public static void main(String[] args) {
    final Engine<DoubleGene, Double> engine =
            // Create a new builder with the given fitness
            // function and chromosome.
            .builder(RealFunction::eval, DoubleChromosome.of(0.0, 2.0 * PI))
            .alterers(new Mutator<>(0.03), new MeanAlterer<>(0.6))
            // Build an evolution engine with the
            // defined parameters.

    // Create evolution statistics consumer.
    final EvolutionStatistics<Double, ?> statistics = EvolutionStatistics.ofNumber();

    final Phenotype<DoubleGene, Double> best =
            // Truncate the evolution stream after 7 "steady"
            // generations.
            // The evolution will stop after maximal 100
            // generations.
            // Update the evaluation statistics after
            // each generation
            // Collect (reduce) the evolution stream to
            // its best phenotype.

 void accept(final Phenotype<?, N> pt, final long generation) {
   super.accept(pt, generation);