   * Checks that the data starting at startLocRecord looks like a local file record header.
   * @param channel the channel
   * @param startLocRecord offset into channel of the start of the local record
   * @param compressedSize expected compressed size of the file, or -1 to indicate this isn't known
  private static boolean validateLocalFileRecord(
      FileChannel channel, long startLocRecord, long compressedSize) throws IOException {

    ByteBuffer lfhBuffer = getByteBuffer(LOCLEN);
    read(lfhBuffer, channel, startLocRecord);
    if (lfhBuffer.limit() < LOCLEN || getUnsignedInt(lfhBuffer, 0) != LOCSIG) {
      return false;

    if (compressedSize == -1) {
      // We can't further evaluate
      return true;

    int fnLen = getUnsignedShort(lfhBuffer, LOC_FILENAMELEN);
    int extFieldLen = getUnsignedShort(lfhBuffer, LOC_EXTFLDLEN);
    long nextSigPos = startLocRecord + LOCLEN + compressedSize + fnLen + extFieldLen;

    read(lfhBuffer, channel, nextSigPos);
    long header = getUnsignedInt(lfhBuffer, 0);
    return header == LOCSIG || header == EXTSIG || header == CENSIG;
   * Boyer Moore scan that proceeds backwards from the end of the file looking for endsig
   * @param file the file being checked
   * @param channel the channel
   * @param pattern the search pattern
   * @param byteSkip the bad bytes skip table
   * @param endSig the end of central dir signature
   * @return
   * @throws IOException
  private static long scanForEndSig(
      final File file,
      final FileChannel channel,
      final byte[] pattern,
      final int[] byteSkip,
      final long endSig)
      throws IOException {

    // TODO Consider just reading in MAX_REVERSE_SCAN bytes -- increased peak memory cost but less
    // complex

    ByteBuffer bb = getByteBuffer(CHUNK_SIZE);
    long start = channel.size();
    long end = Math.max(0, start - MAX_REVERSE_SCAN);
    long channelPos = Math.max(0, start - CHUNK_SIZE);
    long lastChannelPos = channelPos;
    while (lastChannelPos >= end) {

      read(bb, channel, channelPos);

      int actualRead = bb.limit();
      int bufferPos = actualRead - 1;
      while (bufferPos >= SIG_PATTERN_LENGTH) {

        // Following is based on the Boyer Moore algorithm but simplified to reflect
        // a) the pattern is static
        // b) the pattern has no repeating bytes

        int patternPos;
        for (patternPos = SIG_PATTERN_LENGTH - 1;
            patternPos >= 0 && pattern[patternPos] == bb.get(bufferPos - patternPos);
            --patternPos) {
          // empty loop while bytes match

        // Switch gives same results as checking the "good suffix array" in the Boyer Moore
        // algorithm
        switch (patternPos) {
          case -1:
              // Pattern matched. Confirm is this is the start of a valid end of central dir record
              long startEndRecord = channelPos + bufferPos - SIG_PATTERN_LENGTH + 1;
              if (validateEndRecord(file, channel, startEndRecord, endSig)) {
                return startEndRecord;
              // wasn't a valid end record; continue scan
              bufferPos -= 4;
          case 3:
              // No bytes matched; the common case.
              // With our pattern, this is the only case where the Boyer Moore algorithm's "bad char
              // array" may
              // produce a shift greater than the "good suffix array" (which would shift 1 byte)
              int idx = bb.get(bufferPos - patternPos) - Byte.MIN_VALUE;
              bufferPos -= byteSkip[idx];
            // 1 or more bytes matched
            bufferPos -= 4;

      // Move back a full chunk. If we didn't read a full chunk, that's ok,
      // it means we read all data and the outer while loop will terminate
      if (channelPos <= bufferPos) {
      lastChannelPos = channelPos;
      channelPos -= Math.min(channelPos - bufferPos, CHUNK_SIZE - bufferPos);

    return -1;
   * Boyer Moore scan that proceeds forwards from the end of the file looking for the first LOCSIG
  private static long scanForLocSig(FileChannel channel) throws IOException {


