreamImpl(false);

      return dataInputStream;

    public OutputDataStreamImpl getDataOutputStream() throws IOException {
      if (dataOutputStream == null) {
        dataOutputStream = new OutputDataStreamImpl(false);

      return dataOutputStream;

    public double getRTCPBandwidthFraction() {
      return -1;

    public double getRTCPSenderBandwidthFraction() {
      return -1;

    public int getReceiveBufferSize() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return 0;

    public int getSendBufferSize() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return 0;

    public void setReceiveBufferSize(int arg0) throws IOException {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    public void setSendBufferSize(int arg0) throws IOException {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    private class OutputDataStreamImpl implements OutputDataStream {
      boolean isControlStream;
      private RawPacket[] rawPacketArray = new RawPacket[1];

      public OutputDataStreamImpl(boolean isControlStream) {
        this.isControlStream = isControlStream;

      public int write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) {
        return write(buffer, offset, length, true);

      public int write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length, boolean transform) {
        RawPacket pkt = rawPacketArray[0];
        if (pkt == null) pkt = new RawPacket();
        rawPacketArray[0] = pkt;

        byte[] pktBuf = pkt.getBuffer();
        if (pktBuf == null || pktBuf.length < length) {
          pktBuf = new byte[length];
        System.arraycopy(buffer, offset, pktBuf, 0, length);

        if (transform) {
          PacketTransformer packetTransformer =
              isControlStream ? rtcpPacketTransformer : rtpPacketTransformer;

          if (packetTransformer != null)
            rawPacketArray = packetTransformer.reverseTransform(rawPacketArray);

        SourceTransferHandler transferHandler;
        PushSourceStream pushSourceStream;

        try {
          if (isControlStream) {
            transferHandler = controlTransferHandler;
            pushSourceStream = getControlInputStream();
          } else {
            transferHandler = dataTransferHandler;
            pushSourceStream = getDataInputStream();
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
          throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(ioe);

        for (int i = 0; i < rawPacketArray.length; i++) {
          RawPacket packet = rawPacketArray[i];

          // keep the first element for reuse
          if (i != 0) rawPacketArray[i] = null;

          if (packet != null) {
            if (isControlStream) pendingControlPacket = packet;
            else pendingDataPacket = packet;

            if (transferHandler != null) {

        return length;

      public void close() throws IOException {}

     * A dummy implementation of {@link PushSourceStream}.
     * @author Vladimir Marinov
    private class PushSourceStreamImpl implements PushSourceStream {

      private boolean isControlStream = false;

      public PushSourceStreamImpl(boolean isControlStream) {
        this.isControlStream = isControlStream;

      /** Not implemented because there are currently no uses of the underlying functionality. */
      public boolean endOfStream() {
        return false;

      /** Not implemented because there are currently no uses of the underlying functionality. */
      public ContentDescriptor getContentDescriptor() {
        return null;

      /** Not implemented because there are currently no uses of the underlying functionality. */
      public long getContentLength() {
        return 0;

      /** Not implemented because there are currently no uses of the underlying functionality. */
      public Object getControl(String arg0) {
        return null;

      /** Not implemented because there are currently no uses of the underlying functionality. */
      public Object[] getControls() {
        return null;

      /** Not implemented because there are currently no uses of the underlying functionality. */
      public int getMinimumTransferSize() {
        if (isControlStream) {
          if (pendingControlPacket.getBuffer() != null) {
            return pendingControlPacket.getLength();
        } else {
          if (pendingDataPacket.getBuffer() != null) {
            return pendingDataPacket.getLength();

        return 0;

      public int read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException {

        RawPacket pendingPacket;
        if (isControlStream) {
          pendingPacket = pendingControlPacket;
        } else {
          pendingPacket = pendingDataPacket;
        int bytesToRead = 0;
        byte[] pendingPacketBuffer = pendingPacket.getBuffer();
        if (pendingPacketBuffer != null) {
          int pendingPacketLength = pendingPacket.getLength();
          bytesToRead = length > pendingPacketLength ? pendingPacketLength : length;
              pendingPacketBuffer, pendingPacket.getOffset(), buffer, offset, bytesToRead);
        return bytesToRead;

       * {@inheritDoc}
       * <p>We keep the first non-null <tt>SourceTransferHandler</tt> that was set, because we don't
       * want it to be overwritten when we initialize a second <tt>RTPManager</tt> with this
       * <tt>RTPConnector</tt>.
       * <p>See {@link RecorderRtpImpl#start(String, String)}
      public void setTransferHandler(SourceTransferHandler transferHandler) {
        if (isControlStream) {
          if (RTPConnectorImpl.this.controlTransferHandler == null) {
            RTPConnectorImpl.this.controlTransferHandler = transferHandler;
        } else {
          if (RTPConnectorImpl.this.dataTransferHandler == null) {
            RTPConnectorImpl.this.dataTransferHandler = transferHandler;

     * A transform engine implementation which allows <tt>RecorderRtpImpl</tt> to intercept RTP and
     * RTCP packets in.
    private class TransformEngineImpl implements TransformEngine {
      SinglePacketTransformer rtpTransformer =
          new SinglePacketTransformer() {
            public RawPacket transform(RawPacket pkt) {
              return pkt;

            public RawPacket reverseTransform(RawPacket pkt) {
              return pkt;

            public void close() {}

      SinglePacketTransformer rtcpTransformer =
          new SinglePacketTransformer() {
            public RawPacket transform(RawPacket pkt) {
              return pkt;

            public RawPacket reverseTransform(RawPacket pkt) {
              if (pkt != null && pkt.getRTCPPayloadType() == 203) {
                // An RTCP BYE packet. Remove the receive stream before
                // it gets to FMJ, because we want to, for example,
                // flush the packet buffer before that.

                long ssrc = pkt.getRTCPSSRC() & 0xffffffffl;
                if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("RTCP BYE for SSRC=" + ssrc);

                ReceiveStreamDesc receiveStream = findReceiveStream(ssrc);
                if (receiveStream != null) removeReceiveStream(receiveStream, false);

              return pkt;

            public void close() {}

      public PacketTransformer getRTPTransformer() {
        return rtpTransformer;

      public PacketTransformer getRTCPTransformer() {
        return rtcpTransformer;

  private class RecorderEventHandlerImpl implements RecorderEventHandler {
    private RecorderEventHandler handler;
    private final Set<RecorderEvent> pendingEvents = new HashSet<RecorderEvent>();

    private RecorderEventHandlerImpl(RecorderEventHandler handler) {
      this.handler = handler;

    public boolean handleEvent(RecorderEvent ev) {
      if (ev == null) return true;
      if (RecorderEvent.Type.RECORDING_STARTED.equals(ev.getType())) {
        long instant = getSynchronizer().getLocalTime(ev.getSsrc(), ev.getRtpTimestamp());
        if (instant != -1) {
          return handler.handleEvent(ev);
        } else {
          return true;
      return handler.handleEvent(ev);

    private void nudge() {
      for (Iterator<RecorderEvent> iter = pendingEvents.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
        RecorderEvent ev = iter.next();
        long instant = getSynchronizer().getLocalTime(ev.getSsrc(), ev.getRtpTimestamp());
        if (instant != -1) {

    public void close() {
      for (RecorderEvent ev : pendingEvents) handler.handleEvent(ev);

  /** Represents a <tt>ReceiveStream</tt> for the purposes of this <tt>RecorderRtpImpl</tt>. */
  private class ReceiveStreamDesc {
     * The actual <tt>ReceiveStream</tt> which is represented by this <tt>ReceiveStreamDesc</tt>.
    private ReceiveStream receiveStream;

    /** The SSRC of the stream. */
    long ssrc;

     * The <tt>Processor</tt> used to transcode this receive stream into a format appropriate for
     * saving to a file.
    private Processor processor;

    /** The <tt>DataSink</tt> which saves the <tt>this.dataSource</tt> to a file. */
    private DataSink dataSink;

     * The <tt>DataSource</tt> for this receive stream which is to be saved using a
     * <tt>DataSink</tt> (i.e. the <tt>DataSource</tt> "after" all needed transcoding is done).
    private DataSource dataSource;

    /** The name of the file into which this stream is being saved. */
    private String filename;

    /** The (original) format of this receive stream. */
    private Format format;

    /** The <tt>SilenceEffect</tt> used for this stream (for audio streams only). */
    private SilenceEffect silenceEffect;

    private ReceiveStreamDesc(ReceiveStream receiveStream) {
      this.receiveStream = receiveStream;
      this.ssrc = getReceiveStreamSSRC(receiveStream);
 * This class is used to keep track of stats of all the streams of all the fake users
 * (<tt>FakeUser</tt>), generate new new stats, writes stats to files, print them etc...
public class HammerStats implements Runnable {
   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>HammerStats</tt> class and its instances for logging
   * output.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(HammerStats.class);

  /** A boolean used to stop the run method of this <tt>HammerStats</tt>. */
  private boolean threadStop = false;

  /** The name (not the path or location) of the directory where the stats files will be written. */
  private static final String STATS_DIR_NAME = "stats";

   * The path to the stats directory. All stats will be written in files located in this directory.
  private final String statsDirectoryPath;

  /** The file that will contain the overall stats */
  private final File overallStatsFile;

  /** The file that will contain all the stats recorded by run() */
  private final File allStatsFile;

   * An <tt>List</tt> of <tt>FakeUserStats</tt> that contains the <tt>MediaStreamStats</tt>s of the
   * <tt>FakeUser</tt>. It is used to keep track of the streams' stats.
  private final ArrayList<FakeUserStats> fakeUserStatsList = new ArrayList<FakeUserStats>();

  /** The time (in seconds) the HammerStats wait between two updates. */
  private int timeBetweenUpdate = 5;

  /** The boolean used to know if the logging of all the stats in the run method is enable. */
  private boolean allStatsLogging = false;

   * The boolean used to know if the logging of the summary stats (like mean, standard deviation,
   * min, max...) computed at each polling from all the streams' stats is enable of not.
  private boolean summaryStatsLogging = false;

   * The boolean used to know if the logging of the overall stats (like mean, standard deviation,
   * min, max...) computed from all the streams' stats collected is enable of not.
  private boolean overallStatsLogging;
  /** The HammerSummaryStats used to compute summary stats from the audio streams' stats. */
  HammerSummaryStats audioSummaryStats = new HammerSummaryStats();

  /** The HammerSummaryStats used to compute summary stats from the video streams' stats. */
  HammerSummaryStats videoSummaryStats = new HammerSummaryStats();

  /** Initialize an instance of a <tt>HammerStats</tt> with the default stats directory path. */
  public HammerStats() {
    this( System.getProperty(Main.PNAME_SC_HOME_DIR_LOCATION)
        + File.separator
        + System.getProperty(Main.PNAME_SC_HOME_DIR_NAME)
        + File.separator
        + HammerStats.STATS_DIR_NAME);

    this(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/Desktop/stats");

   * Initialize an instance of a <tt>HammerStats</tt> with a custom stats directory path.
   * @param statsDirectoryPath the path to the stats directory, where the stats files will be saved.
  public HammerStats(String statsDirectoryPath) {
    this.statsDirectoryPath =
            + File.separator
            + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'  'HH'h'mm'm'ss's'").format(new Date());

    System.out.println("Stats directory: " + statsDirectoryPath);

    this.overallStatsFile =
        new File(this.statsDirectoryPath + File.separator + "overallStats.json");
    this.allStatsFile =
        new File(this.statsDirectoryPath + File.separator + "AllAndSummaryStats.json");

    logger.info("Stats directory : " + this.statsDirectoryPath);

   * Add a <tt>FakeUserStats</tt> to the list this <tt>HammerStats</tt> is watching
   * @param fakeUserStats the <tt>FakeUserStats</tt> that will added.
  public synchronized void addFakeUsersStats(FakeUserStats fakeUserStats) {
    if (fakeUserStats == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("FakeUserStats can't be null");

   * Keep track, collect and update the stats of all the <tt>MediaStreamStats</tt> this
   * <tt>HammerStats</tt> handles.
   * <p>Also write the results in the stats files.
  public void run() {
    PrintWriter writer = null;
    StringBuilder allBldr = new StringBuilder();
    String delim;
    String delim_ = "";
    synchronized (this) {
      threadStop = false;

    logger.info("Running the main loop");
    System.out.println("Inside HammerStats run method.\n");

    while (!threadStop) {
      synchronized (this) {
        if (overallStatsLogging || allStatsLogging || summaryStatsLogging) {
          if (allStatsLogging || summaryStatsLogging) {
            if (writer == null) {
              try {
                writer = new PrintWriter(allStatsFile, "UTF-8");
              } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                logger.fatal("HammerStats stopping due to FileNotFound", e);
              } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                logger.fatal("HammerStats stopping due to " + "UnsupportedEncoding", e);

            // Clear the StringBuilder

            writer.print(delim_ + '\n');
            delim_ = ",";
            writer.print("  \"timestamp\":" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ",\n");

          delim = "";
          logger.info("Updating the MediaStreamStats");
          for (FakeUserStats stats : fakeUserStatsList) {
            // We update the stats before using/reading them.

          for (FakeUserStats stats : fakeUserStatsList) {
            if (allStatsLogging) {
              allBldr.append(delim + stats.getStatsJSON(2) + '\n');
              delim = ",";

            if (summaryStatsLogging || overallStatsLogging) {
                  "Adding stats values from the"
                      + " MediaStreamStats to their"
                      + " HammerSummaryStats objects");

          if (allStatsLogging) {
            logger.info("Writing all stats to file");
            writer.print("  \"users\":\n");
            writer.print("  [\n");
            writer.print("  ]");
            if (summaryStatsLogging) writer.print(',');
          if (summaryStatsLogging) {
            logger.info("Writing summary stats to file");
            writer.print("  \"summary\":\n");
            writer.print("  {\n");

            writer.print("    \"max\":\n");
            writer.print("    {\n");
            writer.print("        \"audio\":");
            writer.print(audioSummaryStats.getMaxJSON() + ",\n");
            writer.print("        \"video\":");
            writer.print(videoSummaryStats.getMaxJSON() + '\n');
            writer.print("    },\n");

            writer.print("    \"mean\":\n");
            writer.print("    {\n");
            writer.print("       \"audio\":");
            writer.print(audioSummaryStats.getMeanJSON() + ",\n");
            writer.print("        \"video\":");
            writer.print(videoSummaryStats.getMeanJSON() + '\n');
            writer.print("    },\n");

            writer.print("    \"min\":\n");
            writer.print("    {\n");
            writer.print("        \"audio\":");
            writer.print(audioSummaryStats.getMinJSON() + ",\n");
            writer.print("        \"video\":");
            writer.print(videoSummaryStats.getMinJSON() + '\n');
            writer.print("    },\n");

            writer.print("    \"standard_deviation\":\n");
            writer.print("    {\n");
            writer.print("        \"audio\":");
            writer.print(audioSummaryStats.getStandardDeviationJSON() + ",\n");
            writer.print("        \"video\":");
            writer.print(videoSummaryStats.getStandardDeviationJSON() + '\n');
            writer.print("    }\n");

            writer.print("  }\n");
          if (allStatsLogging || summaryStatsLogging) {

        if (summaryStatsLogging || overallStatsLogging) {
              "Clearing the HammerSummaryStats by creating new"
                  + " SummaryStats objects for each watched stats");

      try {
        Thread.sleep(timeBetweenUpdate * 1000);
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        logger.fatal("Error during sleep in main loop : " + e);
    logger.info("Exiting the main loop");

    if (writer != null) {

    if (overallStatsLogging) writeOverallStats();

