Beispiel #1
  * Generate all FieldDescriptors for a class/interface
  * @param cld the ClassDescriptor of the class
  * @param supers true if go up the inheritence tree and output fields
  * @return the generated String
 protected String generateFieldDescriptors(ClassDescriptor cld, boolean supers) {
   Set<FieldDescriptor> superclassFields = Collections.emptySet();
   if (supers && (cld.getSuperclassDescriptor() != null)) {
     superclassFields = cld.getSuperclassDescriptor().getAllFieldDescriptors();
   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
   Iterator<FieldDescriptor> iter;
   if (supers) {
     iter = cld.getAllFieldDescriptors().iterator();
   } else {
     iter = cld.getFieldDescriptors().iterator();
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
     FieldDescriptor fd =;
     if (!superclassFields.contains(fd)) {
       if (fd instanceof AttributeDescriptor) {
         sb.append(generate((AttributeDescriptor) fd, supers));
       } else if (fd instanceof CollectionDescriptor) {
         sb.append(generate((CollectionDescriptor) fd, supers));
       } else if (fd instanceof ReferenceDescriptor) {
         sb.append(generate((ReferenceDescriptor) fd, supers));
   return sb.toString();
Beispiel #2
  * Generates the getElementType method.
  * @param cld the ClassDescriptor
  * @return a String with the method
 public String generateGetElementType(ClassDescriptor cld) {
   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
   sb.append(INDENT).append("public Class<?> getElementType(final String fieldName) {\n");
   for (FieldDescriptor field : cld.getAllFieldDescriptors()) {
     if (field.isCollection()) {
       sb.append(INDENT + INDENT)
           .append("if (\"" + field.getName() + "\".equals(fieldName)) {\n")
           .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
               "return " + ((CollectionDescriptor) field).getReferencedClassName() + ".class;\n")
           .append(INDENT + INDENT)
   sb.append(INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("if (!" + cld.getName() + ".class.equals(getClass())) {\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("return TypeUtil.getElementType(" + cld.getName() + ".class, fieldName);\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT)
       .append(INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Unknown field \" + fieldName);\n")
   return sb.toString();
Beispiel #3
  * Generates the getFieldType method.
  * @param cld the ClassDescriptor
  * @return a String with the method
 public String generateGetFieldType(ClassDescriptor cld) {
   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
   sb.append(INDENT).append("public Class<?> getFieldType(final String fieldName) {\n");
   for (FieldDescriptor field : cld.getAllFieldDescriptors()) {
     sb.append(INDENT + INDENT)
         .append("if (\"" + field.getName() + "\".equals(fieldName)) {\n")
         .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT);
     if (field instanceof AttributeDescriptor) {
       AttributeDescriptor attribute = (AttributeDescriptor) field;
       if ("boolean".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append("return Boolean.TYPE;\n");
       } else if ("short".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append("return Short.TYPE;\n");
       } else if ("int".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append("return Integer.TYPE;\n");
       } else if ("long".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append("return Long.TYPE;\n");
       } else if ("float".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append("return Float.TYPE;\n");
       } else if ("double".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append("return Double.TYPE;\n");
       } else {
         sb.append("return " + attribute.getType() + ".class;\n");
     } else if (field.isReference()) {
       sb.append("return " + ((ReferenceDescriptor) field).getReferencedClassName() + ".class;\n");
     } else {
       sb.append("return java.util.Set.class;\n");
     sb.append(INDENT + INDENT).append("}\n");
   sb.append(INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("if (!" + cld.getName() + ".class.equals(getClass())) {\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("return TypeUtil.getFieldType(" + cld.getName() + ".class, fieldName);\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT)
       .append(INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Unknown field \" + fieldName);\n")
   return sb.toString();
Beispiel #4
  * Generates the addCollectionElement method.
  * @param cld the ClassDescriptor
  * @return a String with the method
 public String generateAddCollectionElement(ClassDescriptor cld) {
   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
       .append("public void addCollectionElement(final String fieldName,")
       .append(" final org.intermine.model.InterMineObject element) {\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT);
   for (FieldDescriptor field : cld.getAllFieldDescriptors()) {
     if (field.isCollection()) {
       String fieldName = field.getName();
       if ("fieldName".equals(fieldName)) {
         fieldName = "this.fieldName";
       } else if ("element".equals(fieldName)) {
         fieldName = "this.element";
       sb.append("if (\"" + field.getName() + "\".equals(fieldName)) {\n")
           .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
                   + ".add(("
                   + ((CollectionDescriptor) field).getReferencedClassName()
                   + ") element);\n")
           .append(INDENT + INDENT)
           .append("} else ");
       .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("if (!" + cld.getName() + ".class.equals(getClass())) {\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("TypeUtil.addCollectionElement(this, fieldName, element);\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
       .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
       .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Unknown collection \" + fieldName);\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT)
   return sb.toString();
Beispiel #5
   * Generate a .toString() method for the given class .
   * @param cld descriptor for the class in question
   * @return generated java code as a string
  protected String generateToString(ClassDescriptor cld) {
    String unqualifiedName = TypeUtil.unqualifiedName(cld.getName());

