/** {@inheritDoc} */
  public Map<K, V> peekAll(
      @Nullable Collection<? extends K> keys,
      @Nullable GridPredicate<? super GridCacheEntry<K, V>>[] filter) {
    if (keys == null || keys.isEmpty()) return emptyMap();

    final Collection<K> skipped = new GridLeanSet<K>();

    final Map<K, V> map = peekAll0(keys, filter, skipped);

    if (map.size() + skipped.size() != keys.size()) {
                  new P1<K>() {
                    public boolean apply(K k) {
                      return !map.containsKey(k) && !skipped.contains(k);

    return map;
  /** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testCreateFileColocated() throws Exception {
    GridGgfsPath path = new GridGgfsPath("/colocated");

    UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();

    GridUuid affKey;

    long idx = 0;

    while (true) {
      affKey = new GridUuid(uuid, idx);

      if (grid(0).mapKeyToNode(DATA_CACHE_NAME, affKey).id().equals(grid(0).localNode().id()))


    try (GridGgfsOutputStream out = fs.create(path, 1024, true, affKey, 0, 1024, null)) {
      // Write 5M, should be enough to test distribution.
      for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) out.write(new byte[1024 * 1024]);

    GridGgfsFile info = fs.info(path);

    Collection<GridGgfsBlockLocation> affNodes = fs.affinity(path, 0, info.length());

    assertEquals(1, affNodes.size());
    Collection<UUID> nodeIds = F.first(affNodes).nodeIds();

    assertEquals(1, nodeIds.size());
    assertEquals(grid(0).localNode().id(), F.first(nodeIds));
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void finishUnmarshal(GridCacheSharedContext ctx, ClassLoader ldr)
      throws IgniteCheckedException {
    super.finishUnmarshal(ctx, ldr);

    if (writes != null) unmarshalTx(writes, false, ctx, ldr);

    if (reads != null) unmarshalTx(reads, false, ctx, ldr);

    if (grpLockKeyBytes != null && grpLockKey == null)
      grpLockKey = ctx.marshaller().unmarshal(grpLockKeyBytes, ldr);

    if (dhtVerKeys != null && dhtVers == null) {
      assert dhtVerVals != null;
      assert dhtVerKeys.size() == dhtVerVals.size();

      Iterator<IgniteTxKey> keyIt = dhtVerKeys.iterator();
      Iterator<GridCacheVersion> verIt = dhtVerVals.iterator();

      dhtVers = U.newHashMap(dhtVerKeys.size());

      while (keyIt.hasNext()) {
        IgniteTxKey key = keyIt.next();

        key.finishUnmarshal(ctx.cacheContext(key.cacheId()), ldr);

        dhtVers.put(key, verIt.next());

    if (txNodesBytes != null) txNodes = ctx.marshaller().unmarshal(txNodesBytes, ldr);
   * @param in Object input.
   * @return Read collection.
   * @throws IOException If failed.
   * @throws ClassNotFoundException If failed.
  private Collection<Object> readFieldsCollection(ObjectInput in)
      throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    assert fields;

    int size = in.readInt();

    if (size == -1) return null;

    Collection<Object> res = new ArrayList<>(size);

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      int size0 = in.readInt();

      Collection<Object> col = new ArrayList<>(size0);

      for (int j = 0; j < size0; j++) col.add(in.readObject());

      assert col.size() == size0;


    assert res.size() == size;

    return res;
  /** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testTopologyListener() throws Exception {
    final Collection<UUID> added = new ArrayList<>(1);
    final Collection<UUID> rmvd = new ArrayList<>(1);

    final CountDownLatch addedLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
    final CountDownLatch rmvLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);

    assertEquals(NODES_CNT, client.compute().refreshTopology(false, false).size());

    GridClientTopologyListener lsnr =
        new GridClientTopologyListener() {
          public void onNodeAdded(GridClientNode node) {


          public void onNodeRemoved(GridClientNode node) {



    try {
      Grid g = startGrid(NODES_CNT + 1);