   * Provoke the stop of the method run(). The method run() won't be stopped right away : but the
   * loop will be broken at the next iteration.
   * <p>If the method run() is not running, calling this method won't do anything
  public synchronized void stop() {
    if (!threadStop) {
      logger.info("Stopping the main loop");

      System.out.println("Stopping the HammerStats stop.\n");
      threadStop = true;

   * Write the overall stats of the <tt>MediaStream</tt> this <tt>MediaStreamStats</tt> keep track
   * in its file.
  public void writeOverallStats() {
    try {
      logger.info("Writing overall stats to file");
      PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(overallStatsFile, "UTF-8");
      writer.print(getOverallStatsJSON() + '\n');
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      logger.fatal("Overall stats file opening error", e);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
      logger.fatal("Overall stats file opening error", e);

   * print the overall stats of the <tt>MediaStream</tt> this <tt>MediaStreamStats</tt> keep track
   * to the PrintStream given as argument.
   * @param ps the <tt>PrintStream</tt> used to print the stats
  public void printOverallStats(PrintStream ps) {

   * Create and return the String that contains the overall stats (in JSON).
   * @return the String that contains the overall stats.
  protected String getOverallStatsJSON() {
    StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder();

    bldr.append("  \"max\":\n");
    bldr.append("  {\n");
    bldr.append("      \"audio\":");
    bldr.append(audioSummaryStats.getAggregateMaxJSON() + ",\n");
    bldr.append("      \"video\":");
    bldr.append(videoSummaryStats.getAggregateMaxJSON() + '\n');
    bldr.append("  },\n");

    bldr.append("  \"mean\":\n");
    bldr.append("  {\n");
    bldr.append("     \"audio\":");
    bldr.append(audioSummaryStats.getAggregateMeanJSON() + ",\n");
    bldr.append("      \"video\":");
    bldr.append(videoSummaryStats.getAggregateMeanJSON() + '\n');
    bldr.append("  },\n");

    bldr.append("  \"min\":\n");
    bldr.append("  {\n");
    bldr.append("      \"audio\":");
    bldr.append(audioSummaryStats.getAggregateMinJSON() + ",\n");
    bldr.append("      \"video\":");
    bldr.append(videoSummaryStats.getAggregateMinJSON() + '\n');
    bldr.append("  },\n");

    bldr.append("  \"standard_deviation\":\n");
    bldr.append("  {\n");
    bldr.append("      \"audio\":");
    bldr.append(audioSummaryStats.getAggregateStandardDeviationJSON() + ",\n");
    bldr.append("      \"video\":");
    bldr.append(videoSummaryStats.getAggregateStandardDeviationJSON() + '\n');
    bldr.append("  },\n");

    bldr.append("  \"sum\":\n");
    bldr.append("  {\n");
    bldr.append("      \"audio\":");
    bldr.append(audioSummaryStats.getAggregateSumJSON() + ",\n");
    bldr.append("      \"video\":");
    bldr.append(videoSummaryStats.getAggregateSumJSON() + '\n');
    bldr.append("  }\n");

    return bldr.toString();

   * Set the time this <tt>HammerStats</tt> will wait between 2 updates of stats.
   * @param timeval the time of the wait, in seconds
  public void setTimeBetweenUpdate(int timeval) {
    if (timeval <= 0) timeval = 1;
    this.timeBetweenUpdate = timeval;

  /** Get the time (in seconds) this <tt>HammerStats</tt> will wait between 2 updates of stats. */
  public int getTimeBetweenUpdate() {
    return this.timeBetweenUpdate;

   * Enable or disable the logging of all the stats collected by this <tt>HammerStats</tt>.
   * @param allStats the boolean that enable of disable the logging.
  public void setAllStatsLogging(boolean allStats) {
    this.allStatsLogging = allStats;
    if (allStats) {
      File saveDir = new File(this.statsDirectoryPath);
      if (!saveDir.exists()) {
        logger.info("Creating stats directory at : " + this.statsDirectoryPath);

   * Enable or disable the logging of the summary stats computed with all the stats collected by
   * this <tt>HammerStats</tt>.
   * @param summaryStats the boolean that enable of disable the logging.
  public void setSummaryStatsLogging(boolean summaryStats) {
    this.summaryStatsLogging = summaryStats;
    if (summaryStats) {
      File saveDir = new File(this.statsDirectoryPath);
      if (!saveDir.exists()) {
        logger.info("Creating stats directory at : " + this.statsDirectoryPath);

   * Enable or disable the logging of all the stats collected by this <tt>HammerStats</tt>.
   * @param overallStats the boolean that enable of disable the logging.
  public void setOverallStatsLogging(boolean overallStats) {
    this.overallStatsLogging = overallStats;
    if (overallStats) {
      File saveDir = new File(this.statsDirectoryPath);
      if (!saveDir.exists()) {
        logger.info("Creating stats directory at : " + this.statsDirectoryPath);

   * A private class used to keep track and compute the summary stats and the aggregate summary
   * stats from all the <tt>MediaStreamStats</tt>'s possible stats.
   * @author Thomas Kuntz
  private class HammerSummaryStats {
     * All the AggregateSummaryStatistics will be used to create new
     * SummaryStatistics (for the option "-summarystats") that will
     * be use to compute summary stats like max/min/std dev... ,
     * and also be used to compute overall stats.
     * At each iteration of the loop in run(), all stats are added to their
     * corresponding SummaryStatistics, that will automatically add them
     * to their related AggregateSummaryStatistics.
     * After that, the SummaryStatistics are used to get the summary stats
     * (in JSON), and are replace by newly created SummaryStatistics by
     * the AggregateSummaryStatistics (for the next iteration).
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateDownloadJitterMs = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateDownloadPercentLoss = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateDownloadRateKiloBitPerSec =
        new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateJitterBufferDelayMs = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateJitterBufferDelayPackets = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateNbDiscarded = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateNbDiscardedFull = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateNbDiscardedLate = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateNbDiscardedReset = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateNbDiscardedShrink = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateNbFec = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateNbPackets = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateNbPacketsLost = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateNbReceivedBytes = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateNbSentBytes = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregatePacketQueueCountPackets = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregatePacketQueueSize = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregatePercentDiscarded = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateRttMs = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateUploadJitterMs = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateUploadPercentLoss = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();
    AggregateSummaryStatistics aggregateUploadRateKiloBitPerSec = new AggregateSummaryStatistics();

    SummaryStatistics downloadJitterMs;
    SummaryStatistics downloadPercentLoss;
    SummaryStatistics downloadRateKiloBitPerSec;
    SummaryStatistics jitterBufferDelayMs;
    SummaryStatistics jitterBufferDelayPackets;
    SummaryStatistics nbDiscarded;
    SummaryStatistics nbDiscardedFull;
    SummaryStatistics nbDiscardedLate;
    SummaryStatistics nbDiscardedReset;
    SummaryStatistics nbDiscardedShrink;
    SummaryStatistics nbFec;
    SummaryStatistics nbPackets;
    SummaryStatistics nbPacketsLost;
    SummaryStatistics nbReceivedBytes;
    SummaryStatistics nbSentBytes;
    SummaryStatistics packetQueueCountPackets;
    SummaryStatistics packetQueueSize;
    SummaryStatistics percentDiscarded;
    SummaryStatistics rttMs;
    SummaryStatistics uploadJitterMs;
    SummaryStatistics uploadPercentLoss;
    SummaryStatistics uploadRateKiloBitPerSec;

    /** Create a new HammerSummaryStats */
    public HammerSummaryStats() {

     * Add the stats contained by <tt>stats<tt> to their corresponding <tt>SummaryStats</tt>
     * objects.
     * @param stats the stats of a stream that will be added.
    public void add(MediaStreamStats stats) {

     * Create new <tt>SummaryStatistics</tt> from the <tt>AggregateSummaryStatistics</tt> for all
     * the stream's stats that are watched.
    public void clear() {
      downloadJitterMs = aggregateDownloadJitterMs.createContributingStatistics();
      downloadPercentLoss = aggregateDownloadPercentLoss.createContributingStatistics();
      downloadRateKiloBitPerSec = aggregateDownloadRateKiloBitPerSec.createContributingStatistics();
      jitterBufferDelayMs = aggregateJitterBufferDelayMs.createContributingStatistics();
      jitterBufferDelayPackets = aggregateJitterBufferDelayPackets.createContributingStatistics();
      nbDiscarded = aggregateNbDiscarded.createContributingStatistics();
      nbDiscardedFull = aggregateNbDiscardedFull.createContributingStatistics();
      nbDiscardedLate = aggregateNbDiscardedLate.createContributingStatistics();
      nbDiscardedReset = aggregateNbDiscardedReset.createContributingStatistics();
      nbDiscardedShrink = aggregateNbDiscardedShrink.createContributingStatistics();
      nbFec = aggregateNbFec.createContributingStatistics();
      nbPackets = aggregateNbPackets.createContributingStatistics();
      nbPacketsLost = aggregateNbPacketsLost.createContributingStatistics();
      nbReceivedBytes = aggregateNbReceivedBytes.createContributingStatistics();
      nbSentBytes = aggregateNbSentBytes.createContributingStatistics();
      packetQueueCountPackets = aggregatePacketQueueCountPackets.createContributingStatistics();
      packetQueueSize = aggregatePacketQueueSize.createContributingStatistics();
      percentDiscarded = aggregatePercentDiscarded.createContributingStatistics();
      rttMs = aggregateRttMs.createContributingStatistics();
      uploadJitterMs = aggregateUploadJitterMs.createContributingStatistics();
      uploadPercentLoss = aggregateUploadPercentLoss.createContributingStatistics();
      uploadRateKiloBitPerSec = aggregateUploadRateKiloBitPerSec.createContributingStatistics();

     * Get the Max of all the stats that are watched, for all the stats added with add() since the
     * last call to clear() in JSON.
     * @return The Max of all the stats since last clear() in JSON.
    public String getMaxJSON() {
      String str =
              -1, // ssrc not needed here
      return str;

     * Get the Mean of all the stats that are watched, for all the stats added with add() between
     * the latest call to clear() and now (in JSON).
     * @return The Mean of all the stats since last clear() in JSON.
    public String getMeanJSON() {
      String str =
              -1, // ssrc not needed here
      return str;

     * Get the Min of all the stats that are watched, for all the stats added with add() since the
     * last call to clear() in JSON.
     * @return The Min of all the stats since last clear() in JSON.
    public String getMinJSON() {
      String str =
              -1, // ssrc not needed here
      return str;

     * Get the Standard Deviation of all the stats that are watched, for all the stats added with
     * add() since the last call to clear() in JSON.
     * @return The Standard Deviation of all the stats since last clear() in JSON.
    public String getStandardDeviationJSON() {
      String str =
              -1, // ssrc not needed here
      return str;

     * Get the Sum of all the stats that are watched, for all the stats added with add() since the
     * last call to clear() in JSON.
     * @return The Sum of all the stats since last clear() in JSON.
    public String getSumJSON() {
      String str =
              -1, // ssrc not needed here
      return str;

     * Get the Variance of all the stats that are watched, for all the stats added with add() since
     * the last call to clear() (in JSON).
     * @return The Variance of all the stats since last clear() in JSON.
    public String getVarianceJSON() {
      String str =
              -1, // ssrc not needed here
      return str;

     * Get the Max of all the stats that are watched, for all the stats added with add() since the
     * creation of this <tt>HammerSummaryStats</tt>
     * @return The Max of all the stats in JSON.
    public String getAggregateMaxJSON() {
      String str =
              -1, // ssrc not needed here
      return str;

     * Get the Mean of all the stats that are watched, for all the stats added with add() since the
     * creation of this <tt>HammerSummaryStats</tt>
     * @return The Mean of all the stats in JSON.
    public String getAggregateMeanJSON() {
      String str =
              -1, // ssrc not needed here
      return str;

     * Get the Min of all the stats that are watched, for all the stats added with add() since the
     * creation of this <tt>HammerSummaryStats</tt>
     * @return The Min of all the stats in JSON.
    public String getAggregateMinJSON() {
      String str =
              -1, // ssrc not needed here
      return str;

     * Get the Standard Deviation of all the stats that are watched, for all the stats added with
     * add() since the creation of this <tt>HammerSummaryStats</tt>
     * @return The Variance of all the stats in JSON.
    public String getAggregateStandardDeviationJSON() {
      String str =
              -1, // ssrc not needed here
      return str;

     * Get the Sum of all the stats that are watched, for all the stats added with add() since the
     * creation of this <tt>HammerSummaryStats</tt>
     * @return The Sum of all the stats in JSON.
    public String getAggregateSumJSON() {
      String str =
              -1, // ssrc not needed here
      return str;

     * Get the Variance of all the stats that are watched, for all the stats added with add() since
     * the creation of this <tt>HammerSummaryStats</tt>
     * @return The Variance of all the stats JSON.
    public String getAggregateVarianceJSON() {
      String str =
              -1, // ssrc not needed here
      return str;
 * Represents a conference in the terms of Jitsi Videobridge.
 * @author Lyubomir Marinov
 * @author Boris Grozev
 * @author Hristo Terezov
 * @author George Politis
public class Conference extends PropertyChangeNotifier implements PropertyChangeListener {
   * The name of the <tt>Conference</tt> property <tt>endpoints</tt> which lists the
   * <tt>Endpoint</tt>s participating in/contributing to the <tt>Conference</tt>.
  public static final String ENDPOINTS_PROPERTY_NAME = Conference.class.getName() + ".endpoints";