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    Set<FieldDescriptor> keyFields = cld.getAllFieldDescriptors();
    if (keyFields.size() > 0) {
          .append("@Override public String toString() { ")
          .append("return \"")
          .append(" [");
      TreeMap<String, FieldDescriptor> sortedMap = new TreeMap<String, FieldDescriptor>();
      for (FieldDescriptor field : keyFields) {
        sortedMap.put(field.getName(), field);
      boolean needComma = false;
      for (Map.Entry<String, FieldDescriptor> entry : sortedMap.entrySet()) {
        FieldDescriptor field = entry.getValue();
        if (!(field instanceof CollectionDescriptor)) {
          if (needComma) {
            sb.append(", ");
          needComma = true;
          if (field instanceof AttributeDescriptor) {
            sb.append("=\\\"\" + " + field.getName() + " + \"\\\"");
          } else {
                "=\" + ("
                    + field.getName()
                    + " == null ? \"null\" : ("
                    + field.getName()
                    + ".getId() == null ? \"no id\" : "
                    + field.getName()
                    + ".getId().toString())) + \"");
      sb.append("]\"; }" + ENDL);
    return sb.toString();
Beispiel #6
  * Generates the setFieldValue method.
  * @param cld the ClassDescriptor
  * @return a String with the method
 public String generateSetFieldValue(ClassDescriptor cld) {
   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
       .append("public void setFieldValue(final String fieldName, final Object value) {\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT);
   for (FieldDescriptor field : cld.getAllFieldDescriptors()) {
     sb.append("if (\"" + field.getName() + "\".equals(fieldName)) {\n");
     String fieldName = field.getName();
     if ("value".equals(fieldName)) {
       fieldName = "this.value";
     } else if ("fieldName".equals(fieldName)) {
       fieldName = "this.fieldName";
     if (field instanceof AttributeDescriptor) {
       AttributeDescriptor attribute = (AttributeDescriptor) field;
       if ("boolean".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append(fieldName + " = ((Boolean) value).booleanValue();\n");
       } else if ("short".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append(fieldName + " = ((Short) value).shortValue();\n");
       } else if ("int".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append(fieldName + " = ((Integer) value).intValue();\n");
       } else if ("long".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append(fieldName + " = ((Long) value).longValue();\n");
       } else if ("float".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append(fieldName + " = ((Float) value).floatValue();\n");
       } else if ("double".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append(fieldName + " = ((Double) value).doubleValue();\n");
       } else {
         sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append(fieldName + " = (" + attribute.getType() + ") value;\n");
     } else if (field.isReference()) {
       sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
           .append(fieldName + " = (org.intermine.model.InterMineObject) value;\n");
     } else {
       sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT).append(fieldName + " = (java.util.Set) value;\n");
     sb.append(INDENT + INDENT).append("} else ");
       .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("if (!" + cld.getName() + ".class.equals(getClass())) {\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("TypeUtil.setFieldValue(this, fieldName, value);\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
       .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
       .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Unknown field \" + fieldName);\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT)
   return sb.toString();
Beispiel #7
  * Generates the getFieldValue method.
  * @param cld the ClassDescriptor
  * @param proxy false to make the getFieldValue method, true to make the getFieldProxy method
  * @return a String with the method
 public String generateGetFieldValue(ClassDescriptor cld, boolean proxy) {
   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
           "public Object getField"
               + (proxy ? "Proxy" : "Value")
               + "(final String fieldName) throws IllegalAccessException {\n");
   for (FieldDescriptor field : cld.getAllFieldDescriptors()) {
     sb.append(INDENT + INDENT).append("if (\"" + field.getName() + "\".equals(fieldName)) {\n");
     String fieldName = field.getName();
     if ("fieldName".equals(fieldName)) {
       fieldName = "this.fieldName";
     if (field instanceof AttributeDescriptor) {
       AttributeDescriptor attribute = (AttributeDescriptor) field;
       if ("boolean".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append("return Boolean.valueOf(" + fieldName + ");\n");
       } else if ("short".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT).append("return Short.valueOf(" + fieldName + ");\n");
       } else if ("int".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append("return Integer.valueOf(" + fieldName + ");\n");
       } else if ("long".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT).append("return Long.valueOf(" + fieldName + ");\n");
       } else if ("float".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT).append("return Float.valueOf(" + fieldName + ");\n");
       } else if ("double".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT).append("return Double.valueOf(" + fieldName + ");\n");
       } else {
         sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT).append("return " + fieldName + ";\n");
     } else if (field.isReference()) {
       sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT);
       if (proxy) {
         sb.append("return " + fieldName + ";\n");
       } else {
         sb.append("if (" + fieldName + " instanceof ProxyReference) {\n")
             .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append("return ((ProxyReference) " + fieldName + ").getObject();\n")
             .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append("} else {\n")
             .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append("return " + fieldName + ";\n")
             .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
     } else {
       sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT).append("return " + fieldName + ";\n");
     sb.append(INDENT + INDENT).append("}\n");
   sb.append(INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("if (!" + cld.getName() + ".class.equals(getClass())) {\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("return TypeUtil.getField" + (proxy ? "Proxy" : "Value") + "(this, fieldName);\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT)
       .append(INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Unknown field \" + fieldName);\n")
   return sb.toString();
Beispiel #8
  * Generates the setoBJECT method for deserialising objects.
  * @param cld a ClassDescriptor
  * @return a String containing the method
 public String generateSetObject(ClassDescriptor cld) {
   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
       .append("public void setoBJECT(String notXml, ObjectStore os) {\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("setoBJECT(NotXmlParser.SPLITTER.split(notXml), os);\n")
       .append("public void setoBJECT(final String[] notXml, final ObjectStore os) {\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT)
           "if (!"
               + cld.getName()
               + (cld.isInterface() ? "Shadow" : "")
               + ".class.equals(getClass())) {\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
           "throw new IllegalStateException(\"Class \" + getClass().getName() + \""
               + " does not match code ("
               + cld.getName()
               + ")\");\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT)
       .append(INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("for (int i = 2; i < notXml.length;) {\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("int startI = i;\n");
   for (FieldDescriptor field : cld.getAllFieldDescriptors()) {
     String fieldName = field.getName();
     if ("notXml".equals(fieldName)) {
       fieldName = "this.notXml";
     } else if ("os".equals(fieldName)) {
       fieldName = "this.os";
     if (field instanceof AttributeDescriptor) {
       AttributeDescriptor attribute = (AttributeDescriptor) field;
       sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
           .append("if ((i < notXml.length) && \"a" + fieldName + "\".equals(notXml[i])) {\n")
           .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
           .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT);
       if ("boolean".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(fieldName + " = Boolean.parseBoolean(notXml[i]);\n");
       } else if ("short".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(fieldName + " = Short.parseShort(notXml[i]);\n");