      UUID id = g.localNode().id();

      assertTrue(addedLatch.await(2 * TOP_REFRESH_FREQ, MILLISECONDS));

      assertEquals(1, added.size());
      assertEquals(id, F.first(added));

      stopGrid(NODES_CNT + 1);

      assertTrue(rmvLatch.await(2 * TOP_REFRESH_FREQ, MILLISECONDS));

      assertEquals(1, rmvd.size());
      assertEquals(id, F.first(rmvd));
    } finally {

      stopGrid(NODES_CNT + 1);
   * @param rmtReducer Optional reducer.
   * @param rmtTransform Optional transformer.
   * @param args Arguments.
   * @return Future.
  private <R> CacheQueryFuture<R> execute(
      @Nullable IgniteReducer<T, R> rmtReducer,
      @Nullable IgniteClosure<T, R> rmtTransform,
      @Nullable Object... args) {
    Collection<ClusterNode> nodes = nodes();


    if (nodes.isEmpty())
      return new GridCacheQueryErrorFuture<>(
          cctx.kernalContext(), new ClusterGroupEmptyCheckedException());

    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
      log.debug("Executing query [query=" + this + ", nodes=" + nodes + ']');

    if (cctx.deploymentEnabled()) {
      try {
        cctx.deploy().registerClasses(filter, rmtReducer, rmtTransform);
      } catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
        return new GridCacheQueryErrorFuture<>(cctx.kernalContext(), e);

    if (subjId == null) subjId = cctx.localNodeId();

    taskHash = cctx.kernalContext().job().currentTaskNameHash();

    final GridCacheQueryBean bean =
        new GridCacheQueryBean(
            (IgniteReducer<Object, Object>) rmtReducer,
            (IgniteClosure<Object, Object>) rmtTransform,

    final GridCacheQueryManager qryMgr = cctx.queries();

    boolean loc = nodes.size() == 1 && F.first(nodes).id().equals(cctx.localNodeId());

    if (type == SQL_FIELDS || type == SPI)
      return (CacheQueryFuture<R>)
          (loc ? qryMgr.queryFieldsLocal(bean) : qryMgr.queryFieldsDistributed(bean, nodes));
    else if (type == SCAN && part != null && nodes.size() > 1)
      return new CacheQueryFallbackFuture<>(nodes, bean, qryMgr);
      return (CacheQueryFuture<R>)
          (loc ? qryMgr.queryLocal(bean) : qryMgr.queryDistributed(bean, nodes));
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public Map<?, ?> waitForAttributes(Collection<?> keys, long timeout) throws InterruptedException {
    A.notNull(keys, "keys");

    if (keys.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyMap();

    if (timeout == 0) timeout = Long.MAX_VALUE;

    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // Prevent overflow.
    long end = now + timeout < 0 ? Long.MAX_VALUE : now + timeout;

    // Don't wait longer than session timeout.
    if (end > endTime) end = endTime;

    synchronized (mux) {
      while (!closed && !attrs.keySet().containsAll(keys) && now < end) {
        mux.wait(end - now);

        now = System.currentTimeMillis();

      if (closed) throw new InterruptedException("Session was closed: " + this);

      Map<Object, Object> retVal = new HashMap<Object, Object>(keys.size());

      for (Object key : keys) retVal.put(key, attrs.get(key));

      return retVal;
   * Check whether provided path must be excluded from evictions.
   * @param path Path.
   * @return {@code True} in case non block of related file must be excluded.
   * @throws GridException In case of faulty patterns.
  public boolean exclude(GridGgfsPath path) throws GridException {
    assert path != null;