   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>Conference</tt> class and its instances to print debug
   * information.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Conference.class);

  /** The <tt>Content</tt>s of this <tt>Conference</tt>. */
  private final List<Content> contents = new LinkedList<>();

   * An instance used to save information about the endpoints of this <tt>Conference</tt>, when
   * media recording is enabled.
  private EndpointRecorder endpointRecorder = null;

  /** The <tt>Endpoint</tt>s participating in this <tt>Conference</tt>. */
  private final List<WeakReference<Endpoint>> endpoints = new LinkedList<>();

   * The indicator which determines whether {@link #expire()} has been called on this
   * <tt>Conference</tt>.
  private boolean expired = false;

   * The JID of the conference focus who has initialized this instance and from whom requests to
   * manage this instance must come or they will be ignored. If <tt>null</tt> value is assigned we
   * don't care who modifies the conference.
  private final String focus;

  /** The (unique) identifier/ID of this instance. */
  private final String id;

  /** The world readable name of this instance if any. */
  private String name;

   * The time in milliseconds of the last activity related to this <tt>Conference</tt>. In the time
   * interval between the last activity and now, this <tt>Conference</tt> is considered inactive.
  private long lastActivityTime;

   * If {@link #focus} is <tt>null</tt> the value of the last known focus is stored in this member.
  private String lastKnownFocus;

   * The <tt>PropertyChangeListener</tt> which listens to <tt>PropertyChangeEvent</tt>s on behalf of
   * this instance while referencing it by a <tt>WeakReference</tt>.
  private final PropertyChangeListener propertyChangeListener =
      new WeakReferencePropertyChangeListener(this);

   * The <tt>RecorderEventHandler</tt> which is used to handle recording events for this
   * <tt>Conference</tt>.
  private RecorderEventHandlerImpl recorderEventHandler = null;

  /** Whether media recording is currently enabled for this <tt>Conference</tt>. */
  private boolean recording = false;

   * The directory into which files associated with media recordings for this <tt>Conference</tt>
   * will be stored.
  private String recordingDirectory = null;

   * The path to the directory into which files associated with media recordings for this
   * <tt>Conference</tt> will be stored.
  private String recordingPath = null;

  /** The speech activity (representation) of the <tt>Endpoint</tt>s of this <tt>Conference</tt>. */
  private final ConferenceSpeechActivity speechActivity;

   * Maps an ID of a channel-bundle to the <tt>TransportManager</tt> instance responsible for its
   * transport.
  private final Map<String, IceUdpTransportManager> transportManagers = new HashMap<>();

  /** The <tt>Videobridge</tt> which has initialized this <tt>Conference</tt>. */
  private final Videobridge videobridge;

   * The <tt>WebRtcpDataStreamListener</tt> which listens to the <tt>SctpConnection</tt>s of the
   * <tt>Endpoint</tt>s participating in this multipoint conference in order to detect when they are
   * ready (to fire initial events such as the current dominant speaker in this multipoint
   * conference).
  private final WebRtcDataStreamListener webRtcDataStreamListener =
      new WebRtcDataStreamAdapter() {
        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public void onSctpConnectionReady(SctpConnection source) {

   * Initializes a new <tt>Conference</tt> instance which is to represent a conference in the terms
   * of Jitsi Videobridge which has a specific (unique) ID and is managed by a conference focus with
   * a specific JID.
   * @param videobridge the <tt>Videobridge</tt> on which the new <tt>Conference</tt> instance is to
   *     be initialized
   * @param id the (unique) ID of the new instance to be initialized
   * @param focus the JID of the conference focus who has requested the initialization of the new
   *     instance and from whom further/future requests to manage the new instance must come or they
   *     will be ignored. Pass <tt>null</tt> to override this safety check.
  public Conference(Videobridge videobridge, String id, String focus) {
    if (videobridge == null) throw new NullPointerException("videobridge");
    if (id == null) throw new NullPointerException("id");

    this.videobridge = videobridge;
    this.id = id;
    this.focus = focus;
    this.lastKnownFocus = focus;

    speechActivity = new ConferenceSpeechActivity(this);

    EventAdmin eventAdmin = videobridge.getEventAdmin();
    if (eventAdmin != null) eventAdmin.sendEvent(EventFactory.conferenceCreated(this));

   * Used to send a message to a subset of endpoints in the call, primary use case being a message
   * that has originated from an endpoint (as opposed to a message originating from the bridge and
   * being sent to all endpoints in the call, for that see broadcastMessageOnDataChannels below
   * @param msg
   * @param endpoints
  public void sendMessageOnDataChannels(String msg, List<Endpoint> endpoints) {
    for (Endpoint endpoint : endpoints) {
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Failed to send message on data channel.", e);

   * Broadcasts string message to all participants over default data channel.
   * @param msg the message to be advertised across conference peers.
  private void broadcastMessageOnDataChannels(String msg) {
    sendMessageOnDataChannels(msg, getEndpoints());

   * Checks whether <tt>path</tt> is a valid directory for recording (creates it if necessary).
   * @param path the path to the directory to check.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the directory <tt>path</tt> can be used for media recording,
   *     <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
  private boolean checkRecordingDirectory(String path) {
    if (path == null || "".equals(path)) return false;

    File dir = new File(path);

    if (!dir.exists()) {
      if (!dir.exists()) return false;
    if (!dir.isDirectory() || !dir.canWrite()) return false;

    return true;

   * Closes given {@link #transportManagers} of this <tt>Conference</tt> and removes corresponding
   * channel bundle.
  void closeTransportManager(TransportManager transportManager) {
    synchronized (transportManagers) {
      for (Iterator<IceUdpTransportManager> i = transportManagers.values().iterator();
          i.hasNext(); ) {
        if (i.next() == transportManager) {
          // Presumably, we have a single association for
          // transportManager.

      // Close manager
      try {
      } catch (Throwable t) {
            "Failed to close an IceUdpTransportManager of" + " conference " + getID() + "!", t);
        // The whole point of explicitly closing the
        // transportManagers of this Conference is to prevent memory
        // leaks. Hence, it does not make sense to possibly leave
        // TransportManagers open because a TransportManager has
        // failed to close.
        if (t instanceof InterruptedException) Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
        else if (t instanceof ThreadDeath) throw (ThreadDeath) t;

  /** Closes the {@link #transportManagers} of this <tt>Conference</tt>. */
  private void closeTransportManagers() {
    synchronized (transportManagers) {
      for (Iterator<IceUdpTransportManager> i = transportManagers.values().iterator();
          i.hasNext(); ) {
        IceUdpTransportManager transportManager = i.next();


   * Initializes a new <tt>String</tt> to be sent over an <tt>SctpConnection</tt> in order to notify
   * an <tt>Endpoint</tt> that the dominant speaker in this multipoint conference has changed to a
   * specific <tt>Endpoint</tt>.
   * @param dominantSpeaker the dominant speaker in this multipoint conference
   * @return a new <tt>String</tt> to be sent over an <tt>SctpConnection</tt> in order to notify an
   *     <tt>Endpoint</tt> that the dominant speaker in this multipoint conference has changed to
   *     <tt>dominantSpeaker</tt>
  private String createDominantSpeakerEndpointChangeEvent(Endpoint dominantSpeaker) {
    return "{\"colibriClass\":\"DominantSpeakerEndpointChangeEvent\","
        + "\"dominantSpeakerEndpoint\":\""
        + JSONValue.escape(dominantSpeaker.getID())
        + "\"}";

   * Adds the channel-bundles of this <tt>Conference</tt> as
   * <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ.ChannelBundle</tt> instances in <tt>iq</tt>.
   * @param iq the <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ</tt> in which to describe.
  void describeChannelBundles(ColibriConferenceIQ iq) {
    synchronized (transportManagers) {
      for (Map.Entry<String, IceUdpTransportManager> entry : transportManagers.entrySet()) {
        ColibriConferenceIQ.ChannelBundle responseBundleIQ =
            new ColibriConferenceIQ.ChannelBundle(entry.getKey());


   * Sets the values of the properties of a specific <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ</tt> to the values of
   * the respective properties of this instance. Thus, the specified <tt>iq</tt> may be thought of
   * as a description of this instance.
   * <p><b>Note</b>: The copying of the values is deep i.e. the <tt>Contents</tt>s of this instance
   * are described in the specified <tt>iq</tt>.
   * @param iq the <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ</tt> to set the values of the properties of this instance
   *     on
  public void describeDeep(ColibriConferenceIQ iq) {

    if (isRecording()) {
      ColibriConferenceIQ.Recording recordingIQ =
          new ColibriConferenceIQ.Recording(State.ON.toString());
    for (Content content : getContents()) {
      ColibriConferenceIQ.Content contentIQ = iq.getOrCreateContent(content.getName());

      for (Channel channel : content.getChannels()) {
        if (channel instanceof SctpConnection) {
          ColibriConferenceIQ.SctpConnection sctpConnectionIQ =
              new ColibriConferenceIQ.SctpConnection();

        } else {
          ColibriConferenceIQ.Channel channelIQ = new ColibriConferenceIQ.Channel();


   * Sets the values of the properties of a specific <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ</tt> to the values of
   * the respective properties of this instance. Thus, the specified <tt>iq</tt> may be thought of
   * as a description of this instance.
   * <p><b>Note</b>: The copying of the values is shallow i.e. the <tt>Content</tt>s of this
   * instance are not described in the specified <tt>iq</tt>.
   * @param iq the <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ</tt> to set the values of the properties of this instance
   *     on
  public void describeShallow(ColibriConferenceIQ iq) {

   * Notifies this instance that {@link #speechActivity} has identified a speaker switch event in
   * this multipoint conference and there is now a new dominant speaker.
  private void dominantSpeakerChanged() {
    Endpoint dominantSpeaker = speechActivity.getDominantEndpoint();

    if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
          "The dominant speaker in conference "
              + getID()
              + " is now the endpoint "
              + ((dominantSpeaker == null) ? "(null)" : dominantSpeaker.getID())
              + ".");

    if (dominantSpeaker != null) {

      if (isRecording() && (recorderEventHandler != null))

   * Notifies this instance that there was a change in the value of a property of an
   * <tt>Endpoint</tt> participating in this multipoint conference.
   * @param endpoint the <tt>Endpoint</tt> which is the source of the event/notification and is
   *     participating in this multipoint conference
   * @param ev a <tt>PropertyChangeEvent</tt> which specifies the source of the event/notification,
   *     the name of the property and the old and new values of that property
  private void endpointPropertyChange(Endpoint endpoint, PropertyChangeEvent ev) {
    String propertyName = ev.getPropertyName();
    boolean maybeRemoveEndpoint;

    if (Endpoint.SCTP_CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NAME.equals(propertyName)) {
      // The SctpConnection of/associated with an Endpoint has changed. We
      // may want to fire initial events over that SctpConnection (as soon
      // as it is ready).
      SctpConnection oldValue = (SctpConnection) ev.getOldValue();
      SctpConnection newValue = (SctpConnection) ev.getNewValue();

      endpointSctpConnectionChanged(endpoint, oldValue, newValue);

      // The SctpConnection may have expired.
      maybeRemoveEndpoint = (newValue == null);
    } else if (Endpoint.CHANNELS_PROPERTY_NAME.equals(propertyName)) {
      // An RtpChannel may have expired.
      maybeRemoveEndpoint = true;
    } else {
      maybeRemoveEndpoint = false;
    if (maybeRemoveEndpoint) {
      // It looks like there is a chance that the Endpoint may have
      // expired. Endpoints are held by this Conference via WeakReferences
      // but WeakReferences are unpredictable. We have functionality
      // though which could benefit from discovering that an Endpoint has
      // expired as quickly as possible (e.g. ConferenceSpeechActivity).
      // Consequently, try to expedite the removal of expired Endpoints.
      if (endpoint.getSctpConnection() == null && endpoint.getChannelCount(null) == 0) {

   * Notifies this instance that the <tt>SctpConnection</tt> of/associated with a specific
   * <tt>Endpoint</tt> participating in this <tt>Conference</tt> has changed.
   * @param endpoint the <tt>Endpoint</tt> participating in this <tt>Conference</tt> which has had
   *     its (associated) <tt>SctpConnection</tt> changed
  private void endpointSctpConnectionChanged(
      Endpoint endpoint, SctpConnection oldValue, SctpConnection newValue) {
    // We want to fire initial events (e.g. dominant speaker) over the
    // SctpConnection as soon as it is ready.
    if (oldValue != null) {
    if (newValue != null) {
      // The SctpConnection may itself be ready already. If this is the
      // case, then it has now become ready for this Conference.
      if (newValue.isReady()) sctpConnectionReady(newValue);

   * Expires this <tt>Conference</tt>, its <tt>Content</tt>s and their respective <tt>Channel</tt>s.
   * Releases the resources acquired by this instance throughout its life time and prepares it to be
   * garbage collected.
  public void expire() {
    synchronized (this) {
      if (expired) return;
      else expired = true;

    EventAdmin eventAdmin = videobridge.getEventAdmin();
    if (eventAdmin != null) eventAdmin.sendEvent(EventFactory.conferenceExpired(this));

    if (recorderEventHandler != null) {
      recorderEventHandler = null;

    Videobridge videobridge = getVideobridge();

    try {
    } finally {
      // Expire the Contents of this Conference.
      for (Content content : getContents()) {
        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {
              "Failed to expire content " + content.getName() + " of conference " + getID() + "!",
          if (t instanceof InterruptedException) Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
          else if (t instanceof ThreadDeath) throw (ThreadDeath) t;

      // Close the transportManagers of this Conference. Normally, there
      // will be no TransportManager left to close at this point because
      // all Channels have expired and the last Channel to be removed from
      // a TransportManager closes the TransportManager. However, a
      // Channel may have expired before it has learned of its
      // TransportManager and then the TransportManager will not close.

