Beispiel #1
  public double calculateQmax() {

    double area_super = fixedParams.getArea();
    double area_sub = fixedParams.getArea_sub();
    double area_tot = 0f;

    /* if (effectsBox.containsKey("ampi_sub")) */
    if (area_sub != 0) {
      area_tot = area_sub + area_super;
    } else {
      area_tot = area_super;

    double qmax =
                * area_tot
                * (ModelsEngine.width_interpolate(ampidiff, iuhC.getTstarMax(), 0, 2)
                    - ModelsEngine.width_interpolate(ampidiff, iuhC.getTstarMax() - tpmax, 0, 2)));

    return qmax;
   * Executing ordinary kriging.
   * <p>
   * <li>Verify if the parameters are correct.
   * <li>Calculating the matrix of the covariance (a).
   * <li>For each point to interpolated, evalutate the know term vector (b) and solve the system (a
   *     x)=b where x is the weight.
   * @throws SchemaException
  public void process() throws Exception {

    List<Double> xStationList = new ArrayList<Double>();
    List<Double> yStationList = new ArrayList<Double>();
    List<Double> zStationList = new ArrayList<Double>();
    List<Double> hStationList = new ArrayList<Double>();

     * counter for the number of station with measured value !=0.
    int n1 = 0;
     * Store the station coordinates and measured data in the array.
    FeatureIterator<SimpleFeature> stationsIter = inStations.features();
    try {
      while (stationsIter.hasNext()) {
        SimpleFeature feature =;
        Object stationId = feature.getAttribute(fStationsid);
        int id;
        if (stationId instanceof Number) {
          id = ((Number) stationId).intValue();
        } else if (stationId instanceof String) {
          id = (int) Double.parseDouble((String) stationId);
        } else {
          throw new ModelsIllegalargumentException(
              "Unreadable type found for the station id.", this, pm);
        double z = 0;
        if (fStationsZ != null) {
          try {
            z = ((Number) feature.getAttribute(fStationsZ)).doubleValue();
          } catch (NullPointerException e) {
            throw new Exception(msg.message("kriging.noStationZ"));
        Coordinate coordinate =
            ((Geometry) feature.getDefaultGeometry()).getCentroid().getCoordinate();
        double[] h = inData.get(id);
        if (h == null || isNovalue(h[0])) {
           * skip data for non existing stations, they are allowed.
           * Also skip novalues.
        if (defaultVariogramMode == 0) {
          if (doIncludezero) {
            if (Math.abs(h[0]) >= 0.0) { // TOLL
              n1 = n1 + 1;
          } else {
            if (Math.abs(h[0]) > 0.0) { // TOLL
              n1 = n1 + 1;
        } else if (defaultVariogramMode == 1) {
          if (doIncludezero) {
            if (Math.abs(h[0]) >= 0.0) { // TOLL
              n1 = n1 + 1;
          } else {
            if (Math.abs(h[0]) > 0.0) { // TOLL
              n1 = n1 + 1;
    } finally {

    int nStaz = xStationList.size();
     * The coordinates of the station points plus in last position a place
     * for the coordinate of the point to interpolate.
    double[] xStation = new double[nStaz + 1];
    double[] yStation = new double[nStaz + 1];
    double[] zStation = new double[nStaz + 1];
    double[] hStation = new double[nStaz + 1];
    boolean areAllEquals = true;
    if (nStaz != 0) {
      xStation[0] = xStationList.get(0);
      yStation[0] = yStationList.get(0);
      zStation[0] = zStationList.get(0);
      hStation[0] = hStationList.get(0);
      double previousValue = hStation[0];

      for (int i = 1; i < nStaz; i++) {

        double xTmp = xStationList.get(i);
        double yTmp = yStationList.get(i);
        double zTmp = zStationList.get(i);
        double hTmp = hStationList.get(i);
        boolean doubleStation =
                xStation, yStation, zStation, hStation, xTmp, yTmp, zTmp, hTmp, i, false, pm);
        if (!doubleStation) {
          xStation[i] = xTmp;
          yStation[i] = yTmp;
          zStation[i] = zTmp;
          hStation[i] = hTmp;
          if (areAllEquals && hStation[i] != previousValue) {
            areAllEquals = false;
          previousValue = hStation[i];
    LinkedHashMap<Integer, Coordinate> pointsToInterpolateId2Coordinates = null;
    // vecchio int numPointToInterpolate = getNumPoint(inInterpolate);
    int numPointToInterpolate = 0;

     * if the isLogarithmic is true then execute the model with log value.
    // vecchio double[] result = new double[numPointToInterpolate];

    if (pMode == 0) {
      pointsToInterpolateId2Coordinates =
          getCoordinate(numPointToInterpolate, inInterpolate, fInterpolateid);
    } else if (pMode == 1) {
      pointsToInterpolateId2Coordinates = getCoordinate(inInterpolationGrid);
      numPointToInterpolate = pointsToInterpolateId2Coordinates.size();
    } else {
      throw new ModelsIllegalargumentException("The parameter pMode can only be 0 or 1.", this, pm);

    Set<Integer> pointsToInterpolateIdSet = pointsToInterpolateId2Coordinates.keySet();
    Iterator<Integer> idIterator = pointsToInterpolateIdSet.iterator();
    int j = 0;
    // vecchio int[] idArray = new int[inInterpolate.size()];
    int[] idArray = new int[pointsToInterpolateId2Coordinates.size()];
    double[] result = new double[pointsToInterpolateId2Coordinates.size()];
    if (n1 != 0) {
      if (doLogarithmic) {
        for (int i = 0; i < nStaz; i++) {
          if (hStation[i] > 0.0) {
            hStation[i] = Math.log(hStation[i]);

       * calculating the covariance matrix.
      double[][] covarianceMatrix = covMatrixCalculating(xStation, yStation, zStation, n1);
       * extract the coordinate of the points where interpolated.