    Collection<Pattern> excludePatterns0;

    if (excludeRecompile.compareAndSet(true, false)) {
      // Recompile.
      Collection<String> excludePaths0 = excludePaths;

      if (excludePaths0 != null) {
        excludePatterns0 = new HashSet<>(excludePaths0.size(), 1.0f);

        for (String excludePath : excludePaths0) {
          try {
          } catch (PatternSyntaxException ignore) {
            throw new GridException("Invalid regex pattern: " + excludePath);

        excludePatterns = excludePatterns0;
      } else excludePatterns0 = excludePatterns = null;
    } else excludePatterns0 = excludePatterns;

    if (excludePatterns0 != null) {
      String pathStr = path.toString();

      for (Pattern pattern : excludePatterns0) {
        if (pattern.matcher(pathStr).matches()) return true;

    return false;
Beispiel #9
   * Maps list by node ID.
   * @param subgrid Subgrid.
   * @return Map.
  private Map<UUID, GridNode> mapSubgrid(Collection<GridNode> subgrid) {
    Map<UUID, GridNode> res = U.newHashMap(subgrid.size());

    for (GridNode node : subgrid) res.put(node.id(), node);

    return res;
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  protected Collection<E> dequeue0(int cnt) {
    WindowHolder tup = ref.get();

    AtomicInteger size = tup.size();
    Collection<T> evts = tup.collection();

    Collection<E> resCol = new ArrayList<>(cnt);

    while (true) {
      int curSize = size.get();

      if (curSize > 0) {
        if (size.compareAndSet(curSize, curSize - 1)) {
          E res = pollInternal(evts, tup.set());

          if (res != null) {

            if (resCol.size() >= cnt) return resCol;
          } else {

            return resCol;
      } else return resCol;
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  private Collection<Object> unmarshalFieldsCollection(
      @Nullable Collection<byte[]> byteCol, GridCacheContext<K, V> ctx, ClassLoader ldr)
      throws GridException {
    assert ctx != null;
    assert ldr != null;

    Collection<Object> col = unmarshalCollection(byteCol, ctx, ldr);
    Collection<Object> col0 = null;

    if (col != null) {
      col0 = new ArrayList<>(col.size());

      for (Object o : col) {
        List<Object> list = (List<Object>) o;
        List<Object> list0 = new ArrayList<>(list.size());

        for (Object obj : list)
          list0.add(obj != null ? ctx.marshaller().unmarshal((byte[]) obj, ldr) : null);


    return col0;
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  private Collection<byte[]> marshalFieldsCollection(
      @Nullable Collection<Object> col, GridCacheContext<K, V> ctx) throws GridException {
    assert ctx != null;

    if (col == null) return null;

    Collection<List<Object>> col0 = new ArrayList<>(col.size());

    for (Object o : col) {
      List<GridIndexingEntity<?>> list = (List<GridIndexingEntity<?>>) o;
      List<Object> list0 = new ArrayList<>(list.size());

      for (GridIndexingEntity<?> ent : list) {
        if (ent.bytes() != null) list0.add(ent.bytes());
        else {
          if (ctx.deploymentEnabled()) prepareObject(ent.value(), ctx);

          list0.add(CU.marshal(ctx, ent.value()));


    return marshalCollection(col0, ctx);
  /** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testProjectionRun() throws Exception {
    GridClientCompute dflt = client.compute();

    Collection<? extends GridClientNode> nodes = dflt.nodes();

    assertEquals(NODES_CNT, nodes.size());

    for (int i = 0; i < NODES_CNT; i++) {
      Grid g = grid(i);

      assert g != null;

      GridClientNode clientNode = dflt.node(g.localNode().id());

      assertNotNull("Client node for " + g.localNode().id() + " was not found", clientNode);

      GridClientCompute prj = dflt.projection(clientNode);

      String res = prj.execute(TestTask.class.getName(), null);


      assertEquals(g.localNode().id().toString(), res);
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public Map<K, V> peekAll(
      @Nullable Collection<? extends K> keys, @Nullable Collection<GridCachePeekMode> modes)
      throws GridException {
    if (keys == null || keys.isEmpty()) return emptyMap();

    final Collection<K> skipped = new GridLeanSet<K>();

    final Map<K, V> map =
            ? peekAll0(keys, modes, ctx.tm().localTxx(), skipped)
            : new GridLeanMap<K, V>(0);

    if (map.size() != keys.size() && !modes.contains(NEAR_ONLY)) {
                  new P1<K>() {
                    public boolean apply(K k) {
                      return !map.containsKey(k) && !skipped.contains(k);

    return map;
   * Sends query request.
   * @param fut Distributed future.
   * @param req Request.
   * @param nodes Nodes.
   * @throws IgniteCheckedException In case of error.
  private void sendRequest(
      final GridCacheDistributedQueryFuture<?, ?, ?> fut,
      final GridCacheQueryRequest req,
      Collection<ClusterNode> nodes)
      throws IgniteCheckedException {
    assert fut != null;
    assert req != null;
    assert nodes != null;

    final UUID locNodeId = cctx.localNodeId();