    ByteBuffer bb = getByteBuffer(CHUNK_SIZE);
    long end = channel.size();
    while (channel.position() <= end) {

      read(bb, channel);

      int bufferPos = 0;
      while (bufferPos <= bb.limit() - SIG_PATTERN_LENGTH) {

        // Following is based on the Boyer Moore algorithm but simplified to reflect
        // a) the size of the pattern is static
        // b) the pattern is static and has no repeating bytes

        int patternPos;
        for (patternPos = SIG_PATTERN_LENGTH - 1;
            patternPos >= 0 && LOCSIG_PATTERN[patternPos] == bb.get(bufferPos + patternPos);
            --patternPos) {
          // empty loop while bytes match

        // Outer switch gives same results as checking the "good suffix array" in the Boyer Moore
        // algorithm
        switch (patternPos) {
          case -1:
              // Pattern matched. Confirm is this is the start of a valid local file record
              long startLocRecord = channel.position() - bb.limit() + bufferPos;
              long currentPos = channel.position();
              if (validateLocalFileRecord(channel, startLocRecord, -1)) {
                return startLocRecord;
              // Restore position in case it shifted

              // wasn't a valid local file record; continue scan
              bufferPos += 4;
          case 3:
              // No bytes matched; the common case.
              // With our pattern, this is the only case where the Boyer Moore algorithm's "bad char
              // array" may
              // produce a shift greater than the "good suffix array" (which would shift 1 byte)
              int idx = bb.get(bufferPos + patternPos) - Byte.MIN_VALUE;
              bufferPos += LOC_BAD_BYTE_SKIP[idx];
            // 1 or more bytes matched
            bufferPos += 4;

    return -1;
   * Validates that the data structure at position startEndRecord has a field in the expected
   * position that points to the start of the first central directory file, and, if so, that the
   * file has a complete end of central directory record comment at the end.
   * @param file the file being checked
   * @param channel the channel
   * @param startEndRecord the start of the end of central directory record
   * @param endSig the end of central dir signature
   * @return true if it can be confirmed that the end of directory record points to a central
   *     directory file and a complete comment is present, false otherwise
   * @throws java.io.IOException
  private static boolean validateEndRecord(
      File file, FileChannel channel, long startEndRecord, long endSig) throws IOException {

    try {

      final ByteBuffer endDirHeader = getByteBuffer(ENDLEN);
      read(endDirHeader, channel);
      if (endDirHeader.limit() < ENDLEN) {
        // Couldn't read the full end of central directory record header
        return false;
      } else if (getUnsignedInt(endDirHeader, 0) != endSig) {
        return false;

      long pos = getUnsignedInt(endDirHeader, END_CENSTART);
      // TODO deal with Zip64
      if (pos == ZIP64_MARKER) {
        return false;

      ByteBuffer cdfhBuffer = getByteBuffer(CENLEN);
      read(cdfhBuffer, channel, pos);
      long header = getUnsignedInt(cdfhBuffer, 0);
      if (header == CENSIG) {
        long firstLoc = getUnsignedInt(cdfhBuffer, CEN_LOC_OFFSET);
        long firstSize = getUnsignedInt(cdfhBuffer, CENSIZ);
        if (firstLoc == 0) {
          // normal case -- first bytes are the first local file
          if (!validateLocalFileRecord(channel, 0, firstSize)) {
            return false;
        } else {
          // confirm that firstLoc is indeed the first local file
          long fileFirstLoc = scanForLocSig(channel);
          if (firstLoc != fileFirstLoc) {
            if (fileFirstLoc == 0) {
              return false;
            } else {
              // scanForLocSig() found a LOCSIG, but not at position zero and not
              // at the expected position.
              // With a file like this, we can't tell if we're in a nested zip
              // or we're in an outer zip and had the bad luck to find random bytes
              // that look like LOCSIG.
              return false;

        // At this point, endDirHeader points to the correct end of central dir record.
        // Just need to validate the record is complete, including any comment
        int commentLen = getUnsignedShort(endDirHeader, END_COMMENTLEN);
        long commentEnd = startEndRecord + ENDLEN + commentLen;
        return commentEnd <= channel.size();

      return false;
    } catch (EOFException eof) {
      // pos or firstLoc weren't really positions and moved us to an invalid location
      return false;