       * initialize the solution and its variance vector.

      if (!areAllEquals && n1 > 1) {
        // pm.beginTask(msg.message("kriging.working"),inInterpolate.size());
        while (idIterator.hasNext()) {
          double sum = 0.;
          int id =;
          idArray[j] = id;
          Coordinate coordinate = (Coordinate) pointsToInterpolateId2Coordinates.get(id);
          xStation[n1] = coordinate.x;
          yStation[n1] = coordinate.y;
          zStation[n1] = coordinate.z;
           * calculating the right hand side of the kriging linear
           * system.
          double[] knownTerm = knownTermsCalculation(xStation, yStation, zStation, n1);

           * solve the linear system, where the result is the weight.
          ColumnVector knownTermColumn = new ColumnVector(knownTerm);
          LinearSystem linearSystem = new LinearSystem(covarianceMatrix);
          ColumnVector solution = linearSystem.solve(knownTermColumn, true);
          // Matrix a = new Matrix(covarianceMatrix);
          // Matrix b = new Matrix(knownTerm, knownTerm.length);
          // Matrix x = a.solve(b);
          double[] moltiplicativeFactor = solution.copyValues1D();

          double h0 = 0.0;
          for (int k = 0; k < n1; k++) {
            h0 = h0 + moltiplicativeFactor[k] * hStation[k];
            sum = sum + moltiplicativeFactor[k];

          if (doLogarithmic) {
            h0 = Math.exp(h0);
          result[j] = h0;
          if (Math.abs(sum - 1) >= TOLL) {
            throw new ModelsRuntimeException(
                "Error in the coffeicients calculation", this.getClass().getSimpleName());
      } else if (n1 == 1 || areAllEquals) {
        double tmp = hStation[0];
        int k = 0;
        while (idIterator.hasNext()) {
          int id =;
          result[k] = tmp;
          idArray[k] = id;
      if (pMode == 0) {
        storeResult(result, idArray);
      } else {
        storeResult(result, pointsToInterpolateId2Coordinates);
    } else {
      pm.errorMessage("No rain for this time step");
      j = 0;
      double[] value = inData.values().iterator().next();
      while (idIterator.hasNext()) {
        int id =;
        idArray[j] = id;
        result[j] = value[0];
      if (pMode == 0) {
        storeResult(result, idArray);
      } else {
        storeResult(result, pointsToInterpolateId2Coordinates);
 protected double equation(double time) {
   double d = 1.0 / k * Math.exp(-t / k) * ModelsEngine.width_interpolate(ampi_sub, time, 0, 1);
   return d;
Beispiel #4
  public double[][] calculateQ() {
    double timestep = fixedParams.getTimestep();
    double area_super = fixedParams.getArea();
    double area_sub = fixedParams.getArea_sub();
    double area_tot = 0f;

    double tcorr = ampidiff[ampidiff.length - 1][0];
    double[][] Q = new double[(int) Math.floor((tcorr + tpmax) / timestep) + 1][4];

    if (area_sub != -9999.0) {
      area_tot = area_sub + area_super;
    } else {
      area_tot = area_super;

     * calculate the discharge for t < tcorr
    int j = 0;
    pm.beginTask("Calculating discharge for t < tcorr...", (int) tcorr);
    for (int t = 1; t < tcorr; t += timestep) {
      j = (int) Math.floor((t) / timestep);

      if (t <= tpmax) {
        Q[j][0] = t;
        Q[j][1] = (double) (J * area_tot * ModelsEngine.width_interpolate(ampidiff, t, 0, 2));
        Q[j][2] = Q[j - 1][2] + Q[j][1];
        Q[j][3] = h;
      } else {
        Q[j][0] = t;
        Q[j][1] =
                    * area_tot
                    * (ModelsEngine.width_interpolate(ampidiff, t, 0, 2)
                        - ModelsEngine.width_interpolate(ampidiff, t - tpmax, 0, 2)));
        Q[j][2] = Q[j - 1][2] + Q[j][1];
        Q[j][3] = 0.0;
      pm.worked((int) timestep);

     * calculate the discharge for t > tcorr
    pm.beginTask("Calculating discharge for t > tcorr...", (int) tpmax);
    for (double t = tcorr; t < (tcorr + tpmax); t += timestep) {
      j = (int) Math.floor(((int) t) / timestep);
      Q[j][0] = t;
      Q[j][1] =
                  * area_tot
                  * (ampidiff[ampidiff.length - 1][2]
                      - ModelsEngine.width_interpolate(ampidiff, t - tpmax, 0, 2)));
      Q[j][2] = Q[j - 1][2] + Q[j][1];
      Q[j][3] = 0.0;
      pm.worked((int) timestep);

     * calculate the volumes
    // double vol = Q[Q.length - 2][2] * timestep;
    // double vol2 = (double) (area_tot * h / 1000);

    return Q;