    ClusterNode locNode = null;

    Collection<ClusterNode> rmtNodes = null;

    for (ClusterNode n : nodes) {
      if (n.id().equals(locNodeId)) locNode = n;
      else {
        if (rmtNodes == null) rmtNodes = new ArrayList<>(nodes.size());


    // Request should be sent to remote nodes before the query is processed on the local node.
    // For example, a remote reducer has a state, we should not serialize and then send
    // the reducer changed by the local node.
    if (!F.isEmpty(rmtNodes)) {
              new P1<ClusterNode>() {
                public boolean apply(ClusterNode node) {

                  return !fut.isDone();

    if (locNode != null) {
              new Callable<Object>() {
                public Object call() throws Exception {

                  processQueryRequest(locNodeId, req);

                  return null;
Beispiel #16
   * @param part Partition.
   * @param topVer Topology version.
   * @return Backup nodes.
  public Collection<GridNode> backups(int part, long topVer) {
    Collection<GridNode> nodes = nodes(part, topVer);

    assert !F.isEmpty(nodes);

    if (nodes.size() <= 1) return Collections.emptyList();

    return F.view(nodes, F.notEqualTo(nodes.iterator().next()));
   * This constructor is meant for optimistic transactions.
   * @param ldr Class loader.
   * @param nodeId Node ID.
   * @param nearNodeId Near node ID.
   * @param rmtThreadId Remote thread ID.
   * @param xidVer XID version.
   * @param commitVer Commit version.
   * @param sys System flag.
   * @param concurrency Concurrency level (should be pessimistic).
   * @param isolation Transaction isolation.
   * @param invalidate Invalidate flag.
   * @param timeout Timeout.
   * @param writeEntries Write entries.
   * @param ctx Cache registry.
   * @param txSize Expected transaction size.
   * @throws IgniteCheckedException If unmarshalling failed.
  public GridNearTxRemote(
      GridCacheSharedContext ctx,
      ClassLoader ldr,
      UUID nodeId,
      UUID nearNodeId,
      long rmtThreadId,
      GridCacheVersion xidVer,
      GridCacheVersion commitVer,
      boolean sys,
      byte plc,
      TransactionConcurrency concurrency,
      TransactionIsolation isolation,
      boolean invalidate,
      long timeout,
      Collection<IgniteTxEntry> writeEntries,
      int txSize,
      @Nullable UUID subjId,
      int taskNameHash)
      throws IgniteCheckedException {

    assert nearNodeId != null;

    this.nearNodeId = nearNodeId;

    readMap = Collections.emptyMap();

    writeMap =
        new LinkedHashMap<>(
            writeEntries != null ? Math.max(txSize, writeEntries.size()) : txSize, 1.0f);

    if (writeEntries != null) {
      for (IgniteTxEntry entry : writeEntries) {
        entry.unmarshal(ctx, true, ldr);

   * @param cacheCtx Cache context.
   * @return {@code True} if local node can calculate affinity on it's own for this partition map
   *     exchange.
  private boolean canCalculateAffinity(GridCacheContext cacheCtx) {
    AffinityFunction affFunc = cacheCtx.config().getAffinity();

    // Do not request affinity from remote nodes if affinity function is not centralized.
    if (!U.hasAnnotation(affFunc, AffinityCentralizedFunction.class)) return true;