       } else if ("int".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(fieldName + " = Integer.parseInt(notXml[i]);\n");
       } else if ("long".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(fieldName + " = Long.parseLong(notXml[i]);\n");
       } else if ("float".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(fieldName + " = Float.parseFloat(notXml[i]);\n");
       } else if ("double".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(fieldName + " = Double.parseDouble(notXml[i]);\n");
       } else if ("java.lang.Boolean".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(fieldName + " = Boolean.valueOf(notXml[i]);\n");
       } else if ("java.lang.Short".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(fieldName + " = Short.valueOf(notXml[i]);\n");
       } else if ("java.lang.Integer".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(fieldName + " = Integer.valueOf(notXml[i]);\n");
       } else if ("java.lang.Long".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(fieldName + " = Long.valueOf(notXml[i]);\n");
       } else if ("java.lang.Float".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(fieldName + " = Float.valueOf(notXml[i]);\n");
       } else if ("java.lang.Double".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(fieldName + " = Double.valueOf(notXml[i]);\n");
       } else if ("java.util.Date".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(fieldName + " = new java.util.Date(Long.parseLong(notXml[i]));\n");
       } else if ("java.math.BigDecimal".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(fieldName + " = new java.math.BigDecimal(notXml[i]);\n");
       } else if ("org.intermine.objectstore.query.ClobAccess".equals(attribute.getType())) {
                 + " = org.intermine.objectstore.query.ClobAccess"
                 + ".decodeDbDescription(os, notXml[i]);\n");
       } else if ("java.lang.String".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append("StringBuilder string = null;\n")
             .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
                 "while ((i + 1 < notXml.length) && (notXml[i + 1].charAt(0) == '"
                     + ENCODED_DELIM
                     + "')) {\n")
             .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append("if (string == null) string = new StringBuilder(notXml[i]);\n")
             .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append("string.append(\"" + DELIM + "\").append(notXml[i].substring(1));\n")
             .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append(fieldName + " = string == null ? notXml[i] : string.toString();\n");
       } else {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type " + attribute.getType());
       sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
           .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
     } else if (field.isReference()) {
       ReferenceDescriptor reference = (ReferenceDescriptor) field;
       sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
           .append("if ((i < notXml.length) &&\"r" + fieldName + "\".equals(notXml[i])) {\n")
           .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
           .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
                   + " = new ProxyReference(os, Integer.valueOf(notXml[i])"
                   + ", "
                   + reference.getReferencedClassName()
                   + ".class);\n")
           .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
           .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
   sb.append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("if (startI == i) {\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Unknown field \" + notXml[i]);\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
       .append(INDENT + INDENT)
   for (FieldDescriptor field : cld.getAllFieldDescriptors()) {
     String fieldName = field.getName();
     if ("notXml".equals(fieldName)) {
       fieldName = "this.notXml";
     } else if ("os".equals(fieldName)) {
       fieldName = "this.os";
     if (field instanceof CollectionDescriptor) {
       CollectionDescriptor coll = (CollectionDescriptor) field;
       sb.append(INDENT + INDENT)
                   + " = new ProxyCollection<"
                   + coll.getReferencedClassName()
                   + ">(os, this, \""
                   + fieldName
                   + "\", "
                   + coll.getReferencedClassName()
                   + ".class);\n");
   return sb.toString();
Beispiel #9
  * Generates the getoBJECT method for producing NotXml.
  * @param cld the ClassDescriptor
  * @return generated java code as a String
 protected String generateGetObject(ClassDescriptor cld) {
   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
       .append("public StringConstructor getoBJECT() {\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT)
           "if (!"
               + cld.getName()
               + (cld.isInterface() ? "Shadow" : "")
               + ".class.equals(getClass())) {\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("return NotXmlRenderer.render(this);\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT)
       .append(INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("StringConstructor sb = new StringConstructor();\n")
       .append(INDENT + INDENT)
       .append("sb.append(\"" + DELIM + cld.getName() + "\");\n");
   for (FieldDescriptor field : cld.getAllFieldDescriptors()) {
     if (field instanceof AttributeDescriptor) {
       AttributeDescriptor attribute = (AttributeDescriptor) field;
       if (attribute.getType().startsWith("java.")) {
         sb.append(INDENT + INDENT)
             .append("if (" + attribute.getName() + " != null) {\n")
             .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append("sb.append(\"" + DELIM + "a" + field.getName() + DELIM + "\")");
         if ("java.util.Date".equals(attribute.getType())) {
           sb.append(".append(" + attribute.getName() + ".getTime());\n");
         } else if ("java.lang.String".equals(attribute.getType())) {
               .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
               .append("String string = " + attribute.getName() + ";\n")
               .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
               .append("while (string != null) {\n")
               .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
               .append("int delimPosition = string.indexOf(\"" + DELIM + "\");\n")
               .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
               .append("if (delimPosition == -1) {\n")
               .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
               .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
               .append("string = null;\n")
               .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
               .append("} else {\n")
               .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
               .append("sb.append(string.substring(0, delimPosition + 3));\n")
               .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
               .append("sb.append(\"" + ENCODED_DELIM + "\");\n")
               .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
               .append("string = string.substring(delimPosition + 3);\n")
               .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
               .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
         } else {
           sb.append(".append(" + attribute.getName() + ");\n");
         sb.append(INDENT + INDENT).append("}\n");
       } else if ("org.intermine.objectstore.query.ClobAccess".equals(attribute.getType())) {
         sb.append(INDENT + INDENT)
             .append("if (" + attribute.getName() + " != null) {\n")
             .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
             .append("sb.append(\"" + DELIM + "a" + field.getName() + DELIM + "\" + ")
             .append(attribute.getName() + ".getDbDescription());\n")
             .append(INDENT + INDENT)
       } else {
             .append("sb.append(\"" + DELIM + "a" + field.getName() + DELIM + "\")")
             .append(".append(" + field.getName() + ");\n");
     } else if (field.isReference()) {
       sb.append(INDENT + INDENT)
           .append("if (" + field.getName() + " != null) {\n")
           .append(INDENT + INDENT + INDENT)
           .append("sb.append(\"" + DELIM + "r" + field.getName() + DELIM + "\")")
           .append(".append(" + field.getName() + ".getId());\n")
           .append(INDENT + INDENT)
   sb.append(INDENT + INDENT).append("return sb;\n").append(INDENT).append("}\n");
   return sb.toString();
Beispiel #10
   * Generate the output for a ClassDescriptor.
   * @param cld the ClassDescriptor
   * @param shadow whether to generate the shadow class of an interface
   * @return the relevant String representation
  protected String generate(ClassDescriptor cld, boolean shadow) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