      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
            "Expired conference " + getID() + ". " + videobridge.getConferenceCountString());

   * Expires a specific <tt>Content</tt> of this <tt>Conference</tt> (i.e. if the specified
   * <tt>content</tt> is not in the list of <tt>Content</tt>s of this <tt>Conference</tt>, does
   * nothing).
   * @param content the <tt>Content</tt> to be expired by this <tt>Conference</tt>
  public void expireContent(Content content) {
    boolean expireContent;

    synchronized (contents) {
      if (contents.contains(content)) {
        expireContent = true;
      } else expireContent = false;
    if (expireContent) content.expire();

   * Finds a <tt>Channel</tt> of this <tt>Conference</tt> which receives a specific SSRC and is with
   * a specific <tt>MediaType</tt>.
   * @param receiveSSRC the SSRC of a received RTP stream whose receiving <tt>Channel</tt> in this
   *     <tt>Conference</tt> is to be found
   * @param mediaType the <tt>MediaType</tt> of the <tt>Channel</tt> to be found
   * @return the <tt>Channel</tt> in this <tt>Conference</tt> which receives the specified
   *     <tt>ssrc</tt> and is with the specified <tt>mediaType</tt>; otherwise, <tt>null</tt>
  public Channel findChannelByReceiveSSRC(long receiveSSRC, MediaType mediaType) {
    for (Content content : getContents()) {
      if (mediaType.equals(content.getMediaType())) {
        Channel channel = content.findChannelByReceiveSSRC(receiveSSRC);

        if (channel != null) return channel;
    return null;

   * Finds an <tt>Endpoint</tt> of this <tt>Conference</tt> which sends an RTP stream with a
   * specific SSRC and with a specific <tt>MediaType</tt>.
   * @param receiveSSRC the SSRC of an RTP stream received by this <tt>Conference</tt> whose sending
   *     <tt>Endpoint</tt> is to be found
   * @param mediaType the <tt>MediaType</tt> of the RTP stream identified by the specified
   *     <tt>ssrc</tt>
   * @return <tt>Endpoint</tt> of this <tt>Conference</tt> which sends an RTP stream with the
   *     specified <tt>ssrc</tt> and with the specified <tt>mediaType</tt>; otherwise, <tt>null</tt>
  Endpoint findEndpointByReceiveSSRC(long receiveSSRC, MediaType mediaType) {
    Channel channel = findChannelByReceiveSSRC(receiveSSRC, mediaType);

    return (channel == null) ? null : channel.getEndpoint();

   * Returns the OSGi <tt>BundleContext</tt> in which this Conference is executing.
   * @return the OSGi <tt>BundleContext</tt> in which the Conference is executing.
  public BundleContext getBundleContext() {
    return getVideobridge().getBundleContext();

   * Gets the <tt>Content</tt>s of this <tt>Conference</tt>.
   * @return the <tt>Content</tt>s of this <tt>Conference</tt>
  public Content[] getContents() {
    synchronized (contents) {
      return contents.toArray(new Content[contents.size()]);

   * Gets an <tt>Endpoint</tt> participating in this <tt>Conference</tt> which has a specific
   * identifier/ID.
   * @param id the identifier/ID of the <tt>Endpoint</tt> which is to be returned
   * @return an <tt>Endpoint</tt> participating in this <tt>Conference</tt> which has the specified
   *     <tt>id</tt> or <tt>null</tt>
  public Endpoint getEndpoint(String id) {
    return getEndpoint(id, /* create */ false);

   * Gets an <tt>Endpoint</tt> participating in this <tt>Conference</tt> which has a specific
   * identifier/ID. If an <tt>Endpoint</tt> participating in this <tt>Conference</tt> with the
   * specified <tt>id</tt> does not exist at the time the method is invoked, the method optionally
   * initializes a new <tt>Endpoint</tt> instance with the specified <tt>id</tt> and adds it to the
   * list of <tt>Endpoint</tt>s participating in this <tt>Conference</tt>.
   * @param id the identifier/ID of the <tt>Endpoint</tt> which is to be returned
   * @return an <tt>Endpoint</tt> participating in this <tt>Conference</tt> which has the specified
   *     <tt>id</tt> or <tt>null</tt> if there is no such <tt>Endpoint</tt> and <tt>create</tt>
   *     equals <tt>false</tt>
  private Endpoint getEndpoint(String id, boolean create) {
    Endpoint endpoint = null;
    boolean changed = false;

    synchronized (endpoints) {
      for (Iterator<WeakReference<Endpoint>> i = endpoints.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        Endpoint e = i.next().get();

        if (e == null) {
          changed = true;
        } else if (e.getID().equals(id)) {
          endpoint = e;

      if (create && endpoint == null) {
        endpoint = new Endpoint(id, this);
        // The propertyChangeListener will weakly reference this
        // Conference and will unregister itself from the endpoint
        // sooner or later.
        endpoints.add(new WeakReference<>(endpoint));
        changed = true;

        EventAdmin eventAdmin = videobridge.getEventAdmin();
        if (eventAdmin != null) eventAdmin.sendEvent(EventFactory.endpointCreated(endpoint));

    if (changed) firePropertyChange(ENDPOINTS_PROPERTY_NAME, null, null);

    return endpoint;

   * Returns the number of <tt>Endpoint</tt>s in this <tt>Conference</tt>.
   * @return the number of <tt>Endpoint</tt>s in this <tt>Conference</tt>.
  public int getEndpointCount() {
    return getEndpoints().size();

   * Returns the <tt>EndpointRecorder</tt> instance used to save the endpoints information for this
   * <tt>Conference</tt>. Creates an instance if none exists.
   * @return the <tt>EndpointRecorder</tt> instance used to save the endpoints information for this
   *     <tt>Conference</tt>.
  private EndpointRecorder getEndpointRecorder() {
    if (endpointRecorder == null) {
      try {
        endpointRecorder = new EndpointRecorder(getRecordingPath() + "/endpoints.json");
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        logger.warn("Could not create EndpointRecorder. " + ioe);
    return endpointRecorder;

   * Gets the <tt>Endpoint</tt>s participating in/contributing to this <tt>Conference</tt>.
   * @return the <tt>Endpoint</tt>s participating in/contributing to this <tt>Conference</tt>
  public List<Endpoint> getEndpoints() {
    List<Endpoint> endpoints;
    boolean changed = false;

    synchronized (this.endpoints) {
      endpoints = new ArrayList<>(this.endpoints.size());
      for (Iterator<WeakReference<Endpoint>> i = this.endpoints.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        Endpoint endpoint = i.next().get();

        if (endpoint == null) {
          changed = true;
        } else {

    if (changed) firePropertyChange(ENDPOINTS_PROPERTY_NAME, null, null);

    return endpoints;

   * Gets the JID of the conference focus who has initialized this instance and from whom requests
   * to manage this instance must come or they will be ignored.
   * @return the JID of the conference focus who has initialized this instance and from whom
   *     requests to manage this instance must come or they will be ignored
  public final String getFocus() {
    return focus;

   * Gets the (unique) identifier/ID of this instance.
   * @return the (unique) identifier/ID of this instance
  public final String getID() {
    return id;

   * Gets the time in milliseconds of the last activity related to this <tt>Conference</tt>.
   * @return the time in milliseconds of the last activity related to this <tt>Conference</tt>
  public long getLastActivityTime() {
    synchronized (this) {
      return lastActivityTime;

   * Returns the JID of the last known focus.
   * @return the JID of the last known focus.
  public String getLastKnowFocus() {
    return lastKnownFocus;

   * Returns a <tt>MediaService</tt> implementation (if any).
   * @return a <tt>MediaService</tt> implementation (if any)
  MediaService getMediaService() {
    MediaService mediaService = ServiceUtils.getService(getBundleContext(), MediaService.class);

    // TODO For an unknown reason, ServiceUtils2.getService fails to
    // retrieve the MediaService implementation. In the form of a temporary
    // workaround, get it through LibJitsi.
    if (mediaService == null) mediaService = LibJitsi.getMediaService();

    return mediaService;

   * Gets a <tt>Content</tt> of this <tt>Conference</tt> which has a specific name. If a
   * <tt>Content</tt> of this <tt>Conference</tt> with the specified <tt>name</tt> does not exist at
   * the time the method is invoked, the method initializes a new <tt>Content</tt> instance with the
   * specified <tt>name</tt> and adds it to the list of <tt>Content</tt>s of this
   * <tt>Conference</tt>.
   * @param name the name of the <tt>Content</tt> which is to be returned
   * @return a <tt>Content</tt> of this <tt>Conference</tt> which has the specified <tt>name</tt>
  public Content getOrCreateContent(String name) {
    Content content;

    synchronized (contents) {
      for (Content aContent : contents) {
        if (aContent.getName().equals(name)) {
          aContent.touch(); // It seems the content is still active.
          return aContent;

      content = new Content(this, name);
      if (isRecording()) {
        content.setRecording(true, getRecordingPath());

    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
       * The method Videobridge.getChannelCount() should better be
       * executed outside synchronized blocks in order to reduce the risks
       * of causing deadlocks.
      Videobridge videobridge = getVideobridge();

          "Created content "
              + name
              + " of conference "
              + getID()
              + ". "
              + videobridge.getConferenceCountString());

    return content;

   * Gets an <tt>Endpoint</tt> participating in this <tt>Conference</tt> which has a specific
   * identifier/ID. If an <tt>Endpoint</tt> participating in this <tt>Conference</tt> with the
   * specified <tt>id</tt> does not exist at the time the method is invoked, the method initializes
   * a new <tt>Endpoint</tt> instance with the specified <tt>id</tt> and adds it to the list of
   * <tt>Endpoint</tt>s participating in this <tt>Conference</tt>.
   * @param id the identifier/ID of the <tt>Endpoint</tt> which is to be returned
   * @return an <tt>Endpoint</tt> participating in this <tt>Conference</tt> which has the specified
   *     <tt>id</tt>
  public Endpoint getOrCreateEndpoint(String id) {
    return getEndpoint(id, /* create */ true);

  RecorderEventHandler getRecorderEventHandler() {
    if (recorderEventHandler == null) {
      Throwable t;

      try {
        recorderEventHandler =
            new RecorderEventHandlerImpl(
                    .createRecorderEventHandlerJson(getRecordingPath() + "/metadata.json"));
        t = null;
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        t = ioe;
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        t = iae;
      if (t != null) logger.warn("Could not create RecorderEventHandler. " + t);
    return recorderEventHandler;

   * Returns the directory where the recording should be stored
   * @return the directory of the new recording
  String getRecordingDirectory() {
    if (this.recordingDirectory == null) {
      SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd.HH-mm-ss.");
      this.recordingDirectory =
          dateFormat.format(new Date()) + getID() + ((name != null) ? "_" + name : "");

    return this.recordingDirectory;

   * Returns the path to the directory where the media recording related files should be saved, or
   * <tt>null</tt> if recording is not enabled in the configuration, or a recording path has not
   * been configured.
   * @return the path to the directory where the media recording related files should be saved, or
   *     <tt>null</tt> if recording is not enabled in the configuration, or a recording path has not
   *     been configured.
  String getRecordingPath() {
    if (recordingPath == null) {
      ConfigurationService cfg = getVideobridge().getConfigurationService();

      if (cfg != null) {
        boolean recordingIsEnabled =
            cfg.getBoolean(Videobridge.ENABLE_MEDIA_RECORDING_PNAME, false);

        if (recordingIsEnabled) {
          String path = cfg.getString(Videobridge.MEDIA_RECORDING_PATH_PNAME, null);

          if (path != null) {
            this.recordingPath = path + "/" + this.getRecordingDirectory();
    return recordingPath;

   * Gets the speech activity (representation) of the <tt>Endpoint</tt>s of this
   * <tt>Conference</tt>.
   * @return the speech activity (representation) of the <tt>Endpoint</tt>s of this
   *     <tt>Conference</tt>
  public ConferenceSpeechActivity getSpeechActivity() {
    return speechActivity;

   * Returns, the <tt>TransportManager</tt> instance for the channel-bundle with ID
   * <tt>channelBundleId</tt>, or <tt>null</tt> if one doesn't exist.
   * @param channelBundleId the ID of the channel-bundle for which to return the
   *     <tt>TransportManager</tt>.
   * @return the <tt>TransportManager</tt> instance for the channel-bundle with ID
   *     <tt>channelBundleId</tt>, or <tt>null</tt> if one doesn't exist.
  TransportManager getTransportManager(String channelBundleId) {
    return getTransportManager(channelBundleId, false);

   * Returns, the <tt>TransportManager</tt> instance for the channel-bundle with ID
   * <tt>channelBundleId</tt>. If no instance exists and <tt>create</tt> is <tt>true</tt>, one will
   * be created.
   * @param channelBundleId the ID of the channel-bundle for which to return the
   *     <tt>TransportManager</tt>.
   * @param create whether to create a new instance, if one doesn't exist.
   * @return the <tt>TransportManager</tt> instance for the channel-bundle with ID
   *     <tt>channelBundleId</tt>.
  IceUdpTransportManager getTransportManager(String channelBundleId, boolean create) {
    IceUdpTransportManager transportManager;

    synchronized (transportManagers) {
      transportManager = transportManagers.get(channelBundleId);
      if (transportManager == null && create && !isExpired()) {
        try {
          // FIXME: the initiator is hard-coded
          // We assume rtcp-mux when bundle is used, so we make only
          // one component.
          transportManager = new IceUdpTransportManager(this, true, 1);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
          throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(ioe);
        transportManagers.put(channelBundleId, transportManager);

    return transportManager;

   * Gets the <tt>Videobridge</tt> which has initialized this <tt>Conference</tt>.
   * @return the <tt>Videobridge</tt> which has initialized this <tt>Conference</tt>
  public final Videobridge getVideobridge() {
    return videobridge;

   * Gets the indicator which determines whether this <tt>Conference</tt> has expired.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if this <tt>Conference</tt> has expired; otherwise, <tt>false</tt>
  public boolean isExpired() {
    // Conference starts with expired equal to false and the only assignment
    // to expired is to set it to true so there is no need to synchronize
    // the reading of expired.
    return expired;

   * Checks whether media recording is currently enabled for this <tt>Conference</tt>.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if media recording is currently enabled for this <tt>Conference</tt>,
   *     false otherwise.
  public boolean isRecording() {
    boolean recording = this.recording;

    // if one of the contents is not recording, stop all recording
    if (recording) {
      synchronized (contents) {
        for (Content content : contents) {
          MediaType mediaType = content.getMediaType();

          if (!MediaType.VIDEO.equals(mediaType) && !MediaType.AUDIO.equals(mediaType)) continue;
          if (!content.isRecording()) recording = false;
    if (this.recording != recording) setRecording(recording);

    return this.recording;