    // If local node did not initiate exchange or local node is the only cache node in grid.
    Collection<ClusterNode> affNodes = CU.affinityNodes(cacheCtx, exchId.topologyVersion());

    return !exchId.nodeId().equals(cctx.localNodeId())
        || (affNodes.size() == 1 && affNodes.contains(cctx.localNode()));
   * Returns compact class host.
   * @param obj Object to compact.
   * @return String.
  public static Object compactObject(Object obj) {
    if (obj == null) return null;

    if (obj instanceof Enum) return obj.toString();

    if (obj instanceof String || obj instanceof Boolean || obj instanceof Number) return obj;

    if (obj instanceof Collection) {
      Collection col = (Collection) obj;

      Object[] res = new Object[col.size()];

      int i = 0;

      for (Object elm : col) res[i++] = compactObject(elm);

      return res;

    if (obj.getClass().isArray()) {
      Class<?> arrType = obj.getClass().getComponentType();

      if (arrType.isPrimitive()) {
        if (obj instanceof boolean[]) return Arrays.toString((boolean[]) obj);
        if (obj instanceof byte[]) return Arrays.toString((byte[]) obj);
        if (obj instanceof short[]) return Arrays.toString((short[]) obj);
        if (obj instanceof int[]) return Arrays.toString((int[]) obj);
        if (obj instanceof long[]) return Arrays.toString((long[]) obj);
        if (obj instanceof float[]) return Arrays.toString((float[]) obj);
        if (obj instanceof double[]) return Arrays.toString((double[]) obj);

      Object[] arr = (Object[]) obj;

      int iMax = arr.length - 1;

      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[");

      for (int i = 0; i <= iMax; i++) {

        if (i != iMax) sb.append(", ");


      return sb.toString();

    return U.compact(obj.getClass().getName());
Beispiel #20
   * @param cctx Registry.
   * @param keys Keys to lock.
   * @param tx Transaction.
   * @param read Read flag.
   * @param retval Flag to return value or not.
   * @param timeout Lock acquisition timeout.
   * @param filter Filter.
  public GridNearLockFuture(
      GridCacheContext<K, V> cctx,
      Collection<? extends K> keys,
      @Nullable GridNearTxLocal<K, V> tx,
      boolean read,
      boolean retval,
      long timeout,
      GridPredicate<GridCacheEntry<K, V>>[] filter) {
    super(cctx.kernalContext(), CU.boolReducer());
    assert cctx != null;
    assert keys != null;

    this.cctx = cctx;
    this.keys = keys;
    this.tx = tx;
    this.read = read;
    this.retval = retval;
    this.timeout = timeout;
    this.filter = filter;

    threadId = tx == null ? Thread.currentThread().getId() : tx.threadId();

    lockVer = tx != null ? tx.xidVersion() : cctx.versions().next();

    futId = GridUuid.randomUuid();

    entries = new ArrayList<>(keys.size());

    log = U.logger(ctx, logRef, GridNearLockFuture.class);

    if (timeout > 0) {
      timeoutObj = new LockTimeoutObject();


    valMap = new ConcurrentHashMap8<>(keys.size(), 1f);
   * @param rmtReducer Optional reducer.
   * @param rmtTransform Optional transformer.
   * @param args Arguments.
   * @return Future.
  private <R> GridCacheQueryFuture<R> execute(
      @Nullable GridReducer<T, R> rmtReducer,
      @Nullable GridClosure<T, R> rmtTransform,
      @Nullable Object... args) {
    Collection<GridNode> nodes = nodes();


    if (F.isEmpty(nodes))
      return new GridCacheQueryErrorFuture<>(
          new GridEmptyProjectionException("There are no data nodes for cache: " + cctx.namexx()));

    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
      log.debug("Executing query [query=" + this + ", nodes=" + nodes + ']');

    if (cctx.deploymentEnabled()) {
      try {
        cctx.deploy().registerClasses(filter, rmtReducer, rmtTransform);
      } catch (GridException e) {
        return new GridCacheQueryErrorFuture<>(cctx.kernalContext(), e);

    if (subjId == null) subjId = cctx.localNodeId();

    taskHash = cctx.kernalContext().job().currentTaskNameHash();

    GridCacheQueryBean bean =
        new GridCacheQueryBean(
            (GridReducer<Object, Object>) rmtReducer,
            (GridClosure<Object, Object>) rmtTransform,