    String packageName = TypeUtil.packageName(cld.getName());

    if (packageName.length() > 0) {
      sb.append("package ").append(packageName).append(";" + ENDL + ENDL);
    if ((!cld.isInterface()) || shadow) {
      boolean hasCollections = false;
      boolean hasReferences = false;
      for (FieldDescriptor fd : cld.getAllFieldDescriptors()) {
        if (fd instanceof CollectionDescriptor) {
          hasCollections = true;
        } else if (fd instanceof ReferenceDescriptor) {
          hasReferences = true;
      sb.append("import org.intermine.objectstore.ObjectStore;" + ENDL);
      sb.append("import org.intermine.objectstore.intermine.NotXmlParser;" + ENDL);
      sb.append("import org.intermine.objectstore.intermine.NotXmlRenderer;" + ENDL);
      if (hasCollections) {
        sb.append("import org.intermine.objectstore.proxy.ProxyCollection;" + ENDL);
      if (hasReferences) {
        sb.append("import org.intermine.objectstore.proxy.ProxyReference;" + ENDL);
      sb.append("import org.intermine.util.StringConstructor;" + ENDL);
      sb.append("import org.intermine.util.TypeUtil;" + ENDL);
      if (shadow) {
        sb.append("import org.intermine.model.ShadowClass;" + ENDL);
    sb.append("public ")
        .append((cld.isInterface() && (!shadow)) ? "interface " : "class ")
        .append(shadow ? "Shadow" : "");