   * Notifies this instance that there was a change in the value of a property of an object in which
   * this instance is interested.
   * @param ev a <tt>PropertyChangeEvent</tt> which specifies the object of interest, the name of
   *     the property and the old and new values of that property
  public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent ev) {
    Object source = ev.getSource();

    if (isExpired()) {
      // An expired Conference is to be treated like a null Conference
      // i.e. it does not handle any PropertyChangeEvents. If possible,
      // make sure that no further PropertyChangeEvents will be delivered
      // to this Conference.
      if (source instanceof PropertyChangeNotifier) {
        ((PropertyChangeNotifier) source).removePropertyChangeListener(propertyChangeListener);
    } else if (source == speechActivity) {
    } else if (source instanceof Endpoint) {
      // We care about PropertyChangeEvents from Endpoint but only if the
      // Endpoint in question is still participating in this Conference.
      Endpoint endpoint = getEndpoint(((Endpoint) source).getID());

      if (endpoint != null) endpointPropertyChange(endpoint, ev);

   * Removes a specific <tt>Endpoint</tt> instance from this list of <tt>Endpoint</tt>s
   * participating in this multipoint conference.
   * @param endpoint the <tt>Endpoint</tt> to remove
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the list of <tt>Endpoint</tt>s participating in this multipoint
   *     conference changed as a result of the execution of the method; otherwise, <tt>false</tt>
  private boolean removeEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint) {
    boolean removed = false;

    synchronized (endpoints) {
      for (Iterator<WeakReference<Endpoint>> i = endpoints.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        Endpoint e = i.next().get();

        if (e == null || e == endpoint) {
          removed = true;

      if (endpoint != null) {

    if (removed) firePropertyChange(ENDPOINTS_PROPERTY_NAME, null, null);

    return removed;

   * Notifies this instance that a specific <tt>SctpConnection</tt> has become ready i.e. connected
   * to a/the remote peer and operational.
   * @param sctpConnection the <tt>SctpConnection</tt> which has become ready and is the cause of
   *     the method invocation
  private void sctpConnectionReady(SctpConnection sctpConnection) {
     * We want to fire initial events over the SctpConnection as soon as it
     * is ready, we do not want to fire them multiple times i.e. every time
     * the SctpConnection becomes ready.

    if (!isExpired() && !sctpConnection.isExpired() && sctpConnection.isReady()) {
      Endpoint endpoint = sctpConnection.getEndpoint();

      if (endpoint != null) endpoint = getEndpoint(endpoint.getID());
      if (endpoint != null) {
         * It appears that this Conference, the SctpConnection and the
         * Endpoint are in states which allow them to fire the initial
         * events.
        Endpoint dominantSpeaker = speechActivity.getDominantEndpoint();

        if (dominantSpeaker != null) {
          try {
          } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.error("Failed to send message on data channel.", e);

         * Determining the instant at which an SctpConnection associated
         * with an Endpoint becomes ready (i.e. connected to the remote
         * peer and operational) is a multi-step ordeal. The Conference
         * class implements the procedure so do not make other classes
         * implement it as well.

   * Sets the JID of the last known focus.
   * @param jid the JID of the last known focus.
  public void setLastKnownFocus(String jid) {
    lastKnownFocus = jid;

   * Attempts to enable or disable media recording for this <tt>Conference</tt>.
   * @param recording whether to enable or disable recording.
   * @return the state of the media recording for this <tt>Conference</tt> after the attempt to
   *     enable (or disable).
  public boolean setRecording(boolean recording) {
    if (recording != this.recording) {
      if (recording) {
        // try enable recording
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          logger.debug("Starting recording for conference with id=" + getID());

        String path = getRecordingPath();
        boolean failedToStart = !checkRecordingDirectory(path);

        if (!failedToStart) {
          RecorderEventHandler handler = getRecorderEventHandler();

          if (handler == null) failedToStart = true;
        if (!failedToStart) {
          EndpointRecorder endpointRecorder = getEndpointRecorder();

          if (endpointRecorder == null) {
            failedToStart = true;
          } else {
            for (Endpoint endpoint : getEndpoints()) endpointRecorder.updateEndpoint(endpoint);

         * The Recorders of the Contents need to share a single
         * Synchronizer, we take it from the first Recorder.
        boolean first = true;
        Synchronizer synchronizer = null;

        for (Content content : contents) {
          MediaType mediaType = content.getMediaType();

          if (!MediaType.VIDEO.equals(mediaType) && !MediaType.AUDIO.equals(mediaType)) {

          if (!failedToStart) failedToStart = !content.setRecording(true, path);
          if (failedToStart) break;

          if (first) {
            first = false;
            synchronizer = content.getRecorder().getSynchronizer();
          } else {
            Recorder recorder = content.getRecorder();

            if (recorder != null) recorder.setSynchronizer(synchronizer);


        if (failedToStart) {
          recording = false;
          logger.warn("Failed to start media recording for conference " + getID());

      // either we were asked to disable recording, or we failed to
      // enable it
      if (!recording) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          logger.debug("Stopping recording for conference with id=" + getID());

        for (Content content : contents) {
          MediaType mediaType = content.getMediaType();

          if (MediaType.AUDIO.equals(mediaType) || MediaType.VIDEO.equals(mediaType)) {
            content.setRecording(false, null);

        if (recorderEventHandler != null) recorderEventHandler.close();
        recorderEventHandler = null;
        recordingPath = null;
        recordingDirectory = null;

        if (endpointRecorder != null) endpointRecorder.close();
        endpointRecorder = null;

      this.recording = recording;

    return this.recording;

   * Notifies this <tt>Conference</tt> that the ordered list of <tt>Endpoint</tt>s of {@link
   * #speechActivity} i.e. the dominant speaker history has changed.
   * <p>This instance notifies the video <tt>Channel</tt>s about the change so that they may update
   * their last-n lists and report to this instance which <tt>Endpoint</tt>s are to be asked for
   * video keyframes.
  private void speechActivityEndpointsChanged() {
    List<Endpoint> endpoints = null;

    for (Content content : getContents()) {
      if (MediaType.VIDEO.equals(content.getMediaType())) {
        Set<Endpoint> endpointsToAskForKeyframes = null;

        endpoints = speechActivity.getEndpoints();
        for (Channel channel : content.getChannels()) {
          if (!(channel instanceof RtpChannel)) continue;

          RtpChannel rtpChannel = (RtpChannel) channel;
          List<Endpoint> channelEndpointsToAskForKeyframes =

          if ((channelEndpointsToAskForKeyframes != null)
              && !channelEndpointsToAskForKeyframes.isEmpty()) {
            if (endpointsToAskForKeyframes == null) {
              endpointsToAskForKeyframes = new HashSet<>();

        if ((endpointsToAskForKeyframes != null) && !endpointsToAskForKeyframes.isEmpty()) {

   * Notifies this instance that there was a change in the value of a property of {@link
   * #speechActivity}.
   * @param ev a <tt>PropertyChangeEvent</tt> which specifies the source of the event/notification,
   *     the name of the property and the old and new values of that property
  private void speechActivityPropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent ev) {
    String propertyName = ev.getPropertyName();

    if (ConferenceSpeechActivity.DOMINANT_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY_NAME.equals(propertyName)) {
      // The dominant speaker in this Conference has changed. We will
      // likely want to notify the Endpoints participating in this
      // Conference.
    } else if (ConferenceSpeechActivity.ENDPOINTS_PROPERTY_NAME.equals(propertyName)) {

   * Sets the time in milliseconds of the last activity related to this <tt>Conference</tt> to the
   * current system time.
  public void touch() {
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

    synchronized (this) {
      if (getLastActivityTime() < now) lastActivityTime = now;

   * Updates an <tt>Endpoint</tt> of this <tt>Conference</tt> with the information contained in
   * <tt>colibriEndpoint</tt>. The ID of <tt>colibriEndpoint</tt> is used to select the
   * <tt>Endpoint</tt> to update.
   * @param colibriEndpoint a <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ.Endpoint</tt> instance that contains
   *     information to be set on an <tt>Endpoint</tt> instance of this <tt>Conference</tt>.
  void updateEndpoint(ColibriConferenceIQ.Endpoint colibriEndpoint) {
    String id = colibriEndpoint.getId();

    if (id != null) {
      Endpoint endpoint = getEndpoint(id);

      if (endpoint != null) {
        String oldDisplayName = endpoint.getDisplayName();
        String newDisplayName = colibriEndpoint.getDisplayName();

        if ((oldDisplayName == null && newDisplayName != null)
            || (oldDisplayName != null && !oldDisplayName.equals(newDisplayName))) {

          if (isRecording() && endpointRecorder != null) endpointRecorder.updateEndpoint(endpoint);

          EventAdmin eventAdmin = getVideobridge().getEventAdmin();
          if (eventAdmin != null) {

   * Sets the conference name.
   * @param name the new name.
  public void setName(String name) {
    this.name = name;

   * Gets the conference name.
   * @return the conference name
  public String getName() {
    return name;
Beispiel #20
 * A depacketizer from VP8. See {@link "http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-payload-vp8-11"}
 * @author Boris Grozev
 * @author George Politis
public class DePacketizer extends AbstractCodec2 {
   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>DePacketizer</tt> class and its instances for logging
   * output.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DePacketizer.class);

  /** Whether trace logging is enabled. */
  private static final boolean TRACE = logger.isTraceEnabled();

   * A <tt>Comparator</tt> implementation for RTP sequence numbers. Compares <tt>a</tt> and
   * <tt>b</tt>, taking into account the wrap at 2^16.
   * <p>IMPORTANT: This is a valid <tt>Comparator</tt> implementation only if used for subsets of
   * [0, 2^16) which don't span more than 2^15 elements.
   * <p>E.g. it works for: [0, 2^15-1] and ([50000, 2^16) u [0, 10000]) Doesn't work for: [0, 2^15]
   * and ([0, 2^15-1] u {2^16-1}) and [0, 2^16)
   * <p>NOTE: An identical implementation for Integers can be found in the class SeqNumComparator.
   * Sequence numbers are 16 bits and unsigned, so an Integer should be sufficient to hold that.
  private static final Comparator<? super Long> seqNumComparator =
      new Comparator<Long>() {
        public int compare(Long a, Long b) {
          if (a.equals(b)) return 0;
          else if (a > b) {
            if (a - b < 32768) return 1;
            else return -1;
          } else // a < b
            if (b - a < 32768) return -1;
            else return 1;

   * Stores the RTP payloads (VP8 payload descriptor stripped) from RTP packets belonging to a
   * single VP8 compressed frame.
  private SortedMap<Long, Container> data = new TreeMap<Long, Container>(seqNumComparator);

  /** Stores unused <tt>Container</tt>'s. */
  private Queue<Container> free = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Container>(100);

   * Stores the first (earliest) sequence number stored in <tt>data</tt>, or -1 if <tt>data</tt> is
   * empty.
  private long firstSeq = -1;

   * Stores the last (latest) sequence number stored in <tt>data</tt>, or -1 if <tt>data</tt> is
   * empty.
  private long lastSeq = -1;

   * Stores the value of the <tt>PictureID</tt> field for the VP8 compressed frame, parts of which
   * are currently stored in <tt>data</tt>, or -1 if the <tt>PictureID</tt> field is not in use or
   * <tt>data</tt> is empty.
  private int pictureId = -1;

   * Stores the RTP timestamp of the packets stored in <tt>data</tt>, or -1 if they don't have a
   * timestamp set.
  private long timestamp = -1;

  /** Whether we have stored any packets in <tt>data</tt>. Equivalent to <tt>data.isEmpty()</tt>. */
  private boolean empty = true;

   * Whether we have stored in <tt>data</tt> the last RTP packet of the VP8 compressed frame, parts
   * of which are currently stored in <tt>data</tt>.
  private boolean haveEnd = false;

   * Whether we have stored in <tt>data</tt> the first RTP packet of the VP8 compressed frame, parts
   * of which are currently stored in <tt>data</tt>.
  private boolean haveStart = false;

   * Stores the sum of the lengths of the data stored in <tt>data</tt>, that is the total length of
   * the VP8 compressed frame to be constructed.
  private int frameLength = 0;

  /** The sequence number of the last RTP packet, which was included in the output. */
  private long lastSentSeq = -1;

  /** Initializes a new <tt>JNIEncoder</tt> instance. */
  public DePacketizer() {
        "VP8 RTP DePacketizer",
        new VideoFormat[] {new VideoFormat(Constants.VP8)});
    inputFormats = new VideoFormat[] {new VideoFormat(Constants.VP8_RTP)};

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  protected void doClose() {}

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  protected void doOpen() throws ResourceUnavailableException {
    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Opened VP8 depacketizer");

   * Re-initializes the fields which store information about the currently held data. Empties
   * <tt>data</tt>.
  private void reinit() {
    firstSeq = lastSeq = timestamp = -1;
    pictureId = -1;
    empty = true;
    haveEnd = haveStart = false;
    frameLength = 0;

    Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, Container>> it = data.entrySet().iterator();
    Map.Entry<Long, Container> e;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      e = it.next();

   * Checks whether the currently held VP8 compressed frame is complete (e.g all its packets are
   * stored in <tt>data</tt>).
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the currently help VP8 compressed frame is complete, <tt>false</tt>
   *     otherwise.
  private boolean frameComplete() {
    return haveStart && haveEnd && !haveMissing();

   * Checks whether there are packets with sequence numbers between <tt>firstSeq</tt> and
   * <tt>lastSeq</tt> which are *not* stored in <tt>data</tt>.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if there are packets with sequence numbers between <tt>firstSeq</tt> and
   *     <tt>lastSeq</tt> which are *not* stored in <tt>data</tt>.
  private boolean haveMissing() {
    Set<Long> seqs = data.keySet();
    long s = firstSeq;
    while (s != lastSeq) {
      if (!seqs.contains(s)) return true;
      s = (s + 1) % (1 << 16);
    return false;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  protected int doProcess(Buffer inBuffer, Buffer outBuffer) {
    byte[] inData = (byte[]) inBuffer.getData();
    int inOffset = inBuffer.getOffset();

    if (!VP8PayloadDescriptor.isValid(inData, inOffset)) {
      logger.warn("Invalid RTP/VP8 packet discarded.");

    long inSeq = inBuffer.getSequenceNumber();
    long inRtpTimestamp = inBuffer.getRtpTimeStamp();
    int inPictureId = VP8PayloadDescriptor.getPictureId(inData, inOffset);
    boolean inMarker = (inBuffer.getFlags() & Buffer.FLAG_RTP_MARKER) != 0;
    boolean inIsStartOfFrame = VP8PayloadDescriptor.isStartOfFrame(inData, inOffset);
    int inLength = inBuffer.getLength();
    int inPdSize = VP8PayloadDescriptor.getSize(inData, inOffset);
    int inPayloadLength = inLength - inPdSize;

    if (empty && lastSentSeq != -1 && seqNumComparator.compare(inSeq, lastSentSeq) != 1) {
      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Discarding old packet (while empty) " + inSeq);

    if (!empty) {
      // if the incoming packet has a different PictureID or timestamp
      // than those of the current frame, then it belongs to a different
      // frame.
      if ((inPictureId != -1 && pictureId != -1 && inPictureId != pictureId)
          | (timestamp != -1 && inRtpTimestamp != -1 && inRtpTimestamp != timestamp)) {
        if (seqNumComparator.compare(inSeq, firstSeq) != 1) // inSeq <= firstSeq
          // the packet belongs to a previous frame. discard it
          if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Discarding old packet " + inSeq);
          return BUFFER_PROCESSED_OK;
        } else // inSeq > firstSeq (and also presumably isSeq > lastSeq)
          // the packet belongs to a subsequent frame (to the one
          // currently being held). Drop the current frame.

          if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
                "Discarding saved packets on arrival of"
                    + " a packet for a subsequent frame: "
                    + inSeq);

          // TODO: this would be the place to complain about the
          // not-well-received PictureID by sending a RTCP SLI or NACK.