    GridCacheQueryManager qryMgr = cctx.queries();

    boolean loc = nodes.size() == 1 && F.first(nodes).id().equals(cctx.localNodeId());

    if (type == SQL_FIELDS)
      return (GridCacheQueryFuture<R>)
          (loc ? qryMgr.queryFieldsLocal(bean) : qryMgr.queryFieldsDistributed(bean, nodes));
      return (GridCacheQueryFuture<R>)
          (loc ? qryMgr.queryLocal(bean) : qryMgr.queryDistributed(bean, nodes));
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public Collection<ClusterNode> nodes(int p, AffinityTopologyVersion topVer) {
    Collection<ClusterNode> affNodes = cctx.affinity().nodes(p, topVer);


    try {
      assert node2part != null && node2part.valid()
          : "Invalid node-to-partitions map [topVer1="
              + topVer
              + ", topVer2="
              + this.topVer
              + ", cache="
              + cctx.name()
              + ", node2part="
              + node2part
              + ']';

      Collection<ClusterNode> nodes = null;

      Collection<UUID> nodeIds = part2node.get(p);

      if (!F.isEmpty(nodeIds)) {
        Collection<UUID> affIds = new HashSet<>(F.viewReadOnly(affNodes, F.node2id()));

        for (UUID nodeId : nodeIds) {
          if (!affIds.contains(nodeId) && hasState(p, nodeId, OWNING, MOVING, RENTING)) {
            ClusterNode n = cctx.discovery().node(nodeId);

            if (n != null
                && (topVer.topologyVersion() < 0 || n.order() <= topVer.topologyVersion())) {
              if (nodes == null) {
                nodes = new ArrayList<>(affNodes.size() + 2);



      return nodes != null ? nodes : affNodes;
    } finally {
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void loadCache(GridBiInClosure<K, V> c, @Nullable Object... args) throws GridException {
    ExecutorService exec =
        new ThreadPoolExecutor(
            new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(batchQueueSize),
            new BlockingRejectedExecutionHandler());

    Iterator<I> iter = inputIterator(args);

    Collection<I> buf = new ArrayList<>(batchSize);

    try {
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
          U.warn(log, "Working thread was interrupted while loading data.");



        if (buf.size() == batchSize) {
          exec.submit(new Worker(c, buf, args));

          buf = new ArrayList<>(batchSize);

      if (!buf.isEmpty()) exec.submit(new Worker(c, buf, args));
    } catch (RejectedExecutionException ignored) {
      // Because of custom RejectedExecutionHandler.
      assert false : "RejectedExecutionException was thrown while it shouldn't.";
    } finally {

      try {
        exec.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, MILLISECONDS);
      } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
        U.warn(log, "Working thread was interrupted while waiting for put operations to complete.");

   * @param p Partition.
   * @param topVer Topology version ({@code -1} for all nodes).
   * @param state Partition state.
   * @param states Additional partition states.
   * @return List of nodes for the partition.
  private List<ClusterNode> nodes(
      int p,
      AffinityTopologyVersion topVer,
      GridDhtPartitionState state,
      GridDhtPartitionState... states) {
    Collection<UUID> allIds =
        topVer.topologyVersion() > 0 ? F.nodeIds(CU.affinityNodes(cctx, topVer)) : null;


    try {
      assert node2part != null && node2part.valid()
          : "Invalid node-to-partitions map [topVer="
              + topVer
              + ", allIds="
              + allIds
              + ", node2part="
              + node2part
              + ", cache="
              + cctx.name()
              + ']';

      Collection<UUID> nodeIds = part2node.get(p);

      // Node IDs can be null if both, primary and backup, nodes disappear.
      int size = nodeIds == null ? 0 : nodeIds.size();

      if (size == 0) return Collections.emptyList();

      List<ClusterNode> nodes = new ArrayList<>(size);

      for (UUID id : nodeIds) {
        if (topVer.topologyVersion() > 0 && !allIds.contains(id)) continue;

        if (hasState(p, id, state, states)) {
          ClusterNode n = cctx.discovery().node(id);

          if (n != null && (topVer.topologyVersion() < 0 || n.order() <= topVer.topologyVersion()))

      return nodes;
    } finally {
Beispiel #25
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void start0() throws GridException {
    aff =
        new GridAffinityAssignmentCache(