    if (shadow) {
      sb.append(" implements ")
          .append(", ShadowClass");
    } else {
      if (!cld.isInterface()) {
        if (cld.getSuperclassDescriptor() != null) {
          sb.append(" extends ").append(cld.getSuperclassDescriptor().getName());

      boolean firstTime = true;

      if (cld.getSuperDescriptors().size() > 0) {
        for (ClassDescriptor superCld : cld.getSuperDescriptors()) {
          if (superCld.isInterface()) {
            if (firstTime) {
              sb.append(cld.isInterface() ? " extends " : " implements ");
              firstTime = false;
            } else {
              sb.append(", ");
      } else {
        sb.append(" implements org.intermine.model.FastPathObject");

    sb.append(ENDL).append("{" + ENDL);

    if (shadow) {
          .append("public static final Class<")
          .append("> shadowOf = ")
          .append(".class;" + ENDL);

    // FieldDescriptors defined for this class/interface
    if (cld.isInterface() && (!shadow)) {
      sb.append(generateFieldDescriptors(cld, false));
    } else {
      sb.append(generateFieldDescriptors(cld, true))
          .append(generateGetFieldValue(cld, false))
          .append(generateGetFieldValue(cld, true))
      if (cld.getSuperDescriptors().size() > 0) {

    sb.append("}" + ENDL);
    return sb.toString();