    // a whole frame in a single packet. avoid the extra copy to
    // this.data and output it immediately.
    if (empty && inMarker && inIsStartOfFrame) {
      byte[] outData = validateByteArraySize(outBuffer, inPayloadLength, false);
      System.arraycopy(inData, inOffset + inPdSize, outData, 0, inPayloadLength);

      if (TRACE) logger.trace("Out PictureID=" + inPictureId);

      lastSentSeq = inSeq;


    // add to this.data
    Container container = free.poll();
    if (container == null) container = new Container();
    if (container.buf == null || container.buf.length < inPayloadLength)
      container.buf = new byte[inPayloadLength];

    if (data.get(inSeq) != null) {
      if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
        logger.info("(Probable) duplicate packet detected, discarding " + inSeq);

    System.arraycopy(inData, inOffset + inPdSize, container.buf, 0, inPayloadLength);
    container.len = inPayloadLength;
    data.put(inSeq, container);

    // update fields
    frameLength += inPayloadLength;
    if (firstSeq == -1 || (seqNumComparator.compare(firstSeq, inSeq) == 1)) firstSeq = inSeq;
    if (lastSeq == -1 || (seqNumComparator.compare(inSeq, lastSeq) == 1)) lastSeq = inSeq;

    if (empty) {
      // the first received packet for the current frame was just added
      empty = false;
      timestamp = inRtpTimestamp;
      pictureId = inPictureId;

    if (inMarker) haveEnd = true;
    if (inIsStartOfFrame) haveStart = true;

    // check if we have a full frame
    if (frameComplete()) {
      byte[] outData = validateByteArraySize(outBuffer, frameLength, false);
      int ptr = 0;
      Container b;
      for (Map.Entry<Long, Container> entry : data.entrySet()) {
        b = entry.getValue();
        System.arraycopy(b.buf, 0, outData, ptr, b.len);
        ptr += b.len;


      if (TRACE) logger.trace("Out PictureID=" + inPictureId);
      lastSentSeq = lastSeq;

      // prepare for the next frame

    } else {
      // frame not complete yet

   * Returns true if the buffer contains a VP8 key frame at offset <tt>offset</tt>.
   * @param buff the byte buffer to check
   * @param off the offset in the byte buffer where the actual data starts
   * @param len the length of the data in the byte buffer
   * @return true if the buffer contains a VP8 key frame at offset <tt>offset</tt>.
  public static boolean isKeyFrame(byte[] buff, int off, int len) {
    if (buff == null || buff.length < off + len || len < RawPacket.FIXED_HEADER_SIZE) {
      return false;

    // Check if this is the start of a VP8 partition in the payload
    // descriptor.
    if (!DePacketizer.VP8PayloadDescriptor.isValid(buff, off)) {
      return false;

    if (!DePacketizer.VP8PayloadDescriptor.isStartOfFrame(buff, off)) {
      return false;

    int szVP8PayloadDescriptor = DePacketizer.VP8PayloadDescriptor.getSize(buff, off);

    return DePacketizer.VP8PayloadHeader.isKeyFrame(buff, off + szVP8PayloadDescriptor);

   * A class that represents the VP8 Payload Descriptor structure defined in {@link
   * "http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-payload-vp8-10"}
  public static class VP8PayloadDescriptor {
    /** I bit from the X byte of the Payload Descriptor. */
    private static final byte I_BIT = (byte) 0x80;

    /** K bit from the X byte of the Payload Descriptor. */
    private static final byte K_BIT = (byte) 0x10;
    /** L bit from the X byte of the Payload Descriptor. */
    private static final byte L_BIT = (byte) 0x40;

    /** I bit from the I byte of the Payload Descriptor. */
    private static final byte M_BIT = (byte) 0x80;
    /** Maximum length of a VP8 Payload Descriptor. */
    public static final int MAX_LENGTH = 6;
    /** S bit from the first byte of the Payload Descriptor. */
    private static final byte S_BIT = (byte) 0x10;
    /** T bit from the X byte of the Payload Descriptor. */
    private static final byte T_BIT = (byte) 0x20;

    /** X bit from the first byte of the Payload Descriptor. */
    private static final byte X_BIT = (byte) 0x80;

     * Gets the temporal layer index (TID), if that's set.
     * @param buf the byte buffer that holds the VP8 packet.
     * @param off the offset in the byte buffer where the VP8 packet starts.
     * @param len the length of the VP8 packet.
     * @return the temporal layer index (TID), if that's set, -1 otherwise.
    public static int getTemporalLayerIndex(byte[] buf, int off, int len) {
      if (buf == null || buf.length < off + len || len < 2) {
        return -1;

      if ((buf[off] & X_BIT) == 0 || (buf[off + 1] & T_BIT) == 0) {
        return -1;

      int sz = getSize(buf, off);
      if (buf.length < off + sz || sz < 1) {
        return -1;

      return (buf[off + sz - 1] & 0xc0) >> 6;

     * Returns a simple Payload Descriptor, with PartID = 0, the 'start of partition' bit set
     * according to <tt>startOfPartition</tt>, and all other bits set to 0.
     * @param startOfPartition whether to 'start of partition' bit should be set
     * @return a simple Payload Descriptor, with PartID = 0, the 'start of partition' bit set
     *     according to <tt>startOfPartition</tt>, and all other bits set to 0.
    public static byte[] create(boolean startOfPartition) {
      byte[] pd = new byte[1];
      pd[0] = startOfPartition ? (byte) 0x10 : 0;
      return pd;

     * The size in bytes of the Payload Descriptor at offset <tt>offset</tt> in <tt>input</tt>. The
     * size is between 1 and 6.
     * @param input input
     * @param offset offset
     * @return The size in bytes of the Payload Descriptor at offset <tt>offset</tt> in
     *     <tt>input</tt>, or -1 if the input is not a valid VP8 Payload Descriptor. The size is
     *     between 1 and 6.
    public static int getSize(byte[] input, int offset) {
      if (!isValid(input, offset)) return -1;

      if ((input[offset] & X_BIT) == 0) return 1;

      int size = 2;
      if ((input[offset + 1] & I_BIT) != 0) {
        if ((input[offset + 2] & M_BIT) != 0) size++;
      if ((input[offset + 1] & L_BIT) != 0) size++;
      if ((input[offset + 1] & (T_BIT | K_BIT)) != 0) size++;

      return size;

     * Gets the value of the PictureID field of a VP8 Payload Descriptor.
     * @param input
     * @param offset
     * @return the value of the PictureID field of a VP8 Payload Descriptor, or -1 if the fields is
     *     not present.
    private static int getPictureId(byte[] input, int offset) {
      if (!isValid(input, offset)) return -1;

      if ((input[offset] & X_BIT) == 0 || (input[offset + 1] & I_BIT) == 0) return -1;

      boolean isLong = (input[offset + 2] & M_BIT) != 0;
      if (isLong) return (input[offset + 2] & 0x7f) << 8 | (input[offset + 3] & 0xff);
      else return input[offset + 2] & 0x7f;

    public static boolean isValid(byte[] input, int offset) {
      return true;

     * Checks whether the '<tt>start of partition</tt>' bit is set in the VP8 Payload Descriptor at
     * offset <tt>offset</tt> in <tt>input</tt>.
     * @param input input
     * @param offset offset
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the '<tt>start of partition</tt>' bit is set, <tt>false</tt>
     *     otherwise.
    public static boolean isStartOfPartition(byte[] input, int offset) {
      return (input[offset] & S_BIT) != 0;

     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if both the '<tt>start of partition</tt>' bit is set and the
     * <tt>PID</tt> fields has value 0 in the VP8 Payload Descriptor at offset <tt>offset</tt> in
     * <tt>input</tt>.
     * @param input
     * @param offset
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if both the '<tt>start of partition</tt>' bit is set and the
     *     <tt>PID</tt> fields has value 0 in the VP8 Payload Descriptor at offset <tt>offset</tt>
     *     in <tt>input</tt>.
    public static boolean isStartOfFrame(byte[] input, int offset) {
      return isStartOfPartition(input, offset) && getPartitionId(input, offset) == 0;

     * Returns the value of the <tt>PID</tt> (partition ID) field of the VP8 Payload Descriptor at
     * offset <tt>offset</tt> in <tt>input</tt>.
     * @param input
     * @param offset
     * @return the value of the <tt>PID</tt> (partition ID) field of the VP8 Payload Descriptor at
     *     offset <tt>offset</tt> in <tt>input</tt>.
    public static int getPartitionId(byte[] input, int offset) {
      return input[offset] & 0x07;

   * A class that represents the VP8 Payload Header structure defined in {@link
   * "http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-payload-vp8-10"}
  public static class VP8PayloadHeader {
    /** S bit of the Payload Descriptor. */
    private static final byte S_BIT = (byte) 0x01;

     * Returns true if the <tt>P</tt> (inverse key frame flag) field of the VP8 Payload Header at
     * offset <tt>offset</tt> in <tt>input</tt> is 0.
     * @return true if the <tt>P</tt> (inverse key frame flag) field of the VP8 Payload Header at
     *     offset <tt>offset</tt> in <tt>input</tt> is 0, false otherwise.
    public static boolean isKeyFrame(byte[] input, int offset) {
      // When set to 0 the current frame is a key frame.  When set to 1
      // the current frame is an interframe. Defined in [RFC6386]

      return (input[offset] & S_BIT) == 0;

  /** A simple container for a <tt>byte[]</tt> and an integer. */
  private static class Container {
    /** This <tt>Container</tt>'s data. */
    private byte[] buf;

    /** Length used. */
    private int len = 0;
Beispiel #21
 * @author Emil Ivov
 * @author Lyubomir Marinov
public class ConfigurationActivator implements BundleActivator {
  /** The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>ConfigurationActivator</tt> class for logging output. */
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ConfigurationActivator.class);

  /** The currently registered {@link ConfigurationService} instance. */
  private ConfigurationService cs;

   * Starts the configuration service
   * @param bundleContext the <tt>BundleContext</tt> as provided by the OSGi framework.
   * @throws Exception if anything goes wrong
  public void start(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception {
    FileAccessService fas = ServiceUtils.getService(bundleContext, FileAccessService.class);

    if (fas != null) {
      File usePropFileConfig;
      try {
        usePropFileConfig =
            fas.getPrivatePersistentFile(".usepropfileconfig", FileCategory.PROFILE);
      } catch (Exception ise) {
        // There is somewhat of a chicken-and-egg dependency between
        // FileConfigurationServiceImpl and ConfigurationServiceImpl:
        // FileConfigurationServiceImpl throws IllegalStateException if
        // certain System properties are not set,
        // ConfigurationServiceImpl will make sure that these properties
        // are set but it will do that later.
        // A SecurityException is thrown when the destination
        // is not writable or we do not have access to that folder
        usePropFileConfig = null;

      if (usePropFileConfig != null && usePropFileConfig.exists()) {
        logger.info("Using properties file configuration store.");
        this.cs = LibJitsi.getConfigurationService();

    if (this.cs == null) {
      this.cs = new JdbcConfigService(fas);

    bundleContext.registerService(ConfigurationService.class.getName(), this.cs, null);


   * Causes the configuration service to store the properties object and unregisters the
   * configuration service.
   * @param bundleContext <tt>BundleContext</tt>
   * @throws Exception if anything goes wrong while storing the properties managed by the
   *     <tt>ConfigurationService</tt> implementation provided by this bundle and while
   *     unregistering the service in question
  public void stop(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception {
    this.cs = null;

   * Makes home folder and the configuration file readable and writable only to the owner.
   * @param cs the <tt>ConfigurationService</tt> instance to check for home folder and configuration
   *     file.
  private static void fixPermissions(ConfigurationService cs) {
    if (!OSUtils.IS_LINUX && !OSUtils.IS_MAC) return;

    try {
      // let's check config file and config folder
      File homeFolder = new File(cs.getScHomeDirLocation(), cs.getScHomeDirName());
      Set<PosixFilePermission> perms =
          new HashSet<PosixFilePermission>() {
      Files.setPosixFilePermissions(Paths.get(homeFolder.getAbsolutePath()), perms);

      String fileName = cs.getConfigurationFilename();
      if (fileName != null) {
        File cf = new File(homeFolder, fileName);
        if (cf.exists()) {
          perms =
              new HashSet<PosixFilePermission>() {
          Files.setPosixFilePermissions(Paths.get(cf.getAbsolutePath()), perms);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      logger.error("Error creating c lib instance for fixing file permissions", t);

      if (t instanceof InterruptedException) Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
      else if (t instanceof ThreadDeath) throw (ThreadDeath) t;
 * The stream used by JMF for our image streaming.
 * @author Sebastien Vincent
 * @author Lyubomir Marinov
 * @author Damian Minkov
public class ImageStream extends AbstractVideoPullBufferStream<DataSource> {
   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>ImageStream</tt> class and its instances for logging
   * output.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ImageStream.class);