    // Generate internal keys for partitions.
    int partCnt = partitions();

    partAffKeys = new GridPartitionLockKey[partCnt];

    Collection<Integer> found = new HashSet<>();

    long affKey = 0;

    while (true) {
      GridPartitionLockKey key = new GridPartitionLockKey(affKey);

      int part = aff.partition(key);

      if (found.add(part)) {
        // This is a key for not yet calculated partition.

        partAffKeys[part] = key;

        if (found.size() == partCnt) break;


      if (affKey > partCnt * MAX_PARTITION_KEY_ATTEMPT_RATIO)
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "Failed to calculate partition affinity keys for given affinity "
                + "function [attemptCnt="
                + affKey
                + ", found="
                + found
                + ", cacheName="
                + cctx.name()
                + ']');
   * @param out Object output.
   * @throws IOException If failed.
  private void writeFieldsCollection(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
    assert fields;

    out.writeInt(data != null ? data.size() : -1);

    if (data == null) return;

    for (Object o : data) {
      List<GridIndexingEntity<?>> list = (List<GridIndexingEntity<?>>) o;


      for (GridIndexingEntity<?> idxEnt : list) {
        try {
        } catch (GridSpiException e) {
          throw new IOException("Failed to write indexing entity: " + idxEnt, e);
  /** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testAffinityExecute() throws Exception {
    GridClientCompute dflt = client.compute();

    GridClientData data = client.data(PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME);

    Collection<? extends GridClientNode> nodes = dflt.nodes();

    assertEquals(NODES_CNT, nodes.size());

    for (int i = 0; i < NODES_CNT; i++) {
      Grid g = grid(i);

      assert g != null;

      int affinityKey = -1;

      for (int key = 0; key < 10000; key++) {
        if (g.localNode().id().equals(data.affinity(key))) {
          affinityKey = key;


      if (affinityKey == -1)
        throw new Exception("Unable to found key for which node is primary: " + g.localNode().id());

      GridClientNode clientNode = dflt.node(g.localNode().id());

      assertNotNull("Client node for " + g.localNode().id() + " was not found", clientNode);

      String res =
          dflt.affinityExecute(TestTask.class.getName(), PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME, affinityKey, null);


      assertEquals(g.localNode().id().toString(), res);
   * Removes locks regardless of whether they are owned or not for given version and keys.
   * @param ver Lock version.
   * @param keys Keys.
  public void removeLocks(GridCacheVersion ver, Collection<? extends K> keys) {
    if (keys.isEmpty()) return;

    try {
      Collection<GridRichNode> affNodes = null;

      int keyCnt = -1;

      Map<GridNode, GridNearUnlockRequest<K, V>> map = null;

      for (K key : keys) {
        // Send request to remove from remote nodes.
        GridNearUnlockRequest<K, V> req = null;

        while (true) {
          GridDistributedCacheEntry<K, V> entry = peekExx(key);

          try {
            if (entry != null) {
              GridCacheMvccCandidate<K> cand = entry.candidate(ver);

              if (cand != null) {
                if (affNodes == null) {
                  affNodes = CU.allNodes(ctx, cand.topologyVersion());

                  keyCnt = (int) Math.ceil((double) keys.size() / affNodes.size());

                  map = new HashMap<GridNode, GridNearUnlockRequest<K, V>>(affNodes.size());

                GridRichNode primary = CU.primary0(ctx.affinity(key, affNodes));

                if (!primary.isLocal()) {
                  req = map.get(primary);

                  if (req == null) {
                    map.put(primary, req = new GridNearUnlockRequest<K, V>(keyCnt));


                // Remove candidate from local node first.
                if (entry.removeLock(cand.version())) {
                  if (primary.isLocal()) {
                    dht.removeLocks(primary.id(), ver, F.asList(key), true);

                    assert req == null;


                  req.addKey(entry.key(), entry.getOrMarshalKeyBytes(), ctx);

          } catch (GridCacheEntryRemovedException ignored) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                  "Attempted to remove lock from removed entry (will retry) [rmvVer="
                      + ver
                      + ", entry="
                      + entry
                      + ']');

      if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) return;

      Collection<GridCacheVersion> committed = ctx.tm().committedVersions(ver);
      Collection<GridCacheVersion> rolledback = ctx.tm().rolledbackVersions(ver);

      for (Map.Entry<GridNode, GridNearUnlockRequest<K, V>> mapping : map.entrySet()) {
        GridNode n = mapping.getKey();

        GridDistributedUnlockRequest<K, V> req = mapping.getValue();

        if (!req.keyBytes().isEmpty()) {
          req.completedVersions(committed, rolledback);

          // We don't wait for reply to this message.
          ctx.io().send(n, req);
    } catch (GridException ex) {
      U.error(log, "Failed to unlock the lock for keys: " + keys, ex);
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void execute(@Nullable GridProjection prj) throws GridException {
    if (cb == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException("Mandatory local callback is not set for the query: " + this);

    if (prj == null) prj = ctx.grid();

    prj = prj.forCache(ctx.name());

    if (prj.nodes().isEmpty())
      throw new GridTopologyException("Failed to execute query (projection is empty): " + this);

    GridCacheMode mode = ctx.config().getCacheMode();

    if (mode == LOCAL || mode == REPLICATED) {
      Collection<GridNode> nodes = prj.nodes();

      GridNode node = nodes.contains(ctx.localNode()) ? ctx.localNode() : F.rand(nodes);

      assert node != null;

      if (nodes.size() > 1 && !ctx.cache().isDrSystemCache()) {
        if (node.id().equals(ctx.localNodeId()))
              "Continuous query for "
                  + mode
                  + " cache can be run only on local node. "
                  + "Will execute query locally: "
                  + this);
              "Continuous query for "
                  + mode
                  + " cache can be run only on single node. "
                  + "Will execute query on remote node [qry="
                  + this
                  + ", node="
                  + node
                  + ']');

      prj = prj.forNode(node);


    try {
      if (routineId != null)
        throw new IllegalStateException("Continuous query can't be executed twice.");


      GridContinuousHandler hnd =
          new GridCacheContinuousQueryHandler<>(ctx.name(), topic, cb, filter, prjPred);

      routineId =
              .startRoutine(hnd, bufSize, timeInterval, autoUnsubscribe, prj.predicate())
    } finally {
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public boolean writeTo(ByteBuffer buf) {

    if (!super.writeTo(buf)) return false;

    if (!commState.typeWritten) {
      if (!commState.putByte(directType())) return false;

      commState.typeWritten = true;

    switch (commState.idx) {
      case 2:
        if (dataBytes != null) {
          if (commState.it == null) {
            if (!commState.putInt(dataBytes.size())) return false;

            commState.it = dataBytes.iterator();

          while (commState.it.hasNext() || commState.cur != NULL) {
            if (commState.cur == NULL) commState.cur = commState.it.next();

            if (!commState.putByteArray((byte[]) commState.cur)) return false;

            commState.cur = NULL;

          commState.it = null;
        } else {
          if (!commState.putInt(-1)) return false;


      case 3:
        if (!commState.putByteArray(errBytes)) return false;


      case 4:
        if (!commState.putBoolean(fields)) return false;


      case 5:
        if (!commState.putBoolean(finished)) return false;


      case 6:
        if (metaDataBytes != null) {
          if (commState.it == null) {
            if (!commState.putInt(metaDataBytes.size())) return false;

            commState.it = metaDataBytes.iterator();

          while (commState.it.hasNext() || commState.cur != NULL) {
            if (commState.cur == NULL) commState.cur = commState.it.next();

            if (!commState.putByteArray((byte[]) commState.cur)) return false;

            commState.cur = NULL;

          commState.it = null;
        } else {
          if (!commState.putInt(-1)) return false;


      case 7:

      case 8:
        if (!commState.putLong(reqId)) return false;


    return true;