   * The pool of <tt>ByteBuffer</tt>s this instances is using to optimize the allocations and
   * deallocations of <tt>ByteBuffer</tt>s.
  private final ByteBufferPool byteBufferPool = new ByteBufferPool();

  /** Desktop interaction (screen capture, key press, ...). */
  private DesktopInteract desktopInteract = null;

  /** Index of display that we will capture from. */
  private int displayIndex = -1;

  /** Sequence number. */
  private long seqNo = 0;

  /** X origin. */
  private int x = 0;

  /** Y origin. */
  private int y = 0;

   * Initializes a new <tt>ImageStream</tt> instance which is to have a specific
   * <tt>FormatControl</tt>
   * @param dataSource the <tt>DataSource</tt> which is creating the new instance so that it becomes
   *     one of its <tt>streams</tt>
   * @param formatControl the <tt>FormatControl</tt> of the new instance which is to specify the
   *     format in which it is to provide its media data
  ImageStream(DataSource dataSource, FormatControl formatControl) {
    super(dataSource, formatControl);

   * Blocks and reads into a <tt>Buffer</tt> from this <tt>PullBufferStream</tt>.
   * @param buffer the <tt>Buffer</tt> this <tt>PullBufferStream</tt> is to read into
   * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while this <tt>PullBufferStream</tt> reads into the
   *     specified <tt>Buffer</tt>
   * @see AbstractVideoPullBufferStream#doRead(Buffer)
  protected void doRead(Buffer buffer) throws IOException {
     * Determine the Format in which we're expected to output. We cannot
     * rely on the Format always being specified in the Buffer because it is
     * not its responsibility, the DataSource of this ImageStream knows the
     * output Format.
    Format format = buffer.getFormat();

    if (format == null) {
      format = getFormat();
      if (format != null) buffer.setFormat(format);

    if (format instanceof AVFrameFormat) {
      Object o = buffer.getData();
      AVFrame frame;

      if (o instanceof AVFrame) frame = (AVFrame) o;
      else {
        frame = new AVFrame();

      AVFrameFormat avFrameFormat = (AVFrameFormat) format;
      Dimension size = avFrameFormat.getSize();
      ByteBuffer data = readScreenNative(size);

      if (data != null) {
        if (frame.avpicture_fill(data, avFrameFormat) < 0) {
          throw new IOException("avpicture_fill");
      } else {
         * This can happen when we disconnect a monitor from computer
         * before or during grabbing.
        throw new IOException("Failed to grab screen.");
    } else {
      byte[] bytes = (byte[]) buffer.getData();
      Dimension size = ((VideoFormat) format).getSize();

      bytes = readScreen(bytes, size);


    buffer.setFlags(Buffer.FLAG_SYSTEM_TIME | Buffer.FLAG_LIVE_DATA);

   * Read screen.
   * @param output output buffer for screen bytes
   * @param dim dimension of the screen
   * @return raw bytes, it could be equal to output or not. Take care in the caller to check if
   *     output is the returned value.
  public byte[] readScreen(byte[] output, Dimension dim) {
    VideoFormat format = (VideoFormat) getFormat();
    Dimension formatSize = format.getSize();
    int width = formatSize.width;
    int height = formatSize.height;
    BufferedImage scaledScreen = null;
    BufferedImage screen = null;
    byte data[] = null;
    int size = width * height * 4;

    // If output is not large enough, enlarge it.
    if ((output == null) || (output.length < size)) output = new byte[size];

    /* get desktop screen via native grabber if available */
    if (desktopInteract.captureScreen(displayIndex, x, y, dim.width, dim.height, output)) {
      return output;

    System.out.println("failed to grab with native! " + output.length);

    /* OK native grabber failed or is not available,
     * try with AWT Robot and convert it to the right format
     * Note that it is very memory consuming since memory are allocated
     * to capture screen (via Robot) and then for converting to raw bytes
     * Moreover support for multiple display has not yet been investigated
     * Normally not of our supported platform (Windows (x86, x64),
     * Linux (x86, x86-64), Mac OS X (i386, x86-64, ppc) and
     * FreeBSD (x86, x86-64) should go here.
    screen = desktopInteract.captureScreen();

    if (screen != null) {
      /* convert to ARGB BufferedImage */
      scaledScreen =
          ImgStreamingUtils.getScaledImage(screen, width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
      /* get raw bytes */
      data = ImgStreamingUtils.getImageBytes(scaledScreen, output);

    screen = null;
    scaledScreen = null;
    return data;

   * Read screen and store result in native buffer.
   * @param dim dimension of the video
   * @return true if success, false otherwise
  private ByteBuffer readScreenNative(Dimension dim) {
    int size = dim.width * dim.height * 4 + FFmpeg.FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE;
    ByteBuffer data = byteBufferPool.getBuffer(size);


    /* get desktop screen via native grabber */
    boolean b;

    try {
      b =
              displayIndex, x, y, dim.width, dim.height, data.getPtr(), data.getLength());
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      if (t instanceof ThreadDeath) {
        throw (ThreadDeath) t;
      } else {
        b = false;
        //                logger.error("Failed to grab screen!", t);
    if (!b) {
      data = null;
    return data;

   * Sets the index of the display to be used by this <tt>ImageStream</tt>.
   * @param displayIndex the index of the display to be used by this <tt>ImageStream</tt>
  public void setDisplayIndex(int displayIndex) {
    this.displayIndex = displayIndex;

   * Sets the origin to be captured by this <tt>ImageStream</tt>.
   * @param x the x coordinate of the origin to be set on this instance
   * @param y the y coordinate of the origin to be set on this instance
  public void setOrigin(int x, int y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

   * Start desktop capture stream.
   * @see AbstractPullBufferStream#start()
  public void start() throws IOException {

    if (desktopInteract == null) {
      try {
        desktopInteract = new DesktopInteractImpl();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.warn("Cannot create DesktopInteract object!");

   * Stop desktop capture stream.
   * @see AbstractPullBufferStream#stop()
  public void stop() throws IOException {
    try {
      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Stop stream");
    } finally {

Beispiel #23
 * The <tt>FileElement</tt> extends the smackx <tt>StreamInitiation.File</tt> in order to provide a
 * file that supports thumbnails.
 * @author Yana Stamcheva
public class FileElement extends File implements IQProvider {
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FileElement.class);

  private static final List<DateFormat> DATE_FORMATS = new ArrayList<DateFormat>();

  /** The element name of this <tt>IQProvider</tt>. */
  public static final String ELEMENT_NAME = "si";

  /** The namespace of this <tt>IQProvider</tt>. */
  public static final String NAMESPACE = "http://jabber.org/protocol/si";

  static {
    DateFormat fmt;

    // XEP-0091
    fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");

    // XEP-0082
    fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
    fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'");
    DATE_FORMATS.add(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"));
    DATE_FORMATS.add(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"));

  private ThumbnailElement thumbnail;

  /** An empty constructor used to initialize this class as an <tt>IQProvider</tt>. */
  public FileElement() {
    this("", 0);

   * Creates a <tt>FileElement</tt> by specifying a base file and a thumbnail to extend it with.
   * @param baseFile the file used as a base
   * @param thumbnail the thumbnail to add
  public FileElement(File baseFile, ThumbnailElement thumbnail) {
    this(baseFile.getName(), baseFile.getSize());

    this.thumbnail = thumbnail;

   * Creates a <tt>FileElement</tt> by specifying the name and the size of the file.
   * @param name the name of the file
   * @param size the size of the file
  public FileElement(String name, long size) {
    super(name, size);

   * Represents this <tt>FileElement</tt> in an XML.
   * @see File#toXML()
  public String toXML() {
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();

        .append(" xmlns=\"")
        .append("\" ");

    if (getName() != null) {
      buffer.append("name=\"").append(StringUtils.escapeForXML(getName())).append("\" ");

    if (getSize() > 0) {
      buffer.append("size=\"").append(getSize()).append("\" ");

    if (getDate() != null) {
      buffer.append("date=\"").append(StringUtils.formatXEP0082Date(this.getDate())).append("\" ");

    if (getHash() != null) {
      buffer.append("hash=\"").append(getHash()).append("\" ");

    if ((this.getDesc() != null && getDesc().length() > 0) || isRanged() || thumbnail != null) {

      if (getDesc() != null && getDesc().length() > 0) {

      if (isRanged()) {

      if (thumbnail != null) {

    } else {

    return buffer.toString();

   * Returns the <tt>ThumbnailElement</tt> contained in this <tt>FileElement</tt>.
   * @return the <tt>ThumbnailElement</tt> contained in this <tt>FileElement</tt>
  public ThumbnailElement getThumbnailElement() {
    return thumbnail;

   * Sets the given <tt>thumbnail</tt> to this <tt>FileElement</tt>.
   * @param thumbnail the <tt>ThumbnailElement</tt> to set
  public void setThumbnailElement(ThumbnailElement thumbnail) {
    this.thumbnail = thumbnail;

   * Parses the given <tt>parser</tt> in order to create a <tt>FileElement</tt> from it.
   * @param parser the parser to parse
   * @see IQProvider#parseIQ(XmlPullParser)
  public IQ parseIQ(final XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception {
    boolean done = false;

    // si
    String id = parser.getAttributeValue("", "id");
    String mimeType = parser.getAttributeValue("", "mime-type");
    StreamInitiation initiation = new StreamInitiation();

    // file
    String name = null;
    String size = null;
    String hash = null;
    String date = null;
    String desc = null;
    ThumbnailElement thumbnail = null;
    boolean isRanged = false;

    // feature
    DataForm form = null;
    DataFormProvider dataFormProvider = new DataFormProvider();

    int eventType;
    String elementName;
    String namespace;

    while (!done) {
      eventType = parser.next();
      elementName = parser.getName();
      namespace = parser.getNamespace();

      if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
        if (elementName.equals("file")) {
          name = parser.getAttributeValue("", "name");
          size = parser.getAttributeValue("", "size");
          hash = parser.getAttributeValue("", "hash");
          date = parser.getAttributeValue("", "date");
        } else if (elementName.equals("desc")) {
          desc = parser.nextText();
        } else if (elementName.equals("range")) {
          isRanged = true;
        } else if (elementName.equals("x") && namespace.equals("jabber:x:data")) {
          form = (DataForm) dataFormProvider.parseExtension(parser);
        } else if (elementName.equals("thumbnail")) {
          thumbnail = new ThumbnailElement(parser.getText());
      } else if (eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) {
        if (elementName.equals("si")) {
          done = true;
        // The name-attribute is required per XEP-0096, so ignore the
        // IQ if the name is not set to avoid exceptions. Particularly,
        // the SI response of Empathy contains an invalid, empty
        // file-tag.
        else if (elementName.equals("file") && name != null) {
          long fileSize = 0;

          if (size != null && size.trim().length() != 0) {
            try {
              fileSize = Long.parseLong(size);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                  "Received an invalid file size," + " continuing with fileSize set to 0", e);

          FileElement file = new FileElement(name, fileSize);

          if (date != null) {
            // try all known date formats
            boolean found = false;
            if (date.matches(".*?T\\d+:\\d+:\\d+(\\.\\d+)?(\\+|-)\\d+:\\d+")) {
              int timeZoneColon = date.lastIndexOf(":");
              date =
                  date.substring(0, timeZoneColon)
                      + date.substring(timeZoneColon + 1, date.length());
            for (DateFormat fmt : DATE_FORMATS) {
              try {
                found = true;
              } catch (ParseException ex) {

            if (!found) {
              logger.warn("Unknown dateformat on incoming file transfer: " + date);

          if (thumbnail != null) file.setThumbnailElement(thumbnail);



    return initiation;
Beispiel #24
 * Class implements {@link Recorder} using Jirecon recorder container.
 * @author Pawel Domas
public class JireconRecorder extends Recorder {
  /** The logger. */
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(JireconRecorder.class);

   * The name of the property which specifies the token used to authenticate requests to enable
   * media recording.
  static final String MEDIA_RECORDING_TOKEN_PNAME = "org.jitsi.videobridge.MEDIA_RECORDING_TOKEN";

  /** FIXME: not sure about that Our room JID in form of room_name@muc_component/focus_nickname */
  private final String mucRoomJid;

  /** Recording authentication token. */
  private final String token;

  /** Recording status of the Jirecon component. */
  private JireconIq.Status status = JireconIq.Status.UNDEFINED;

  /** Recording session identifier assigned by Jirecon. */
  private String recordingId;

   * Creates new instance of <tt>JireconRecorder</tt>.
   * @param mucRoomJid focus room jid in form of "room_name@muc_component/focus_nickname".
   * @param recorderComponentJid recorder component address.
   * @param xmpp {@link OperationSetDirectSmackXmpp} instance for current XMPP connection.
  public JireconRecorder(
      String mucRoomJid, String recorderComponentJid, OperationSetDirectSmackXmpp xmpp) {
    super(recorderComponentJid, xmpp);

    this.mucRoomJid = mucRoomJid;
    this.token = FocusBundleActivator.getConfigService().getString(MEDIA_RECORDING_TOKEN_PNAME);

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public boolean isRecording() {
    return JireconIq.Status.INITIATING == status || JireconIq.Status.STARTED == status;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public boolean setRecording(String from, String token, State doRecord, String path) {
    if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(this.token) && !this.token.equals(token)) {
      return false;

    if (!isRecording() && doRecord.equals(State.ON)) {
      // Send start recording IQ
      JireconIq recording = new JireconIq();



      Packet reply = xmpp.getXmppConnection().sendPacketAndGetReply(recording);
      if (reply instanceof JireconIq) {
        JireconIq recResponse = (JireconIq) reply;
        if (JireconIq.Status.INITIATING.equals(recResponse.getStatus())) {
          recordingId = recResponse.getRid();
          logger.info("Received recording ID: " + recordingId);
          status = JireconIq.Status.INITIATING;
        } else {
          logger.error("Unexpected status received: " + recResponse.toXML());
      } else {
        logger.error("Unexpected response: " + IQUtils.responseToXML(reply));
    } else if (isRecording() && doRecord.equals(State.OFF)) {
      // Send stop recording IQ
      JireconIq recording = new JireconIq();




      status = JireconIq.Status.STOPPING;

    return true;

   * Accepts Jirecon packets.
   * <p>{@inheritDoc}
  public boolean accept(Packet packet) {
    return packet instanceof JireconIq;

   * Jirecon packets processing logic.
   * <p>{@inheritDoc}
  public void processPacket(Packet packet) {
    JireconIq recording = (JireconIq) packet;

    if (JireconIq.Action.INFO != recording.getAction() && IQ.Type.RESULT == recording.getType()
        || StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(recording.getRid())) {
      logger.warn("Discarded: " + recording.toXML());

    if (!recording.getRid().equals(recordingId)) {
      logger.warn("Received IQ for unknown session: " + recording.toXML());

    if (status != recording.getStatus()) {
      status = recording.getStatus();

      logger.info("Recording " + recordingId + " status: " + status);

      if (status == JireconIq.Status.STOPPED) {
        logger.info("Recording STOPPED: " + recordingId);
        recordingId = null;
    } else {
      logger.info("Ignored status change: " + recording.toXML());
 * @author Bing SU ([email protected])
 * @author Lyubomir Marinov
 * @author Boris Grozev
public abstract class RTPConnectorInputStream implements PushSourceStream, Runnable {
   * The value of the property <tt>controls</tt> of <tt>RTPConnectorInputStream</tt> when there are
   * no controls. Explicitly defined in order to reduce unnecessary allocations.
  private static final Object[] EMPTY_CONTROLS = new Object[0];

   * The length in bytes of the buffers of <tt>RTPConnectorInputStream</tt> receiving packets from
   * the network.
  public static final int PACKET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_LENGTH = 4 * 1024;

   * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>RTPConnectorInputStream</tt> class and its instances to
   * print debug information.
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RTPConnectorInputStream.class);

  /** Packet receive buffer */
  private final byte[] buffer = new byte[PACKET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_LENGTH];

  /** Whether this stream is closed. Used to control the termination of worker thread. */
  protected boolean closed;

  public Participant videoRecorder;

   * The <tt>DatagramPacketFilter</tt>s which allow dropping <tt>DatagramPacket</tt>s before they
   * are converted into <tt>RawPacket</tt>s.
  private DatagramPacketFilter[] datagramPacketFilters;

  /** Caught an IO exception during read from socket */
  protected boolean ioError = false;

   * The packet data to be read out of this instance through its {@link #read(byte[], int, int)}
   * method.
  private RawPacket pkt;

  /** The <tt>Object</tt> which synchronizes the access to {@link #pkt}. */
  private final Object pktSyncRoot = new Object();

  /** The adapter of this <tt>PushSourceStream</tt> to the <tt>PushBufferStream</tt> interface. */
  private final PushBufferStream pushBufferStream;

   * The pool of <tt>RawPacket[]</tt> instances to reduce their allocations and garbage collection.
   * Contains arrays full of <tt>null</tt>.
  private final Queue<RawPacket[]> rawPacketArrayPool = new LinkedBlockingQueue<RawPacket[]>();

   * The pool of <tt>RawPacket</tt> instances to reduce their allocations and garbage collection.
  private final Queue<RawPacket> rawPacketPool = new LinkedBlockingQueue<RawPacket>();

  /** The Thread receiving packets. */
  protected Thread receiverThread = null;

  /** SourceTransferHandler object which is used to read packets. */
  private SourceTransferHandler transferHandler;

   * Whether this <tt>RTPConnectorInputStream</tt> is enabled or disabled. While disabled, the
   * stream does not accept any packets.
  private boolean enabled = true;

   * Initializes a new <tt>RTPConnectorInputStream</tt> which is to receive packet data from a
   * specific UDP socket.
  public RTPConnectorInputStream() {
    // PacketLoggingService
        new DatagramPacketFilter() {
           * Used for debugging. As we don't log every packet, we must count them and decide which
           * to log.
          private long numberOfPackets = 0;

          public boolean accept(DatagramPacket p) {
            if (RTPConnectorOutputStream.logPacket(numberOfPackets)) {
              PacketLoggingService packetLogging = LibJitsi.getPacketLoggingService();

              if ((packetLogging != null)
                  && packetLogging.isLoggingEnabled(PacketLoggingService.ProtocolName.RTP))

            return true;

     * Adapt this PushSourceStream to the PushBufferStream interface in
     * order to make it possible to read the Buffer flags of RawPacket.
    pushBufferStream =
        new PushBufferStreamAdapter(this, null) {
          protected int doRead(Buffer buffer, byte[] data, int offset, int length)
              throws IOException {
            return RTPConnectorInputStream.this.read(buffer, data, offset, length);

  /** Close this stream, stops the worker thread. */
  public synchronized void close() {}

   * Creates a new <tt>RawPacket</tt> from a specific <tt>DatagramPacket</tt> in order to have this
   * instance receive its packet data through its {@link #read(byte[], int, int)} method. Returns an
   * array of <tt>RawPacket</tt> with the created packet as its first element (and <tt>null</tt> for
   * the other elements).
   * <p>Allows extenders to intercept the packet data and possibly filter and/or modify it.
   * @param datagramPacket the <tt>DatagramPacket</tt> containing the packet data
   * @return an array of <tt>RawPacket</tt> containing the <tt>RawPacket</tt> which contains the
   *     packet data of the specified <tt>DatagramPacket</tt> as its first element.
  protected RawPacket[] createRawPacket(DatagramPacket datagramPacket) {
    RawPacket[] pkts = rawPacketArrayPool.poll();
    if (pkts == null) pkts = new RawPacket[1];

    RawPacket pkt = rawPacketPool.poll();
    if (pkt == null) pkt = new RawPacket();


    pkts[0] = pkt;
    return pkts;

   * Provides a dummy implementation to {@link RTPConnectorInputStream#endOfStream()} that always
   * returns <tt>false</tt>.
   * @return <tt>false</tt>, no matter what.
  public boolean endOfStream() {
    return false;

   * Provides a dummy implementation to {@link RTPConnectorInputStream#getContentDescriptor()} that
   * always returns <tt>null</tt>.
   * @return <tt>null</tt>, no matter what.
  public ContentDescriptor getContentDescriptor() {
    return null;

   * Provides a dummy implementation to {@link RTPConnectorInputStream#getContentLength()} that
   * always returns <tt>LENGTH_UNKNOWN</tt>.
   * @return <tt>LENGTH_UNKNOWN</tt>, no matter what.
  public long getContentLength() {
    return LENGTH_UNKNOWN;

   * Provides a dummy implementation of {@link RTPConnectorInputStream#getControl(String)} that
   * always returns <tt>null</tt>.
   * @param controlType ignored.
   * @return <tt>null</tt>, no matter what.
  public Object getControl(String controlType) {
    if (PushBufferStream.class.getName().equals(controlType)) return pushBufferStream;
    else return null;

   * Provides a dummy implementation of {@link RTPConnectorInputStream#getControls()} that always
   * returns <tt>EMPTY_CONTROLS</tt>.
   * @return <tt>EMPTY_CONTROLS</tt>, no matter what.
  public Object[] getControls() {
    return EMPTY_CONTROLS;

   * Provides a dummy implementation to {@link RTPConnectorInputStream#getMinimumTransferSize()}
   * that always returns <tt>2 * 1024</tt>.
   * @return <tt>2 * 1024</tt>, no matter what.
  public int getMinimumTransferSize() {
    return 2 * 1024; // twice the MTU size, just to be safe.

   * Pools the specified <tt>RawPacket</tt> in order to avoid future allocations and to reduce the
   * effects of garbage collection.
   * @param pkt the <tt>RawPacket</tt> to be offered to {@link #rawPacketPool}
  private void poolRawPacket(RawPacket pkt) {

   * Copies the content of the most recently received packet into <tt>buffer</tt>.
   * @param buffer the <tt>byte[]</tt> that we'd like to copy the content of the packet to.
   * @param offset the position where we are supposed to start writing in <tt>buffer</tt>.
   * @param length the number of <tt>byte</tt>s available for writing in <tt>buffer</tt>.
   * @return the number of bytes read
   * @throws IOException if <tt>length</tt> is less than the size of the packet.
  public int read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
    return read(null, buffer, offset, length);

   * Copies the content of the most recently received packet into <tt>data</tt>.
   * @param buffer an optional <tt>Buffer</tt> instance associated with the specified <tt>data</tt>,
   *     <tt>offset</tt> and <tt>length</tt> and provided to the method in case the implementation
   *     would like to provide additional <tt>Buffer</tt> properties such as <tt>flags</tt>
   * @param data the <tt>byte[]</tt> that we'd like to copy the content of the packet to.
   * @param offset the position where we are supposed to start writing in <tt>data</tt>.
   * @param length the number of <tt>byte</tt>s available for writing in <tt>data</tt>.
   * @return the number of bytes read
   * @throws IOException if <tt>length</tt> is less than the size of the packet.
  protected int read(Buffer buffer, byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
    if (data == null) throw new NullPointerException("data");

    if (ioError) return -1;

    RawPacket pkt;

    synchronized (pktSyncRoot) {
      pkt = this.pkt;
      this.pkt = null;

    int pktLength;

    if (pkt == null) {
      pktLength = 0;
    } else {
      // By default, pkt will be returned to the pool after it was read.
      boolean poolPkt = true;

      try {
        pktLength = pkt.getLength();
        if (length < pktLength) {
           * If pkt is still the latest RawPacket made available to
           * reading, reinstate it for the next invocation of read;
           * otherwise, return it to the pool.
          poolPkt = false;
          throw new IOException("Input buffer not big enough for " + pktLength);
        } else {
          byte[] pktBuffer = pkt.getBuffer();

          if (pktBuffer == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException(
                "pkt.buffer null, pkt.length " + pktLength + ", pkt.offset " + pkt.getOffset());
          } else {
            System.arraycopy(pkt.getBuffer(), pkt.getOffset(), data, offset, pktLength);
            if (buffer != null) buffer.setFlags(pkt.getFlags());
      } finally {
        if (!poolPkt) {
          synchronized (pktSyncRoot) {
            if (this.pkt == null) this.pkt = pkt;
            else poolPkt = true;
        if (poolPkt) {
          // Return pkt to the pool because it was successfully read.

    return pktLength;

   * Log the packet.
   * @param packet packet to log
  protected abstract void doLogPacket(DatagramPacket packet);

   * Receive packet.
   * @param p packet for receiving
   * @throws IOException if something goes wrong during receiving
  protected abstract void receivePacket(DatagramPacket p) throws IOException;

   * Listens for incoming datagrams, stores them for reading by the <tt>read</tt> method and
   * notifies the local <tt>transferHandler</tt> that there's data to be read.
  public void run() {
    DatagramPacket p = new DatagramPacket(buffer, 0, PACKET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_LENGTH);

    while (!closed) {
      try {
        // http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=24765

      } catch (IOException e) {
        ioError = true;

       * Do the DatagramPacketFilters accept the received DatagramPacket?
      DatagramPacketFilter[] datagramPacketFilters = getDatagramPacketFilters();
      boolean accept;

      if (!enabled) accept = false;
      else if (datagramPacketFilters == null) accept = true;
      else {
        accept = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < datagramPacketFilters.length; i++) {
          try {
            if (!datagramPacketFilters[i].accept(p)) {
              accept = false;
          } catch (Throwable t) {
            if (t instanceof ThreadDeath) throw (ThreadDeath) t;

      if (accept) {
        RawPacket pkts[] = createRawPacket(p);

        for (int i = 0; i < pkts.length; i++) {
          RawPacket pkt = pkts[i];

          pkts[i] = null;

          if (pkt != null) {
            if (pkt.isInvalid()) {
               * Return pkt to the pool because it is invalid and,
               * consequently, will not be made available to
               * reading.
            } else {
              RawPacket oldPkt;

              synchronized (pktSyncRoot) {
                oldPkt = this.pkt;
                this.pkt = pkt;
              if (oldPkt != null) {
                 * Return oldPkt to the pool because it was made
                 * available to reading and it was not read.

              if (videoRecorder != null) videoRecorder.recordData(pkt);

              if ((transferHandler != null) && !closed) {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                   * XXX We cannot allow transferHandler to
                   * kill us.
                  if (t instanceof ThreadDeath) {
                    throw (ThreadDeath) t;
                  } else {
                    logger.warn("An RTP packet may have not been" + " fully handled.", t);

   * Sets the <tt>transferHandler</tt> that this connector should be notifying when new data is
   * available for reading.
   * @param transferHandler the <tt>transferHandler</tt> that this connector should be notifying
   *     when new data is available for reading.
  public void setTransferHandler(SourceTransferHandler transferHandler) {
    if (!closed) this.transferHandler = transferHandler;

   * Changes current thread priority.
   * @param priority the new priority.
  public void setPriority(int priority) {
    // currently no priority is set
    //        if (receiverThread != null)
    //            receiverThread.setPriority(priority);

   * Gets the <tt>DatagramPacketFilter</tt>s which allow dropping <tt>DatagramPacket</tt>s before
   * they are converted into <tt>RawPacket</tt>s.
   * @return the <tt>DatagramPacketFilter</tt>s which allow dropping <tt>DatagramPacket</tt>s before
   *     they are converted into <tt>RawPacket</tt>s.
  public synchronized DatagramPacketFilter[] getDatagramPacketFilters() {
    return datagramPacketFilters;

   * Adds a <tt>DatagramPacketFilter</tt> which allows dropping <tt>DatagramPacket</tt>s before they
   * are converted into <tt>RawPacket</tt>s.
   * @param datagramPacketFilter the <tt>DatagramPacketFilter</tt> which allows dropping
   *     <tt>DatagramPacket</tt>s before they are converted into <tt>RawPacket</tt>s
  public synchronized void addDatagramPacketFilter(DatagramPacketFilter datagramPacketFilter) {
    if (datagramPacketFilter == null) throw new NullPointerException("datagramPacketFilter");

    if (datagramPacketFilters == null) {
      datagramPacketFilters = new DatagramPacketFilter[] {datagramPacketFilter};
    } else {
      final int length = datagramPacketFilters.length;

      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        if (datagramPacketFilter.equals(datagramPacketFilters[i])) return;

      DatagramPacketFilter[] newDatagramPacketFilters = new DatagramPacketFilter[length + 1];

      System.arraycopy(datagramPacketFilters, 0, newDatagramPacketFilters, 0, length);
      newDatagramPacketFilters[length] = datagramPacketFilter;
      datagramPacketFilters = newDatagramPacketFilters;

   * Enables or disables this <tt>RTPConnectorInputStream</tt>. While the stream is disabled, it
   * does not accept any packets.
   * @param enabled <tt>true</tt> to enable, <tt>false</tt> to disable.
  public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("setEnabled: " + enabled);

    this.enabled = enabled;